
Democrat elites have forced Joe Biden out and essentially coronated Kamala Harris as their presidential nominee. Which most closely matches your thoughts?

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Marty M
Marty M
6 months ago

Hopefully anyone who voted for biden doesn’t double down on stupid and vote for baby slaughtering Commie Harris, she is off the scales on evil content! And it is funny how all the liberal media dubbed her “Border Czar” to give her some kind of false importance, and now 3 years later they are all denying they said that, because she failed! Do they think we can’t remember the stupid crap they said in 2021? Now the media will be building up a fake Harris with incredible capabilities and qualities she does not possess, and I bet the all commies fall for it! But God is sovereign and He will put who He wants as POTUS to suit His purposes, so I don’t worry, but “I will never vote blue no matter who”!

jim wood
jim wood
6 months ago

Living in the worst state in the union, California gives one a first hand understanding of the radical Dems and how they care for no one except power. That being said, Harris was a joke as D.A.and a worthless piece of crap as a senator. As a V.P. she has been a disaster, covering and lying for Biden. He’ll, she couldn’t manage a single delegate when her run for President was canceled. She is so far to the left, she would destroy this country if elected President. Trump must not fall for her verbal a/attacks, just keep his message strong and get back to the White House. Dems are a machine and with the assistance of news media and their big money fools, they will make it a down and dirty campaign next few months. Stay the course and take this country back. Dangerous times.

Mist Carter
Mist Carter
6 months ago

The charade was exposed, so plan “B” was implemented. Of course it was only a masquerade for those who have tunnel vision for CNN, MSNBC and the like. We the people could clearly see Joe’s cognitive impairments before he was elected in 2020.

So, back to plan “B”. Biden and the left cabal had to “coronate” current Border Czar, Kamala Harris (oh, that’s right, Biden never appointed the her to that position according to CNN, Axios, and the White House) as the presumptive Democrat nominee for President of the United States.

They had to do it this way because Biden was failing badly in the polls, so they hid him away to “practice” for June’s debate, then likely drugged him with some kind of potion causing him enter the debate stage in zombie fashion to have voters realize that another candidate would likely be needed to replace Joe. Enter the cackler!

Just as in 2020, Harris would never survive a real primary process. As you recall, she only received 844 votes in the 2020 primary, and zero delegates. She had to be endorsed or “coronated” this time as the top dog in order to avoid a repeat of 2020. Plus, the war chest the Dems have raised is tied to the Biden/Harris campaign…and you know their love of money. And now that she has received the endorsement from the Obamas, she will gain temporary exhilaration and momentum to gloss over obvious coup that just took place.

When have you ever known the socialist left to follow rules or processes? Just look at the border where laws already in place have been broken since day one of this current administration. They don’t comply with Supreme Court rulings (i.e. student loan forgiveness.) They use the corrupt DOJ as lawfare against Trump (including funding from the DNC) which is blatant election interference. Oh the corrupt list could go on and on…

Dark money will continue to flow in to support the evil Marxist agenda. Just pray that the Trump campaign can continually expose the truth of the track record that Harris has, before and since becoming VP. Biden’s failures are her failures!

“Good leaders abhor wrongdoing of all kinds; sound leadership has a moral foundation.”

                                                                                              Proverbs 16:12

6 months ago

The “Kremlin” that is the democrat party, has forced out Joe and installed Harris as their so called “nominee”. And just who did the nominating? The democrat Kremlin party bosses Obama, Soros, Pelosi, et al. A “palace coup” if you will. They have told their fellow dems who they are getting, and they will like it. They have tried to silence Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. with the help of their corrupt pals in the media. Yes sir, old Joe was extracted and ejected like a spent shell casing, and Harris has been “chambered” as the next round, so to speak. You can bet this has been in the works for some time. Joe’s “check engine” light has been on for all to see; his performance, or lack thereof in the debate, sealed his fate. They knew he probably stood no chance against Trump. The dems just take page after page from their buddies in Beijing. They don’t care and they no longer hide their evil intentions. What brazen criminals they are backed by corrupt DOJ, FBI, DHS, ATF, etc., officials. Oh, I forgot the Secret Service- shame on me. Boy, do they need an overhauling! A 20 year old engineering student sure made them look inept, and that’s being nice. Lord, help us all. Donald Trump is going back to Pennsylvania for another rally to honor the wounded and the dead. Donald Trump is one of a kind and he’s tough. He’s is own man; very unique to say the least, and I like that.
As an aside, did you see the looks on the faces of Joe’s wife and family when he addressed the nation about his withdrawing from the race? They were mortified; just stunned. It’s all ending so fast for them, and they know who is responsible.
Makes one wonder what Putin and Xe think about Harris if they end up having to deal with her. They know this woman is a pathetic, laughable buffoon, and a weak one at that.
I will never call Harris my “president” ( lower case intentional) if she is installed. Never.
Lord, we need your help for our nation.

