When I was younger, the Dems were just wrong. Considering how far left they have moved into Marxist territory in recent years, they have become pure evil. Nothing they do now surprises me. And they will do ANYTHING to retain power.
3 months ago
I believe they cheated in the last election and I believe they will in this one. I just hope we have enough votes in spite of their cheating.
3 months ago
There is nothing the dems and the deep state will not resort to, to stop Donald Trump. Thus far, all of the scams, lies, bogus legal charges have all failed. The election is just a few weeks away, and while I don’t know who will win ( with God’s grace it will be Trump), things are looking good for Donald Trump. The dems and their anointed buffoon, Harris, must be a wee bit nervous by now, and will try every trick in the book to stop him. Fanny Willis is trying to do legal “CPR” on her bogus charges; Jack Smith, the government misfit, is pulling every legal shenanigan he can. I mean, they don’t stop. If Trump loses, I think the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization, aka the US Government, will put him in jail. Then the real fun will begin. The Department of Defense has updated Directive 5240.01 on the use of force against civilians and aiding law enforcement. They are planning on there being violence, and if there is, the government of these not-so-United States will use lethal force to stop it. In fact, I’d say they are hoping for violence, so the military, led by it’s Milley-like generals, can turn their pop guns on us. There are those in our military that do not believe in the right to keep and bear arms for “we the people”. Biden, has threatened to use F-15’s on citizens. Hot air and bluster from him? Perhaps. For those that think the US would not use the military against its citizens, I take you back to 1993 and a little town named Waco, Texas. Who do you think owned the tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, aka Bradleys, and helicopters, that were used against civilians???? Our military!!!!!! Every day this country of ours becomes like an episode of the X-Files. I wonder who the Cigarette Smoking Man is? George Orwell was so right about many things. God save us.
Mist Carter
3 months ago
The Vice President’s role in certifying election results is rooted in both the Constitution and federal law. The 12th Amendment and U.S. Code designate the Senate president, a role filled by the Vice President, to oversee the counting of electoral votes.
Although the Vice President (Kacklin’ Kommie) does not have any special authority to overturn or alter the results of an election, her “ceremonial” role could result in allowing chaos and antics of a flood of congressional Democrats, who have already vowed they would not commit to certifying the 2024 election if Trump wins.
But what are they actually certifying if election integrity at the federal, state and local level is fraught with fraud? Federal law forbids non-citizens from falsely claiming citizenship to register to vote. However, enforcement mechanisms for such laws are almost non-existent, and opportunities to get around them are ample.
There is tremendous effort to thwart the efforts of states and counties to clean up their voter rolls. The fact is that of the more than 20 million non-citizen adults live in the U.S., roughly 1.0 million to 2.7 million of them will illegally vote in 2024 unless stronger election integrity measures are implemented. This could easily overturn the will of the American people in close major elections.
Regardless of who wins the 2024 Presidential election (hopefully Trump) there will be civil unrest regardless of certification.
“But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good;
abstain from everyform of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22
3 months ago
Well, let’s look at it this way. If there is a way to cheat, lie, steal, make up votes and destroy our election process, the Democrats are all in.So if Kamala won’t certified the election no one will be surprised. The Department of Justice is also ready to challenge the election if Trump wins. Four years of corruption, why change now.
Bobby D
3 months ago
Hell, I’m still beyond shocked that ANYONE would vote for the lying, cheating, VP trying to coerce the public to believe she is FOR the US and it’s citizens. Fact check…SHE’S NOT! She’s a full fledged communist and we need to sharpen our wits and vote TRUMP/MAGA!
Marty M
3 months ago
I have already dropped off my absentee ballot inside our township office.
I voted for Trump a proven leader, not harris the proven lair!
I will never vote blue, no matter who!
For the non-partisan portion I only voted for judges and such that were conservative and endorsed by reliable republicans in our area.
And I also used “Right to life’s” Ballot Generator to vet candidates.
jim wood
3 months ago
Vote Trump and end this madness. Go Big D.
3 months ago
I pray for this country daily!
We need to vote out all these communist democrats making a mockery of the United States!
Now dementia joe and truckstop kumala has enlarged Medicaid to include all illegals! Who will pay for that? We the people!
Now the dictator is giving even more money to the lazy ones not wanting to pay their tuition back! Who is paying for that! We the people!
Still bringing in more illegals then we need here! So these communist democrats can stay in power forever! Who is paying for this? We the people!
