In my state early voting started on the 18th! I went on the 19th and voted TRUMP/VANCE to kick out those communist democrats from the white house!
Voted for my Republican Congressmen!
I did my part to get this country back on the right track!
I also say my prayers daily for the soul of this country!
4 months ago
OK, all you “Deplorables pieces of Garbage”, VOTE.
jim wood
4 months ago
No Brainer here. I and my wife completed our Trump voting early and now we will hopefully join the Trump victory in the coming days. America has to get this guy in for another successful term, stop the lunatic Harris in her tracks and get this country moving in a positive direction again. Dirty Dems will pull all kinds d of last second crap to derail Trump, but Big “D” should prevail. Vote vote vote Trump.
4 months ago
Yes the Republican Party has finally made some great changes in there leadership. They finally got rid of the old establishment/Trump haters and replaced them with leadership that of course is pro Trump and armed the party with a number of election lawyers to challenge all the corruption and changing of election laws by the radical democratic party.
Yes, I voted early for the first time.
Please pray for Trump and his safety.
Deborah H.
4 months ago
Voted early in Missouri for Trump/Vance. I’m for Trump, of course, but I think Vance is one of the most promising and articulate young politicians I have seen in a while. Maybe he will be president in 2028.
Wayne Maloney
4 months ago
We 40 million evangelicals need to ALL vote. I voted early Trump in Virginia
Gary johnson
4 months ago
I voted early, unfortunately I live in the communist state of Illinois, and they have machine’s and my wife and I both had our presidential votes switched, we had to bo back and correct it..But it’s still can’t say who we voted for got the vote. We need paper and hand counting. And throw in voter i.d.
4 months ago
What is the sense of election day if we can vote whenever it is convenient? I believe that mail-in, early voting, and ballot boxes contribute to corruption. Elections are important and it is, or should be, our civic responsibility to set aside time to act on that responsibility.
4 months ago
I’m just praying that my early vote won’t be canceled out several times over by dead Detroit area voters
4 months ago
My buddy in Florida voted early . Wore his T shirt “ I’m Still Deplorable “
4 months ago
I voted on the first day of early voting. Straight ticket Trump and the other Republicans all the way. We have to stop the destruction of our republic! We need everyone to vote!
Tim Burel
4 months ago
I like to vote on Election day. That way the opposing party does not know how many votes they have to “find” to beat my candidate!
4 months ago
My wife and I no longer trust our election system. Tje democrats will find a way to cheat. Why can’t we just go to VOTE.GOV, type in our ss number and answer three security questions? Instant results. No people involved. Either that or go back to paper ballots. Just my two cents
Susan Webster
4 months ago
Sadly having cast my vote early doesn’t mean I gave much confidence that the system is secure…..
4 months ago
This garbage grandma voted last Friday for President Trump and every Republican on the ticket here in WI
4 months ago
There better not be more votes garnered than there are registered voters!! I will vote straight Republican on Tuesday!!
4 months ago
I love reading all the below messages from you folks!
I’m an expat working in Vietnam, so I get to vote early electronically, and did that a couple of weeks ago, all Republican federal, State, Local.
Let’s hope and pray for a real Red Tsunami this time. If Speaker Mike Johnson is on target, and knowing he’s a super smart, strong ChristianI will believe he is, the money says we will take back the House, Senate, and White House.
Then Trump and Team can get these things fixed without being blocked, unless of course we still have a couple of RINO knuckleheads hanging on . . . .
God bless Trump and team, God bless all of you folks, and God please contnue to bless this wonderful country, the United States of America . . . my wife and I will move back to CO soon and I’d love to see smiling faces, lower prices, and safe streets.
Have a great weekend everyone!!
4 months ago
I mailed in my ballot. Mistake? I only hope I can trust the board of elections in the Buckeye State to count my ballot. Issues have allegedly been reported with Dominion voting machines- here we go again. Trump 2024!!
joe Rea
4 months ago
i voted early for Trump and the Republicans for Senate and the House. Hope we are not disappointed again by the voters in Arizona ,Georgia and Pennsylvania who gave us Biden Harris and Schumer
Tim in NY
4 months ago
I am a traditionalist and will cast my ballot on November 5th. First time posting on this site.
4 months ago
I vote on Election Day. Just trying to decide what color of Trash bag I want to wear! RED!
