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Do you support the recent push by the Democratic Party to eliminate the Electoral College?

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The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago


To All; Why the Electoral Collage must be defended at all costs.

If you want to see how the once beautiful city of Seattle has been defiled by the vile DEMOCRATS
who run this city, I would encourage all to go to YouTube and search for the KOKO TV documentary “Seattle Is Dying”.
It is an hour long shocking lesson why DEMOCRATS must NEVER be allowed to control/run anything.
I guarantee that you will be disgusted and repulsed to the core of your very being.
If the DEMOCRATS are successful at killing the Electoral Collage the same fate will befall all of America in short order.
They must be stopped before it is to late.


Dan W.
Dan W.
5 years ago

Keep the Electoral College with one tweak: Don’t allow states to split their Electoral College vote by congressional district.

Splitting a state’s vote by congressional district only encourages gerrymandering which brings out the worst in both political parties. If a candidate wins a state, that candidate should get all of that state’s electoral votes.

5 years ago

If you can’t win according to the rules, then the rules must be changed – This is the typical liberal left strategy.

5 years ago

Desparete Democrats are loosing their small minds

5 years ago

Not only should we keep the Electoral College, we should raise the voting age to 21 and/or those that have skin in the game. Why should some maggot infested, dope smoking FM type be allowed to vote to raise my taxes? The dependent state of America is already an overwhelming voter block.

John VanHart
John VanHart
5 years ago

The fact is that our nation was founded as a contitutional republic, protecting the rights of the individual. The idea of our country being a democracy where the majority rules is certainly not what the constitution states and exactly what our founding fathers wanted to prevent.

5 years ago

Keep the Electoral College. Eliminate all Democrats.

5 years ago

This would mean the left leaning people of California and New York would determine most of our elections.

John Venet
John Venet
5 years ago

No, I don’t agree with the popular vote to elect the President. The fifty states must have a fair representation, no matter what the general population. We cannot let 3 or 4 states dictate what happens to the combined United States.

5 years ago

The Electoral College is in The Constitution to protect smaller, less populated states from the larger more populated states. If you allow the Electoral College removed from The Constitution, they you will disenfranchise every state across the United States save those on the East and West Coasts as well as the big cities that are controlled by the Democrat Party.
If you want “One Party Rule”, then do nothing. Just sit and complain as your taxes go up and your quality of life goes down.
Our system of government may not be perfect, but at least here you have a voice in how your Nation is run. Use your voice, exercise your vote!!
Stop the destruction of Our Constitution!

L Green
L Green
5 years ago

The Dem’s are so far out of step and could care less about the betterment and existence of this country. I really resent paying their wages. Send them all back to where they came from, The true citizens are getting fed up with all of them. By the way you can send a few from the other side back too! Don’t let THEM destroy this country!

Keep the Electoral College and stop them from destroying the Founding Fathers original intent. Wake UP America before it is too late

5 years ago

I do think it matters at a stae level i live in colorado and they want to give my vote to the popular vote weather or not you voted for the popular it is unconstitutional and illigal

Robert Megee
Robert Megee
5 years ago

Those that want to eliminate the electoral college are miss guided and need to read about the French Revolution.

5 years ago

Not only do I think it is necessary on a federal level, I believe it should be enacted on a state level. It would seriously cut down on fraud because 1 county-1 vote! And densely populated cities would cease to determine the vote for the entire state!

Ralph D Kelly
Ralph D Kelly
5 years ago

Those people that voted to eliminate the electoral college should go join aarp…diehard socialist communist democrats.

5 years ago

It appears the current democratic party cant win on ideas, so they are trying in several ways to stack the national elections in their favor. They are experts in manipulation and propaganda–All conservatives and center leaning independents (and democrats) have to get involved with this obvious attempted takeover of our constitution. Time to stop sitting idly by and start participating. Not sure about the suggestion to make a state put all their electoral votes in one party instead of splitting them by district. Have to think on that…

Larry iverson
Larry iverson
5 years ago

The United States has the best government system in the world , the radicals are to ignorant to realize it. The democrats don’t even want the constitution taught in school, and that is how corrupt they are for power, keeping people ignorant of a great republic.
The only reason is power for a few, not for the improvement of the government for its citizens.

Ted W
Ted W
5 years ago

Eliminating the Electoral College is the equivalent of Cal. having 20 Senators, NY having 15 Senators, etc. Most of the remaining states would only have 1 Senator.

