
joe biden speaking, democrat party

How should American lawmakers react to the Biden administration’s orders giving illegal immigrants a pathway to vote in our elections?

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1 year ago

The correct option isn’t listed. Congress should convict Biden of treason and execute him!

Robert Marburger
Robert Marburger
1 year ago

Biden should be charged with treason and removed from office.

1 year ago

Biden’s whole agenda since he was inaugurated was to appease and cave in to the radical idiots on the left who even though are small in number in congress, scare the crap out of him with their wacko ideas and hatred for America that the country would function better as a socialistic fascist country. The deluge of migrants coming into our country is done for one reason only and that is to bribe them and get them to vote for Dems. Biden and his minions have created this mess. Biden is a dithering jerk and it is a disgrace to have him a president. His whole career has been a sham and he is a worthless piece of crap. George Soros put this migrant deluge idea letting anyone come in 10 years ago and what we see today is the end product of these radical liars and fools..Congress and states must enforce legitimate requirements to vote, if not, this country will continue to dissolve. Biden has the REVERSE MIDIS TOUCH as everything he promotes turns to s—. Vote him and his minions out or this insanity will continue to destroy this great country.

1 year ago

This has been the plan since biden took office. If anyone thinks this is a good idea should be in the shoes of the parents of the young girl who was murdered on the UGA campus by an illegal this week. This is the political fallout of opening the border to anyone who wants to come here. Chinese nationals now outnumber Mexican’s crossing. Wonder what they have planned for us? I can assure you it’s not opening a Chinese restaurant.

Gaylen Christean
Gaylen Christean
1 year ago

Our elections are for citizens of the United States, not citizens of the world!

1 year ago

Actually, what SHOULD be done is to declare the 2020 election invalid due to the massive FRAUD that occurred, undo everything the Biden Administration has done, and put the Biden’s, Obamas, Susan Rice, Victoria Nuland and the LOT of them in prison for life.
They destroyed our vote, destroyed our government and they are destroying our country.

Mist Carter
Mist Carter
1 year ago

Lawmakers can pass the laws to prevent illegal aliens a pathway to vote until the cows come home. But it won’t make a lick of difference in a federal election. The damage is already done with the over 11 million illegals are already in our country. The apportionment of electoral votes is based on the congressional representation for each state, meaning that each congressional seat equals an electoral vote. As the number of illegals flood our already blue states, their representation and ultimate electoral vote increases. Then more of them will try to turn red states to blue.

Furthermore, some of these already fascist blue cities/states have adopted rules allowing non-citizens to vote in local election. Heck, a non-citizen immigrant from Hong Kong, who doesn’t even have the ability to legally vote in the United States, was sworn into San Francisco’s Elections Commission. What could possibly go wrong there?

So, perhaps lawmakers can make some change to prevent illegals from voting in local and state elections, but because of apportionment (which determines how many members to the House of Representative per state) and electoral college votes, we are screwed going forward.

The only way to stop this, is if liberal America is personally impacted by this invasion to the point of voting conservatively and wisely. Secondly, if the government would immediately stop giving these illegals ANYTHING for free, which are tax dollars are currently supporting. Without the handouts, some might even decide to return to their former country. Finally, when Trump is elected, the mass deportation will make everyone’s head spin…in a good way!

The king of Assyria brought in people from Babylon, Cuthah, Avva, Hamath, and Sepharvaim, and relocated them in the towns of Samaria, replacing the exiled Israelites. They moved in as if they owned the place and made themselves at home. When the Assyrians first moved in, God was just another god to them; they neither honored nor worshiped him. Then God sent lions among them and people were mauled and killed. This message was then sent back to the king of Assyria: “The people you brought in to occupy the towns of Samaria don’t know what’s expected of them from the god of the land, and now he’s sent lions and they’re killing people right and left because nobody knows what the god of the land expects of them.”                                             2 Kings 17:24-26

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
1 year ago

Even if SCOTUS rules that illegals are not eligible to vote, Biden will just ignore the ruling – just like he’s done with “forgiving” student loan debt. The Sons of Liberty needs to be reborn.

