avoiding taxes is not the only reason for working under the table my friend. when you are on disability and the restrictions placed on you financially cause you to remain poor and have no possibility of a future savings or retirement, working under the table becomes a necessity.
Bruce David
5 years ago
I’ve worked sideline ‘gigs’ since I was 14 & still have a few side hustles into my 60s-helps me cover the ever increasing high costs of government [MI likes to squeeze those on fixed incomes w/ highest water bills, highest auto insurance/registration fees, 13th highest property taxes, taxes on pensions, etc.]
5 years ago
There is no “forced” labor in this country. Everybody is a volunteer. If you don’t like the job, don’t take it, or go somewhere else. We need less government interference. Not more. Our strong economy is due to reduced government bureaucratic interference, not more. The concept of the necessity of labor unions in this country is bizarre. The states where the economy is strongest have the lowest labor union participation rates in the nation. Their existence depends on a division of labor and management. If a crisis doesn’t exist they will create one. The most power that you have in this country is your feet. If you don’t like the company, walk away and create your own “gig”.
Dave Neathery
5 years ago
It’s too bad they didn’t separate the two issues of union membership and insurance. We don’t want the government forcing unions on us like they tried to do under Obama, but less restrictions on healthcare, would certainly help.
5 years ago
Shame on you AMAC! Conflating “join a labor union” (a leftist approach) with pooling resources for reducing health care insurance costs (an entreprenurial concept) distorts the results of this poll question and is disengenuous. Come on, you’re better than that!
Hadababy Itsaboy
5 years ago
Free enterprise.
Dave Gorjup
5 years ago
The only forcing regarding labor I know of is those who are forced to join a union in non-“right to work” states. I was once a labor union official. I quit when I found out that it was almost as corrupt as Congress, and, in fact, colluded heavily with democratic politicians.
Jay Ashby
5 years ago
Always follow the money, meaning that when you hear the bureaucrats or politicians expressing “concern” for independent minded workers (Uber, Takl, handyman jobs, etc) or “for the children” (one of their favorite memes) their hidden motive is how to tax, regulate, and gain more power over their minions. More regulations really mean the bureaucrats get to hire more constitutionally illiterate socialists, more vehicles, more hi tech phones, software and more office space and all at taxpayer expense. Then they regulate and stifle and raise the cost of doing business and crush rugged individuality which created this entrepreneurial wonderland. Always vote NO to bonds, taxes, regulations, more money for education (far too many public school systems are a form of child abuse and a money trough for bureaucrats and teachers unions). Vote NO for new court houses, government buildings – keep the government beasts lean, starved and shackled or they will grown and devour your liberty and spirit.
Dale Sorensen
5 years ago
Part time jobs give retirees something to do except watch TV and the extra money doesn’t hurt either. I’m 73 and drive semi 2 days a week but can take off any time I want as long as I drive once a month.
Patricia Miller
5 years ago
The only negative I see is some people work a gig as a full time job and never pay taxes on their earnings. I know many who do this, landscapers, auto mechanics, hair stylists, handy men, etc.
5 years ago
5 years ago
Gig economy I guess is ok. I think some people use it to either get out of paying taxes, child support and so on. If you are an honest person, I see no problem with it.
We are to put integrity first and self interest second.
Vance Woolley
5 years ago
Allowing voluntary insurance pools is not interference. Compulsory unionization is what destroyed the utility of unions. They transformed from service entities addressing the needs of their members and earning members loyalty to predatory corporate entities pursuing their own interests.
5 years ago
We citizens of the United States of America do not need big government in their lives all around including healthcare, work, etc. The biggest mistake was when government got involved in healthcare! Many doctors, medical workers, & many citizens tried to state that before it happened, & yet it happened! BIG GOVERNMENT has gotten totally out of hand, pushing us around like the bullies they are. They have fast become tyrants to lord over us laws that we do not feel necessary. It needs to stop & it needs to stop now! Our forefathers are probably flipping over in their graves if they see some of the ridiculous & life-intrusive laws that are on the books in this country!
John Karkalis
5 years ago
I know I suffer from intellectual constipation now and then (I voted for Hillary), but this seems a no brainer.
