
Do you believe Joe Biden will follow-up Bill Clinton’s suggestion and grant a presidential pardon for Hillary Clinton?

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Kevin M.
Kevin M.
2 months ago

Clearly, he is not of sound mind and is being manipulated by anyone around him. It’s silly to think he’s concerned about his legacy… or concerned about anything at this juncture. In his dementia fog, there is no reason to believe he won’t just keep signing whatever his handlers put in front of him.

jim wood
jim wood
2 months ago

Why doesn’t this blithering idiot just go away. Biden is so full of crap and will not leave quitely. Dems are running round blaming each other for Trumps victory and putting in motion an agenda that will restore some dignity to this nation. Joe, Kamala and the rest of you just disappear.

Mist Carter
Mist Carter
2 months ago

Article II, Section 2 of the US Constitution states that the President “shall have the Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.” Yet, the Constitution is absent of any limitations on the pardon power.

A preemptive pardon is a type of pardon which is specifically a form of anticipatory clemency granted to individuals before they are actually charged or convicted of a crime. The only comparable pardon is Gerald Ford’s pardon of Richard Nixon after the Watergate scandal, as it protected Mr. Nixon from punishment for alleged crimes.

Regarding Hillary, there is no love lost between the Bidens and the Clintons. After devoting 8 years as Obama’s VP, Barry kicked old Joe to the curb and attached his support to howling Hillary in 2016.

So, the only reason Biden would offer a pardon to Hillary is if slick Willie and his lovely wife actually have some goods on Biden or his family. But remember, anyone given a pardon is exempt from hiding behind the 5th Amendment, and would have to tell the truth if called before Congress or in a court of law. Telling the truth would be a first for Hillary or Bill.

All of these potential preemptive pardons are clearly sending a message that the Biden cabal is willing to admit the many crimes the Democrat party has performed and hopes to bury by seeking preemptive pardons for their anti-American operatives. And it is proof that they know what they’ve done is predatory, criminal, and unconstitutional. They know they are guilty which is why they want preemptive pardons for all their un-American actions.

It should be noted that three Chinese nationals received clemency on November 22, 2024 – prior to Biden’s record setting pardon/clemency abuse of power. Shanlin Jin was convicted of possession of 47,000 child pornography images. Then we have Yanjun Xu who was convicted economic espionage.  And finally we have Ji Chaoqun who was convicted of impersonating agents of foreign governments and conspiracy to defraud the US.

We have 38 days remaining left in this perfidious president’s term. We can only imagine the destructive actions he will take to try and completely destroy America before he rides of into the sunset as America’s worst president ever!

      “This shows that the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their sufferings

     and to punish evil people while they wait for the day of judgment.”    2 Peter 2:9

2 months ago

He is doing as much damage as he can to the nation before he leaves. He is a despicable person.

2 months ago

Also, by providing these “pardons “ is he saying they are guilty of a crime?

2 months ago

Joe is not selecting who is to be pardoned, he is simply signing the paper. There is a team in the WH mob doing this. If you believe Joe knows about each of the 1500+ he pardoned/commuted sentences for you need to be pardoned from reality.
on another note. I discovered that on the list of 1500+ was a HS classmate of mine. She swindled $54+ million from small town Dixon, Illinois. The town suffered immensely and still is. Her name is Rita Humphries/Crundwell, she needs to be shunned and shamed for the rest of her life. May KARMA become her best friend.

Rob J
Rob J
2 months ago

Will Biden Pardon Hillary & Bill …. Not Really …. but the guy(s) who has his/thier hand in the back of Joe’s head, making Joe’s jaw flap, will Pardon them, they have plenty of Dirt on Biden and several others.
Asking if Biden does ANYTHING is rather comical … it’s the Hand(s) in the back of his head that doing it all … a First Class example of ‘ Hire the Handicapped ‘.
Biden’s ‘ Pardons ‘ are really a misnomer … Suicide Avoidance should be the Actual Label.

J Van Horn
J Van Horn
2 months ago

If you have always been above board why would you need a pardon. Nothing says guilty like being preemptively pardoned!

Marty M
Marty M
2 months ago

Democrats and new york, are despicable and useless!

Rev. William E. Weisert II, DD mA/HN
Rev. William E. Weisert II, DD mA/HN
2 months ago

Joe Biden is a thoughtless criminal whose Presidential pardoning powers should be curtailed, but that would affect future Presidents-so we can’t do that! However, he has overused the power and prerogatives of office to enrich himself and his cronies, including Hunter. There is no love lost between the Bidens and the Clintons, so why not? It only goes to prove that the democrats are criminals and completely above and outside the law. We all know that what ever they accuse the Republicans of doing is precisely what they are in actual fact doing!

