Jose, I agree with you. They aren’t trying to fix any of this mess that they’ve created. It tells me they think the “fix” for the elections is already in!
2 years ago
2 years ago
It is getting harder and harder.
2 years ago
The U.S. can take care of it’s own energy needs while keeping Americans working to provide it as in the Trump presidency. The only thing stopping this is Biden, his democrats
Dan W.
2 years ago
Let’s not forget that we are taking a double hit here.
While consumer prices are up nearly 8%, the current value of many IRAs is down approximately 9% since the first of the year.
Now maybe the market was overvalued and we all know that the overall market eventually bounces back but big ticket purchases are likely on hold until the current uncertainty in the market passes (and that could take a while).
Joe Monaco
2 years ago
Biden is playing politics with every single thing he does.
It’s not in the interest of the country!
The Demon-X-rays need to go!
2 years ago
Biden is all in with the New Green Deal idiots. This problem can be fixed, but they want to punish us. This is all done by design. This moronic administration blames the Invasion of Ukraine on higher gas prices, when it is their policies. This all started on piece of sh-t Bidens first day.
J VanHorn
2 years ago
All I can say is the Republican Party better follow through with numerous changes including the leadership if this election is not stolen as well. FJB, LGB.
R A Koontz
2 years ago
I’ve quit reading or listening to major news outlets, praise for Biden and Harris is not justified, leadership of USA is mind boggling in its incompetence.
Foreign news is more believable.
Uncle Pat
2 years ago
I have not made any changes, yet. But soon we all will need to as we are surrounded by idiots.
2 years ago
I have not changed my life drastically, but we do not eat out very much, mostly due to many restaurants that closed in the last 2 years, and we used to travel by air to other parts of the world, we now winter in the south in a travel trailer. We drive it south and park it for 2 months, instead of roaming the country due to gas prices.
2 years ago
Biden’s an idiot, along with the cackling idiot. If the Repubs act like they really care, maybe things will change. I don’t trust either party anymore!
2 years ago
What can you say? We have a stupid Congress, both repubs and dems, passing a $1.5 trillion dollar pork-barrel fest filled with earmarks and tons of funds for commie aggression. 2700 pages of pure garbage that not 1 person in congress read through before voting. That tells you all you need to know about the cowardly Congress. And all because these spendthrifts cannot stop spending to destroy out country. More debt at higher interest rates means more debt adding to the pile. With interest rates spiking to 2.5-3% to fight inflation (what a joke), the gov will be spending $1 trillion every year just to pay interest on the debt.
2 years ago
I lost everything in 2009, except a vacant house I bought online for $5000. I had to move into it with no electricity or water. My condo was foreclosed, my car repossessed. I have spent the years since fixing this house and preparing for what is happening today. I have no mortgage, a wood burning fireplace, a garden, and ride the bus to work. I live a simple life already, so my circumstances have not changed, yet.
Brian Carrozza
2 years ago
Traitor Joe Biden doesn’t understand that the price of energy affects every consumer item.
2 years ago
We now have the dumbest of the dumb, the vilest of the vile in the White House and Congress. We MUST take back the House and Senate this November.
2 years ago
I have purchased an electric peddle assist bike to do my local errands.
Lenore T
2 years ago
Gathering all Brandons and Let’s Go in November!
Allan Granda
2 years ago
We have a complete idiot in the White House. We are doomed as a country with this buffoon in control. Rinos are also to blame for having no balls. I have gotten rid of all liberal friends. They are traitors to this country.
2 years ago
Working my damndest to get this corrupt demented incompetent liar out of the WH. AND TRUMP WAS THE BAD GUY? SPARE ME THE DELUSIONAL BULLSCHITTE!
paul schneider
2 years ago
I’m getting by. Only go out when I do, I make my round to save on gas. This SUCKS!!
