

How do you feel about the proposed GOP Plan for Tax Reform?

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6 years ago

Once we get some more meaningful details, we will be able to make an assessment. Right now all we have is the same outline that Ryan and Brady gave back in February to their plan. If Congress actually wants to get this plan passed before the end of this year, those details will have to be presented to the American people in the next month or so. Then AMAC can conduct this poll again.

Norm Beauchamp
Norm Beauchamp
6 years ago

Tax cuts should be across the board for everyone. To say one group should not deserve a tax cut to pay for a tax cut for others is a democrats view of fairness!

6 years ago

Only interested in the Fair tax, everything else leaves too much power to the problem makers.

6 years ago

Better than nothing but not enough. I’d like to see the “Fair Tax” implemented but that will never happen – it would take too much power away from Washington.

L Binde
L Binde
6 years ago

Don’t you all realize that only the VERY rich will benefit from this? Despite President Trump’s comments, HE will benefit from this. If money is not collected from the very rich, it will have to come from us, the middle class. Please do your research and don’t just buy the party line. President Trump’s tax plan would eliminate the alternative minimum tax, or AMT, which is a calculation that guarantees that certain higher-income taxpayers with large deductions pay at least a minimum amount of tax – so with his plan, the higher income taxpayers will be able to avoid payment much, if any, tax. How does this benefit the middle class?

He says that elimination of the estate tax would benefit small businesses. Facts show that the estate tax only affects the country’s richest families. For 2017 the Tax Policy Center says “After allowing for deductions and credits, 5,460 estates will owe tax. Over two-thirds of these taxable estates will come from the top 10 percent of income earners and close to one-fourth will come from the top 1 percent alone.” The center projects that only about 80 small farms and closely held businesses would pay any estate tax in 2017 – about 1% of all payers of estate taxes. NO BENEFIT for the vast majority of small business but great benefit to the wealthy.

6 years ago

The GOP and most of congress has again proven to be lairs, cheats and thief’s as proven again by the disgusting display of “criminal conduct” shown in the recent Obama Care “repeal & replace” efforts why should we believe anything they say? The tax plan is not good for small business, sub chapter S & LLC companies need BETTER consideration than the large companies & nothing significant is being done to address the ticking time bomb of annual deficits. The Federal Government needs to be reduced by 1% in size each year in the next 10 years as part of any tax plan. Without a 10% minimum reduction in 10 years in the overall size of the “FED INC” any tax plan in a non starter. And no tax plan can be successful without getting government out of the health plan business, its a catch 22! We have very serious budget problems that cannot be resolved unless we act now an make DRASTIC cuts in the size of FED INC, everything else is a “side show” to distract the masses. People who have paid for there health insurance all their lives are going “bare” there is misery and pain because of BAD or NO action from congress. You ask how I feel about the GOP Tax plan? It cant work and they have great incentives to keep it from working! We need a constitutional amendment for a balanced budget thru the state convention provision to stop the spending madness.

Dan Rizzo
Dan Rizzo
6 years ago

An “extension” of the problem of appealing o-care….probably won’t happen…these politicians did not think they would have to face any of this because they did not believe Mr. Trump would win…major legislation requiring help from the other side of the aisle won’t occur because they do not want to work with a businessman…just enough ones on the Republican side to cause blockage…hope I am wrong but it just seems pretty petty
..luck to us all…

6 years ago

This plan eliminates the “estate tax”>>only applicable to individuals with incomes upwards of $5.5 mil / couples $11 mil. A clear tax break for nabobs who don’t need it! Other provisions are said to favor wealthy as well, but with all the shelters their tax accountants take advantage of some hardly pay ANYTHING >> the Prez confessed that he is one of those so benefitted during his campaign>>and he continues to refuse to release his returns for public scrutiny as even Killary did!! I have my doubts that this plan does much for the cause of true tax reform!

John Sand
John Sand
6 years ago

I am concerned about elimination of the medical deduction. Many seniors have higher than normal medical expenses and they are the one thing that can cause financial stress.

6 years ago

Cuts need to be across the board. Highest tax bracket of 39% is too high . Need tax cuts to be meaningful like Reagan era cuts.

Dorette Landis
Dorette Landis
6 years ago

I would like to see taxes for state local and property be deductible. My only isseybut I am for it

6 years ago

Are you approvers voting for what your fantasy is, or what the facts are!!!? What I read about the new tax proposal indicates that it will hit the rich (ha ha) who make over $200k seriously in a number of ways. It is MILLIONS OF MILES away from the proposal Trump campaigned on. Schumer gets a 4th tax bracket that will be devastating with long range impact. Far from the tax cut across the board, the newest proposal is full of democrat influence, including more people (illegal aliens) with unearned income checks. Pay attention, people!!

6 years ago

Totally disgusted with the Republican Party. They will get nothing done on this issue either.

