
COVID-19 coronavirus

Coronavirus is dominating the news. The U.S. has had relatively few deaths and is ranked as the “country best prepared to deal with a pandemic” by the Global Health Security Index. With which do you agree (check all)?

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Brian B
Brian B
5 years ago

The “Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918” killed almost 700,000 Americans and infected an estimated 500 million people around the world. It was first diagnosed in Kansas at a military installation, then arrived in Europe on troop ships during WWI. The pandemic lasted about two years in the United States, ending sometime in 1920. In comparison, this coronavirus “pandemic” hardly registers. The “I hate Trump” crowd is capitalizing on the coronavirus hysteria to blame Trump for dead bodies in the streets. Unfortunately for the Democrats, not a single person has died yet in the United States. But in the meantime, maybe a hysterical media can do some significant damage to our economy. Russiagate, then Ukrainegate, now coronavirusgate. Just thinking about Democrats and their manufactured conspiracy theories makes me want to wash my hands and wear a surgical mask.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago

The DEMOCRAT party is more of an imminent threat to the safety of America than the Coronavirus.
The USA is not some third world shythole Communist country, we can and will handle this problem
should it become an outbreak here.

GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !

5 years ago

None of the above do I agree with 100%.
Brian B is right. It’s much too soon to know how this Covid virus thing will eventually affect the health of most Americans. Will it be pandemic or flash in the pan?
Don’t know how reliable some Global Health Security Index is at predicting anything either. I know the USNWS has real trouble forecasting snow storms at times.
I’ve heard that proper tests to diagnose this illness are still being researched, or are not yet generally available. Tough to fight what you can’t reliably detect.
Time will tell, so there’s time to pray and seek the Lord’s help.
One thing I do know is that a TDS pandemic won’t help at all.

Richard S
Richard S
5 years ago

This is a manmade virus by the Chinese government that they were going to use to attack the USA. Luckily and unfortunately for the Chinese people, the disease got out of control and now We DO have an issue with this virus. Many people are going to die and hopefully We can keep it from spreading throughout the USA. It really needs to be made a Pandemic now, so We can get ready for what is coming. I am not one to get into politics and start a ruckus, but this is a lot more serious then they are letting on. Just my opinion.

5 years ago

Because this virus can turn into the more serious pneumonia, maybe we should look into getting the vaccine for pneumonia. I got the first of 2 shots in early winter, and will get the second in a few months. My doctor said it would cover most causes of pneumonia; however, I don’t know if it will help with Coronavirus…

As Brian B said, flu outbreaks, especially the Spanish flu, kill many times more people. And globally, most “common” flu viruses kill 300,000 to 650,000 people EVERY year. Each death is tragic, but we might have been spared this time. I hope we’ll see the end of it soon. Stay well.

Marie M
Marie M
5 years ago

I agree with Brian B and I especially think the media and the Dems are overplaying their hand by calling it the Trump virus. They are trying to destroy the economy, they say President Trump is not doing enough. I remember how they mocked him in January when he curtailed air travel to the U.S. from China calling him a racist. The U.S. is the most prepared for corona virus, they’ve taken extraordinary steps to treat and contain. Safety and security first for all citizens, accurate information, regardless of party association we should all work together to effectively combat this virus.

Michel C
Michel C
5 years ago

Ever notice…every ELECTION YEAR we have a virus outbreak! Coincidence??

SARS ——–2004

Ron johnson
Ron johnson
5 years ago

I’m not afraid of dying.
I am only afraid that once I die , I will be voting as a Democrat when I am dead ! LOL

5 years ago

No one complained when Obama brought Ebola victims I to this country try and that was much more contagious, and had a 98% death rate! This Coronavirus has a 2% death rate. This is all being driven by the news media.

Lois Spellman
Lois Spellman
5 years ago

I believe that the news media and the democrats want to see this become a pandemic so they have something to beat Trump with. It is sad to see what out politicians and public will do to destroy America so they beat Trump. The devil is at work in the Democratic Party and news media.

