Through an executive order in 1961, President Kennedy established the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). But later, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 established USAID as its own agency. The initial intent was to provide aid to foreign countries to promote social and economic development. However, whenever there is money involved, corruption is sure to follow in too many instances.
The USAID slithered from its primary goal of providing humanitarian aid to funding progressive ideological causes like abortion; LGBTQ+ activism; illegal mass immigration; DEI dung; drug and human trafficking. In addition to funding these schemes, there are millions of dollars for which are unaccounted.
But guess who else is using USAID funds for his personal piggy bank? George (of the jungle) Sorros and his “Open Society” cabal, have received hundreds of millions of dollars to promote their Socialist-type agenda in countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Central America. Additionally, in November 2024, a Syrian national (Mahmoud Al Hafyan, 53) was charged in a 12-count indictment for diverting more than $9,000,000 in USAID-paid humanitarian aid to an al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group in Iraq. Now we see why the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) was established by President Trump.
DOGE, officially known as the U.S. DOGE Service Temporary Organization, is not an official government agency. It was created by executive order on January 20, 2025, which will terminate on July 4, 2026. DOGE does not require Congressional approval to exist, and it operates as an advisory body rather than a cabinet-level department.
This week stank-eyed Schumer and all the other radical crazies had their hair on fire as they screamed hysterically outside the Capitol because DOGE had exposed their shenanigans.
Schumer was quoted, “An unelected shadow government is conducting a hostile takeover of the federal government. DOGE is not a real government agency. DOGE has no authority to make spending decisions. DOGE has no authority to shut programs down or to ignore federal law. DOGE’s conduct cannot be allowed to stand. Congress must take action to restore the rule of law.”
Those elected nut jobs are crying foul because Elon Musk (a “Special Government Employee,” which is a temporary position) was never elected. Schumer added, “The American people will not stand for an un-elected secret group to run rampant through the executive branch.
Well, cryin’ Chuck, here’s a newsflash. Look at the inessential “advisory agencies” we had to endure in the Biden administration. How about Gina McCarthy, National Climate Advisor; or the infamous John Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate. Biden created both of these “unelected” positions, which also did not require Senate confirmation. And look at the waste in billions of tax-payer dollars they used to fund their woke projects. At least Musk is trying to save money, instead of exorbitant squandering for a climate hoax.
Unfortunately, President Trump cannot simply take a blow-torch to USAID immediately via an EO. Since Congress officially established USAID in 1998, it would take Congress to abolish it. Again, another opportunity to contact your elected representatives in Congress to get this (and other actions) accomplished! Do not fear, God is in control.
“But you, God, will bring them down into the pit of destruction. Bloodthirsty and deceitful men shall not live out half their days, but I will trust in you.” Psalm 55:23
jim wood
11 days ago
The federal government is finally getting exposed for their horrible handling of our tax dollars. If they were a private corporation people would be fired and also jailed. How the Dummycrats can complain about what Big D is doing just shows how scared they are. This country has been demonized too long by their free spending and no accountability for their terrible results. 19 days on the job and Big D has them reeling. Keep up the pressure and expose them for what they are. God bless Mr. Trump and his vision and leadership.
Marty M
11 days ago
Another reason to “Never Vote Blue No Matter Who”!
Go get ’em Elon and sidekick Whiz Kids, and thank you!
Jim Bartly
10 days ago
Should’ve been done a LONG time ago!
11 days ago
Expose federal government waste, fraud, and abuse. That is the sole mission of DOGE and they are exceeding expectation with the discovery of USAID waste, fraud, and abuse. In the first half month of existence DOGE unraveled this corker. One of , I suspect, a number of left wing cash cows. Every employee of USAID needs to be fired and rendered unable to ever again be employed by government and USAID emptied and erased. . DOGE’s method of going through the federal budget line by line is working well. I hear that Elon Musk has employed three Wiz Kids to do this kind of searching. They are more than impressive. They are finding rot at all levels of a rotten government that has burdened the American people for ages. Now we will really be unburdened by the past, from the past. Doge exposes and the Trump administration is showing that they will act swiftly upon these outrageous discoveries. MAGA
John Orrison
10 days ago
Trying to fix an entrenched bureaucracy is going to meet strong resistance. The Trump Administration needs to stay the course, focus on maintaining the support of the citizens who elected jthem and finish the job.
