Schools were initially in churches across the country and now bibles and pr ax yet are illegal.
2 years ago
America MUST get back to common sense education, particularly in the Public School education system. Teachers MUST NOT teach their own liberal political or social views. That’s not their job. Their ONLY job is to teach students what they need to learn in order to succeed in a competitive world.
2 years ago
Get liberals out of our schools.
2 years ago
Schools need to quit being indoctrination centers for the radical left.
David Millikan
2 years ago
Eliminate the National Teachers Union and FIRE ALL that teach crt, woke, and any other garbage they teach to our children such as transgender garbage.
DEMAND that teaching U.S. Constitution and Civics be it back in curriculum and the Pledge of Allegiance.
David Millikan
2 years ago
ELIMINATE the Department of DUHmacation which has been DUMBING DOWN OUR CHILDREN since September 1978.
They don’t even know how to count change back. That speaks volumes alone.
2 years ago
Trash the Unions and ism’s—get back to BASICS!!
2 years ago
The only agenda that belongs in public schools is a pro USA one.
Sgt Pops
2 years ago
When the VA sent me to college in 1983 it was a huge surprise to some that I didn’t have to take a math placement exam just because I had graduated from high school prior to 1964. That speaks volumes to me.
John F
2 years ago
Schools need to teach the basics. By starting the day off with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. Core classes and teaching of respect and authority. State Boards should be controlled and answer to the Governor. If you want something different, go to private education.
Dr. Ron
2 years ago
Curriculum needs serious consideration by all parties and parents are a major factor. Schools do not dictate values over the parents.
J Van Horn
2 years ago
Education in this country went from education to indoctrination when Jimmy Carter started the Department of Education. Everything the federal government is involved with turns to crap. The dumification of the American people.
Laurie J.
2 years ago
America needs a movement to dismantle the federal Board of Ed. Return power to the states and then parents need to get involved at all levels to hold educators and school boards accountable for the leftist indoctrination that has been infiltrating our schools for decades.
frank Polehn
2 years ago
I think education needs to be about learning facts and realities. Unfortunately, there is power in pushing propaganda (lies to manipulate control). If others believe false information, I can have an advantage and power over them. If they are: afraid, confused, pushed into an addicted mind set, through repetition and tested on such then I have power over their minds which control their beliefs which create their emotions that cause actions and reactions! Education starts as an effort to teach what is needed in society. Unfortunately, as happened in Roman times, the teachers became leaders of monasteries of indoctrinated thought rather than sharing facts and realities. Destroy people’s concepts of reality, and you will find you have destroyed their society!
2 years ago
There is absolutely no way the school board should continue without parental input PERIOD
The school system as it exists is no different than the corrupt federal government
2 years ago
Even our conservative area Marxist teachings [1619 Project, CRT, etc.] are starting to invade our schools; many locals are trying to fight back but the Left has indoctrinated many in our schools with this poison.
2 years ago
Actually, critical race theory and instruction on gender identity & sexual orientation does not belong in ANY classroom. Those are all blatant lies, so why would we want them taught anywhere?
Paul Mauradian
2 years ago
Enough of the nonsense. Our children should be learning reading, writing, arithmetic, basic civics of our country.
Teachers keep their political opinions to their selves
What is the regressives end game, this should asked of the teachers and so called leaders
2 years ago
We have long ago departed from the actual education of children. The curriculum should return to concentration on English, Math, Civics, History, Geography, etc. Students not preparing for college should have access to vocational classes.
Parents must be actively involved in the education of their children. It is the abdication of this responsibility that has allowed the schools to be where they are now.
2 years ago
The thinking that all parents are good parents is WAY off as suggested by this poll. Some parents are GOOD parents and teach their children about Jesus and the old, old story of His love. However, a major percentage do not! Therefore, I chose student apathy, behavior as one of my choices. My daughter is a teacher in MD and the stories of how some students come to school, is pitiful and so very sad. Too may one-parent homes or totally absent parents in children’s lives is paramount to many of the issues in classrooms today. Anything other than basic knowledge subjects, should be off-limits in K-12. Colleges also,should not be indoctrinating students. Teach what they came to learn only and stop the brain-washing of our American kids!