We can’t afford four more years of these communist democrats!
I cast my votes early, voted straight Republican ticket like I always do!
Jeff Noncent
3 months ago
The Democratic are purely evil.
3 months ago
There are sixteen (16) states that do not require any voter identification for federal offices. This is in violation of the U.S. Constitution and Federal Law. These states by law, in my opinion, should have the electoral vote counts removed from the total number of Electoral Votes Count/ Certification required to win a presidential election.
3 months ago
In all honesty, I believe all of the statements. Whereas Patriots staged a peaceful protest J6, which the demon crats exploited and arrested innocent people, if Trump wins, there will be violence just like the “summer of love” with Commiela bailing all the rioters out. I wonder if anyone remembers Mad Maxine going to one of the “protests” and using a bullhorn to egg them on. Now I wonder what would have happened if that was a Republican???
Rev. William E. Weisert II, DD mA/HN
3 months ago
One could always pray for a peaceful transfer of power when President Trump is re-elected, but given the way some dumo-rats are acting, there will be problems. The nation should be braced for trouble but Pres. Trump will be sworn in for his 2nd term as President and he will restore the standing of the United States in the world, that standing so easily and traitorously fretted away by Biden and Harris. He has a lot of work to do and needs a strong nation behind him. Let anyone who won’t help to strengthen the nation, LEAVE & LEAVE NOW!
We don’t need any more vipers in our body politic, only loyal citizens of this great nation!
3 months ago
I definitely expect that Antifa, BLM and other Soros paid rioters will be called upon to riot and cause other forms of civil unrest if Trump wins. Some conservatives may also express the need to declare civil war for yet another stolen election if Trump loses. Either way, expect to see civil unrest. Raskin promised that the Demonrats in the Senate will not certify the election if Trump wins. But the newly elected Congress will take their oath on Jan. 3rd so, hopefully, the Republicans will win a significant majority in the Senate so that there will not be enough RINOS to refuse to certify. If the election is certified, expect an immediate impeachment by the House, unless Republicans can increase their majority there.
3 months ago
The Democratic Party has slide so far to the Left, A move started by Obama who still calls all the shots. I no longer call them Democrats; I call them the USA’s Marxist Communist. A win by Harris will just seal this country into a third world country with a Totalitarian party taking over everything. Only Donald Trump’s victory will halt the rapid slide. VOTE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN ON NOVEMBER.
Monty Shows
3 months ago
Despite what they are saying my feeling is they will not go down without a fight of some sort. BTW, all I have to say to the thug arm of the demorat party….bring it on! You’ll look like Hamas when the smoke clears!
3 months ago
The reality is:
1- if there are election problems/irregularities – suspicion of cheating – we do not have a good way (STILL) of checking. The 2020 election had TOO many irregularities that many believe have been proven to be cheating, yet very few were investigated past their initial ‘discovery’ – so we are still subject to seeing them happen again.
2- if the election is not perfectly clear (decided by a few votes or even clearly, but decided by the electoral college), then the losing party will be upset greatly. This is where we will see the travesty of January 6th, 2021. The people there just wanted their grievances addressed – exactly what our constitution and electoral process is supposed to resolve – but the electoral process did not in that year.
3- Which ever party that is the loser: if Democratic – for sure there will be violence and destruction, because that is what they are – the party of death, destruction, and discontentment (all of us owe them something – they think). If it is the Republican Party, then it’s an open bag – because there was nothing righteous done for 2020 and we all see how incredibly destructive these four years have been – more division, more debt, more decline in our economy (our currency is totally devalued and now is being actively tossed off the “Global Standard” platform – with NO ONE (either party) doing anything about it). So if irregularities occur (again), there could be major consequences – because we do not have a Republic any longer when elections are not 100% honest and provably so. But I would expect decent behavior from everyone if there are no irregularities.
4- Lastly, if Trump wins, the media and the losers will CONTINUE their discontent. However, I believe a second purpose of all the illegal immigrants is to have national enemies in place to destroy US infrastructure to humble this nation. Whether there is an EMP bomb sent, or just an incredible amount of sabotage by these illegals (and perhaps discontented losers of the Dem party) – if we now have our enemies (internal or external) amongst us, Trump, nor any political party can make things right – – – and that will be the goal and purpose of our external and internal enemies.