Chris Nicholas
Chris Nicholas
5 years ago

The Electoral College

If you’ve been paying just a little bit of attention to U.S. political news you’ve heard some politicians express the opinion that the Electoral College is an outdated concept and should be abolished in favor of a direct election where every citizen casts a vote and the winner of the popular vote becomes President of The United States. If you listen more intently you’ll find that this idea is being pushed by presidential candidates who lost elections because they didn’t win in the Electoral College even though they won the popular vote. There have been 58 Presidential elections and in 53 of those (91%) the winner of the popular vote won the Electoral College vote. So before abolishing the Electoral College it is important to know why the Founding Fathers explicitly incorporated it into the Constitution.

To understand why we have to go back to the first US Constitution, The Articles of Confederation agreed to in 1777. There were not two houses of Congress, only the congress. Article V states “In determining questions in the united states in Congress assembled, each state shall have one vote.” So each STATE was granted one vote regardless of how many delegates a state sent to congress. Under the Articles of Confederation there was no president, no supreme court. Within a few years it became evident that The Articles were not strong enough to bind the former colonies together. A stronger federal government was needed. A Convention gathered in Annapolis, MD in September 1786 for the purpose of discussing changes.

In May 1787 the Philadelphia Convention began drafting the Constitution of the United States. When they had finished crafting the document they presented it to the President of The Congress, George Washington along with the Letter of Transmittal. The delegates to the convention explained the need for change when they wrote in the letter:

“The friends of our country have long seen and desired that the power of making war, peace, and treaties, that of levying money, and regulating commerce, and the correspondent executive and judicial authorities, should be fully and effectually vested in the General Government of the Union; but the impropriety of delegating such extensive trust to one body of men is evident: hence results the necessity of a different organization.

It is obviously impracticable in the Federal Government of these States to secure all rights of independent sovereignty to each, and yet provide for the interest and safety of all. Individuals entering into society must give up a share of liberty to preserve the rest.”

The letter goes on to say

“In all our deliberations on this subject, we kept steadily in our view that which appears to us the greatest interest of every true American, the consolidation of our Union, in which is involved our prosperity, felicity, safety—perhaps our national existence. This important consideration, seriously and deeply impressed on our minds, led each State in the Convention to be less rigid on points of inferior magnitude than might have been otherwise expected; and thus, the Constitution which we now present is the result of a spirit of amity, and of that mutual deference and concession, which the peculiarity of our political situation rendered indispensable.”

So, what didn’t they change? The individual states retained their sovereignty. They gave up some rights states held under the Articles to a new Constitution with a more powerful Federal government. One that would have a Supreme Court and a Chief Magistrate, The President of the United States. In stating how the President was to be elected the Constitution says:

Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution states, “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.”

Reading further, Clause 3 begins with,

“The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President…”

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that the citizens of the U.S. shall by direct vote elect the President. The document consistently asserts that THE STATES shall elect the President. That is further clarified in Clause 3 where it instructs that the Electors must cast two ballots and one of those cast must be for an inhabitant of a different state.

In 1804 some minor changes were made in Amendment XII reenforcing that the State Legislatures would select the Electors for President and Vice President. Subsequently Amendment 23 ratified in 1961 again used the same language to describe how the District of Columbia would select “Electors.”

The framers were very specific in their methods and language. The President of The United States was to be elected by The STATES, not by a popular vote. This wasn’t an accident; it was by design.

The founding fathers were extremely concerned that there be a balance of legislative power between the federal and state governments. This is why there are enumerated powers of the Legislative Branch in Article I of the Constitution. Any powers not expressly given to Congress were retained by the States. The Constitution was designed to restrain government, not to become a tool by which citizens and their states were ruled by a strong federal government.

The two legislative chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives were designed with equal care. The House of Representatives would be elected directly by the people and Senators were to be elected by the State Legislatures. Why? The House was to directly represent the people. The Senate was to protect the INTEREST of the individual states. The Senate was created to represent the STATES. This was the result of the Connecticut compromise or The Great Compromise. It is crucial to understand that there would not be a United States of America without this compromise. The smaller states were concerned that their voices would not be heard and that the states with larger populations would overrule them. That is why the world’s greatest deliberative body, The U.S. Senate, came into being. Each STATE would have two Senators and those Senators were appointed by the Legislators of the States to represent the interest of the States. The state legislatures were as they are today voted on by the people. As such, legislatures are accountable for how they vote and for who they appoint.

This delicate balance of power was shredded by the ratification of the 17th Amendment in 1913. It allowed for the direct election of Senators by the people of each state. The adoption of this amendment destroyed the framework put together by the founders. For those interested in the term “Unfunded Mandates,” its origins springs from the 17th Amendment. Senators owed their election to the people. States no longer had representation in the federal government. This has been disastrous. Federal rules and regulations now control every aspect of society to the detriment of individual states.

