In reality, Christmas should feel the same every year if we truly place our focus on the reason for the season. It is to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Yet, we too often don’t make Christmas about Him, but about ourselves.
The events and circumstances of our personal and societal lives have an impact on us no matter the time of year. As a result, “the holidays” (as stated in this poll) can be difficult, or joyful, or no different than others.
I felt “joyful and optimistic” on November 5, 2025 because God allowed new leadership to guide our nation out of the darkness it has been in for the past four years. Every Christmas (and the days in between) we should feel joyful and optimistic because of the promised eternal life with God that awaits us.
With that said, let’s also celebrate a new year and have 2025 be full of HOPE, FREEDOM, COMMON SENSE, and REPENTANCE.
“Keep yourselves in the love of God. Wait for life that lasts forever through the loving-kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Jude 21
Tim Entrekin
2 months ago
Christmas and Christians should always approach this particular season as well as Easter with gratitude for Jesus.
John S
2 months ago
For the first time in 4 years I’m hopeful now that the traitor democrats have been voted out.
2 months ago
It is easy to get wrapped up in the holidays this time of the year, but in reality we should thank our Lord for the gift of life on a daily basis and enjoy our lives to the fullest with,family, friends and people we meet. 2021-2024 was a dark period in our history but November 5th gave us a new outlook on what we can achieve when people come to realize that what has gone on during that period was just wrong. Thank the Lord daily and as Americans thank ourselves for putting common sense back into what made this country great.
2 months ago
I was saved since last Christmas. No where to go but up!!
Tommy Molnar
2 months ago
After our recent election, I can feel hope in the air.
Pamela Brida
2 months ago
In the wee hours of November 6, 2024 I forced myself to stay awake to watch the election results. When Newsmax announced that President Trump had won the state of Pennsylvania, thus securing the 270 electoral votes to win the presidency, I cried. And I thanked and praised the Lord Jesus Christ for His abundant mercy and pardon on this nation. I knew the heart-felt prayers of His people across this land had been answered, and that America had been given a reprieve from the spiritual death sentence she received after the highly controversial presidential election in 2020. This was truly a most precious, early Christmas gift to all Americans. I believe this Christmas, many of my fellow Americans are not only thankful, but are feeling a deep sense of relief. I know I do. I have also been sleeping better at night!
Robert E Drewett
2 months ago
Christmas was good, especially w/ my grandkids, BUT our Mother passed on Nov 4th, 4 days shy of her 98th B-day and she was most definitely missed. She left a legacy; 10 kids, 35 grandchildren, and 40 something great-grandchildren. She was the baby of 9 kids. WE miss you Mom but we’re certain you earned a special place in Heaven, God Bless ~
David Roberts
2 months ago
This season is full of uncertainty. The leftists are far too quiet after having had their market share abruptly removed.
This is the calm before the storm. They are greedy and manipulative and haven’t fully begun their treachery. This is only because they were surprised their fix didn’t work and were left unprepared.
2 months ago
I rejoice in Christ and what the Season represents and celebrates! Otherwise, with leaders like Trump and Milei in Argentina, I have guarded optimism; but even they are not perfect and have a massive job and opposition facing them. America & the world have been ravaged by deranged, criminal leftists. The level of evil and damage are incalculable, and it’s not over. In many ways, sin, evil, secular humanism–whatever you wish to call it–are coming on even stronger now. Despite all that’s happened, many continue to harden their hearts and thumb their nose at the Almighty. Apologies for the “Debbie Downer” picture, but one must live in reality, and the reality is we are living in the last days. Humanity’s only Hope is in Christ, and only He can save us.
2 months ago
I do feel different but I can’t say it’s because Christmas is any different. The celebration of the advent of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is always a joyful, thankful, reflective and worshipful time. I feel happy and appreciative because there is not the prospects of 4 more years of an oppressive, hateful, vengeful, destructive, un-American regime hanging over my head. Pray for President Trump for this will be difficult and the forces of evil are already plotting and planning to obstruct his mission. It is so much easier to tear something down like Biden has than to build something. January 20 can’t get here soon enough.