James H. Rust
James H. Rust
6 years ago

We need to cut the corporate tax down to 15 percent so the U. S. is competitive world wide. We also need to have the IRS send tax forms to those who need them.

6 years ago

The problem is – the tax plan keeps the same amount of our money going to Washington, thus, no reduction in the size of the federal government. The federal government needs to be downsized by about 55%.

Jeff B.
Jeff B.
6 years ago

Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, but it falls short of what they should be striving for with their majority. Fact is, I’ll be very surprised if they pass anything meaningful at all when the chips are on the table.
Theses guys gave pretty much proven themselves weak and useless every step if the way. No reason to expect that to change now.

Paul R.
Paul R.
6 years ago

I agree the fair tax would the way to go and also like to see is a Lock Box on Social. Security in the same package

6 years ago

Our government can’t be fixed. Therefore it cannot fix things. Most of our leaders can’t even obey the laws of the land. The politicians are a cancer that has no cure. Money and power is their god. Dire? You bet it is. We are doomed to repeat history. See “…Fall of the Roman Empire.”

Dr. J
Dr. J
6 years ago

I have not heard anything about long & short term capital gains and regular & qualified dividends. A lot of us retired people depend on those as a source of income. Even those who are not in the stock market have mutual funds or 401k pension plans that also rely on those. The proposed changes to tax rates are of particular interest in this area.

Gary Wortz
Gary Wortz
6 years ago

IF they are talking about scrapping the current tax code of some 70,000 plus pages loaded with special interest exemptions and replacing it with something simple then I would agree otherwise it’s just business as ususal.

6 years ago

Need more details. Was hoping the tax cuts were across the board. Want to see the tax forms on the size of a post card for all. Get rid of all deductions and 90% of the IRS is gone and that is a worthy goal

Alan Finley
Alan Finley
6 years ago

Give me all the facts first then I’ll give you my vote thumb’s up or thumb’s down. Amac wants us to take the poll, but it’s to soon to take the poll without all the facts.

J. Alan
J. Alan
6 years ago

This is a populist ideological plan – the old give the poor a little more, not much to the middle class and stick it to the rich- which is meant to get votes for the party in power. An honest conservative revision would give an equal break to all and leave it to the government as to how to reduce its spending. The politicians of all stripes always ask how to cover the assumed reduction in tax monies instead of where to cut out the fat and the fraud. The current proposal is a sham. My prayer is that the majority of the electorate doesn’t fall for it.

Janie shimer
Janie shimer
6 years ago

Would prefer flat tax.

Ralph A
Ralph A
6 years ago

On the surface plan sounds good, except I do not want to lose State real estate and personal property deductions. Several middle class homeowners depend on those deductions when purchasing their homes.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 years ago

Expand on tax cuts later when applicable IE Scrap IRS alone, recycle workforce for other Govt needs nationwide & scrap Tax Code totally,. Tax cuts for Innovators needed. IE Tax cuts to buy EVs & put up charging units citywide.

Albert Armitage
Albert Armitage
6 years ago

It’s time the conservative media and news outlets exposed the lies of Chuck Shumer and the democrats and support the president strongly.

6 years ago

I would prefer Federal Sales tax and eliminate the income tax and the IRS. This would simplify things and reduce costs in many ways.

W M Guice
W M Guice
6 years ago

I don’t support the loss of the state income tax & property tax deductions. We’re always supposed to do with less while the government(s) want more.

Wilson Haynes
Wilson Haynes
6 years ago

How about some details so I can make a judgment?

6 years ago

Plan doesn’t give the job providers enough relief. Corporate tax rate reduction will help, but not giving all taxpayers a tax cut is wrong. Socialism doesn’t work! Fair Tax is the best plan.

Lynn Hildebrand
Lynn Hildebrand
6 years ago

I feel it is mostly tinkering on the edges. I would like to do away with the income tax entirely. How about a national sales:
No form filing
No April 15
No slimy, corrupt IRS

6 years ago

I want to know more. What are the income breakdowns for the proposed tax brackets. I’m also not happy to lose the real estate tax deduction. I live in PA and while property taxes may not be as high here as in NY or CA, they are high for people on fixed incomes. Added to increases in medical insurance premiums but the loss of deductibility of medical expenses when many of us on fixed incomes have not seen an increase in retirement colas for a couple of years, I am very concerned. I don’t feel that seniors concerns and issues are being paid attention to at all.

6 years ago

better but why are we still punishing achievement. How about lower rates for EVERYONE?!

6 years ago

We need to start with term limits, then a balanced budget amendment, flat tax rate and last but not least no special treatment for government employees including elected officials. Make America Great Again

6 years ago

The only fair tax would be 5 (five) percent of gross income across the board from Welfare crowd to Wealthy crowd; no deductions! That way everyone has some skin in the game, is responsible for paying taxes, and will THINK when voting. No more paid for votes from the people receiving the redistribution of wealth! No more loopholes for the uber rich. Let the cooperations have the same bracket and our economy will thrive. If the government can’t work with that amount of money – let ’em go on a real budget like the rest of us! Also: put healthcare out there like a Chinese menu across state lines: check off only the items you need (i.e. maternity) and pay a lot less for coverage! Please do not reply to my email. Thank you!