John Di Donato
John Di Donato
5 years ago

When most of our vaccines and medical supplies come from China it actually highlights a major flaw in our own health system that we outsourced too much to the Chinese we need to have more homegrown productions of vaccines rather than outsourcing them will a major outbreak happen I don’t know I honestly think it won’t But you can never be too prepared hope for the best but expect the worst

5 years ago

Of course we should be concerned,yet, take preventive measures to help ward off the serious threats posed by this and any virus. Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least twenty to thirty seconds. Also, be aware of your surroundings and avoid contact with those who may exhibit signs of colds, flu or other symptoms of viruses. Good old “common sense” goes a long way to staying healthy.

5 years ago

I agree totally with Brian. Maybe this was just a Chinese ‘population adjustment plan’ that got out of hand. Unfortunately for the dems, when this blows over the markets and economy will come roaring back just in time to make Trump look really good just before the election.

5 years ago

How many babies have died from the “virus” identified as Planned Parenthood? Millions?
Ponder this, which of those murdered babies may have grown up to be a medical researcher that could have already figured out the cure for this virus?

Everett Cole
Everett Cole
5 years ago

This new virus seems to move around pretty easily and should not be taken lightly, I believe that the current administration is handling the situation exactly as it should be handled. CDC and all the related agencies moved quickly to deal with it despite the howls and caterwauling by the political animals in congress and the media.

Delores J Hough
Delores J Hough
5 years ago

Everyone needs to use common sense and do what they can to be ready for whatever but that’s life isn’t it.

5 years ago

Dems Motto: Never let a bad situation go un-abused! I think the Stock Market is being manipulated by those who dislike President Trump in order that one of his Great Successes can be used against him.

PAuline Graff
PAuline Graff
5 years ago

Really disturbed by the reaction of a political,party to this “crisis”. I believe it will not turn out to be as devastating for us as they make it sound. What affects me personally at this time is I was going to purchase a home. My assets to draw on have been so impacted by the stock market that I will have to put my plans on hold.

Pamela Figueroa
Pamela Figueroa
5 years ago

Know what makes me
Sick? The fear tactics.

5 years ago

I have seen the Media and Democrats using fear to try to turn people away from the current administration. They have used everything except the kitchen sink to put their communist ideals in order to fundamentally change America. When will true Democrats say enough is enough. When will people realize sending their children to be indoctrinated in prestigious colleges is unacceptable. When will they realize that common sense over rash behavior will better serve the people they are supposed to represent.

Colleen Whittaker
Colleen Whittaker
5 years ago

I just finished reading there’s a 98% survivor rate. Once again the ridiculous Democratic leaders are using the virus and saying it’s our President’s fault. lol ?. They are so ignorant

5 years ago

not to politesse this, but this should show that open unchecked boarders of our nation is not a good idea.
from the little media coverage I’ve seen or heard it seem’s to me a bit over blown, and miss leading. (time will tell)
as far as the stock market tanking, I equate it to people running out and stocking up on milk and bread before a storm.

5 years ago

Two comments. First look on the back of a container of Lysol hand-wipes. You will find it kills human coronavirus. Now this product has certainly been on the market with this same label before the middle of January this year. This virus is NOT new. Even if it has mutated it is not that tough to eliminate. Second from all I have been able to learn of this virus it isn’t that tough to treat. The politicization of this is definitely an atrocity and both politicians and news outlets should truly be ashamed. I think of the little boy that cried wolf – we are reaching a point where if the media says it we tend to discount it. We have reached the point, unfortunately, that since they have zero credibility IF we had a true national emergency most of us wouldn’t believe it. THAT is very SAD.

5 years ago

Pharmaceutical need to make another billion on a drug that will probably be more dangerous then Coronavirus. We all have a expiration date. Live and enjoy life today, there is no guarantees you will see tomorrow.

Barbara Nero
Barbara Nero
5 years ago

As a 45 year laboratorian I think the politics needs to stay out of the discussion and let science prevail. Common sense prevention needs to be everyone’s plan
Stay home, get food and medications for a few weeks. Don’t go to the ER unless you are short of breath or can’t get fever down with etc meds
Come on, we are smarter than this.