Marty M
2 months ago
God’s wisdom is awesome!!!
Al Smith
2 months ago
The attitude of our entire family has perked up since Trump won the election. Gonna be a different four years ahead than the last four years with lying Joe Biden in the Oval Office.
2 months ago
Jesus is the reason for the season!!!!
Everything else doesn’t matter.
2 months ago
Greetings fellow AMAC’rs. I live across the country from my family. As I have grown older and am retired, I no longer have the financial ability to fly across the country and spend funds going to the five different places in the West where they live. None of them have any interest in coming this way. I can’t move there as, again, the funds don’t allow it. So, my Christmas’ have become, through the years, very lonely. This year has been the worst for me. I try to keep my eyes on Jesus and His sacrifice for me – and you! It has just become a different world than it was through the last 70 years ago. I look forward to going “Home” now more than ever. I pray that each of you that reads this will look to our Lord for comfort and joy. Blessings ~
2 months ago
I felt more optimistic because Trump was elected but…..even though I celebrate with dinner and focus on religion it seems the holidays aren’t like when I was younger in the 80’s and 90’s.
I live in a liberal town and you rarely hear…”Merry Christmas, or even “Happy Holidays!” Just seems Democrats have made celebrating controversial.
There are no decorations! Businesses don’t even decorate. You don’t hear Christmas music playing in the stores. Christmas merchandise starts coming out before Halloween. Even cities don’t decorate like they used to.
It used to be fun to go to the stores around Christmas when they were packed with people and the hustle and bustle was exciting….now everyone buys online.
Doesn’t seem like it’s Christmas anymore. Actually, it hit me a few weeks ago that you don’t even see any Christmas tree lots.
2 months ago
I like to think I feel “more content and grateful” each year. This poll seemed nuanced towards the new Presidential tenure, but hopfully our joy and contentment goes way deeper than that, as Mist Carter mentioned in her 1st paragraph.
Juanita S.
2 months ago
I always bless the Name of the Lord for His unspeakable gift of His Son Jesus who died for the sins of the world! For that, I am eternally grateful! I am hopeful, too, that the next four years will bring about much-needed changes in our government. However, as the Bible states, in the last days terrible times will come, and they will get worse. We must pray without ceasing for our nation, our communities and our families! Satan is especially busy around the world!
Steve H.
2 months ago
Yes we are celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We are also relieved to have Trump win in such a resounding way. We believe God’s people, prayerfully have spoken. We do not believe that the left is done with trying to destroy everything that this country is built on. And to top it off we live in a very corrupt state, California. Keep PRAYING.
Jimmy Alan Sanders
2 months ago
Jesus is the reason for the Season. He is Lord and my Saviour.
2 months ago
The reason for Christmas lives in my heart and is part of my life. He brings me peace, hope, comfort and joy every day in some way. I do feel, however, that many people are feeling a renewed hope this year that things will become better. We tend to look to a man to do this. I believe God has placed this man to help lead us to what God has planned for this nation. We look to God as the source of all that we need. When Jesus is in our hearts,He fills those needs. Pray for President Trump to seek the true source of his needs and allow God to become his “Advisor Over All Things” in his cabinet!
Kevin M.
2 months ago
While I always try to remain grateful and content I must admit, entering 2025 I do feel more optimistic that the tide has begun to turn and we can make strikes to Make America Great Again.
2 months ago
Christmas is not just a one day a year thing. It should be every day. Love, hope, faith should be lived daily. That spirit of Christmas should be in our hearts all the time.
2 months ago
I need to remind everyone that it ain’t over until the fat lady sings, and I haven’t heard her song. I don’t believe that the Left has moved our nation so far and so quickly to give up. I fear that the World Economic Forum is letting Trump take his victory lap now so that they can sabotage his presidency later. I may be wrong…but I don’t think so.
