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2 years ago

I am torn between wanting to do my “civic duty” by voting, and knowing that the choices we are given are just more of the same. The fact that even when we DO vote for some that seems willing to take on the system they either turn out to be just more of the same or they are attacked savagely for doing so…!

Joseph O'Donnell
Joseph O'Donnell
2 years ago

What a selfish idiot.

Craig Smith
Craig Smith
2 years ago


2 years ago

Not voting is giving your vote to the other side. What are you thinking? Giving up is never the answer.

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

All of the states have had two years to review allegations of election fraud and many have modified their election rules accordingly. The voters have also had the chance to remove RINOs from positions of authority during the just completed primary season.

Now, will independent voters and disaffected Dems vote for GOP candidates (or simply stay home) in November ? Stay tuned.

Allan S
Allan S
2 years ago

It seems that all US citizens should be required to prove ID to vote. If you need a license (ID) to buy liquor, cigarettes, fishing license, to get on an airplane etc, why not to vote. Should be part of the real ID act.

Joseph O'Donnell
Joseph O'Donnell
2 years ago

Who are those who are “not at all concerned” that there will be voting irregularities in November? And why?

2 years ago

A thief who is successful once, will, without a doubt, try again!!

2 years ago

I will not be voting until all the democrats and their republicans are gone to Gitmo for treason as well as their operators and have no power along with the democrat media being taken down for good and the military revealing all the corruption and how elections will be performed in the future

Mark Florack
Mark Florack
2 years ago

Democrats, with the help of big tech and the mainstream media and now with federal agencies as their propaganda and paramilitary wing have been tainting our elections for years. The proof is all over the place, but because we live in a world of universal deceit, where telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, nothing is ever done to change the system. In fact, Democrats find new ways to cheat like early and mail in voting. The only way to stop all of this, is to have a national voting holiday for the general election, one day, paper ballots only, voter ID required to vote, and only absentee and military votes allowed by mail. Election results would be tallied that day and we would know the winner before we all went to bed.

2 years ago

Conservatives simply MUST get out and vote….enough legit voters actually voting can overtake the slimy tricks of the left!

2 years ago

What are you going to do about it? It seems to me if you believe that the government has been illegal elected then as an American citizen it is your duty to resist. Refuse to pay unlawful income taxes, school taxes if the schools continue with work policies. Don’t comply with unconstitutional laws but most of you rather just complain and take it just like the so called Rhinos.

Bill Keller
Bill Keller
2 years ago

They stole the last election with blatant poll tampering. Everyone knows that. The Dems know that we know, and they don’t even care. They’re laughing about it (behind closed doors). The precedent has been set – why would they not do it again?

2 years ago

I fully expect the leftist democrats to gain full control of the DC swamp and the republicans will be left holding the big bag of dodo. The rest of us slaves will be chained to leftistism for many decades without an full scaled uprising of some sorts. By 2030, Cuba will look like a supreme paradise.

As The Dummy has stated numerous times, he either wants all MAGA/anti-leftist/conservatives/republicans to be murdered or if you survive, you will be turned into an automaton using biogenetics and A/I horsecrap.

2 years ago

The Dems always have something devious up their sleeve. Keep watch.

Dem’s Preferred Election Recipe:
1 cup Covid (any variant).
2 cups Monkey Pox.
Stir vigorously to produce
MEV (Mid-term Election Variant).
Only known cure – Mail-in Ballots w/Drop-box option.

David Cox
David Cox
2 years ago

If You choose not to vote it’s a vote for Them, You deserve what You get, and the loss of freedoms They (the criminals and communists) take from You.

2 years ago

The red wave is real but it’s not going to make a difference. Dems are cheating and conservatives are not taking control of anything.

2 years ago

The first thing when the Republicans take back Congress (With Gods help)
Is Voted ID. The only way we are ever going to get honest elections is when voter identification is law.
And of course Biden will veto it but who knows maybe enough honest legislators will override it.