Trump can’t do it all by himself. He needs good people to execute government properly. We all need the unity promised in our pledge of allegiance to our nation/flag: I pledge allegiance, to the Flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands. One Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I don’t believe that every US citizen or legal resident can honestly say this pledge, but there was a time when 99.9% could – and meant it. Today, we have let this slip away by a corrupted educational system, by a people who have turned their backs on God, and by the total failure of our elected representatives to enforce the laws of our nation with regard to immigration – and yet illegal immigration is considered a ‘lite thing’ that doesn’t constitute treason if the people who SWORE to uphold the law, purposefully ignore it and encourage illegal immigration.
God help us come back to You – confess our own sin and inadequacy and look to You for our leadership. None of our candidates for our Presidency are holy. None of them reverence You and Your law, nor Your promises to us as a people. However, one party has purposefully made death and destruction a part of their platform – they hate the mention of You and Your Son, the only way of salvation – help us to have the wisdom to shun this party until they can recognize their wickedness and turn from this wicked way. Help us, the people, the citizens of this nation to recognize we ARE responsible for the actions of our representatives and MUST hold them accountable. We are responsible to vote. We are responsible to run for office ourselves and learn the details of our government, or we lose it. You have blessed us all these years because we had Godly men who lead us at our beginning and You helped them put a great government in place along with a great constitution. Help us not to go any further down this path we have toward self-gratification, reckless spending for horrible purposes, tolerance of cheating, and this incessant foul, vulgarity in our language, dress, and lives. We need the salvation only Your Son can offer. We need the Holiness and purity that comes from following Your way. Help us to be at peace with everyone, as much as that can happen with all the evil in this present world. I ask this in Your Son, Jesus’s, name. Amen
V. S.
3 months ago
Marxists, Communist have no place in America!
America is a Republic constitutional society and it Shall stay the course under God’s Blessings only.
3 months ago
Democrats will continue to hate. If they continue down the path they are going down, eventually they will be crushed by common sense Americans.
Stan d. Upnow
3 months ago
If you don’t understand by now that the Progressive-Socialists are serial liars & deceivers, then you haven’t been paying the least bit of attention. They will always accuse the other side of what they are about.
How big a deal have they made over Trump being a “threat to democracy” by falsely claiming he tried to block Biden’s certification? Yet, they are blustering that they will actually do exactly that if Trump is elected. Liars, deceivers, and subversives- every one of them.
3 months ago
Trump better be covered in armor for four years! There is no telling what these maniacs will do to get rid of him. Vance will be next!
3 months ago
Just finished my training to work the polls in Ohio (not the first time). 1. We check ID’s of everyone. 2. Theoretically a non-citizen should not be on our voter logs. 3. We can verifiy citizenship by their drivers license, as on the back of their license (or ID) it will say non-citizen.
I have always felt that Ohio had a good system, but recently I had become concerned about the illegals, so I was happy to hear of these double checks.
3 months ago
I have given this concern to God and I therefore refuse to worry.
martin plecki
3 months ago
There are many Democrats who have no problems suspending whatever ethics they might have to advance their agenda including violence. We have already seen violence on an unprecedented level perpetrated by elements of the Democratic Party such as black lives matter, and at least two attempts on the life of former President Trump.
Mike Adler
3 months ago
The unhinged Democrats have tried nearly everything in their evil book of tricks: impeachment, lawfare, going after Trump’s colleagues, fake stories, dehumanization, threats, election interference…..it’s all there for all to see. If they haven’t been worried about repercussions due to these actions, what else could possibly worry them? With 20+ million unvetted, lord-knows-who, entering our country- the threat of Russian, Iranian, Chinese or any number of foreign assassins is real! If it was Joe Biden, Harris or even Timpax Walz being threatened the FBI & DOJ would be working overtime in an attempt to curb the threat. We are a failing nation, right now an absolute disgrace!!
3 months ago
I am convinced that the dumboKraps will continue to do whatever they can to keep Trump out of office up to additional assassination attempts. I pray that they will fail and Trump will take office, clean up the the DoJ and DoD and throw these anti-US scumbags into Federal prison.
3 months ago
Honestly, I hope that every democrat that said they’d leave the country if Trump wins, Does leave the country.
Gordon S
3 months ago
It used to be that R’s and D’s would disagree on the methods for dealing with a situation that both commonly felt was a problem. That at least allowed for compromise. The D’s have gone so far off the Constitutional reservation that there is no longer any common ground. You can’t keep splitting the difference when the goal posts only move left.