2 years ago
Biden is focused on climate change to the detriment of our country. Eliminating all gas powered vehicles is both idiotic and not feasible. He can only see one thing at a time and can’t see the many problems with everyone driving an EV. He eliminated most everything with Trumps name on it and all of the benefits that came with Trump. Mid term is more important now than ever before. Republicans must stop this before we are a nation who was once great.
2 years ago
We live below our means, have saved up to purchase our next vehicle(s) budget for emergencies, our vacations are booked a year in advance. Put solar panels on roof to gain best tax credit and paid cash for them and now are reaping return on our investment. We took the phones that came with the new phone plan rather than getting the full featured one’s, we won’t be buying souveneers this trip to pay for gas but drive Prius that gets 26mpg towing our mini camper. Jesus warned us of the coming times in Mathew 22-24 when he told his disciples of the signs to watch for. Praising the Lord Daily.
Daniel Boughton
2 years ago
8% is the government number. It excludes things like energy prices. To imagine that this is not intentional is more imagination I have. Additionally the ‘stand with Ukraine’ slogan really means I stand to profit while pretending to support Ukraine. Give them a gun (bolt action or at least less than 10 rounds max capacity) and send them over there to make that stand. See how many of them really stand with Ukraine. Vote anybody but the establishment this fall!
2 years ago
Fortunately, we stockpiled many basics such as coffee, tea, sugar, etc. before prices skyrocketed & purchased a smaller, fuel efficient car. We also cut some expenses such as cable TV [an utter waste] and a few life insurance policies…also, we have very little debt/no mortgage to burden us. We warned everyone in 2020 if Biden took office America would be screwed & we were right.
2 years ago
I just hope that everyone you know who voted for Biden is happy.
All I can say to all of the people who I know that did is THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THIS. AND THANKS BIDEN
Kevin Grant
2 years ago
Are you kidding? I’m going broke
Kelly J
2 years ago
I am not looking forward to filling my propane tank or filling my vehicle with gas. And to think Biden has said it’s not HIS FAULT!
2 years ago
Living on a fixed income was a piece of cake during the last administration. It really sucks during this one.
2 years ago
The failure of joebama and his marist democrat party has forced decisions based on uncertainty a reality for most Americans.
Talk to your friends and neighbors. NOBODY has any confidence that America is headed in the right direction.E Everyone speak about the FAILURE of this administration and how they only care about themselves at the expense of Citizens. Greedy,arrogant,entitled,hateful,divisive and corrupt is how their described.
Dana D
2 years ago
“I’m eating out less …” WTF?!?! I’m purchasing fewer groceries so I can pay my utility bills. I can barely afford groceries because those prices have gone up, too. Everything is more expensive. I gave up eating out a while a good.
Tom Robinson
2 years ago
FJB and fk you for voting for him !
2 years ago
I was going to retire this year, holding off now hoping for economic improvement if we remove Democrats from power. Buying less these days!!
2 years ago
Will the Democratic voters please supplement my income. You are putting us at the poverty level. I hope you are proud !!!
2 years ago
Been trying to get in touch with my schwab guy for a week ( he’s a bit swamped)
I just need to figure out what to do now, it used to be ride it out , but I don’t think that’s going to work this time.
I might cut my losses and buy some hard assets if it’s not already too late
I remember not too many years ago when the market was a good place to build wealth, I think those days might be gone….. At least for a while, I really hope the USA can survive this current administration.
I really hope the 2022 midterms user in some people with a spin and conviction.
2 years ago
Biden keeps saying buy American , buy American, I agree, then why does that crooked SOB want to buy oil from other countries that want to blow us to hell? He and his son hunter are so compromised in Russia and the Ukraine those two make millions ,and the people are dying in the Ukraine and Biden won’t even allow the jets ,the Ukraine needs to come through a air base we own in Germany. Poland who offered up all its jets has more guts then all of the biden administration put together, the whole mess of those crooked asses NEED TO GO the sooner the better .The 2022 can’t get here soon enough, the question is can our country hold out that long!
