Voter rolls should audited/purged much more often.Non compliance should be vigorously prosecuted Results in 10 working days
Gloria Leclerc
2 years ago
I agree. End drop boxes. Has no business in any way!! Make it illegal!!
2 years ago
Use paper ballots! No more voting machines! No more drop boxes!
2 years ago
No more machines and get rid of these currently used drop boxes. We need to go back to paper ballots and 1 day voting.
J Van Horn
2 years ago
Vote in person, one day! It’s not like it’s a surprise, 2nd Tuesday in November every time. Duh! ID required. No ID tough crap, get one. No excuses! No BS!
2 years ago
Voter ID, Voter ID, Voter ID!!!!@
Porfirio Garza Jr.
2 years ago
Are the voting machines made in the USA?
2 years ago
In addition to “no drop boxes”, I believe “ballot harvesting” should be illegal EVERYWHERE!
The persistence of fraud must be stopped!
2 years ago
Why do you think democrats opened the borders the day the Biden regime was installed. So even if we did have one Election Day, like the old days all the illegal aliens would still vote for them. They will find a way for that to happen. They want to destroy the country and the value of American citizenship.
Al K.
2 years ago
In Georgia, Brian Kemp beats the “Rock Star” Stacey Abrams by 5 points on Election Day.
However, Herschel Walker can’t beat Warnock? Seems odd that Republicans can win State, county and local elections but loose on the almighty Federal level.
Something is telling me that the RINOS are in on the fraud too.
2 years ago
Watermark paper ballots, hand counted. No machines! One Election Day!
2 years ago
Maybe print QR codes on ballots. A voter could scan the code when they vote and later confirm how vote was recorded.
2 years ago
Whatever changes you make, if any, the democrat leftists will find a way to circumvent them. You need a national ID date base up to date and an ID to vote. Some of the voting systems from each state need to merge. No more of this taking a week to count votes…good grief.
Margaret Wolfe
2 years ago
One day voting with only the elderly after a certain age being able to vote absentee should be what happens in this nation. That’s how it was done before. Too many voting days is how the fraudulent elections are happening. If someone has to be out of town that’s too bad. They don’t even make them prove why they are going to be out of town.
2 years ago
Electronics and drop boxes ARE the easiest gateway for fraud. Next are the consolidated voting centers. Voting districts need to be spread out in the communities. Last, I could get on board with 2 consecutive days of voting, but that should be the max.
John Di Donato
2 years ago
While I like Herschel Walker. He was a week candidate having held no public office ever of all the people must’ve been a stronger candidate from the great state of Georgia who could’ve put up a better fight with a voting record from there past and a vision for the future
2 years ago
Voter ID! Seriously, VOTER ID!!
2 years ago
Just like going to a ballgame or concert. One day (holiday if needed), if you miss it, you miss it. And early voting only allows more time for the “cheat”. Absentee ballots may be strictly requested and controlled for overseas citizens and other special cases.
Ever wonder? These people can’t make it to a polling place on election day. But, for events (sports, social and entertainment) these very same people have no problem coordinating advance ticket purchases, travel, hotel stay, and ID requirements.
Mail-in Ballots and drop boxes are “tools” of a cheater.
Martha Clark
2 years ago
I wish AMAC would update this platform. Site doesn’t allow me to upvote any of these great comments – even after logging in. And the multiple CAPTCHAs are unnecessary!
2 years ago
all good ideas, but we as citizens must individually take action. in VA, I participated in going through the voter registration list – we found voters whose date of birth was 125 yrs ago, yet their stated age was 30, addresses that were shopping centers as place of residence, persons registered to vote under multiple variations of their name each with different birthdays& ages but all at same address- & of course the deceased who had still managed to vote. this is time consuming, requires people to get involved, but extremely necessary& we have to insist it be nationwide. a voter id must be required in every state. 16 states don’t require ids. until we get involved, nothing will change – except for the worse.
2 years ago
When democrats are ALL FULLY REMOVED FROM EVERYTHING including the voter process WE THE PEOPLE CAN THEN vote securely.
2 years ago
Voter ID must be mandatory in all states to receive a ballot and vote on Election Day. Then, the number of votes counted must match the number of ballots that were cast legally. The voter rolls must be cleaned up, too, by responsible representatives from both parties. All voters on the rolls must be verified as real American citizens at real addresses. Any changes to the rolls must be closely monitored and agreed to by these same representatives.