W. Sanders
4 months ago
I vote in Alabama where there is no early voting. As usual I’ll vote early on election day for Trump if I have to crawl to my voting place. 45 + 47
Dave G
4 months ago
I have a choice. Drive 30 miles to a crowded city with traffic and stop lights to vote early or walk a half mile to my town hall on election day. That’s a no brainer decision for me.
4 months ago
I voted early along with other deplorable trash out there. It’s time to remove crazies in the White House.
4 months ago
Living in NY, my vote probably doesn’t matter for President or Senate but hopefully can get rid of useless democrat Congressman.
4 months ago
Yes I voted early by mail in and I voted for President Donald J Trump and JD Vance – they will save America. We need the house and the senate to help the President. He must act fast before the dems realize what happened. Get rid of all the people who donate lots of money like soros etc. You should only be allowed to donate for the state you live in. I think voting is a privilege and should be 2 days only. The President should be announced the day of the election. AMEN
Kristol Anderson
4 months ago
I early voted at our County Courthouse for the first time. I always went election day, but this time I didn’t want to take any chances of something going wrong in the state of Illinois, you never know.
4 months ago
We need to return to the old, reliable, mechanical voting booths. You go in, flip a lever for your candidate, and a counter increments. It’s simple, and the results are immediate.
4 months ago
Unfortunately tried to vote early but the place where I had to go was working on entrance and parking lot. Nearest parking 3 blocks away. Do to a slightly disability was unable to walk that distance. Will be at my polling place at opening time to cast my vote on election day
4 months ago
My buddy in Florida voted early . Wore his T shirt that said “ I’m Still Deplorable “
Tom Oleskin
4 months ago
My wife and I voted the first day of early voting and we couldn’t believe how many people were there. I have a good feeling about the turnout unless something under handed happens. GO TRUMP!
4 months ago
Pres Trump asked us to vote early, so I did on the 1st day here inNorth Texas. It was also my Birthday. Great sign to me from God.
4 months ago
“Deplorable” and “Garbage” here. Voted early straight Republican!
Kenneth Mayer
4 months ago
I voted early this year because I don’t trust the chaos that I am expecting from the Biden/Harris administration. I would rather have a national Election Day and absentee voting should just be for folks who have a reason for not being able to vote on Election Day. The early voting “polling” I don’t believe is good for the election process.
What concerned me most about early voting is the question – What happens to my vote for Trump if they are able to take him out? The Democrats have been encouraging all kinds of mayhem by calling Trump and his supporters “Hitlers”. That is meant to scare supporters into doing “what needs to be done” to stop this evil. And the truth is that they have already been doing many of these things to Republicans and Christians over the last several years. The radical Democrats have to be stopped – get out and vote early if you still can. Otherwise, be sure to vote on Election Day! God Bless America and God Bless President Trump!
4 months ago
Two years ago I was at the poll at opening. Two hours later the machine was still not working. I filled out a provisional ballot and placed it in it’s special slot. I was then told IF the election was close they would count it. Many voters who were there in the early morning were unable to return before 8 pm. The polls closed promptly at 8. Just one more way to disenfranchise voters. I voted a week ago today.
4 months ago
I voted early in Arkansas for Trump/Vance and the Republicans!
4 months ago
My state allows early voting in the few days before Election Day, and requires voter ID. I would prefer to vote on election day and i’m suspicious about the push to vote early – they say it is so the candidates can know where to focus their campaigns and resources for greater effect, but are they telling us everything? I am disabled and cannot sit or stand in a line for more than a few minutes but I can walk across the parking lot so I am thankful my state also has absentee ballots by mail available that make it easier for me and others like me to vote. Kudos to my state for requiring signatures and ID to vote in person or by mail. I will be hand delivering my ballot to a secure ballot box inside my county clerks building the day of or the day before voting day and hoping for the best. May God bless America and give us another chance!
4 months ago
I believe in single day voting. It leaves less opportunities for tampering with my vote. There has already been reports (film included) of at least one box of ballots dumped on a highway. While this appears to be true, it is possible it has been faked by someone trying to stir up trouble. But the fact that it is more probable with early voting due to random storage and transportation forms my opinion.
Marty M
4 months ago
I went in to an auto parts store halloween evening, great time to go, not busy at all. I was wearing my incognito Trump hat, a green hat that says “MAKE OUR FARMERS GREAT AGAIN” on the front, and “GROWING AMERICA” on the back, an older gentleman a few years my senior waited on me who is also turned out to be a Trump supporter so naturally we started bashing harris, he had a great word that describes the noise harris makes whenever attempting to speak: cacophony! But about the poll, yes both my wife and I did absentee ballots that she supposedly dropped off directly in the township office, so hopefully they get counted correctly, me for Trump and republicans and conservative judges and school board members, she may have been brain washed by “the view” show so did my ballot make it there? She knows my political bent!
