

Who would make Donald Trump’s best vice-presidential candidate and bring the most to the ticket?

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Don B
Don B
10 months ago

DO NOT CHOOSE A SENATOR! We need to hold every Senate seat we have, and pick up more. You made a mistake picking Senator Jeff Sessions. We lost that seat, and now are the minority.

10 months ago

DeSantis would not only make a good VP, but it would position him for president in 4 years. They would make a powerful team that would put our country back to where it belongs. I can see a balanced budget and a world power that would be respected again. Eliminate the socialist/communist leanings that have been put in place by biden. Would be a great 12 years for our country.

10 months ago

I think Sara Huckabee Sanders would be great. She served in Trump administration and is now governor of Ark.

Mist Carter
Mist Carter
10 months ago

Donald J. Trump, our future 47th President should pick a VP running mate who can continue to “Make America Great” during Trump’s next term, as well as in 2028 and 2032. The list of candidates is very strong, so most of the names listed here would valuable for turning our nation back to a dominate nation with secure borders; a strong military; a non-corrupt judicial system; energy dominance; a thriving economy; the rule-of-law; fair elections; and a non-woke education system.

Trump’s criteria likely includes a loyal devoted conservative who loves the country as much as he does. I don’t think he is putting gender or race as his primary qualification of a candidate, cuz that’s what the woke do…and how is that working out?

He wants a smart, fiscally responsible, military-minded, individual with a business acumen who could hit the ground running. Picking one of the solid possibilities from Florida would present a constitutional problem, plus the possibility of having one less Republican in the House or the Senate. 

I notice Tulsi Gabbard was not on the AMAC list, nor was Greg Abbott’s…just sayin’. At this point, I am leaning toward Doug Burgum. But in the end, God places people in positions of leadership. Sometimes, that is a hard truth to swallow, but we most honor and obey.

“Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God,

and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.  So anyone who

rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be

punished.”                                                                                   Romans 13:1-2

10 months ago

I wanted to pick ‘unsure’, but that was not available. Only because I do not know all of the potential candidates. I am voting for Trump, no matter who he picks, because if we do not get the Dems out now, we will not have the same country in the next election.

10 months ago

Really surprised that so many people picked Scott. Nice guy but I’m not sure he is strong enough to be President after Trump’s term, and that should be the number one criteria.

10 months ago

Tough choice, as there are several candidates who would make an excellent VP. I narrowed it to three: Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, and Dr. Ben Carson. Ultimately, I chose DeSantis. He has the necessary military background, has a law degree (was a JAG lawyer), the man is scary smart coupled with common sense, has experience in government as both a House Representative and Governor, is a patriot who loves his country, and would, I believe, help Trump in winning over Independent voters and women. Trump needs a strong person, with experience, to help him right the wrongs of the current Admin.

grumpy old woman
grumpy old woman
10 months ago

I can’t believe anybody could go with Tulsi Gabbard. She worked for Bernie Sanders for cripe sake, wake up people. Sure she has pulled away from the democrats a little bit and said a couple of things that make sense but her principals have not changed, she is a big government, welfare state person not a freedom lover.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
10 months ago

Trump said his pick would be mainly based on who would make a good president, should it become necessary to step-in.

Thomas N
Thomas N
10 months ago

Here are 40 excellent reasons for President Trump to select Vivek Ramaswamy. It will become very clear to readers what a perfect candidate he is.
40 Top reasons for a Trump/Vivek Ticket