Brian Carrozza
3 months ago
I despise early and mail-in voting, but in this election every supporter of President Trump MUST VOTE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so that they will not be cheated out of voting. Remember, if you fall ill close to Election Day, and are admitted to a hospital or other care facility, you WILL LOSE YOUR VOTE. It happened to me, and I was amazed that no one and no political entity checks hospitals to see if a voter gets overlooked.
3 months ago
I will never be convinced that the Democrats did not cheat in 2016 and 2020! I saw Hillary Clinton’s face and it was one of utter shock and confusion because she knew the fix was in! You could read it on her face! They made sure it wouldn’t happen again in 2020. I live in Pennsylvania and when I went to bed, President Trump was winning by over 700,000 votes! There were too many stories of nefarious activities/evidence that the Courts never heard! They refused to hear the evidence! We have yet to find out what happened to the trailer truck load of ballots shipped out of New York to Pennsylvania! It disappeared and nothing was done about it. I don’t believe the Democrats have changed their evil ways!!
3 months ago
I’m not afraid of the election not being certified, I’m afraid of another assignation attempt on Trumps life. If he wins, he needs to go to ground and stay safe. There will be mass mail in voter fraud and ballot dumping. If that’s not enough, and the Democrats do not win, there is nothing they will not do to “eliminate” Trump. Please keep President Trump in your prayers during this tumultuous time. We need him alive and safe!
D. R. Harrington
3 months ago
As Mr. Kennedy, the senator from Louisiana says, and I am paraphrasing, “I trust any Democrat as much I trust gas station sushi”.
kameltoe harris
3 months ago
3 months ago
I see a real insurrection from the communist regime when Trump wins. We need to be ready to serve them their just desserts
Michael O Jones
3 months ago
All to often, we forget that GOD is in charge. Our fears are dominated by carnal thoughts.
3 months ago
We are living in the most critical time in American history since the civil war. Our country is on the cusp of a Communist Totalitarian take over by the treasonous Democrat party.
You can vote your way into Communism but you’ll have to shoot your way out!
3 months ago
Can we just export all the democrats that try to start a civil war? Gaza has room.
3 months ago
Trump should win by landslide, but will it be enough to overcome the fraud? If he does, they will refuse to certify. If he gets certified, they will impeach him YET AGAIN to try to keep us from stopping the globalist agenda. “From each, according to his ability; to each according to his needs”. . . . . as decided by who?? You don’t NEED anything, starve, peasants! That’s how Communism works.
3 months ago
I wonder if we will actually have an election. I don’t trust the Dems to not start civil chaos before the election and shut it down.
3 months ago
Turn the tables on Cameltoe the fake black and accuse he/they/her/it of conflict of interest in the certification of the election results since being a candidate. That would create havoc with the left turds. Voting is considered free speech, the 1st Amendment, and the 2ndA is used to protect that speech and when it is threatened the 2ndA should be considered as an appropriate application.
3 months ago
All demon-crats are “certifiable “.
3 months ago
Flat out, if Trump wins, the Dems will whine. Also, they will try some dirty tactics to keep him from the presidency. I wonder if they will play the video clip with the liberal lady crying?
3 months ago
There’s a reason they have Implemented the Military to respond against the American People with “Deadly Force” Look up
(DOD 5240.01)
Changed and Reissued on Sept. 27, 2024
David Weldon
3 months ago
There’s NO WAY Kalama can beat Trump!!! But I said There’s No Way Biden can beat Trump in 2020 But Look how the Election got out of hand!!!! Look at what happened in Atlanta, Detroit, and Philadelphia !!!!! No Arrest made as corrupt poll workers were caught cheating, Truck drivers with loads of ballots crossing State Lines!!!!! The Only True Fair way is whichever Candidate carries the Most counties in that State wins the Electoral Votes from that State. We have a few Cities determining The Election results Just look at the Pattern of the 2020 Election !!!!
3 months ago
Really depending on the size of the win will dictate how crazy Dems get.
Mike Ecko
3 months ago
If the election is close, I would bet on the Democrats contesting the results. If it’s a blowout in the electoral college, and especially in the popular vote, I think they’ll tuck their tails between their legs and slink away. Not quietly, mind you. They’re incapable of that.