4 months ago
I voted early and 52 percent of my county and two neighboring counties had high turnouts as well. A few guys at work and I are skeptical something like a power blackout (heaven forbid) is going to happen on Tuesday in places like Philadelphia, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Madison, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Austin, Pittsburgh, Seattle, Charlotte, and Raleigh. That was some of my motivation to vote early.
4 months ago
I voted 10-21,first day of early voting in Illinois. Harris was the only Democrat on my ballot, the rest of the candidates were Republicans running unnapposed. Northern Illinois, especially Cook County and Chicago kill us down state.
Mike B
4 months ago
Yes! The wife and I voted early. They compared signatures. Obviously no I.D. Paper ballot with a black ink pen. RED down the whole list. God bless DJT.
4 months ago
I voted early. Trump 2024 Republican across-the-board. Time to vote out these Demorats. Biden called us garbage. They gotta go.
4 months ago
Here in NH there is no early voting. We are one of three states in the country that does not have it. We have absentee voting that allows someone that will be out of town or unable to vote in person to cast a ballot that will be counted on election day. It makes for a busy day and a long day since everything needs to be completed and turned in to the Secretary of State that night. No one goes home until the process is complete.
4 months ago
Just read an article that 42% of the country has already voted with by mail or early voting.
4 months ago
I voted the First Day of Early Voting in Texas. I am so proud to be a United States of America natural born citizen and I believe in giving my drivers licence and voter registration card. I believe in truth and any other is a lie and shouldn’t be counted!
Kenneth Hummell
4 months ago
I live in a small town of 700 in Northampton county NC, theres never a long line, I lived in Va Beach when obama was running and the line went around the buiding twice, of course I was the only one voting for romely LOL
but here at teh creechy center I have had a wopping 2 peopel in front of me in line, some vote early, some vote by mail, I do not rust mail or early voting, therefore I only vote onm election day itself
I dont trust drop boxes or mail boxes either just liek I DO trust democrats to cheat again
Jim H
4 months ago
Harris/Walz will win by a slim margin. Why? Because the election will be “rigged” just like it was in 2020. I’ll be watching movies election night on Amazon Prime and going to bed early because that’s the way this “predetermined selection day” vote counting will work. Jeez… I hope with all my heart that I’m wrong about this.
4 months ago
There is only one Election Day, and that is when I vote. I believe it should be a national holiday and done on a Saturday.
4 months ago
Another option should be “My state doesn’t allow for early voting”.
In my state early voting started on the 18th! I went on the 19th and voted TRUMP/VANCE to kick out those communist democrats from the white house!
Voted for my Republican Congressmen!
I did my part to get this country back on the right track!
I also say my prayers daily for the soul of this country!
OK, all you “Deplorables pieces of Garbage”, VOTE.
No Brainer here. I and my wife completed our Trump voting early and now we will hopefully join the Trump victory in the coming days. America has to get this guy in for another successful term, stop the lunatic Harris in her tracks and get this country moving in a positive direction again. Dirty Dems will pull all kinds d of last second crap to derail Trump, but Big “D” should prevail. Vote vote vote Trump.
Yes the Republican Party has finally made some great changes in there leadership. They finally got rid of the old establishment/Trump haters and replaced them with leadership that of course is pro Trump and armed the party with a number of election lawyers to challenge all the corruption and changing of election laws by the radical democratic party.
Yes, I voted early for the first time.
Please pray for Trump and his safety.
Voted early in Missouri for Trump/Vance. I’m for Trump, of course, but I think Vance is one of the most promising and articulate young politicians I have seen in a while. Maybe he will be president in 2028.
We 40 million evangelicals need to ALL vote. I voted early Trump in Virginia
I voted early, unfortunately I live in the communist state of Illinois, and they have machine’s and my wife and I both had our presidential votes switched, we had to bo back and correct it..But it’s still can’t say who we voted for got the vote. We need paper and hand counting. And throw in voter i.d.
What is the sense of election day if we can vote whenever it is convenient? I believe that mail-in, early voting, and ballot boxes contribute to corruption. Elections are important and it is, or should be, our civic responsibility to set aside time to act on that responsibility.
