To quote a famous movie: “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn”
Miss Andi
1 year ago
Please, stay on strike. Read your Bible.
1 year ago
Most actors are dense and brainwashed liberals. Most tech companies are run by brainwashed liberals. So if liberal jobs are replaced by liberal created A/I, they have nothing to complain about because they always support all liberal nonsense. Besides, most A/I is just liberal BS written by liberal programmed machines.
1 year ago
Jason Aldean’s Music Video provides a snapshot of our Entertainment Industry’s disrespect for talent and the “Freedom of Expression”. This song, with videos, is an historical account of “radical progressive’s” behavior. It Illustrates their activity and labels the Radical “Lefties” for what they are … America hating malcontents. These events actually happened … THIS IS HISTORY. But wait! The left doesn’t like being “aired out” so they want to “hide” the proof just like they tried with “Sound of Freedom”. Now, CMT can talk a lot, they can play patriotic songs, but when the rubber meets the road, when it really counts, CMT has proven they’re afraid to stand up and will play the “woke” game and restrict our freedoms along with the rest…. especially our speech and expression.
Herbert Freundt
1 year ago
Most of my entertainment doesn’t come from Hollywood or East coast liberal elitists. I like to watch sports and old movies that respect our beliefs and our historical accepted values. There are plenty of opportunities to be entertained without having to rely on the pure junk being produced by most of the entertainment industry executives and their employees. Let them all self-destruct.
1 year ago
The strike doesn’t affect me. I haven’t watched a new TV program in years and been to one movie in 9 years. Before I disconnected the satellite, all the programs I watched were the old programs.
1 year ago
The “unsure” mark should read “COULD CARE LESS”…that would be my best answer!
Marty M
1 year ago
Good riddance to bad rubbish!!!
I won’t miss any their awful stuff!
1 year ago
I think they have legit concerns. Ido have concerns about AI and how dark they could go with it. I also have not liked how lenient the ratings have become over the years and the direction some movies go in when portraying topics and situations. But, like it or not, it is a picture of life .
I hope that more studios like Angel, who btw is not affected by the strike, are created to give us the movies we enjoy seeing.
Mike Garcia
1 year ago
That’s the problem with Christianity today and as a Christian, I’m ashamed to say, is that it’s always about sinning and going to hell. I don’t believe that was Jesus’s message to us, He taught us about love and being kind to your neighbor. He didn’t talk about judging or condemning like most denominations do, He taught us to love one another no matter what they do they are still the Father’s children and he hasn’t given up on them. He’s not going to ask us about anyone else like the gay couple that adopted a baby or the drug addict or the young girl getting an abortion, He’s going to ask us how we treated and loved those people. And this gender identity thing that’s crazy to me, God created you and doesn’t make mistakes. People identifying as something else is them saying God made a mistake therefore not perfect is mind-blowing to me. This whole world needs prayers and needs Jesus to set an example again
1 year ago
The writer of “The Matrix” trilogy won his suit against the industry for stealing his script. He doesn’t want money, just to be credited and not robbed of his work. To give the creator the benefits of their work.
1 year ago
What is code 500??
1 year ago
My question is why am I nolonger allowed to vote. What is status code 500
1 year ago
They don’t need the MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 year ago
Ya, I’m sad for those actors that are trying to make a living on their gift but they should get out of Hollywood and look for independent directors, producers, etc
Allen A
1 year ago
I don’t care what the Hollyweird mob does or dosen’t do. I have not seen one of their garbage products in nearly 40 years. They are so corrupt that they almost equal the Bidenites. Nothing that they send to the theaters is worth even a penny of my money and they are not going to get any of it.
1 year ago
As Clark Gable said on Gone with the wind,” Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
Martha Clark
1 year ago
Hollyweird and their disgusting products can go away for good.
Barbie movie and Oppenheimer are the “big summer blockbuster” movies this week. Men dressed as women (trans actor in Barbie) and nudity/explicit sex scenes (Oppenheimer). Vomit. No thanks.
Brett Rhodehouse
1 year ago
I hope they strike from now until forever. It would make me happy if the whole movie industry went broke and nd that idiot Newsome and the California political system slid off into the Pacific ocean!!!!
