
Trump President GOP republican democrats China counterfeiting

Heading into 2018, what issue should be at the top of President Trump and Congressional Republicans’ legislative agenda?

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7 years ago

Almost a trick question AMAC. Given the fact that Congress wasted 8 months in 2017 on the non-repeal repeal of Obamacare, otherwise know as their Obamacare-lite version, what would make anyone think the same RINOs that didn’t want to fully repeal it in the first place would do any better in 2018? Especially in an election year, when most of Congress will go into full-time campaign mode by early June. Yes, Obamacare needs to be fully repealed and a separate piece of legislation involving two provisions most people want (one for the under 26 year old “children” and the other concerning pre-existing conditions) as a supplemental add-on option to their restored pre-Obamacare policies needs to be drafted. Honestly two to three days or work by Congressional staff members to draft the full repeal legislation and a second enabling bill for the two add-on options. However, what has changed with McCain, Collins and the other Senators who really don’t want Obamacare repealed? Answer nothing. So with now only a 51-49 GOP majority in the Senate, we don’t have the votes unless McConnell changes the Senate rules. Since he has already said he won’t, that means we need 60 Senators to get anything through under what is called normal order of the Senate. Yeah, McConnell will still be a thorn in President Trump’s and the American people’s side in 2018. No Dems will vote to do away with Obamacare in 2018 anyway. The only way to get Obamacare repealed is to replace all those RINOs in the Senate with constitutional conservatives. Most of the GOP obstructionists in the Senate were re-elected in 2016, so they don’t come up for re-election until 2022.

Then we move on to immigration reform, McCain, Graham, Rubio and a few other RINOs have already made their views on support for the Democrat version of immigration reform, meaning amnesty for those already here and a fast track to granting the 35 to 40 million illegals here full citizenship and voting rights, perfectly clear. So again, how to we get the votes to get that portion of the Trump agenda enacted, when we have members of the GOP Senate that won’t support Trump’s agenda? Rubio is already positioning himself for a run against President Trump in 2020, which is why he and Senator Lee threatened to hold the tax reform bill hostage for the doubling the CTC provision.

Best option of the limited choices in your survey is infrastructure. The Dems are always say they want infrastructure spending. They just differ wildly on how it should be done. They want a repeat of the horrendous Obama $787 billion dollar stimulus bill that was supposed to do all these “shovel ready projects” and bring the nation’s infrastructure into the 21st century. Except now they want $1 trillion dollars in federal money handed out in pretty much the same way. One problem with Obama’s and the Dem’s way: Virtually nothing of any consequence was actually built. Lots of road signs lauding the politicians involved and lots of crews standing around not doing much work, but precious little actually built for all that money. Obama even laughed a couple of years later, that there were no “shovel ready projects”. It was just a massive wealth transfer to various unions that supported his 2008 Presidential run. President Trump wants an infrastructure bill were 80 percent of the money, $800 billion of the $1 trillion dollars, would be put up by the private sector in exchange for them to be able to monetize (profit) from the projects. He also wants tighter controls on how the federal money, the $200 billion dollars, is spent and insist on performance benchmarks like he has in all his real estate projects. In short, accountability, audit trails and firm deadlines for deliverables like in the real world. This is where he will butt heads with the Dems that wants none of this, but he may be able to peel off enough Dems in the House and Senate to get it through. By the way, this is how public infrastructure is done in many countries around the world. Where those nice, shiny and clean airports and malls the Dems are always talking about are actually owned or long-termed leased to the private companies that actually built, operate and maintain them at a profit. This is also the area where President Trump may be able to get a few items related to the other survey choices included into the infrastructure bill.

Remember, Congress will check-out from doing any legislation after June. After that, many of the members of Congress will be in full-time campaign re-election mode. Congress will be even less productive than they usually are, so we have to get them to focus on something that stands a decent chance of getting enough votes to pass another one of President Trump’s agenda items.

7 years ago

JOB 1…Indict Hillary, McCabe, Comey, Podesta, Lynch et al.
DEMolish DEMented DEMocrats.

7 years ago

Ensuring no DACA or any other amnesty for illegal foreign trespasser lawbreakers—no matter their age.

