
In light of recent federal court decisions handed down in the past two years, with which of the following do you most agree?

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The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago

Leftist federal jurists are nothing more than a branch of the Deep State engaged in
protecting the Left’s ideology and their America hating operatives through their corrupt rulings.
The most overturned court in the land being that of the 9th circuit serves as indisputable proof.

Don’t forget to fly the Stars and Stripes this Labor Day – and be safe !

GBA/KAG/#TRUMP 2020 – Dus Vult !

5 years ago

There are both good and bad judges. The politically progressive press tilts their reporting to favor their own narrative, so you know the counter-Trump court decisions get top exposure. The few rotten eggs get all the stink. When there are proper judicial decisions made, they probably get ignored, except for Fox News or some conservative legal aid organization newsletters. Problem is when a few bad judges make political decisions, the consequences can be extensive. Not saying that Trump couldn’t overstep his presidential limits, but in today’s mixed up judicial environment, how would you know?
BTW, it’s time to split up the 9th circuit.

5 years ago

Even one judge not following the Constitution is too many. I have a sign over my computer which reads: “The greatest danger to our American freedoms is a government that ignores the Constitiution . . . ” – Thomas Jefferson.

5 years ago

I think many of these judges are liberal activists and that is a problem. They are trying to rewrite the Constitution, it’s up to us to vote for conservative candidates to insure that judges follow Constitutional law and not legislate from the bench.

Brian B
Brian B
5 years ago

Obama and his co-conspirators religiously followed their Marxist map as they tried to drive America over the Globalist cliff. Unfortunately too many Congressional Republicans were hiding under their desks as Federal Judges were nominated, vetted and confirmed. We elected Representatives to Congress, expecting them to be champions of the Constitution, only to discover that too many were merely self-absorbed and ineffectual. Obama appointed Federal Judges and unelected bureaucrats (the Deep State) have certainly achieved a remarkable death-grip on our Nation. But President Trump has charged through the Marxist barriers with surprising success. Now every empowered conservative in Washington must preach Conservatism with the same level of passion. Those who are not willing to fight every Globalist maneuver of the Left deserve to be replaced by men who understand that we are at war for the very soul of America. And we must not lose this war.

james r. edwards
james r. edwards
5 years ago

the congress is the branch that makes laws judges are supposed to uphold the laws not legislate from the bench.

5 years ago

I think that we the people should demand that the judges NOT following the Constitution should be impeached. It used to happen when they decided they could rewrite our law. The Constitution was written to protect us from a central government that was out of control. It protected us from MOB rule.

Shawn B
Shawn B
5 years ago

There needs to be a process for removing judges who incessantly legislate from the bench or rule in a manor that is not inline with the Constitution.

Ollie Octopus
Ollie Octopus
5 years ago

If we don’t abolish the Federal Department of Un-Education this country is lost. Our children are being brainwashed into becoming little socialists who don’t even know what sex they are. Parents who send their kids to a government public school are guilty of child abuse. Send you grads off to most colleges for four years and they will come back hating you, God, and this country.

Scott Davis
Scott Davis
5 years ago

Our President today has appointed, nominated and seen confirmed more judges than almost all other past POTUS. From what we’ve seen thus far, these are all strictly constitutional justices. It’s about time we’ve had a President that got this right. So many before that are in became turncoat after. Chief Roberts decision on the Ovomitcare, tax v penalty, come to mind.

5 years ago

Term limits! Why I support a Convention of States as stated in Article V of our governing document. I don’t want them as another legislative body or interjecting personal views.