3 months ago
With all the Democrats rhetoric on a peaceful transition of power if Trump wins and they don’t follow thru…Then they will be exposed for the hypocrites they are and then there may be civil unrest…it won’t happen…Trump will have 4 years and the dems will make his life miserable and then gear up for 2028
3 months ago
MAGA President Trump 2024 ……………….FKH
3 months ago
My personal feeling is after all the bluster, there will be a peaceful transition of power. However, that does preclude the possibility of some unrest and riots like in summer of 2020. The riots will most likely be smaller but perhaps more violent. The cause for smaller riots is that I think that Trump is building a larger coalition and making many inroads into the traditional Democrat voting bloc. Last polls I have heard is that he is way up in many of these constituencies across the country.
3 months ago
If the dems dispute the vote, an audit will have to be done, which will show the cheating on EITHER side, so I doubt they’d push for that.
When I was younger, the Dems were just wrong. Considering how far left they have moved into Marxist territory in recent years, they have become pure evil. Nothing they do now surprises me. And they will do ANYTHING to retain power.
I believe they cheated in the last election and I believe they will in this one. I just hope we have enough votes in spite of their cheating.
There is nothing the dems and the deep state will not resort to, to stop Donald Trump. Thus far, all of the scams, lies, bogus legal charges have all failed. The election is just a few weeks away, and while I don’t know who will win ( with God’s grace it will be Trump), things are looking good for Donald Trump. The dems and their anointed buffoon, Harris, must be a wee bit nervous by now, and will try every trick in the book to stop him. Fanny Willis is trying to do legal “CPR” on her bogus charges; Jack Smith, the government misfit, is pulling every legal shenanigan he can. I mean, they don’t stop. If Trump loses, I think the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization, aka the US Government, will put him in jail. Then the real fun will begin. The Department of Defense has updated Directive 5240.01 on the use of force against civilians and aiding law enforcement. They are planning on there being violence, and if there is, the government of these not-so-United States will use lethal force to stop it. In fact, I’d say they are hoping for violence, so the military, led by it’s Milley-like generals, can turn their pop guns on us. There are those in our military that do not believe in the right to keep and bear arms for “we the people”. Biden, has threatened to use F-15’s on citizens. Hot air and bluster from him? Perhaps. For those that think the US would not use the military against its citizens, I take you back to 1993 and a little town named Waco, Texas. Who do you think owned the tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, aka Bradleys, and helicopters, that were used against civilians???? Our military!!!!!! Every day this country of ours becomes like an episode of the X-Files. I wonder who the Cigarette Smoking Man is? George Orwell was so right about many things. God save us.
The Vice President’s role in certifying election results is rooted in both the Constitution and federal law. The 12th Amendment and U.S. Code designate the Senate president, a role filled by the Vice President, to oversee the counting of electoral votes.
Although the Vice President (Kacklin’ Kommie) does not have any special authority to overturn or alter the results of an election, her “ceremonial” role could result in allowing chaos and antics of a flood of congressional Democrats, who have already vowed they would not commit to certifying the 2024 election if Trump wins.
But what are they actually certifying if election integrity at the federal, state and local level is fraught with fraud? Federal law forbids non-citizens from falsely claiming citizenship to register to vote. However, enforcement mechanisms for such laws are almost non-existent, and opportunities to get around them are ample.
There is tremendous effort to thwart the efforts of states and counties to clean up their voter rolls. The fact is that of the more than 20 million non-citizen adults live in the U.S., roughly 1.0 million to 2.7 million of them will illegally vote in 2024 unless stronger election integrity measures are implemented. This could easily overturn the will of the American people in close major elections.
Regardless of who wins the 2024 Presidential election (hopefully Trump) there will be civil unrest regardless of certification.
“But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good;
abstain from every form of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22
Well, let’s look at it this way. If there is a way to cheat, lie, steal, make up votes and destroy our election process, the Democrats are all in.So if Kamala won’t certified the election no one will be surprised. The Department of Justice is also ready to challenge the election if Trump wins. Four years of corruption, why change now.
Hell, I’m still beyond shocked that ANYONE would vote for the lying, cheating, VP trying to coerce the public to believe she is FOR the US and it’s citizens. Fact check…SHE’S NOT! She’s a full fledged communist and we need to sharpen our wits and vote TRUMP/MAGA!
I have already dropped off my absentee ballot inside our township office.
I voted for Trump a proven leader, not harris the proven lair!
I will never vote blue, no matter who!
For the non-partisan portion I only voted for judges and such that were conservative and endorsed by reliable republicans in our area.
And I also used “Right to life’s” Ballot Generator to vet candidates.
Vote Trump and end this madness. Go Big D.
I pray for this country daily!
We need to vote out all these communist democrats making a mockery of the United States!
