As a Vietnam vet the 4th is special and I proudly fly the Flag daily throughout the year. We are blessed with the greatest country in the world and yet in today’s society many do not feel that way and it is a shame. My in laws were Dutch and spent 2 years without their freedom as the Hitler Era placed them in concentration camps for their beliefs. Luckily they were rescued and came to the U.S. where they succeeded, went through proper immigration policies and became citizens. Not like the Open border free for all that the current administration allows. Thank your God for your freedom and pray that this country can right itself this November.
David Shepherd
8 months ago
First, it isn’t “the 4th of July”, it is Independence Day. It is celebrated in memoriam of our independence from British monarchal rule. Our forefathers thus declared, in writing, that this country is a sovereign nation. This may seem a trifle thing, however it is small subtle changes like this that have eroded our previous heritage. It has been commercialized to the point of near complete detachment from its true meaning. Where are all the parades? (A few small towns still have them!) We should gather in the streets, not just in back yards. There should be block parties in communities all over the country.
I am a retired Army officer and foreign war veteran. I daily fly the US flag and honor all of the ceremonial rules that entails. I do not worship the flag – but I respect the symbol as both a reminder of the cost of freedom and the hope offered by a representative republic.
Mist Carter
8 months ago
Despite the mistruths of CRT (Critical Race Theory), which is taught in many of our public schools, the Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4th, 1776—and, thus America was born. Our Declaration of Independence states, “… that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…” But first, we need to acknowledge our dependence on God Who has so graciously granted these liberties to us. In spite of the fact that our nation has basically removed God from the public square, many of us remain faithful to Him.
As we celebrate our nation’s independence, may we also acknowledge the flag, which is an emblem of our freedom. The proper folding of the flag involves twelve steps (folds) each representing something. The twelfth fold represents the Christian and glorifies God. The colors of our flag also stand for something—red for courage and the shed blood for our nation’s independence; white for purity and freedom from corruption by another country; and blue for justice and perseverance. Is God still the God of our nation? Many things indicate that is not the case anymore. On this day of celebration, let’s commit to turning that around.
“Inside the Bible’s pages lie all the answers to all the problems man has ever known… It is my firm belief that the enduring values presented in its pages have a great meaning for each of us and for our nation. The Bible can touch our hearts, order our minds, and refresh our souls.” ~ Ronald Reagan | 40th president
“How blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has
chosen to be his special possession.” Psalm 33:12
8 months ago
I have to admit this 4th was the most upsetting in my lifetime. Our once beautiful and wonderful country has been turned with the rest of the world into a HELLHOLE!!! Of course we all know who to blame and it’s not Trump.
8 months ago
” We are in the midst of the second American Revolution, fighting for the very foundational principles that made America great.
We must double down on our efforts to defend our Founders’ legacy for future generations.”
I’m proud to be an American and I will not let anybody throw Marxist Woke-ism in my face and tell me how bad my country is.
I will continue to do my part in preserving truth, justice, goodness and the awesomeness of Western Civilization that our Founder’s fight so hard for. May God bless the United States of America.
Al Smith
8 months ago
Being one of those who gave Uncle Sam a blank check on my life, I served twenty five years, one of which I in ‘Nam. I’m a proud patriotic vet. Every morning I raise the Stars and Stripes. At sundown I render a salute, then bring her down. Best part of my day. A year ago my best friend John Ranum, a Tomb Guard at Arlington in the early ’60’s passed away. John was a fine gentleman. He will be interred at Arlington at the end of this month. I think of John during those moments I’m alone with Old Glory. And I think of those who laid down their lives so we might celebrate the birth of this great country on July 4th.
8 months ago
I love my country. I hate my government.
Brian L
8 months ago
GOD, Country, Family, Friends. You can’t have a good family and friends without a good country. You can’t have a good country without GOD.
Phil ketch
8 months ago
God Bless the USA, pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Bobbi Sommer
8 months ago
I proudly remember when President Trump held the celebration at Mt. Rushmore and gave that wonderful speech …
Bob H
8 months ago
Today’s poll offered a simple choice. We’re still the best country in the world, or our time has past. The election of 2024 will be our last chance to decide which it is.