  1. MAGA America First are compatible.
  2. Trump and Vivek have attributes that complement each other.
  3. Vivek does not evade but instead answers questions.
  4. Vivek is an experienced executive (a doer)
  5. Both want to, and will, finish the Wall.
  6. Unlike many politicians, Vivek is not a narcissist.
  7. Unlike many politicians, Vivek has a deep and extensive understanding of the Constitution.
  8. Both will deport the current Illegal immigrants that have, and, are invading our borders.
  9. Both will promote immigration on meritocracy, returning our country to the current laws on the books.
  10. Vivek is the future of the GOP and the MAGA (aka. America First) movement.
  11. Vivek has had Trump’s back during the Primary debates taking on the Establishment and the mainstream media as commonly as necessary.
  12. Vivek is Trump 2.0 as an American entrepreneur, political and cultural thought leader.
  13. Vivek can assist and guide Trump on High Tech Issues, DEI, ESG, and other discriminatory practices under the guise of critical race theory, and of what he calls “government-tech censorship”.
  14. Vivek knows that the 2020 Election was stolen, and that the 2024 election could also be stolen!
  15. Vivek knows that the Covid (Plandemic) was a planned strategy by the
  16. WEF-WHO Elites, Big Pharma, Democrat Party, and China.
  17. Vivek knows that Covid was utilized to steal the 2020 Election.
  18. Vivek as a VP could meet at a future Davos WEF event and clearly reiterate Trump’s and America’s opposition to the WEF agenda.
  19. Vivek, following four years as VP, has the potential to be President for the following eight years for a total of twelve years.
  20. Vivek is the only VP that can attract the massive group of unregistered, untapped, youth vote.
  21. Vivek will draw both/all genders to the MAGA/America First movement equally.
  22. Vive has Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, and other dominant social media influencers on board.
  23. Vivek Is honest and has lived and promoted the American Dream as an exceptional young Renaissance Man.
  24. Vivek is not blinded by imperfections in American society and culture.
  25. Vivek understands that the American dream
  26. Vivek understands and supports the foundations of Western civilization.
  27. Vivek understands why and how the Democrat Party is undermining all foundational elements of Western civilization.
  28. Vivek understands the mindset and amorality of the aspiring totalitarians that surround us in the Western world.
  29. Vivek understands why and how the Democrat Party is undermining all traditional civil liberties, which they correctly see as an
  30. essential prerequisite for implementing an all-powerful global government.
  31. Vivek understands the dangers of identity politics, its Fascist origins and why the Democrat Party is so invested in identity politics.
  32. Vivek understands that Wokeism is an element of a neo-fascist ideology being used by the Democrat Party to capture corporate America.
  33. Vivek created the Crony Capitalism 1.0 and Crony Capitalism 2.0 model to explain the alignment and effective merger of corporate America with the Democrat Party.
  34. Vivek understands how crony capitalism has been used by the Democrat Party to violate the Constitution and suppress free speech.
  35. Vivek understands the dangers of cultural Marxism, its Marxist and Communist origins, and why the Democrat Party is so invested in cultural Marxism.
  36. Vivek understands the dangers of biotechnology and how it’s being misused to promote transhumanism, including gene therapies masquerading as vaccines.
  37. Vivek understands the dangers of nano-technology and how its use in biotechnology is posing health and surveillance risks.
  38. Vivek understands the danger of Al and how it’s being used to politicize search results and create increasingly sophisticated propaganda and misinformation designed to shape public opinion and create political outcomes.
  39. Vivek understands the central role of money in every society.
  40. Vivek understands the dangers of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBCs) and why the ruling class is hell-bent on implementing CBDCs.
  41. Vivek understands how various technologies are being integrated to create entirely new surveillance and control capabilities.
  42. Vivek understands we’re in a new era of surveillance capitalism that’s being used to shame, intimidate and cancel political opponents and shape political outcomes.
10 months ago

“Vote for me, what have you got to lose?” Trumps words in 2016 ring true today, as back then. The one thing that Trump did not have was in picking his VP and many of his cabinet picks were a mistake as they undermined his visions of how to turn the country around. That being said, he still achieved a tremendously successful term, got blind sided by covid and should have won in 2020, but Dems didn’t play fair and he lost. Trump is a businessman, thinks outside the box but when he wins this time, as the Comeback Kid, he will be more successful than the first term, as he will pick his cabinet members more carefully. People have to understand that he is not a politician. He is smart as hell, and yes does some crazy things that don’t set well with some people, but in the long run his successes far outweigh his faults. There are several great candidates for VP, but Tim Scott to me stands out as the right choice. He has never waivered in his support for DT, and is a great backup as his VP. It all comes down to getting out to vote, use your common sense, and get rid of this disgusting piece of crap Biden and his non caring of the American people. Lets get this country moving in the right direction.

