
Daylight Savings Time begins on March 12th. Congress and many states have plans to change it. But should it be changed, and if so, how?

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Leandro Carvalho
1 year ago


1 year ago

Man has survived for thousands of years without daylight savings time. Just leave it at God’s time like it is meant to be.

Jacob Janetzke
Jacob Janetzke
1 year ago

Standard time is just fine, the way it is. Now, I don’t know how truckers, and, people who need to travel frequently feel about daylight in other states, but, when you cross into the Michigan border, it can feel more like Graylight savings time. A beautiful sunset is meant to be appreciated, never contrived.

Ted Wood
Ted Wood
1 year ago

It depends on where you live. I live in New England and we should really be in Atlantic Time, based on our Longitude. I would be fine with being permanently in Atlantic Time but not Eastern Time. Also, the name would be better as ‘Daylight Shifting Time’ rather than Savings Time.

jim pec
jim pec
1 year ago

I do not need another hour of light when its -22, but its nice to have light after 4 pm when your trying to work!

Thomas Florance
Thomas Florance
1 year ago

Days are naturally longer during summer months and I see no reason for time changes any more once we get back to standard time. We are no longer primarily an agrarian society. Productive fields are lit better than stadiums so the reason for extending daylight hours are completely unnecessary.

1 year ago

When we tried extending daylight savings time in the winter in 1973 it made matters worse. It stayed darker in some parts of the country in the mornings and most people figured out it did not save energy back then so not sure why we need to reinvent the wheel or repeat a bad decision.
Sleep experts have been sounding off for the last couple of years about how daylight time is a sleep disruptor and it would be better to stay with standard time. They mention some of the same concerns that have been expressed about LED lighting being bad for people.

1 year ago

I want more light in the evening when I get off work and have to get work done at home before dark. And time with family outdoors. We need this year round. It’s not so bad getting up going in the dark but don’t want to come home in the dark I can’t ever get anything done then around home.

Ted Wood
Ted Wood
1 year ago

First of all, it should be named ‘Daylight Shifting Time’ not Saving time.
Those of us that live in the eastern side of a Time Zone prefer DST while those in the western side
do not. I live in the eastern side of New England and would rather be in the Atlantic Time Zone. At least DST gives us part of the year with reasonable daylight.

1 year ago

I don’t really care which one they keep, just stop going back and forth!

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