Rich L
Rich L
6 years ago

Not enough and without matching cuts in spending, will do nothing more than continue to skyrocket the deficit.

Bob Current
Bob Current
6 years ago

I am for getting rid of the IRS. Prefer a Fair or Flat tax. those who make more spend more and drug dealers, etc buy things but for sure don’t claim there profits. Don’t mean to Imply drug dealers are the only cheats around, too many to name. Lets collect the tax when the money is spent.

Candy Clanton
Candy Clanton
6 years ago

I’m a real estate agent & the Nat’l Assn of Realtors, being the biggest lobby in the US, has read the entire proposed tax plan – it isn’t that good for the middle class. In fact, if they remove the itemized deductions even though they are keeping the mortgage interest deductions & charity, it will still cost the middle class ‘more’ tax money (middle class being defined as incomes $50k-$200k); the only people that will really benefit are non-homeowners. Also, they are considering eliminating the 1031 exchanges which a lot of homeowners use when keeping their original home & renting it; nothing has been said about capital gains which Obama raised from 15% to 28% so there are a lot of holes. And they are still considering removing the mortgage interest deductions or limiting it’s use based on homeowner income (which is definitely not fair to the middle class). The NAR has a team negotiating to save homeowners, home buying, etc. in this proposed tax reform. Real estate produces is what turned around our economy – if they make it so purchasing a home is no longer worthwhile, then they will put this country’s economy back in the hole again & the American Dream of owning their home will go away for many!

6 years ago

It’s a good start; but I really wanted a system where the whole tax form was post card size. Unfortunately, congress will probably screw it up. The whole establishment is determined to keep Trump from getting much of anything done. Look’s like they are succeeding.

6 years ago

It seems to me that the tax ‘cuts’ are too little. While the ‘cuts’ are helpful, they are not nearly enough to ignite our economy.
Once again, the G.O.P. is mostly giving a pass to the wealthy. No wonder Bernie Sanders has so many people charged up.

Jeff Brescia
Jeff Brescia
6 years ago

I trust President Trump.Not the Democrats or even most Repuplicans any longer.Unfortunately, he can’t do all that needs to be done since not many of either party want to upset the apple cart, or their own gravy train.The corruption and self centered interests maybe just too much to overcome.President Trump is the right person for these times.

6 years ago

I’d prefer a consumption tax. Exempt the necessities of life – food, clothing, medical care, gasoline. The people who make more buy more and buy more expensive items, therefore they pay more. Plus, it eliminates the untaxed underground cash market and illegals can’t escape it, either.

Mike Palmer
Mike Palmer
6 years ago

I would like to be able to input my 2016 Tax/Income information in an APP with proposed GOP Tax Plan and see the results….it will show me if I can support the Plan.

steven minter
steven minter
6 years ago

need a national sales tax… then even the people who never file a return can pay their fair share…then we need term limits on both houses and supreme court…that way power is returned to the people…

Shirley Cain
Shirley Cain
6 years ago

The plan needs to include ALL tax brackets – 100% – which means even the wealthiest –

6 years ago

Does not cut the overall federal govt budget, and does not address issues with PP funding, elimination of duplicate agencies & programs, etc ..

6 years ago

I am pushing 73 years, retired from two jobs and still working at 3 part-time jobs. Just can not make it in high cost, Morris county, NJ absent job income. So far, have not seen anything in the proposed tax plan that would help me. Have not seen help from anywhere for seniors of my ilk. My ss income in pitiful; and it galls me that at this stage of the game I must pay any taxes, although I am willing if some offset benefit would go with it. We seniors who struggle to work should be given more consideration than is afforded. Who has paid their dues more than we?

So many politicians identify with the plight of the disaffected dreamers and illegal aliens? So disingenuous. How about aging workers? Why no show of grey power for us?

Barbara Mongo
Barbara Mongo
6 years ago

I hope that congress approved tax cuts. My family is struggling to make ends meets. Healthcare is also a priority. Being married and paying 1500 for health insurance takes s bite out of budget. Especially when we see unmarried women with babies from different fathers (spe donors) getting free health insurance. Why bother getting married. You get penalized. Just plain wrong!!

6 years ago

I voted ‘unsure’ – my opinion is these tax cuts are not enough. They should go further to help large and small businesses as well as voters. At the same time, the spending cuts that could offset these (deeper) tax cuts have barely been mentioned. My middle-class-responsible-budgeted-personal spending decisions should be implemented in Washington – no financial masters degree necessary…..

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