2 months ago
No. This has been a very difficult year. While enjoyable, this Christmas doesn’t compare to past Christmases.
Brian Carrozza
2 months ago
The poll choices are odd. I feel more optimistic because the adults will be in charge of our nation on January 20th, but I feel the same joy.
2 months ago
Seems many among our extended family are less festive AND we all agree that we find early over-commericialization by retailers to be nauseating.
Sharon Crock
2 months ago
My Christmas celebration is centered around “God’s indescribable Gift”. The condition of the world does not change my Christmas. The reason for the season of Christmas is the free gift of God in the person of His Son. Everything else is an added blessing… spending time with family, the gift exchange, having a meal together.
Bruce Howerter
2 months ago
Jesus is coming soon!!!
2 months ago
I agree that after seeing what happened in 2020 and our own government weaponized against it’s own people I was praying like many others that God would here our prayers and get President Trump another chance at healing this country. A man that has changed since the assassination attempt and someone that loves this country! He is not afraid to say Merry Christmas and will fight for religious liberties. After he won decisively on Nov. 5th he now has a mandate to implement his America First agenda! He has shed the light on the fake news and hopefully will shed the light on the evil within our own government. This I hope will be a cleansing to bring this evil into the light and hopefully educate more people on the truth. WE know God is ultimately in control and I hope he will guide and protect President Trump and his administration and return this country into a God fearing and loving country again.
Bill Sittig
2 months ago
Trying to remember true meaning of Christmas. My blessed Saviors birthday! But lost my wife of over 50 years this past Easter morning at 4am. She had Parkinson’s disease, dementia and anxiety for 13 years. Took care of her at home until she met her Savior. She played piano for the Lord since she was 13. Trying to focus on the 50+ years we had together. Entire family here last week she was alive.
2 months ago
The election process wore me out that the energy for Christmas just wasn’t there.
2 months ago
I feel somewhat “cleaner”, now that the Trump Presidency is approaching. That “soiled” feeling from having Biden and his associated wildlife in office just won’t go away until the filth is actually removed from the White House and the Capital.
Lynn Codispoti
2 months ago
This Christmas is different because I lost my husband rather suddenly in July. My faith in Christ, as well as the love and support of my close friends, have been amazing. Then I’ll be receiving the best birthday gift in January when President Trump is inaugurated the day after my birthday. May 2025 be a wonderful year for us all!
Brenda G
2 months ago
Sadly this Christmas wasn’t a good time.
With all the issues in our country, world it’s all very worrisome.
I have some hopes on the horizon, and haven’t completely lost my positive outlook yet.
I seem to worry about everything, I feel like I have no control over anything.
SJ Lyons
2 months ago
I always feel lonely as I miss those who have passed, especially my husband and parents, but also extended family and friends who provided something ‘special’ at the holiday times with their presence. I am a Christian and when I feel sad, I just draw closer to the Lord and the Comforter relieves me of that burden. This year many of my existing family members were in other locations so my daughter and I went to a very nice lodge where we spent the 6 days before Christmas and Christmas day. We had a wonderful time but it still isn’t quite the same as being surrounded by family.
2 months ago
Yes this Christmas feels different, I am more concerned than I have ever been, that there are still 20+ days of this terrible administration that continues to damage everything and everyone as it tries to cement its legacy. At the same time I am thankful for all the Blessings in my life and looking forward to the future, believing it will be brighter than ever.
2 months ago
Where is your heart? We need To focus on God and what He is all about. As said in a few comments, the rest doesn’t matter. The enemy is real and sneaks around ready to kill, steal and distort society, he doesn’t want unity. We wants separation and wars against each other. So how to we change it we don’t try to change. Love you neighbor as yourself. Help instead ignore.