Richard Lambert
2 years ago
Our education system is as broken as our judicial system. We need to go back to the way it was fifty years ago but there is no way to get there. Society only concentrates on what they can get. There is no discipline in our schools so that it is impossible for the children to learn anything. The system is broken and probably will stay that was until it implodes.
2 years ago
Brainwashing our children starts very early on and continues through college. Woke Marxist teachers have been through this and must not be allowed to pass in on. Parent involvement is a must by attending school board meetings and vetting anyone running for the board. It’s time to take our schools back.
2 years ago
Personally, I don’t believe any of the above are the #1 issue. I believe the NEA needs to be abolished, and education needs to be brought back to local, parental control. It is completely inappropriate for our tax dollars to be spent on anything but quality curriculums and locally-approved teachers, and I believe competition is the only way the quality of education will be brought to a superior standard. Back to the basics, and back to the Bible.
2 years ago
You know something is up. My kids have been out of school now for ~20 years. Back then they begged parents to get involved, now they don’t want parents to know anything that is going on in these schools. Something sounds fishy!!!!!
Vincent in CO
2 years ago
The biggest impediment to education is Teachers’ Unions. We spend more per student than any country in the world, and get minimal return on that investment. Schools also need to teach civics and the Constitution to avoid left wing propaganda. Schools today are little more than socialist incubators.
2 years ago
Abolish the federal Department of Education. Like all federal departments it is a waste of taxpayer money. Return control to the local school boards and allow teachers to educate rather than indoctrinate. States could set academic standards. As it is text books are written to pass the achievements rather than achievements test written to test what is in the textbook.
2 years ago
American citizens should demand school choice for their children form their Legislators. It time for parents to move their children away from public education.
The teachers unions are killing basic education for parents. They are more interested in woke ideology than teaching children the subjects needed to succeed in life.
2 years ago
Need camaras and/or monitors in every classroom every day. These teachers and administrators need to be charged and jailed on every occurrence. Nothing will change until they pay a price!
2 years ago
Low Salaries? Grammar school teachers in NJ can pull down $150k for a part time job nearly anyone with a bachelors degree can do. I suggest hire professionals not professional teachers.
2 years ago
The public school system faces many challenges. The liberal left is indoctrinating children with their insanity. I learned American History and love for my Country. They no longer teach either of these. They teach social studies……studying other cultures. Parents are not the enemy. The best schools have a strong parental involvement!!
Citizen Brodie
2 years ago
I’m impressed by my fellow member’s comments to this topic! Power To The Parents …
Stephen Russell
2 years ago
Reuse closed schools for other local needs IF enough parents take kids out of system
Nationwide , suburbs, urban
James A Bolfer
2 years ago
When I went to school the government paid for school supplies. We said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. There was discipline. The agenda of the schools then was to teach. Today teachers are put through hell with rules and regulations from government that force them to teach subject matter they do not agree with and discipline is out of the door. Left to the government, schools are becoming indoctrination centers. Wake up America. God Bless our Country.
2 years ago
The entire education system is antiquated. Liberals spent gazillions building new schools only to further ruin the system from within. I used to support teachers. Now, I want them all gone from preschool to college. The 40% we see that still support thee worst president is a true reflection of how many have been indoctrinated. They’ve brainwashed this group to hate everything America including their parents, traditions, religion, rights, freedoms. With almost 50% of the population feeling this way, it will take generations to reverse this damage if it can even be reversed. These anti American communist infiltrators who sold us out are the enemy along with the media and should be treated as such. They do not have America’s best interest in mind with any freakish new thing they put forth. They all need to be removed from office from local to national and first learn to mind their own business and accept others for who they are. Sadly, it will never happen. They were born to hate, divide and ruin everything they touch then Republicans have to clean up their disasters.Sickening, disgusting and it’s only gotten 1000% worse. We’re very pissed off out here!!!