7 years ago

There isn’t one driving objective, there are many and they should be engaged simultaneously . North Korea , justice dept issues , judicial appointments, immigration, and health care. Also infrastructure. And Republicans need to get on the offense and show democrats are obstructing. Turn on the PR.

7 years ago

Veteran Heathcare! My father is 90 and receives all his care from the VA. A heart attack in August meant emergency care at a local hospital and transport to another hospital for a stent to be placed. Now he’s being threatened by collection agencies because the VA refuses to pay behind Medicare. Tells him “Congress does not allow us to be secondary.” The bills will wipe out his meager savings!

Steve G.
Steve G.
7 years ago

we need to stop abortions now–this is an item that causes God to not be able to bless our country. You cannot murder babies and still think that God turns a deaf ear to this . After abortion is ended, then we can get on with the business of making this countries problems better.

7 years ago

All of these choices are so important….it is difficult to decide, but it looks like I am with the majority on emigration reform. This issue has so many facets in which our country has been and
continues to be harmed by lax and short-sighted treatment of our imigrants. We need to welcome new people, but we need to be much more discerning about those we welcome. They are
also forming a huge voting bloc that is terribly detrimental as they bring uneducated information with them and vote emotionally instead of for what is overall, and logically, the best for our country.

7 years ago

All those topics are vitally important, but if congress cannot drastically REDUCE spending and get the national debt down the country will become another bankrupt one dependent on G-d knows what to survive.

7 years ago

Very hard question to answer, actually all of the above. Everything should be on the agenda. But I doubt very much in an election year that the Republican or Democrats will risk losing their seats.
Of course holding on to power in a cushy job is much more important than the country. Hopefully Trump will lead the way and 2018 won’t be a waste of valuable time.
Just saying

7 years ago

Obamacare has not been addressed completely until it is completely eliminated. Evidence that this has not been completely eliminated in the Tax Reform Act is that my friend’s monthly premium just increased from $ 785 to $ 1010/month. She is insured by Blue Cross Blue Shield of MI, which is the coverage accepted by most providers in this area.

Maggie Wakefield
Maggie Wakefield
7 years ago

They are all impotant topics, but to me national security and getting NOKO under control is the most important right now… followed by BUILDING THAT WALL!

7 years ago

PaulE, Good discussion with a few points left out. Entitlement Reform? What are you talking about? Social Security, VA benefits, and Medicare? Those are really the only entitlements. Welfare is NOT an entitlement. So if you are going to reform entitlements, they need to be made more secure for those of us that paid into them for the past 50 years. Immigration reform? Again what does that word, “reform”, mean? I think that in most cases the representatives and Senators view this as reform so it benefits them the most with more votes from those here illegally, and/or what makes them feel the best with no regard to the law. Those folks are here illegally no matter how old they are. IF some want them to stay, THEN they need to sponsor them, provide the means for them to live, ensure they get the education they need and that they assimilate into the culture of the USA as it was intended. The general government should not be a welfare agency. There are really too many things that need to be changed to address them in this survey. Our Education (Indoctrination) system needs a close look. Study this system and find the reason it is so costly, then reduce the costs. Then revise the curriculum and require assessments of its effectiveness. I wish I had the time to dissect the spending the Government does from the Federal level to the local level, but who does? Trump is an EXCELLENT person to start this as he has..

Bob Wiltse
Bob Wiltse
7 years ago

We need National right to carry so the good guys are able to protect their families everywhere when traveling

American Believer Larry
American Believer Larry
7 years ago

Can I simply pray that ALL of these are addressed, along with Federal Government employees being required to have the same healthcare options we have?

Sue williams
Sue williams
7 years ago

I really think infrastructure is needed everywhere from roads to old water pipes. We traveled 10,000 miles last summer and the roads were a mess. Protect and improve our electric grid. Sewers . Look at Flint MI. How many more things lie hidden under ground that can poison us. We need rail structure repaired and mass transit at the ti head of the list. To travel safely. Air travel is shameful compared to overseas flights. This is not even close to the America I grew up in.i am not scared of terrorists. I’ve got God but President Trump, we need a complete overhaul in infrastructure . You are doing a fine job . You are truly God’s man for this time and hour. And we certainly need America infrastructure fixed and ready for our citizens. Thank you.