When I hear that Trump has a 6 point lead over Biden, I think, “How the hell can that possibly be? In the America I knew, Trump would be up closer to 100 points.”
I pray these discouraging numbers are just more biased polling spread by the fake news media. Come November, we’ll find out.
“Liberty once lost is lost forever.”
8 months ago
I agree with Jim Wood 100%,! However I am so afraid that there are enough people in this country specifically the Democrat Party that hate this country that they will be able to successfully destroy it. Even when Donald Trump gets re-elected, the Deep state and our judicial system will do their best to block all his efforts to save this country. All great societies have been destroyed from within. The only thing I have to look forward to is that I am a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, and Jesus will return and judgment will be eternal
Stan d. Upnow
8 months ago
When I read two stories yesterday about Hamas supporters somehow entering the Capitol building and vandalizing a Congressman’s office, and another about Leftist scum burning American flags, all on July 4th with no arrests made, it vividly showed the decline of our once-great country. Sad.
8 months ago
My little town is very patriotic, flags fly from Memorial Day to Labor Day. July 4th is a big celebration. We the People love this country, and We need to prove it in Nov.
Becky RN
8 months ago
My real answer was not there. America’s Birthday, that’s my first thought. Over the years, 65 of them, there has been more happy thoughts over all,with only some sad, for a myriad of reasons lately. We love genealogy, so I’ve grown to deeply appreciate, admire and be inspired by my personal forefathers who have given so much to and for our nation. We lived in Memphis when MLK was murdered and though our parents did wonders to protect our tender young hearts from the hate blazing through our country then, it has been since then, I have cried a few tears for her brokenness and by now thankfully have ‘camel knees’ on my heart from praying for G-d’s mercy and help for us all to remember not just who we are as a nation, but Whose we are too. I believe we the people is not simply the result of some brave, cagey, freedom loving forefathers, but America Is every bit the miracle of G-d’s loving, powerful plan for the world as is Israel.
8 months ago
“Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?
Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons in the revolutionary army, another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the revolutionary war.
They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.
What kind of men were they? Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners, men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.
Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags.
Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.
Vandals or soldiers or both, looted the properties of Ellery, Clymer, Hall, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.
At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson Jr., noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. The owner quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.
Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.
John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later he died from exhaustion and a broken heart. Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates.
Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight, and unwavering, they pledged: ‘For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.’”
Rev. William E. Weisert II, DD mA/HN
8 months ago
While there may be some truth to the other options in the poll, the United States is still the greatest country on earth. Yes, we occasionally make a mistake in our selection of leaders, like the current regime, & unless we blow ourselves or the planet to smithereens, we will always recover and gain back what we temporarily lost. Our republican principles are based on solid political practices and the founding fathers knew what they were doing, with this Great Experiment. Even a Civil War and two World Wars did not destroy us.
We have proven our resilience time and again, & we will recover from this mistake, the Biden debacle, and be better for the experience. May God have Mercy on us, but God Bless the USA! Amen!
8 months ago
I was reminded of a bumbling president with dementia and a wife who doesn’t care about her husband or her country. As long as she can be called the 1st lady or the 1st birthing person, she’s happy.
8 months ago
Patriot John Adams in a letter to his wife Abigail on April 3,1776 ,Philadelphia. “The second day of July 1776 will be the most memorable epica in the history of America. I’m aft to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parades with shows,games,sports,guns,bells, bonfires and illuminations. From one end of this continent to the other.From this time forward for evermore.”
Ernest C. Kohler
8 months ago
This year 2024 made me think that if we the people do not get it right in November and remove power from the hands of the corrupt far left, we may have just celebrated our last Independance Day as a free people.
8 months ago
Juneteenth labeled as national independence day and a black national anthem. Divide and conquer. This is what the new communist Democrat party is doing to us. Boycott Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, New York, Georgia, Arizona.
Robert L
8 months ago
Todays young people know very little about American history which is a huge problem. Our government schools are a complete failure. President Trump should end the federal dept. of education!
8 months ago
Went out to the gun range where we had a two hour long fireworks display, with small children playing with sparklers and adorned with red, white and blue glowing necklaces running around like there wasn’t a care in the world. Many of us older folks are Vietnam vets with a smattering of younger people who have served in any number of unwinnable conflicts. They called it a COUNTRY Fourth of July, celebration, where families are having fun together and nobody gets hurt. GOD BLESS THE USA!