2 years ago

The left feeds this fear in the hope many conservatives will not vote. I’ve heard comments like, why bother voting, it will be stolen anyway. Anyone feeling this way is doing exactly what they want. VOTE!!!

2 years ago

Not voting in the coming election is the reason we are in the mess we are in now ,, sitting at home is like a vote for the ones that are ruing our country and killing the American people,,, WE THE PEOPLE .. must vote please

2 years ago

Anyone who thinks the commies are going to easily give up control is living in a fantasy world. The commies have become so blatant at cheating that I wouldn’t be surprised if PINO (President In Name Only) Biden actually says, “Yeah, we cheated. What are you going to do about it?” HOWEVER…we NEED to vote and volunteer at the polls to at least make the cheating more difficult for the commies. FJB!

2 years ago

Nothing has been done about the problems from the last election. The GOP is an ineffectual group with no teeth and may just be okay with what is going on. Dark money from tech giants being thrown at government officials needs to be stopped.

2 years ago

Everyone who has half a brain knows there was widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election and it will be tried again. Hopefully since we are more aware of the games the left plays we can stopped them in their tracks. We must have voter identification and only American CITIZENS voting. We also must stop all the dark money from those like George Soros who interfere with our elections and have been for many years.

2 years ago

We will vote, we always do. That said we fell like throwing in the towel. We feel helpless in ensuring an honest election, that our vote will make a difference. We also feel that despite the Republicans preaching “Vote Republican and we will turn the country around” that it will just be more of the same, more division, more corruption. The Republicans have had a chance in the past, yet in many ways they failed…they could have prevented the immigration crisis, had they had the guts to institute real reform. They could have passed legislation addressing Federal election integrity. And more…. What makes us think we can trust them. There are a few courageous, but many work for another interest besides that of the people they were elected to represent.

2 years ago

Volunteer to work the elections, or sign up to be a drop box watcher. There are things we can do to get involved.

2 years ago

The democrats are tinkling on our boots and calling it rain. Their argument that voter ID validation is discriminatory is garbage. Their next move will be to call upon the millions of illegal immigrants to vote by emphasizing that there will be no legal action taken against them if they do, wink, wink.

2 years ago

We’re all older people, presumably, so we are thinking that its the same as twenty or even forty yrs ago and that people are waking up to the outrageous actions of the dem party. We desperately hope for a midterm result like we had as recently as 2010-14. However, since then we’ve lost the last of the ww2 gen and millennials have come of age. The latter hardly think like us at all. For my part, ill vote in person and am guardedly hopeful a little more time might be bought, but im not going to implode if the dems keep congress or the Rs win by a whisker. If the Rs do take congress they’re going to need both moral and financial support as well as having their feet held to the fire. So, please be ready to launch phone, text and paper letters at new congressfolk so that we might buy a bit more time to live out the rest of our lives at home instead of in the bowels of federal prison.

2 years ago

Radical Democrats have perfected cheating for many years. I do not trust their words or their intentions to be righteous. Liars lie without conscience and they are liars. They have told lies so long that they believe their own lies.

john seiersen
john seiersen
2 years ago

What was wrong with the old voting system. Covid is dead and Fauci is gone. All voting, for the exception of the military, seniors and medically disabled, should be over in 24 hours, not thirty days. Something was rotten in Denmark with the last presidential election.

Ken Spencer
Ken Spencer
2 years ago

The democrats know the only way they can win is by cheating and they are very good at it. For years during any close election the democrats would “find” votes afterward. When the republicans didn’t call them out on this they became even more brazen now they cheat openly – like they did to Trump in 2020.

Dave R
Dave R
2 years ago

There will be corruption and widespread cheating in this and future elections (what few this country has left). After this last election with all the cheating going on, NOTHING was done to any of the cheaters, it was sort of “IN YOUR FACE” what are you going to do about it? The answer, nothing was done about it which gave the cheaters (aka, democrats) all the permission they need to cheat in the future elections. The republicans sat on their hands and some even assisted with the cheating, didn’t they Gov Kemp, VP Pence? The corrupt judges also turned their heads and said there is nothing to see here! Yes, there will be cheating in this election but every conservative republican and independent needs to get out there and vote because it DOES matter!