The gig economy offers opportunity and flexibility for Seniors, or anyone for that matter willing to work without some shop steward breathing down his or her neck.
Keep unions out, and for God’s sake! keep big government out of the scene.
Imagine, if you will, the Socialist Utopians Bernie or Lizzie tinkering with this alternate economy.
Truly the stuff of nightmares.
Greg shears
5 years ago
I think the gig economy, in some cases can be very useful for people looking for alternate employment opportunities. I am considering using it when I retire this fall for my business I’m going to start. In almost every instance when the government sticks its nose into something it ends up screwing it up. ( by the way, I would like to thank the democrats for their help in the landslide re election of our great president this fall) GO TRUMP 2020
David A Stevenson
5 years ago
I didn’t take your survey, its disjointed and the questions far to broad in what I could only guess at. I get the drift, BUT to often such surveys cause more confusion then not. Below comments regarding unions & healthcare are on the money. Just what is the impetus for this poll?
Guy Gold
5 years ago
The real problem is they, for the most part, do not pay income tax or SS. What this will do is bring on the chip in the hand to control people. The folks here in Florida doing odd jobs only want cash only. One person I talked to doing yard work, I asked him, why don’t you retire and draw SS and he said he will not get any, never paid into it or paid any Income Tax. He worked for his father all his life as a Mason ( Brick Layer) ,and when his father died he did not know what to do.
5 years ago
Unions were needed at one time in our history, but not anymore. The natural greed of man inherent in most who come into power, becomes so corrupt with power, they usually transform into a problem greater than the original one. It’s the same pattern with government officials who become powerful with an endless supply of money at their disposal. When union bosses have at their disposal lots of money (ours), supporting their way of life, they will do anything to preserve it and most of the time it is for corrupt reasons, but who suffers is the worker who has to pay up and shut up. And if you disagree with those Union Bosses, your labeled a scab or worse. I wouldn’t and didn’t ever take a job at a union shop during my 81 years and the reason I didn’t is because I never felt I needed anyone to talk for me, or fight my battles for me. If I didn’t like my job or if I felt my job didn’t pay enough for me, I looked for and found another job and when the time was right, I educated myself further to be able to change my career so that I was able to expand my knowledge and advance to a higher paying bracket. These are the blessings we have at our disposal in America and we don’t need greedy, lazy Union Bosses to do our bidding while taking our hard earned money. All we need is what we currently have and that is the freedom to think, to work hard, to try different avenues and to better ourselves using our own God given rights.
5 years ago
I am on Social Security. I do aircraft repair work a few months a year to supplement my income. That income is reported on 1099MISC, as I am a “non-employee”, and no taxes, SS, or Medicare is taken out. I also have no taxes taken out of my SS income. This leaves me wide open to depradations of the IRS.
I’m working on my taxes now. For a combined income of less than 40K, I’m on the hook for almost 3000 in simple tax, and have not figured out yet what I owe for Medicare and SS taxes, let alone “penalties and interest” for not paying my taxes before the end of the year.
In my case, it is almost impossible to determine my future years income in advance, so estimated tax payments are a non-starter.
I think it is time to revise the tax code, especially for senior citizens.
Charles Pulaski
5 years ago
A stupid survey. Question how many work under the table and how many are illegals?
5 years ago
Lets not let the Leftists tax and get their under the table cut on the gig workers efforts.
Bob C
5 years ago
The less the government interferes and regulates ‘gigs,’ the faster the economy grows, always has in our great nation. Whenever government cites “protecting” workers, that’s usually code for run, wanting a piece of a pie it did nothing to create. Besides, gigs can pay very well, just ask former first families.
Peter K
5 years ago
I honestly know nothing of the “gig” economy so what follows is pure speculation. That being said, I wonder if this new economy continues to build absent many typical workplace options, i.e. health insurance, 401K, etc. it seems to me that the big winners are not the independent contractors but the owners/managers of such enterprises. Add to that the likely probability that if the workers are, if, in fact, independent contractors, few taxes may be paid adding one more burden on the traditional workforce. I could be, and probably am, wrong.
