
Capitol USA America Danger

Thousands of dangerous criminal gang members are pouring into America. On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being "extremely concerned" and 1 being "not concerned at all," how concerned are you that your safety is at risk and fear another attack similar to 9/11 is probable?

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Mist Carter
Mist Carter
11 months ago

What did we expect with an evil socialist administration inviting illegals to pour into our country; disregard immigration and asylum laws already on the books; and reversing the procedures and policies the Trump administration had in place that successfully led to a safer and secure border?

That coupled with the fact that gangs from foreign countries are fully aware that committing crimes in America will yield no consequences. No wonder they are surging our borders.

Joe Biden is gutting our nation with people from the third world, and if you speak up you’ll be labeled a “racist;” you might even lose your job if the social justice jackals can find out where you work; and they’ll continue to try to end the 2nd Amendment so we can no longer defend ourselves.

Yet, why should we the people be so alarmed about the influx of vicious gang members in our cities via our southern border? For too long we have allowed our own “home-grown” gangs to flourish in our communities for years – again with no repercussions!  Black-on-black crime/murder rates in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, New Orleans, Detroit, St. Louis etc. have grown to such a level that we hardly mention it anymore. Flash mob shoplifting has cost businesses (and taxpayers) billions of dollars, and resulted in businesses leaving many communities. But because we have so many Soros-backed DA’s, there is no jail time for these thugs.

MS-13 gangs have already taken up residence for years in many US cities and have brought a new level of evil and heinousness to our citizens.  One difference between our home-grown mobs and gangs shooting each other is that the MS-13ers proudly don their tattooed heads and faces more blatantly.

The Mexican cartels have always smuggled drugs into our country, but have really found their niche in human smuggling. However, these cartels just aren’t considered gangs, they are extremely sophisticated and powerful “armies” that have become the governing force in Mexico.

Regardless if this gang influence is home-grown or brought in from foreign lands, they are all TERRORISTS. How is America supposed to deal with foreign or domestic terrorism? Militarily, that’s how!

We ought to take a page out of El Salvador’s President, Nayib Bukele’s playbook on how to successfully deal with violent gangs and rampant crime that nearly destroyed his country. Simply put – he LOCKED THEM UP! Result: El Salvador is now safer than the U.S.

       “There is a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.”
                                                                                                   Ecclesiastes 3:8

11 months ago

I would like to know why someone would vote not concerned at all? Our country needs strong borders! Trump 2024 MAGA Forever!

Marty M
Marty M
11 months ago

Just a matter of time before there is a major USA-shattering event thanks to numbnuts and his minions!

11 months ago

Obviously the Haitian gangs will be welcomed by Joey and his socialistic pigs with free medical, debit cards, transportation to a city of their choice to cause further crimes and chaos to this country. Since his administration does not believe in enforcing any laws, nor following the Constitution, they will run rampant throughout the U.S. And with his new brain dead idea to grant homeownership to anyone alive, this should make us all feel really safe and secure in the years to come. I have never seen an administration with no regard for the people, who must dictate and get involved with everything the people of the U.S. do, let alone continue to weaken our military by getting involved in other countries problems. This nightmare must come to an end this election year and throw these a–h—– out. So glad to be near the end of my life at 78, but feel real sorry for my kids and grandkids, friends, who will have to endure this destruction of a once great country if this piece of crap and his minions steal this election again. Vote them out.

11 months ago

They will wait till Trump takes office and then release the chaos on the people, so they can say Trump caused it all. One signal for them all to act all over the country at the same time. We have been invaded.

Jacque Jecker
Jacque Jecker
11 months ago

I think it is inevitable. We have let probably thousands of terrorists just come in without being vetted. We are in for some bad times.

Stirl Back
Stirl Back
11 months ago

Our elected representatives took an oath to uphold the constitution and enforce the laws of our country. Open borders are really human trafficking, unconstitutional. Biden should be impeached. Vote smart Americans.

