
young voters waiting in line

How do you exercise your right to vote?

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jim wood
jim wood
1 month ago

We live in a country who allows us to vote. If Dems take this election we are doomed. People have to understand that Dems only want open borders, limited police coverage , for votes only, as theycare nothing for the American people. If Harris gets the White House communism wins. She is so dangerous our country is in peril If she wins. Get your family, friends and people you meet to vote Trump and get this country back to common sense. The stakes are high make the right choice.

1 month ago

Q. What do democrats and republicans agree on?

A. Republicans believe that voter fraud helps elect democrats, and democrats believe that voter fraud helps elect democrats. 

Marty M
Marty M
1 month ago

There are Presidential Documents; Executive Orders,Proclamations, memoranda, notices, determinations, letters, messages, and orders.
The Federal Register has them all recorded for every President for our viewing pleasure.
If you compare Trump’s orders to biden’s you can see how Trump was trying to make the USA stronger, while biden was wasting time with all the dei crap!

caryn abbott
caryn abbott
1 month ago

Over 40% of Evangelicals don’t vote and then wonder how our country has strayed so far from God and Biblical principles. We need everyone to get registered and vote this time. Freedom vs Communism is on the ballot. 40% of hunters and gun owners don’t vote but yet complain about the government wanting our guns.

Deborah Meadows
Deborah Meadows
1 month ago

If conservatives don’t get out and vote in this election and vote for Donald Trump this country will be destroyed. I fear Harris is going to win with their voter cheating and if we don’t show up in droves at the polls she is going to win and we will be doomed

Dan W.
Dan W.
1 month ago

Here’s your choice:

Either vote or shut your pie hole until the next election.

James A Bolfer
James A Bolfer
1 month ago

It is the Power of the American people to make a difference in who our leaders are.
The devil is working hard to cancel that. God help us all.

1 month ago

“The price men pay for indifference to the public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” Plato

1 month ago

Most important superbowl in Nov 5. Patriots vs Stealers.

1 month ago

I have been voting in all elections since 1980’s. I think that Ronald Regan was one of best politicians that ever lived. He knew how to bring both parties together to discuss issues and make good decisions for all. I know people will not agree but Donald J Trump will make America proud and great again. We cannot let our country and freedoms be torn down by career politicians who are only concerned about keeping their jobs and tell their constituents what ever they want to hear. Donald J Trump is a billionaire, he could easily have bought an island and not care about America, but it’s not in his dna! VOTE TRUMP AND LETS BE ABLE TO BUY GROCERIES AND GAS AGAIN!!!

1 month ago

I still vote in every election – even though I live in Michigan, where it seems clear my vote will be negated by the cheating Dems on the east side of the state.

Robert Frutiger
Robert Frutiger
1 month ago

The poll results are not surprising, since most people who receive the Amac emails are concerned citizens

1 month ago

I go to my poling place, give them my ID, verify my address and identity, get my ballot and vote. Every time. No matter what I am voting for. I don’t understand why the left is so against this.

1 month ago

Glad to see these results among this group; anything less would be shameful for proud Americans. I was expecting, based on the survey’s title, to see it addressing “day of” versus mail in, early, etc. Aside from mail-in for military and college students out of state, I am against mail-in voting, and definitely against early voting. Having large windows of time is inappropriate; things and campaigns change, new issues surface, etc. And too, no doubt in my mind this all also invites fraud. If I were king for a day, I’d do away with the nonsense and return election day to be election DAY. And for pete’s sake, convicted felons would NOT have the right to vote; such criminals should forfeit their right, which IS (and rightly so) a deterrent to conducting criminal acts.

Kim E
Kim E
1 month ago

Simply Vote Trump/Vance if you want to still live in a free nation. If we dont we loose and God help us!!!!!

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
1 month ago

We must understand that it’s not strictly a presidential election. If we allow democrats to win any seats in congress, we have a problem. Democrat control means the destruction of the country. Congress has become more Marxist and radical under Democrat control. We must work to remove them all to allow the country to recover from their destructive legislation. For those in the senate who are not up for reelection, they must be watches for signs of Sedition or Treason to get rid of them. Conservatism not leftism of moderation is what is needed to put us back on the track. We are living with a potential trainwreck.

P. E., Georgia
P. E., Georgia
1 month ago

Our right to vote is under attack, especially regarding the protection of our vote. This is the primary way we have to make our collective voices heard. I believe there are serious problems with our system currently. I see no problem with requiring proof of citizenship to be allowed to vote in the US. We certainly couldn’t go to a foreign country and vote in their elections! It appears we have a very small window to get this corrected, literally, to save our country. The American we grew up in is all but gone, what a tragedy.