7 years ago

Our political problems are MUCH deeper than those questions–most of which were irrelevant. For a decade or more US politicians HAVE NOT SERVED their constituents–any politician tows the party line should be voted out of office. For three terms, politicians have towed the party line, bickering accomplishing nothing and wasting taxpayer money. They should be replaced by candidates whose goal is to accomplish what the populace wants, work together (irregardless of political affiliation) and support projects that positively effect the country. It is time to overhaul the government, demand limited terms for public officials, perhaps two years. In 2017, few politicians in office accomplished anything and they ALL should be replaced with more conscientious candidates. Government should be FOR the people, not a particular party. Over the past 10 years US politicians have failed to do their job, what a shame they have only negatively obstructed the progress of our country and been detrimental to our country’s development and positive progress.

7 years ago

I chose other in this poll because there was not the option to include all of the above. Moreover, it is my belief that there needs to be a real investigation into uranium one, the Clinton Foundation and the role that leaders in the FBI, CIA and the Obama administration played in trying to affect the outcome of the presidential election.

7 years ago

I chose infrastructure, but not only for the obvious reasons. This is an issue that Democrats have been saying we need for years, but have only thrown (and wasted) money at. So, this is the issue that has the most potential for breaking the Democrat obstruction logjam. Once broken, there is a better chance for the President to push through, and pass, other important issues. Even more importantly, with President Trump overseeing the spending of the money, things will get done – for far less than most will think possible. That SHOULD open some minds….

Carole L Newton
Carole L Newton
7 years ago

Without immigration reform, none of the other issues matter in the long term. Chain migration and anchor baby nonsense must stop.

Dennis Saltmarsh
Dennis Saltmarsh
7 years ago

Why just one choice? Can’t congress walk and chew gum at the same time?

Ed Ryan
Ed Ryan
7 years ago

They are all very important and need to be dealt with in due time! Personally, for me immigration reform and national security are on the top. Next, elininate the treasonous deep state that is trying to destroy this administration and country to it’s knees! I

7 years ago

How about getting on the band wagon and start discussing Term .Limits.. Our truly biggest problem is entrenched politicians, if this past year does not show this is a major problem, nothing will. No elected official needs to be serving 20 years in Washington, and there are many. If AMAC really wants to get a ball rolling this would the place to start.

Jacob Botzman
Jacob Botzman
7 years ago

This is a difficult poll for me because I believe the four named issues deserve equal attention. By singling one out, it makes it seem as though our Congress cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. My message is, do them all and get on with the business of running this Country.

Ursula Beckmann
Ursula Beckmann
7 years ago

My other “concern” is WHY.The Clinton’s (Hillary AND Bill) are still running around loose and Free. They should be in JAil..Federal, for all their
Corruption. If we have so many people writing so many books about their Crooked, Illegal doings.. WHY are they Not being Prosecuted. ???

Doug Boone
Doug Boone
7 years ago

Rebuilding our military should be JOB ONE, including pay for our service members.

Also need to get ridd of Communist in the Universities! Our future IS at stake!

Jacob Botzman
Jacob Botzman
7 years ago

The very idea of DACA should disturb all citizens. The best solution I can see is to develop a test of the ability of DACA recipients. The ones with jobs that add to the community should be retained. The ones without jobs or who are on any form of welfare, should be returned to their Country of origin.

7 years ago

I voted other since everyone of the items needs fixing.

7 years ago

Drain the sewage out of the Pentagon, bring charges against criminals like Hillary and her Den of snakes. President Trump is surrounded by the evils deep in Washington, keep praying for him.

7 years ago

Indictments and convictions of the Obama FBI, HRC, Abedin all of them Lerner. They need to be brought down to restore confidence in our system if it’s not already too late

7 years ago

The GAO reports we are spending over 110 Billion a year feeding, housing, educating and clothing Illegal aliens. This is just the federal contribution. State and Local government contributions may double this figure. I don’t believe the american taxpayer would vote for this. This needs to stop. Tell your elected representitives today.

7 years ago

They need to concentrate on cleaning out the corruption in the Justice Dept and the FBI. That would eliminate a host of other problems.

Ted Bowen
Ted Bowen
7 years ago

All the options are to vague. The DEM’s and RINO’s can twist those options completely around to work against us. The rebuilding of military should be at or near the top anyway.