8 months ago
I have two….the first one especially. I grew up in a large family and my dad was in the Navy and we always celebrated as a family with picnics or barbecues. I have memories of picnics at the National Mall Park when we lived in Washington DC and Arlington, Va. and I have a brother, Sparky (his nickname) born on the 4th of July! It’s always been a day to be proud and a privilege to be a citizen of this great country.
My second is the last choice, Sadness for what the left has done to this country! It breaks my heart.
I believe in November we can get our country back to its greatness with President Trump!
8 months ago
We are not defeated yet, keep up the good fight and may God Bless America!
Philip ketch
8 months ago
The 2nd one is what we see today, but I respect the American flag and fly it proudly because I enjoy the freedom we still have in this country, and the flag represents that freedom.
8 months ago
On July 4, I went to see the Mike Rowe movie “Stand for Something.” It was worth a look. It’s disappointing today that many people today don’t have much recollection of our history.
Frank the Tank
8 months ago
This is my 34th year pulling fire guard at my house on the 4th. I wait for things to catch on fire It never happens, but this year it did. Irresponsible neighbors with illegal fireworks ignited some dry grass in my yard. I saw it, so I put it out right away. Score! My first fire in 34 years. Given the wildfires, property damage, insurance companies fleeing the state, I would support a county ordinance to eliminate the non-profit fireworks stands and limit the practice to staffed public events like the one at the high school. People are irresponsible. That’s why I said the 4th of July is not what it used to be We don’t have to scorch every acre of dry grass and what not to make this point.
8 months ago
It’s a celebration of our Country’s birth! I decorate my home with a Patriotic theme immediately following Easter through Labor Day! I am proud to be an American! My father was a U.S. Marine who fought on the front lines of Korea, was wounded, and survived. He was a recipient of the Silver Star and Purple Heart. I was fortunate to have graduated high school with the Bicentennial Class of 1976 and our school administrators made certain we understood the significance that there would never be another Bicentennial Class! May we turn our hearts to God and pray He continues to bless this Great Nation born from the faith, grit, blood and sacrifice of millions of Americans!!
Hot Dawg
8 months ago
Promote Trump policies!
Keep Biden as Dem nominee.
Trump landslide!!!!
Make America Great Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bobby Lindsey
8 months ago
I took the time to listen to this audio recording of a reading of the Declaration of Independence. Very powerful in its expressive content, and it gave me a real sense of what drove the colonists to declare independence, all the while knowing the consequences and sacrifices that would result. Moreover, it was a stark reminder the freedom is not free, and that standing up to destroy tyranny is always worth it.
If it’s been a while sense you’ve heard or really considered the full depth of content in this document, I encourage you to take a few moments to listen, enjoy, and then set your mind to action on what you’ll do to contribute to this perpetual cause that began 248 years ago. Do it now, it will lift your spirit. God bless America. ????????
8 months ago
Independence Day should remind everyone why our Country and in particular the second amendment exists. If it hadn’t been for an armed populace we’d be having bangers and mash instead of a BBQ and fireworks.
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness……But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security….
We may be at such a precipice once again…..
Jeff Noncent
8 months ago
July 4th is the day we celebrate American independence. but the Devil is taking that away from Americans. There are no other nations that can do that.
Wayne Jewell
8 months ago
Started the morning of the 4th by reading the Declaration of Independence. May of those words are biblically based and were in the hearts of those men that signed their names. It was not an emotional inspiration to participate, it was their core beliefs that God established certain rights of men and that the historical tyrannical governments common at the time had stolen those form men should end. To gain those freedoms for their fellow citizens at the time and for future generations they formulated our REPUBLIC, staking their lives, fortunes and sacred honors on those truths. Many have since then, also given their all. People of faith and courage established our country, and such a people can take it back. People of faith need to get out and vote for candidates that know and uphold the values and principals of our Declaration and Constitution. Primary elections are the first step to get those kinds of candidates into office – Vote for saving our nation’s freedom and securing the liberties for the future generations!!