Mike Gherardini
Mike Gherardini
10 months ago

Retired Lt. Col. West for VP.

Eve E
Eve E
10 months ago

Tim Scott and Ron Desantis are needed more in their respective states (right now). Although I love both of them we need their footholds in SC & FL.

10 months ago

All this speculation is silly. Trump said he’ll pick in July. I can wait.

That AMAC is even considering RINOs is scary as all get-out. Stefanik? Rubio? Tim Scott? Good grief!

Dan W.
Dan W.
10 months ago

Trump’s inclination is to pick a sycophant but he should resist that temptation and pick Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Margarita Truong
Margarita Truong
10 months ago

LTG Michael T. Flynn

10 months ago

We need a person who is strong on foreign policy as Biden has created chaos in the world. Mike Pompeo fits that bill perfectly. Plus, he is a strong moral leader!

James from Eastover SC
James from Eastover SC
10 months ago


10 months ago

For those picking someone from Florida, a quick Constitutional lesson: The Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates cannot be from the same State.

10 months ago

Despite my love of Kristi Noem.as our next Veep, I gotta go with Dr. Carson, who exudes confidence while remaining so seemingly humble for a man in his position. He’s bright, to be sure, but also articulate and outgoing; rare qualities that would make him an excellent choice.

10 months ago

there! leave members of Congress where they ARE! We need them to fight

10 months ago

He should definitely not pick anyone who voted to certify the uncertifiable 2020 “election results” because they are oath-breakers who lack integrity.

Thomas Paul Ross
Thomas Paul Ross
10 months ago

All of those named are, for the most part, political choices to assuage a certain group of people. The only person whose resume makes.him a choice to be President immediately is MIKE POMPEO. Soldier. Congressman, CIA Director and Secretary of State. Intelligent, unflappable, serious, calm, experienced, ready.

10 months ago

Didn’t Tim Scott vote for the last Ukraine deal? I don’t get his appeal..SC has a RINO problem.

Love Mycountry
Love Mycountry
10 months ago

Hey looks like nobody thought about Ted Cruz

10 months ago

I would like to see a Trump-DeSantis ticket; however, there are others on the list such as Vivek Ramaswamy and Tim Scott who would make brilliant choices for part of his administration!

Kathy W
Kathy W
10 months ago

Tim Scott has been a RINO on many issues.

What's Trump
What's Trump
10 months ago

How many positions did Mike Pompeo actually fill for Mr. Trump?
That guy did everything well.

Michael Gries
Michael Gries
10 months ago

The candidate should be feared the most by the left. A candidate who best to fill the shoes if DJT ever would need to be replaced by a successor.

10 months ago

Why anyone would pick Tim Scott for VP is beyond my comprehension! Seems that every politician out of SC is a fake Republican!! Look at both “lady Lindsey” and Nikki Haley. Both are corrupt and clearly not staunch conservatives. Scott’s weak, clearly hiding something, and would be a very, very poor choice.

Mel Katz
Mel Katz
10 months ago

The VP cannot be from Florida

10 months ago

Youth is needed in the WH, But, it is important that that person be the right one. Although there are some good candidates, only one stands out for me. Vivek is very intelligent, bold but reasonable, he comes from a family of LEGAL immigrates and stands up to support the US Constitution, our flag and the rule of law. I would welcome him as VP

Franklin Werkheiser
Franklin Werkheiser
10 months ago

Not going to matter for the corruption of the Far-Left Communist and Socialist democrats and the Far-Right Rhino republicans is so deeply embedded that this election will once again be rigged or something else more sinister will prevent Trump from getting the white house once again. I’m staying with my thought that the Terror Cells that have crossed the border will strike massive Terror attacks prior to November allowing Obama and the democrats to call a State of Emergency that will cancel the election and keep Obama’s 2 puppets Biden and Harris in control indefinitely. This is why the FBI and DOJ, both publicly acknowledging that those Terror Cells are indeed here, have not been hunting them down to prosecute them. I believe that we are too far gone and will not survive November. Get your guns and stockpile your ammo now because you’re going to need it. WE ARE SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 months ago

I propose Senator Marsha Blackburn. I don’t understand why she doesn’t even make the list.