Jacqueline Banks
2 years ago
I was always a careful shopper.
2 years ago
Let’s face it, most of us knew when this idiot allegedly won, we all knew we were in for a long hard road……we’re not even half way through this nightmare. May God be with us all!!
Matt M
2 years ago
We currently have the most inept, irresponsible, lying and arrogant leadership possibly in the history of our country. Biden and his minions don’t care about hurting the low and middle income citizens at the expense of the green new deal and other socialist agendas. Be prepared it’s only going to get worse until we change this dynamic with the upcoming elections.
Ann Jorgensen
2 years ago
It hasn’t hit me too hard yet but I’ve cut down on my spending. I’m only buying essentials and I’m trying to plan my outings so I can do multiple things at once. I do my grocery shopping after church or on my way home from visiting my daughter for instance.
2 years ago
Our bigger concern about the cost of energy is the increase in heating oil and electricity. “Let’s Go Brandon”
Karen Schelhorn
2 years ago
You missed one thing in your poll. Not have a car anymore as I live in a senior independent living apt. I get my main meal here.
2 years ago
My wife and I saw this coming (Always when Democrats in power) For the most part we cut back, however I am watching my retirement that I saved for for over 52 years disappear, therefore anything I can save in the ways we are practicing, I am buying Ammo, because when my retirement is gone, I plan on using that ammo! Wake up people, while Biden is luring you away from the problems he created by inventing another problem to mis- direct your attention. RIGHT NOW WHILE YOUR ATTENTION IS DRAWN AWAY, 285 PEOPLE PER DAY ARE DYING IN THE USA EVERY SINGLE DAY FROM FENTANYL. IT COMES FROM CHINA, THROUGH MEXICO AND DELIVERED INTO THE COUNTRY BY THE CARTELS THROUGH BIDENS OPEN BORDER!! THEY ARE MAKING BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON THE FENTANYL! DOES ANYBODY KNOW THE STATEMENT CHINA MADE YEARS AGO? IF NOT FIND IT! TALK TO YOUR KIDS ABOUT HOW THEY ARE KILLING OUR PEOPLE AND POSSIBLY KEEP YOUR KIDS ALIVE…. I TRIED, BUT MY KID IS DEAD!!! IT’S TOO LATE THEN! BIDEN ALLOWED THE COMPLETE MESS THIS COUNTRY IS IN, HE IS A PUPPET OF CHINA, THEY OWN HIM. HE HAS TO GO! AND HIS DEMOCRAT COUNTERPARTS ARE THE PEOPLE THAT HAVE TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN!
Ruth Ann Burns
2 years ago
Rice and beans. Pantry staples cheap and I do not need to go to the store very often.
David Wyncoop
2 years ago
I am sick of the mainstream media, the daily newspaper and the white house saying that the Russia/Ukraine situation is what’s causing inflation and high gas prices. That could not be further from the truth. How can any news group or Whitehouse spokesman spread such blatant lies? And how can Biden get away with the kind of stuff he’s been doing? Shouldn’t he be impeached? President Trump would have been castigated for the kind of stuff Biden’s been doing!
Robert Simone
2 years ago
It should be evident by now for the useful idiots that keep voting Demorat, that they are nothing but Communists and globalists who are anti American to the core and trying to destroy our capitalistic form of government. How many times do we have to experience destruction of the economy, loss of jobs, loss of sovereignty, attacks on liberty, increased crime and invasion across our borders? Can it be that Americans are getting dumber and cannot remember history? Republicans are not perfect, but, they are not Communists out to destroy the republic. I don’t understand why anyone would vote for the Communist Demorats unless they are totally brain dead. They don’t seem to understand that they too are affected by the insane policies inflicted by these despots.
2 years ago
Yes, I am even more careful in grocery spending, and am trying to eat less. We also have turned down our gas furnace thermostat: 65 during the day, 60 at night; we wear warmer clothes / jackets, and use extra blankets.
