
Trump and Musk in front of X

Did you listen to the interview conversation between Donald J. Trump and Elon Musk?

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Mist Carter
Mist Carter
2 months ago

The Marxist Left, which certainly includes the “full-of-lies” media, has their hair on fire because Trump and Musk are America-loving patriots who believe in; honor; and abide by our Constitution.

Over one billion people tuned in to part or all of this laid-back interview between two men with great minds to save a country they both love. The “joyfully” (to coin a talking point overused by the media) exercised their First Amendment Right of free speech. In doing so, they totally exposed how free speech should operate in media. They schooled Facebook, CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT, and all the other propagandists who are at the behest and protection of the DNC.

Trump and Musk addressed key issues plaguing our nation, one of which was the necessity to cut government spending and burdening regulations. Musk even went so far as to volunteer to be part of a commission that would deal with government efficiency. Trump should take Elon up on the offer and to help drain the swamp like he did when he took over Twitter (now X)!

These free speech champions have rattled the cage of those who want to suppress our First Amendment Right. The hypocrisy of the Left is laughable because even spewing lies, as they routinely do, is a form of free speech!

“There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.”                                                             Proverbs 6:16-19

Lee Bates
Lee Bates
2 months ago

Honestly, I don’t understand some of the criticism directed towards both of these men. I truly believe they care about this country and our freedom to do as we wish in order to succeed and have good lives. Their critics are just delusional and harbor brain-washed ideas. The same is true with Rush Limbaugh, Dan Bongino, and many, many others. How can anyone listen to them and not understand what’s in their heart? I’ve heard plenty from both sides, and I know I’m on the Right side having heard it all. How about you?

2 months ago

No but I understand that it really doesn’t matter. Most people already have made up their minds on the election and it makes me sick just to think about what has happened to this country. Obama said he was going to fundamentally change this country and it certainly has happened. Just think about who the Democrats have installed as there candidate, yes installed.
This is third world stuff and the stupidity of the younger voters today makes it a real possibility that this word salad communist could be our next president.
Please God save this country again.

2 months ago

Three times the population of the United States heard this interview. MORE than just this country is hoping Trump regains the White House. And not all of our country heard it. Only our enemies want to see a Harris administration. Sadly, a lot of our enemies are within. 🙁

2 months ago

I didn’t feel the need to listen to the conversation:Why? Well because I’m an Latino Conservative. I’ve lived over 60 years paying close attention to politics. I’ve learned many things by paying attention to politicians, the most important has been, prosperity follows a Republican. Now more than ever America deserves a strong; economy, military and strong adherence to the letter of the law(The Constitution of the United States)!
I know that a dumocrats will never fight for these important American must haves.
I just hope that we can save her in time!
God Bless America! Long may she Stand!

Rev. William E. Weisert II, DD mA/HN
Rev. William E. Weisert II, DD mA/HN
2 months ago

To be perfectly honest, I haven’t heard all of it. But what I heard was very good. President Trump’s vision for America, and some repeated from when he was 45, is patriotic and down to earth, very pragmatic. As a united people, we can do great things, but we need to get rid of the gadflies and nettles in our midst to accomplish the unity we must recover & only then can we, as a nation, succeed.

2 months ago

I have not heard the interview, but it is fantastic that over 1 billion people (equivalent to one seventh the population of the Earth) listened to these men. The Left must shudder to hear this news- good!! But, I have seen the AI generated video of Elon Musk and Donald Trump dancing to “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees. It is hilarious! And worth the watch.

2 months ago

I already know who I am voting for. I don’t have time to listen. I am voting Trump. What I do have time for is bringing anyone on the fence to Trumps side. The country, in fact the world cannot go down the path Harris wants to go.

2 months ago

Personally, I do not trust any person who would seriously consider voting for Kamala. I wish, however, that Mr. Trump would consider toning down the attacks and stick to what he would like to see for the future of this Country. Kamala is, as Joe was, being handled by the Puppeteers. She has never proven herself to be an intelligent person as evidenced by her word salads. But the Media is lying for her just as they have for Joe. I generally do not watch debates, however I am looking forward to the Trump/Harris debate and hope that Mr. Trump can restrain himself and let her just run her mouth into the salad bowl. The only concern I have is if she is able to hide a device in all that hair so that she can be coached on her answers.

2 months ago

Don’t need convincing. Glad a rich guy like Musk has seen the light.

2 months ago

How about an option for “I tried to listen but couldn’t get it?”

jim wood
jim wood
2 months ago

Trump has a vision and working plan for America. Harris has no vision and is now trying to copy parts of Trump’s plan. The world heard from 2 people who layed out what they would do and like to see. Harris president de ncy would be the biggest mistake this country could make. Do not let her in. Trump must stay the course and let Harris destroy herself. We are in the fight of our future.

Rachashael Walkup
Rachashael Walkup
2 months ago

I thought it was great. These two successful men know how to communicate. President Trump stays in touch with the people.