5 years ago

Look, right now there is some 90000 people who are supposed to be infected (only a few thousand have died, yeah, that is sad)… we have 7.7 Billion in the world. So the 90K is 1.168831168831169e-5 that population. Not 1 percent, not a tenth of one percent, not a one hundredth of a percent nor a thousandth, nor ten thousandth. but 0.0000012% And America has a much better medical system (even given Obama’s efforts to destroy it) than any other nation so our chances of have millions die or even thousands if slim. The regular flu hits the world hard… this is nothing to laugh at but the sky is not falling!

David Lindsay
David Lindsay
5 years ago

Imagine if Bernie Or socialist was president We would spent all our funds on green new deal, free college, and Medicare for all.

5 years ago

The whistleblower pointed out legit concerns. Whatever happened to common sense that those basic steps were not implemented?

5 years ago

Truly would like to see Schumer, Pelosi work for the good of the country instead of their divisive hatred. To reassure that we have the best doctor’s, scientist’s disease center working for a remedy and to help other countries. Their hatred is blinding them and doing great damage to our country. If all they want is to be the opposer and not the helper, they should both step down. This is not the time for their grand standing. Take their toys go out into the playground and run around. We need sound minded reassurance that if we are diligent and follow daily health procedures we will see this through with God’s help. Nancy is a Catholic “Turn the other Cheek “ and pitch in to help lets see if that so called religious from California during Lent “Fast’s” from hate. You incite the fire, but never supply the water to extinguish, only gasoline to further inflame.

Stephen Cooper
Stephen Cooper
5 years ago

This is a serious health issue, no doubt. But it is irresponsible for people like Pelosi and Schumer to politicize this as a weapon in their parties quest for an end to the President’s administration, especially when their candidates have so little in the way of substance. Coronavirus has yet to hit us hard, why don’t we wait till then, if it ever does. How about Nervous Nancy and Lying Chuck just get on board the flight.

Daniel W Forbess
Daniel W Forbess
5 years ago

Lysol wipes and spray BOTH state that they kill the Human Corona virus. The media neglects to tell the ignorant media mavens that all they need to do is clean their homes with Lysol! Problem solved.

5 years ago

It is curious that in the U.S. 16,000 plus died last year of MRSA with no “fanfare”, yet a virus from Asia similar to the flu is making people wet their pants. Their are plenty of REAL, dangerous, micro-organisms that get very little press and are killing people every day here. In fact, organisms like MRSA, C. difficle, carbapenemase producing Gram negative organisms, drug resistant TB, etc. are running rampant in the US and the real tragedy is, the drug companies are not keeping up with the resistant strains thus leaving all of us vulnerable. Treating these organisms is not profitable so very few new antibiotics are brought to market. to help treat those inflicted. Let’s keep everything in perspective. The main stream media is trash so I don’t participate in their nonsense. If they were really interested in public health, they would shine the light on the real dangers afoot and not pontificate on what might happen (I think they really wish for disaster to hurt the president). It’s like yelling fire in a crowded theatre. I for one am not taking the bait. Common sense, educating yourself on simple ways to avoid the flu, and one of the best ways to avoid most things is wash your hands often.

Paul C.
Paul C.
5 years ago

This a yearly non event. There is always a new bug that is going to wipe out mankind. This news is what the 24 hr. news media thrives on to create something to sell their propaganda.

Paul Zardus
Paul Zardus
5 years ago

And all the people that refuse to get their children vaccinated will refuse again .They should not be allowed to get this vaccine until they get the rest.

Brenda Hubbard
Brenda Hubbard
5 years ago

The democratic party in DC IS DOING THEIR BEST to create panic. It will affect stock markets. I read where a judge has just put a hold on Trumps order to close our borders, while at the same time the dems are saying Trump is not doing enough. Their hatred will destroy the US. I believe we should use common sense, careful hygiene, see a doctor if we need to, and stay at home if sick. Open borders put us at risk of more than various illnesses, but the Dems, while claiming to have American interests at heart are doing every thing possible to destroy America.

5 years ago

From reports the flu ( regular strain) kills more or has killed more the season than COVID10 has.