Cassandra Ridenhour
2 years ago
I’ve been fortunate to work for a generous employer who saw this coming down the pike and gave raises and allowed some flexibility to work from home, which has really helped. That said, if things keep going the way they’re going, things are going to get ugly for a lot of people, but especially the poorest.
Stephen Russell
2 years ago
Gas in So CA is 5.89 Unocal 76 Regular
2 years ago
I don’t know how seniors with their only source of income is Social Security are going to manage. Will government increase their benefits 8%? What a mess one man can make in a year.
Jose, I agree with you. They aren’t trying to fix any of this mess that they’ve created. It tells me they think the “fix” for the elections is already in!
It is getting harder and harder.
The U.S. can take care of it’s own energy needs while keeping Americans working to provide it as in the Trump presidency. The only thing stopping this is Biden, his democrats
Let’s not forget that we are taking a double hit here.
While consumer prices are up nearly 8%, the current value of many IRAs is down approximately 9% since the first of the year.
Now maybe the market was overvalued and we all know that the overall market eventually bounces back but big ticket purchases are likely on hold until the current uncertainty in the market passes (and that could take a while).
Biden is playing politics with every single thing he does.
It’s not in the interest of the country!
The Demon-X-rays need to go!
Biden is all in with the New Green Deal idiots. This problem can be fixed, but they want to punish us. This is all done by design. This moronic administration blames the Invasion of Ukraine on higher gas prices, when it is their policies. This all started on piece of sh-t Bidens first day.
All I can say is the Republican Party better follow through with numerous changes including the leadership if this election is not stolen as well. FJB, LGB.
I’ve quit reading or listening to major news outlets, praise for Biden and Harris is not justified, leadership of USA is mind boggling in its incompetence.
Foreign news is more believable.
I have not made any changes, yet. But soon we all will need to as we are surrounded by idiots.
I have not changed my life drastically, but we do not eat out very much, mostly due to many restaurants that closed in the last 2 years, and we used to travel by air to other parts of the world, we now winter in the south in a travel trailer. We drive it south and park it for 2 months, instead of roaming the country due to gas prices.
Biden’s an idiot, along with the cackling idiot. If the Repubs act like they really care, maybe things will change. I don’t trust either party anymore!
What can you say? We have a stupid Congress, both repubs and dems, passing a $1.5 trillion dollar pork-barrel fest filled with earmarks and tons of funds for commie aggression. 2700 pages of pure garbage that not 1 person in congress read through before voting. That tells you all you need to know about the cowardly Congress. And all because these spendthrifts cannot stop spending to destroy out country. More debt at higher interest rates means more debt adding to the pile. With interest rates spiking to 2.5-3% to fight inflation (what a joke), the gov will be spending $1 trillion every year just to pay interest on the debt.
I lost everything in 2009, except a vacant house I bought online for $5000. I had to move into it with no electricity or water. My condo was foreclosed, my car repossessed. I have spent the years since fixing this house and preparing for what is happening today. I have no mortgage, a wood burning fireplace, a garden, and ride the bus to work. I live a simple life already, so my circumstances have not changed, yet.
Traitor Joe Biden doesn’t understand that the price of energy affects every consumer item.
We now have the dumbest of the dumb, the vilest of the vile in the White House and Congress. We MUST take back the House and Senate this November.
I have purchased an electric peddle assist bike to do my local errands.
Gathering all Brandons and Let’s Go in November!
We have a complete idiot in the White House. We are doomed as a country with this buffoon in control. Rinos are also to blame for having no balls. I have gotten rid of all liberal friends. They are traitors to this country.
Working my damndest to get this corrupt demented incompetent liar out of the WH. AND TRUMP WAS THE BAD GUY? SPARE ME THE DELUSIONAL BULLSCHITTE!