2 months ago

I don’t have issues with either person, both have accomplished major things. I do have a difficult time listening to Trump for any length of time, however. He rambles, repeats himself, and jumps topics too much, making him hard to follow. He’d do better if he would discipline himself to state a point clearly, finish the thought, and then move on.

2 months ago

I am a Trump supporter but I don’t watch much of his rallies or interviews. My mind is made up, I definitely don’t watch any Dementia Joe or Kumala the hoe’s lies either.

2 months ago

No option for don’t do X so could not listen. Love the snippets would love to hear conversation.

2 months ago

I know the left didn’t listen,unless they were looking for something to twist and make it ,some horrible thing they do themselves. It saddens me more Americans didn’t listen. I fear this upcoming election will be another mess. I hope not but we all know what lengths the left will go to to stay in power.may God have mercy on this Country and it’s people.

Colleen Sanders
Colleen Sanders
2 months ago

While I did not listen to the entire discussion (I heard bits and pieces on my 89 year Mother’s IPad who listened to the entire conversation) because I have NO social media accounts (never did), what I did hear was two intelligent individuals discussing the problems of the nation and how best to fix them. Two patriots who love the American model of Capitalism. This is something Harris wouldn’t or couldn’t do in a million years. Why? Because she cannot discuss her true agenda to finish Obama’s vision to fundamentally transform our country into one that will discard our Constitution and follow the UN Compact for Global Governance. Most Americans would not like that change, thus, they would not vote for her. So, Harris will continue to lie and deceive the American public aided by our Socialist, propaganda loving media. The choice is no longer between Republican and Democrat; the choice is now between Capitalism and Socialism. Choose wisely when voting in November.

2 months ago

Maybe you should provide a link so that people who hadn’t heard it yet could listen.

2 months ago

Elon is perhaps one of the most interesting people on the planet. Trump seems to surround himself with brilliant and talented people like Dr. Ben Carson. Yes is was a very long form conversation and perhaps Musk shares Donald’s wish to cut government waste although he is politically from the other side. There is also some daylight between them when it comes to addressing climate change. Worth a listen if you can find the time.

Ron in VA
Ron in VA
2 months ago

To find the interview. Search for these four words “ rumble trump musk interview “ . One result should be this article on Real Clear Politics “ Full Replay: President Donald Trump Live Interview With Elon Musk “. Find it, watch it, Vote for Trump AND Republicans for all other offices on your ballot. Democrats are simply destroying America!

Martha Henriod
Martha Henriod
2 months ago

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Trump and Musk’s conversation. It was refreshing, no interruptions, no tit tats, no abrasive attacks on Trump’s dialogue. I would like it if Trump had made less negative comments about Harris’s personality, but then that is Trump. And in the long run has very little to do with Trump’s ability to get our country back on track. As a country that is failing fast we need to focus on Trump;s abilities and forsight, not his personality. We also need to focus on Harris’s lack of ability and forsight, her liberal left tendancies, not her “joy”.

2 months ago

We still have not put a dent in the ability of the other side to cheat! There are millions of reasons racing over the border to help them.

2 months ago

It was interesting to just listen to two wise men have an open conversation about the real issues that and what it would take to restore American democracy to pre-Biden and beyond.

bruce franzen
bruce franzen
2 months ago

How could anyone be stupid enough to vote for a democrat? The media (the usual suspects) are endlessly lying about President Trump and are trying to cause a migration of weaker republicans to the comucrat side. And, by the way, he IS President Trump! Alleged president biden is more alleged every day, as he hasn’t done one good thing in four years! And now biden is on a permanent vacation, all the while accepting his presidential paycheck and title. Dishonest. Typical democrat.

Stirl Back
Stirl Back
2 months ago

Great interview, both men are the last defenders of free speech.

2 months ago

It was funny to watch the MSM have a cow over them bypassing their propaganda machine and going strait to the people.

2 months ago

Don’t need to listen to it. I am voting for Trump.

2 months ago

Wow people didn’t know about it? Ostrich effect? No wonder the ultra left is succeeding pushing kameltoe down our throats. Wait till tampon Timmy is president of our country. Maybe then people will pay attention. Only then it is too late. Czarina Harris will have destroyed America by then. VOTE TRUMP/VANCE in 2024.

Jodie Woods
Jodie Woods
2 months ago

I’m actually shocked at the number of folks who say they haven’t had the time to listen to this interview! Are y’all wanting the Ho to win or do you think they can’t cheat this time? Get your head out of the sand! Stay informed and “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT” !

J Welsh
J Welsh
2 months ago

Trumptrain 2024

William Hodge
William Hodge
2 months ago

I hope Musk has a place in Trumps cabinet.

2 months ago

They went around the leftist media- good.

2 months ago

I didn’t listen live but did listen the following day. For those that say they don’t need to listen because they are already voting for Trump, please think again. There are a lot of undecided people out there that need to hear facts, not the BS the left spews. So many Jewish that are sitting on the fence. They typically vote Democrat but the stance Harris makes is a game changer. She does not stand with Israel. When she says she does, there is always a but after it. You can’t stand for them and tell them they need to stop defending themselves.
Anyone that argues that Harris is good and Trump is bad and will destroy our country, I respond with FACTS. I respond with “???? So things like secure borders, energy independence, smaller government, low unemployment, low inflation, US manufacturing, keeping males out of women’s sports, bathrooms, locker rooms and showers is bad and will destroy our country? ????‍♀️” No one as of yet has told me how what Trump is trying to do is bad. If you don’t listen to him, it is very difficult to fight back with facts.

