
After Joe Biden’s disastrous performance Thursday night, rumors are again circulating about replacing him with a new Democrat nominee. Who do you think Democrats might consider instead at their August convention?

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Mist Carter
Mist Carter
8 months ago

Thursday’s debate was the Left’s ploy to “take out the trash!” CNN and the rest of extreme socialist media mongrels, took the opportunity to put on full display that it was time for their beloved jughead Joe to be put out to pasture.

But not to fear dear radical Dems, your poisonous socialist agenda is as strong as ever, and permeates the souls of any candidate you choose to go up against Trump. So, it doesn’t matter who you select as Democrat nominee at your convention in Chicago (that’s right, the murder capital of the world…that ought to be interesting in the heat of August.)

Who knows, they might continue the check the race box with “Kacklin’” Kamala or choose the self-proclaimed hater of America, Michelle “Mike” Obama.  Or they could go with the queen of election interference, washed up “Crooked” Hillary. Or they might put in “Pretty Boy” hair-gelled Gavin NewScum so he could turn the nation into the wasteland California has become. Or, they could keep the pedal to the metal with having another evil socialist governor Gretchen “Witless” Whitmer destroy America like she has done to her own state of Michigan.

These “potential” nominees would embrace making America as a “Sanctuary Nation;” ignore the crime and chaos ruining our communities; flood abortion clinics with tax-payer dollars; expand the unthinkable practice of allowing Chinese Nationalist companies to set up shop on our soil; throw billions to provide free housing, food, healthcare, and education to illegal aliens while ignoring the exploding homelessness, drug addiction, and forgotten veterans in our communities; etc.

Don’t believe for a second that the Dems are panicking. This plan was thought out months ago to have an early debate as a means to have Biden “audition” to prove he was not capable of remaining their choice. We must not sit on our laurels and think that Trump has it in the bag. Fight for our nation; pray for our nation; and vote for DJT and the survival of our nation!

“Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for He guards the lives of His faithful

ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.”                 Psalm 97:10

8 months ago

Please do not lose focus!
The problem is NOT Joe Biden, the problem is DEMOCRATS!
DONKEY POX….the disease that is killing America!

Truth Manhattan
Truth Manhattan
8 months ago

Other: Don’t Care. They are all minions of Satan. The electorate will continue to bow at the altars of abortion, Marxism, and sexual deviancy. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

Marty M
Marty M
8 months ago

Does it matter?
They all will be a detriment to our once great country!!!!!!

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
8 months ago

I didn’t vote, because the Dems won’t be able to replace Biden. The only one who can remove him is Biden himself, and he’s too stubborn to admit failure. And after his performance, every American should be concerned about who is actually running the country. It certainly isn’t Joe. Besides, “Doctor” Jill doesn’t want to go back to DE to make tapioca and change diapers. She loves living at the White House, and she will have tremendous influence in making the decision. Biden staying in the race could be a real benefit to Republicans. We’ve seen the real Biden – and we know he can’t stand up to China, Russia and Iran.

8 months ago

Kamala Harris would be as useful as Joe Biden is in his current state of decay. Newsom would ruin America like he’s ruined California. Michelle Obama would just be a another puppet of her husband, like Biden. Gretchen Whitmer would turn America into the chaos that is Michigan. And old Hillary, she’d try to retaliate against the “Basket of deplorables” that refused her the first time.
All of the above are evil nasty people!

jim wood
jim wood
8 months ago

Last night was a complete disaster for Biden and advances their true agenda to replace him before the election with a bench full of more extreme radicals to continue their need for power and screw the American people. No time to sit back for the GOP, more important than ever to push these clowns out and reclaim our country. Trump can’t do it himself. So get behind his vision, push your families, friends and people you meet and push them to vote the Dems out in November. This country is too precious to let the Dems steal it again. Vote them out.

8 months ago

Obama has been biden’s handler all along just letting him make a fool of himself so now he can put his wife in the race.

8 months ago

Joe won’t quit,
Jill won’t let him

8 months ago

Jill will not release the strangle hold on the power she has over dementia joe! It’s plain to see she is making the decisions around him!

Wayne Dibbly
Wayne Dibbly
8 months ago

Democrats will ride the dead horse. Biden will not volunteer to step down. However Biden is on the verge of doing something intolerable between now and the August convention. Republicans need to keep the spotlights on Brandon so his daily gaffes and slip-ups are well known. Give Joe the rope and he will hang himself. MAGA

Kerry L Kaucher
Kerry L Kaucher
8 months ago

Psalms 23
Jesus still lives. He’ll straighten this out. Put your faith & trust in him only! AMEN

8 months ago

Newsome has the ability to destroy a good economy down pat.

8 months ago

No sense in replacing Biden. Obama will continue to own the presidency even with Elmer Fudd on the ticket.

Kevin M.
Kevin M.
8 months ago

I fear they’ll turn to Gavin Newsom… however I pray Sleepy Joe refuses to step down. By staying in the race he virtually insures a Trump victory.