I’m getting by. Only go out when I do, I make my round to save on gas. This SUCKS!!
Biden is focused on climate change to the detriment of our country. Eliminating all gas powered vehicles is both idiotic and not feasible. He can only see one thing at a time and can’t see the many problems with everyone driving an EV. He eliminated most everything with Trumps name on it and all of the benefits that came with Trump. Mid term is more important now than ever before. Republicans must stop this before we are a nation who was once great.
We live below our means, have saved up to purchase our next vehicle(s) budget for emergencies, our vacations are booked a year in advance. Put solar panels on roof to gain best tax credit and paid cash for them and now are reaping return on our investment. We took the phones that came with the new phone plan rather than getting the full featured one’s, we won’t be buying souveneers this trip to pay for gas but drive Prius that gets 26mpg towing our mini camper. Jesus warned us of the coming times in Mathew 22-24 when he told his disciples of the signs to watch for. Praising the Lord Daily.
8% is the government number. It excludes things like energy prices. To imagine that this is not intentional is more imagination I have. Additionally the ‘stand with Ukraine’ slogan really means I stand to profit while pretending to support Ukraine. Give them a gun (bolt action or at least less than 10 rounds max capacity) and send them over there to make that stand. See how many of them really stand with Ukraine. Vote anybody but the establishment this fall!
Fortunately, we stockpiled many basics such as coffee, tea, sugar, etc. before prices skyrocketed & purchased a smaller, fuel efficient car. We also cut some expenses such as cable TV [an utter waste] and a few life insurance policies…also, we have very little debt/no mortgage to burden us. We warned everyone in 2020 if Biden took office America would be screwed & we were right.
I just hope that everyone you know who voted for Biden is happy.
All I can say to all of the people who I know that did is THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THIS. AND THANKS BIDEN
Are you kidding? I’m going broke
I am not looking forward to filling my propane tank or filling my vehicle with gas. And to think Biden has said it’s not HIS FAULT!
Living on a fixed income was a piece of cake during the last administration. It really sucks during this one.
The failure of joebama and his marist democrat party has forced decisions based on uncertainty a reality for most Americans.
Talk to your friends and neighbors. NOBODY has any confidence that America is headed in the right direction.E Everyone speak about the FAILURE of this administration and how they only care about themselves at the expense of Citizens. Greedy,arrogant,entitled,hateful,divisive and corrupt is how their described.
“I’m eating out less …” WTF?!?! I’m purchasing fewer groceries so I can pay my utility bills. I can barely afford groceries because those prices have gone up, too. Everything is more expensive. I gave up eating out a while a good.
FJB and fk you for voting for him !
I was going to retire this year, holding off now hoping for economic improvement if we remove Democrats from power. Buying less these days!!
Will the Democratic voters please supplement my income. You are putting us at the poverty level. I hope you are proud !!!
Been trying to get in touch with my schwab guy for a week ( he’s a bit swamped)
I just need to figure out what to do now, it used to be ride it out , but I don’t think that’s going to work this time.
I might cut my losses and buy some hard assets if it’s not already too late
I remember not too many years ago when the market was a good place to build wealth, I think those days might be gone….. At least for a while, I really hope the USA can survive this current administration.
I really hope the 2022 midterms user in some people with a spin and conviction.
Biden keeps saying buy American , buy American, I agree, then why does that crooked SOB want to buy oil from other countries that want to blow us to hell? He and his son hunter are so compromised in Russia and the Ukraine those two make millions ,and the people are dying in the Ukraine and Biden won’t even allow the jets ,the Ukraine needs to come through a air base we own in Germany. Poland who offered up all its jets has more guts then all of the biden administration put together, the whole mess of those crooked asses NEED TO GO the sooner the better .The 2022 can’t get here soon enough, the question is can our country hold out that long!
I was always a careful shopper.
Let’s face it, most of us knew when this idiot allegedly won, we all knew we were in for a long hard road……we’re not even half way through this nightmare. May God be with us all!!