2 months ago
Content and grateful, since now, “In God We Trust, and Liberty and Justice for All!”
2 months ago
The loss of loved ones can leave an emotional imprint on Christmas.
Sassy Sue
2 months ago
It’s up and down for me. This year we switched it up a bit. One gift and the rest gift cards. Our daughters are adults, and we have one grand child. We all splurge on the grandchild. The adults, however, like us don’t need any gifts. They buy what they want when they want it. A gift card helps with that. At our age we don’t want more house clutter to dust but gift cards for restaurants are very welcome!
The change had me nervous but we are an honest group and they thought it was a good idea. Oddly the usual holiday overspending on gifts for the sake of gifts was liberating for us all.
Dinner is everyone plays a part at our home. Our oldest is the baking master, deserts on her. Our second it the wine expert so wines are on her. I do the main course. It was a wonderfully calming evening with a fresh tree and a menorah lighting.
2 months ago
For some reason this season has been harder i.e. more sad than in previous years. My husband died 7 years ago and you would think each year would be easier, but for some reason, this was not a good one. I didn’t care about buying presents, perhaps because of the depression, but also because of the economy. The commercialism has always bothered me. I get sick to my stomach when I see all the garbage that the retailers put out. Even some churches, in order to appeal to the children, talk about Santa and sing silly Christmas songs instead of focusing on the real meaning.
2 months ago
There was something energetically different about this holiday. I don’t participate in gift-giving unless it is something like a dinner or something I cooked for a family members. This year I was led to take advantage of Black Friday specials and got some stuff I needed: freeze dried venison for my dog, immersion circulator to gently cook food I make for him, a Dutch Oven for making bread and as a slow cook alternative to the Instant Pot.
I felt comfortable getting these things for myself and was generally feeling more peaceful. Some of it was Trump’s victory, the size of which the Democrats couldn’t steal. It was nice to see how despite their padding of California’s popular vote, Trump still won. My estimate is they shaved 3 million votes off his popular vote total. This had a cascading effect on my life, such that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I can see God at work. Even well known Democrats are calling out their party leadership and the media for their antics on Kamal(a). It is the playbook in the OT right in front of our eyes, where God always wins. It was painful; in the end we are stronger than we were while Joey was the fake president.
While the beginning of Trump’s term will be rocky, it will be fun watching the administrative state going down like a popped balloon. The biggest changes will be an end to the money laundering of taxpayer money through Ukraine and a massive reduction in energy costs. As the energy cost reduces the Cost of Doing Business, these changes will ripple through the supply chain. That takes time. However it will also be great going to a neighborhood grocery store which sells locally sourced food. Note: local may include Mexico or Canada as technology makes that possible.
Gene Clark
2 months ago
I think we’ve been ‘delivered from evil’.
Cautiously optimistic – like trying out a new roller coaster!!
Keith P
2 months ago
With Christmas faliing on Wednesday it makes for an awkward feeling of not knowing what day it is and when I am suppose to do things.
Dave K
2 months ago
As a Christian, Christmas is certainly special since Jesus gave up his deity to live with us sinners and bring a new reality to us. But Easter is the culmination of that reality, because without Easter – there is no Christmas as it’s just another day with a baby born. Easter confirms everything Jesus taught and how He lived. So my survey question would compare Christmas to Easter to see those results.
Jimmy D
2 months ago
I am typically optimistic. This year the challenges ahead are Huge! While the vote showed a strong resistance to the misery the current world condition is in (thanks Obama, etAL). The Leaning toward Communistic thinking on the left does not appear to have lessened. It’s clear we’re in a fight for the direction of the country, and our role as a light on the hill. Leadership has become so corrupt that without serious term limits I see massive hurdles to overcome-and I’m an optimist!