Sharon Taylor
10 days ago
I do not understand anybody who opposes exposing waste and fraud within the Government of this country. They act like it’s not their money being wasted so it doesn’t make any difference what happens. But it is their money and your money and my money. I don’t want it wasted. I hope D. O. G. E. becomes a permanent fixture.
Chris Yager
10 days ago
The government “payroll” is made up of taxes. We elect officials and trust them with those monies, to do what is right for the people of these United States. Audits are a part of business, even government business. As the old saying goes (and one I repeated a ton to my troops way back when), if you are not doing anything wrong, then who cares if someone is checking up on you? I just wonder when the smoke clears, if they will find kick-backs to those same officials who are crying the loudest.
10 days ago
If only we could clean out the radical Professors that indoctrinate our future citizens!
10 days ago
I support the initiative by President Trump, Washington has been out of touch with the people for way to long. Having a person like Elon, a proven business mind, reviewing agency efficiencies was a brilliant decision. On a smaller scale, many of us do the same in either our personal or business life. To those government officials who are protesting, what are they afraid of? I’m sure we will find out soon enough.
Ron the Don
11 days ago
The amount of corruption in the federal government probably far exceeds our wildest imaginations. It’s been going on for all human history and will likely continue ad nauseam far into the future. All I can do is hope God sorts it all out in the end, like some giant sorting conveyor belt diverting those who have done evil into the flames and those more deserving, likely not too many of them, to a better time in eternity.
Bennie Snell
10 days ago
All government waste should be Exposed and Eliminated. Every tax dollar spent needs to be accounted for to the American Taxpayers
10 days ago
Having had a close working relationship with USAID, I can assure all of you that what DODE recommended to the President was completely called for and appropriate. It was the most corrupt US Agency and corrupted to the max by Samantha Powers and the Biden Administration.
J. Frawdid
11 days ago
Agreed, Dan W, “Estimated annual fraud tops $100 billion, but investigators say it’s likely much higher.” Frickin’ government, they bungle everything they touch. #(^@&!^!
10 days ago
The democrats claim to be for the American people but it’s all hypocrisy. Draining the swamp is way overdue and Trump will succeed because he is and always was a gifted strategist who truly is for this country and the American people. If the democrats had the chance to cheat in this last election the border would have never been closed and this country would have been invaded to it’s doom. I’m sure that’s what the Marxist agenda is, to bring down this country and they have failed and have been totally exposed to the American public for their corruption and the weaponization of the government that threatened the existence of this great nation. Donald Trump was a Godsend to this country in which it was in need of. God Bless America, my home sweet home, and I and many other American’s don’t want it corrupted to the point of a Marxist dictatorship.
Dan W.
11 days ago
Enough of these penny ante tweaks, DOGE needs to set its sights where the big money is being wasted, Medicaid and Medicare.
Gloria Smith
10 days ago
Since FDR was in office, the USA has been supporting most of the world with taxpayer dollars. It’s high time it stopped. These other countries need to take care of themselves, and we need to take care of us. We’ve been robbed through grift and corruption for decades. We can’t even take care of our own people in need, our infrastructure, or our electrical, and the needs of our military are defense are huge. Our government: Clean it up and clean it out.
Jack Martin
10 days ago
the 23 people who disapprove of someone willing to tackle the waste and grift?
yuh sure you joined the right senior group?
10 days ago
They are kicking A, and taking names, and it’s about time.
10 days ago
Consequences be damned. Fully open the kimono and expose all of the spending! A pox on all those in the Congress and Senate who allowed this theft to happen; you failed your duty as the overseer. You failed the Nation to the tune of 36 trillion dollars.
Vincent in CO
10 days ago
In God, Trump and Musk We Trust. Taxpayers deserve to know where every dime of their tax dollars go. This is especially welcome now that we are about to file our 2024 tax returns. We all pay too much for the little we receive in return. USAID is as corrupt as it gets – funding left-wing NGOs to undermine US foreign policy. They gave money to Hamas and George Soros – as well as liberal “news” organizations. They actually funded the migrant invasion of the US. The Dem gravy train has run off the rails, and they can’t stand losing their principal source of influence. And by the way, this reCAPTCHA nonsense is annoying.
