
Joe Biden

Do you believe Hunter Biden’s work in Ukraine should negatively affect the presidential candidacy of his father and former Vice President, Joe Biden?

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5 years ago

i think Hunter took advantage of his fathers position as Vice President for his own gain. Joe Biden’s actions may speak much louder than his words and I’m sure everyone understood.
I do wonder though, the Dems in Washington are so against fossil fuels, why do so many family members work for gas and oil companies? Just a side thought.

5 years ago

AMAC, What’s the difference between options one and two, other than detail?
You know, Joe, if either of Obama’s two girls were a bit older and needed that job, Hunter would have likely remained unemployed.

Marie M
Marie M
5 years ago

Give me a break! I don’t think Bidens son is smart enough to come up with the scheme. Clearly it had to be planned by someone; the scheme needed Biden for it to be accomplished and Joe Biden was in the position to accommodate the energy company in the Ukraine. Biden used his influence just like the Clintons did!

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago

Choices 1 & 2 offer a difference without distinction.
Really, is this the best AMAC can muster ?
What an abject embarrassment and an insult to the intelligence of it’s membership.
These two buffons don’t even deserve a poll question.

GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !

Dan W.
Dan W.
5 years ago

WAIT !! A relative of a politician is making money off their family name. I’ve never heard that one before.

Melba trehern
Melba trehern
5 years ago

YES ??

D King
D King
5 years ago

It’s great to reveal the real feelings of the majority of Americans. We need more of this. The media fights to cover our true feelings. It’s not a waste of time doing these polls, it’s a true indication of the masses. Anyone saying this is not a legitimate poll has to be a Democrat

5 years ago

So why is it that the MSM makes it sound like no one cares about this set up except (some) Republicans? Hard to imagine that many hard working Democrats see how shakey this is…

Jim S
Jim S
5 years ago

The point is that daddy has a long reach and he can accomplish what his son cannot do on his own. Not only is it nepotism but it’s graft as well. But then Political graft is OK.

Rita LeDoux
Rita LeDoux
5 years ago

But do we have a Justice Department free enough if corruption for anything to be done about it? I fear not!

5 years ago

I’m disappointed in the 1st and 2nd options, as well so I voted NO. Getting a plum job is often a game of Who Do You Know? (Isn’t that about right, Chelsea?) Fact is, relationships matter. However, ask me a question about Biden using his influence or authority to stop a foreign corruption investigation via withholding military or economic aid and I’ll say yes. That’s a line that should not have been crossed.

5 years ago

Standard politician pay to play made famous by the Clintons.

5 years ago

Yes, standard democrat and RINO republican pay for play, AKA Clinton syndrome.

John Kwasniak
John Kwasniak
5 years ago

Drain the Swamp !!!

Mike A
Mike A
5 years ago

If Biden used his power to get benefit for his son, then he should step down. Unfortunately, he is the ONLY candidate that doesn’t scare the heck out of me.

Maurice D
Maurice D
5 years ago

Praise to AMAC; Rita L; D King & Marie M. Is fiduciary duty of public officials intended to serve the general good, or family and predatory favorites? What’s more dreadful in a person than disloyalty and infidelity?

5 years ago


Candice S Casey
Candice S Casey
5 years ago

The Democrats are guilty of doing exactly what they are accusing Trump of. It’s the old game switch and bait.

Margaret Hayden
Margaret Hayden
5 years ago

Joe also took out of Ukraine Personally almost as much as the total of US aid given smells of money laundering.

Les Jones
Les Jones
5 years ago

It’s an ancient theme that relatives of politicians ( “Caesar’s wife”) must be above suspicion. The Biden’s carelessly ignored this rule and the consequences are that they are no longer worthy of trust. Doesn’t anyone read history any more?

5 years ago

I think it all depends who the MSM wants to be the candidate. All narratives are driven by them. Fake news.

Jo Wooten
Jo Wooten
5 years ago

If AMAC is supporting ANY Democrate for Any office I will go back to AARP!!!!

5 years ago

Very obvious that Sleazy Joe used his position to have the prosecutor fired which should be viewed as a crime. Another lib criminal hypocrite. We need to look at all of the other politicians whose family members benefited from this also.

Thom Techmeyer
Thom Techmeyer
5 years ago

Biden is not fit for the Presidency or as a candidate. His views hurt the Country and weeken it. Plus he’s a liar!

Mike Tanco
Mike Tanco
5 years ago

What Biden did for his son is criminal. What the Democrats are accusing President Trump of is not. He received no money nor did his children. He wanted to know what Hillary’s involvement was in the Mueller investigation was.

Brad Wallick
Brad Wallick
5 years ago

When will they all go to jail?

Mike Tanco
Mike Tanco
5 years ago

Biden is a member of the swamp our President is trying to drain.

5 years ago

Like father, like son . . . two crooks

5 years ago

Let’s don’t forget the rack he used his influence to withhold money until he got his way. Traitor

5 years ago

Yes, Biden’s son got the job because of Who is father is but are we even talking about buying and holding back $1 billion from Ukraine? Biden didn’t make this decision on his own. Obama is in this up to his eyeballs. Obama is into the Russian hoax up to his eyeballs also. Everybody in the media and the Democrats Are protecting Obama. Let’s call a spade a spade.