5 years ago
Many of us are doing work “under the Table” – and spending that money freely – generating the economy even more – we pay our fair share but this is a little extra . I think it keeps people motivated to spend.
Keith Radcliffe
5 years ago
I worked remotely from home for much of my career 1987 – 2004, then 2015 – 2018. I had the opportunity to be at home as my 4 children grew up. We did a custom version of home schooling too. All this was incredibly valuable for my family. Cali can (and will) crash and burn.
Maurice D
5 years ago
Praise to AMAC, thoughtful contributors, Dave, Dale, Charley, Jay… Let’s not forget what happened to fruits of our labors (and votes) when Obama bailed out the automobile industry? “Gig” options nurture creativity, imagination, and self-reliance while avoiding insidiously coercive confiscation of our resource$.
James Madison1791
5 years ago
The question about government needs to be split
Union and
Insurance pools
Jack Seigneur
5 years ago
What is gig ?
Laura Ainsworth
5 years ago
Both my husband and I have worked from home as professional writers “on contract” for many years. We can live where we prefer, avoid commuting and work long-distance for people who like what we do and want to pay us for it. The government needs to STAY OUT; what they want to do will make it harder for employers to hire us! We want to make it EASY for them to hire us! Of course, there’s a downside to working this way, as we do not have an “employer contribution” to Social Security and have to find our own health coverage, but that is a trade-off we have decided to make in exchange for our freedom, creative and otherwise. (One lifesaver for us has been a healthcare cost sharing organization, as opposed to buying an “affordable” [ha] insurance policy.} This kind of regulation could really hurt a number of industries, especially film. Not that Hollywood doesn’t deserve to be decimated, but the hard-working writers and crew members do not.
5 years ago
The devil is in question #4. Why should we have to have government oversight to be “allowed” to join a union or insurance pool?
5 years ago
Looks like we’ve lost Virginia, Folks. Shows you what Bloomberg money can do. Virginia now California East. What did the Gipper say? The scariest phrase in the English language: I’m from the Government and I’m here to help. Freedom takes vigilance and responsible voting.
5 years ago
Adam Schiff said it-“The ballot box can not be trusted.”
5 years ago
I have worked in both a union type job and a non-union type job, for a similar position. there’s plenty of argument both pro and con, but what most people don’t fully understand is those “worker rights” everyone assumes they have, aren’t always there unless your local state has it written down as labor law. e.g. overtime, benefits, scheduling, etc.. We all have the right to work in most of the 50 states, but some states have limitations and some do not. Working in gig employment type of work means you control not only the hours you work but how much you make and you pay for benefits like healthcare, etc.. The big argument with a gig job like Uber/Lyft, mainly has been concerning a guaranteed hourly rate, which was never a conversation part of the deal to drive for these companies. Those jobs mainly give the person who signs up a right to drive and pick up potential clients under the banner, but the company failed to limit the number of drivers who could sign up in a given time period, resulting in drivers failing to earn. You can’t oversaturate an area. (basic scheduling).
If you are a gig person (that means you work when you want and earn), remember you are the one causing most of your earning problems, not who hires you. If you want a certain condition, you need to earn it and not assume it is a right cemented in place.
5 years ago
Is this an issue?? The first selection is me. Retired from full time, work part time when I feel like it and want to.
Old Griz
5 years ago
What happened to the “Free Tax” movement to eliminate the IRS. Getting rid of the IRS and all similar State Earned Income taxes sets gig economies free.
Bob Wippermann
5 years ago
These jobs are called Independent Contractors. Independent Contractors are responsible for their own taxes including local, state, and federal, medical insurance, and business licences. They must make enough to pay their own way or find another line of work. This has been going on since the founding and only since the Fed’s got involved is it now a problem. These types of businesses give the owner freedom to set their own work schedule and make as much or as little as they chose.
Mary Campbell
5 years ago
‘Gig’ economy is a cute term, and I agree with the concept of more freedom in employment choice. The major issue with this freedom is that it NEEDS some government regulation due to the general public’s greedy propensity to think it is OK to “work under the table”. DISASTROUS!