11 months ago

The criminals that concern me the most are the 535 in Congress, the 100 in the Senate, and the one sitting in the White House. They’ve done more to put us in danger by allowing it to happen, not to mention the senseless and needless wars over seas. They usurped our freedom and ignore their duties to uphold their oath to the Constitution.

11 months ago

Florida stopped a boat with Haitian illegals who had firearms, drugs, night vision gear. Do you suppose they were there to sight see? Since biden refuses to secure our border; I wonder what’s coming across the south border.

11 months ago

while Nero fiddles, Rome burns

William Bracco
William Bracco
11 months ago

With the number of military aged males entering this country the inevitable conclusion will be extreme violence in our streets. These individuals will join gangs and/or create mass social unrest and rioting.

11 months ago

I would say to those who are not extremely concerned that you wake up and realize that terrorist cells are everywhere and that you had better be prepared for the worst. You can always hope for the best but to not recognize the eminent danger that Americans are now in is foolhardy at best.

11 months ago

They’re not coming here for a better life, they’re trying to take over.

11 months ago

What happens when everyday Americans begin defending themselves against these thugs brain-dead-Joe is bringing in? Does he order the military to engage? Will the military follow his orders? Unfortunately, it appears we’re heading to a conflict such as this and very soon. I suppose the perps will find out if there really is a gun behind every blade of grass then, huh! God forbid it has to come to this but maybe it’s necessary for America’s future freedom to remain intact for our grandkids! #MAGA

Rick J
Rick J
11 months ago

There will be more 911s just seeing what is coming into the country……terror by the millions!!
Biden has destroyed this country!!

Robert Putnam
Robert Putnam
11 months ago

Besides the risk of another 9-11, the democrats by increasing the census and letting illegals vote are looking to make our republic into an one party state

11 months ago

Where to even begin. Essentially we are losing our sovereignty as a western civilization, and all the freedoms and safeties that it affords us. Ignoring the obvious, the increase in crime associated with just the little piss ant criminals, we are also seeing it through cartels and other organizations getting firmly entrenched within our cities along with their drugs. We also have the issue of massive numbers of individuals from these various countries that will not come in and amalgamate within our society, but instead form their own culture within the confines of our society that do not conform to our way of life. All one needs to do, for what that would mean for our country, is to look at the No-Go zones that are prolific within Europe. Then we have the Islamic extremists that will and have already infiltrated our country at such numbers that they can only be guessed at this point. There are a multitude of other issues as well. Such as the free ride we are giving many of these individuals on the tax payer dime. The push to have them vote, bringing their generally socialistic, if not Marxist values into play for the elections. The taking away of jobs, the devaluing of wages. The list goes on here. But really, despite how bad all these things are there is one thing that is probably heads above the rest. And that has to deal with China. There is no doubt at this point that we have a massive number of Chinese agents within our country. When the time comes, and it probably will. China will make a move on our country and these agents will be activated. At this point I am thinking Taiwan is probably a good focal point to be looking at for this. Put into conjunction with the inevitable cyber warfare that China has spent years perfecting, this does not bode well for the US. If you want to see how quickly our society can collapse, here you go. One area to possibly look at to clue us in to if China is making a move is to watch Tik-Tok, which is nothing more than a somewhat covert weapon of war by the Chinese. If we start seeing a push to promote significant civil unrest within our country that will probably be a very good indicator that the crap is about to hit the fan.

J. Filly
J. Filly
11 months ago

The millions of illegal aliens, completely inverted, have become the Trojan Horse within our country. Our national security within our country has become so overwhelmingly compromised that those who have allowed and encouraged ’this to happen have committed treason.

Kevin M.
Kevin M.
11 months ago

Are these polls written by progressive snowflakes? My personal safety and fear of another terrorist attack are so incongruous they do not belong in the same question. I would have to answer 1 with regard fear that my personal safety is at risk… but 5 with regard to national security and a 9/11 style attack. We can do better than this kind of poll. We’re not liberals after all.