Dan C.
Dan C.
7 years ago

We already have immigration laws in place. Enforce them. But, the ACA will kill us, literally. Get rid of it!

7 years ago

My wife and I vote for immigration reform with one condition; that we don’t stop building that wall! All that I’ve heard about the wall in months is that prototype samples were built but no design has been chosen yet, let alone started on. Without the wall as the main device to enforce any immigration reform, there is nothing that congress can do to keep another Obama-type from ignoring any laws that they pass.

7 years ago

Building the Wall should be at the top of the list.

7 years ago

Fix entitlements first and get the free loaders off our payroll and to work. The jobs will be filled by citizens and the illegals will stay home as less jobs will be available. Kill two birds with one stone.

7 years ago

Immigration Reform definitely needs to be a priority, however, we need to get back to the basic concepts and intent of our forefathers as we address “reform.” A free pass or accelerated process for citizenship is a “cop-out” to this country and all legal American citizens! What a slap in the face to those who have stood in line and gone through the process to become legally naturalized. And every week, throughout this country, thousands raise their right hand and take that oath! And as has already been stated in other comments, an immigrant voting block is growing with each day that is already negatively impacting the ability of this country to protect and secure itself. Its time to wake up, smell the coffee, and get involved by communicating your position to your elected officials.

Tina Wisler
Tina Wisler
7 years ago

1 Chorinthians 7 :10-11
Now , for those who are married I have a command, nor just a suggestion. And it is not just a command from me, for this is what the Lord himself has said: A wife must not leave her husband. But if she is seperated from Him, let her remain single or else go back to Him. And the husband must not divorce his wife.
We are to All including the wife to not LET Man ( husband ) put asunder ( pull apart , not let him divorce , take a wife off Hippa , MDPOA, get a restraining order , change the locks on the house ) what God has joined because it leaves the woman unprotected . Forced to leave when commanded not to leave ( sin) sin opens the door for spiritual attack mentally and physically and her prayer to not be heard . She is forced to die spiritually . So His sin forces her to sin and passes to their children to the third and fourth generation . Affecting His innocent children as well . When someone or something is a harm to the innocent we are to restrain and get involved for a civil society like a drunk driver.

R. Anderson
R. Anderson
7 years ago

The poll is exactly right on -it looks like we seniors do know a bit – If only Congress would wake up and know a few things. Then do their job an d produce some good legislation.

7 years ago

“Immigration reform”-but not reform that legalizes illegal immigration. Build the wall-until that is completed-beef up border security with guards, or even national guard. End chain migration, end birth citizenship if parents are illegal. Deport as many as possible within humanitarian standards. Mandate e-verify and punish violations! Require parents who are here illegally to pay for citizen-services they or their children receive-such as public education, free meals, free tutoring/ESL instruction, etc-make them ineligible for citizen welfare programs such as food stamps. Make them apply for citizenship. No DACA! Restrict HB2 visas. Immigration lottery. Mandate hiring citizens FIRST.

7 years ago

We need road repairs and bridge work bad . We need immigration laws enforced and laws changed . Obama and the democrats cause the DACA problem so if they want to fix it , they vote to fund the wall first then work on fixing DACA. No exceptions . The democrats keep turning their back on the US citizens but go full force the illegals . We did not bring them here and the democrats refused to follow immigration laws and let them stay , so now that monkey is on their backs , not the republicans . Obama created the problem now let the Democrats fix the problem .

Van Hamlin
Van Hamlin
7 years ago

We need the wall. We need to revamp H1b Visas. We need to modernize guest worker programs. We need a law that forces companies to replace foreign workers with US citizens if certified by the state unemployment office as being capable to meet the requirements. We need to mandate that E-verify be used as part of the hiring process. Employers exploiting foreign workers should be punished. wage and hour laws must be enforced.

Unemployment is at an all-time low and work participation is steadily increasing. As the demand for labor goes up, so will wages and benefits. Those increases will not only improve the quality of life for workers but increase the amount of revenue collected in taxes and create a healthy inflation rate. At some point foreign workers will be needed but we should choose them carefully. We need to eliminate criminals, welfare ticks and pregnant women. Have your child in your own country. US citizenship is a precious thing!