Now dementia joe and truckstop kumala has enlarged Medicaid to include all illegals! Who will pay for that? We the people!
Now the dictator is giving even more money to the lazy ones not wanting to pay their tuition back! Who is paying for that! We the people!
Still bringing in more illegals then we need here! So these communist democrats can stay in power forever! Who is paying for this? We the people!
We can’t afford four more years of these communist democrats!
I cast my votes early, voted straight Republican ticket like I always do!
The Democratic are purely evil.
There are sixteen (16) states that do not require any voter identification for federal offices. This is in violation of the U.S. Constitution and Federal Law. These states by law, in my opinion, should have the electoral vote counts removed from the total number of Electoral Votes Count/ Certification required to win a presidential election.
In all honesty, I believe all of the statements. Whereas Patriots staged a peaceful protest J6, which the demon crats exploited and arrested innocent people, if Trump wins, there will be violence just like the “summer of love” with Commiela bailing all the rioters out. I wonder if anyone remembers Mad Maxine going to one of the “protests” and using a bullhorn to egg them on. Now I wonder what would have happened if that was a Republican???
One could always pray for a peaceful transfer of power when President Trump is re-elected, but given the way some dumo-rats are acting, there will be problems. The nation should be braced for trouble but Pres. Trump will be sworn in for his 2nd term as President and he will restore the standing of the United States in the world, that standing so easily and traitorously fretted away by Biden and Harris. He has a lot of work to do and needs a strong nation behind him. Let anyone who won’t help to strengthen the nation, LEAVE & LEAVE NOW!
We don’t need any more vipers in our body politic, only loyal citizens of this great nation!
I definitely expect that Antifa, BLM and other Soros paid rioters will be called upon to riot and cause other forms of civil unrest if Trump wins. Some conservatives may also express the need to declare civil war for yet another stolen election if Trump loses. Either way, expect to see civil unrest. Raskin promised that the Demonrats in the Senate will not certify the election if Trump wins. But the newly elected Congress will take their oath on Jan. 3rd so, hopefully, the Republicans will win a significant majority in the Senate so that there will not be enough RINOS to refuse to certify. If the election is certified, expect an immediate impeachment by the House, unless Republicans can increase their majority there.
The Democratic Party has slide so far to the Left, A move started by Obama who still calls all the shots. I no longer call them Democrats; I call them the USA’s Marxist Communist. A win by Harris will just seal this country into a third world country with a Totalitarian party taking over everything. Only Donald Trump’s victory will halt the rapid slide. VOTE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN ON NOVEMBER.
Despite what they are saying my feeling is they will not go down without a fight of some sort. BTW, all I have to say to the thug arm of the demorat party….bring it on! You’ll look like Hamas when the smoke clears!
The reality is:
1- if there are election problems/irregularities – suspicion of cheating – we do not have a good way (STILL) of checking. The 2020 election had TOO many irregularities that many believe have been proven to be cheating, yet very few were investigated past their initial ‘discovery’ – so we are still subject to seeing them happen again.
2- if the election is not perfectly clear (decided by a few votes or even clearly, but decided by the electoral college), then the losing party will be upset greatly. This is where we will see the travesty of January 6th, 2021. The people there just wanted their grievances addressed – exactly what our constitution and electoral process is supposed to resolve – but the electoral process did not in that year.
3- Which ever party that is the loser: if Democratic – for sure there will be violence and destruction, because that is what they are – the party of death, destruction, and discontentment (all of us owe them something – they think). If it is the Republican Party, then it’s an open bag – because there was nothing righteous done for 2020 and we all see how incredibly destructive these four years have been – more division, more debt, more decline in our economy (our currency is totally devalued and now is being actively tossed off the “Global Standard” platform – with NO ONE (either party) doing anything about it). So if irregularities occur (again), there could be major consequences – because we do not have a Republic any longer when elections are not 100% honest and provably so. But I would expect decent behavior from everyone if there are no irregularities.
4- Lastly, if Trump wins, the media and the losers will CONTINUE their discontent. However, I believe a second purpose of all the illegal immigrants is to have national enemies in place to destroy US infrastructure to humble this nation. Whether there is an EMP bomb sent, or just an incredible amount of sabotage by these illegals (and perhaps discontented losers of the Dem party) – if we now have our enemies (internal or external) amongst us, Trump, nor any political party can make things right – – – and that will be the goal and purpose of our external and internal enemies.