2 years ago
The entire Dept. of Education should be abolished. The Federal Gov. has too much control over our lives. Education should be a local issue and parents need to be involved or pay an even bigger price than allowing perverts to teach our children/grandchildren.
2 years ago
break the teachers union
they care not about themselves and not about the kids
better yet home school, there are many creative ways to make that happen when we work together
Matt M
2 years ago
Schools should only teach the basic core subjects reading, writing and arithmetic. I would also add true history. When I was a freshman/sophomore in high school we had health 1 and health 2 classes. This is where healthy living ( food exercise and other healthy life styles plus the birds and the bees ( sex ) was taught. What the schools are pushing now is nothing more than an obscene one sided guilt trip ( Indoctrination) put upon our very young children.
2 years ago
Put God back in the classroom.
2 years ago
Move the department of education back to the states where the parents and taxpayers can monitor it much closer. Since the Dept of Education was formed school cost have risen by over 300%. Enough!
2 years ago
I teach; I home schooled. I taught in a predominantly minority school; one in which Obama visited.
I will say that the sickness in education started with humanism and the move to secularize society: in education it was survival of the fittest, evolved “Higher order” thinking, and now the latest greatest, CRT. If we claim to be “inclusive” then we should allow religious freedom, civics and patriotism.
NEA has done a great job supporting the Democratic Party and keeping teachers “in line”. Once they admitted they were about social change, they made clear their intention to secularize our schools. That included erasing the founding father’s faith; it currently involves falsely identifying society’s problems as “privilege”.
Teachers spend a majority of their time in the classroom managing behaviors; we are under scrutiny if we fail to teach, yet the students are seldom held accountable. I have witnessed disabled teachers get attacked and then having the attacker back in their room the next day.
Education is a privilege that should be EARNED. Equal opportunity does not mean “equality” will be achieved, but it does mean that those who strive for “better” will have a way to improve their lives.
2 years ago
Teachers Unions, like many unions, seek to dominate their industry & take control from teachers, school-boards AND parents. Education should be a partnership between parents & teachers…unions are politically blue & have alienated this parent/teacher role. In its place, we have union-control of not only teachers & school-board voices but also our childrens education.
Charles L Weston
2 years ago
Parents have changed so much in the past 50 years. I shows the lack of proper parental guidance in many of their children. Families don’t attend church like many did years ago. The morality of families has gotten so much worse and liberal teaching and views has moved in to many teaching methods and agendas. Indoctrination has been used in our schools for years and we as conservative christian parents and grand parents have to step up and resist all of this to save our country.
Karen Coryell
2 years ago
In the 70’s I was battling my children’s school over the use of Ritalin. My son was bored with having to cover one subject over and over for three weeks, so he figited. Instead of advancing his curriculum, they wanted to drug him. I said “No.”and instead of doing harder work, they gave him an extra study hall to help him get even more bored.
There are seven goals in that state’s education plan, one of which is Ambiguity. When I asked his teacher why that should be a desired goal, she explained that ambiguity meant a mind open to new learning and ideas. How do these idiots ever get a teaching job? The answer is, they are certified by the same education system and political system that believes a deficit budget can be solved by spending tons more money on it and raising taxes to get that money. Today’s young men and women are a prime example of how ambiguity really works. They are open to every suggestion given by the progressive left, no matter how ridiculous, because from their earliest schooling, they are taught not to think.
Uncle Pat
2 years ago
We are losing the battle versus the rest of the world. Asian kids, especially, are way ahead of the US academically. Dumbing down our children will destroy our future.