Al Smith
10 days ago
A world war 2 pilot quipped that when you’re catching flack you know you are over the target. The democrats are squealing like stuck hogs whose slop trough has been smashed…looks like DOGE is off to a great start!
USN Retired
10 days ago
The Left is trying to demonize DOGE, but we’ve needed this for a long time! GO DOGE!
10 days ago
What DOGE is doing now, should have been done a long time ago, however, with DEMONcRAT/LIBERALS at the helm; anyone with a single brain cell, knows exposing any of the FRAUD, would NEVER be done. My only wish, is that ELON and associates, continue to fetter out ALL the FRAUD, and ALL those who are ANY part of it ….. ACCOUNTABILITY, needs to be brought back to ALL facets of our society.
Brenda Gregory
10 days ago
We are not going to cure these enormous problems without a little pain. This is the first chance we have had to fix the tremendous problems and horrors that have been inflicted on the hardworking American people, especially our children. We must absorb and understand all that is going on with the information provided that has been hidden for so long. We are smart enough to manage our own money and lives and we are greatly in danger of losing our freedom forever. Thank you, President Trump and your good people who have stepped up to find the truth and let it be known to all. In the end, God is in charge. I believe He is giving America a 2nd chance to bring Him back and lead America to greatness once again. He saved Donald Trump for a reason.
Tim Vicari
10 days ago
It is high time to turn the tide of government’s waste of our tax dollars. We have a 36 trillion dollar national debt, and few from Congress seem to be bothered by this. DOGE should be an integral part of the government, not a temporary organization. Accountability is always required!
10 days ago
I feel what President Trump & Elon are doing is 100% on target. This beautiful country has been used & abused way too long! We have our own issues here that need addressing,I’m sure the monies being saved can go to departments & Agency’s that have a plus impact to America. The United States integrity will prevail. The Trump administration is 100% on the right track!
10 days ago
One of the unintended (or intended) consequences of DOGE will be higher unemployment. USAID employed 10,000 and will be reduced to around 300. When DOGE finishes with all of the government agencies, there will be a lot of people looking for a job. I applaud this! There will be some people who were hard workers, and I pray they easily find a job.
Kerstin Erhard
10 days ago
USAID was an endless flow of money for the progress liberal agenda without any accountability. They spend our tax money on radicicolous stuff while Americans are losing their homes how can anyone justify that. I also believe it was a huge money laundering scheme. This is our the Senators get rich while Americans are suffering.
Rev. William E. Weisert II, DD mA/HN
10 days ago
I believe pour government is too bloated and too loaded with pork. the Dumo-craps have had their spending ways clipped by DOGE and that is why they are screaming! Too Bad! Their spend-thrift way are over and the pork will be cut out. Our government is not in the business off promoting Transgenderism and drag queen shows, nor should it be! Let our government be trimmed down to what the founders intended and the bacon grilled out! If they keep yelling, then let the Dumo-craps go the way of the DODO!
10 days ago
Damn the torpedoes, FULL SPEED AHEAD!
Tim J
10 days ago
I believe that all spending of tax dollars should directly aid and benefit the American taxpayers. Any money spent on foreign “aid” or woke ideology should come to an abrupt halt and that money should be returned to America’s taxpayers. I also believe that the fraudsters and Marxists who used American tax dollars to pad their own pockets or push anti-American ideologies should be brought to justice. They should spend time in prison and they should pay major fines.
Paul Craig
10 days ago
Most people I know have known for years there was massive waste in government. Senators Proxmire, Paul, and others have been exposing fraud for years, but never this amount. Now we are learning it it government wide and many elected and unelected workers are involved.
Richard W Kucksdorf
10 days ago
I support 100% what DOGE is/has doing/done. My concern is DOGE like Trump must also win the media information war’s.
Coach Terry
10 days ago
Dissolve dept of education, a Carter conundrum cashHOLE- 30% are non essential Unnecessary. Oxy-Moronic, unions in bed w Civil SERVANT$?! Fed jobs pay waaay too much; taka 10% paycur for America n Layoff 20% non essentialS n they’d not be missed. And up to 40% of the pork from EARMARK$!!!!!!! GO DOGE or go bankrupt…
Nancy R.
10 days ago
Tracing the political donations from the organizations that received USAID money (and other funding) back to the politicians who authorized and benefited from these payments is the next crucial step in this process. All the government grifters should be forced to pay back double what they stole from taxpayers, lose their positions, pensions, and benefits, and serve time in prison.