Kathy Gallagher
Kathy Gallagher
2 months ago

I know for a fact, Biden can pardon all the people he wants, But ALL will go before God Almighty. Therefore no one gets away with anything.

Arnie L
Arnie L
2 months ago

Honestly, what he really wants to do is pardon anyone in government with a (D) after their name from any offense they could be indicted on from now until the end of the century. THEN, give immunity to anyone who works for MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, and PBS, from the acts of libel, fraud, and treason.
Then he’ll be happy and satisfied.

2 months ago

Never know what this guy will do. He lies so much and pretends to be a Christian, can’t imagine what’s next. He just released $10 billion to Iran so maybe next he’ll payoff mortgages for anyone who donated to his presidential run. Doesn’t care what the supreme court rules and has cancelled more than $166 billion in student loans. Hasn’t done anything to help American families with grocery costs and don’t expect him do that. He’s a loose cannon and who knows where the next shot will go.

2 months ago

They should rescind all the pardons and commuted sentences due to his mental incompetence and senility.

2 months ago

For years they denied any wrongdoing. Now they’re seeking a pardon, admitting that they were lying the whole time.

Donald Warner
Donald Warner
2 months ago

He has no shame, not an honest bone in his body, nor any morals. Jan 20, 2025 can’t get here fast enough.

2 months ago

of course he will. he’s a criminal and so is she and so are ALL of the Demonrats who do not try to stop it – which is ALL OF THEM.
It’s mind boggling that they can literally get away with high crimes and treason so blatantly and then make up witch hunt charges against Trump.
This is Communist China level crap!!! The younger generations need to wake up because they’re blowing it.

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
2 months ago

If Joe Biden doesn’t want to wind up like Vince Foster, he’ll pardon Hillary.

2 months ago

He will pardon as many criminals as he can,one hand washes the other.

2 months ago

Sadly ironic how one of the biggest criminals to occupy the Oval Office will be the biggest grantor of pardons to other criminals

Henry (Pappy -SNOOP) Teja
Henry (Pappy -SNOOP) Teja
2 months ago

As a former law enforcement officer with several degrees in Criminal Justice, I have one crucial question for any attorney, law enforcement officer, and jurist (judge): How do you pardon any person who has not been charged or convicted of any crime that has not been adjudicated by any court of law, federal, state, or local jurisdiction? As far as I can remember, there is NO permanent ‘Get Out Jail’ card for anybody, not even for CIs or someone who turns state’s evidence in the conviction of another (aka Witness Protection Program)!

2 months ago

So why is he pardoning all these Democrats that supposedly didn’t do anything wrong? ???? This proves how guilty they are. Technically the deep state is running this ???? show because Biden has no clue what is going on anymore.

2 months ago

No. Trump had an opportunity to have charges brought against Hillary during his 1st administration but declined to do so because he thought that would divide the country further, a time, like now, is very divided. So, Biden has no concern that she would be indicted in a 2nd Trump administration. While the leftists cry that Trump is a tyrant and will go after his political enemies (Demonrat projection) calling it “retribution,” people on the right are calling for equal justice and are sick and tired of the left getting away with every. “Laws for thee but not for me.”

Louis Daniels
Louis Daniels
2 months ago

How much are the Clintons offering Biden, Inc., behind the scenes?

2 months ago

I find it interesting to note that they were not afraid of Trump45! They were confident in the DC swamp to protect them. Now, they realize that the swamp is finally being drained and the appointees to those positions can and will come after them and they are running scared. Make no mistake, Trump47 is a really smart guy and he doesn’t have to do any of that himself – he will focus on MAGA – but he has put some very strategic people in places to return the rule of law and the dems are screeching and running like the sewer rats they are!

2 months ago

It’s amazing the number of people asking for pardons for things they said weren’t crimes, which is rich, coming from a surveillance state that starts off their reasoning with, “If you have nothing to hide, then you shouldn’t worry.”

2 months ago

Please tell me how one can be forgiven for crimes of which he/she has yet to be charged and convicted?

2 months ago

Oh my! January 20, 2025 cannot come soon enough although I certainly don’t want to wish my life away; however, Biden’s term seems endless! He and his cronies have done so much damage to our Country that it will take President Trump some time to clean up the mess!! With God’s help, he will do it!!

Gary Seise
Gary Seise
2 months ago

By granting pardons, Biden is admitting the person is guilty. An innocent person does not need a pardon.

2 months ago

The rate Bidumb is going he will give a blanket pardon to all 20 million illegals.