2 months ago

Thank God we have the first amendment that allows this free speech in this country. The European Union threatened Elon Musk with arrest before he aired the Trump interview because they don’t want their “subjects” to hear the truth. The UK routinely arrest and imprison their citizens for speech posted on social media. You cannot even pray outside an abortion clinic in the UK without being arrested. The left in this country have tried and wish they could police our speech like they do in these other “democratic” countries.
So keep standing up for our right to speak. It is the one right that the rest of the world’s governments fear so much. And please don’t stay home on election day – get out and vote!

2 months ago

As for the interview, I sincerely wish President Trump would stay on point. Pound on policy and cut the NY embellishment. I know, Trump will be Trump, just think he would win a seriously higher “hearts and minds” count by cutting the crap.
Anything positive Mr Trump could do to help the lib left, pelosi and company’s, heads explode (figuratively speaking, or not), well, another great day for America.

Oh no
Oh no
2 months ago

None of the above.
I saw bits and pieces on the news.
I refuse to subscribe to any of the social media outlets.
They’re all sewers of divisiviness, hate, and egotistical morons behind a keyboard.
With few exceptions

Matt M
Matt M
2 months ago

It was good to hear from the two common sense Americans that know how a free market system works without a socialist Marxist over bearing government. The United States was built on a free market system making it a powerhouse among nations. My parents brought me up with a working ethic that nothing is free. If we go down the path that Commiela Harris and others want to go this nation as we know it will certainly perish.

Kathleen Willett
Kathleen Willett
2 months ago

We listened to the interview of Trump and Musk on Rumble. 2 hrs and 5 mins. It was very entertaining to hear them both. Go to Donald J. Trump and follow on Rumble…scroll down to the interview. With the Mob Mass Media trying with all of it’s might to not let We the People hear any of this.

2 months ago

It was like a refreshing “fireside chat” of two influential men having an important conversation! The Admiral and I enjoyed it A BUNCH!!

2 months ago

You know what I believe Musk supports trump because Trump supports ” made in America” this wi;l cause libatards to boycot Musk, includeing selling their ev’s LMAO
I think you shoud have all teh choices about what you drive WITHOUT any hate, gas , Hybrid , or ev

2 months ago

What I heard I liked except for the distorted voice on Trump. He sounded like he had a speech problem, which we all know he doesn’t. Audio problems hope will be fixed for next one. Trump just has to point out that Harris “says” she’s going to fix the problems her and Joe made.

2 months ago

This interview showed a different side of DJT, it was akin to listening to an interview on the radio without all the visual distractions, almost like a conversation with your Dad or Grandfather.

2 months ago

At this point those who want our country turned back around will vote for Trump. Those who supported him in 2016 and 2020 will more than likely vote for him again. The never Trumpers will never vote for him, so I don’t think that there is that many non-decisive people left to convince. My only fear is those people who will be voting for Kamala are doing it for all the wrong reasons like her gender and color, not policies. She never accomplished much, if anything at all, while being VP so why believe her now. My second fear is that if Trump is ahead on election night and looks like he is going to win like in 2020, certain states will commit voter fraud once again to keep him out of office. We can not afford another four years of Bidenomics.

2 months ago

A couple of unique people having a conversation about the future of the country they chose to support. Ironic that the richest man in the world is an African American, though he doesn’t identify as such. Musk uses results and ideas as criteria for his forward-thinking companies, not woke BS. And Trump, a guy who could live anywhere in the world, has plenty of cash, chooses to be the only president of our country in memory who’s net worth decreased after his time in office.

Brenda G
Brenda G
2 months ago

Proof right there in this poll.
More people haven’t seen this media event….
You definitely need to question why, and it doesn’t matter who you support.

Susan Pitzen
Susan Pitzen
2 months ago

I didn’t listen because I don’t subscribe to social media. I truly wanted to hear it because I admire both men. I wish there were some way to hear it—-even now—after the fact.

Maurice D
Maurice D
2 months ago

Honestly, the Trump – Musk dialogue of successes, silliness, and setbacks; depiction of the patriots, traitors, and the ambivalent, likely uplifted hopes for greater shared achievements for the common good? Their outreach overcomes devious dogma we often get from mad, mean, mendacious DNC-media tech tyrants? 

2 months ago

I’d listen/watch if I could find it!

Oh no
Oh no
2 months ago

People ask candidates to tell how will they solve problems.
Trump has a history as President that shows his policies how he will address problems facing us.
From energy, the border, to the economy.
Trump tells America every day what he will do.
Open your eyes and ears and also look at his track record as President.
Kamalama Ding Dong has a track record of destruction.
The choice is simple.
America knows what each candidate will do.
Don’t pretend they haven’t said what they will do.

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