11 months ago

why hasn’t Biden’s entire administration been charged with Treason??? They continue to fly in hundreds of thousands of illegals while we’re trying desperately to stop millions walking in across both our northern & southern borders. Thanks to demented Joe, we’re in a position to be overthrown with in our borders. Meanwhile – nothing’s being done to help homeless citizens, low income citizens – our hospitals are being overwhelmed by ” new comers” carrying diseases we had stopped seeing as dangerous here because of childhood vaccines. Will this nation survive until November 5th? Will sanctuary cities/states give enough illegals the right to vote so we’re doomed to these democratic overlords forever? We must be actively working to save our nation. Join the convention of states, other strong conservative groups- vote in conservatives for every office – local, state, & federal- we must speak up & hold our elected officials accountable. Our nation is ” of the people, by the people, for the people” – Speak up people.

11 months ago

Maybe not another 9/11 scale attack but more likely an increasing overall lawlessness. That would include things like what that worthless shred of human debris did to Laken Riley

11 months ago

As I get older, I have trouble getting around. The younger generation has no respect for the elderly. I have had two occasions in as many years with some gang member trying to rob me. Surprise! I carry. I have a CWP. What about the elderly that doesn’t have the defense I have. What about the lack of law enforcement protection because of budget cuts or liberal protest at public places,at parades, at ball games, that these terrorists can take the opportunity to cause a major issue. Our country is in a mess all because of Bidumb and his communist buddies.

11 months ago

It’s going to happen and everyone one with a brain knows it!!! The real question is will our country and constitution survive or will the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party comrades use it to forever take control of America.
The other more important question is are you prepared to survive the coming attack and fight to save the lives of family, community and country.
If not! You need to get up off your hinny and get it done because there won’t be a chance to when SHTF.
God Bless and help us all.

11 months ago

In order for a one world government to take over, America must fall. Mission almost complete.

11 months ago

What Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and their administration has done is criminal and I among many patriotic Americans consider their willful actions to be treasonous. They all took an oath to protect and defend our nation, they have broken that oath and should be removed from office immediately.

11 months ago

Joe and the Dems are not concerned at all. Congress is not concerned. At the same time I cannot find one person that thinks the open border is OK. Have they been bought out by the cartels? How can anyone with a grain of intelligence support this open border idiotic policy. Joe and/or our do nothing congress could fix the problem in a day. It is destroying America. Maybe that’s the plan.

11 months ago

P.S. It will happen in D.C., NY, or CA — and they are already destroying their states. Libs are just putting another log on the fire.

11 months ago

And people are still dumb enough to vote for these Democrats that are allowing this crap to keep happening

11 months ago

IMHO, everyone associated with not enforcing our Federal laws on border security and ILLEGAL immigration should be charged with SEDITION. Starting with that lying pedophile in the WH on down!!

Allen Hansen
Allen Hansen
11 months ago

Anyone not concerned is braindead and told how and what to think! Sad

11 months ago

Boycott Colorado, Maine, Hawaii, New York, Illinois, Georgia!

11 months ago

What a stupid question. Let’s think about this! You have every criminal released from the world prisons. AND with every disease known and unknown to humanity.
While the bone heads are hugging them as they urinate and slobber all over the USA.
Instead the FBI ETAL Harassing parents … and. us for being concerned. Just do your job..