5 years ago

I am saddened (and so you should be) that so many of you in the “Democratic Party” Call yourselves “Christian”!
How can any “Christian” (unless in name only) support a “Liberal Party” that has done more to eliminate the Christian “God” from our culture? Certainly, you are not “Evangelistic” Christians proven by the fact that “God and His Word” is not first priority before any politics!!! You also support the culture of this day and age where the “Separation of Church and State” has successfully been misrepresented aided and abetted by Hollywood and the “Liberal Media.”
A (Trojan Horse?) with the enormous Power to (subtly) influence and (brainwash) the people, especially the young without the proper understanding of the historical cost of the freedoms we have enjoyed. Historically “Socialism” has led to dictatorships and loss of millions of lives. Do we really want to go that route? Are you prepared for history to repeat itself? What makes you think that this time it will be successful? Nothing is without cost, and the promise of Government support is only a pipe dream, and certainly not at the expense of the next generation, that of our children!!! The free stuff cost the producers (the tax payers and entrepreneurs). When that segment of the population shrinks to join those supported by the Government due to unsustainable cost to them, what do you honestly think is going to happen? The 2020 elections here in the (now free US of A) will be a referendum of which direction we chose. Open your minds eye and vote wisely. (MAGA) Our kids’ futures are stake. Do you think it will be fair to them to attempt to sustain the unsustainable??? And for what? For those who prefer to be supported by the Government and willing to keep these power seeking liberal judges and individuals in Washington? Wake up!!! They are serving themselves, they do not truly care about you!

John or Jack Johnston
John or Jack Johnston
5 years ago

One of the best things President Trump has done for the country is appoint constitutional judges.

5 years ago

When Harry Reid was Senate Majority Leader, during the days of Barak “O”, he stripped the filibuster from the Senate’s confirmation process for appointing Federal Judges. Republicans were using the filibuster to slow down the process of Democrats filling the Federal Judicial System with “their kind” of judge. And, with the filibuster gone and only a simple majority needed, Democrats rammed through hundreds of their “picks”. They are now reaping the benefits of this process. Our congress has always had the responsibility of oversight, why are they not challenging these opposition “judges” and their unfounded decisions … Wait, don’t answer that.

5 years ago

Didn’t like the wording of the first choice. The problem is that these judges aren’t originalists but believe that the Constitution is a living & breathing document, in addition to even considering foreign law (at least at the SCOTUS level) in their rulings.

5 years ago

Where are all those judges McConnell is pushing through?

Hahaha, just another joke from the GOP! Useless self serving phonies !!

5 years ago

AMAC polls don’t mean much -it’s pretty clear how the answers will pan out. AMAC should also poll non members

5 years ago

Congress has been very lazy over the past fifty or more years abdicating their power over to federal bureaucracies and the courts. The founders’ intentions were that the three branches of government would share equal power. Congress and the executive have willingly given up some of their power to the judiciary, and we the people have let them get away with it. Court decisions have become the supreme law of the land instead of the Constitution, and methinks it will take another revolution like the one in the late 1700s to bring things back into balance.

Tom M
Tom M
5 years ago

The rule of law has expired along with the Constitution.

5 years ago

I believe that any branch of government that not only ignores the Constitution, but makes up rights, e..g., the right to murder unborn babies or for immoral homosexual perverts to marry, and says those fake rights are contained in the Constitution has lost all legitimacy. I also believe that activist liberal judges are not only domestic enemies of the Constitution but are also its greatest threat. We need to begin treating them like the enemies they are. And not one politician has the stones to attack them, attempt impeachment, try to cut their budget and judiciial salaries, or to eliminate federal judge positions. The only federal court required by the Constitution is the Supreme Court. We do NOT need federal courts.

Joseph Kiesznopski
Joseph Kiesznopski
5 years ago

Thay are not following the Constitution, But what they feel they know.

Roy Forson
Roy Forson
5 years ago

We don’t have the “Rule of Law”, we have the “Rule of Judges” . Very sad.

5 years ago

But, according to Chief Justice John Roberts, there are no “Obama judges.” He’s a complete idiot if he really thinks that. They should be term-limited or age-limited… no more life-time appointments.

Phil in TX
Phil in TX
5 years ago

Recently we have seen the results of the Liberal Circuit Court judges applying their rulings “nationwide”. That is outside their purview. Their decisions should, by law, apply only to their own districts. This practice must stop, and yesterday! Any judge that tries this BS should be immediately removed from the bench and disbarred. Our country’s survival is at stake, folks. Call or write your Congressmen and Senators and let them know that this is another priority for them to support.

Phil in TX

5 years ago

We are moving in the right direction but have a long way to go. it should be simple, The Constitution Is Law! NOT SUBJECT TO OPINION! We Must spread the word and get president Trump reelected.

5 years ago

The democrats have politicized our juditial system. The single greatest threat to our republic is liberal thinking and policies.

