Colleges and universities no longer provide an arena where true “education” is the main objective. The majority of these institutions for higher learning have become so woke, that “indoctrination” is the Marxist tactic du jour!
These endowment-rich establishments that charge over-the-top tuitions, have pervasively impose DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) requirements as a means to gag freedom of speech. The DEI machine has evolved into bloated and far-left bureaucracies that undermine the very essence of education—with conservative viewpoints particularly hindered by grade deflation and censorship.
Sadly, this indoctrination begins in K-12 education, so it’s no wonder that by the time these little darlings, who succumb to Kool-Aid poured down their throats, attend the vast number of Marxist colleges/universities.
These evil institutions have become hotbeds of hate, hypocrisy, and hysteria. Given their immense tax-free endowment income and nearly $2 trillion in government-funded student loans that are issued without accountability or demands that they be repaid in a timely manner, these “Horror Houses” have plenty of money to continue their weaponization to further the destruction of America.
Yet, perhaps it’s not too late. This latest deluge of hate and antisemitism might just wake the “un-woke” citizens to think twice about sending their children to college, and instead opting for trade school or a Christian college. Thankfully, many employers are now vetting applicants more closely and denying employment to graduates from these elite woke institutions. Hopefully, these elite campuses will soon go the way of Bud Light and Disney.
“…In the same way, the teachers I’m talking about oppose the truth. Their minds are twisted. As far as the faith is concerned, God doesn’t accept them.” 2 Timothy 3:8
9 months ago
I don’t want my kids to learn propaganda and then spend years paying for it! Trade schools can be a profitable alternative. Also send less tax payer money to these universities! MAGA
9 months ago
I don’t argue that we’ll always have a legitimate place for technology, engineering, medicine, business, science; those disciplines that make the contributions to the world that benefit humankind. But the baby-Marxists of the 60’s and 70’s are now the professors, regents and donors. Hyphenated degrees that end in “-studies” taught by leftist instructors have proved to be the seeds of treason by the entitled, ignorant and stupid. Leftist ideology has corrupted the necessary disciplines as well by the WHO, WEF, UN, even the CDC, for example. Follow the money.
Opportunities in America are overwhelmingly available for our young people. Regrettably so is the evil influence from the left. Wake up, parents.
9 months ago
There’s no correct answer on this. Depends on the persons capabilities and interests. As long as they understand that a college degree won’t guaranty a job or high salary if they don’t have the aptitude to be a doctor but do to be a welder.
9 months ago
If you go to college to learn something that will allow you to produce something for society, then go (science, engineering, medicine). Otherwise go to a trade school. If you just want to learn something for the sake of learning, go to the library.
Chuck Technomat
9 months ago
The value of a college degree depends on the field of study. My Computer Science degree has proven EXTREMELY valuable to me and my career choice. I can’t imagine what crappy job(s) I may have had if I chose a different degree.
Engineering degrees are valuable too. Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, etc. Doubt you could work in those high paying jobs without a degree.
9 months ago
I’m concerned about the amount of degress that cannot lead to a viable paying position. I am concerned about the exhorbant cost of education. The political abuse in our colleges and schools, and the lack of consultation with the parents footing the bills is unexscusable. Allowing students to take out loans they can never repair is just more of the abuse. Close half of the colleges amd universities and promote quality and skills, expect a measureable education outcome.and placement. I’m a retired educator and coordinator and the system from k-post grad needs a total overahaul. Maybe the vandalized colleges will wake up from Woke. I am fed up with my tax dollars being confiscatesed for this travesty.
Charles McClain
9 months ago
I was born in 1950 to parents older than most. Further, I was around numerous older people born a few years either side of 1880. Very few (my mother being one) graduated from high school. But those people were very educated, a not just in the “school of hard knocks.” They read, checked the news frequently, observed the heavens and kept up with things. Thinking back, it would be easy to underestimate their education because folks back then spoke much more regional dialects, for us it was rural southern, but that is a superficial thing.
How many of us could survive and stay healthy without electricity, refrigeration and all that like these folks had done for the majority of their lives?
9 months ago
I’ve read somewhere that only 15% of students that make it to graduation (not counting medical and STEM) find employment in their field! 45% find employment with a degree in anything, and the rest are underemployed or unemployed. Most of them (and parents) have a huge amount of debt, a lot of brainwashing to contend with.
9 months ago
There are certain graduate degrees that are necessary. However, for the greater percentage of young high school graduates an apprenticeship in some trade would be of greater value. For instance, a good finish carpenter is now making $70 per hour and up!
I encourage high school graduates to take a break from schooling and get a real job. For a year or so they can think about what they would like to settle in to for their life’s vocation.
Bill Keller
9 months ago
The largest majority of college grads do NOT work in their field of study. I have a degree in accounting and passed the CPA exam. I worked as an accountant for a few years, but soon left that behind. Now I earn much MORE money, and I’m much happier as an entrepreneur than I ever was as an accountant! My college years were fun, and the anticipation of a new career was exciting, but the time and money I spent at college was basically a TOTAL waste of time. And I was getting a degree in a field that actually offered jobs. Many college areas of study now are worthless as far as getting a job!
Steven Thiel
9 months ago
It is not that a college degree is useless, it is all about what field of study one pursues in order to earn that degree. What needs to disappear is all the woke indoctrination and the DEI ideology studies.
9 months ago
A/I will make most college degrees obsolete. Better to have life skills that are real and that can help you if you need to be in survival mode.