6 months ago

I’m pretty sure this was the plan all along. Obama has been hiding behind the current like a puppet master. The main goal of the Democrats is to transform America into Marxist society. Just listen to what they are teaching our children in public schools and universities.

Elizabeth Shearman
Elizabeth Shearman
6 months ago

Trump needs to just talk about policy and not fall into cutting down opponent.

Marvin W.
Marvin W.
6 months ago

Of course there is the ongoing threat of cheating by the democRATS. They got away with it when Dopey Joe was installed, why not this time too.

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
6 months ago

Joe was an empty vessel that the elites could control. The debate was purposely scheduled early to provide an avenue to dump Biden. Once his usefulness was gone, he was cast aside and replaced by an even emptier vessel. Harris will be the front person for the progressive left – and holding he strings is Obama. Joe was Obama 3.0. Harris would be Obama 4.0. Harris has been complicit in every one of Biden’s failed policies at home and abroad. The media is rewriting history in the Soviet model to hide her radical past, and people seem to be falling for it.

6 months ago

They stole 81 million voters rights away,they knew but lied for atleast 3 1/2 years that joe biden was fine while allowing UNELECTED officials (who we still don’t know who they are) to play President. I don’t know why people aren’t demanding answers there votes were ignored

Dorine McKinnon
Dorine McKinnon
6 months ago

To those who believe it does’t matter since you aren’t going to vote for the Democrat anyway, you are overlooking that they already tried to disenfranchise OUR vote with their law fare scheme to take out Trump.

6 months ago

The democrat party is despicable. If you vote for the democrat party in the current times, then you are too. They have morphed into some kind of real evil.

Albert McCabe
Albert McCabe
6 months ago

Cackling kamala is a useful idiot like Crooked joe, they are figure heads for the global elites to further their agenda for a one world government.

Robert Zupanek
Robert Zupanek
6 months ago

The chore ahead of us is to rally behind Trump and bring an end to this political charade. Restore our nation from the corrupt elite..

Amy L
Amy L
6 months ago

Really the first and last is important. I could have checked both. I do care that they disenfranchised their voters because if they do it to their own party then they will do it to all parties.

6 months ago

I grew up in a home where both parents were Democrats. It was the party of the “common man” as my Dad used to say. I have been a conservative my entire life. I have been a Republican most of my adult life because the policies and practices of the Republican party are conservative and more closely resemble my beliefs. My parents are spinning in their graves because of how the Dems have COMPLETELY changed into the Party of Death and support of Non-Americans. America is going to Hell in a on a very slippery slope and God is who matters to me. I won’t support a party that kills babies, supports homosexuality, transgenderism, illegal aliens who are mostly criminals, terrorists, and who only want “free stuff”. President DJT has proven how much he loves America and Americans. He is for religious liberty, anti-war, and can lower the cost of living, reinstate pipelines, and protect us from the rampant crime that Obiden has let happen. TRUMP/VANCE 2024!!!!

Brian Carrozza
Brian Carrozza
6 months ago

It’s not the first time the Liberal Democrat Party has disenfranchised their followers. Ask Bernie Sanders. In any case, I am hoping that on November 5th all Americans will come to their senses and vote for The Donald.

6 months ago

The TRUE THREAT to OUR REPUBLIC is the demoncRAT communist party….period.
Everything they do is a SCAM, a LIE, Cheating, Misinform, Redirect, Gaslight, etc….
EVIL is upon us all.

6 months ago

The democrats had this all planned from the very beginning when Biden was installed as president, Democrats are the real threat to our Republic!

Dan W.
Dan W.
6 months ago

Like the Dems care what we think about how they organize their own party.