LaVorna J Tester
2 years ago
Some of the options in this poll are really parts of the same issue. For instance, Parental Rights being under attack is really the key issue with the Critical Race Theory/Gender Identity being taught. It also includes things like masking and vaccination status…all of that is about our rights as parents. The school board/teacher’s union actions are also closely related to the CRT/Gender Identity concerns. Who should have the final say in what our children are taught? Parents. I think key to all the issues in this poll is involvement in our local schools through getting informed about our schools and what is being taught. Informed voting on school board members is vital. For too long we’ve let the few make those decisions and just voted for whomever, often knowing little to nothing about what the candidate’s views are on important topics like parental rights, CRT, etc. Going to school board meetings takes time and effort, but we have to ask ourselves “is our children’s wellbeing is a priority or isn’t it.”
Will Goss
2 years ago
Public servants have lost their way. As my great grandfather used to say, they need a knot jerked in their tail.
2 years ago
Wish I could have selected one for the fact that schools take money from the federal government, therefore the federal government “requires” the schools to teach crap that is inappropriate for children.
I can assure you that when I graduated from high school in the mid-1960’s, I did not know anything about trans anything, I did not know what faculty and staff did in their spare time, where they lived, who they slept with and I didn’t care one little bit about how they spent their weekends.
My teachers taught (and they taught it very well), math, science, geography, history (I wish I had been more interested in history back then), English, writing and reading.
The current education system is failing the children AND the American society as a whole because they are corrupt and immoral and they do not teach the children what the kids need to know in order to make good choices in their lives. They are destroying our society.
2 years ago
Its time to take back the school system from the indoctrinators and teach the important things like history, math and science. Id be willing to bet a months salary that most high school seniors could not pass the citizenship test immigrants need to take to become citizens.
Mike K
2 years ago
Establish school choice. Put cameras in classrooms. Publish standardized textbooks at the federal level on fundamentals in math, science, history, reading, writing, civics, and personal financial management and eliminate “designer” texts written by professors who have sweetheart deals with book publishers. Use state or local boards composed of equal numbers of parents and educators to develop parent-approved curricula based on minimum federal standards for the fundamental subjects. Use standardized tests across the country in every public and private school. Publish annual test scores for every school and every teacher. Fine or fire teachers and administrators that fail to meet standards and use the money to reward teachers and schools that exceed the standards. Reduce funding for Dept of Education every year that student performance drops and then limit DOE to books and tests. Give people information, results, and ability to choose where their kids go to school – most folks will figure it out from there. We’ll likely never be able to eliminate the idiots that purportedly want their kids to be taught CRT or wokeisms but we’ll certainly limit their influence on our kids and our future.
2 years ago
It’s Time that parents and community take back the school. Kick the NEA to the curb. They’ve become nothing but a union for the liberal Demoncrats.
We need to get back to teaching kids the basics of education and leave CRT and gender out of it.
Schools were initially in churches across the country and now bibles and pr ax yet are illegal.
America MUST get back to common sense education, particularly in the Public School education system. Teachers MUST NOT teach their own liberal political or social views. That’s not their job. Their ONLY job is to teach students what they need to learn in order to succeed in a competitive world.
Get liberals out of our schools.
Schools need to quit being indoctrination centers for the radical left.
Eliminate the National Teachers Union and FIRE ALL that teach crt, woke, and any other garbage they teach to our children such as transgender garbage.
DEMAND that teaching U.S. Constitution and Civics be it back in curriculum and the Pledge of Allegiance.
ELIMINATE the Department of DUHmacation which has been DUMBING DOWN OUR CHILDREN since September 1978.
They don’t even know how to count change back. That speaks volumes alone.
Trash the Unions and ism’s—get back to BASICS!!
The only agenda that belongs in public schools is a pro USA one.
When the VA sent me to college in 1983 it was a huge surprise to some that I didn’t have to take a math placement exam just because I had graduated from high school prior to 1964. That speaks volumes to me.
Schools need to teach the basics. By starting the day off with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. Core classes and teaching of respect and authority. State Boards should be controlled and answer to the Governor. If you want something different, go to private education.
Curriculum needs serious consideration by all parties and parents are a major factor. Schools do not dictate values over the parents.
Education in this country went from education to indoctrination when Jimmy Carter started the Department of Education. Everything the federal government is involved with turns to crap. The dumification of the American people.