Mary E
Mary E
5 years ago

Thank God for President Trump he is miles ahead of this, but the 9th circuit who just opened our borders again and ruled against making illegals wait in Mexico. leave it to the democrats to put our Country at risk…..yet again…still This is just an election ploy by the democrats and I can’t help but think that and it is sad.

Teresa Maria Vandal
Teresa Maria Vandal
5 years ago

The US is doing very well handling Coronavirus, but they are NOT the best; Poland is!! Though they have absolutely NO reported cases; they are STILL building 6 new facilities to make sure they are prepared!

5 years ago

The question is: What is the REAL death rate in a FIRST WORLD Country with good medical care available. We know what it is in China. What is it in the US, or, say, Sweden??

Daniel Ferree
Daniel Ferree
5 years ago

There are plenty of reasons to be concerned over the corona virus; but with the best medical system in the world and our best people staying on top of it, we are better prepared than the rest of the world to deal with it.

5 years ago

Even though the virus maybe real, there are those that are trying to panic the people, hoping they will stay home! It is also a socialist trick! Remember what God’s word says in Psalms 91:1-16! Mainly Trust God! We must be wise and prayerful! Isn’t it interesting these crazy diseases are brought around major election time ( I could be wrong) just saying! Who are the voices speaking the loudest about it! This is also another attempt to put negative attention on the President! Don’t be fooled!

Tom M
Tom M
5 years ago

In 1968, the flu pandemic killed over 1 million people worldwide. About 100,000 in the US and most of them were elderly. Considering that world population was about half of today’s, that could be be seen as a bit scary. The best defense against sickness is a healthy immune system. The media will always sell fear because they need eyeballs glued to the screen to sell ads and make money. It’s strictly a marketing ploy. And lately it has become a political ploy because the Communists own the media. Another factor to consider is how the cause of death is determined. The medical establish will likely attribute many deaths to the Coronavirus when that is not the true cause, which is often difficult to discern without a full autopsy. They will do this under the direction of Big Pharma, who owns and controls our current lame excuse for a medical/health system, so that they can sell more drugs. It’s all about marketing, primarily based on fear and emotions (a prime example is the stock markets) and not a bit about saving lives. That task is your responsibility…so get healthier anyway you can.

5 years ago

Revelation 6:8

Diane Campbell
Diane Campbell
5 years ago

I trust President Trump with my life. And I know he’s doing the right thing. The left is trying to politicize this. As usual everything they do is disgusting and deceitful.

Gayla Massey
Gayla Massey
5 years ago

It’s all about fearmongering. President TRUMP will be Dammed if he does dammed if he doesn’t.

Carol T
Carol T
5 years ago

I work in the medical field and hospitals have been preparing for a pandemic for years. They have plans.

Bob L.
Bob L.
5 years ago

I wanted to vote for three choices. Fear mongering, this too shall pass, and it’s being politicized.
Globalist political aims of total control are using fear mongering just as they are using the climate change scam to lead people toward seeking nanny state care for all that they preach is wrong with the world.

5 years ago

This virus will pass. I said when this first broke in China it was conspired by the democrats. The conspirators threatened someone in the CDC to sneak the virus out to China with the intent of crashing the economy and blaming Trump.

Richard Smith
Richard Smith
5 years ago

The Democrats ARE politicizing the virus, that is a fact! They would rather have an epidemic that hurts Americans than be honest and try to control it before that happens! The democrat politicians could care less about American citizens, as long as they can fill their pockets with tax dollars! Why else would their answer to everything is to throw more money at the problem without any understanding if this is helping, and it makes more tax dollars they can scam the American tax payer out of and insert into their own pockets!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 years ago

Virus issues:
Why is China to secretive about virus to West
Why is CDC blocked
Is our media feeding fake news about virus
& Dems want to use virus to force recession for 2020 Nov.
Why is there no United effort to stop virus IE Non WHO UN?
Why are Dems politiziing virus>?
Examine Dems past record on past issues, same, unique
Why did China silence MDs on issue?
Is China Inept or just bad Mgmt over virus.
Does CDC & NIH need reform?
Why hasnt all China been hit by virus Or spread to India SE Asia alone?
When will US develop own RX & move out of China for good?

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