Al Douglas
10 days ago
It’s about time this wasteful spending is exposed to the public. Taxpayer money funding NGOs to help illegals to cross into the US. Hundreds of millions of $$$$$ to help with the invasion.
10 days ago
I would guess this is just the tip if the iceberg. As corrupt as the libs are and as long as they have been able to run rampant without any repercussions I am sure a lot if heads would explode if everything is exposed. Just keep it up DOGE.
Daniel Foust
10 days ago
I’m saddened by the level of corruption in our government. We need DOGE!
kameltoe harris
10 days ago
Thomas F. Olszewski
10 days ago
10 days ago
ACCOUNTABILITY. Checks and balances. Trimming the fat. Common sense actions. This really is not rocket science. But it could be Rocket science to those who have never developed the ability or disregard the ability of being accountable for their actions or spending practices. Hard lesson for adults or those in power to grasp as we are seeing unfold daily.
Edmond Matten
10 days ago
We fund the government, because we ARE the government. As such we need oversight and guidance on the way the money is spent. $36 Trillion in dept. Are you kidding me? Why?
Bryan Tully
10 days ago
Bring the whole fetid mess down.
James A Bolfer
10 days ago
Congress has control of the Taxpayer money. Were they sleeping while this Usaid grew in size to, I read one place 10000 workers. There are alot of people in our government right now that have been very comfortable with the way things are. Accountability is a Scary word for them. Delegate and forget. Why isn’t someone passing a bill to have government agencies audited every year. If not the same thing will happen again.
10 days ago
I’m retired and on a strict budget. I could use a little help now and then, but I know I won’t get any from USAID or any other NGO because……DRUM ROLL—–government bureaucratic hacks wouldn’t get enough kickback and graft from me to make it worthwhile to themselves.
10 days ago
I want to see where the cash is coming from that is supporting all these illegals “they” let in to America…free phones, hotel stays, free food, free medical……STOP THAT CASH FLOW yesterday!! While I am losing a very important mental health benefit because it will now cost me 40$ per week to talk to my therapist, which I cannot afford (it has been 0$ copay for the last 3 years and I am retired)…..and these illegals are getting everything FREE. I am upset….Keep on DOGE and Mr. Trump AND Please stay safe..
10 days ago
My problem with this is we all know how dirty the Democrats fight so without Trump my party don’t know how to fight,Trump has proved this.
S Got
10 days ago
In order to cure a disease, that there is no cure for, it seems that you have to take some good tissue to ensure that you’ve gotten ALL of the diseased tissue. Recently, whether you agree or not, chickens were slaughtered “in-mass” to ensure that their incurable disease would not spread. Bottomline, to me, M. AMERICA G. A., speaks volumes . . . . . . . . .
Through an executive order in 1961, President Kennedy established the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). But later, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 established USAID as its own agency. The initial intent was to provide aid to foreign countries to promote social and economic development. However, whenever there is money involved, corruption is sure to follow in too many instances.
The USAID slithered from its primary goal of providing humanitarian aid to funding progressive ideological causes like abortion; LGBTQ+ activism; illegal mass immigration; DEI dung; drug and human trafficking. In addition to funding these schemes, there are millions of dollars for which are unaccounted.
But guess who else is using USAID funds for his personal piggy bank? George (of the jungle) Sorros and his “Open Society” cabal, have received hundreds of millions of dollars to promote their Socialist-type agenda in countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Central America. Additionally, in November 2024, a Syrian national (Mahmoud Al Hafyan, 53) was charged in a 12-count indictment for diverting more than $9,000,000 in USAID-paid humanitarian aid to an al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group in Iraq. Now we see why the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) was established by President Trump.
DOGE, officially known as the U.S. DOGE Service Temporary Organization, is not an official government agency. It was created by executive order on January 20, 2025, which will terminate on July 4, 2026. DOGE does not require Congressional approval to exist, and it operates as an advisory body rather than a cabinet-level department.
This week stank-eyed Schumer and all the other radical crazies had their hair on fire as they screamed hysterically outside the Capitol because DOGE had exposed their shenanigans.