5 years ago
Pelosi and her Communist Party want to destroy this job segment so that they can then complain about the unemployed Americans that THEY are responsible for! Disgusting Communist hypocrites!!!
Guy McCormick
5 years ago
The small business is the backbone of the American dream. Any person working in the self employed arena is doing so freely and with the hope of making it work. It doesn’t work out for some people, and they go back to regular employment. For those who stay in self employment don’t need any regulations to stifle their creativity and industrious spirit.
Kathie Attaway
5 years ago
When you have a gig you aren’t a worker – you are the boss. You work when you want, as hard as you want – and you can walk away anytime. What needs ‘protected’ are the rights of Americans to get into business for themselves – without so much red tape that all you can do is go be an automatron for some corporation.
5 years ago
I just read “The Beauty of Human Life” and I want to thank you for this very touching and profound interview with Lila Rose and publishing it in “The AMAC”. I am supporting Pro-Life organizations and I will add Live Action to that.
5 years ago
How about some tax relief for seniors? We are subject to Medicare and we pay the Medicare tax?
4 years ago
The wording of the 4th one is problematic because it negates requiring background checks if you don’t approve of the entire statement. Background checks are important to know that the person picking you up in an Uber is not a threat. My daughter was nearly kidnapped by an Uber driver.
B. Kelly
4 years ago
Hickory Nick is the only citizen so far that can drink koala venom and still pass the glitter-land test. (But I personally think he uses that enhancing herb known as Elf Jello and I just dont think that is fair.)
4 years ago
Perhaps Congress should concentrate on protecting people who want to be “protected” by government, and leave the rest of us the hell alone.
Jim Anger
4 years ago
The unintended consequences of the liberal idiots trying to control our lives! PERIOD!
4 years ago
Push BACK. If we have to work under the table( like what is done in the Socialist countries I’ve lived in) to make ends meet, DO SO.
These g.d Demo/ Socialist Control Freaks want to decide if you are born, where you will get your education, what you will learn, who you associate with, how much you will hate America, our Homeland, how much you will make and keep, and when you die, also, how much they take off of your corpse and bank account in death taxes.
Time for all of us to grow a spine, and show how American we are by being REACTIONARY, as Lenin would refer to us. Time to PURGE Government and the Educational Systems.
4 years ago
Wait till the DEMS abolish CASH. They are talking about it in Committee. They will tax every move you make to enrich themselves. They are THUGS. I know, as I was a Union Member and a ( former) Democrat for 30 Years. It is a Crimminal and depraved organization.
4 years ago
We need some regulation to protect the consumer. I see this as a greater issue than the matter of protecting the worker. It is voluntary as to “who works on their own” but those persons should not be totally free to function without some regulatory oversight — too much opportunity for scammers!
avoiding taxes is not the only reason for working under the table my friend. when you are on disability and the restrictions placed on you financially cause you to remain poor and have no possibility of a future savings or retirement, working under the table becomes a necessity.
I’ve worked sideline ‘gigs’ since I was 14 & still have a few side hustles into my 60s-helps me cover the ever increasing high costs of government [MI likes to squeeze those on fixed incomes w/ highest water bills, highest auto insurance/registration fees, 13th highest property taxes, taxes on pensions, etc.]
There is no “forced” labor in this country. Everybody is a volunteer. If you don’t like the job, don’t take it, or go somewhere else. We need less government interference. Not more. Our strong economy is due to reduced government bureaucratic interference, not more. The concept of the necessity of labor unions in this country is bizarre. The states where the economy is strongest have the lowest labor union participation rates in the nation. Their existence depends on a division of labor and management. If a crisis doesn’t exist they will create one. The most power that you have in this country is your feet. If you don’t like the company, walk away and create your own “gig”.
It’s too bad they didn’t separate the two issues of union membership and insurance. We don’t want the government forcing unions on us like they tried to do under Obama, but less restrictions on healthcare, would certainly help.
Shame on you AMAC! Conflating “join a labor union” (a leftist approach) with pooling resources for reducing health care insurance costs (an entreprenurial concept) distorts the results of this poll question and is disengenuous. Come on, you’re better than that!
Free enterprise.