2 months ago
Yes, Christmas was different this year- spent in Dallas with grandkids, first time away from FL in many years, but still with family… it was very nice
2 months ago
Stores and malls used to be decorated for Christmas. You knew it was Christmas time when you walked in, by the sounds of music and the stores decked out in Christmas theme decor. Now it seems sterile. It could be the area where I live (near Charleston, S.C.?) but it never felt like the season of Christmas in this area.
We do decorate our home and put up lights, but even that is something missing from the majority of the homes in our area.
2 months ago
I felt more joy and optimism after the election but then my husband suddenly passed away on the evening before Thanksgiving and this has been the worst holiday season for me. I am still happy that the next 4 years are going to be wonderful but right now, I’m dealing with shock and grief from losing my husband.
In reality, Christmas should feel the same every year if we truly place our focus on the reason for the season. It is to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Yet, we too often don’t make Christmas about Him, but about ourselves.
The events and circumstances of our personal and societal lives have an impact on us no matter the time of year. As a result, “the holidays” (as stated in this poll) can be difficult, or joyful, or no different than others.
I felt “joyful and optimistic” on November 5, 2025 because God allowed new leadership to guide our nation out of the darkness it has been in for the past four years. Every Christmas (and the days in between) we should feel joyful and optimistic because of the promised eternal life with God that awaits us.
With that said, let’s also celebrate a new year and have 2025 be full of HOPE, FREEDOM, COMMON SENSE, and REPENTANCE.
“Keep yourselves in the love of God. Wait for life that lasts forever through
the loving-kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Jude 21
Christmas and Christians should always approach this particular season as well as Easter with gratitude for Jesus.
For the first time in 4 years I’m hopeful now that the traitor democrats have been voted out.
It is easy to get wrapped up in the holidays this time of the year, but in reality we should thank our Lord for the gift of life on a daily basis and enjoy our lives to the fullest with,family, friends and people we meet. 2021-2024 was a dark period in our history but November 5th gave us a new outlook on what we can achieve when people come to realize that what has gone on during that period was just wrong. Thank the Lord daily and as Americans thank ourselves for putting common sense back into what made this country great.
I was saved since last Christmas. No where to go but up!!
After our recent election, I can feel hope in the air.
In the wee hours of November 6, 2024 I forced myself to stay awake to watch the election results. When Newsmax announced that President Trump had won the state of Pennsylvania, thus securing the 270 electoral votes to win the presidency, I cried. And I thanked and praised the Lord Jesus Christ for His abundant mercy and pardon on this nation. I knew the heart-felt prayers of His people across this land had been answered, and that America had been given a reprieve from the spiritual death sentence she received after the highly controversial presidential election in 2020. This was truly a most precious, early Christmas gift to all Americans. I believe this Christmas, many of my fellow Americans are not only thankful, but are feeling a deep sense of relief. I know I do. I have also been sleeping better at night!
Christmas was good, especially w/ my grandkids, BUT our Mother passed on Nov 4th, 4 days shy of her 98th B-day and she was most definitely missed. She left a legacy; 10 kids, 35 grandchildren, and 40 something great-grandchildren. She was the baby of 9 kids. WE miss you Mom but we’re certain you earned a special place in Heaven, God Bless ~
This season is full of uncertainty. The leftists are far too quiet after having had their market share abruptly removed.
This is the calm before the storm. They are greedy and manipulative and haven’t fully begun their treachery. This is only because they were surprised their fix didn’t work and were left unprepared.
I rejoice in Christ and what the Season represents and celebrates! Otherwise, with leaders like Trump and Milei in Argentina, I have guarded optimism; but even they are not perfect and have a massive job and opposition facing them. America & the world have been ravaged by deranged, criminal leftists. The level of evil and damage are incalculable, and it’s not over. In many ways, sin, evil, secular humanism–whatever you wish to call it–are coming on even stronger now. Despite all that’s happened, many continue to harden their hearts and thumb their nose at the Almighty. Apologies for the “Debbie Downer” picture, but one must live in reality, and the reality is we are living in the last days. Humanity’s only Hope is in Christ, and only He can save us.