1 year ago

Congress has to act American and if they did, there would be same day voting and proper ID required because it is a federal process unless state and local governors are elected.
My worst fear is voting democrat after I’m dead and it will happen under the the lazy, do nothing thieves we have in our government

Randy Schroder
Randy Schroder
1 year ago

Under no circumstances should an illegal alien be allowed to vote in any American election, or be given any other rights under our constitution.

Bob H
Bob H
1 year ago

Stop these lousy Democrats from giving away our Country!

Randy D.
Randy D.
1 year ago

A very large percentage of American’s favor election integrity by requiring identification to be eligible to vote in national elections. As always, we do not need more laws, we need to enforce the ones we have.
18 U.S. Code § 611 – Voting by aliens
It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner . . .
Enough said.

1 year ago

Traitors to American and the American people, the whole administration. Treasion is what they have committed. Treasion.

1 year ago

I remember when people were proud to be American and other countries looked up to us. It’s no longer true. Biden and friends along with the cowards in the Republican party have ruined this country. The purpose of allowing this mass immigration is to have these people vote democrat. “Biden let us in. Vote for Biden” I fear for our country.

Dan W.
Dan W.
1 year ago

This poll is a little vague.

Currently, the only pathway to voting is citizenship for all federal and state elections. Biden can’t simply change this by Executive Order.

1 year ago

President Biden is not my president!

1 year ago

The Republican-majority house can pass legislation to ban illegal aliens from voting, but the Democrat-majority Senate will never agree. Even if Democrat senators agree 100% with House bill, Traitor Joe will never sign it. Even if he did, he wouldn’t obey the new law any more than he is obeying existing laws regarding illegal aliens. So the first answer is irrational .

1 year ago

Any non citizen should NOT be allowed to vote this is treason and criminal and our country is in jeopardy

Karen comisk
Karen comisk
1 year ago

30-40 Chinese migrants employed en masse at a midwest mfg. company for 3-4 months, (given new cell phones with translation software because none spoke English) until E-verify finally caught up with them. All had counterfeit drivers licenses & SS cards. Does anyone think they’re not going to vote?

1 year ago

Now if we could only get a few TRUE REPUBLICANS to stand up and put an end to all this BS!!!

B. J. Herring
B. J. Herring
1 year ago

Biden is a traitor! Jail would be too good for him!
it’s not just Biden ; it’s the entire Democrap party!
I think this man has a STD in his brain !

Ralph Balch
Ralph Balch
1 year ago

Its become increasingly obvious that the Constitution of the United States means nothing to the Biden Bunch. It clearly states that a non-citizen cannot vote in our elections. No new laws are required except for the death penalty being applied for anyone caught attempting to do so. Anyone aiding and abetting the same act should suffer the same consequences.

1 year ago

They need to cheat, to win. As they did in 2020. This is just their new cheat scam. Biden needs to be taken out, tried for treason and hung.then round up the illegals and send them home.

Kevin M.
Kevin M.
1 year ago

This is NOT a state issue. As long as states run federal elections and send representatives to Congress (and electors to Washington) it is critical they only allow citizens to vote… in federal elections. If they allow non-citizens to vote in state/local elections (which often occur simultaneously with federal elections) the ability (or even desire) to follow the federal law would be problematic and likely impossible. States can’t run clean elections and keep dead people off their voter roles as it is.

1 year ago

As usual, this is utter insanity from the doddering, demented buffoon.

Charles Alvarado
Charles Alvarado
1 year ago

I say HELL NO!!!!

1 year ago

If this becomes policy and we don’t fight back America is over as we know it.

Richard Bingham
Richard Bingham
1 year ago

It is illegal, enforce it.

James A Bolfer
James A Bolfer
1 year ago

Lawless Land we live in. Our constitution is not being used to rule this land. Biden is not to blame, he is senile. What is hard to believe is there is not something that can be done to get rid of the dumb asses that are responsible for all of this.

Gary J
Gary J
1 year ago

As long as Biden and his handlers keep getting their way on almost everything, they could not possibly care less about the struggles and suffering of honest hard working American citizens. They have cheerfully done the devil’s work– with devastating results.

1 year ago

That is why Biden is letting so many in so he will have enough votes to remain In power. He would tell I let you in so you got to vote for me. He has destroyed the USA. Give them all luxury. Taxpayers money is being give to them an the American senior aren’t getting nearly what the get every month

1 year ago

Under current conditions congress could not pass legislation to prevent anything the president chooses to do. Vote against tyranny at the next election.