1 year ago
I’m not a big fan of hollywood, but I hope and pray that the actors, writers,etc. succeed in diminishing the threat of AI.
1 year ago
Huh?, I have no idea what you are talking about
1 year ago
I have no idea what you are talking about
1 year ago
Seriously AMAC?! This new format is worse than watching the CommunistNewsNetwork (CNN) Could you possibly make the response font any smaller?? Next month if it’s the same BS, I’m gone!! Not that I think you care. Are you drinking the Fox News kool-aid?
1 year ago
1 year ago
“Which comes closest to your sentiment about it all?” This new poll format is terrible.
Russell Bridges
1 year ago
Huh? What are you talking about?
1 year ago
The point (and I am rather surprised that it wasn’t a response on the poll) is that Hollyweird needs us far more than we need them. We have recently proved with the silent majority …. that we have power and control. Disney gets woke, and they are hurting (supposedly laying off a lot of probably currently striking employees). Bud Light, went woke, and lost millions, and their status among liquid refreshment companies. Yet Hollyweird has been going woke for years, movies and television, and because of what, are we giving them a pass. I own a television, and I watch some shows (mostly older reruns BW (before woke) …. and when a show goes woke, it will not be seen in my home. I generally like movies … I wait until they come out at cheap theaters (that used to exist before the DEMPANIC … or get to video / and hence the fire stick … to watch the ‘newer’ films. Other than that I own 1300 mostly 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s films that I can watch on my schedule, when I need to be entertained.
I think too frequently people forget that Hollyweird’s soul purpose (including Hollyweird itself) is to entertain us. When actors (defined as people that pretend to portray a person not themselves) entertain us, they should earn a fair wage. Not millions of dollars, not multi millions of dollars … (only people that put their lives on the line for the population (military, police, firemen) deserve that kind of money.). The actors are no smarter, knowledgeable, or wiser than the people they entertain, so don’t need to explain how we should vote, or who or what we should like or dislike. The talent that actors have is either the ability to read and repeat … the talent to memorize … and the ability to pretend. That is it. You want to be an actor … those are the job skills that you need.
Getting back to the point …. In my opinion, the writers and actors in Hollyweird can stay on strike forever …. citizens of this country and the world that watch you …. will not be harmed by not seeing fresh content (most of which lately has been remakes, a lot adding current woke concepts) …. like having a white actor portray a white person of history is somehow incorrect, and we need a black actor to portray a white person of history, suggest they were gay …. merely to support the small percentage of blacks in this country and the 1% of the population that is actually a part of the LGBTQRSUVWXYZ militia. Even though the only reason a black actor is used is because of his race / color …. and the only reason he or she is portraying a gay person, is because the left deems gay is what the world should be.
Again … Hollyweird needs us more than we need them, so show your power, of the silent majority, and get behind keeping actors and writers on strike until they consider reasonable wages for themselves, bringing the cost of films and tv down, requiring lower costs to the public and advertisers, allowing prices to come down nationwide … and open the art of entertainment to ‘the people’ again.
PS … the new format does suck. I thought that I was being denied access to submitting a response … and the response font is perfect for those members under the age of 40 … (though I thought that was not the demographic of AMAC.
James Farley
1 year ago
I have tried to promote AMAC, I have told several friends and family about AMAC, but I am going to let my membership laps.
They spent money that they could have used to do some advertising like AARP does on FOX news and wasted it to make this comment site a piece of crap!
Herb S
1 year ago
I don’t need them.
Keith McMillan
1 year ago
My thoughts are- Screw the whole lot of them!! Most of them are nothing more than self serving, spoiled, overly entitled trash that have little to no individuality and can’t think for themselves- Hollywood drones. they are mostly a trend and fad society of elitist a**holes anyway. I hope that they all end up as beggars on the streets. Except for the true legends such as Clint Eastwood and a very few others.
James Farley
1 year ago
Susan, it seems that several of us think this new format sucks, this new format sucks, if they really care they will go back to the way it was.
I just thought I would check and see what others thought.
