
North Korea

Do you agree with President Trump’s decision to end his summit with Kim Jong-Un early?

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Brian B
Brian B
6 years ago

How do you cut a deal with someone who is a liar, a slave-monger, a murderer and a thief? President Trump, in good faith tried to reason with Kim Jong-Un while pointing out the obvious economic successes of Vietnam. But the North Korean leader has his own agenda that includes self-preservation by whatever subversive means possible. He trusts no one. And that is one of the learned character traits of someone isolated under the banner of communism. All communist leaders live in constant fear of a backstabber or usurper. President Trump could be Kim Jong-Un’s most loyal economic ally. But Kim doesn’t understand the higher human qualities of honesty, trust or compassion. Power-hungry communists never do. Their instincts of self-preservation are in line with predatory animals. …….eat or be eaten. Will the suffering people of North Korea ever recover their freedom? Probably not any time soon.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
6 years ago

In that part of the world negotiations with adversaries is a long term strategy,
a game of moves and counter moves much like chess.
POTUS knows this and will keep the pressure up by using various tactics such as
incentives and sanctions.
The question then becomes will Trump be around long enough to succeed,
or will he be driven out of office and denied a second term by the Deepstaters before he can achieve his goal.
POTUS needs our prayers.

S. Kennedy
S. Kennedy
6 years ago

President Trump is not a fool. He does everything for a reason! He puts the American people first. The door is still open for another meeting.

He has certainly…… regardless of the results..
gotten further than any previous president or administration with North Korea. Forget the whackos of main stream media! Trust our president!!

He needs our faith and prayers.

6 years ago

IF, BHO, could ever have gotten to this point, I’m sure he would have given away the farm- just like Iran.

6 years ago

I believe our President is doing a great job, I only wish the left would see that.

phil bourassa
phil bourassa
6 years ago

Best car deal I ever made, was made after walking away.

6 years ago

The President is a shrewd dealer and knows his history. You can’t give in to ” Remove sanctions and we will give you one of our outdated nuclear facilities. The goal is denuclearization and we will lift sanctions. Kim Jung Un will stay in power in a prosperous N. Korea and the world and region will be safer. The President walked away to negotiate another day… hopefully China will help to influence Kim see the merits of trading with the US.

6 years ago

Trump realized what was pointed out characteristic of Reagan’s diplomacy.. you need a “great communicator” to pull off substantive diplomacy.. Trump’s the man today and he realizes that “it takes two” and for that to happen there must be common ground…whereas both parties feel solutions are equitable and mutually beneficial… better to wait.. As we know since this is new turf on the World scale and no less for the two leaders so “we learn to crawl before we can walk”. I was comfortable with Trump’s decision.. We can’t expect much from these initial contacts.

Ed S
Ed S
6 years ago

When anyone is dealing with NK, in reality you’re dealing with Communist China. NK will not make a deal unless China agrees, if China wasn’t bypassing the sanctions, NK would’ve already agreed to denuclearize.

Wayne Healey
Wayne Healey
6 years ago

I believe AMAC should lead the fight to have Voter I.D. to protect our Country. I think the 2018 elections had so much fraud, that we lost Congress . We can not stand by and watch the left steal the White House.

JM Hardwick
JM Hardwick
6 years ago

I believe that President Trump is Devine intervention. It is stunning to me that he was elected just when our country needed him the most. He could be living out his life in peace and comfort, but, knowing what he was going to face, he stood up for America, the land that he loves, and a land that has been so good to him. Say what you want about his methods, there is plenty of debate on the subject, but he knows how to get the best results. He’s made many of mistakes in business, but he has learned from those mistakes, and he brings a lifetime of experience to the table. He wrote The Art of the Deal, and he’s read Kim’s “book.” He knows how the man thinks, what buttons to push, and what buttons not to push. The thing to be aware of is the centuries-old oriental personality trait, “losing face.” Kim is not going to make a descision like this quickly or easily, because he knows that once the decision is made, he can’t change it, because he would “lose face.”

When I was growing up, my family had a Korean exchange student who lived with us for four years, I served in Korea with the US Army for one year, and have worked closely with Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese both in uniform and as a contractor for most of my adult life. “Losing face” is a powerful driving force for oriental people. President Trump knows this and he’s using it to his advantage. They certainly do. I’ve seen it in action and observed the power of its influence.