8 months ago

As I long term Republican- If the Party replaced my candidate this late in the running I would be P… – very upset & probably vote demoncrat – however, the demons always blindly follow the party, no matter how immoral, illegal, unconstitutional their ideas are. Personally, IF any of their voters can think independently – they don’t have anyone who hasn’t proven to be dangerous to the future of the nation. Obama certainly doesn’t need a 4th term… Harris can’t blame her mental illness on dementia, Newsom… looking at CA… does anyone want the entire nation like CA ??? They have no viable candidate that would be anything but destructive to our nation. They do however have 15 million illegals… & a talent for cheating the system in their favor.. so become warriors- go volunteer at the polls, help clean up voter registration in your area. verify mail in ballots – the majority of which do not have valid contact information… sad to say -I learned this by helping to verify mail ins. Our time of trusting the system to work fairly & honestly is long gone. We the people need to step up & do our duty to save our nation.

8 months ago

I think Jill Biden should be charged with elder abuse. Who they pick is hard to say. But who ever it is, will ruin this country just like Biden has done. We cannot stand another 4 years of democrat rule.

8 months ago

In a bunch of states, their laws prevent a switch once the primary is done. It’s too late for that. And if he is removed from any of the other states, he wouldn’t have enough electoral votes to win. The media and his puppeteers are stuck with him – and they deserve it!

8 months ago

Why not just trot out Bernie Sanders and admit it is the communist party of America that is running against Trump. I used to think Biden was intentionally ruining the Country. Following this debate, I realized that he most likely didn’t even know where he was. The Democrats have no prospective candidates because no one will take orders from Obama and company like Joe will (not even Michele). They have to run him, and some people will actually vote for him. So sad….

8 months ago

I would vote for none of these choices if given that option. It used to be that Democrats as well as Republicans cared for this country alike but that certainly has changed even with some of the republicans who are in it only for their benefit. Newsome and Whitmer have done nothing for their states beside drive them into the ground. Do we want that again for our whole country. It’s in bad enough shape as it is now. May God help us! We need to have a turning back to God if this country is ever to be saved.

8 months ago

None of the above! Joe will not step down. Jill enjoys the power too much. When Jill said “Joe you did so good, you answered every question”, it sounded like she was talking to a 5 year old. Joe sure made a quick recovery from the “cold” he had during the debate to the angry Joe on Friday at his rally. Remarkable. Drugs are wonderful if used for the right reason.
Heaven help our country and world if the Dems get in power in November.

Jackie Moran
Jackie Moran
8 months ago

They are all Marxist pundits and puppets. Since Barrack Hitler is probably running this disastrous party anyway!

Colleen Sanders
Colleen Sanders
8 months ago

It’s possible they will replace Biden. However, Harris has a lower approval rating than Biden. I believe they may bring in either Whitmer or Clinton to save the party. All contenders are seriously bad for the country and will take their marching orders from Obama. It’s time to get Obama out of his third term, because we all know, Biden has not been running (and ruining) the country for the last 3-1/2+ years.

Connie P.
Connie P.
8 months ago

Whoever it is, it has to be someone Obama can control as well as he’s been controlling Biden during his third term. He’s definitely looking for that fourth term.

Joseph S Borreggine
Joseph S Borreggine
8 months ago

This was the plan all along folks

Donny Ravas
Donny Ravas
8 months ago

Please always keep in mind that Communism never sleeps. Any of these possible candidates are all Party worshippers 1st to include those not yet listed, “The fight must continue” What fight? or “We have much more to do” Like what exactly? along with the “fundamental transformation of America” Into what specifically? Their media won’t ask.
America does not need our founding principles and morals changed. We are a Constitutional Republic with a Bill of Rights (Article IV Section 4 guarantees us all a Republic form of government and the protection from any and all foreign invasions). Seems never to be mentioned. What do you call 30M unvetted and medically unchecked Illegal Aliens in 3 years? A welcoming party, if you are a democrat. To Republicans it is an Invasion!
The Leftists (Communists) need to burn these constitutional protections down to establish their new form of government and they are doing so from the inside 3 branches and federal agencies using bureaucrats. It is undermining and sedition. SCOTUS was never intended to be the end all on everything. Lately, Tech censorship by the CIA and FBI on Free Speech is okay, We the citizens are not allowed to question anything that the government is doing / handling to include wars, Covid, elections, spying on citizens, illegal audits, wiretapping and or gathering your electronic data/ social media posts, denying your God given rights, violating your Bill of Rights and due process, etc.? Our country is being usurped by the Left.
We the people who love America keep asking these questions and sharing our concerns, meanwhile, their Leftists propaganda networks won’t ask them as per their marching orders by democrats to help further their destructive cause in the guise of protecting “Democracy!” except it is not rather a Marxist one not a pro-American one (of honoring freedom and individual liberties, our Bill of Rights contract).
In closing; I believe they’ll choose the lawless elitist Newsome. Why? Because of his relationship to Pelosi and his loyalty to the anti-American Left (D). He has destroyed California (5th largest capitalist economy in the world, at least at one time). They (D) favor nepotism, LBGTQIAPB+++ gender, race, the murder of innocents, basically all of the DEI checkmarks, and if you are truly racist and sexist enough to keep stirring the pot of racism and sexism. Lastly you must possess an unwavering commitment to transform America or you are out (Sinema) and it’s a major bonus if you also have the criminal and dystopian mindset. May God “save us” from this evil ideology, in Jesus’ name.