Philip Seth Hammersley
8 months ago
The USA–though not perfect– is the greatest nation founded by man [with God’s clear direction]. These POS demonstrators (nazis) need to MOVE to whatever country they think is better!! Then they can worship their “father” (Satan) and do his deeds to each other with impunity!
We need to get rid of Slow Joe, who earned “Hanoi Jane’s” endorsement recently, and get DJT who will start honoring our military and citizens in general.
8 months ago
I wish people today realized that many people came to this country in 1638 and even earlier to escape unfair religious rules from the Kings in England, Scotland, Ireland and other countries. Many came as indentured slaves with a contract to work for a number of years for the industry that had established itself in the new world. I am not talking about blacks, these were white people escaping Kings rules. These people worked the land for 150 years, fought British troops & Indians to build this great country. The people that wrote the Constitution were people whom had been suppressed in other countries, that had fled injustice to build a new country for people of all nationalities, of all colors, of all income levels. They worked hard to build a country free of the domination of kings.
I have heard black people say the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island means nothing to them. My relatives were here 150 years before the Constitution was written, so Ellis Island doesn’t mean that my family came through there on a path to citizenship in America either, but that is all the more reason for anyone that relatives came to this new world on a ship thru Boston, or a ship thru New Orleans, we are all lucky to have landed here under any circumstance. If you don’t study history in school, you could assume that everyone came here on July 4th and wrote and voted for our Constitution all in one day. Lots of blood had been shed by that time, by many nationalities and many colors of men and women.
That my friends is what July 4th means to me. Not fireworks, not hamburgers, not bias news reporting, but free people, of all colors and all nationalities, and all religious beliefs. In America, the government is run by the people, for the people, with free speech, free thought, and liberty and justice for all. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
Kevin M.
8 months ago
It’s become the 4th of July rather than Independence Day. [The 4th is a date, Independence Day celebrates an idea.] Generations of our young have not been taught the incredible story of the birth of this great nation and are therefor too willing to fritter away the freedoms and rights so many fought (and died) to earn and protect for us. The founding fathers would not recognize the country they bequeathed to us just 248 years ago. Everything they feared has come to pass.
8 months ago
TRUMP 2024
8 months ago
One of our early founders said it best. Paraphrasing, we should set aside the day to acknowledge the impact God had on the founding of our Nation and the birth of our the country.
8 months ago
It’s #1 for me, every year. Independence Day! Still the greatest country in the world, a jealous and envious world in some parts, a true friend in others. The USA still stands head and shoulders above the rest, holding the Light of Freedom for all to see. Yes, our house has some vermin in it, but what big welcoming house doesn’t? We sweep the floors, fill some holes, patch some screens, scold the children forleaving the door open, then get back to what we do best, being proud of who and what we are, the greatest nation there is. Happy Independence Day on the 4th of July!
Dave R
8 months ago
From the heart of a US military veteran, NONE of the above!
Independence Day reminds me of the pledge summarizing the commitment made by our forefathers.
We need this same commitment today, pledging our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor to the principles set forth 248 years ago!
John B
8 months ago
Very sad issue, especially the post “boomer Generation” with each successive one gets worse in supporting and defending this great once Country, that lived and died through the great depression, and two world wars, then Korea and Vietnam, since Korea and Vietnam each new generation was “GIVEN” too much without them working or dying for it. This Country must somehow alter these brainwashed children to recognize this. Too much gimee, this and gimee that without doing anything for it. Our morals, values and especially our trust and faith in God has brought HIS wrath to us for turning away from him. The new generations are without knowledge or ability to do anything but play computer games and wait for others “boomer” to give them everything
8 months ago
It’s also my son’s birthday- so i usually think of him first. It’s extra special to me. But patriotism is my first thoughts after my son.
Dan W.
8 months ago
That we seem to have come full circle from King George III to…
Robert Anderson
8 months ago
The Hero’s that make it possible our veterans may God Bless them all.
8 months ago
I put sadness, I can remember celebrations from the 60’s and 70’s – nuff said!!!!!
8 months ago
I can bet that most people don’t even know what they’re celebrating! It’s not about hot dogs & barbecues & fireworks! People are so ignorant it makes me sick!