The only forcing regarding labor I know of is those who are forced to join a union in non-“right to work” states. I was once a labor union official. I quit when I found out that it was almost as corrupt as Congress, and, in fact, colluded heavily with democratic politicians.
Always follow the money, meaning that when you hear the bureaucrats or politicians expressing “concern” for independent minded workers (Uber, Takl, handyman jobs, etc) or “for the children” (one of their favorite memes) their hidden motive is how to tax, regulate, and gain more power over their minions. More regulations really mean the bureaucrats get to hire more constitutionally illiterate socialists, more vehicles, more hi tech phones, software and more office space and all at taxpayer expense. Then they regulate and stifle and raise the cost of doing business and crush rugged individuality which created this entrepreneurial wonderland. Always vote NO to bonds, taxes, regulations, more money for education (far too many public school systems are a form of child abuse and a money trough for bureaucrats and teachers unions). Vote NO for new court houses, government buildings – keep the government beasts lean, starved and shackled or they will grown and devour your liberty and spirit.
Part time jobs give retirees something to do except watch TV and the extra money doesn’t hurt either. I’m 73 and drive semi 2 days a week but can take off any time I want as long as I drive once a month.
The only negative I see is some people work a gig as a full time job and never pay taxes on their earnings. I know many who do this, landscapers, auto mechanics, hair stylists, handy men, etc.
Gig economy I guess is ok. I think some people use it to either get out of paying taxes, child support and so on. If you are an honest person, I see no problem with it.
We are to put integrity first and self interest second.
Allowing voluntary insurance pools is not interference. Compulsory unionization is what destroyed the utility of unions. They transformed from service entities addressing the needs of their members and earning members loyalty to predatory corporate entities pursuing their own interests.
We citizens of the United States of America do not need big government in their lives all around including healthcare, work, etc. The biggest mistake was when government got involved in healthcare! Many doctors, medical workers, & many citizens tried to state that before it happened, & yet it happened! BIG GOVERNMENT has gotten totally out of hand, pushing us around like the bullies they are. They have fast become tyrants to lord over us laws that we do not feel necessary. It needs to stop & it needs to stop now! Our forefathers are probably flipping over in their graves if they see some of the ridiculous & life-intrusive laws that are on the books in this country!
I know I suffer from intellectual constipation now and then (I voted for Hillary), but this seems a no brainer.
The gig economy offers opportunity and flexibility for Seniors, or anyone for that matter willing to work without some shop steward breathing down his or her neck.
Keep unions out, and for God’s sake! keep big government out of the scene.
Imagine, if you will, the Socialist Utopians Bernie or Lizzie tinkering with this alternate economy.
Truly the stuff of nightmares.
I think the gig economy, in some cases can be very useful for people looking for alternate employment opportunities. I am considering using it when I retire this fall for my business I’m going to start. In almost every instance when the government sticks its nose into something it ends up screwing it up. ( by the way, I would like to thank the democrats for their help in the landslide re election of our great president this fall) GO TRUMP 2020
I didn’t take your survey, its disjointed and the questions far to broad in what I could only guess at. I get the drift, BUT to often such surveys cause more confusion then not. Below comments regarding unions & healthcare are on the money. Just what is the impetus for this poll?
The real problem is they, for the most part, do not pay income tax or SS. What this will do is bring on the chip in the hand to control people. The folks here in Florida doing odd jobs only want cash only. One person I talked to doing yard work, I asked him, why don’t you retire and draw SS and he said he will not get any, never paid into it or paid any Income Tax. He worked for his father all his life as a Mason ( Brick Layer) ,and when his father died he did not know what to do.