I have to stop typing the font is killing my eyes, what’s happened to AMAC
1 year ago
Scanning through the comments this week is a real hoot. I say a good 50% of the comments are centered around the new format of how comments appear. Another 35 or 45% seems centered on God and how bad every thing is these days. What a big surprise there…NOT. The remaining 5 to 15% are actually about the poll itself and how nobody seems to care one way or the other about the subject of the Hollywood strike. So another “mission accomplished” for AMAC yet again. The folks that run AMAC must be laughing their A$$es off every Monday morning as they read through the comments. That’s the only conclusion I can come up with for why AMAC does such a lousy job, week after week, on these polls. Enjoy the weekend folks.
1 year ago
I don’t know what religion it is that says we were created because He “couldn’t do it all by himself”. That certainly isn’t in any version of the scriptures that I ever read. He did want companions, who chose to serve him, as opposed to angels who mostly choose what we obvious from their perspective. He sealed their destiny long ago. We look to Him because that is what we chose.
Frank La Dieu, Jr.
1 year ago
I’m about 20 years behind on Hollywood… except for Yellowstone… so the strike will give me a chance to get caught up. LMAO
Lesko Brandon
1 year ago
Hollywood should be scattered to the winds. There’s plenty of other content available. I haven’t been to a theater in ages. I have a home theater setup so I really don’t miss the Mega Theater experience. Last film that I streamed was the John Wick series of films. Be gone Hollywood. You won’t find any sympathy from me.
Michael Jones
1 year ago
It seems to me that Hollywood has little concern for GOD, families, or nation. A total loss of existing Hollywood would not be missed in my family. Not everyone in Hollywood is crass but a majority is.
1 year ago
Your INCOHERENT RANT, has absolutely nothing to do with the issue.
William Rowe
1 year ago
Might you please translate that into Sane-script?
1 year ago
First! This new format stinks! Not only is it impossible to follow conversations, one has to scroll to the bottom of the page to comment. Get rid of this piece of excrement and give us back a usable comment form! Also, the type face in this comment box is far too small for the majority of the members to read.
Now, about the poll. Along with the majority, I will not miss Hollyweird while they throw a tantrum. Nothing coming out of the movie industry is worth my time to watch. Too much in your face LGBTQ+ and other atrocious behavior on the screen.
But, they do have a legitimate gripe about AI. AI is quickly escaping human control and that could mean a disaster for all of us. ALL AI research should come to a screeching halt until they can find a way to always control the AI.
Wayne Albert
1 year ago
Why is it when something is working, that people have to change it? The younger people of today always think they have a better idea without checking with others and change things. Programmers should correct the problems with the software that is being used before trying to rewrite a program. A lot of what they think is “neat” is not to other people. Turn off your phones and look around and see what is real. Unless you are part of emergency services no phone call needs to be answered right away. Watch old movies and learn about life, not fiction.
1 year ago
Dave: Please translate your comments into plain English. They seem a bit unclear and discombobulated.
J. Farley
1 year ago
This is the last comment I will make on AMAC, comments section, the way you now have it set up if you are the 100-plus comment, it will never get read, I like the old way you had this set up much better, somebody must be justifying their job at AMAC, I quit wasting my time, the puzzles and quizzes are still fine.!~
1 year ago
1 year ago
Penalty- the word is ‘epstiened’
Ann S
1 year ago
I am not a fan of the Hollywood of today. Just because they are movie stars their opinions are no more important than mine.
Their influence is nominal. Because one by one they all fall from their pedestal. As it should be.
My opinion is just as important only it is not publicized.
The movies they make today are disgusting. I haven’t been to a theater in 15 years. Only I am going to see Sound of freedom. The truth is coming out and I want to stay informed.
George Morgan
1 year ago
I’m getting tired of all the Political back and forth. How about a discussion about something that will really effect us? Like Social Security going broke, reduced benefits, etc. Hollywood strike, Who cares. Hunter Biden, Who Cares, woke fools, Who Cares? Come on AMAC give us Info on what’s REALLY Important.
Linda K
1 year ago
I fear AMAC has the gone the way of Fox News.
Why such stupid, meaningless polls? This is supposed
to be a conservative organization and yet nothing about
the corruption of the federal government in their relentless
attempt to stop president Trump from running in 2024? Why
is that AMAC?