I’m just praying that my early vote won’t be canceled out several times over by dead Detroit area voters
My buddy in Florida voted early . Wore his T shirt “ I’m Still Deplorable “
I voted on the first day of early voting. Straight ticket Trump and the other Republicans all the way. We have to stop the destruction of our republic! We need everyone to vote!
I like to vote on Election day. That way the opposing party does not know how many votes they have to “find” to beat my candidate!
My wife and I no longer trust our election system. Tje democrats will find a way to cheat. Why can’t we just go to VOTE.GOV, type in our ss number and answer three security questions? Instant results. No people involved. Either that or go back to paper ballots. Just my two cents
Sadly having cast my vote early doesn’t mean I gave much confidence that the system is secure…..
This garbage grandma voted last Friday for President Trump and every Republican on the ticket here in WI
There better not be more votes garnered than there are registered voters!! I will vote straight Republican on Tuesday!!
I love reading all the below messages from you folks!
I’m an expat working in Vietnam, so I get to vote early electronically, and did that a couple of weeks ago, all Republican federal, State, Local.
Let’s hope and pray for a real Red Tsunami this time. If Speaker Mike Johnson is on target, and knowing he’s a super smart, strong ChristianI will believe he is, the money says we will take back the House, Senate, and White House.
Then Trump and Team can get these things fixed without being blocked, unless of course we still have a couple of RINO knuckleheads hanging on . . . .
God bless Trump and team, God bless all of you folks, and God please contnue to bless this wonderful country, the United States of America . . . my wife and I will move back to CO soon and I’d love to see smiling faces, lower prices, and safe streets.
Have a great weekend everyone!!
I mailed in my ballot. Mistake? I only hope I can trust the board of elections in the Buckeye State to count my ballot. Issues have allegedly been reported with Dominion voting machines- here we go again. Trump 2024!!
i voted early for Trump and the Republicans for Senate and the House. Hope we are not disappointed again by the voters in Arizona ,Georgia and Pennsylvania who gave us Biden Harris and Schumer
I am a traditionalist and will cast my ballot on November 5th. First time posting on this site.
I vote on Election Day. Just trying to decide what color of Trash bag I want to wear! RED!
I vote in Alabama where there is no early voting. As usual I’ll vote early on election day for Trump if I have to crawl to my voting place. 45 + 47
I have a choice. Drive 30 miles to a crowded city with traffic and stop lights to vote early or walk a half mile to my town hall on election day. That’s a no brainer decision for me.
I voted early along with other deplorable trash out there. It’s time to remove crazies in the White House.
Living in NY, my vote probably doesn’t matter for President or Senate but hopefully can get rid of useless democrat Congressman.
Yes I voted early by mail in and I voted for President Donald J Trump and JD Vance – they will save America. We need the house and the senate to help the President. He must act fast before the dems realize what happened. Get rid of all the people who donate lots of money like soros etc. You should only be allowed to donate for the state you live in. I think voting is a privilege and should be 2 days only. The President should be announced the day of the election. AMEN
I early voted at our County Courthouse for the first time. I always went election day, but this time I didn’t want to take any chances of something going wrong in the state of Illinois, you never know.
We need to return to the old, reliable, mechanical voting booths. You go in, flip a lever for your candidate, and a counter increments. It’s simple, and the results are immediate.
Unfortunately tried to vote early but the place where I had to go was working on entrance and parking lot. Nearest parking 3 blocks away. Do to a slightly disability was unable to walk that distance. Will be at my polling place at opening time to cast my vote on election day
My buddy in Florida voted early . Wore his T shirt that said “ I’m Still Deplorable “
My wife and I voted the first day of early voting and we couldn’t believe how many people were there. I have a good feeling about the turnout unless something under handed happens. GO TRUMP!
Pres Trump asked us to vote early, so I did on the 1st day here inNorth Texas. It was also my Birthday. Great sign to me from God.
“Deplorable” and “Garbage” here. Voted early straight Republican!
I voted early this year because I don’t trust the chaos that I am expecting from the Biden/Harris administration. I would rather have a national Election Day and absentee voting should just be for folks who have a reason for not being able to vote on Election Day. The early voting “polling” I don’t believe is good for the election process.
What concerned me most about early voting is the question – What happens to my vote for Trump if they are able to take him out? The Democrats have been encouraging all kinds of mayhem by calling Trump and his supporters “Hitlers”. That is meant to scare supporters into doing “what needs to be done” to stop this evil. And the truth is that they have already been doing many of these things to Republicans and Christians over the last several years. The radical Democrats have to be stopped – get out and vote early if you still can. Otherwise, be sure to vote on Election Day! God Bless America and God Bless President Trump!