Replacing the Electoral College with a direct vote would further divide us into the two tribes we have become today. A direct vote would cripple states with smaller populations. For example, some politicians and pundits point out that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in the 2016 Presidential election. However, if counted by states, Hillary won the popular vote in only 19 states while Donald Trump carried 31 states. Hillary carried California by 4,269,978. She carried New York by 1,736,590 votes. Together that is an advantage of 6,006,568 voters. Hillary’s entire margin of victory by popular vote was 2,268,686. Now, how would the citizens of the other 48 states like to be dictated to by just two states? Which states would get all the attention in Presidential Elections? How many would be ignored? Would your vote count North Carolina? You can do the math.

It would be a grave mistake to abolish the Electoral College. If abolished, it would further erode states rights. The balance of federal power and state rights needs to be redistributed through the repeal of the 17th Amendment and by keeping the Electoral College.

Willis Tanner
Willis Tanner
5 years ago

That is just another attempt from the Dems/left to try to do something else to ensure they might win the next presidential election. After seeing the Trump supporters were right all along about the no collusion they will try whatever they pull out the hat even harder… Trump 2020… #NoDems, #NoSocialism..

chris Mcpeck
chris Mcpeck
5 years ago

Have you seen what the Dem have control of ,, looks at calf , there cost of living is so high , and rent control is way out of the ball park
Ny, has the highest tax , then any other state . and there rent is way out ,of the ball park, you want to just talk cities ? lol city of Seattle
has more junkie and the crime rate is up lole 70% in the last 5 yrs
the state of calf . were the house speaker lives in her city , it has over 1 Million Homeless people , it not because there bums , no they want you to believe that
its because they had Fires , Floods , and they have a big Problem with Heroin. and being the house speaker like Nancy Pelosi is, he goes on vacations , she hasn’t passed a bill to help these folks , there are kids women who are mixed up with some bad folks in these tent city’s who rape them beat them and all she is worry about is letting people over the wall to take away our SS to raise more taxes, she was really pissed when the President of the united states gave that big tax cut, what did she call it , ,cookies crumps , Look I May not be good at writing , I hated English in school, but am getting my point out and you all know am right,
back to NY , you have ohh Chucky baby Chuck Schumer . who is sick right now , he is losing to much and he may have liver problems from drinking , well anyways
back in 2017 him and that other lady who is running for the white house , cut through some red tape to let a man from India come to NY and snow ski .they never vented him on any background check. and went against Mr. Trumps law , when he didn’t want some Muslim in our country, they didn’t want to listen to him and let this man come over and he went to Lake Placid to snow ski , after 48 in NY , this man raped a 13 yr old girl , asked why he did it , the man said she was flirting with me ,, A 13 YR OLD , GIRL !!! Then to come find out , he moved to India 3 yrs before that he was born and raise in afghan , and if chuck Schumer and that lady Christine did there job dong a complete background check that 13 yr old would of never been beaten or raped . up-date she is now 15 yrs old , don’t ski no more ,and goes to a DR. one time a week ,she is on meds and Chuck Schumer never said he was sorry what had happen . and tried to walk away with his tail between his legs , being a dog that he is , but my point is , this is what the dem party is and wants to be in control so they can let anyone in our country and care about them over the needs and care of Americans ,, like I said am not a good writer , I lived in NY and was force to stop school at 8th grade , and go to work, to help around the home front , … am ok today , but living in ny with high taxes high rent , and with 8 kids n a single mom . who was sick later in life from sugar and liver problems from drinking all the time ,, you had no choice to help out
. am not one of the special people who was born with a gold spoon or silver spoon in my hands , I worked at the age of 10 in a potato factory. in Mattydale NY. and my money I made 8 hrs on a sat and Sunday and 4 hrs mon-fri went to my mom .. I was lucky ,, I found out at a young age how to save money and buy what I wanted to buy, today I own 6 homes I rent out and play all over the east coast , songs you remember old classic rock .

Jesse Church
Jesse Church
5 years ago

Democracy is a form of bullying. 51% of people can tell the other 49% how to live.

5 years ago

If you want CA, NY and IL to determine who will be president, then eliminating the electoral college which is a democratic dream. Couple this with illegals voting, 16 year olds voting and no voter photo ID and I would expect the end of the 2 party system. This would set the stage for the radical socialist programs the democrats are pushing especially if they can pack the supreme court to rubber stamp programs that would currently be called unconstitutional. All these changes would turn this country into 3rd world nation and destroy the greatest wealth creating machine this world has ever known.