1 year ago
The number of votes for “I don’t care” (it got my vote) is indicative of just how little people care about what is going on in Hollywood. Which begs the question….with all that is going on in the world, how did it even rate poll question status with AMAC? For quite sometime it seems to me the poll questions are lacking substance and relevance compared to the gravity of issues in our world today. The people who engage on this site are intelligent, informed, and come with a lot of common sense. Many of the poll questions put forth here are trite and of little importance or interest to us. This one might take the prize. No one gives a rip about what is going on in Hollywood.
Jack Harbin, Jr
1 year ago
You must be an atheist which is ok , this is America. But don’t question others religious beliefs. They have the God given and constituional right to freedom of religion.
Ronald Cornman
1 year ago
Who cares about Hollywood all their programing and movies are terrible anyway lets get our government straightened out
To quote a famous movie: “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn”
Please, stay on strike. Read your Bible.
Most actors are dense and brainwashed liberals. Most tech companies are run by brainwashed liberals. So if liberal jobs are replaced by liberal created A/I, they have nothing to complain about because they always support all liberal nonsense. Besides, most A/I is just liberal BS written by liberal programmed machines.
Jason Aldean’s Music Video provides a snapshot of our Entertainment Industry’s disrespect for talent and the “Freedom of Expression”. This song, with videos, is an historical account of “radical progressive’s” behavior. It Illustrates their activity and labels the Radical “Lefties” for what they are … America hating malcontents. These events actually happened … THIS IS HISTORY. But wait! The left doesn’t like being “aired out” so they want to “hide” the proof just like they tried with “Sound of Freedom”. Now, CMT can talk a lot, they can play patriotic songs, but when the rubber meets the road, when it really counts, CMT has proven they’re afraid to stand up and will play the “woke” game and restrict our freedoms along with the rest…. especially our speech and expression.
Most of my entertainment doesn’t come from Hollywood or East coast liberal elitists. I like to watch sports and old movies that respect our beliefs and our historical accepted values. There are plenty of opportunities to be entertained without having to rely on the pure junk being produced by most of the entertainment industry executives and their employees. Let them all self-destruct.
The strike doesn’t affect me. I haven’t watched a new TV program in years and been to one movie in 9 years. Before I disconnected the satellite, all the programs I watched were the old programs.
The “unsure” mark should read “COULD CARE LESS”…that would be my best answer!
Good riddance to bad rubbish!!!
I won’t miss any their awful stuff!
I think they have legit concerns. Ido have concerns about AI and how dark they could go with it. I also have not liked how lenient the ratings have become over the years and the direction some movies go in when portraying topics and situations. But, like it or not, it is a picture of life .
I hope that more studios like Angel, who btw is not affected by the strike, are created to give us the movies we enjoy seeing.
That’s the problem with Christianity today and as a Christian, I’m ashamed to say, is that it’s always about sinning and going to hell. I don’t believe that was Jesus’s message to us, He taught us about love and being kind to your neighbor. He didn’t talk about judging or condemning like most denominations do, He taught us to love one another no matter what they do they are still the Father’s children and he hasn’t given up on them. He’s not going to ask us about anyone else like the gay couple that adopted a baby or the drug addict or the young girl getting an abortion, He’s going to ask us how we treated and loved those people. And this gender identity thing that’s crazy to me, God created you and doesn’t make mistakes. People identifying as something else is them saying God made a mistake therefore not perfect is mind-blowing to me. This whole world needs prayers and needs Jesus to set an example again
The writer of “The Matrix” trilogy won his suit against the industry for stealing his script. He doesn’t want money, just to be credited and not robbed of his work. To give the creator the benefits of their work.
What is code 500??
My question is why am I nolonger allowed to vote. What is status code 500
They don’t need the MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya, I’m sad for those actors that are trying to make a living on their gift but they should get out of Hollywood and look for independent directors, producers, etc
I don’t care what the Hollyweird mob does or dosen’t do. I have not seen one of their garbage products in nearly 40 years. They are so corrupt that they almost equal the Bidenites. Nothing that they send to the theaters is worth even a penny of my money and they are not going to get any of it.
As Clark Gable said on Gone with the wind,” Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
Hollyweird and their disgusting products can go away for good.
Barbie movie and Oppenheimer are the “big summer blockbuster” movies this week. Men dressed as women (trans actor in Barbie) and nudity/explicit sex scenes (Oppenheimer). Vomit. No thanks.