Two years ago I was at the poll at opening. Two hours later the machine was still not working. I filled out a provisional ballot and placed it in it’s special slot. I was then told IF the election was close they would count it. Many voters who were there in the early morning were unable to return before 8 pm. The polls closed promptly at 8. Just one more way to disenfranchise voters. I voted a week ago today.
I voted early in Arkansas for Trump/Vance and the Republicans!
My state allows early voting in the few days before Election Day, and requires voter ID. I would prefer to vote on election day and i’m suspicious about the push to vote early – they say it is so the candidates can know where to focus their campaigns and resources for greater effect, but are they telling us everything? I am disabled and cannot sit or stand in a line for more than a few minutes but I can walk across the parking lot so I am thankful my state also has absentee ballots by mail available that make it easier for me and others like me to vote. Kudos to my state for requiring signatures and ID to vote in person or by mail. I will be hand delivering my ballot to a secure ballot box inside my county clerks building the day of or the day before voting day and hoping for the best. May God bless America and give us another chance!
I believe in single day voting. It leaves less opportunities for tampering with my vote. There has already been reports (film included) of at least one box of ballots dumped on a highway. While this appears to be true, it is possible it has been faked by someone trying to stir up trouble. But the fact that it is more probable with early voting due to random storage and transportation forms my opinion.
I went in to an auto parts store halloween evening, great time to go, not busy at all. I was wearing my incognito Trump hat, a green hat that says “MAKE OUR FARMERS GREAT AGAIN” on the front, and “GROWING AMERICA” on the back, an older gentleman a few years my senior waited on me who is also turned out to be a Trump supporter so naturally we started bashing harris, he had a great word that describes the noise harris makes whenever attempting to speak: cacophony! But about the poll, yes both my wife and I did absentee ballots that she supposedly dropped off directly in the township office, so hopefully they get counted correctly, me for Trump and republicans and conservative judges and school board members, she may have been brain washed by “the view” show so did my ballot make it there? She knows my political bent!
I voted early and 52 percent of my county and two neighboring counties had high turnouts as well. A few guys at work and I are skeptical something like a power blackout (heaven forbid) is going to happen on Tuesday in places like Philadelphia, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Madison, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Austin, Pittsburgh, Seattle, Charlotte, and Raleigh. That was some of my motivation to vote early.
I voted 10-21,first day of early voting in Illinois. Harris was the only Democrat on my ballot, the rest of the candidates were Republicans running unnapposed. Northern Illinois, especially Cook County and Chicago kill us down state.
Yes! The wife and I voted early. They compared signatures. Obviously no I.D. Paper ballot with a black ink pen. RED down the whole list. God bless DJT.
I voted early. Trump 2024 Republican across-the-board. Time to vote out these Demorats. Biden called us garbage. They gotta go.
Here in NH there is no early voting. We are one of three states in the country that does not have it. We have absentee voting that allows someone that will be out of town or unable to vote in person to cast a ballot that will be counted on election day. It makes for a busy day and a long day since everything needs to be completed and turned in to the Secretary of State that night. No one goes home until the process is complete.
Just read an article that 42% of the country has already voted with by mail or early voting.
I voted the First Day of Early Voting in Texas. I am so proud to be a United States of America natural born citizen and I believe in giving my drivers licence and voter registration card. I believe in truth and any other is a lie and shouldn’t be counted!
I live in a small town of 700 in Northampton county NC, theres never a long line, I lived in Va Beach when obama was running and the line went around the buiding twice, of course I was the only one voting for romely LOL
but here at teh creechy center I have had a wopping 2 peopel in front of me in line, some vote early, some vote by mail, I do not rust mail or early voting, therefore I only vote onm election day itself
I dont trust drop boxes or mail boxes either just liek I DO trust democrats to cheat again
Harris/Walz will win by a slim margin. Why? Because the election will be “rigged” just like it was in 2020. I’ll be watching movies election night on Amazon Prime and going to bed early because that’s the way this “predetermined selection day” vote counting will work. Jeez… I hope with all my heart that I’m wrong about this.
There is only one Election Day, and that is when I vote. I believe it should be a national holiday and done on a Saturday.
Another option should be “My state doesn’t allow for early voting”.