Beverley Thompson
Beverley Thompson
8 months ago

Obama has been in control; therefore Joe is not going anywhere. All of them need to be fired. President Donald J Trump Won 2020 Presidential election and We the People know it. Register and Vote D.J. Trump 11/05/2024

8 months ago

Jill Biden is the pants in the family, she is running Joe and she will never let him quit. She will never give up the White without a fight. She knows if she does, then her whole family will be up for big legal problems.

8 months ago

2 former President’s wives, a former mistress, a former ‘attempted kidnap victim’, and a nephew – all coat tailing on empty suits. California is the absolute worst state for incompetence and corruption in government, so Gruesome Newsom gets the nod. And I’m sure he’ll want another puppet with him – Josh Shapiro. This is all assuming Jill is done playing ‘Weekend at Bernies’ with the various actors playing the role of Joe.

8 months ago

I don’t think the Dems will replace him. The dead voters weren’t able to watch the debate. LOL

8 months ago

Don’t ever underestimate the Marxist democrats they will throw anybody under the bus just to win elections. Trump 2024 MAGA FOREVER!!!

Judy Baca
Judy Baca
8 months ago

I do not think it will be Gavin Newsom because he has pretty much destroyed California with the world watching. He was so in everyone’s face with “do as I say not as I do” attitude. I wish they would pick him because I believe that would just hurt the liberals.

KC Barnes
KC Barnes
8 months ago

It doesn’t matter whom they will pick. The DNC Dem0cRAT policies are the same disastrous policies that are destroying America.

8 months ago

He will not be replaced. Biden is sinking faster than the Titanic and if they replace him, it will do no good for the ship is sinking. The American voter has realized that the path of the Democrat Party is destroying America with high taxes, inflation, no border, men in women’s sports, electric cars, etc.

8 months ago

I pray that Republicans vote against using the 25th amendment to force Biden to step down. Doing so would make Kamala Harris the president. She could cause more damage to be done to the United States than Joe has in the remaining months. It would also give her the opportunity to choose a disastrous running mate like Oprah or Michelle Obama. Let Joe stay on the ticket. It will assure that Trump wins.

8 months ago

Will you join me in fasting and prayer on the 6th day of every month for the salvation of our country and justice and reparations for the J6 political prisoners?

Oh no
Oh no
8 months ago

None of the above.
Biden stays in and Trump wins in a landslide!

Joel DeFord
Joel DeFord
8 months ago

It won’t happen. Biden would have to agree to step down, and he will never give up power voluntarily.

8 months ago

I know that Biden and Obama families will never allow it but if I was a Democrat I would recommend that Kennedy be approached about coming back into the party and taking up the standard.

8 months ago

They will have a HARD time getting rid of Joe. Jill won’t let go easily and it’ll take the 25th amendment to do it. I say Joe stays in till the end and loses to Trump! Unless, they find a new way to cheat nearly unnoticed.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
8 months ago

California is the WORST RUN state in the country (although Illinois is close in the running). Billions lost in COVID funds, billions lost in welfare, “poop maps” in SF and LA, rampant looting of stores. How could NewSCUM hide all this! Biden (and Jill) is so narcissistic that he will NEVER voluntarily drop out! All the bribery crap will then be fair game for REPUBLICAN prosecutors.
What an embarrassment to our country!

J Van Horn
J Van Horn
8 months ago

Joe’s not going anywhere! He and Jill are on a power trip and still believe they are great. If the Republicans were smart they would just deal with him for the next four months and let him help destroy the Democrap down ticket as well. The time to do anything to him like impeachment has past, they should have done it two years ago. Be smart and let them eat their own.

8 months ago

Joe said yesterday — he’s not giving up his delegates. So, Joe will stay in hopefully. Trump can easily beat Vegetable Joe. So, lets hope he stay in.

8 months ago

I wanted to vote for two, Newsome and Big Mike Obama, but since I had to pick one, I chose Big Mike. I think they will pick Big Mike and have Newsome as VP. Then after being elected, Big Mike will step down and Newsome will take over. That way they can win with Big Mike and he/she(?) can aid the party and not have to be in office.

Bob H
Bob H
8 months ago

The Dems will pick whoever can fool most of the people most of the time.

Scott Wallace
Scott Wallace
8 months ago

They have wanted Mooch all along.

8 months ago

It is clear they will not replace him. Bylaws prevent it. Obummer has called off the dogs in is own party to stop yipping at Biden’s heels. Give it up people. Focus on Jill – the elder abuser.

8 months ago

Biden will never step down.

John G
John G
8 months ago

They will be paralyzed and won’t pick anyone else…even if many think they should.

Marvin W.
Marvin W.
8 months ago

Everyone listed as a replacement would be catastrophic choice for our country. I’m glad we are in the end times, and I won’t have to deal with this too much longer.

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