Accommodations should be made for our military and others who physically can’t go to the polls but these should be the exception and not the rule.
Ballot harvesting should be illegal in all states.
2 years ago
ONE Election Day, mail in ballots must be REQUESTED WITH ID CONFIRMATION, NO VOTING/TABULATION MACHINES! They are too prone to fraud, and don’t speed up the process.
Paper ballot, hand count, voter ID. That is the way we USED to do it, back when we had the results on election night!
Karen JSparks
2 years ago
The GOP needs to get their heads put of their butts and start being proactive instead of reactive or there will be no change.
2 years ago
End early voting and drop boxes. If you can’t get to the polls, request an Absentee Ballot as we have had for years. Otherwise, get your lazy ass to the polls on election day!
2 years ago
all states should require a photo iD. It is an insult to some people “that they cannot get an iD”.
2 years ago
Pre covid rules are generally good. Requested Absentee ballets should be fine. Voters should show ID of course. Purge the rolls annually. A couple of days to a week for early voting. No harvesting, ballet boxes, non citizen voting. HUGE punishment for cheating. The redistricting policies are a huge force in favor of the dems in my state. 55 percent of the vote was conservative and we won about one third of the election? Maybe evenly split the counties into districts?
Vincent in CO
2 years ago
The GOP needs to get with the times – encourage early voting and ballot harvesting where it’s legal. Votes MUST BE RECEIVED by the time polls CLOSE – no more of this 8-day grace period stuff to account for mailing. But most importantly, Ronna Romney McDaniel should not be re-elected as head of the DNC. She is Mitt Romney’s niece, and therefore cannot be trusted.
2 years ago
1)One day for voting with proper voter ID. Accommodations can be made for voters with provable lack of ability to be present at the polling location on that day.
2)Get the Rinos to stop bringing a knife to a gun fight and learn to use voter rolls better to combat the leftists that are controlling the vote tabulations.
2 years ago
Geez, I didn’t know counting votes in an election process, was like brain surgery. A fourth grader can run the books of a corner lemonade stand without a hitch. Why don’t we all just receive the mark of the beast and be done with it?
Mitch Moldenhauer
2 years ago
I would like to see one day, in person voting. Polls can be located on military bases, hospitals, and assisted living places. I want voter ID. I want purple fingers after voting. Finally, I want counting done by three machines one after the other…one by Democrats, one by Republicans, and one non-partisan. Each batch should agree. If they don’t, they are Re-run. Then hand counted, if necessary. Cheating has been widespread and most of it has to do with the counting and fraudulent ballets.
2 years ago
Why can’t the scanner print a copy of my ballot, so I can turn it in to the county office of my party for recount? I’ll pay the $.25 for a copy…
2 years ago
If not agree with any, should allow vote without selecting any.
Peter Stroempl
2 years ago
I believe the voting process is corrupted. I do not believe we have a reliable chain of custody of the ballot control. Need only inperson voting with legal citizen ID verification.
James in Eastover SC
2 years ago
Simple man by Charle Daniels describes the way I feel about all this crap right now….
Susan Kater
2 years ago
Get rid of ALL the machines. Get rid of mail-in ballots. Get rid of ballot harvesting and drop boxes. Early voting can remain (no more than 1 week out) for those who absolutely cannot get to the polls on election day (eg: I’m a poll worker and work outside of my precinct, so must vote early). Otherwise, vote on election DAY with results that night or no later than the next morning. Those who cannot follow those rules need to be fired and new people, who can do the job, need to be brought in.
jim wood
2 years ago
Dems have the system rigged. No more than 5 days early voting should be allowed. and in addition make the actual voting day a national holiday. No more after day of election voting numbers can be counted if not posted on night of election, Republicans . re act instead of taking a pro active approach to things. Until border is secured and we stop the influx of immigrants this will continue. Dems have cheating down to an art form and will continue ruin this country further if republicans don’t get off their butts and fight back. Very poor efforts by Republicans. Remember Dems care nothing for America.. .
gardner hathaway
2 years ago
voter ID, paper ballots and BAN ALL VOTING MACHINES!
2 years ago
I would take several steps: limit early voting to 1 week; make the general election of major office-federal level a no work day’ and eliminate the drop box. Your vote is too important to be careless with it.
2 years ago
End drop boxes. Require signatures on mail-in votes which would only be allowed for citizens in other countries on Election Day, to be designated a Federal Holiday. Signatures on valid mail-in votes would be verified by signatures taken and kept on file at the time a registered voter registers to vote by mail, which must be certified at least a month before Election Day.