I do feel different but I can’t say it’s because Christmas is any different. The celebration of the advent of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is always a joyful, thankful, reflective and worshipful time. I feel happy and appreciative because there is not the prospects of 4 more years of an oppressive, hateful, vengeful, destructive, un-American regime hanging over my head. Pray for President Trump for this will be difficult and the forces of evil are already plotting and planning to obstruct his mission. It is so much easier to tear something down like Biden has than to build something. January 20 can’t get here soon enough.
God’s wisdom is awesome!!!
The attitude of our entire family has perked up since Trump won the election. Gonna be a different four years ahead than the last four years with lying Joe Biden in the Oval Office.
Jesus is the reason for the season!!!!
Everything else doesn’t matter.
Greetings fellow AMAC’rs. I live across the country from my family. As I have grown older and am retired, I no longer have the financial ability to fly across the country and spend funds going to the five different places in the West where they live. None of them have any interest in coming this way. I can’t move there as, again, the funds don’t allow it. So, my Christmas’ have become, through the years, very lonely. This year has been the worst for me. I try to keep my eyes on Jesus and His sacrifice for me – and you! It has just become a different world than it was through the last 70 years ago. I look forward to going “Home” now more than ever. I pray that each of you that reads this will look to our Lord for comfort and joy. Blessings ~
I felt more optimistic because Trump was elected but…..even though I celebrate with dinner and focus on religion it seems the holidays aren’t like when I was younger in the 80’s and 90’s.
I live in a liberal town and you rarely hear…”Merry Christmas, or even “Happy Holidays!” Just seems Democrats have made celebrating controversial.
There are no decorations! Businesses don’t even decorate. You don’t hear Christmas music playing in the stores. Christmas merchandise starts coming out before Halloween. Even cities don’t decorate like they used to.
It used to be fun to go to the stores around Christmas when they were packed with people and the hustle and bustle was exciting….now everyone buys online.
Doesn’t seem like it’s Christmas anymore. Actually, it hit me a few weeks ago that you don’t even see any Christmas tree lots.
I like to think I feel “more content and grateful” each year. This poll seemed nuanced towards the new Presidential tenure, but hopfully our joy and contentment goes way deeper than that, as Mist Carter mentioned in her 1st paragraph.
I always bless the Name of the Lord for His unspeakable gift of His Son Jesus who died for the sins of the world! For that, I am eternally grateful! I am hopeful, too, that the next four years will bring about much-needed changes in our government. However, as the Bible states, in the last days terrible times will come, and they will get worse. We must pray without ceasing for our nation, our communities and our families! Satan is especially busy around the world!
Yes we are celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We are also relieved to have Trump win in such a resounding way. We believe God’s people, prayerfully have spoken. We do not believe that the left is done with trying to destroy everything that this country is built on. And to top it off we live in a very corrupt state, California. Keep PRAYING.
Jesus is the reason for the Season. He is Lord and my Saviour.
The reason for Christmas lives in my heart and is part of my life. He brings me peace, hope, comfort and joy every day in some way. I do feel, however, that many people are feeling a renewed hope this year that things will become better. We tend to look to a man to do this. I believe God has placed this man to help lead us to what God has planned for this nation. We look to God as the source of all that we need. When Jesus is in our hearts,He fills those needs. Pray for President Trump to seek the true source of his needs and allow God to become his “Advisor Over All Things” in his cabinet!
While I always try to remain grateful and content I must admit, entering 2025 I do feel more optimistic that the tide has begun to turn and we can make strikes to Make America Great Again.
Christmas is not just a one day a year thing. It should be every day. Love, hope, faith should be lived daily. That spirit of Christmas should be in our hearts all the time.
