
Elon Musk has said Twitter employees must work longer, harder, and commit to the mission or go. What do you think of this?

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Dan W.
Dan W.
1 year ago

I love it when the king tells the peasants to work harder.

1 year ago

I’m so tired of these spoiled, snot nosed children????

Mark J
Mark J
1 year ago

It’s actually really hilarious to me that there’s absolutely nothing controversial about this, and yet it’s front page news across the entire media spectrum.

1 year ago

Like a Biden-Fetterman ticket, it’s a no-brainer.

1 year ago

You mean employees do actual work at twitter? I thought all they did was press the banned-for-life button or the disinformation button or both. I am not on twitter, so I don’t really care. I expect that if twitter does become more responsible with less censorship, the other media platforms will drive censorship that much higher.

1 year ago

The work ethic of late is disgusting. Nobody works like we do or used to. Today’s youth are lazy, inconsiderate, fat and lazy

1 year ago

The lack of work ethic will be a major factor in the fall of America unless it’s changed and changed fast! They can only live on other peoples money for so long!

1 year ago

Here is an oldie. Dobey Gillis character Maynard G. Krebs. His exclamation of “WORK?????”

1 year ago

Just curious if anyone else might see some concern with an individual who now controls a major social network also controlling a large portion of the internet through his Starlink system? Could this turn into censorship (or directed “misinformation”) on steroids?

1 year ago

It’s not just since COVID. The work ethic in the US has been going down hill for many years. Kids just don’t know what hard work is. All the focus is on making as much money as possible for the least amount of work you can do. Anything over the scheduled 8 hours is too much even with OT pay. But then I was Army. Even retiring after 21 years when I got my civilian job the work ended when the job was done. Many hours of non-paid OT to accomplish the mission. It seems that the only focus now is to do the hours required, tet the most money you can for it and get out. My father would have beat the tar out of me. But now that is called child abuse. It must be nice to have the government pay for your education in liberal arts or social justice and then go live with your parents while collecting welfare. But just who is working and minding the store?

quantum 73
quantum 73
1 year ago

As you put it, it sounds like the old Soviet Union, workers marching together to overcome, arms linked, singing patriotic songs, how despicable.

EMPLOYEES need to be loyal, but it is in exchange for money (an exchange of value) that they work for a company. If Mr. Musk wants them to work longer and harder for his companies, he ought to be offering greater compansation. The way you’ve put it, is he’s “offering” termination if they don’t just give him more.

Conversely, if he doesn’t articulate that the employees are not fulfilling their part of the economic agreement, then he’s got no leg to stand on to demand more. It’s a tough balance, and it’s where management and leadership overlap in running a company.

Free Dom
Free Dom
1 year ago

Well a lot of politicians have been talking, talking, talking. Give Musk credit for taking action and shedding light on this situation. And DeSantis for taking on “woke Disney”. So when they abandoned their mission there and they lost a boatload of money Disney replaced their CEO and brought back Iger. Once again it proves the “Get Woke, Go Broke” doesn’t appeal to stockholders much.

1 year ago

Work is a four letter word, but so is wife, toys, cars, food, rent . . .

1 year ago

If it takes discipline like this to “reprogram” people to understand what work is and isn’t – like how many Latte breaks you take and indulging in selfish pursuits, then I am all for it.

1 year ago

I’m the broken record on this platform. The most important thing to pay attention to is the invasion of our country at the southern border. All the other stuff can get fixed. Our military needs to be pulled out of Europe and put on the border. Large deportations of illegals must happen, or we the country will be gone! Then, trials for the people responsible, just like Nuremberg…..

1 year ago

The youth in America do not know how to work hard. They show up and expect to be paid.
Laziness is a disease in this country.

1 year ago

Where do I invest. Finally some Ole fashion effort. Get out of the flip flops, take off the night cloths, get dressed, put dress shoes on and move your butt to the office. Got to payback your college debt. Imagine that, responsibility

Isidora Taitano
Isidora Taitano
1 year ago

Success is persistence, consistent and commitment … I agree with Elon Musk… there is no free ride

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
1 year ago

More importantly, Musk has shown how Twitter was a willing servant of the DNC and the Biden campaign by spiking the NY Post’s story about Hunter’s laptop. Fascism is the alliance of private business and government for the purpose of control. This is a perfect example of it.

kathleen D fanzo
kathleen D fanzo
1 year ago

The boss makes the rules on how he wants to run his business, you don’t like it there is the door.