Schumer was quoted, “An unelected shadow government is conducting a hostile takeover of the federal government. DOGE is not a real government agency. DOGE has no authority to make spending decisions. DOGE has no authority to shut programs down or to ignore federal law. DOGE’s conduct cannot be allowed to stand. Congress must take action to restore the rule of law.”
Those elected nut jobs are crying foul because Elon Musk (a “Special Government Employee,” which is a temporary position) was never elected. Schumer added, “The American people will not stand for an un-elected secret group to run rampant through the executive branch.
Well, cryin’ Chuck, here’s a newsflash. Look at the inessential “advisory agencies” we had to endure in the Biden administration. How about Gina McCarthy, National Climate Advisor; or the infamous John Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate. Biden created both of these “unelected” positions, which also did not require Senate confirmation. And look at the waste in billions of tax-payer dollars they used to fund their woke projects. At least Musk is trying to save money, instead of exorbitant squandering for a climate hoax.
Unfortunately, President Trump cannot simply take a blow-torch to USAID immediately via an EO. Since Congress officially established USAID in 1998, it would take Congress to abolish it. Again, another opportunity to contact your elected representatives in Congress to get this (and other actions) accomplished! Do not fear, God is in control.
“But you, God, will bring them down into the pit of destruction. Bloodthirsty and deceitful men shall not live out half their days, but I will trust in you.” Psalm 55:23
The federal government is finally getting exposed for their horrible handling of our tax dollars. If they were a private corporation people would be fired and also jailed. How the Dummycrats can complain about what Big D is doing just shows how scared they are. This country has been demonized too long by their free spending and no accountability for their terrible results. 19 days on the job and Big D has them reeling. Keep up the pressure and expose them for what they are. God bless Mr. Trump and his vision and leadership.
Another reason to “Never Vote Blue No Matter Who”!
Go get ’em Elon and sidekick Whiz Kids, and thank you!
Should’ve been done a LONG time ago!
Expose federal government waste, fraud, and abuse. That is the sole mission of DOGE and they are exceeding expectation with the discovery of USAID waste, fraud, and abuse. In the first half month of existence DOGE unraveled this corker. One of , I suspect, a number of left wing cash cows. Every employee of USAID needs to be fired and rendered unable to ever again be employed by government and USAID emptied and erased. . DOGE’s method of going through the federal budget line by line is working well. I hear that Elon Musk has employed three Wiz Kids to do this kind of searching. They are more than impressive. They are finding rot at all levels of a rotten government that has burdened the American people for ages. Now we will really be unburdened by the past, from the past. Doge exposes and the Trump administration is showing that they will act swiftly upon these outrageous discoveries. MAGA
Trying to fix an entrenched bureaucracy is going to meet strong resistance. The Trump Administration needs to stay the course, focus on maintaining the support of the citizens who elected jthem and finish the job.
I do not understand anybody who opposes exposing waste and fraud within the Government of this country. They act like it’s not their money being wasted so it doesn’t make any difference what happens. But it is their money and your money and my money. I don’t want it wasted. I hope D. O. G. E. becomes a permanent fixture.
The government “payroll” is made up of taxes. We elect officials and trust them with those monies, to do what is right for the people of these United States. Audits are a part of business, even government business. As the old saying goes (and one I repeated a ton to my troops way back when), if you are not doing anything wrong, then who cares if someone is checking up on you? I just wonder when the smoke clears, if they will find kick-backs to those same officials who are crying the loudest.
If only we could clean out the radical Professors that indoctrinate our future citizens!
I support the initiative by President Trump, Washington has been out of touch with the people for way to long. Having a person like Elon, a proven business mind, reviewing agency efficiencies was a brilliant decision. On a smaller scale, many of us do the same in either our personal or business life. To those government officials who are protesting, what are they afraid of? I’m sure we will find out soon enough.
The amount of corruption in the federal government probably far exceeds our wildest imaginations. It’s been going on for all human history and will likely continue ad nauseam far into the future. All I can do is hope God sorts it all out in the end, like some giant sorting conveyor belt diverting those who have done evil into the flames and those more deserving, likely not too many of them, to a better time in eternity.
All government waste should be Exposed and Eliminated. Every tax dollar spent needs to be accounted for to the American Taxpayers
Having had a close working relationship with USAID, I can assure all of you that what DODE recommended to the President was completely called for and appropriate. It was the most corrupt US Agency and corrupted to the max by Samantha Powers and the Biden Administration.