Trump can’t do it all by himself. He needs good people to execute government properly. We all need the unity promised in our pledge of allegiance to our nation/flag: I pledge allegiance, to the Flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands. One Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I don’t believe that every US citizen or legal resident can honestly say this pledge, but there was a time when 99.9% could – and meant it. Today, we have let this slip away by a corrupted educational system, by a people who have turned their backs on God, and by the total failure of our elected representatives to enforce the laws of our nation with regard to immigration – and yet illegal immigration is considered a ‘lite thing’ that doesn’t constitute treason if the people who SWORE to uphold the law, purposefully ignore it and encourage illegal immigration.
God help us come back to You – confess our own sin and inadequacy and look to You for our leadership. None of our candidates for our Presidency are holy. None of them reverence You and Your law, nor Your promises to us as a people. However, one party has purposefully made death and destruction a part of their platform – they hate the mention of You and Your Son, the only way of salvation – help us to have the wisdom to shun this party until they can recognize their wickedness and turn from this wicked way. Help us, the people, the citizens of this nation to recognize we ARE responsible for the actions of our representatives and MUST hold them accountable. We are responsible to vote. We are responsible to run for office ourselves and learn the details of our government, or we lose it. You have blessed us all these years because we had Godly men who lead us at our beginning and You helped them put a great government in place along with a great constitution. Help us not to go any further down this path we have toward self-gratification, reckless spending for horrible purposes, tolerance of cheating, and this incessant foul, vulgarity in our language, dress, and lives. We need the salvation only Your Son can offer. We need the Holiness and purity that comes from following Your way. Help us to be at peace with everyone, as much as that can happen with all the evil in this present world. I ask this in Your Son, Jesus’s, name. Amen
Marxists, Communist have no place in America!
America is a Republic constitutional society and it Shall stay the course under God’s Blessings only.
Democrats will continue to hate. If they continue down the path they are going down, eventually they will be crushed by common sense Americans.
If you don’t understand by now that the Progressive-Socialists are serial liars & deceivers, then you haven’t been paying the least bit of attention. They will always accuse the other side of what they are about.
How big a deal have they made over Trump being a “threat to democracy” by falsely claiming he tried to block Biden’s certification? Yet, they are blustering that they will actually do exactly that if Trump is elected. Liars, deceivers, and subversives- every one of them.
Trump better be covered in armor for four years! There is no telling what these maniacs will do to get rid of him. Vance will be next!
Just finished my training to work the polls in Ohio (not the first time). 1. We check ID’s of everyone. 2. Theoretically a non-citizen should not be on our voter logs. 3. We can verifiy citizenship by their drivers license, as on the back of their license (or ID) it will say non-citizen.
I have always felt that Ohio had a good system, but recently I had become concerned about the illegals, so I was happy to hear of these double checks.
I have given this concern to God and I therefore refuse to worry.
There are many Democrats who have no problems suspending whatever ethics they might have to advance their agenda including violence. We have already seen violence on an unprecedented level perpetrated by elements of the Democratic Party such as black lives matter, and at least two attempts on the life of former President Trump.
The unhinged Democrats have tried nearly everything in their evil book of tricks: impeachment, lawfare, going after Trump’s colleagues, fake stories, dehumanization, threats, election interference…..it’s all there for all to see. If they haven’t been worried about repercussions due to these actions, what else could possibly worry them? With 20+ million unvetted, lord-knows-who, entering our country- the threat of Russian, Iranian, Chinese or any number of foreign assassins is real! If it was Joe Biden, Harris or even Timpax Walz being threatened the FBI & DOJ would be working overtime in an attempt to curb the threat. We are a failing nation, right now an absolute disgrace!!
I am convinced that the dumboKraps will continue to do whatever they can to keep Trump out of office up to additional assassination attempts. I pray that they will fail and Trump will take office, clean up the the DoJ and DoD and throw these anti-US scumbags into Federal prison.
Honestly, I hope that every democrat that said they’d leave the country if Trump wins, Does leave the country.
It used to be that R’s and D’s would disagree on the methods for dealing with a situation that both commonly felt was a problem. That at least allowed for compromise. The D’s have gone so far off the Constitutional reservation that there is no longer any common ground. You can’t keep splitting the difference when the goal posts only move left.
I despise early and mail-in voting, but in this election every supporter of President Trump MUST VOTE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so that they will not be cheated out of voting. Remember, if you fall ill close to Election Day, and are admitted to a hospital or other care facility, you WILL LOSE YOUR VOTE. It happened to me, and I was amazed that no one and no political entity checks hospitals to see if a voter gets overlooked.