1 year ago

I do find this refreshing. As it has been reported the office environment at Twitter was all about refreshments and nap time and that was for the few that went to the office. At the same time the company was operating at a loss. Elon Musk buys the company and tells the employees that they need to work for their pay. OMG!! What a concept. Those that couldn’t cope with the idea of working for their pay, quit. That’s better than being laid off, because quitters don’t get unemployment and the company doesn’t suffer increased unemployment taxes. Win, win.

And to those who think EM has too much power, What about Apple, Google, Face Book, Instagram, TikTok and the list goes on and on. These companies have very questionable business practices and “progressive” leanings. They love treating people like mushrooms. For the time being Twitter is turning on the lights and progressives don’t like it, bo ho.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Need more of this nationwide all industries that warrant it

1 year ago

For those voting for “unsure”, or “Musk is over the top…”, shouldn’t you be over on AARP’s website?

grumpy old woman
grumpy old woman
1 year ago

I have been working in IT for 22 years and have worked for several different companies. Each company expected me and everyone else to work at least 8 hours a day if not more and weekends when there was a need for it. I don’t know how many times I was awakened in the middle of the night for a system emergency, all without extra pay. I was expected to be in the office, working every day, no midday naps, no “meditation” rooms, no free lunches everyday and if I didn’t produce, no more job. I did what I was told and would never dream of publicly airing any company “issues” or speaking ill of the company publicly without expecting to be fired.

I’ve been laid off a couple of times and fired a time or two also, very upsetting but, you just get another job I never posted a tearful screed because I didn’t get my way.

1 year ago

A brilliant way to flush out lefties. Telling them they must actually work is like telling them to use corncobs instead of tp.

1 year ago

The public must learn of the censoring of the Hunter Biden laptop story. Not only should the details on the laptop regarding corruption in the Biden Crime Family be revealed, but the COVER-UP of those details by Social Media outlets such as Twitter, Yahoo, FaceBook, etc. must be exposed.

This travesty must never happen again in a free USA.

Dave Smith
Dave Smith
1 year ago

And if we can return to Americans running our country instead of democrats, we can stop coddling lazy people and paying them not to work! This silk panty, constantly whining “work force” is what you get when you “participation trophy” kids and tell them they don’t have to make an effort for anything! Yes, we have to tolerate this crap but in no way do we as AMERICANS HAVE TO ACCEPT IT! Call people out! Laugh at their stupidity and laziness! Embarrass the ever-loving crap out of them publicly! We’ve become a weak nation because WE ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN! They are not the majority, it only seems that way because Americans are not standing up together for what is right! We’re allowing the disease to kill us from the inside!

1 year ago

I opened a twitter account in 2008. they had me following a woman that was soliciting sex. they kicked her off the platform and then they had me following a football player. needless to say my twitter days were short-lived.

1 year ago

I’m enjoying the release of information on Twitters suppression of Hunter’s Laptop story. Of course all of the lib media outlets are totally ignoring it.

jim wood
jim wood
1 year ago

Love EM. Lying, Cheating, censoring Bastards deserve this. They cannot handle the truth and free speech. As for the young workers of this country, you are a joke. No one gives you anything in this world. Get off your wok, tik tok crap butts and roll up your sleeves and man up. This country is a mess and will continue to be so as long as the Dems are in power. Republicans better get their s—together come January or this crap will continue. Disgusted. I did not fight in the Vietnam war for this mess.

Ida Dennis
Ida Dennis
1 year ago

Musk’s comments sound like any other workplace.

1 year ago

It’s his business. He can run it how he wants. If employees don’t like it they can leave, or try to unionize to bargain with him, lol.

Margaret Wolfe
Margaret Wolfe
1 year ago

Hard work is what this country was built on. It’s the American way! We have coddled workers far too long and as a result they have become a generation of hand me this hand me that because I deserve it. That needs to stop! Our country has gone way downhill these past three years because of the plandemic.

Kelly Gustafson
Kelly Gustafson
1 year ago

Here’s the truth…it’s his business. And, personally, I don’t care. I’m not a Twitter user anyways.

1 year ago

On the surface it sounds like Musk is a “slave driver”, but a moments thought on it says he would not be pushing for overtime to require “longer”,so the business man boss outlook would be to have the staff do the job they are being paid for, and not just coast their way through the day.