Whether or not President Trump serves another four years is up to us. Carry the MAGA flag everyday, get smart, be smart, and stay smart when it comes to defending our freedoms. Never be timid or afraid to stand up for those freedoms, and remember this conversation in November 2020. ??MAGA??KAGA??

6 years ago

I trust the President’s business sense!! He knows the art of the Deal!! We needed a businessman in the Whitehouse!! Thank God we now have a Great one to save us from all the horrible deals made since Reagan left office!!!

Genette Shields
Genette Shields
6 years ago

Yes PRESIDENT TRUMP did the right thing to end the summit we don’t need any more bad deals

6 years ago

Do not let the Bully win! Walk away when there is no incentive to talk. President Trump is a master at this. Trust our President to do the right thing for our Country.

Diana Smith
Diana Smith
6 years ago

Was not able to vote…votes were already tabulated so could not register my vote. I WOULD HAVE VOTED for POTUS to do just he did: walk away from a bad deal. Also, while I’m on the subject, I am sick of tired of Mr. Biden continuing with the Obama strategy of going abroad to Europe, and apologizing for USA actions or diplomacy. That is NOT the way to conduct business. If Biden is so ashamed of our country, perhaps he should move elsewhere. And he most certainly NOT be contemplating entering the 2020 Presidential race. (Note: I wouldn’t vote for him if he were the only person running! I would ‘write I’m a more responsible name. TRUMP comes to mind!!)

Mark Marshall
Mark Marshall
6 years ago

It’s a negotiation strategy. It often works. He’s already gained peace and interaction. There’s no rush for the right deal.

6 years ago

No matter what Trump does the liberal socialist Dems will oppose it. The bottom line is that Dems never recovered from losing in 2016!!!

6 years ago

Yes, if its not a good deal for the United States then we shouldn’t make it!

6 years ago

Awesome President Trump did the right thing. Why waste time.

6 years ago

The president is about the best interest of the country. He is doing what’s right even in the presence of extreme persecution from the democrats and the deep state.

Tim Saunders
Tim Saunders
6 years ago

When will GOP senators and representatives back Trump 100%….this attack on the Pres. is growing very old and we need some heavy pushback soon for the whole party.

Phyllis Poole
Phyllis Poole
6 years ago

I wrote AMAC and got on them for advertising products thst use Chinese products like phones which are well beyond standard. Ask first before you hire such a company !
Buy American or at least companies that produce other than junk like Chinese!!!

Mike Swartz
Mike Swartz
6 years ago

This president has proven himself at the bargaining table over and over and he has shown that he loves the American people deeply. It’s way past time for the Libs and the so called media to get off his back and do their jobs. This country could make giant leaps forward if congress (both sides of the isle) would do their jobs and give up on unseating a duly elected president of the United States because they don’t like him. That’s why we have elections.

D W Brayton
D W Brayton
6 years ago

Who are we to try to judge those negotiations.

Marla Ritchie
Marla Ritchie
6 years ago

POTUS couldn’t agree with what NK wanted. He had to walk away. They will come together again.

6 years ago

Making peace around the world is a never ending story. We can only make it clear that we dissapprove of what you do, it is up to the people in that country to fight for what they want.

6 years ago

Pres Trump is the MASTER deal maker – he knows when to fold his cards and walk away – there’s always another day to play the game.

6 years ago

This is a no brainer! Kind of makes me wonder who are those that voted for the other options. I defer to preceding comments as my reasoning.

michael towler
michael towler
6 years ago

Unlike our previous mistake of a president, this one knows that bending over backwards to get a losing deal is no deal at all.

George Kehas
George Kehas
6 years ago

These are such thoughtful, cogent comments it astounds me the vast majority on the left cannot understand common sense and plain thinking. Keep the faith folks , march on and pray for the President and the USA.

6 years ago

It’s really none of our business. Mr. Trump knows what he is doing.

6 years ago

I think it the height of hubris for AMAC to poll its members on their OPINIONs about such a delicate matter of diplomacy which, for the most part, is probably outside their individual areas of expertise. Not unlike asking:

Do you agree with (a pro golfer’s) decision to layup short of the green rather than shoot thru the trees onto the green next to the cup? etc, etc, etc. Who cares about amateur opinions?