Dolores K Pendergast
Dolores K Pendergast
5 years ago

I didn’t read the choices right before I voted–SORRY. My vote was TOTALLY NOT what I rant and rave about every time a LIBERAL judge blocks a decision made by President Trump. I do not understand what gives a JUDGE the right to block these decisions. Especially the immigration issues.

5 years ago

We need to be able to remove , revoke their license judgeships, banned from practicing any type of law for life. When they go against our Laws and above all not upholding their oath, and our Constitution as Written, it is an act of Treason when they twist, distort, ignore, our CONSTITUTION as WRITTEN, and Treason punishment is Firing Squad

5 years ago

Thank goodness President Trump is able to appoint Judges that are not radical anti American never Trumpers! Hopefully RBG on the Supreme Court will decide to retire within the next few years while President Trump in office and able to appoint her replacement. That should be reason alone to vote for Trump in 2020!

5 years ago

An example of what sitting home on election day gives us. Liberal Black Robes who make decisions based on their ideology and not our Constitution. A liberal in the White House is much worse since the nine justices make far reaching decisions and seems they also have a tendency to follow their own agenda. Their ruling allowing the Unaffordable Care act to be shoved down our throats is just one example.

SD Bordertown
SD Bordertown
5 years ago

One of the greatest things the President is trying to do is turn the 9th district court of appeals , sadly located in San Francisco. This can be one of his greatest achievements to our judicial sys.
A win for the nation.
Every time a lawsuit is filed by the left they send it to the 9th circuit because they know it is anti-Trump. Go President Trump, 4 more baby.

Charles Slattery
Charles Slattery
5 years ago

All congressmen and judges should be required to take a course on the making of and the ideas discussed in preparing the Decloration of Indep and the Constitution.. Perhaps many would see it is important to be civil and not stray too far from the primary reasons for starting a new “free people” government. Now where could we find truly impartial instructors?

beverly clark
beverly clark
5 years ago

President Trump has been working little by little to change the makeup of many of the lower courts and district courts. He has been appointing judges who interpret and rule by the constitution as written and not their interpretation.

John G
John G
5 years ago

Unless they are unconstitutional, the laws should be enforced, on the streets and in the courtrooms. Any judge who does not practice that needs to removed. We need legislation to provide for prompt removal from office of any judges that do not practice that! Period!

Sharon Wyper
Sharon Wyper
5 years ago

“Far too many federal judges seem determined to supplant their own views for those of our elected officials. Judicial activism is on the rise and is worrisome.” I think this sentence was intended to mean the opposite of what it says, so I didn’t vote. Don’t you mean that judges supplant the actual laws as written with their own opinions? If so, then I’d agree.

5 years ago

PC is just wrong! When will we conservative come out of the shadows and speak up and push back of the mob trying to make our great America like a socialist country ?????
I am sadden by what the colleges are teaching our young people……the throwing awayof our historical emblems……of the violence in our neighborhoods!!!
Come on people we have struggled before and we can over come all this mess!!! Dont be afraid to speak up! Pray for great Country!

Jack Thomas
Jack Thomas
5 years ago

Our federal judiciary has a long, checkered history of “tinkering” with constitutional law at the appellate level but more notably at the U.S. Supreme Court. Some of the most critical court decisions that have affected American cultural life for generations — Roe v. Wade, 1973 which legalized abortion; United States v. Windsor, 2013 . . . a landmark civil rights case that paved the way for the later Obergefell v. Hodges, 2015, nationalizing same-sex marriage —- were the result of a “swing” vote by one or more “activist” judges in black robes who pay no price for being wrong. It’s “We the People” who pay the price. And to further illustrate this point, take the recent court challenges to President Trump’s immigration policies. In every case, the radical Left opposed a policy or rule change that didn’t fit neatly into its agenda. It exploited the First Amendment, i.e. under the Bill of Rights, allowing the people “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” in order to obstruct the President’s lawful power to establish U.S. Immigration Policy. The Constitution DOES NOT grant the Judiciary a voice in setting Immigration Policy; that’s strictly within the President’s discretionary authority. So why are these court challenges allowed to go forward? The plaintiffs — for the most part, far-left “pro open borders” advocates — should not have ANY recognized legal standing to bring a lawsuit against the President for exercising his constitutional authority. Period. But this is a result which the framers of our Constitution did not intend and couldn’t forsee. In this regard, the core principles of our Constitution would be virtually “fail-safe” if it were not for the appointment of activist judges legislating from the bench, and permitting litigation that should rightly be disqualified as having no merit. This sorry state of affairs is unlikely to end without consistent appointments of “originalist” judges who interpret the Constitution as written, rather than twisting its provisions to serve political ends.