Agreed, Dan W, “Estimated annual fraud tops $100 billion, but investigators say it’s likely much higher.” Frickin’ government, they bungle everything they touch. #(^@&!^!
The democrats claim to be for the American people but it’s all hypocrisy. Draining the swamp is way overdue and Trump will succeed because he is and always was a gifted strategist who truly is for this country and the American people. If the democrats had the chance to cheat in this last election the border would have never been closed and this country would have been invaded to it’s doom. I’m sure that’s what the Marxist agenda is, to bring down this country and they have failed and have been totally exposed to the American public for their corruption and the weaponization of the government that threatened the existence of this great nation. Donald Trump was a Godsend to this country in which it was in need of. God Bless America, my home sweet home, and I and many other American’s don’t want it corrupted to the point of a Marxist dictatorship.
Enough of these penny ante tweaks, DOGE needs to set its sights where the big money is being wasted, Medicaid and Medicare.
Since FDR was in office, the USA has been supporting most of the world with taxpayer dollars. It’s high time it stopped. These other countries need to take care of themselves, and we need to take care of us. We’ve been robbed through grift and corruption for decades. We can’t even take care of our own people in need, our infrastructure, or our electrical, and the needs of our military are defense are huge. Our government: Clean it up and clean it out.
the 23 people who disapprove of someone willing to tackle the waste and grift?
yuh sure you joined the right senior group?
They are kicking A, and taking names, and it’s about time.
Consequences be damned. Fully open the kimono and expose all of the spending! A pox on all those in the Congress and Senate who allowed this theft to happen; you failed your duty as the overseer. You failed the Nation to the tune of 36 trillion dollars.
In God, Trump and Musk We Trust. Taxpayers deserve to know where every dime of their tax dollars go. This is especially welcome now that we are about to file our 2024 tax returns. We all pay too much for the little we receive in return. USAID is as corrupt as it gets – funding left-wing NGOs to undermine US foreign policy. They gave money to Hamas and George Soros – as well as liberal “news” organizations. They actually funded the migrant invasion of the US. The Dem gravy train has run off the rails, and they can’t stand losing their principal source of influence. And by the way, this reCAPTCHA nonsense is annoying.
A world war 2 pilot quipped that when you’re catching flack you know you are over the target. The democrats are squealing like stuck hogs whose slop trough has been smashed…looks like DOGE is off to a great start!
The Left is trying to demonize DOGE, but we’ve needed this for a long time! GO DOGE!
What DOGE is doing now, should have been done a long time ago, however, with DEMONcRAT/LIBERALS at the helm; anyone with a single brain cell, knows exposing any of the FRAUD, would NEVER be done. My only wish, is that ELON and associates, continue to fetter out ALL the FRAUD, and ALL those who are ANY part of it ….. ACCOUNTABILITY, needs to be brought back to ALL facets of our society.
We are not going to cure these enormous problems without a little pain. This is the first chance we have had to fix the tremendous problems and horrors that have been inflicted on the hardworking American people, especially our children. We must absorb and understand all that is going on with the information provided that has been hidden for so long. We are smart enough to manage our own money and lives and we are greatly in danger of losing our freedom forever. Thank you, President Trump and your good people who have stepped up to find the truth and let it be known to all. In the end, God is in charge. I believe He is giving America a 2nd chance to bring Him back and lead America to greatness once again. He saved Donald Trump for a reason.
It is high time to turn the tide of government’s waste of our tax dollars. We have a 36 trillion dollar national debt, and few from Congress seem to be bothered by this. DOGE should be an integral part of the government, not a temporary organization. Accountability is always required!
I feel what President Trump & Elon are doing is 100% on target. This beautiful country has been used & abused way too long! We have our own issues here that need addressing,I’m sure the monies being saved can go to departments & Agency’s that have a plus impact to America. The United States integrity will prevail. The Trump administration is 100% on the right track!
One of the unintended (or intended) consequences of DOGE will be higher unemployment. USAID employed 10,000 and will be reduced to around 300. When DOGE finishes with all of the government agencies, there will be a lot of people looking for a job. I applaud this! There will be some people who were hard workers, and I pray they easily find a job.