Gary Grella
Gary Grella
6 years ago

I suspect that Kim Il Jung mistakenly thought that Pres. Trump’s tenure in office was short based on the antics observed in CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and the rest of the leftist “news” networks and by the Democrats and therefore thought that Trump was in a weaker position than himself. Kim may not fully understand our inner workings. Kim forgot that the US holds most of the cards. Kim’s only card in his nukes. And, Kim does not care a whit about the people of NK. Except to use them as hostages for humanitarian concerns. We must keep and tighten even more the sanctions. Apparently Kim himself is very well fed. He’s the fattest man in North Korea. He’s the ONLY fat man in NK. Kim probably took a train to Viet Nam so that he could buy a lot of ‘goodies’ for himself and his inner group along the way. I’d really like to know if his train made stops, where they were, and how long the stops lasted along the way there or back . I suspect China filled his train with those ‘goodies’. Kim looked even fatter than at the first summit. NK must be completely sealed of from the rest of the world. NO trade, NO financial exchanges, NO shipping, etc. When Kim and his inner group of gangsters realize that they are cut off from all the goodies produced in capitalist societies, then, NK will begin giving up its nukes.

6 years ago

My opinion is he did good ?in plain and simple language ?

Steve Maloney
Steve Maloney
6 years ago

President Trump knows what he’s doing. Too many times President do things for political reasons. President Trump isn’t a politician he wants what is best for America. He is a man of his word “America First”.

McKinnon Rita
McKinnon Rita
6 years ago

Yes, I agree with President Trump.
If Kim Jong Un would not agree with the proposed agreement, President Trump needed to walk away.
I’m proud of him. He’s doing what gutless Obama would not have even attempted.

6 years ago

President Trump had to walk from the talks. NK terms were unrealistic ! NK has been a puppet of China. President Trump knew he was dealing with NK/China. A no deal is better than a bad deal … Look at the Iran deal.

Red Raspberry
Red Raspberry
6 years ago

It’s already a done deal. Walking away is a way for Kim to save face and show his people he can deal with Trump. 70 year old wars are hard to clean up quickly.

G. Grella
G. Grella
6 years ago

It’s most important to remember that Kim Il Jung , only sever months ago, threatened to nuke Guam and Hawwii. And, he did fire missiles over Japan. Lets stay tough on NK.

6 years ago

Our failing education system should be addressed. Put Civics back into the 9th or 10th grade curriculum for starters.

Adam C
Adam C
6 years ago

Nobody can even tell him how bad his haircut is in fear of death. At least Trump will show he tried with this unreasonable dictator. Rocket Pud better try to make a deal if he cares for his own existence cause at some point the world will be done trying to be nice.

6 years ago

President Donald Trump knows how to negotiate a deal, if the Dumbocrats knew then why didn’t they? They had Obama,Biden,Hillary,Nancy,Schumer,for eight years,Oh I see now that’s explains it.

Wayne D Peterkin
Wayne D Peterkin
6 years ago

This is hardball against a very vicious nuclear-armed adversary. Capitulation simply puts us at higher risk. Our President was absolutely right and we should never relax any sanctions unless we get a verifiable disarmament from Noko. We must get the security agreement we seek or the screws remain as tight as possible.

6 years ago

President Trump will go into history as one of the greatest presidents.

Linda D Learned
Linda D Learned
6 years ago


6 years ago

We won’t know the real reason until the deal is finished. There are many theories and all sound feasible. We need to trust our president and stand with him while the left is doing what they can to defeat him. I may not agree with his life style but he’s really put our country back on track from the debacle of the previous administration.

6 years ago

It’s better to walk away than do a bad deal like the last president. $150 billion to Iran, traitorous

Mike D
Mike D
6 years ago

If anything Trump might consider hiking up sanctions on Russia, China and Iran for supplying fuel and other goods to N. Korea behind Trump’s back. He should also consider staring up the war games since N. Korea is dragging it’s feet. This would put China on notice that it does not own international waters.

Dean Eickman
Dean Eickman
6 years ago

I think that President Trump is doing a very good job and he is doing without any help from the other side.The other side is to busy throwing their”HISSY FITS”and doesn’t seem to want to change.I am somewhat fed up with some Republicans and totally fed up with all democrats.

Ted Crain
Ted Crain
6 years ago

Much better to leave without the results he hoped for than to settle for a terrible deal like we did in the Iran nuclear deal.

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