Anyone who objects to the above voting conditions needs to prove in Court their objections are valid and the proposals above have legal flaws that violate the US Constitution.
2 years ago
I worked on a major project for the US Government, where we installed new software into a key government agency, because of the CRITICAL Nature of the software, we were required to do a PEER review of the code to ensure there was no hidden back doors or ant other capability to compromise the intended functionality of the entire system. I asked my congressional representative about if their had been done for the Dominion code and any associated distributed systems. The answer I got was , not even a response.. It is good to remember, the the Biden administration went to court to suppress testimony concerning the Dominion code.
2 years ago
Election day should be just that. No early voting. No drop boxes and no waiting days for the results. Change the Constitution to say that elections shall be run by the states based on the state legislatures rules except that election day is the only day to vote, photo ID is required for all voters, there must be a paper trail and anyone caught cheating in elections shall receive life in prison without parole. Elections are that important.
2 years ago
Paper ballots, hand counted, local precincts, chain of custody verification, I.D. required, signature match verification for absentee ballots.
Rob citizenship
2 years ago
In the 1970’s elections , as I remember, were not as complicated or controversial as they are now. I am 72 , and have noticed that whenever something that is basically a simple procedure, such as voting, is made complicated, there is usually a profit motive involved, if not monetary profit then political profit. Some will say that recent elections have been honest , that they just have the appearance of being less than honest. Well, even having the appearance of being less than honest is a serious matter that needs to be corrected. There should not be any doubt involved in voting. If there is then that tends to erode the sense of confidence that people should have in a government that is supposed to be of the people, by the people, for the people. The Declaration of Independence is one of the best things that ever happened , the inspiration it has provided since 1776, the foundation it has provided for people who believe in freedom. The voting system needs to be a simple, common sense system, that has a verifiable result within one day after election day. There is no honest reason to have it any other way. The founders of the United States of America, the 1776 patriots, thought about future generations when they were establishing this system of government, those of us who appreciate what they did can honor what they stood for by setting this very basic voting system right. May God guide this country on the course towards a future that has honorable values.
2 years ago
In states where the state legislatures have legally changed elections laws according to their US Constitutional right to do so, Republicans must learn to play by those rules, despite the rules enabling cheating, until such time that a new legislature can change the election laws to prevent or reduce the chance of cheating.
Early voting means more opportunities to cheat. But it also prevents voters from being disenfranchised on election day by dishonest election administrators.
There have been FAR TOO MANY instances of voting machine failures, or burst water pipes at polling places, with no plumber available for days…. to be a mere coincidence. This is possibly happening in certain districts because the majority of voters on Election Day in those districts are registered Republicans. Voters voting before election day are not hindered by such problems that only seem to occur on Election Day.
2 years ago
Clean the voter rolls. Smaller precincts. Vote on paper on one day. Hand tallies with witnesses present.No mail in ballots or drop boxes. Only military can vote absentee. Voter IDs. Problem solved.
Mark Gauthier
2 years ago
Election fraud has been going on for decades not just here but around the world. It’s been proven. 2020 election should have opened everyone’s eyes but the corruption from both sides went to deep! We knew the same thing was going to happen in 2022 because 2020 was not fixed YET! A lot of Election Fraud Proof has been presented for 2020 and 2022 but our corrupt judges refused to look at any of it? Why? Are they all corrupt? I’ve been around awhile and always wondered how for example the senate seats between both parties are always very close say 48-52 or 49-51 and last time 50-50? Are they taking turns with the power grab? Doesn’t matter, the results are the same! Screw America and the tax payers! After two years of the DS Biden regime you would think Republicans in 2022 would have cleaned house? I believe Democrats and Rinos are working together to achieve their DS Destroy America Agenda. Why? They are all compromised in one way or another. The truth is coming out little by little everyday. Till they are gone we will have more of the same. We have to see it for what it is, Corrupt Communist Traitors that care more about their destructive agenda than they do we the people…
Alan B.