1 month ago

Ok folks, where’s Mist??
I used to ignore a lot of local elections. Not anymore, not since we all figured out that Soros puts his people in place locally to support his evil regime!

1 month ago

I want the honest truth.
I always fill out a paper ballot but then it’s fed by me into an electronic voting machine. How is the electronic counting machine not manipulated?

Lee Bates
Lee Bates
1 month ago

93.4% vote all the time! Way to go, people.

1 month ago

For those who do not vote, who think their one vote is not important, you were the reason we have Joe Biden and Kamala. By not voting, you are actually voting for someone who is trying to destroy this Country. Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago? Do you enjoy the price you pay for groceries? Democrats want Marxism and Socialism. I had an Aunt and Uncle who lived in Russia. I know from them what happens when you no longer own anything, the Government owns everything. How amusing was it that at their Convention, many of the Speakers, Oprah, Michelle, Barack, Hillary and Bill, told everyone not to trust a rich person. And yet they are all multi millionaires on the backs of the American Voter. Do you want to let someone who just walked across our border take your vote?

1 month ago

PLEASE get out and vote! It is your duty, your right as a citizen.

Nelson K Nolley
Nelson K Nolley
1 month ago

AMERICA is standing at cliff’s edge on Nov.5,2024. With the upcoming federal election that day America faces a make or break situation. My personal opinion is formed by over 50 years of watching and voting in every presidential election since 1968! WHEN President Kennedy was MURDERED in Dallas Texas on Nov 22,1963,and Johnson assumed the presidency,I’ve watched the democrat party descend into a laughingstock in politics!
Now that party, formerly the democrats, has been taken over by satanic communistic idealogs! I’ve never understood how people of Jewish extraction could blindly vote for the current socialist communist leadership of the so Democratic Party. As for American of African extract, if memory serves me correctly,after the Civil War,it was former confederate soldiers led by Nathan Bedford Forrest became the KKK,and rampaged throughout America with hatred for blacks,Jews, Catholics and other people groups!

1 month ago

It is a sacred obligation to vote in elections. Millions of people do not have that right.

Anne Forrester
Anne Forrester
1 month ago

I vote in every election in person, never by mail in ballot.

1 month ago

Voting is the only mechanism that the American people have to shape the type of governance that impacts us all and determines the direction of the country. Every election is important in that regard, from the local all the way to the federal.

Just as important as the physical act of voting, is how well informed the public is prior to casting their votes. This is where so much of the American public is lacking and desperately needs improvement, as many vote based on either emotion (who they would like to have a beer with or who seems “nice”) or who the MSM tells them they should vote for rather than making a truly informed decision themselves based on who best would protect America’s future and values.

The Democrats have, over the decades, done an amazing job of dumbing down an increasingly large percentage of the public to vote for their candidates, who hate every aspect of how the United States was founded and succeeded on the world stage. Freedom and capitalism must be stamped out and replaced with what is essentially global communism in their view. Thanks to an increasingly apathetic and uniformed public, they are extremely close to achieving that goal. This upcoming election is our last chance to prevent their victory.

1 month ago

None of the above, we vote very time. We live a rural community in Mason County Washington. Unfortunately we have no walk in voting here, it’s no wonder this state is so screwed up. My thinking is they have been stealing our elections here for years. This used to be a red state, at 62 years old I’ve seen alot of changes here. Please pray for us here, we have a chance to change it some in November.

fred bauder
fred bauder
1 month ago

I have voted in every election since 1958

Larry B
Larry B
1 month ago

My folks told me that if I feel like complaining about the government or any situation that is or has to be voted on, vote. If you don’t vote, you give up your right to complain.

grumpy old woman
grumpy old woman
1 month ago

If you don’t care enough or are just too darn lazy to vote, every election, then you do not deserve the benefits you enjoy in this great nation. You dishonor every person that sacrificed and died in support or defense of the Country, every patriot that sacrificed in the revolutionary war, every person who served in the military and yes, government office too.
Go to Arlington Cemetery and tell those men and women interred there that voting just isn’t important to them. Go to a VA hospital and visit the soldiers who are missing body parts and tell them that voting just isn’t important to you, shame on you for taking what we have for granted.

1 month ago

The most difficult people to research, but perhaps the most important, for local elections are should we retain this judge? I research everyone running for office before voting. In the past I just arbitrarily selected whether to keep a judge or not, however, having seen how local judges affect the community (allowing illegals, releasing offenders, etc.), I now make it a point to dig as much as possible on their history.
We’ve made a big mistake by not focusing on local elections in the past. It’s important to meet your sheriff and make sure he knows who YOU are as much as you know what he stands for. He needs to know who in the community he can count on in a crisis, and who is a trustworthy, honest citizen so he can focus on those who aren’t. He also works with the local attorney’s and judges.
This is an important aspect of local public servants we’ve neglected for too long.