Mike Travis
Mike Travis
7 years ago

You need to understand that words matter, especially when you are parroting words used by corrupt politicians to disguise their true intentions. For example, any time they use the word “reform” it means they are planning to change a law though they are not going to disclose their real intention so they use the word reform to hide what they really want to use the bill to accomplish. For example, they refer to immigration reform when the treasonous politicians actually mean they want to give blanket amnesty to tens of millions of illegals so the rnc can get more kickbacks from corporations while the dnc can get more ignorant slaves to vote for them in return for massive handouts which are stolen from the already overburdened taxpayer.

When treasonous politicians say gun control, it really means control over our God given right to self-defense so they can push us closer to their long desired goal of a new world dictatorship led by a global crime syndicate of which they will be a part.

Want proof of their corruption? Just consider that it was just disclosed that the leader of the rnc crime syndicate McConnel made $24MM in eight years while “earning” (a lie in itself) $194k per year pre-tax which is hard to do when 8 years of salary only adds up to $1.5MM! How is that for new math!!

7 years ago

Dave has a very good observation. Our current two party system should be prosecuted under RICO standards since it is the closest thing we have to modern day crime families. Their daily job is to extort contributions from family and friends for the party if they want money for and reelection help for their districts. If they don’t fall in line, they don’t get capped, they get smaller offices and no reelection support. Their plum job is threatened. Just as in the crime families. How did 1.8 Billion in cash to Iran get approved. How did 110 billion in aid to immigrants get approved. How did free Obama phones get approved. When you go to the social security office why are over 50% of the people there under 62?

Mike Whismab
Mike Whismab
7 years ago

Go with Infrastructure & get all you can for Americans! Let Dems worry about DACA! Let it expire & deport them if Dems won’t give you everything else! Let them shut the govt down & gut it. Only keep essential running as required by constitution & legal commitment like SSA, Medicare & Military

7 years ago

The one thing Term Limits

7 years ago

1) Immigration – Kill DACA! Amnesty for those here longer than 5 years, immediate family (parents & children), productive and taxpaying (not receiving federal entitlements), in-progress of citizenship application process, and no criminal record. Those going back will be given an application to apply first-come-first-served. BUILD THE WALL! Put this issue to bed!
2) Entitlements – tighten requirements as the economy grows!
3) Infrastructure – critical for transportation, repair roads and bridges, build high-speed rail. Allow the governors to present infrastructure priorities to US Congress and let the mischief begin!
4) Allow Obamacare to wipe itself out, make policy easier for insurance companies to compete across state lines, I like what PaulE offered: “…fully repealed and a separate piece of legislation involving two provisions most people want (one for the under 26 year old “children” and …pre-existing conditions).” I would only add protection for catastrophic health care. NO ABORTION or sex change operations! If Americans are being taxed for healthcare, then religious rights should be honored. Sandy is correct, too, get the payment process streamlined between Medicate, TrumpCare, and VA!
5) Send USDOED back to the states (K-12 and higher learning), give all the education money to respective states according to per child, let USDOE control Pell grants only
6) We must realize that as K-12 education focuses on STEM the other areas are ignored. Most important, civics and government (socialist goal) are being left behind. This makes our democracy vulnerable to socialism. The anti-Trump protests are indicators of this lack of respect for the Constitution and the electoral college. Here’s another indicator, Pelosi saying, “You’ll have to pass the bill to see what is in it.” ObamaCare was passed by the slick political maneuvering of the Dems. The fact that the idiot Tom Steyer can post ads like he is should be considered treasonous speech. It isn’t his job, but Congress to impeach and they couldn’t get anywhere near the needed 2/3 majority. His rationale he posted is middle school reasoning, at best.

7 years ago

All the options presented are critical. Stopping DACA and chain migration is crucial. Dems can’t win on chain migration issue!

7 years ago

Tax reform has pretty much disabled Obamacare in the long run. If immigration reform can be pulled off & the wall built, it’ll reduce illegal immigration & their related crime. Without the illegals taking the low skill low pay jobs, the low end wage will naturally rise just by the forces of supply & demand.

Teresa Hayes
Teresa Hayes
7 years ago

Insuring Congress returns monies stolen from Social Security & sets term limits for them.

No entitlements to illegals.

Reform welfare. Everyone needs help but not generations.

Continue to follow God!!! I support you 1000%!

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