2 years ago
There is a simple way to make our elections secure, first everyone needs a voter ID number that is only assigned once and never issued to anyone again, and two, voting machines need to be more secure not being able to connect to the internet and simple in design without the ability to change any vote internally. You might say these machines are similar to slot machines, they can be set to count anything that is programed into them then changed back to show that the votes weren’t tampered with. A paper trail is also necessary to verify the machines for recounting if needed. This type of computer hacking isn’t new, just most people aren’t aware of it being done, and in most cases people dismiss it as being a conspiracy theory. How blind we have all become to what’s going on. Wake up America before it’s too late…
2 years ago
Start enforcing no excuses, voter laws. If you are caught in any type of fraud, you go to jail. It would only take a couple of instances and things would quickly turn around. Any mail in ballots need to be requested and verified. Drop boxes should be banned or under 24 hour surveillance.
Ralph E Williams
2 years ago
Any voting done illegally by an American or an illegal should have a penalty of a minimum of 10 years prison time per incident.
Voter rolls should audited/purged much more often.Non compliance should be vigorously prosecuted Results in 10 working days
I agree. End drop boxes. Has no business in any way!! Make it illegal!!
Use paper ballots! No more voting machines! No more drop boxes!
No more machines and get rid of these currently used drop boxes. We need to go back to paper ballots and 1 day voting.
Vote in person, one day! It’s not like it’s a surprise, 2nd Tuesday in November every time. Duh! ID required. No ID tough crap, get one. No excuses! No BS!
Voter ID, Voter ID, Voter ID!!!!@
Are the voting machines made in the USA?
In addition to “no drop boxes”, I believe “ballot harvesting” should be illegal EVERYWHERE!
The persistence of fraud must be stopped!
Why do you think democrats opened the borders the day the Biden regime was installed. So even if we did have one Election Day, like the old days all the illegal aliens would still vote for them. They will find a way for that to happen. They want to destroy the country and the value of American citizenship.
In Georgia, Brian Kemp beats the “Rock Star” Stacey Abrams by 5 points on Election Day.
However, Herschel Walker can’t beat Warnock? Seems odd that Republicans can win State, county and local elections but loose on the almighty Federal level.
Something is telling me that the RINOS are in on the fraud too.
Watermark paper ballots, hand counted. No machines! One Election Day!
Maybe print QR codes on ballots. A voter could scan the code when they vote and later confirm how vote was recorded.
Whatever changes you make, if any, the democrat leftists will find a way to circumvent them. You need a national ID date base up to date and an ID to vote. Some of the voting systems from each state need to merge. No more of this taking a week to count votes…good grief.
One day voting with only the elderly after a certain age being able to vote absentee should be what happens in this nation. That’s how it was done before. Too many voting days is how the fraudulent elections are happening. If someone has to be out of town that’s too bad. They don’t even make them prove why they are going to be out of town.
Electronics and drop boxes ARE the easiest gateway for fraud. Next are the consolidated voting centers. Voting districts need to be spread out in the communities. Last, I could get on board with 2 consecutive days of voting, but that should be the max.
While I like Herschel Walker. He was a week candidate having held no public office ever of all the people must’ve been a stronger candidate from the great state of Georgia who could’ve put up a better fight with a voting record from there past and a vision for the future
Voter ID! Seriously, VOTER ID!!
Just like going to a ballgame or concert. One day (holiday if needed), if you miss it, you miss it. And early voting only allows more time for the “cheat”. Absentee ballots may be strictly requested and controlled for overseas citizens and other special cases.
Ever wonder? These people can’t make it to a polling place on election day. But, for events (sports, social and entertainment) these very same people have no problem coordinating advance ticket purchases, travel, hotel stay, and ID requirements.
Mail-in Ballots and drop boxes are “tools” of a cheater.
I wish AMAC would update this platform. Site doesn’t allow me to upvote any of these great comments – even after logging in. And the multiple CAPTCHAs are unnecessary!
all good ideas, but we as citizens must individually take action. in VA, I participated in going through the voter registration list – we found voters whose date of birth was 125 yrs ago, yet their stated age was 30, addresses that were shopping centers as place of residence, persons registered to vote under multiple variations of their name each with different birthdays& ages but all at same address- & of course the deceased who had still managed to vote. this is time consuming, requires people to get involved, but extremely necessary& we have to insist it be nationwide. a voter id must be required in every state. 16 states don’t require ids. until we get involved, nothing will change – except for the worse.
When democrats are ALL FULLY REMOVED FROM EVERYTHING including the voter process WE THE PEOPLE CAN THEN vote securely.
Voter ID must be mandatory in all states to receive a ballot and vote on Election Day. Then, the number of votes counted must match the number of ballots that were cast legally. The voter rolls must be cleaned up, too, by responsible representatives from both parties. All voters on the rolls must be verified as real American citizens at real addresses. Any changes to the rolls must be closely monitored and agreed to by these same representatives.