I need to remind everyone that it ain’t over until the fat lady sings, and I haven’t heard her song. I don’t believe that the Left has moved our nation so far and so quickly to give up. I fear that the World Economic Forum is letting Trump take his victory lap now so that they can sabotage his presidency later. I may be wrong…but I don’t think so.
No. This has been a very difficult year. While enjoyable, this Christmas doesn’t compare to past Christmases.
The poll choices are odd. I feel more optimistic because the adults will be in charge of our nation on January 20th, but I feel the same joy.
Seems many among our extended family are less festive AND we all agree that we find early over-commericialization by retailers to be nauseating.
My Christmas celebration is centered around “God’s indescribable Gift”. The condition of the world does not change my Christmas. The reason for the season of Christmas is the free gift of God in the person of His Son. Everything else is an added blessing… spending time with family, the gift exchange, having a meal together.
Jesus is coming soon!!!
I agree that after seeing what happened in 2020 and our own government weaponized against it’s own people I was praying like many others that God would here our prayers and get President Trump another chance at healing this country. A man that has changed since the assassination attempt and someone that loves this country! He is not afraid to say Merry Christmas and will fight for religious liberties. After he won decisively on Nov. 5th he now has a mandate to implement his America First agenda! He has shed the light on the fake news and hopefully will shed the light on the evil within our own government. This I hope will be a cleansing to bring this evil into the light and hopefully educate more people on the truth. WE know God is ultimately in control and I hope he will guide and protect President Trump and his administration and return this country into a God fearing and loving country again.
Trying to remember true meaning of Christmas. My blessed Saviors birthday! But lost my wife of over 50 years this past Easter morning at 4am. She had Parkinson’s disease, dementia and anxiety for 13 years. Took care of her at home until she met her Savior. She played piano for the Lord since she was 13. Trying to focus on the 50+ years we had together. Entire family here last week she was alive.
The election process wore me out that the energy for Christmas just wasn’t there.
I feel somewhat “cleaner”, now that the Trump Presidency is approaching. That “soiled” feeling from having Biden and his associated wildlife in office just won’t go away until the filth is actually removed from the White House and the Capital.
This Christmas is different because I lost my husband rather suddenly in July. My faith in Christ, as well as the love and support of my close friends, have been amazing. Then I’ll be receiving the best birthday gift in January when President Trump is inaugurated the day after my birthday. May 2025 be a wonderful year for us all!
Sadly this Christmas wasn’t a good time.
With all the issues in our country, world it’s all very worrisome.
I have some hopes on the horizon, and haven’t completely lost my positive outlook yet.
I seem to worry about everything, I feel like I have no control over anything.
I always feel lonely as I miss those who have passed, especially my husband and parents, but also extended family and friends who provided something ‘special’ at the holiday times with their presence. I am a Christian and when I feel sad, I just draw closer to the Lord and the Comforter relieves me of that burden. This year many of my existing family members were in other locations so my daughter and I went to a very nice lodge where we spent the 6 days before Christmas and Christmas day. We had a wonderful time but it still isn’t quite the same as being surrounded by family.
Yes this Christmas feels different, I am more concerned than I have ever been, that there are still 20+ days of this terrible administration that continues to damage everything and everyone as it tries to cement its legacy. At the same time I am thankful for all the Blessings in my life and looking forward to the future, believing it will be brighter than ever.
Where is your heart? We need To focus on God and what He is all about. As said in a few comments, the rest doesn’t matter. The enemy is real and sneaks around ready to kill, steal and distort society, he doesn’t want unity. We wants separation and wars against each other. So how to we change it we don’t try to change. Love you neighbor as yourself. Help instead ignore.
Content and grateful, since now, “In God We Trust, and Liberty and Justice for All!”
The loss of loved ones can leave an emotional imprint on Christmas.
It’s up and down for me. This year we switched it up a bit. One gift and the rest gift cards. Our daughters are adults, and we have one grand child. We all splurge on the grandchild. The adults, however, like us don’t need any gifts. They buy what they want when they want it. A gift card helps with that. At our age we don’t want more house clutter to dust but gift cards for restaurants are very welcome!