5 years ago

I have heard this talk ever since I can remember and nothing has ever changed and I’m pretty sure nothing ever will because the idiot politicians that we the people elect will never agree on anything enough unless it is there best interest financially and politically

5 years ago

This movement is an attempted coup to take down our Republic and create a dumbacracy run by the mob, a form of government loathed by our Founders.

5 years ago

If you want illegal immigrants in California to elect our President, that is what you will get if we eliminate the electoral college.

5 years ago

The Dems have already stole the Elections in Maine with “Rank Choice Voting”. Under this system, we will never have a Conservative elected again. Our 2018 Congressional Race proved that.

Linda L Dabrowski
Linda L Dabrowski
5 years ago

This lunacy has to stop

5 years ago

This is no more than the Dems looking for a someway to get votes this goes hand in hand with why they want to allow Illegals to vite

5 years ago


Nate Wood
Nate Wood
5 years ago

The difficulty w/ Dimocrats is that they always fail to take the long view. They want to change the Constitution to suit the moment, not thinking of the situation when tables are turned NOT in their favor. And the very change they wanted, and got, in that fleeting “moment” now turns to bit them very squarely in the backside.

Those “old fogies,” the ones who wrote our Constitution, were exceptionally good at taking the long, and usually CORRECT, view! That has been proven time and time again during our 200+ year history of essential freedom… The very same applies to their hair-brained scheme to pack the Supreme Court! FDR tried that in the ’30’s and look where that got the Dimocrats then!?! ‘Nuff said.

5 years ago

What truly amazes me is how these criminals manage to never go to jail for any crimes they commit.

5 years ago

We need to reverse immigration for democrats.
If they can’t uphold their oath of office they need to resign and catch a sailboat to Europe.

Ronald A Hepp
Ronald A Hepp
5 years ago

No, the Electoral College should

5 years ago

It wouldn’t let me participate in the poll. I DO NOT SUPPORT ELIMINATING THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE!!!

Linda Brake
Linda Brake
5 years ago

When I click on the ‘Take the Poll’ link, it automatically goes to the voting results. I had no way to vote on this one.

5 years ago

No! They can’t win honestly so they will ty to steal elections by allowing insanely liberal California and New York control the country.

5 years ago

I support the electoral vote completely. I think we need it for electing our governors also, so the cities do not have the control on our rural areas.

Mike Graybeal
Mike Graybeal
5 years ago

Yeah right we want NY and California to pick the Pres. Give me a BREAK….

5 years ago

If the Democrats are not happy with the way this country is run, then please feel free to move to any country of their choice. That would make us all much happier.

Dennis Thompson
Dennis Thompson
5 years ago

Nothing is different today than when the framers created the constitution — populous states should not be the sole determinant of the POTUS.

Ena Brooks
Ena Brooks
5 years ago

No, the founding fathers had the clarity to look at how densely populated areas would nullify lower populated areas and took action to solve the problem by establishing the electoral college. Thanks to their visionary wisdom, we have the entire country deciding the Presidency.

Edward Toomey
Edward Toomey
5 years ago

Electoral college is at the foundation of republic democracy. Hands off.

5 years ago

I think the Democratic Party is treasonous in itself and should be removed

Benjamin Kennedy
Benjamin Kennedy
5 years ago

Why not just hand over the key to these FEW bunch of idiots !!!!

Marty G Kirkpatrick
Marty G Kirkpatrick
5 years ago

No..California has already decided enough issues, many times to the detriment of the country…add the numbskull leftist supporting states of N.Y.,Ma.,Ill.,Mary.,Co.,Wash.,Or.,and Ver., and we might as well just let Red China decide.

Jennings Bunn
Jennings Bunn
5 years ago

This is a move by the Democrat Socialist Party to totally control the vote. Anyone who is unsure needs to wake up to what these idiots are trying to do.

David Leja
David Leja
5 years ago

Can we please stop calling the communists the left, liberals, dnc, democrats… they are and have been for a long time, communists. Now they are clearly outspoken communists. So call them what they are. Lets not assume a Constitutional amendment can not be done. This is a real threat, along with the loss of the 1st & 2nd amendments which are now under attack. If they can remove the 2nd amendment the communists will remove them all.

5 years ago

The Electoral College is going no where. It is a 2020 democratic campaign slogan to fire up the liberal base. If one of the many liberal dems became President ( Lord Forbid ) it will be because the received the electoral college votes necessary to win. It is the platform of the LOSERS!

Jack bates
Jack bates
5 years ago

Who in their right mind would ever want California to decide the president of the USA!!! Democrats are like two year olds who lost their candy!! Get over it you lost!!! Don’t try to rewrite the constitution they are not even close to being smart enough!!!

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