As for the claptrap about disenfranchising 14 million voters, a small prize to anyone who can identify Biden’s 2024 primary opponents without reaching for Google.

We need to keep our eye on the ball to defeat Harris and Kelly and/or Cooper (or whoever she selects as her VP running mate). That’s what we need to considerate on, not this other baloney.

Kevin M.
Kevin M.
6 months ago

How does someone who did not get a single vote for President suddenly have the nomination? It’s not a movie pass that can be gifted to a friend. It sounds nice to free ones delegates to vote for someone else… but those delegates were earned by votes for Biden not for Harris. It’s a slippery slope and a “tactic” that could be used for any number of less above-board purposes.

6 months ago

I’ve always said, the left will eat their own to maintain power, regardless of the damage they do to the nation and/or the entire world. When they’re done with Harris they’ll do the same to her no matter when it is. As long as it suits their Marxist narrative. Now their goal is to create an optic that appeals to their low IQ voter base and win the election, at all costs. The end justifies their means. Nothing is beneath this evil.

6 months ago

Harris stands for nothing I want. Trump has the policies I want for this country, but he should just stick with his policies and the differences of Harris, Stop the name calling, exaggerating and stick to the policies that will make America Great Again.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
6 months ago

Unfortunately Generational Democrat voters will vote for anyone with a D next to their name regardless of how corrupt or incompetent they are. It answers why the Democrat party gets away with illegal and criminal activity including political corruption and stuffing ballot boxes. Those who were voting decades ago have never realized that their chosen party has changed to mirror the ruling parties in Russia and China.

6 months ago

Sigh, fresh, we are the laughing stock of the world. Come LORD JESUS come.

6 months ago

This was their plan all along. It was so obvious that they knew biden’s condition but let him show the world and debate Trump. So many libs turned on him after the debate, (which was planned,) that it was easy to convince him to drop out. All of his voters were relieved and felt it best. His wife and son didn’t agree but the party comes 1st. His comment when he announced he was leaving said it. “I believe it’s in the best interest of my PARTY and country”. Party before country….

6 months ago

It does matter what the Democrats do. They have broken their own rules and procedures, Biden has ignored the constitution and the Supreme Court. Their party is being controlled by a shadow cabal whose lust for power will stop at nothing. Their rhetoric instigates violence. I know there must be honest, moral democrats in Congress, but they go along with the evil flow. I’m 83 and haven’t been this concerned about an election in my lifetime. Kamala is a lightweight who will do what she’s told, along with her own far left ideas.

6 months ago

“It matters not to me what Democrats do. They don’t have my vote, and whoever their nominee is will lose in November because of their policies.”
That this is currently running second in this poll is disturbing to me. 2 weeks ago, the Republican candidate was nearly murdered on live TV, in the hopes of stopping him from accepting the nomination later in the week at the RNC in Milwaukee. Had that succeeded, would you have liked to see the Republicans do what the Democrats just did? Or would you call for a one night, national primary? (My suggestion).
It doesn’t matter to you? It should. They can do the same thing with the Republicans. This was a coup and they installed a low IQ, dark energy replacement. You should be p!ssed off by what happened…angry for the Democrats who saw their votes wiped out.
Instead, you prefer to continue to go down the path of division in this country. That attitude has this country screwed and it’s not coming back.

Lynny D
Lynny D
6 months ago

The powers that be in the Democratic party have been doing anything they choose for the past 12 years without any repercussions. They are completely out of control and answer to no one. That must change.

Les Stout
Les Stout
6 months ago

11 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS! That’s the number that invaded our country across the southern border alone since she and Jackass Joe stole their way into the White House! If that was the only reason to NOT vote for Kamel Hairyass (and there are many more) it would still be enough for me. She should be the poster girl for all the ultra liberal morons in the country.

6 months ago

Everything the democrats do i illegal like the transfer of 91 million from bidens campaign funds to harris from him being threatened to resign from the elites to the justice system we have today! The will stay in power anyway possible even if they have to cheat yet again like they are doing already!

John Mark McNair
John Mark McNair
6 months ago

The responses to this question are not very good. Anyone who voted for the last option should rethink their decision to not be concerned about what the democrats are doing! The DNC machine has been put in high gear and they are actively purging anything detrimental to Kamala or whoever winds up being the nominee! They are going to manipulate the polls so they can make the sheeple think they are supposed to vote for the democratic candidate.