The change had me nervous but we are an honest group and they thought it was a good idea. Oddly the usual holiday overspending on gifts for the sake of gifts was liberating for us all.
Dinner is everyone plays a part at our home. Our oldest is the baking master, deserts on her. Our second it the wine expert so wines are on her. I do the main course. It was a wonderfully calming evening with a fresh tree and a menorah lighting.
For some reason this season has been harder i.e. more sad than in previous years. My husband died 7 years ago and you would think each year would be easier, but for some reason, this was not a good one. I didn’t care about buying presents, perhaps because of the depression, but also because of the economy. The commercialism has always bothered me. I get sick to my stomach when I see all the garbage that the retailers put out. Even some churches, in order to appeal to the children, talk about Santa and sing silly Christmas songs instead of focusing on the real meaning.
There was something energetically different about this holiday. I don’t participate in gift-giving unless it is something like a dinner or something I cooked for a family members. This year I was led to take advantage of Black Friday specials and got some stuff I needed: freeze dried venison for my dog, immersion circulator to gently cook food I make for him, a Dutch Oven for making bread and as a slow cook alternative to the Instant Pot.
I felt comfortable getting these things for myself and was generally feeling more peaceful. Some of it was Trump’s victory, the size of which the Democrats couldn’t steal. It was nice to see how despite their padding of California’s popular vote, Trump still won. My estimate is they shaved 3 million votes off his popular vote total. This had a cascading effect on my life, such that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I can see God at work. Even well known Democrats are calling out their party leadership and the media for their antics on Kamal(a). It is the playbook in the OT right in front of our eyes, where God always wins. It was painful; in the end we are stronger than we were while Joey was the fake president.
While the beginning of Trump’s term will be rocky, it will be fun watching the administrative state going down like a popped balloon. The biggest changes will be an end to the money laundering of taxpayer money through Ukraine and a massive reduction in energy costs. As the energy cost reduces the Cost of Doing Business, these changes will ripple through the supply chain. That takes time. However it will also be great going to a neighborhood grocery store which sells locally sourced food. Note: local may include Mexico or Canada as technology makes that possible.
I think we’ve been ‘delivered from evil’.
Cautiously optimistic – like trying out a new roller coaster!!
With Christmas faliing on Wednesday it makes for an awkward feeling of not knowing what day it is and when I am suppose to do things.
As a Christian, Christmas is certainly special since Jesus gave up his deity to live with us sinners and bring a new reality to us. But Easter is the culmination of that reality, because without Easter – there is no Christmas as it’s just another day with a baby born. Easter confirms everything Jesus taught and how He lived. So my survey question would compare Christmas to Easter to see those results.
I am typically optimistic. This year the challenges ahead are Huge! While the vote showed a strong resistance to the misery the current world condition is in (thanks Obama, etAL). The Leaning toward Communistic thinking on the left does not appear to have lessened. It’s clear we’re in a fight for the direction of the country, and our role as a light on the hill. Leadership has become so corrupt that without serious term limits I see massive hurdles to overcome-and I’m an optimist!
Yes, Christmas was different this year- spent in Dallas with grandkids, first time away from FL in many years, but still with family… it was very nice
Stores and malls used to be decorated for Christmas. You knew it was Christmas time when you walked in, by the sounds of music and the stores decked out in Christmas theme decor. Now it seems sterile. It could be the area where I live (near Charleston, S.C.?) but it never felt like the season of Christmas in this area.
We do decorate our home and put up lights, but even that is something missing from the majority of the homes in our area.
I felt more joy and optimism after the election but then my husband suddenly passed away on the evening before Thanksgiving and this has been the worst holiday season for me. I am still happy that the next 4 years are going to be wonderful but right now, I’m dealing with shock and grief from losing my husband.