Sandra Paden
8 months ago
Fireworks. When I was a kid, they used to sell us sparklers which were basically metal sticks CDwuth something on one end that when lit throw off a bunch of colored sparks. It was great fun for us kids. And of course, when I got a little older, I went to see firework shows. And they always featured the red white and blue.???? Thank you for your inspiring post. Have a great fourth❣️
8 months ago
voted for the last, but not sure it counted we should be able to vote for at least two or all the above
Marty M
8 months ago
China Provides Over 94 Percent Of Fireworks Imported To U.S., so I don’t trust or buy any of them, too bad we don’t make them here! I admire them from afar in case of a malfunction.
As a Vietnam vet the 4th is special and I proudly fly the Flag daily throughout the year. We are blessed with the greatest country in the world and yet in today’s society many do not feel that way and it is a shame. My in laws were Dutch and spent 2 years without their freedom as the Hitler Era placed them in concentration camps for their beliefs. Luckily they were rescued and came to the U.S. where they succeeded, went through proper immigration policies and became citizens. Not like the Open border free for all that the current administration allows. Thank your God for your freedom and pray that this country can right itself this November.
First, it isn’t “the 4th of July”, it is Independence Day. It is celebrated in memoriam of our independence from British monarchal rule. Our forefathers thus declared, in writing, that this country is a sovereign nation. This may seem a trifle thing, however it is small subtle changes like this that have eroded our previous heritage. It has been commercialized to the point of near complete detachment from its true meaning. Where are all the parades? (A few small towns still have them!) We should gather in the streets, not just in back yards. There should be block parties in communities all over the country.
I am a retired Army officer and foreign war veteran. I daily fly the US flag and honor all of the ceremonial rules that entails. I do not worship the flag – but I respect the symbol as both a reminder of the cost of freedom and the hope offered by a representative republic.
Despite the mistruths of CRT (Critical Race Theory), which is taught in many of our public schools, the Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4th, 1776—and, thus America was born. Our Declaration of Independence states, “… that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…” But first, we need to acknowledge our dependence on God Who has so graciously granted these liberties to us. In spite of the fact that our nation has basically removed God from the public square, many of us remain faithful to Him.
As we celebrate our nation’s independence, may we also acknowledge the flag, which is an emblem of our freedom. The proper folding of the flag involves twelve steps (folds) each representing something. The twelfth fold represents the Christian and glorifies God. The colors of our flag also stand for something—red for courage and the shed blood for our nation’s independence; white for purity and freedom from corruption by another country; and blue for justice and perseverance. Is God still the God of our nation? Many things indicate that is not the case anymore. On this day of celebration, let’s commit to turning that around.
“Inside the Bible’s pages lie all the answers to all the problems man has ever known… It is my firm belief that the enduring values presented in its pages have a great meaning for each of us and for our nation. The Bible can touch our hearts, order our minds, and refresh our souls.” ~ Ronald Reagan | 40th president
“How blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has
chosen to be his special possession.” Psalm 33:12
I have to admit this 4th was the most upsetting in my lifetime. Our once beautiful and wonderful country has been turned with the rest of the world into a HELLHOLE!!! Of course we all know who to blame and it’s not Trump.
” We are in the midst of the second American Revolution, fighting for the very foundational principles that made America great.
We must double down on our efforts to defend our Founders’ legacy for future generations.”
I’m proud to be an American and I will not let anybody throw Marxist Woke-ism in my face and tell me how bad my country is.
I will continue to do my part in preserving truth, justice, goodness and the awesomeness of Western Civilization that our Founder’s fight so hard for. May God bless the United States of America.
Being one of those who gave Uncle Sam a blank check on my life, I served twenty five years, one of which I in ‘Nam. I’m a proud patriotic vet. Every morning I raise the Stars and Stripes. At sundown I render a salute, then bring her down. Best part of my day. A year ago my best friend John Ranum, a Tomb Guard at Arlington in the early ’60’s passed away. John was a fine gentleman. He will be interred at Arlington at the end of this month. I think of John during those moments I’m alone with Old Glory. And I think of those who laid down their lives so we might celebrate the birth of this great country on July 4th.
I love my country. I hate my government.
GOD, Country, Family, Friends. You can’t have a good family and friends without a good country. You can’t have a good country without GOD.