Richard Kosack
Richard Kosack
1 year ago

Do you realize that people, just like these hopefully ex Twitter employees and all the other liberal media ( both social and news) , actually swayed the 2020 election to elect Biden. He and his son are actually guilty of crimes against Americans by peddling influence and abetting criminal activities. If the spotlight of investigation had been allowed to shine , the Biden family might be in prison rather than the most powerful man in the world.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

The topic of work ethics would be a great subject for a future AMAC poll. I believe a work ethic should be part of having a sense of purpose and a code of conduct to go along with it. An extension of the Golden Rule would be real good, something that is uplifting to the spirit. The words ” work longer, work harder ” , sounds more like an order, not a work ethic. If the term “working hard” means being diligent about the work someone is doing that is good, if ” working hard” means getting physically or mentally exhausted, then that is not good.
It is far better to be able to think clearly at all times, and be at the ready to deal with an emergency if one should happen.
I was involved with toolmaking for much of my 72 years, made specialty tools for navigation instruments, weather instruments , microscope related technology. Some plumbing, mechanical,and carpentry tools too.

I wrote this Work Ethic for Toolmakers earlier this year.

A Work Ethic for Toolmakers. Making tools that are necessary to accomplish mechanical tasks; to advance and increase knowledge by building things that are needed and thereby improving the economy;in the support of public safety and the defense of freedom through the encouragement of craftsmanship and good citizenship; contributing to the betterment of life through development of mental and physical skills by designing, making and using tools for good purposes.


1 year ago

If they’re getting compensated justly, then Musk has the right to say “it’s my way or the highway!”

John Viertel
John Viertel
1 year ago

Longer and harder are comparitives. Longer than what? Harder than what? It is possible that some of Twitter’s employees work very hard already. It is also likely that others could work harder and not really exert themselves as much as they should. Longer and harder is not an objective goal, but subjective. Subjectivism is the detriment of this country. The poll is way too vague.
That said, Musk is the boss. He rightly sets the standards. As long as his employees have the freedom to buy into whatever he decides “the mission” is or leave for other employment, as long as there are no personal rights imposed upon, then the objectives he puts in place are proper. His directives are what will bring the success or failure of his company. That depends on his skill to balance the desire for gain with the temperment of his consumers and the dedicated participation of his staff.
Good luck sir. I have no interest in Twitter.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

The woke elitist youths who predominate the Twitter workforce are used to getting something for nothing! That’s why 90%+ of political donations go to DIMMs! Get paid just to show up! I saw a radical professor who told her students they’d get an “A” just for attendance. Of course, she looked like a freak and “taught” a “course” on radical, Marxists doctrine!

Patricia DeClue
Patricia DeClue
1 year ago

Mike Rowe from dirty jobs, has done a lot to promote and develop good work ethics in all ages. Would be great to have more people like him. I think Musk has the same values.

1 year ago


Bob J
Bob J
1 year ago

It’s his business, good for him!
Only the bleeding heart liberals have heartburn over this. Grow up. He needed to clean out the garbage that would not be dedicated to his vision of HIS company.
Nothing different than from where I worked.

1 year ago

I am 100% in favor of almost anything that gets the Despicable Pedo-crats & their miserable ilk’s panties in a twist. Go Elon!!!!

Marie M
Marie M
1 year ago

Elon Musk did us a great favor! We knew all along that Twitter was in the pocket of the Democrats and the media, Musk bringing all their shenanigans to light for the world to see. Time to expose the rest of them that withheld information that in turn affected the election.

1 year ago

Well, I hope a lot of them go, I’m tired of going to a restaurant and told there’s a wait of half hour or more for a table, when more than half the tables are empty or needed to be bused because the restaurant can’t get workers. I am being sarcastic, but these coddled Twitter employees need to wake up and smell the coffee! “Why should a fool have money in his hand to buy wisdom when he has no sense?” Proverbs 17:16

1 year ago

I choose neither option. It’s HIS company, he can make policy necessary for the development of HIS company.

1 year ago

There are plenty if woke companies that can hire lazy whiners. They can pay them twice as much, to work half the time, and boast medicre profits or losses, with production at low levels. And as a bonus, they can complain all day.

J. Farley
J. Farley
1 year ago

It’s good to see most people think Elon Musk has made the right decision, when I made this post, 173 thought he was wrong or didn’t know, my question did they ever have to work hard and show their worth like most Americans did?

1 year ago

Elon owns the company. He is taking the financial risk along with the stockholders. If employees don’t like the stated mission of the company, they have the freedom to go work for someone else. Or they can start their own company and run it the way they want. Plenty of job openings in this market today. And we still have the freedom to move around, choosing who we work for. However long that lasts. Who knows. So long as the socialist marxists don’t stop us from moving around. I think that more and more Constitutional Conservatives should market themselves and start their own business’s in the vastly growing parallel Network Society! They would have vastly more legal leverage and anonymity against the corrupt failing liberal progressive elite socialist marxist. We The People Are The Government, Sovereign and Free.

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