I hope they strike from now until forever. It would make me happy if the whole movie industry went broke and nd that idiot Newsome and the California political system slid off into the Pacific ocean!!!!
I’m not a big fan of hollywood, but I hope and pray that the actors, writers,etc. succeed in diminishing the threat of AI.
Huh?, I have no idea what you are talking about
I have no idea what you are talking about
Seriously AMAC?! This new format is worse than watching the CommunistNewsNetwork (CNN) Could you possibly make the response font any smaller?? Next month if it’s the same BS, I’m gone!! Not that I think you care. Are you drinking the Fox News kool-aid?
“Which comes closest to your sentiment about it all?” This new poll format is terrible.
Huh? What are you talking about?
The point (and I am rather surprised that it wasn’t a response on the poll) is that Hollyweird needs us far more than we need them. We have recently proved with the silent majority …. that we have power and control. Disney gets woke, and they are hurting (supposedly laying off a lot of probably currently striking employees). Bud Light, went woke, and lost millions, and their status among liquid refreshment companies. Yet Hollyweird has been going woke for years, movies and television, and because of what, are we giving them a pass. I own a television, and I watch some shows (mostly older reruns BW (before woke) …. and when a show goes woke, it will not be seen in my home. I generally like movies … I wait until they come out at cheap theaters (that used to exist before the DEMPANIC … or get to video / and hence the fire stick … to watch the ‘newer’ films. Other than that I own 1300 mostly 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s films that I can watch on my schedule, when I need to be entertained.
I think too frequently people forget that Hollyweird’s soul purpose (including Hollyweird itself) is to entertain us. When actors (defined as people that pretend to portray a person not themselves) entertain us, they should earn a fair wage. Not millions of dollars, not multi millions of dollars … (only people that put their lives on the line for the population (military, police, firemen) deserve that kind of money.). The actors are no smarter, knowledgeable, or wiser than the people they entertain, so don’t need to explain how we should vote, or who or what we should like or dislike. The talent that actors have is either the ability to read and repeat … the talent to memorize … and the ability to pretend. That is it. You want to be an actor … those are the job skills that you need.
Getting back to the point …. In my opinion, the writers and actors in Hollyweird can stay on strike forever …. citizens of this country and the world that watch you …. will not be harmed by not seeing fresh content (most of which lately has been remakes, a lot adding current woke concepts) …. like having a white actor portray a white person of history is somehow incorrect, and we need a black actor to portray a white person of history, suggest they were gay …. merely to support the small percentage of blacks in this country and the 1% of the population that is actually a part of the LGBTQRSUVWXYZ militia. Even though the only reason a black actor is used is because of his race / color …. and the only reason he or she is portraying a gay person, is because the left deems gay is what the world should be.
Again … Hollyweird needs us more than we need them, so show your power, of the silent majority, and get behind keeping actors and writers on strike until they consider reasonable wages for themselves, bringing the cost of films and tv down, requiring lower costs to the public and advertisers, allowing prices to come down nationwide … and open the art of entertainment to ‘the people’ again.
PS … the new format does suck. I thought that I was being denied access to submitting a response … and the response font is perfect for those members under the age of 40 … (though I thought that was not the demographic of AMAC.
I have tried to promote AMAC, I have told several friends and family about AMAC, but I am going to let my membership laps.
They spent money that they could have used to do some advertising like AARP does on FOX news and wasted it to make this comment site a piece of crap!
I don’t need them.
My thoughts are- Screw the whole lot of them!! Most of them are nothing more than self serving, spoiled, overly entitled trash that have little to no individuality and can’t think for themselves- Hollywood drones. they are mostly a trend and fad society of elitist a**holes anyway. I hope that they all end up as beggars on the streets. Except for the true legends such as Clint Eastwood and a very few others.
Susan, it seems that several of us think this new format sucks, this new format sucks, if they really care they will go back to the way it was.
I just thought I would check and see what others thought.
I have to stop typing the font is killing my eyes, what’s happened to AMAC
Scanning through the comments this week is a real hoot. I say a good 50% of the comments are centered around the new format of how comments appear. Another 35 or 45% seems centered on God and how bad every thing is these days. What a big surprise there…NOT. The remaining 5 to 15% are actually about the poll itself and how nobody seems to care one way or the other about the subject of the Hollywood strike. So another “mission accomplished” for AMAC yet again. The folks that run AMAC must be laughing their A$$es off every Monday morning as they read through the comments. That’s the only conclusion I can come up with for why AMAC does such a lousy job, week after week, on these polls. Enjoy the weekend folks.