America needs a movement to dismantle the federal Board of Ed. Return power to the states and then parents need to get involved at all levels to hold educators and school boards accountable for the leftist indoctrination that has been infiltrating our schools for decades.
I think education needs to be about learning facts and realities. Unfortunately, there is power in pushing propaganda (lies to manipulate control). If others believe false information, I can have an advantage and power over them. If they are: afraid, confused, pushed into an addicted mind set, through repetition and tested on such then I have power over their minds which control their beliefs which create their emotions that cause actions and reactions! Education starts as an effort to teach what is needed in society. Unfortunately, as happened in Roman times, the teachers became leaders of monasteries of indoctrinated thought rather than sharing facts and realities. Destroy people’s concepts of reality, and you will find you have destroyed their society!
There is absolutely no way the school board should continue without parental input PERIOD
The school system as it exists is no different than the corrupt federal government
Even our conservative area Marxist teachings [1619 Project, CRT, etc.] are starting to invade our schools; many locals are trying to fight back but the Left has indoctrinated many in our schools with this poison.
Actually, critical race theory and instruction on gender identity & sexual orientation does not belong in ANY classroom. Those are all blatant lies, so why would we want them taught anywhere?
Enough of the nonsense. Our children should be learning reading, writing, arithmetic, basic civics of our country.
Teachers keep their political opinions to their selves
What is the regressives end game, this should asked of the teachers and so called leaders
We have long ago departed from the actual education of children. The curriculum should return to concentration on English, Math, Civics, History, Geography, etc. Students not preparing for college should have access to vocational classes.
Parents must be actively involved in the education of their children. It is the abdication of this responsibility that has allowed the schools to be where they are now.
The thinking that all parents are good parents is WAY off as suggested by this poll. Some parents are GOOD parents and teach their children about Jesus and the old, old story of His love. However, a major percentage do not! Therefore, I chose student apathy, behavior as one of my choices. My daughter is a teacher in MD and the stories of how some students come to school, is pitiful and so very sad. Too may one-parent homes or totally absent parents in children’s lives is paramount to many of the issues in classrooms today. Anything other than basic knowledge subjects, should be off-limits in K-12. Colleges also,should not be indoctrinating students. Teach what they came to learn only and stop the brain-washing of our American kids!
Our education system is as broken as our judicial system. We need to go back to the way it was fifty years ago but there is no way to get there. Society only concentrates on what they can get. There is no discipline in our schools so that it is impossible for the children to learn anything. The system is broken and probably will stay that was until it implodes.
Brainwashing our children starts very early on and continues through college. Woke Marxist teachers have been through this and must not be allowed to pass in on. Parent involvement is a must by attending school board meetings and vetting anyone running for the board. It’s time to take our schools back.
Personally, I don’t believe any of the above are the #1 issue. I believe the NEA needs to be abolished, and education needs to be brought back to local, parental control. It is completely inappropriate for our tax dollars to be spent on anything but quality curriculums and locally-approved teachers, and I believe competition is the only way the quality of education will be brought to a superior standard. Back to the basics, and back to the Bible.
You know something is up. My kids have been out of school now for ~20 years. Back then they begged parents to get involved, now they don’t want parents to know anything that is going on in these schools. Something sounds fishy!!!!!
The biggest impediment to education is Teachers’ Unions. We spend more per student than any country in the world, and get minimal return on that investment. Schools also need to teach civics and the Constitution to avoid left wing propaganda. Schools today are little more than socialist incubators.
Abolish the federal Department of Education. Like all federal departments it is a waste of taxpayer money. Return control to the local school boards and allow teachers to educate rather than indoctrinate. States could set academic standards. As it is text books are written to pass the achievements rather than achievements test written to test what is in the textbook.
American citizens should demand school choice for their children form their Legislators. It time for parents to move their children away from public education.
The teachers unions are killing basic education for parents. They are more interested in woke ideology than teaching children the subjects needed to succeed in life.