Royann Behrmann
Royann Behrmann
10 months ago

Really there are many candidates who would do well. However, I don’t think that removing a senator is a great idea. I want someone who is NOT a traitor like Pence.

10 months ago

Should have been a ranking poll…..top 3 or 5 choices ranked in order.

Gary Williams
Gary Williams
10 months ago

JD Vance

Started out against Trump before he knew who/what he was.
Now is one of his biggest fans.
In his short time in office he has proven to be a fighter, is fearless and lightning quick on his feet!
He, like Trump, is self made.
He is an example of the American dream and a great story!
Watch the movie about his life, “Hillbilly Elogy”.
It is a dark movie but proves what we are capable of, when inspired.
By all rights, he should have been just like the rest of his family, friends and neighbors.
Amazing story.
Bonus too, he is young enough to run two terms as President after Trump!
He is a bad ass!

10 months ago

Kristi Noem did everything right in South Dakota during the China virus. She is strong on schools and competent in every way. There are many really good candidates, which is a stark contrast to anything the Dems have in office or as candidates. It would be great if no Dems or RINOS win in the next election.

10 months ago

This month I am not donating to any Republicans as a protest for the money given away for the continuation of the Ukrainian war. Leader of Uniparty Mike Johnson must be removed.

Robert L
Robert L
10 months ago

I see that Tim Scott is number 1 on the list. He is my Senator and he is just another guy who sold out in order to gain political power, as did former SC governor Nimrata Haley. The best choice is the brilliant surgeon, Ben Carson, who has not sold out, and he is Black guy which mitigates that DemonRat’s slander of Trump of being a racist.

10 months ago

Need someone who knows the system, is not a globalist and ruthless in the execution of the Trump policies, elimination of executive agencies and in dealing with the legislative branch.

Mark Quigg
Mark Quigg
10 months ago

Tulsi Gabbard. With her on the ticket they could pull away many Democrats who want to get away from their current totalitarian leadership.

10 months ago

Tulsi Gabbard fits the criteria nicely. Sure she was a Democrat at one time, So was Donald Trump. She is smart, nice to look at and very articulate. She doesn’t make snap decisions, she sees things from “What’s Better For Americans First”, same as Trump. I think they match up very well.

Ang J
Ang J
10 months ago

Sarah Huckabee Sanders for VP or Tulsi Gabbard.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
10 months ago

According to the Constitution, Trump and DeSantis can’t both be on the ticket. Do we need yet another drawn-out court battle trying to get a favorable ruling on this? Let Trump pick whom HE thinks is the best match! But make sure he/she is not a back-stabber like my former governor, Mike Pence!

10 months ago

Tulsi Gabbard would be a good Vice choice. At the least, she should hold some position in Trumps cabinet

Steve Belstra
Steve Belstra
10 months ago

Governor Huckabee

10 months ago

I was thinking Noem until she committed political suicide. Otherwise, I’m a Donalds guy all the way. Anyone else on that list I can live with, but Donalds has a Trump-level toughness about him that will hold up well against the rabid left-wing media.

Dan Starkey
Dan Starkey
10 months ago

Tulsi Gabbard. Remarkably well informed, deeply patriotic, and afraid of no one.

10 months ago

Tucker Carlson? Why is he here? While he had great commentary during the summer 2020 riots, he then drifted so far into conspiracy theories as to render him a zero. Even FOX canned him. And his apologist interview with Putin, where he couldn’t even ask him, “Why are you bombing schools & hospitals?” Ugh! A Tucker Carlson choice wouldn’t win over a single Independent or undecided voter. 

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