
Which THREE of these five concerns are most likely to continue dominating the political landscape through the rest of 2020?

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Dan W.
Dan W.
4 years ago

The correct answer is “All of the Above” along with ISIS, healthcare, and the economy. The five listed concerns will continue to ebb and flow throughout the year but the risks posed by China might be the most troubling and the most complicated to resolve in 2020.

4 years ago


The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
4 years ago

The correct answer is:
The seditious DEMOCRATS in Congress who seek to overthrow a duly elected president
by coup de’- tat.

The AMAC pollsters have punked their membership once again.
How proud of themselves they must be.

GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 Deus Vult !

Marie M
Marie M
4 years ago

The most concerning for me is voter fraud, especially in the coming election. I don’t trust the new voting machines and I worry that the election boards have not kept their records updated of residents that are deceased or residents that have moved out of state. It bugs me that we don’t have to show ID when we go to vote and yet we have to show ID at a Medical office, Airport, Pharmacy, Alcohol, Car Dealer to purchase or lease and the list goes on.

4 years ago

AMAC missed two political issues that surely won’t go away in 2020: confiscatory gun controls, and anthropogenic global warming. These two form the hyper-emotional backbone of the left’s drive to impose socialism on the American people. The first is designed to make Americans defenseless against the left’s draconian socialist measures to “fix” their imaginary climate crisis.
The left won’t let them fade away anytime soon, unless American voters turn the two issues into political poison.
Pray that President Trump doesn’t succumb to either of them, in this term or the next.

4 years ago

All of the above

4 years ago

Don’t know who writes your polls, but they need to be vetted better before going live. The biggest political issue will continue to be endless investigations and impeachment attempts to derail the Trump administration. Dimocrats have no winning agenda and will continue with the politics of resistance. Also 2020 may see indictments for some deep state criminals and political hacks. They will fight, but I believe AG Barr is ready to take them on.

Charlot Ray
Charlot Ray
4 years ago

I think the overriding concern is the intense hate for Trump. The disinformation on social media is appalling. What I hear and read is extraordinary! These are the two things that I think will consume 2020.

4 years ago

the biggest problem we have is the Democrats wont except the election of the people

4 years ago

I don’t trust the Democrats, They are so vicious in the attacks to any one who loves our President, they will stop at nothing
They have lost a tremendous amount of power, they will do anything to get it back
They are here for them and care how low they have to go
It is sad but true their full colors are showing

4 years ago

I find one thing missing, 2nd Amendment issues. Right now you have an entire state being embattled by Libeal Socialist Democrats seeking to infringe on the 2nd Amendment rights of their citizens with the large majority of their counties rising against them.

Their governor and legislators attacking their rights and threatening armed conflict that will bring upon us all a 2nd American Revolution based upon the same principles of none-representation if it’s citizenry and the forcible confiscation of firearms to disable them so they can not fight back.

4 years ago

If a person is a leftist, the main concern will be attempting to discredit ANYTHING President Trump is attempting to accomplish. I have seen nothing productive from the Democrats in more than four years.

Clete Randolph
Clete Randolph
4 years ago

What about the danger from within? Why are we allowing people who hate our country, won’t take
the oath of office on the bible, and have absolutely no intention of protecting and defending the Constitution of the United states from the start, to hold office in Congress? We are setting ourselves up to be destroyed from within just as President Ronald Reagan said. No nation needs to attack and attempt to destroy the United states. We are destroying ourselves making these kind of stupid decisions.

4 years ago

The number one concern for me is, will the House of Representatives stArt doing what they have been elected to do. They worked with Obama with his junk, they worked with both Bush’s and their junk, why can’t they come together and work together to improve America. Just what have they done in the past three years that has actually helped anything or anybody except themselves?

4 years ago

I vote all the above

4 years ago

I really believe all 5 of these issues will continue to be discussion points in this year’s campaigns. I believe there will be other issues such as Healthcare, Prescription drug prices, Education, Gun Control, Global warming and some others.

4 years ago

I am afraid for President Trump. Libtards keep throwing jello on the wall and, so far, nothing sticks. They are desperate for power and they hate our President. I am simply afraid they will attempt to kill him. We pray for his safety daily. Thanks. h.

4 years ago

While any three of these five may well dominate the political commentary this year, the one issue EVERYONE needs to be talking about is the national debt. Nobody, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian,or Independent seems to be at all concerned that our federal government is spending us off a cliff to complete financial collapse and the demise of our Republic. If you aren’t beating a path to your state legislators’ door demanding they support a Convention of States to rein in the federal bureaucracy, you aren’t doing enough to preserve the Republic.

