

Election integrity continues to be of concern for most Americans, and some state legislatures are making changes. Knowing that one cannot get all one wants in any election reform legislation, which THREE below are MOST important to securing future elections?

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Pam Jones
Pam Jones
2 years ago

Whats code 402 failed!

Pam Jones
Pam Jones
2 years ago

Vote failed status code 422?

J VanHorn
J VanHorn
2 years ago

This is a no-brainer. All of the above. Also Election Day is just that, Election Day not election week or month or months. Show up that day or don’t vote with the exception for absentee ballots which worked just fine until the Democraps excuses for everything from Covid to presenting an ID is somehow racist.

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

Citizenship tests. If these tests are good enough to qualify a person for citizenship, they are good enough to qualify a person to vote.

2 years ago

We have racists running elections in many states and most major cities. They are called democrats, and they tell us that blacks are too stupid and incompetent to get a photo ID like the rest of us manage with almost no effort.

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
2 years ago

No mail in or absentee ballots unless you are bed ridden or overseas in the military. If you can make it to the grocery store, you can make it to the polls.

2 years ago

Signature verification and blocking non-citizens from voting together form the critical “fire break” for all the other dangers listed for a fair election EXCEPT my third choice. The Federal Government’s Marxist Administrative State counting the vote.

2 years ago

If you can’t show up to vote then you vote don’t count and you must have a ID…

Woody Booher
Woody Booher
2 years ago

All of the above!!

2 years ago

Nov, 2020 election was stolen. There is plenty of evidence that others will not take a look at.

David Pyke
David Pyke
2 years ago

Voting is one of the most important events for the direction of this country. Verification is required to get on an airplane, a ship, and making a bank transaction. And now, for some events, your vaccination card (contrary to the 4th Amendment of the Constitution) must be shown.

2 years ago

Joe Biden must be punished for what he did in the 2020 election. Let’s go Brandon.

Linda K
Linda K
2 years ago

Eliminate all mail in voting except for military personal overseas.

Chip Ayars
Chip Ayars
2 years ago

The problem with all of these except voter ID to an extent is they depend on enforcement. Right now enforcement is a joke on most laws let alone voting laws.

2 years ago

Enhanced voter identification is essential. Soros, Zuckerberg, and the like should not be permitted to funnel money into States to interfere in any election. Basically, many things that took place in the 2020 election should never be permitted. The Democrats used Covid to control, cheat, and defeat the Will of the American people! I would have supported an “all of the above” choice for this survey!

Ollie Golson
Ollie Golson
2 years ago

Without secure elections our republic is doomed.

William Day
William Day
2 years ago

I’m afraid that in blue states, there will NEVER EVER be a fair election again. The left is all about cheating, lying and pretty much anything underhanded to achieve their ill gotten ways. As a previous comment read – ‘all the above’ to your survey…AND, THEN SOME !!!!

2 years ago

Short and sweet. If the progressives get anywhere close to their voting goals,VOTING COULD BECOME 24/7/365 WITH NO ID. WHAT COULD GO WRONG WITH THAT ???????? LET ME COUNT THE WAYS. FILL IN THE BLANK _______.

2 years ago

I want to check them all, the mass mailing was just an open door to fraud. Money makes folks do things that are illegal and the polling places were totally out of control in major cities.

Gilbert David Morales
Gilbert David Morales
2 years ago

Voting Machines !!!!

2 years ago

The Democrats got what they wanted and they started two years ahead of the elections . First get someone that has a backbone and will stop tampering with the elections . Two stop the pencil necks from spending hundreds of millions on elections and holding a press conference about it . They pay one side they pay the same for the other side that’s fair election reform . Three and most importantly get the 50 percent of Americans who don’t vote TO VOTE !! Hold their hand , stick your foot up their , fine them !!

James Kannen
James Kannen
2 years ago

How do you choose from this list? All of them are vitally important in ensuring election integrity. It was very hard to choose which was most important

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

I’d rather see only “in person” voting at your district polling place, on paper ballots as the only way to vote. NO mail-in ballots and NO electronic anything involved in the voting process. Yes, it would slow the counting and totaling process way down, back to the way it was decades ago, but we don’t need to know the results before many polls close anyway. Accuracy and accountability are more important than “instant election gratification”, If a person can find a way to go apply for food stamps and welfare, they can find a ride to the polls to vote.

Lets Go Brandon
Lets Go Brandon
2 years ago

The best way to improve election integrity is to put cheaters on notice that cheating will not be tolerated and punish those that do. All ections must be properly monitored and elections must be taken seriously by voters. There’s too much apathy.

2 years ago

We can bank on the internet, we should have the same secure options for voting. Every citizen should already be registered via birth records just like they did for SS numbers. Independent mirror sites can collect the votes, have them authenticated and send them to a 2nd stage of clearing to be matched with the data from the other sites. Any discrepancies would be flagged and investigated before being counted. This can be done in a matter of minutes.

2 years ago

I would have liked to vote for all of them. Crazy to even think we have to ban non-citizens… geez! And of course 3rd party “funding” (ie enticements) shouldn’t be allowed either. But doggonit, put in strong voter ID and stop the fraud, double voting, etc.!!!