B. Kelly
B. Kelly
5 years ago

I am not at all surprised at the poll results. Much like other polls, the pollee (Yeah I made that up) base is targeted and the poller (Probably is not a real noun either) sends inquiries to that desired base thus obtaining the desired results. Left-wingers have been doing it for decades.
As to the question, I think rbd (poster) nailed it when he said ‘even one judge not following the Constitution is too many’.
Of course, a deep study of our nation’s history will reveal that Catholics and Jews were forbidden positions of power. This further substantiates that our forefathers were – for the most part – Christian in their actions. Somewhere along the way, someone decided that opposing (and sometimes antagonistic) viewpoints were a good thing.
And so the ban was lifted.
Now we have the likes of Allah towel-heads in office, Jews and those Catholics who show up for mass once a year, twice if they are not drunk on Easter. Then again, we did have the “Baptist” Jimmy “the nutty-buddy friend from Plains” Carter who totally destroys my statements above.

Rozina Mortensen
Rozina Mortensen
5 years ago

The appointment of the Supreme Court Justices and all lower Federal courts should not be place “for life”. Supreme court judge Ruth Bader Gingrich is obviously too old to be fully engaged in each case that comes before her. I feel that her “decisions” are based on her “under clerks’ ” personal values. She should have retired at least 10+ years ago. I think 75 would be a good age of retirement.

5 years ago

They have us by the hair, all those lawyers. They make our laws, prosecute, defend and judge them. Praise be to Judicial Watch for shining a light on the judiciary and praise be to those who actually pursue justice. From what I can see there are at least two kinds of “justice “: That which the hoi polloi experiences and that which the “connected” experience.

Kevin Bradshaw
Kevin Bradshaw
5 years ago

We need to go back to the basics of our constitution. You heard of the KISS theory? Keep It Simple Stupid. If they can’t do that then we’re not using common sense. To much PC is brought into the equation. Someone breaks into your home and they fall and break their leg, they get to sue you.. Not right at all.. They are the criminal. No one I know cares that they broke their leg, they should’ve got led poisoning..

5 years ago

Praise to Brian B; Marie & AMAC. How can the Republic – mindlessly “educated” – survive lawless lawmakers, void of fiduciary duty, and judges void of fidelity?

Victoria Cason
Victoria Cason
5 years ago

Not to follow our constution is unamerican. Against everything our country was built on!

Jan Buchanan
Jan Buchanan
5 years ago

After being tied to the phone for 3 hours by illiterate foreigners trying to take me fkor my money. I tried every number and person but all I received were reordings and no help. These people were abusive, threatening, and would keep calling. Hours of this. They had alot of my vital info. I was just in Social Security office 2 days earlier and I had my identity compror as a federal employee twice. My credit card also sent word I was compromised.a
Jan Buchanan, Texas

Frederick Weiss
Frederick Weiss
5 years ago

My vote went with the overwhelming majority but would like to add. Can anyone even imagine what the Federal Judiciary would look like today had it not been for The Republican Senate holding up votes and/or Voting Down so many of Barrack HUSINE Obama’s Judiciary Appointments. My God we would never be able to recover.

David Burkhardt
David Burkhardt
5 years ago

It’s not ” far too many” but rather a few namely, the 9th Circuit and other cherry picked liberal districts. The President has had some wins recently.

Paul C
Paul C
5 years ago

It always amazes me that people here who haven’t an opinion vote in these polls. This country has far too many “I don’t know” or I am unsure” citizens. For peet’s sake, how about taking time to understand the issues of the day, or crawl back onto your couches, grab the remote, and continue watching soap operas! You are what’s wrong with America.

Paul C
Paul C
5 years ago

It continues to amaze me that people who have no opinion post to these polls! This country has entirely too many “I don’t know” or ” I’m not sure” people. For peet’s sake, understand the issues at hand, or crawl back up on your sofas, grab the remoke, and continue to addle your brains with soap operas. If you don’t have the time to understand and vote intelligently, just go away!

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