5 years ago

The real issue is Joe Biden’s in-your-face qui pro quo billion dollar taxpayer withholding of funds in military aid in order to force the firing of the prosecutor. The heat should be on Joe, not Trump.

Doug R.
Doug R.
5 years ago

This was a continuation of Joe Biden’s use of his position to get an advantage for his son….but worse than that, this was a true quid pro quo, where Biden used his elected power to influence an investigation into corruption in a foreign land with the leverage of a billion plus dollars in aid to the Ukraine. In China, he sold his influence to obtain a fortune for his family. This was criminal. Not only should he not be running for office, he should probably be prosecuted for criminal corruption of the highest order.

5 years ago

The bigger crime (IMHO) is Joe lying about what he knew and did not know. When one is hanging out with the bad guys at golf events and the post round 19th hole, I don’t believe for a moment that Joe did not discuss the relationship Hunter had with the oil company.

Kim Bartlett
Kim Bartlett
5 years ago

This is a NO BRAINER but the communist media want to white wash every thing the Obama/Clinton machine put their fingers in!

5 years ago

Elephant in the room moment. Who says Joe is taking a cut of the money Hunter has obtained as well as future profits from the billion and half dollars received from China for speculation??????

Matthew Mckinney
Matthew Mckinney
5 years ago

I wish I got kicked out of the Navy for cocaine and my Daddy made sure I got millions from a deal he made for me …drug test the punk now I bet only the. Best drugs are one tap in his veins!!!!!!!!!!

john foley
john foley
5 years ago

If it was Trumps son he already would have been removed from the ticket. I’m tired of Republicans being held to one set of rules while democrats just have to apologize.

Truth Manhattan
Truth Manhattan
5 years ago

I voted “not sure” because the option I wanted to see (“No, because I’d love to see this half-wit run for president and have his @$$ handed to him”) was not included.

5 years ago

Work in Ukraine? Surely you are being facetious! And China? But no Dem ever faces consequences.

5 years ago

Give old Joe a break. I’ve got adult children. You preach to them and tell them what’s right and wrong but you can’t stop them from making their own decisions. Joe Biden winning the nomination would be the best thing that could happen for the Republicans. He’s an idiot on his own. He doesn’t need any help from anyone.
MAGA x2. Trump Trump Trump!!!

5 years ago

Old Joe isn’t innocent in this debacle. The Regime was corrupt from top to bottom in all areas of government. Hunter Biden certainly received “plums” from papa.

Terence Reilly
Terence Reilly
5 years ago

The creatures from the Biden swamp that’s located in the District of Columbia (aka) Washington DC includes Vice President Joe Biden, His son Hunter and his brother James needs to be investigated. Our great President Trump has stirred the murky waters of that swamp and the layers of slim are being disturbed. The american people need to focus on getting the right people in the House of Representatives and greater numbers into the Senate in order to correct the corrupt nature of the DC culture.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
5 years ago

First, Creepy Joe arrogantly brags, on video(!), at getting the prosecutor investigating his son’s company fired. Then, he has the balls to deny it! Goes on to angrily accuse Pres. Trump of wrongdoing w.o. a shred of credible evidence.
Hunter Biden in an interview I heard yesterday, denies any wrongdoing at all; says he was completely qualified to sit on the board of Burisma. He claims that the $1.5billion China quid pro quo never happened.
Creepy Joe schooled his son well in lying and ducking.

5 years ago

The Demoncrats are all over Trump & his family for allegedly doing what ALL Demoncrats are doing!! Biden was Obama’s puppet. Get rid of him!

5 years ago

When trump was running for president all the media could talk about was how his family was involved with the operations of his motels and that he might profit from government employees using those motels. Biden and his sons actions are many times beyond that and you here nothing negative about it.

5 years ago

It seems to me that everyone is missing the point. It isn’t just that Hunter Biden made money the most important part of this is that Joe Biden sold out all the workers in this country in favor of Hunter and the Chines communists. For that he should go to jail or be run out of the country. Joe let the Chinese take all of the jobs out of this country so he and his son could get rich.

Joseph Maier
Joseph Maier
5 years ago

Joe Biden knew about his son’s positions (Ukraine & China) and took positions that aided his son’s roles on boards, I’m direct opposition to US interests.

Peter E Balsam MD
Peter E Balsam MD
5 years ago

More importantly, far too many politicians are scoundrels who have enriched themselves on the backs of the middle class. They do not consider themselves public servants, rather they are an elite class of individuals who merit more than we mere mortals who vote for them – again and again and again….. The vast majority of politicians should be thrown out of office, not receive any medical benefits or retirement benefits. They need to find regular jobs, pay into Medicare and Social Security. There are a handful who deserve our thanks and respect for their service but they are in a small minority. Until and unless we voters are willing to vote out the incumbents and vote for newcomers for 6 or 8 year service, this elite class will continue to thrive and steal from us. By the way, most if not all the self proclaimed socialists are elites who have no intention of “spreading the wealth”; they will remain in power and control. Younger people who believe the socialists are just too ignorant and deluded to understand that fact.

Lew Rigaud
Lew Rigaud
5 years ago

Where there is smoke there is fire!!

Julie T
Julie T
5 years ago

Hypocrisy and political self dealing seem to permeate all political parties. However, the Democratic leadership exposes itself as the best example of two-faced and exploitative behavior that I have ever witnessed in my lifetime.

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