Wayne Dibbly
Wayne Dibbly
2 months ago

If Bill Clinton asked for Hillary’s pardon he is admitting to her crimes. Did He ask for a blanket pardon as given Hunter? I had not heard of it. If Joe does give such, he admits that he has known of her crimes. Let us not forget that Joe Biden is Don of a crime family and he probably will not pardon without some kickback or compensation or favor for after he leaves office. It will not be cheap. I do not know of the verity of Bill’s request but it is an interesting possibility.
We know that Hillary could benefit from a blanket pardon for unspecified crimes during her careers. She remains vulnerable but is no longer of consequence. I doubt that Pam Bondi or Kash Patel will have much interest in her unless some new great crime is uncovered and hat is surely a possibility. I voted unsure because it is no longer of any great importance to me or our great MAGA Movement. MAGA

2 months ago

If ANYTHING is” the wrong thing to do” Biden will race to get it done. That’s been the history of his entire political career. So, yes, if she or Bill ask, they’ll get their way – and taxpayers will get done in again. So sick of these parasites, January can’t get here soon enough. Even if Trump does nothing, we at least won’t be getting done-in everyday, in every way.

2 months ago

Why is he allowed to be doing anything….his own party says he is not competent and mentally unstable. His doings should be challenged.

2 months ago

Always thought you had to have been found guilty in a court before you could be pardoned. Oh I forgot the dumbocraps can make up the rules of anything to suit them. But to be honest about this hope he does pardon them before he’s out that way it will then be a proven fact that they broke laws along with himself so go ahead

William Hodge
William Hodge
2 months ago

I’m disgusted that the old bastard will get a pension after stealing millions and destroying the American dream for so many people.

2 months ago

Sure he will pardon Hillary. As they say, “Birds of a feather, flock together.”

2 months ago

who cares? trump doesn’t give a s*** about hillary he’ll be to busy making america great again.

2 months ago

I would like to thank the Biden/Harris administration and their supporters for having an agenda that guaranteed Donold Trumps re-election.

2 months ago

Wait, didn’t Bill suggest that he NOT pardon her??? But he’ll probably do it just to piss Bill off anyway!

Rose Giuliani
Rose Giuliani
2 months ago

I don’t believe Joe is doing any pardoning, except for his son.
The shadow government is really in charge.

2 months ago

The Joe Biden corporation is selling pardons to anyone that comes up with the CASH, they would pardon Charles Manson for the right price. The citizens of these united states of American need to take a hard look at how we are governed as it has become a criminal organization ran by a few in the Intelligence agencies and the two parties..

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 months ago

I doubt it but if he does, she won’t take it.

2 months ago

It is crucial to always remember that the crimes Joe Biden committed, and, will never answer for, are the very same for which the “Democrat” party solidly supported him, both actively, and, by “looking the other way”.
The “Democrats”, so oddly named, as their support for Biden has clearly undermined “Democracy”, have disqualified themselves from holding political office in the United States, EVER again.

Steve L
Steve L
2 months ago

I find it ironic that leftists in the media and government are worried about President Trump’s ‘retribution’ and have nothing to say about Biden’s retribution against Trump, his supporters and the country. The hypocrisy just astounds me.

wendy smith
wendy smith
2 months ago

It’s disgusting. It is also very apparent that someone else is running the show. Biden just signs off, he has no idea what or who he is pardoning, but he will get the blame. Just another cover up. Everyone in the Democratic Elite knows where the skeletons are and who holds keys to the closets. Hillary, Adam Shift, Jamie Rascal and everyone involved in the deceitful impeachments and Jan 6 cover up should be held accountable. But even if Biden pardons them, they should all be investigated and totally exposed. Otherwise they will continue their evil in the dark.

2 months ago

ABSOLUTELY he’ll pardon Hillary, and likely he’ll grant one of those all new “immunity” pardons, ’cause SHE CAN AFFORD ONE, on sale now, EXCLUSIVELY at traitor joe’s. (limited time only) I’m guessing they’re gonna go for a cool $1 million each. His last act as pino, will likely be to grant HIMSELF, a LIFETIME immunity pardon.

2 months ago

Like everything else Traitor Joe has done in his entire career as a corrupt politician, he will make the wrong decision. The next 36 days can’t go by fast enough. Everyday he’s in office we are going to be subjected to more calamities and unconstitutional activity.

Bill Gunter
Bill Gunter
2 months ago

Ha Ha, the innocents don’t need pardons, if you can believe that.(As she professes)

2 months ago

According to Bill Clinton, Hillary did nothing wrong! Why would she need a pardon? But be that as it may, Biden will likely pardon all those who did such evil in Washington. Thankfully we have a Judge who will not let them go unaccountable; but perhaps in time they, too, will come to know the LORD and be assured of their pardon.

2 months ago

“President” Biden has, single-handedly, proven the enormous importance of our adherence to election integrity safeguards. He, illegitimately, “sleazed” into office on a highly-coordinated ballot fraud effort, and, has been the most incompetent AND corrupt “President” in the history of our republic. He has done enormous damage since this 2020 election that was stolen from the voters. The “Democrat” party has disqualified themselves from participation in any future election in these United States.

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