God Bless the USA, pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
I proudly remember when President Trump held the celebration at Mt. Rushmore and gave that wonderful speech …
Today’s poll offered a simple choice. We’re still the best country in the world, or our time has past. The election of 2024 will be our last chance to decide which it is.
When I hear that Trump has a 6 point lead over Biden, I think, “How the hell can that possibly be? In the America I knew, Trump would be up closer to 100 points.”
I pray these discouraging numbers are just more biased polling spread by the fake news media. Come November, we’ll find out.
“Liberty once lost is lost forever.”
I agree with Jim Wood 100%,! However I am so afraid that there are enough people in this country specifically the Democrat Party that hate this country that they will be able to successfully destroy it. Even when Donald Trump gets re-elected, the Deep state and our judicial system will do their best to block all his efforts to save this country. All great societies have been destroyed from within. The only thing I have to look forward to is that I am a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, and Jesus will return and judgment will be eternal
When I read two stories yesterday about Hamas supporters somehow entering the Capitol building and vandalizing a Congressman’s office, and another about Leftist scum burning American flags, all on July 4th with no arrests made, it vividly showed the decline of our once-great country. Sad.
My little town is very patriotic, flags fly from Memorial Day to Labor Day. July 4th is a big celebration. We the People love this country, and We need to prove it in Nov.
My real answer was not there. America’s Birthday, that’s my first thought. Over the years, 65 of them, there has been more happy thoughts over all,with only some sad, for a myriad of reasons lately. We love genealogy, so I’ve grown to deeply appreciate, admire and be inspired by my personal forefathers who have given so much to and for our nation. We lived in Memphis when MLK was murdered and though our parents did wonders to protect our tender young hearts from the hate blazing through our country then, it has been since then, I have cried a few tears for her brokenness and by now thankfully have ‘camel knees’ on my heart from praying for G-d’s mercy and help for us all to remember not just who we are as a nation, but Whose we are too. I believe we the people is not simply the result of some brave, cagey, freedom loving forefathers, but America Is every bit the miracle of G-d’s loving, powerful plan for the world as is Israel.
“Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?
Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons in the revolutionary army, another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the revolutionary war.
They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.
What kind of men were they? Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners, men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.
Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags.
Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.
Vandals or soldiers or both, looted the properties of Ellery, Clymer, Hall, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.
At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson Jr., noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. The owner quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.
Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.
John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later he died from exhaustion and a broken heart. Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates.
Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight, and unwavering, they pledged: ‘For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.’”
While there may be some truth to the other options in the poll, the United States is still the greatest country on earth. Yes, we occasionally make a mistake in our selection of leaders, like the current regime, & unless we blow ourselves or the planet to smithereens, we will always recover and gain back what we temporarily lost. Our republican principles are based on solid political practices and the founding fathers knew what they were doing, with this Great Experiment. Even a Civil War and two World Wars did not destroy us.
We have proven our resilience time and again, & we will recover from this mistake, the Biden debacle, and be better for the experience. May God have Mercy on us, but God Bless the USA! Amen!
I was reminded of a bumbling president with dementia and a wife who doesn’t care about her husband or her country. As long as she can be called the 1st lady or the 1st birthing person, she’s happy.
Patriot John Adams in a letter to his wife Abigail on April 3,1776 ,Philadelphia.
“The second day of July 1776 will be the most memorable epica in the history of America. I’m aft
to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It
ought to be solemnized with pomp and parades with shows,games,sports,guns,bells, bonfires and
illuminations. From one end of this continent to the other.From this time forward for evermore.”
This year 2024 made me think that if we the people do not get it right in November and remove power from the hands of the corrupt far left, we may have just celebrated our last Independance Day as a free people.
Juneteenth labeled as national independence day and a black national anthem. Divide and conquer. This is what the new communist Democrat party is doing to us. Boycott Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, New York, Georgia, Arizona.
Todays young people know very little about American history which is a huge problem. Our government schools are a complete failure. President Trump should end the federal dept. of education!