Russell Casey
Russell Casey
6 months ago

Being able to install Kamala as the candidate is only the first step in installing her as the president. It’s what communists do. Don’t be surprised on 11/6.

6 months ago

Our country is supposed to be a republic not a democracy, so I couldn’t even answer that one question. If Kamala were to get in she would just be another puppet like Biden was. And I think Obama has been running things in the background and if he has how is he getting away with it? Remember after he left office he built a house in Washington DC, and we were all wondering why he would stay there. There’s a lot of factors pointing to Obama running things in the background. Joe Biden had Alzheimer’s before he even took office so how on Earth could you run a country if he doesn’t even know where he is half of the time.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
6 months ago

The DIMMs and the media (I repeat myself) are scrubbing Kackler’s past statements to portray her as moderate or (small “d”) democratic. Start running ads like McCormick is doing in PA showing actual news coverage of her comments. Especially highlight her support for BLM terrorists and open borders with handouts for all!

Nancy Henry
Nancy Henry
6 months ago

It is dangerous to believe that the democrats will lose because of their politics. We – conservative, MAGA, republican – must ensure that President Trump wins the election by getting out and voting! I have family that is opposed to the democrat agenda, but they also despise Trump, so they have decided not to vote at all. This attitude will lose us the election! PLEASE don’t let that happen. Apathy has NO place in the 2024 election!

6 months ago

The Government is run NOT by the people voted in, but by the Obama’s, Clinton’s, Soros, and God knows how many others! It’s time to start praying people!! Time to start thinking for yourselves!

6 months ago

Demonrats and RINOs need to be where they belong as the anti-America trash they are.

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
6 months ago

The Devil is running this nation whatever the Devil is doing he needs to do it fast because his time is over and God will have the victory.

6 months ago

Let both grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.

Matthew 13:24-30

6 months ago

That “more democratic process” should have been the 25th Amendment.

Tennessee Pat
Tennessee Pat
6 months ago

The true threat to our country is the dumbing of Americans by public schools and institutions spreading lies and wrong history. THE UNITED STATES IS NOT A DEMOCRACY, IT IS A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. See founding fathers statements on why they insisted on avoiding a democracy. Do your research people. open your eyes, and stop being a newborn puppy.

Iron Mike
Iron Mike
6 months ago

This was Plan B. The democratic party already had this backdrop plan. My hope is that Trump makes it. The dems are using a combination of election plans from Obama and Clinton plans. If they succeed, America as we know her today will be gone forever. This will bring about total anarchy. Just what the dems want.

6 months ago

Harris is called a failure at the border–I think what was done was intentional.

6 months ago

I was a democrat for over 54 years and only left the party after it LEFT ME . This is not the old Democrat Party . It has been taken over and the REAL democrats need to clean house and kick out all the ones in congress since they are not now or ever have been REAL DEMOCRATS . They are deliberately trying to ruin our country and in making themselves rich at our expense .

6 months ago

I wouldn’t vote for Harris for dog catcher!

6 months ago

Genetic Democrats would vote for Howdy Doody if he was on the ticket, but any Dem with a brain should be infuriated by this. The Dems know they have to keep Harris in order to keep donations, but don’t be surprised if she gets the boot.

6 months ago

Adding to Paul’s comments of an hour ago, I strongly encourage all to watch, then advocate and share, two documentaries made by Joel Gilbert, on both Michelle and Barak. We’d been similarly encouraged by a friend and now know what a great resource these two documentaries are. We already had no use for either Obama, but now are even more informed and see the need for advocating these films. Anyone “on the fence” who sees them, will quickly made an intelligent decision, if they love our Republic and despise marxism (lower case intended).

6 months ago

Not only the democrats force Biden out but many of our elected Republicans push him out and worked to help out the democrats. Instead of wanting an old beat up horse run the race against their top notch horse they wanted to help them out.

Karen Higgins
Karen Higgins
6 months ago

If the Dems think they are losing they will through anyone under the bus! Then they picked Kamamla who has not been successful in any role, unless you call ruining California and the United States a success. And look for it, they will throw her under the bus at the convention.

6 months ago

I know from experience , votes don’t count ; it’s a ceremonial act that allows the voters to feel part of the franchise .
What really matters is the framework ; the policies enacted by the current Administration does not support the framework of the US of A .

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