11 months ago

I am actually very concerned, although not for my personal safety, but as a threat to others and our nation as a whole. God bless America!????♿????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

11 months ago

It’s interesting to read comments of those who voted anything less than extremely concerned. Most explain that they live in an area where they still feel safe. I believe this demonstrates a false sense of security. I, too, live in a rural area and could feel reasonably safe…but I understand that illegals in surrounding areas have been provided vehicles and themselves travel in groups. When I leave my “safe” area to go shopping, to the Dr, to the park, or on vacation, I too am exposed to these groups of young illegal aliens traveling in packs. Once they cross our border, they show they have no respect for our laws, they take our tax dollars which aare handed to them by this crooked administration and threaten to riot if their lifestyle is taken away. They have not had driver’s training but handed keys to a car and don’t know the rules of the road… I know from first hand experience…when I reported it to the police, they said that their hands were tied but encouraged me to carry my gun because they have had a noticeable amount of run ins with illegals that are not being told to the public. I used to fly on Delta as my lpreferred airlines but since discovering they are one of the major airlines flying groups of these unvetted illegals, there is no way I’m getting on a plane with possible terrorists. So regardless of “where” I live, I come in contact with illegals. Those who voted less than extremely concerned, don’t be naive.

Robert Zupanek
Robert Zupanek
11 months ago

I am certainly concerned about all the criminal elements and the illicit drugs pouring in. I am also concerned that our current President is going to try and have those illegals voting in this next election. Our biggest criminal elements are those running our country.

11 months ago

Make yourself ready, keep your guns loaded, keep plenty of ammo on hand. It’s coming sooner than we may think.
Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
Matthew 24:44

11 months ago

If one wanted to destroy traditional America and establish one-party rule, virtually forever, I can’t think of a better way to do it, than wide-open borders.

Susan Kater
Susan Kater
11 months ago

The voters need to wake up. They keep re-electing the same people over & over again expecting a different result. I agree with Dan Bongino when he says, with regard to our elected officials, “they all hate you”. Remember that when you head to the polls.

11 months ago

I’m not concerned about the personal safety of myself and my loved ones because we have Psalm 91 protection; however, I am greatly concerned for my country, our beloved Constitutional Republic. I am extremely, righteously, angry that our “leaders” are doing this on purpose to destroy us. Many are of their father the devil. I pray Psalm 91 protection over the United States of America.????????????????????????

11 months ago

What this poll really reveals is how many trolls/spies there are among us on the AMAC poll list. Not too many, and that’s good.

11 months ago

It’s not if… just when!

11 months ago

Also, the Left wants to place these illegals in Districts so they can have MORE representatives in Congress!! Lord, place yours hands over these evil doers and change their hearts, I PRAY! AMEN

Phil C
Phil C
11 months ago

It’s only a matter of time before we have an October 7 here. With a wide open southern border and a regime in Washington DC that is completely out of touch and incompetent, what else can we expect? It’s not just democrats at fault here, republicans are just as guilty of inaction. The biden regime is further hurting this nation by attacking the 2nd Amendment. He and the weaponized ATF will not stop until they have disarmed the American citizens. Once that happens, this nation is doomed.

charles gregory mckeel
charles gregory mckeel
11 months ago

I am very concerned about the invasion on the southern border.We cannot wait til trump becomes president to fix it.We have to close it now.I believe we will see another 9/11 event happen if we dont do something soon.

11 months ago

It’s not a question of if something will happen, it’s just a question of when.

11 months ago

I’m also concerned about the fact that hospitals are allowing illegals services which are never paid for which is up into multiple billions. My thought is that Biden himself should pay those bills.

11 months ago

This is where prayer comes in.
i’m glad you didn’t ask if we are fearful. This is not a time to fear but to fight back in our prayer rooms.

Susan Webster
Susan Webster
11 months ago

However it doesn’t matter how concerned I am because nothing is going to be done about it anyway

11 months ago

I live in a small, poor rural area, and at this point am not too concerned for my personal safety. I am concerned about the country in general, and the possibility of another coordinated attack in a few years. Maybe it will happen sooner if something isn’t done to round up and deport these illegals, but that seems an impossible job. In the meantime, I do have the means to defend myself.

11 months ago

If you want to come into my house knock on the front door, make an introduction most likely you’ll be welcomed in. But don’t hop my back fence then kick in my back door squat in my spare bedroom. Tell me your kids are sick and that theirs is no food in the fridge. And your friends from the old country are on their way over

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