Went out to the gun range where we had a two hour long fireworks display, with small children playing with sparklers and adorned with red, white and blue glowing necklaces running around like there wasn’t a care in the world. Many of us older folks are Vietnam vets with a smattering of younger people who have served in any number of unwinnable conflicts. They called it a COUNTRY Fourth of July, celebration, where families are having fun together and nobody gets hurt. GOD BLESS THE USA!
I have two….the first one especially. I grew up in a large family and my dad was in the Navy and we always celebrated as a family with picnics or barbecues. I have memories of picnics at the National Mall Park when we lived in Washington DC and Arlington, Va. and I have a brother, Sparky (his nickname) born on the 4th of July! It’s always been a day to be proud and a privilege to be a citizen of this great country.
My second is the last choice, Sadness for what the left has done to this country! It breaks my heart.
I believe in November we can get our country back to its greatness with President Trump!
We are not defeated yet, keep up the good fight and may God Bless America!
The 2nd one is what we see today, but I respect the American flag and fly it proudly because I enjoy the freedom we still have in this country, and the flag represents that freedom.
On July 4, I went to see the Mike Rowe movie “Stand for Something.” It was worth a look. It’s disappointing today that many people today don’t have much recollection of our history.
This is my 34th year pulling fire guard at my house on the 4th. I wait for things to catch on fire It never happens, but this year it did. Irresponsible neighbors with illegal fireworks ignited some dry grass in my yard. I saw it, so I put it out right away. Score! My first fire in 34 years. Given the wildfires, property damage, insurance companies fleeing the state, I would support a county ordinance to eliminate the non-profit fireworks stands and limit the practice to staffed public events like the one at the high school. People are irresponsible. That’s why I said the 4th of July is not what it used to be We don’t have to scorch every acre of dry grass and what not to make this point.
It’s a celebration of our Country’s birth! I decorate my home with a Patriotic theme immediately following Easter through Labor Day! I am proud to be an American! My father was a U.S. Marine who fought on the front lines of Korea, was wounded, and survived. He was a recipient of the Silver Star and Purple Heart. I was fortunate to have graduated high school with the Bicentennial Class of 1976 and our school administrators made certain we understood the significance that there would never be another Bicentennial Class! May we turn our hearts to God and pray He continues to bless this Great Nation born from the faith, grit, blood and sacrifice of millions of Americans!!
Promote Trump policies!
Keep Biden as Dem nominee.
Trump landslide!!!!
Make America Great Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I took the time to listen to this audio recording of a reading of the Declaration of Independence. Very powerful in its expressive content, and it gave me a real sense of what drove the colonists to declare independence, all the while knowing the consequences and sacrifices that would result. Moreover, it was a stark reminder the freedom is not free, and that standing up to destroy tyranny is always worth it.
If it’s been a while sense you’ve heard or really considered the full depth of content in this document, I encourage you to take a few moments to listen, enjoy, and then set your mind to action on what you’ll do to contribute to this perpetual cause that began 248 years ago. Do it now, it will lift your spirit. God bless America. ????????
Independence Day should remind everyone why our Country and in particular the second amendment exists. If it hadn’t been for an armed populace we’d be having bangers and mash instead of a BBQ and fireworks.
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness……But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security….
We may be at such a precipice once again…..
July 4th is the day we celebrate American independence. but the Devil is taking that away from Americans. There are no other nations that can do that.
Started the morning of the 4th by reading the Declaration of Independence. May of those words are biblically based and were in the hearts of those men that signed their names. It was not an emotional inspiration to participate, it was their core beliefs that God established certain rights of men and that the historical tyrannical governments common at the time had stolen those form men should end. To gain those freedoms for their fellow citizens at the time and for future generations they formulated our REPUBLIC, staking their lives, fortunes and sacred honors on those truths. Many have since then, also given their all. People of faith and courage established our country, and such a people can take it back. People of faith need to get out and vote for candidates that know and uphold the values and principals of our Declaration and Constitution. Primary elections are the first step to get those kinds of candidates into office – Vote for saving our nation’s freedom and securing the liberties for the future generations!!
The USA–though not perfect– is the greatest nation founded by man [with God’s clear direction]. These POS demonstrators (nazis) need to MOVE to whatever country they think is better!! Then they can worship their “father” (Satan) and do his deeds to each other with impunity!