I don’t know what religion it is that says we were created because He “couldn’t do it all by himself”. That certainly isn’t in any version of the scriptures that I ever read. He did want companions, who chose to serve him, as opposed to angels who mostly choose what we obvious from their perspective. He sealed their destiny long ago. We look to Him because that is what we chose.
I’m about 20 years behind on Hollywood… except for Yellowstone… so the strike will give me a chance to get caught up. LMAO
Hollywood should be scattered to the winds. There’s plenty of other content available. I haven’t been to a theater in ages. I have a home theater setup so I really don’t miss the Mega Theater experience. Last film that I streamed was the John Wick series of films. Be gone Hollywood. You won’t find any sympathy from me.
It seems to me that Hollywood has little concern for GOD, families, or nation. A total loss of existing Hollywood would not be missed in my family. Not everyone in Hollywood is crass but a majority is.
Your INCOHERENT RANT, has absolutely nothing to do with the issue.
Might you please translate that into Sane-script?
First! This new format stinks! Not only is it impossible to follow conversations, one has to scroll to the bottom of the page to comment. Get rid of this piece of excrement and give us back a usable comment form! Also, the type face in this comment box is far too small for the majority of the members to read.
Now, about the poll. Along with the majority, I will not miss Hollyweird while they throw a tantrum. Nothing coming out of the movie industry is worth my time to watch. Too much in your face LGBTQ+ and other atrocious behavior on the screen.
But, they do have a legitimate gripe about AI. AI is quickly escaping human control and that could mean a disaster for all of us. ALL AI research should come to a screeching halt until they can find a way to always control the AI.
Why is it when something is working, that people have to change it? The younger people of today always think they have a better idea without checking with others and change things. Programmers should correct the problems with the software that is being used before trying to rewrite a program. A lot of what they think is “neat” is not to other people. Turn off your phones and look around and see what is real. Unless you are part of emergency services no phone call needs to be answered right away. Watch old movies and learn about life, not fiction.
Dave: Please translate your comments into plain English. They seem a bit unclear and discombobulated.
This is the last comment I will make on AMAC, comments section, the way you now have it set up if you are the 100-plus comment, it will never get read, I like the old way you had this set up much better, somebody must be justifying their job at AMAC, I quit wasting my time, the puzzles and quizzes are still fine.!~
Penalty- the word is ‘epstiened’
I am not a fan of the Hollywood of today. Just because they are movie stars their opinions are no more important than mine.
Their influence is nominal. Because one by one they all fall from their pedestal. As it should be.
My opinion is just as important only it is not publicized.
The movies they make today are disgusting. I haven’t been to a theater in 15 years. Only I am going to see Sound of freedom. The truth is coming out and I want to stay informed.
I’m getting tired of all the Political back and forth. How about a discussion about something that will really effect us? Like Social Security going broke, reduced benefits, etc. Hollywood strike, Who cares. Hunter Biden, Who Cares, woke fools, Who Cares? Come on AMAC give us Info on what’s REALLY Important.
I fear AMAC has the gone the way of Fox News.
Why such stupid, meaningless polls? This is supposed
to be a conservative organization and yet nothing about
the corruption of the federal government in their relentless
attempt to stop president Trump from running in 2024? Why
is that AMAC?
The number of votes for “I don’t care” (it got my vote) is indicative of just how little people care about what is going on in Hollywood. Which begs the question….with all that is going on in the world, how did it even rate poll question status with AMAC? For quite sometime it seems to me the poll questions are lacking substance and relevance compared to the gravity of issues in our world today. The people who engage on this site are intelligent, informed, and come with a lot of common sense. Many of the poll questions put forth here are trite and of little importance or interest to us. This one might take the prize. No one gives a rip about what is going on in Hollywood.
You must be an atheist which is ok , this is America. But don’t question others religious beliefs. They have the God given and constituional right to freedom of religion.
Who cares about Hollywood all their programing and movies are terrible anyway lets get our government straightened out