Unions were needed at one time in our history, but not anymore. The natural greed of man inherent in most who come into power, becomes so corrupt with power, they usually transform into a problem greater than the original one. It’s the same pattern with government officials who become powerful with an endless supply of money at their disposal. When union bosses have at their disposal lots of money (ours), supporting their way of life, they will do anything to preserve it and most of the time it is for corrupt reasons, but who suffers is the worker who has to pay up and shut up. And if you disagree with those Union Bosses, your labeled a scab or worse. I wouldn’t and didn’t ever take a job at a union shop during my 81 years and the reason I didn’t is because I never felt I needed anyone to talk for me, or fight my battles for me. If I didn’t like my job or if I felt my job didn’t pay enough for me, I looked for and found another job and when the time was right, I educated myself further to be able to change my career so that I was able to expand my knowledge and advance to a higher paying bracket. These are the blessings we have at our disposal in America and we don’t need greedy, lazy Union Bosses to do our bidding while taking our hard earned money. All we need is what we currently have and that is the freedom to think, to work hard, to try different avenues and to better ourselves using our own God given rights.
I am on Social Security. I do aircraft repair work a few months a year to supplement my income. That income is reported on 1099MISC, as I am a “non-employee”, and no taxes, SS, or Medicare is taken out. I also have no taxes taken out of my SS income. This leaves me wide open to depradations of the IRS.
I’m working on my taxes now. For a combined income of less than 40K, I’m on the hook for almost 3000 in simple tax, and have not figured out yet what I owe for Medicare and SS taxes, let alone “penalties and interest” for not paying my taxes before the end of the year.
In my case, it is almost impossible to determine my future years income in advance, so estimated tax payments are a non-starter.
I think it is time to revise the tax code, especially for senior citizens.
A stupid survey. Question how many work under the table and how many are illegals?
Lets not let the Leftists tax and get their under the table cut on the gig workers efforts.
The less the government interferes and regulates ‘gigs,’ the faster the economy grows, always has in our great nation. Whenever government cites “protecting” workers, that’s usually code for run, wanting a piece of a pie it did nothing to create. Besides, gigs can pay very well, just ask former first families.
I honestly know nothing of the “gig” economy so what follows is pure speculation. That being said, I wonder if this new economy continues to build absent many typical workplace options, i.e. health insurance, 401K, etc. it seems to me that the big winners are not the independent contractors but the owners/managers of such enterprises. Add to that the likely probability that if the workers are, if, in fact, independent contractors, few taxes may be paid adding one more burden on the traditional workforce. I could be, and probably am, wrong.
Many of us are doing work “under the Table” – and spending that money freely – generating the economy even more – we pay our fair share but this is a little extra . I think it keeps people motivated to spend.
I worked remotely from home for much of my career 1987 – 2004, then 2015 – 2018. I had the opportunity to be at home as my 4 children grew up. We did a custom version of home schooling too. All this was incredibly valuable for my family. Cali can (and will) crash and burn.
Praise to AMAC, thoughtful contributors, Dave, Dale, Charley, Jay… Let’s not forget what happened to fruits of our labors (and votes) when Obama bailed out the automobile industry? “Gig” options nurture creativity, imagination, and self-reliance while avoiding insidiously coercive confiscation of our resource$.
The question about government needs to be split
Union and
Insurance pools
What is gig ?
Both my husband and I have worked from home as professional writers “on contract” for many years. We can live where we prefer, avoid commuting and work long-distance for people who like what we do and want to pay us for it. The government needs to STAY OUT; what they want to do will make it harder for employers to hire us! We want to make it EASY for them to hire us! Of course, there’s a downside to working this way, as we do not have an “employer contribution” to Social Security and have to find our own health coverage, but that is a trade-off we have decided to make in exchange for our freedom, creative and otherwise. (One lifesaver for us has been a healthcare cost sharing organization, as opposed to buying an “affordable” [ha] insurance policy.} This kind of regulation could really hurt a number of industries, especially film. Not that Hollywood doesn’t deserve to be decimated, but the hard-working writers and crew members do not.
The devil is in question #4. Why should we have to have government oversight to be “allowed” to join a union or insurance pool?
Looks like we’ve lost Virginia, Folks. Shows you what Bloomberg money can do. Virginia now California East. What did the Gipper say? The scariest phrase in the English language: I’m from the Government and I’m here to help. Freedom takes vigilance and responsible voting.
Adam Schiff said it-“The ballot box can not be trusted.”