2 years ago

There’s not much I’m not concerned about these days the way the country is being ran. We need a 180, and fast.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
2 years ago

The next AMAC poll will be like–

How Many Times A Week Do You Like To Eat?

  • every day
  • every other day
  • twice
  • not at all

As others have said, sometimes AMAC gets a little dumb with these polls.

2 years ago

PA primary was rigged, can’t imagine the general won’t be.

2 years ago

We all must vote to end the political persecution on the J6 prisoners. Go to J6truth.org to see documentary of Jake Lang of the real story of January 6th.

2 years ago

Hundreds of investigations into voting in the last election showed no evidence of any widespread fraud… not one. This is all coming from the promotion of the Big Lie and needs to be stopped.

Colleen Sanders
Colleen Sanders
2 years ago

Since “voting” proper will be heavily monitored. I’m far more concerned about ballot harvesting and elite donors sending Mega bucks to swing districts to pay for for-to-door canvassing and other sneaky ballot p/vote getting measures. We cannot trust Democrats. Period.

Michael E Delaney
Michael E Delaney
2 years ago

With all the actions by states and localities that were outside the law in 2020; PA, AZ, WI, MI, GA; how could one not be extremely concerned. Even in SC where our lawmakers have passed some great legislation there were still irregularities in the June primaries. MEGAMAGAMIKE.com

2 years ago

Biden has directed the entire fed govt to help Democrats get out the vote, in violation of federal law. But the laws dont apply to them….

Linda K
Linda K
2 years ago

Finally, a relevant poll on AMAC! Now if they would only act on the overwhelming results.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Picture I D is the only way to go. Kyle L.

2 years ago

VOTE! It criminal not to!

Matthew W McMurry
Matthew W McMurry
2 years ago

We should only vote on election day, period. It worked for 200 years! It would stop the communist democrats cheating. Common sense to me.

2 years ago

I pray to God that Conservatives never become LIARS to get the desired result. If we acquire that strategy, then we’ve lost our souls also! No vote is worth compromising righteous convictions.

2 years ago

I am quite concerned as I see some of the same things happening on social media and in more conservative newspapers and bloggers/podcasters as for 2020 election. This constant mentioning of we’re going to have a red wave, take over house and senate. The showing of and comparing of videos from different Trump and Biden rallies, while Trumps are overflowing and Bidens are sparse, tends to make conservatives feel safe and their vote not necessary to win the election.

Tom Davis
Tom Davis
2 years ago

I believe there were voting scams across the nation, enough to swing the election???? I don’t know, what I do know is the reporting done by the MSM was the biggest reason the democrats won.

jim wood
jim wood
2 years ago

The Democratic Socialist party works 24/7 to rig anything in their favor. The GOP sits by with weak verbal responses and lets them get away with it. GOP must put their Big Boy pants on and in the next 50 days fight fire with fire. America as we know it is dissolving before our eyes. Wake up and VOTE these clowns out, or they will continue to ruin everything this country stands for. Get the message out they do not care about America. Disgusting times.

2 years ago

There can be a red wave if everyone Votes! Remember there are over half the country it more that does not want to live in communism! And right we need to be pole watching also making sure IDs are being used. It’s going to be bad enough with the mail in ballots some states are using. We have to save the USA and our freedoms or we are doomed! Pray People!!

2 years ago

In this election if just Democrats win we will know they cheated.The rhetoric and threats ramping up from the government is a dead giveaway of what they are going to do and are capable of.People need to vote in this election.If you have never voted before go and register.Vote for what you believe is right for your Country.Choose.Communist or Constitutional Republic before it’s gone.

David Elstrom
David Elstrom
2 years ago

Cheating and farthing the destruction of America—it’s what Democrats do.

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