Accommodations should be made for our military and others who physically can’t go to the polls but these should be the exception and not the rule.
Ballot harvesting should be illegal in all states.
ONE Election Day, mail in ballots must be REQUESTED WITH ID CONFIRMATION, NO VOTING/TABULATION MACHINES! They are too prone to fraud, and don’t speed up the process.
Paper ballot, hand count, voter ID. That is the way we USED to do it, back when we had the results on election night!
The GOP needs to get their heads put of their butts and start being proactive instead of reactive or there will be no change.
End early voting and drop boxes. If you can’t get to the polls, request an Absentee Ballot as we have had for years. Otherwise, get your lazy ass to the polls on election day!
all states should require a photo iD. It is an insult to some people “that they cannot get an iD”.
Pre covid rules are generally good. Requested Absentee ballets should be fine. Voters should show ID of course. Purge the rolls annually. A couple of days to a week for early voting. No harvesting, ballet boxes, non citizen voting. HUGE punishment for cheating. The redistricting policies are a huge force in favor of the dems in my state. 55 percent of the vote was conservative and we won about one third of the election? Maybe evenly split the counties into districts?
The GOP needs to get with the times – encourage early voting and ballot harvesting where it’s legal. Votes MUST BE RECEIVED by the time polls CLOSE – no more of this 8-day grace period stuff to account for mailing. But most importantly, Ronna Romney McDaniel should not be re-elected as head of the DNC. She is Mitt Romney’s niece, and therefore cannot be trusted.
1)One day for voting with proper voter ID. Accommodations can be made for voters with provable lack of ability to be present at the polling location on that day.
2)Get the Rinos to stop bringing a knife to a gun fight and learn to use voter rolls better to combat the leftists that are controlling the vote tabulations.
Geez, I didn’t know counting votes in an election process, was like brain surgery. A fourth grader can run the books of a corner lemonade stand without a hitch. Why don’t we all just receive the mark of the beast and be done with it?
I would like to see one day, in person voting. Polls can be located on military bases, hospitals, and assisted living places. I want voter ID. I want purple fingers after voting. Finally, I want counting done by three machines one after the other…one by Democrats, one by Republicans, and one non-partisan. Each batch should agree. If they don’t, they are Re-run. Then hand counted, if necessary. Cheating has been widespread and most of it has to do with the counting and fraudulent ballets.
Why can’t the scanner print a copy of my ballot, so I can turn it in to the county office of my party for recount? I’ll pay the $.25 for a copy…
If not agree with any, should allow vote without selecting any.
I believe the voting process is corrupted. I do not believe we have a reliable chain of custody of the ballot control. Need only inperson voting with legal citizen ID verification.
Simple man by Charle Daniels describes the way I feel about all this crap right now….
Get rid of ALL the machines. Get rid of mail-in ballots. Get rid of ballot harvesting and drop boxes. Early voting can remain (no more than 1 week out) for those who absolutely cannot get to the polls on election day (eg: I’m a poll worker and work outside of my precinct, so must vote early). Otherwise, vote on election DAY with results that night or no later than the next morning. Those who cannot follow those rules need to be fired and new people, who can do the job, need to be brought in.
Dems have the system rigged. No more than 5 days early voting should be allowed. and in addition make the actual voting day a national holiday. No more after day of election voting numbers can be counted if not posted on night of election, Republicans . re act instead of taking a pro active approach to things. Until border is secured and we stop the influx of immigrants this will continue. Dems have cheating down to an art form and will continue ruin this country further if republicans don’t get off their butts and fight back. Very poor efforts by Republicans. Remember Dems care nothing for America.. .
voter ID, paper ballots and BAN ALL VOTING MACHINES!
I would take several steps: limit early voting to 1 week; make the general election of major office-federal level a no work day’ and eliminate the drop box. Your vote is too important to be careless with it.
End drop boxes. Require signatures on mail-in votes which would only be allowed for citizens in other countries on Election Day, to be designated a Federal Holiday. Signatures on valid mail-in votes would be verified by signatures taken and kept on file at the time a registered voter registers to vote by mail, which must be certified at least a month before Election Day.
Anyone who objects to the above voting conditions needs to prove in Court their objections are valid and the proposals above have legal flaws that violate the US Constitution.