We currently have the most inept, irresponsible, lying and arrogant leadership possibly in the history of our country. Biden and his minions don’t care about hurting the low and middle income citizens at the expense of the green new deal and other socialist agendas. Be prepared it’s only going to get worse until we change this dynamic with the upcoming elections.
It hasn’t hit me too hard yet but I’ve cut down on my spending. I’m only buying essentials and I’m trying to plan my outings so I can do multiple things at once. I do my grocery shopping after church or on my way home from visiting my daughter for instance.
Our bigger concern about the cost of energy is the increase in heating oil and electricity. “Let’s Go Brandon”
You missed one thing in your poll. Not have a car anymore as I live in a senior independent living apt. I get my main meal here.
My wife and I saw this coming (Always when Democrats in power) For the most part we cut back, however I am watching my retirement that I saved for for over 52 years disappear, therefore anything I can save in the ways we are practicing, I am buying Ammo, because when my retirement is gone, I plan on using that ammo! Wake up people, while Biden is luring you away from the problems he created by inventing another problem to mis- direct your attention. RIGHT NOW WHILE YOUR ATTENTION IS DRAWN AWAY, 285 PEOPLE PER DAY ARE DYING IN THE USA EVERY SINGLE DAY FROM FENTANYL. IT COMES FROM CHINA, THROUGH MEXICO AND DELIVERED INTO THE COUNTRY BY THE CARTELS THROUGH BIDENS OPEN BORDER!! THEY ARE MAKING BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON THE FENTANYL! DOES ANYBODY KNOW THE STATEMENT CHINA MADE YEARS AGO? IF NOT FIND IT! TALK TO YOUR KIDS ABOUT HOW THEY ARE KILLING OUR PEOPLE AND POSSIBLY KEEP YOUR KIDS ALIVE…. I TRIED, BUT MY KID IS DEAD!!! IT’S TOO LATE THEN! BIDEN ALLOWED THE COMPLETE MESS THIS COUNTRY IS IN, HE IS A PUPPET OF CHINA, THEY OWN HIM. HE HAS TO GO! AND HIS DEMOCRAT COUNTERPARTS ARE THE PEOPLE THAT HAVE TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN!
Rice and beans. Pantry staples cheap and I do not need to go to the store very often.
I am sick of the mainstream media, the daily newspaper and the white house saying that the Russia/Ukraine situation is what’s causing inflation and high gas prices. That could not be further from the truth. How can any news group or Whitehouse spokesman spread such blatant lies? And how can Biden get away with the kind of stuff he’s been doing? Shouldn’t he be impeached? President Trump would have been castigated for the kind of stuff Biden’s been doing!
It should be evident by now for the useful idiots that keep voting Demorat, that they are nothing but Communists and globalists who are anti American to the core and trying to destroy our capitalistic form of government. How many times do we have to experience destruction of the economy, loss of jobs, loss of sovereignty, attacks on liberty, increased crime and invasion across our borders? Can it be that Americans are getting dumber and cannot remember history? Republicans are not perfect, but, they are not Communists out to destroy the republic. I don’t understand why anyone would vote for the Communist Demorats unless they are totally brain dead. They don’t seem to understand that they too are affected by the insane policies inflicted by these despots.
Yes, I am even more careful in grocery spending, and am trying to eat less. We also have turned down our gas furnace thermostat: 65 during the day, 60 at night; we wear warmer clothes / jackets, and use extra blankets.
I’ve been fortunate to work for a generous employer who saw this coming down the pike and gave raises and allowed some flexibility to work from home, which has really helped. That said, if things keep going the way they’re going, things are going to get ugly for a lot of people, but especially the poorest.
Gas in So CA is 5.89 Unocal 76 Regular
I don’t know how seniors with their only source of income is Social Security are going to manage. Will government increase their benefits 8%? What a mess one man can make in a year.