Rich Arnold
Rich Arnold
1 month ago

You should include in your daily news letter up until the election is over to check with neighbors (especially in rural locations and elderly) if they need someone to take them to vote on election day.

1 month ago

I there’s a little pride to live in a country where we can vote but in our last primary election, only 19% of the REGISTERED voters were bothered to do it.

1 month ago

I vote now more than ever due to the poor political truths behind the candidates in the election . The Best is yet to come to America when the candidates stand behind what they say and eventually act .

1 month ago

I vote like my freedom depends on it because it does, if you don’t vote don’t complain, you gave up that right because you didn’t vote!
God Bless America!
Vote Trump, or you will end up living in a dumpster!

1 month ago

Don’t buy into any democrat lies, like, Why Vote, It’ll be Stolen Anyway. Vote and vote with your head. There’s no such thing as a harris supporter, only Trump haters.

1 month ago

All of the ones who say they don’t vote in ALL elections should rethink their positions.

1 month ago

Voting by mail in ballot this year for the first time. The rules have changed so we are banking our votes early, by taking them directly to our court house election office. Voting in off year elections especially for judges is very important! MAGA

1 month ago

I was told by my dad when I turned 18 that I have to register to vote and it is a duty and privilege to vote. He impressed to me how lucky we are to live in the United States, a free country and to love my country. The opportunities for me to succeed in life are available to me and anyone who is willing to work hard and earn those opportunities by merit, they will not be handed to me! He never told me I had to work harder because I was a person of color, but I needed to be able to get a good education and work to the best of my ability compete with others in life to be successful. (such words of wisdom)
He taught me to not just watch TV or listen to others to learn about issues and candidates, but to do my own research to make the best decision to vote. I am so glad he taught me that, we need that in life every day!
WE need to teach our children and grandchildren these values, they will not learn them in school nowadays!
Love of God, family and country are the values we need to teach our families and pass on to future generations.

1 month ago

I registered in the summer of 1980, and have never missed an election. I realize I live in a corrupt, compromised state, but you have to at least try. I’ve helped others to get registered, and always encourage people to vote. I’m a local level official, and I am for the people. It’s hard to believe how the other side wants to treat the town folk, I do all I can to stop their ‘cancel culture’.

1 month ago

I vote in ALL elections.

1 month ago

None of us truly has our franchise any longer. We have slowly lost it since the general election of 2012 when Obama and Biden ran a beta test of Dominion fraudulators they had developed in Serbia, and had them perfected by 2020. I’m a seasoned poll worker / watcher and have observed it many times.

1 month ago

Let’s get rid of the hackable electronic voting machines so your vote actually counts. And one voting day to keep the fraud at a minimum.

1 month ago

When I turned 18 there was an election that year . I have voted in every election since . I have worked on political campaigns for State and Federal offices . I have run for local office on two separate occasions .And in the Primary election this year I worked the polls as a commissioner . I am Mr. Vote .

1 month ago

For those who rarely vote or choose not to vote at all, you are fueling the radical left that wants exactly what you are doing for the majority. If you love this country and what it stands for, get in the fight and vote. Apathy won’t save our Constitutional rights.

1 month ago

If the poll is indeed true, explain to me how a demented old fool got 81 million votes.

1 month ago

We have got to stop the ranked voting schemes being pushed by left radical groups. Instead of casting a single vote for a single candidate, voters would vote for up to 5 candidates. Then the government eliminates the one with the least votes and redistributes those votes to the others. This is done until all the votes, for all the candidates, are redistributed. Through the process of elimination, a winner is picked for us. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG WITH THIS SCHEME?

1 month ago

If you do not vote you DO NOT have a right to complain, the demoncrats are out in force and each and everyone of them (including the millions of illegal demoncrats) will be voting to take over this GREAT country. GET OUT and VOTE America !!!!!!!

Kevin M.
Kevin M.
1 month ago

And, as a full-time RVER I vote absentee which requires a lot more coordination.

Patrick M.
Patrick M.
1 month ago

My wife and I consider voting a privilege and a treasured right which we should not squander or abuse! I have a few thoughts on voting and how we could make it easier, more fair, and more efficient:
Make election day a National Holiday for EVERYONE! No early or mail in voting except for disabled citizens or active military members. Polls should be open from 6 am to 11pm everywhere. Paper ballots only and hand counted. Polls monitored by security cameras and attended by security personnel. A phone number and/or a website available to request a ride to nearest polling place. Every state must audit their voter rolls and show proof that they are current and accurate at least 3 months prior to every election.
We can do this!!

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