USAID was an endless flow of money for the progress liberal agenda without any accountability. They spend our tax money on radicicolous stuff while Americans are losing their homes how can anyone justify that. I also believe it was a huge money laundering scheme. This is our the Senators get rich while Americans are suffering.
I believe pour government is too bloated and too loaded with pork. the Dumo-craps have had their spending ways clipped by DOGE and that is why they are screaming! Too Bad! Their spend-thrift way are over and the pork will be cut out. Our government is not in the business off promoting Transgenderism and drag queen shows, nor should it be! Let our government be trimmed down to what the founders intended and the bacon grilled out! If they keep yelling, then let the Dumo-craps go the way of the DODO!
Damn the torpedoes, FULL SPEED AHEAD!
I believe that all spending of tax dollars should directly aid and benefit the American taxpayers. Any money spent on foreign “aid” or woke ideology should come to an abrupt halt and that money should be returned to America’s taxpayers. I also believe that the fraudsters and Marxists who used American tax dollars to pad their own pockets or push anti-American ideologies should be brought to justice. They should spend time in prison and they should pay major fines.
Most people I know have known for years there was massive waste in government. Senators Proxmire, Paul, and others have been exposing fraud for years, but never this amount. Now we are learning it it government wide and many elected and unelected workers are involved.
I support 100% what DOGE is/has doing/done. My concern is DOGE like Trump must also win the media information war’s.
Dissolve dept of education, a Carter conundrum cashHOLE- 30% are non essential Unnecessary. Oxy-Moronic, unions in bed w Civil SERVANT$?! Fed jobs pay waaay too much; taka 10% paycur for America n Layoff 20% non essentialS n they’d not be missed. And up to 40% of the pork from EARMARK$!!!!!!! GO DOGE or go bankrupt…
Tracing the political donations from the organizations that received USAID money (and other funding) back to the politicians who authorized and benefited from these payments is the next crucial step in this process. All the government grifters should be forced to pay back double what they stole from taxpayers, lose their positions, pensions, and benefits, and serve time in prison.
It’s about time this wasteful spending is exposed to the public. Taxpayer money funding NGOs to help illegals to cross into the US. Hundreds of millions of $$$$$ to help with the invasion.
I would guess this is just the tip if the iceberg. As corrupt as the libs are and as long as they have been able to run rampant without any repercussions I am sure a lot if heads would explode if everything is exposed. Just keep it up DOGE.
I’m saddened by the level of corruption in our government. We need DOGE!
ACCOUNTABILITY. Checks and balances. Trimming the fat. Common sense actions. This really is not rocket science. But it could be Rocket science to those who have never developed the ability or disregard the ability of being accountable for their actions or spending practices. Hard lesson for adults or those in power to grasp as we are seeing unfold daily.
We fund the government, because we ARE the government. As such we need oversight and guidance on the way the money is spent. $36 Trillion in dept. Are you kidding me? Why?
Bring the whole fetid mess down.
Congress has control of the Taxpayer money. Were they sleeping while this Usaid grew in size to, I read one place 10000 workers. There are alot of people in our government right now that have been very comfortable with the way things are. Accountability is a Scary word for them. Delegate and forget. Why isn’t someone passing a bill to have government agencies audited every year. If not the same thing will happen again.
I’m retired and on a strict budget. I could use a little help now and then, but I know I won’t get any from USAID or any other NGO because……DRUM ROLL—–government bureaucratic hacks wouldn’t get enough kickback and graft from me to make it worthwhile to themselves.
I want to see where the cash is coming from that is supporting all these illegals “they” let in to America…free phones, hotel stays, free food, free medical……STOP THAT CASH FLOW yesterday!! While I am losing a very important mental health benefit because it will now cost me 40$ per week to talk to my therapist, which I cannot afford (it has been 0$ copay for the last 3 years and I am retired)…..and these illegals are getting everything FREE. I am upset….Keep on DOGE and Mr. Trump AND Please stay safe..
My problem with this is we all know how dirty the Democrats fight so without Trump my party don’t know how to fight,Trump has proved this.
In order to cure a disease, that there is no cure for, it seems that you have to take some good tissue to ensure that you’ve gotten ALL of the diseased tissue. Recently, whether you agree or not, chickens were slaughtered “in-mass” to ensure that their incurable disease would not spread. Bottomline, to me, M. AMERICA G. A., speaks volumes . . . . . . . . .
Democrats slush funds should end now.