I have worked in both a union type job and a non-union type job, for a similar position. there’s plenty of argument both pro and con, but what most people don’t fully understand is those “worker rights” everyone assumes they have, aren’t always there unless your local state has it written down as labor law. e.g. overtime, benefits, scheduling, etc.. We all have the right to work in most of the 50 states, but some states have limitations and some do not. Working in gig employment type of work means you control not only the hours you work but how much you make and you pay for benefits like healthcare, etc.. The big argument with a gig job like Uber/Lyft, mainly has been concerning a guaranteed hourly rate, which was never a conversation part of the deal to drive for these companies. Those jobs mainly give the person who signs up a right to drive and pick up potential clients under the banner, but the company failed to limit the number of drivers who could sign up in a given time period, resulting in drivers failing to earn. You can’t oversaturate an area. (basic scheduling).
If you are a gig person (that means you work when you want and earn), remember you are the one causing most of your earning problems, not who hires you. If you want a certain condition, you need to earn it and not assume it is a right cemented in place.
Is this an issue?? The first selection is me. Retired from full time, work part time when I feel like it and want to.
What happened to the “Free Tax” movement to eliminate the IRS. Getting rid of the IRS and all similar State Earned Income taxes sets gig economies free.
These jobs are called Independent Contractors. Independent Contractors are responsible for their own taxes including local, state, and federal, medical insurance, and business licences. They must make enough to pay their own way or find another line of work. This has been going on since the founding and only since the Fed’s got involved is it now a problem. These types of businesses give the owner freedom to set their own work schedule and make as much or as little as they chose.
‘Gig’ economy is a cute term, and I agree with the concept of more freedom in employment choice. The major issue with this freedom is that it NEEDS some government regulation due to the general public’s greedy propensity to think it is OK to “work under the table”. DISASTROUS!
Pelosi and her Communist Party want to destroy this job segment so that they can then complain about the unemployed Americans that THEY are responsible for! Disgusting Communist hypocrites!!!
The small business is the backbone of the American dream. Any person working in the self employed arena is doing so freely and with the hope of making it work. It doesn’t work out for some people, and they go back to regular employment. For those who stay in self employment don’t need any regulations to stifle their creativity and industrious spirit.
When you have a gig you aren’t a worker – you are the boss. You work when you want, as hard as you want – and you can walk away anytime. What needs ‘protected’ are the rights of Americans to get into business for themselves – without so much red tape that all you can do is go be an automatron for some corporation.
I just read “The Beauty of Human Life” and I want to thank you for this very touching and profound interview with Lila Rose and publishing it in “The AMAC”. I am supporting Pro-Life organizations and I will add Live Action to that.
How about some tax relief for seniors? We are subject to Medicare and we pay the Medicare tax?
The wording of the 4th one is problematic because it negates requiring background checks if you don’t approve of the entire statement. Background checks are important to know that the person picking you up in an Uber is not a threat. My daughter was nearly kidnapped by an Uber driver.
Hickory Nick is the only citizen so far that can drink koala venom and still pass the glitter-land test. (But I personally think he uses that enhancing herb known as Elf Jello and I just dont think that is fair.)
Perhaps Congress should concentrate on protecting people who want to be “protected” by government, and leave the rest of us the hell alone.
The unintended consequences of the liberal idiots trying to control our lives! PERIOD!
Push BACK. If we have to work under the table( like what is done in the Socialist countries I’ve lived in) to make ends meet, DO SO.
These g.d Demo/ Socialist Control Freaks want to decide if you are born, where you will get your education, what you will learn, who you associate with, how much you will hate America, our Homeland, how much you will make and keep, and when you die, also, how much they take off of your corpse and bank account in death taxes.
Time for all of us to grow a spine, and show how American we are by being REACTIONARY, as Lenin would refer to us. Time to PURGE Government and the Educational Systems.
Wait till the DEMS abolish CASH. They are talking about it in Committee. They will tax every move you make to enrich themselves. They are THUGS. I know, as I was a Union Member and a ( former) Democrat for 30 Years. It is a Crimminal and depraved organization.
We need some regulation to protect the consumer. I see this as a greater issue than the matter of protecting the worker. It is voluntary as to “who works on their own” but those persons should not be totally free to function without some regulatory oversight — too much opportunity for scammers!