Need camaras and/or monitors in every classroom every day. These teachers and administrators need to be charged and jailed on every occurrence. Nothing will change until they pay a price!
Low Salaries? Grammar school teachers in NJ can pull down $150k for a part time job nearly anyone with a bachelors degree can do. I suggest hire professionals not professional teachers.
The public school system faces many challenges. The liberal left is indoctrinating children with their insanity. I learned American History and love for my Country. They no longer teach either of these. They teach social studies……studying other cultures. Parents are not the enemy. The best schools have a strong parental involvement!!
I’m impressed by my fellow member’s comments to this topic! Power To The Parents …
Reuse closed schools for other local needs IF enough parents take kids out of system
Nationwide , suburbs, urban
When I went to school the government paid for school supplies. We said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. There was discipline. The agenda of the schools then was to teach. Today teachers are put through hell with rules and regulations from government that force them to teach subject matter they do not agree with and discipline is out of the door. Left to the government, schools are becoming indoctrination centers. Wake up America. God Bless our Country.
The entire education system is antiquated. Liberals spent gazillions building new schools only to further ruin the system from within. I used to support teachers. Now, I want them all gone from preschool to college. The 40% we see that still support thee worst president is a true reflection of how many have been indoctrinated. They’ve brainwashed this group to hate everything America including their parents, traditions, religion, rights, freedoms. With almost 50% of the population feeling this way, it will take generations to reverse this damage if it can even be reversed. These anti American communist infiltrators who sold us out are the enemy along with the media and should be treated as such. They do not have America’s best interest in mind with any freakish new thing they put forth. They all need to be removed from office from local to national and first learn to mind their own business and accept others for who they are. Sadly, it will never happen. They were born to hate, divide and ruin everything they touch then Republicans have to clean up their disasters.Sickening, disgusting and it’s only gotten 1000% worse. We’re very pissed off out here!!!
The entire Dept. of Education should be abolished. The Federal Gov. has too much control over our lives. Education should be a local issue and parents need to be involved or pay an even bigger price than allowing perverts to teach our children/grandchildren.
break the teachers union
they care not about themselves and not about the kids
better yet home school, there are many creative ways to make that happen when we work together
Schools should only teach the basic core subjects reading, writing and arithmetic. I would also add true history. When I was a freshman/sophomore in high school we had health 1 and health 2 classes. This is where healthy living ( food exercise and other healthy life styles plus the birds and the bees ( sex ) was taught. What the schools are pushing now is nothing more than an obscene one sided guilt trip ( Indoctrination) put upon our very young children.
Put God back in the classroom.
Move the department of education back to the states where the parents and taxpayers can monitor it much closer. Since the Dept of Education was formed school cost have risen by over 300%. Enough!
I teach; I home schooled. I taught in a predominantly minority school; one in which Obama visited.
I will say that the sickness in education started with humanism and the move to secularize society: in education it was survival of the fittest, evolved “Higher order” thinking, and now the latest greatest, CRT. If we claim to be “inclusive” then we should allow religious freedom, civics and patriotism.
NEA has done a great job supporting the Democratic Party and keeping teachers “in line”. Once they admitted they were about social change, they made clear their intention to secularize our schools. That included erasing the founding father’s faith; it currently involves falsely identifying society’s problems as “privilege”.
Teachers spend a majority of their time in the classroom managing behaviors; we are under scrutiny if we fail to teach, yet the students are seldom held accountable. I have witnessed disabled teachers get attacked and then having the attacker back in their room the next day.
Education is a privilege that should be EARNED. Equal opportunity does not mean “equality” will be achieved, but it does mean that those who strive for “better” will have a way to improve their lives.
Teachers Unions, like many unions, seek to dominate their industry & take control from teachers, school-boards AND parents. Education should be a partnership between parents & teachers…unions are politically blue & have alienated this parent/teacher role. In its place, we have union-control of not only teachers & school-board voices but also our childrens education.