Gilbert David Morales
Gilbert David Morales
2 years ago

All the issues you mention are all important, in order to insure that all votes are legal, however, we all KNOW that the machines CAN and ARE literally RIGGED to produce whatever results are programmed…….Voting Machines ARE the most important item to put in your list.

Don Voight
Don Voight
2 years ago

All of the above are a necessity!!!

2 years ago

I am sure that no matter what changes are made in voting procedure, the commie Democrats will find some way to exploit them to their advantage. That is what they do best…lie, cheat, steal and destroy.

2 years ago

None of these factors matter AT ALL unless you change who COUNTS THE VOTES! Without ethical people and a moral code of fairness doing the tabulating, correcting all of these things won’t change anything…or give us any confidence. I think your missing the entire underlying problem!

2 years ago

Voter ID is the most important factor. Also no mail in ballots should be sent out to people who are capable of voting in person. Absolutely no illegal immigrants should be able to vote in our country.

Dave Gorjup
Dave Gorjup
2 years ago

I could not select just 3 and did not vote. They are ALL important components of election integrity.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

& Id add these:

QR codes
Match signatures from D base
Robotics move ballots vs people
Indie Local Elections Board
Open door Vote Count Team
Scan signatures
3D marks IE holographic code?
Color code ballots
Combined can improve elections
NO Dominion Voting machines.

2 years ago

ALL OF THEM !!!!!!!!

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
2 years ago

How can you possibly choose? All are critical, The only one that I suggest is for Federal elections, the Federal government should set guidelines since California and other liberal states, especially those with large numbers of representatives and electoral votes can skew the final results by allowing partisan legislators the ability to change vote counting and observation rules and waving deadlines for the presentation of mail-in ballots to polling places or ignoring the chain of custody requirements.

2 years ago

None of the above will matter, unless and until computerized vote tallies are made transparent. Their systems MUST be audited and the results verified by randomized human recounts.

2 years ago

There must be in all voting accountability and consequences for the actions that compromise our voting process which invariably are going to happen no matter how secure we intend them to be. The lack of integrity and the massive amounts of money in our voting process today is beyond appalling. The system today will continue to be bought and paid for by the evil among us.

2 years ago

Picking just 3 is tough when it should be ALL THE ABOVE!

2 years ago

All of those are important and the states should have periodic audits of their voter rolls, procedures and spot check ballots after every election. Also hefty fines and sentences for anyone violating voting laws. ie: prison time for all election offenses.

2 years ago

This one is a no brainer!
VOTER ID is the only solution and that’s why the Democrats are so set against it. Why because they will never win another election if this country puts in place for voting that you need for everything else you do in this country. Of course everyone knows this is true, that’s why they will never put it in place.

Ms. IWantToKnow
Ms. IWantToKnow
2 years ago

All of the above choices pertain.
Any absentee ballot or mail in vote, other then military should be a vote that is on time or not counted after the election is over. And none of this “found” ballots days later, after Election Day, that are sudden votes counted in. If the Republicans did that there would have been an uprising!

Why were certain officials not allowed into the voting rooms?
In addition the last election was a stolen election and it’s alarming to me that nothing was done about that.

Randall Keith
Randall Keith
2 years ago

All of the above. . . Fire leftist democrat cheaters from working at polling places. Police those who DO work as poll workers.

2 years ago

All of the polling questions are important concerns, but ballot harvesting, especially if the process if funded by special interest groups, are the single largest threat to a fair voting process. Voting is a privilege, not a right. If you can’t make an effort to get to your polling location and show an ID, you don’t deserve the privilege of voting.

Robert Everett
Robert Everett
2 years ago

All points are valid. However, there should be a basic federal standard of voting procedures to prevent states from allowing voting fraud.

2 years ago

Imagine “voting” for the president of McDonald’s, or IBM? Whenever you hear the words the United States on the news or read it in the mainstream media rags, you are being scammed because the United States is a corporation just like McD’s and IBM. It’s all a big joke on the People.

Phillip Ridenour
Phillip Ridenour
2 years ago

All of the above plus bi partisan monitoring, removal of Venezuelan voting machines, careful vetting county elections officials. Want more? Mass incarceration of every Dem in Congress.

2 years ago

How do we comment of Ben’s video segment ? No one wants to listen to that NYC mayor . And you don’t have a choice??? Band together and don’t go to work ! See if the spineless corporations can make money without workers . I think they would have a quick sit down with that clown . Same with school its not a school without kids and the teachers at BO academy can have the pizzas.

2 years ago

Paper ballots counted at the precinct by a Repub, Dem and unaffiliated, who sign affidavits affirming their count. Accountability. No machine counting except to confirm hand count.

Scott Mattern
Scott Mattern
2 years ago

Ban vote by mail. Absentee ballots could still be requested and by mail.

2 years ago

As stated by Eric, all of the above should be an option to choose. Can ballots be made to be like our currency, so it would be fairly easy to ID counterfeit ballots? I never understand why after elections the politicians admit that there is fraud, but claim that the fraud was not large enough to change the outcome. The Indians have a saying about speaking with a forked tongue. Admitting to a problem and doing nothing about is a fine example. The computers used for elections apparently can be altered to change numbers or outcomes. Don’t believe it is the computers themselves but some of the people who have access to them.

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