We need to get rid of Slow Joe, who earned “Hanoi Jane’s” endorsement recently, and get DJT who will start honoring our military and citizens in general.
I wish people today realized that many people came to this country in 1638 and even earlier to escape unfair religious rules from the Kings in England, Scotland, Ireland and other countries. Many came as indentured slaves with a contract to work for a number of years for the industry that had established itself in the new world. I am not talking about blacks, these were white people escaping Kings rules. These people worked the land for 150 years, fought British troops & Indians to build this great country. The people that wrote the Constitution were people whom had been suppressed in other countries, that had fled injustice to build a new country for people of all nationalities, of all colors, of all income levels. They worked hard to build a country free of the domination of kings.
I have heard black people say the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island means nothing to them. My relatives were here 150 years before the Constitution was written, so Ellis Island doesn’t mean that my family came through there on a path to citizenship in America either, but that is all the more reason for anyone that relatives came to this new world on a ship thru Boston, or a ship thru New Orleans, we are all lucky to have landed here under any circumstance. If you don’t study history in school, you could assume that everyone came here on July 4th and wrote and voted for our Constitution all in one day. Lots of blood had been shed by that time, by many nationalities and many colors of men and women.
That my friends is what July 4th means to me. Not fireworks, not hamburgers, not bias news reporting, but free people, of all colors and all nationalities, and all religious beliefs. In America, the government is run by the people, for the people, with free speech, free thought, and liberty and justice for all. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
It’s become the 4th of July rather than Independence Day. [The 4th is a date, Independence Day celebrates an idea.] Generations of our young have not been taught the incredible story of the birth of this great nation and are therefor too willing to fritter away the freedoms and rights so many fought (and died) to earn and protect for us. The founding fathers would not recognize the country they bequeathed to us just 248 years ago. Everything they feared has come to pass.
TRUMP 2024
One of our early founders said it best. Paraphrasing, we should set aside the day to acknowledge the impact God had on the founding of our Nation and the birth of our the country.
It’s #1 for me, every year. Independence Day! Still the greatest country in the world, a jealous and envious world in some parts, a true friend in others. The USA still stands head and shoulders above the rest, holding the Light of Freedom for all to see. Yes, our house has some vermin in it, but what big welcoming house doesn’t? We sweep the floors, fill some holes, patch some screens, scold the children for leaving the door open, then get back to what we do best, being proud of who and what we are, the greatest nation there is.
Happy Independence Day on the 4th of July!
From the heart of a US military veteran, NONE of the above!
Independence Day reminds me of the pledge summarizing the commitment made by our forefathers.
We need this same commitment today, pledging our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor to the principles set forth 248 years ago!
Very sad issue, especially the post “boomer Generation” with each successive one gets worse in supporting and defending this great once Country, that lived and died through the great depression, and two world wars, then Korea and Vietnam, since Korea and Vietnam each new generation was “GIVEN” too much without them working or dying for it. This Country must somehow alter these brainwashed children to recognize this. Too much gimee, this and gimee that without doing anything for it. Our morals, values and especially our trust and faith in God has brought HIS wrath to us for turning away from him. The new generations are without knowledge or ability to do anything but play computer games and wait for others “boomer” to give them everything
It’s also my son’s birthday- so i usually think of him first. It’s extra special to me. But patriotism is my first thoughts after my son.
That we seem to have come full circle from King George III to…
The Hero’s that make it possible our veterans may God Bless them all.
I put sadness, I can remember celebrations from the 60’s and 70’s – nuff said!!!!!
I can bet that most people don’t even know what they’re celebrating! It’s not about hot dogs & barbecues & fireworks! People are so ignorant it makes me sick!
Fireworks. When I was a kid, they used to sell us sparklers which were basically metal sticks CDwuth something on one end that when lit throw off a bunch of colored sparks. It was great fun for us kids. And of course, when I got a little older, I went to see firework shows. And they always featured the red white and blue.???? Thank you for your inspiring post. Have a great fourth❣️
voted for the last, but not sure it counted we should be able to vote for at least two or all the above
China Provides Over 94 Percent Of Fireworks Imported To U.S., so I don’t trust or buy any of them, too bad we don’t make them here! I admire them from afar in case of a malfunction.