Parents have changed so much in the past 50 years. I shows the lack of proper parental guidance in many of their children. Families don’t attend church like many did years ago. The morality of families has gotten so much worse and liberal teaching and views has moved in to many teaching methods and agendas. Indoctrination has been used in our schools for years and we as conservative christian parents and grand parents have to step up and resist all of this to save our country.
In the 70’s I was battling my children’s school over the use of Ritalin. My son was bored with having to cover one subject over and over for three weeks, so he figited. Instead of advancing his curriculum, they wanted to drug him. I said “No.”and instead of doing harder work, they gave him an extra study hall to help him get even more bored.
There are seven goals in that state’s education plan, one of which is Ambiguity. When I asked his teacher why that should be a desired goal, she explained that ambiguity meant a mind open to new learning and ideas. How do these idiots ever get a teaching job? The answer is, they are certified by the same education system and political system that believes a deficit budget can be solved by spending tons more money on it and raising taxes to get that money. Today’s young men and women are a prime example of how ambiguity really works. They are open to every suggestion given by the progressive left, no matter how ridiculous, because from their earliest schooling, they are taught not to think.
We are losing the battle versus the rest of the world. Asian kids, especially, are way ahead of the US academically. Dumbing down our children will destroy our future.
Some of the options in this poll are really parts of the same issue. For instance, Parental Rights being under attack is really the key issue with the Critical Race Theory/Gender Identity being taught. It also includes things like masking and vaccination status…all of that is about our rights as parents. The school board/teacher’s union actions are also closely related to the CRT/Gender Identity concerns. Who should have the final say in what our children are taught? Parents. I think key to all the issues in this poll is involvement in our local schools through getting informed about our schools and what is being taught. Informed voting on school board members is vital. For too long we’ve let the few make those decisions and just voted for whomever, often knowing little to nothing about what the candidate’s views are on important topics like parental rights, CRT, etc. Going to school board meetings takes time and effort, but we have to ask ourselves “is our children’s wellbeing is a priority or isn’t it.”
Public servants have lost their way. As my great grandfather used to say, they need a knot jerked in their tail.
Wish I could have selected one for the fact that schools take money from the federal government, therefore the federal government “requires” the schools to teach crap that is inappropriate for children.
I can assure you that when I graduated from high school in the mid-1960’s, I did not know anything about trans anything, I did not know what faculty and staff did in their spare time, where they lived, who they slept with and I didn’t care one little bit about how they spent their weekends.
My teachers taught (and they taught it very well), math, science, geography, history (I wish I had been more interested in history back then), English, writing and reading.
The current education system is failing the children AND the American society as a whole because they are corrupt and immoral and they do not teach the children what the kids need to know in order to make good choices in their lives. They are destroying our society.
Its time to take back the school system from the indoctrinators and teach the important things like history, math and science. Id be willing to bet a months salary that most high school seniors could not pass the citizenship test immigrants need to take to become citizens.
Establish school choice. Put cameras in classrooms. Publish standardized textbooks at the federal level on fundamentals in math, science, history, reading, writing, civics, and personal financial management and eliminate “designer” texts written by professors who have sweetheart deals with book publishers. Use state or local boards composed of equal numbers of parents and educators to develop parent-approved curricula based on minimum federal standards for the fundamental subjects. Use standardized tests across the country in every public and private school. Publish annual test scores for every school and every teacher. Fine or fire teachers and administrators that fail to meet standards and use the money to reward teachers and schools that exceed the standards. Reduce funding for Dept of Education every year that student performance drops and then limit DOE to books and tests. Give people information, results, and ability to choose where their kids go to school – most folks will figure it out from there. We’ll likely never be able to eliminate the idiots that purportedly want their kids to be taught CRT or wokeisms but we’ll certainly limit their influence on our kids and our future.
It’s Time that parents and community take back the school. Kick the NEA to the curb. They’ve become nothing but a union for the liberal Demoncrats.
We need to get back to teaching kids the basics of education and leave CRT and gender out of it.