I worked on a major project for the US Government, where we installed new software into a key government agency, because of the CRITICAL Nature of the software, we were required to do a PEER review of the code to ensure there was no hidden back doors or ant other capability to compromise the intended functionality of the entire system. I asked my congressional representative about if their had been done for the Dominion code and any associated distributed systems. The answer I got was , not even a response.. It is good to remember, the the Biden administration went to court to suppress testimony concerning the Dominion code.
Election day should be just that. No early voting. No drop boxes and no waiting days for the results. Change the Constitution to say that elections shall be run by the states based on the state legislatures rules except that election day is the only day to vote, photo ID is required for all voters, there must be a paper trail and anyone caught cheating in elections shall receive life in prison without parole. Elections are that important.
Paper ballots, hand counted, local precincts, chain of custody verification, I.D. required, signature match verification for absentee ballots.
In the 1970’s elections , as I remember, were not as complicated or controversial as they are now. I am 72 , and have noticed that whenever something that is basically a simple procedure, such as voting, is made complicated, there is usually a profit motive involved, if not monetary profit then political profit. Some will say that recent elections have been honest , that they just have the appearance of being less than honest. Well, even having the appearance of being less than honest is a serious matter that needs to be corrected. There should not be any doubt involved in voting. If there is then that tends to erode the sense of confidence that people should have in a government that is supposed to be of the people, by the people, for the people. The Declaration of Independence is one of the best things that ever happened , the inspiration it has provided since 1776, the foundation it has provided for people who believe in freedom. The voting system needs to be a simple, common sense system, that has a verifiable result within one day after election day. There is no honest reason to have it any other way. The founders of the United States of America, the 1776 patriots, thought about future generations when they were establishing this system of government, those of us who appreciate what they did can honor what they stood for by setting this very basic voting system right. May God guide this country on the course towards a future that has honorable values.
In states where the state legislatures have legally changed elections laws according to their US Constitutional right to do so, Republicans must learn to play by those rules, despite the rules enabling cheating, until such time that a new legislature can change the election laws to prevent or reduce the chance of cheating.
Early voting means more opportunities to cheat. But it also prevents voters from being disenfranchised on election day by dishonest election administrators.
There have been FAR TOO MANY instances of voting machine failures, or burst water pipes at polling places, with no plumber available for days…. to be a mere coincidence. This is possibly happening in certain districts because the majority of voters on Election Day in those districts are registered Republicans. Voters voting before election day are not hindered by such problems that only seem to occur on Election Day.
Clean the voter rolls. Smaller precincts. Vote on paper on one day. Hand tallies with witnesses present.No mail in ballots or drop boxes. Only military can vote absentee. Voter IDs. Problem solved.
Election fraud has been going on for decades not just here but around the world. It’s been proven. 2020 election should have opened everyone’s eyes but the corruption from both sides went to deep! We knew the same thing was going to happen in 2022 because 2020 was not fixed YET! A lot of Election Fraud Proof has been presented for 2020 and 2022 but our corrupt judges refused to look at any of it? Why? Are they all corrupt? I’ve been around awhile and always wondered how for example the senate seats between both parties are always very close say 48-52 or 49-51 and last time 50-50? Are they taking turns with the power grab? Doesn’t matter, the results are the same! Screw America and the tax payers! After two years of the DS Biden regime you would think Republicans in 2022 would have cleaned house? I believe Democrats and Rinos are working together to achieve their DS Destroy America Agenda. Why? They are all compromised in one way or another. The truth is coming out little by little everyday. Till they are gone we will have more of the same. We have to see it for what it is, Corrupt Communist Traitors that care more about their destructive agenda than they do we the people…
There is a simple way to make our elections secure, first everyone needs a voter ID number that is only assigned once and never issued to anyone again, and two, voting machines need to be more secure not being able to connect to the internet and simple in design without the ability to change any vote internally. You might say these machines are similar to slot machines, they can be set to count anything that is programed into them then changed back to show that the votes weren’t tampered with. A paper trail is also necessary to verify the machines for recounting if needed. This type of computer hacking isn’t new, just most people aren’t aware of it being done, and in most cases people dismiss it as being a conspiracy theory. How blind we have all become to what’s going on. Wake up America before it’s too late…
Start enforcing no excuses, voter laws. If you are caught in any type of fraud, you go to jail. It would only take a couple of instances and things would quickly turn around. Any mail in ballots need to be requested and verified. Drop boxes should be banned or under 24 hour surveillance.
Any voting done illegally by an American or an illegal should have a penalty of a minimum of 10 years prison time per incident.