4 years ago

Someone forget about removal of rights (2nd Amendment and Due Process ie.. Red Flag laws)? What about trying to eliminate the electoral college? There are so many other things important to the continued existence of America that maybe just this once we should concentrate on our domestic laws and policies instead of things outside our borders. Not saying ignore them but the focus needs to be brought back to the center.

John Meyer
John Meyer
4 years ago

All threats from within are far more concernihg. If we cannot unite as a country and be strong from within we will not be able to repell threats from other countries intent on our demise. Iran, China and North Korea.

4 years ago

A sophomoric Poll, biased towards outside the US for answers. Three were about other countries. Only two refer to our Country. The issues can’t be resolved by trying to change or control other countries. Focus should be strongly aimed at protecting Preserving America in every way necessary following our Constitution to the letter. Doing so has in the past been successful and will do so again.

Dave Gorjup
Dave Gorjup
4 years ago

I agree with others who say that the single largest concern will be liberal’s continuing attempts to discredit the Trump administration. The issues listed in the poll may arise occasionally as real issues but they will really only be ammunition in the never ending domestic espionage that has been going on for over 3 years. And now, those of us in Virginia have to deal with the distraction of a liberal state gov’t trying to take away our Constitutional rights. Make no mistake, we are at war. The shooting just hasn’t started. Yet.

Edmund Wright
Edmund Wright
4 years ago

Economy……stupid. This is worst poll ever on AMAC

4 years ago

I read all comments and wholeheartedly agree with all. The root cause of all this anti-American fervor and sentiment is the erosion of sound USGovernment and Civics instruction in our schools across the nation . Seems we’ve had at least 2 generations of kids who don’t have a clue about how their government works, why it works so well, and the importance of each citizen to carry out their responsibilities in a well-informed and prudent manner. Strategically, We have to turn this negative trend around and promote civic responsibility and patriotism . It will take time. Perhaps AMAC can team up with organizations like the American Legion and others to promote Americanism? Otherwise our schools will continue to erode the teaching of Citizenship responsibilities, US Constitution, and how to think critically. We need to stop the dumbing down of future generations of voters !

4 years ago

Whatever can be turned up by the haters will be concerns. The President will probably be plagued by any ridiculous idea that catches attention. I am very fed up with the nonsense. I can hardly wait until the attention is on those who lead the hate machine.

Debbie Wheatley
Debbie Wheatley
4 years ago

I agree with comments about this poll. None of these issues will be viewed as top issues. We are waiting for justice for our President and justice for the deep-state DOJ and FBI persons, Obama admin people and all of the Democrats who keep trying to steal our elections, steal our judiciary and financial systems. People need to go to jail. THAT is what we are waiting for.

Robert L
Robert L
4 years ago

DemonRats cheating in elections has to be a top issue for President Trump as the DemonRats have a variety of ways of cheating. Also, the social media monopolies have been working for a couple of years now to promote Leftist views while censoring conservative views. That issue has to be addressed early this year.

Judith & Gary Boswell
Judith & Gary Boswell
4 years ago

I believe the threat of socialism in America must be high in everyone’s thinking. It would be horrible for America to go into socialism! God help us!

4 years ago

The Democrats agenda is to steal the election with illegal votes. They have no one to beat the President. They will try to take the senate.
Trump needs executive order for illegal voting. Mandatory jail followed by mandatory deportation.
God bless America. God bless the President and his family.

4 years ago

What about the attack on the 2nd Amendment?

4 years ago

Oath of Office. We are a representative republic and We the People are being deceived by duplicitous politicians. We the People need to hold these people accountable, remove them from office, and get ourselves better educated in our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and American history. All the rest will take care of itself once we understand why American exists.

Bev DeMastus
Bev DeMastus
4 years ago

Our President, Donald J Trump sure has his hands & head full! ?May GOD bless him with clarity of thot & GOD judgment.?
It seems I have voted with the majority. Hmm

4 years ago

I think losing our freedoms of speech and right to bear arms should be in the list.
I also still cannot believe how the democrats have no integrity and care more about illegals voting than American citizens.

4 years ago

Iran is relevant now, but will soon back down as usual, N. Korea will do something for attention, but the other 3 are the larger of the five and they will need Trumps continued attention to fix the issues. And for this reason the anti-conservative, anti-American left will try to continue to hang these issues around the Presidents neck, and not realizing ĺas in 2016) that they are just making him stronger. It’s wonderful!