I will never be convinced that the Democrats did not cheat in 2016 and 2020! I saw Hillary Clinton’s face and it was one of utter shock and confusion because she knew the fix was in! You could read it on her face! They made sure it wouldn’t happen again in 2020. I live in Pennsylvania and when I went to bed, President Trump was winning by over 700,000 votes! There were too many stories of nefarious activities/evidence that the Courts never heard! They refused to hear the evidence! We have yet to find out what happened to the trailer truck load of ballots shipped out of New York to Pennsylvania! It disappeared and nothing was done about it. I don’t believe the Democrats have changed their evil ways!!
I’m not afraid of the election not being certified, I’m afraid of another assignation attempt on Trumps life. If he wins, he needs to go to ground and stay safe. There will be mass mail in voter fraud and ballot dumping. If that’s not enough, and the Democrats do not win, there is nothing they will not do to “eliminate” Trump. Please keep President Trump in your prayers during this tumultuous time. We need him alive and safe!
As Mr. Kennedy, the senator from Louisiana says, and I am paraphrasing, “I trust any Democrat as much I trust gas station sushi”.
I see a real insurrection from the communist regime when Trump wins. We need to be ready to serve them their just desserts
All to often, we forget that GOD is in charge. Our fears are dominated by carnal thoughts.
We are living in the most critical time in American history since the civil war. Our country is on the cusp of a Communist Totalitarian take over by the treasonous Democrat party.
You can vote your way into Communism but you’ll have to shoot your way out!
Can we just export all the democrats that try to start a civil war? Gaza has room.
Trump should win by landslide, but will it be enough to overcome the fraud? If he does, they will refuse to certify. If he gets certified, they will impeach him YET AGAIN to try to keep us from stopping the globalist agenda. “From each, according to his ability; to each according to his needs”. . . . . as decided by who?? You don’t NEED anything, starve, peasants! That’s how Communism works.
I wonder if we will actually have an election. I don’t trust the Dems to not start civil chaos before the election and shut it down.
Turn the tables on Cameltoe the fake black and accuse he/they/her/it of conflict of interest in the certification of the election results since being a candidate. That would create havoc with the left turds. Voting is considered free speech, the 1st Amendment, and the 2ndA is used to protect that speech and when it is threatened the 2ndA should be considered as an appropriate application.
All demon-crats are “certifiable “.
Flat out, if Trump wins, the Dems will whine. Also, they will try some dirty tactics to keep him from the presidency. I wonder if they will play the video clip with the liberal lady crying?
There’s a reason they have Implemented the Military to respond against the American People with “Deadly Force” Look up
(DOD 5240.01)
Changed and Reissued on Sept. 27, 2024
There’s NO WAY Kalama can beat Trump!!! But I said There’s No Way Biden can beat Trump in 2020 But Look how the Election got out of hand!!!! Look at what happened in Atlanta, Detroit, and Philadelphia !!!!! No Arrest made as corrupt poll workers were caught cheating, Truck drivers with loads of ballots crossing State Lines!!!!! The Only True Fair way is whichever Candidate carries the Most counties in that State wins the Electoral Votes from that State. We have a few Cities determining The Election results Just look at the Pattern of the 2020 Election !!!!
Really depending on the size of the win will dictate how crazy Dems get.
If the election is close, I would bet on the Democrats contesting the results. If it’s a blowout in the electoral college, and especially in the popular vote, I think they’ll tuck their tails between their legs and slink away. Not quietly, mind you. They’re incapable of that.
With all the Democrats rhetoric on a peaceful transition of power if Trump wins and they don’t follow thru…Then they will be exposed for the hypocrites they are and then there may be civil unrest…it won’t happen…Trump will have 4 years and the dems will make his life miserable and then gear up for 2028
MAGA President Trump 2024 ……………….FKH
My personal feeling is after all the bluster, there will be a peaceful transition of power. However, that does preclude the possibility of some unrest and riots like in summer of 2020. The riots will most likely be smaller but perhaps more violent. The cause for smaller riots is that I think that Trump is building a larger coalition and making many inroads into the traditional Democrat voting bloc. Last polls I have heard is that he is way up in many of these constituencies across the country.
If the dems dispute the vote, an audit will have to be done, which will show the cheating on EITHER side, so I doubt they’d push for that.