1 year ago

Waiting for biden’s executive order that all ballots must be in English & Spanish.

1 year ago

How can the President be so AGAINST OUR COUNTRY???

1 year ago

Congress should have done this years ago but they are so slow the states should get busy and require this. You can’t do much without an ID but you can vote. Makes no sense at all. We have more illegals in the US now which equals 38 of our state’s population so think about that. We are being overrun and there seems to be no stopping anytime soon.

1 year ago

Biden has so many treasonist acts since he has been in office. I am so surprised that he has not been removed from his position. The constitution states clearly that as citizens of the United States, we have the right to do so. Not like the insurrection. Legally and swiftly. This moron is a insult to freedom and liberty for our country. God help us this year. Either way this election goes, I believe that radicals are going to be upset.

1 year ago

Congress needs to add “You must be a citizen to be counted in the census” also.

1 year ago

ONLY citizens can vote. I cannot travel to another country and vote there. Why do we think anyone can vote here? Absurd.

1 year ago

The United States Constitution clearly states that ONLY U.S. citizens can legally vote in elections. If Team Biden is actively promoting any means by which illegal aliens are permitted to vote in U.S. elections, then that is of course an impeachable offense as he is violating, yet again, his oath to protect the Constitution, the republic and our laws. So Congress doesn’t need to draft any new legislation to cover what is already clearly outlined in the Constitution. As such, none of the answers offered in this week’s poll are accurate and, as such, this poll is again nearly worthless. Of course, this is an all too predictable pattern with whomever at AMAC comes up with these weekly polls.

All that said, the likelihood of Biden ever being held accountable via either impeachment or in a court of law for any of the criminal activities he has committed is virtually nil. The Democrat Party will never, ever vote to convict a fellow Democrat in the Senate, as the Party fully believes in “the end justifies the means” and thus excuses any action, no matter how illegal or unethical, to accomplish their goals. So, as usual, it all comes back to it being the responsibility of the American people to stand up for their rights and freedoms and pushback against the tyranny of the left in this country. To date, that hasn’t materialized in any meaningful way, so I expect the left will keep pushing boundaries in their effort to finish off both the Constitution and what is left of the republic.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

1 year ago

No brainer…. But of course… our political leaders clearly do not have one…and neither does the bulk of the electorate that put them there…Our form of government was only formed to govern a moral people… therein lies the problem..

1 year ago

This has been the obvious goal all along. No matter what congress does this will continue in blue cities and states. After all, treason is the m.o. of the dem party and has been for 90 years.

1 year ago

Illegals should Not be able to vote

1 year ago

Shaking my head, I think of sheep giving control of the flock to wolves, while the wolves are grinning and shaking their heads in disbelief also.

1 year ago

If left to the states, I can see several of the most populous states giving illegals the right to vote and totally taking over federal elections so the majority of the country will unofficially have no say

David Konkol
David Konkol
1 year ago

it seems that every day I hear of another insane, irresponsible action or statement from this administration and it also seems as though we have no leaders courageous enough to do more than talk about turning things around.

Brenda Burdette
Brenda Burdette
1 year ago

I agree with Wayne. They should be executing a bunch of our elite politicians for treason.

1 year ago

The ‘ Issue ‘ has an extremely easy cure, especially considering it’s OUR Money ….
At the opening of ANY form of Taxpayer Funded Subsidy, in BIG, Bold, Black Print ….
‘ I Forfeit the Right to Vote for the Entire Year of any year receiving this Subsidy ‘

……….. problem solved ! ! !

1 year ago

This is EXACTLY the plan from the get go! Even if the states or Congress require proof of citizenship – the illegals have the means to create false documents. Ugh! We are doomed! Lord Jesus it’s time to come!!!

Al Smith
Al Smith
1 year ago

The plan from the git-go was to open the borders to people who would vote for democrats out of gratitude. It worked. Now there are millions of ’em ready to help steal elections.

1 year ago

This has got to be the no-brainer of all no-brainers. But then again our so-called president doesn’t have one, so we have to do it for him.

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