4 years ago

To me, the biggest issue will continue until we know if we have justice in country or not. It is not their actual hatred for Trump. He is their agreed target. The reason for this is many of the big players of the left, Clintons, Obama, Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Biden, Pelosi, Kerry and many more on both sides of the aisle are trying desperately to stay out of jail. Operation “Scorched Earth” that Bill Clinton warned us he would trigger is in full effect. Don’t be side-tracked by North Korea and Iran, they are just puppets for China and the globalists to change the subject when necessary. They must get rid of Trump to stay out of jail. Where did the Epstein investigation go? Lot’s of powerful people compromised. Desperate to get back in control.

Rocky Hyder
Rocky Hyder
4 years ago

Left out the economy which should be the top issue.

4 years ago

Regarding election integrity, my overriding concern is the continual fraud perpetrated by the Democrats. And why wasn’t the media and their hatred and bias against President Trump not included in this poll?

DiamonDuchess Penn
DiamonDuchess Penn
4 years ago

The most horrible thing happening to America is the lamestreamedia & propaganda colleges funded by powerful $evil-leftist$ that are allowed trash our President,Israel,the christian way of life and if we don’t stop it by reelecting Trump , the USA Is heading for a civil war greater than the 1800s & life as we know it will no longer exist.

Don Bynum
Don Bynum
4 years ago

This concern for managing immigration does not show a lack of compassion, as it is being claimed by some. In fact, it makes sense and will allow the United States to be compassionate for those who are most in need. It is not always the people that the left purport are in need the most; they are often just used as pawns in their political manipulation. But there are people who are trying fairly and patiently who need the opportunity the most, but the left continues to misrepresent the truth. Is it not compassionate to give opportunity to those who have legally and fairly pursued the opportunity of immigration and who need it for their freedom from persecution and their family’s safety?

4 years ago

Election integrity: The Dems need an issue. They cannot beat Trump honestly so . . .

4 years ago

The biggest concern is keeping the Senate & taking over the House. This “Trumps” all issues.

Don Bynum
Don Bynum
4 years ago

I did vote for immigration as the highest of these issues, but as some have stated, there are several other issues which could be polled. But thank you Amac for putting your influence where it will do the most good and where you can have the most influence. Another issue not mentioned is the integrity of the healthcare system, with open information for healthcare costs and the charges of medical practitioners. It is often where a person is at, personally, that determines what their high priority issue to be. So yes, the issues others have mentioned are important, but the ones listed by Amac are also important, and if there were too many options listed, the polling would likely be less informative. Besides, Amac did not ask, do you believe these are the most important issues of the time? Rather, they asked us to vote on the 5 which were listed.

Paul DAscenz
Paul DAscenz
4 years ago

All the issues in this Poll are important.
The most important issue is President Trump winning Re-Election in 2020!
KAG! MAGA! Save the USA Vote for Trump 2020!

Carl Thomas
Carl Thomas
4 years ago

TheGOP needs to stay the course and fully support Donald Trump.

Alan Church
Alan Church
4 years ago

The gravest issue of our time is whether or not the Republic can survive the Left’s relentless assault on freedom of speech, the rule of law, constitutional integrity, and free-market capitalism. Aided and abetted by the mainstream press, which no longer has integrity as unbiased journalists; morally corrupt, hypocritical celebrities, whose ethical principles are as shallow as their critical thinking; and an education system that long ago abandoned genuine liberal education and critical inquiry to indoctrinate a generation with its warped, ideological propaganda, whose presuppositions are unchallenged and consequences are ignored, our only hope is to not go quietly into the dystopian future they have planned for us. The most important issue in the election are not the items listed on AMAC’s poll, but the conditions underlying all of them and many other issues of ongoing importance.

sd. (seriously disappointed...)
sd. (seriously disappointed...)
4 years ago

All of the above! but why bother with another useless poll… c’mon AMAC, put a bit more thought into your polls, or just stop them…

4 years ago

The threat of socialism, republicans regaining control of the House of Representatives, fake news media bias and maintaining a strong economy are also issues that should be included as concerns for your poll.

Nancy Hardy
Nancy Hardy
4 years ago

The biggest concern is getting Trump reflected in 2020. We must Keep America Great or we will lose this country to liberal socialism!

Eddie Carroll
Eddie Carroll
4 years ago

It would be absolutely GREAT if we ALL get on our knees and PRAY to our SUPREME GOD and have a come to JESUS meeting!!!
That will help us and the country the MOST!!!

4 years ago

The Democrats are a danger to our freedoms shed by American blood. Since Trump has been in office we see clearly the type of party they are. Democrats do not stand for American freedom. The want to remove our electoral college, take away the 2nd amendment, no due process of the laws, no barriers to keep us safe, they protect illegals, setup sanctuary cities to protect criminals, they lie, discredit, kill the unborn. Vote them out in November!

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