Susan Kater
9 months ago
What needs to happen is for the federal government to get out of education altogether. No more Dept. of Educ. No more support for colleges or universities. No more college loans. Once that happens, we will be rid of useless degree programs, useless professors and, possibly, entire schools. Prospective college students should be required to apply for loans at their local bank and try to convince the loan officer that they will have the future income to pay back a $100K loan for their gender studies degree. I’ll bet the loan officer laughs the kid right out of his office.
Meanwhile, my brother, who is a retired machinist, lives VERY well. Neither he or his wife have college degrees and they have ZERO financial worries. They travel wherever they want. They own their (very nice) home free and clear. They are living proof that college degrees are not life essential. In fact, as college grads become more abundant, they become worth less. It’s simply the law of supply and demand.
Al Smith
9 months ago
I’d encourage kids to get into the trades. They’ll be earning excellent wages while other kids are racking up a huge debt. Plus, there’s always the option of college. I enrolled at age 47. There were liberal professors back in the 80’s, even more of ’em now.
Edward Stenger
9 months ago
I was a Scout Master for many years and would recommend college be given consideration for the boys’ future. I no longer recommend college to anyone because traditional education is gone. All there is now is indoctrination of regime principals.
John D.
9 months ago
Hillsdale College is one of a few that haven’t lost their collegiate minds. If someone is looking for a Christian-based, excellent education, Hillsdale would be an option.
9 months ago
Defund the Marxist indoctrination centers.
Richard Stephan Toman
9 months ago
I would have selected #4 but it was worded too narrowly. There are certain vocations that still require advanced academic training: eg. medicine, law. However, OJT and apprentiship programs in even skills as advanced as architecture and engineering would produce more mature and well-rounded adults and citizens than do most cloistered and predominantly theoretical college and university environments, especially those with professors who use their classrooms as platforms for the teaching of personal political and social agendas.
Henry (Pappy) T
9 months ago
Today’s colleges, universities, and even some secondary schools & school districts have become cesspools of indoctrination and misinformation! Several genres of education should be removed as formal degrees in both the bachelor degrees and graduate degrees, Masters & PHDs, such as any ethnic studies as they preach discontent & discrimination based on centuries-old practices that have nothing to do with today’s reality or even earning power once they graduate. All political science courses should be just elective courses & not degrees as Our American Constitution & the positions, both elected or appointed, were never meant for a career in politics because our founding fathers saw career politics as a corruption of society through power. Besides that, more than 50% of all college-bound students, especially from the last 3 generations, are not qualified for college studies due to their lack of commitment, their lack of handling failure & the lack of problem-solving intelligence besides basic educational knowledge due to watered down lower education curriculum & social promotion! Trade & technical schools allow such students to excel, gain practical needed skills, that also teach problem-solving, and a true living career with little or no student debt!
9 months ago
College’s starting going full radical LEFT WING ideological indoctrination, to big to fail, camps back in the 1960’s. Basically taking over every area of society, high jacking our country and not looking back. And look at what we have to show for it. The leftist administrators, professors and their endowment funds have made out financially like a bandit. Laughing at us all the way to the bank. Leaving us in an immoral societal cesspool.
9 months ago
It is imperative in today’s society to have the proper training and/or education for what you want to do in life. There is a need for tradesmen. My father was a master carpenter; my middle brother is a plumber, electrician and master carpenter, my youngest brother has a college degree in business and owns his own white water rafting company and ice cream store. Vocational Technical Schools are available for training for students in grades 9-12, coupled with a 2 year post high school degree can land you a nice paying job as a diesel mechanic, pipeliner, electrician, plumber or other service job!
9 months ago
It depends on the career path. If a student aims for a medical degree, dentistry, veterinary, law, you must obtain that BA or BS degree first. Unless and until those advanced degrees are re- structured that is how it is. Parents must assist in identifying an undergraduate institution that will not derail their child. What a terrible shame that the incredible education so many of us were privileged to obtain has been destroyed by the ideology obsessed .
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
9 months ago
Some of the dummest asses in the world,have college degrees. Kyle L.
Rick Litt
9 months ago
It is time to hold universities accountable for the “product” that they are selling. That product is the degree and tool to secure viable self sustaining employment. if the degree is worthless, and the individual cannot be employed, universities should have some skin in the game” financially. If half the tuition was mandated to be placed into escrow, and only released several years later once it is determined that the individual is gainfully employed, otherwise its is refunded to the student, universities would get serious about what reasonably is offered as a useful degree. This is akin, in legal circles, to a clawback, where assets are retuned to the original owner/investor..
9 months ago
The value of education is dependent on the degree path, the college, and the student.
You can’t be engineer, a teacher, a lawyer, or doctor without a degree! You don’t need a degree for many jobs that now “require” one, though.
Also a liberal arts degree, if taught properly, provides critical thinking skills. That’s not the case today for many though.
9 months ago
Back in the late 60’s early 70’s I went to a Jr. College, and got an AA degree, however in High School I attended several trade classes, wood shop, cooking, and auto shop. When I went to work, I worked as a lumber store driver delivering products, took a jog as an apprentice glass glassier, building and installing patio doors, windows, tub and shower enclosures, etc. When construction was shut down due to a moratorium, I moved to Phoenix. When that year’s monsoon season struck, it shut down the construction industry. I went to work in an auto dealership. From there, I worked in a truck repair yard welding 3/8 ” steel plates onto flat bed trailers. I had a lady friend who introduced me to a friend looking for a truck driver, passed the drivers test and got a commercial drivers license. Proceeded to drive x-country and put in over a million miles. When the parent company shut down the trucking division I drove a municipal bus. From there, I joined a manufacturing company passing the journeyman electrical test, then proceeded to spend my spare time in the onsite training center, where I learned and passed the journeyman tests for millwright [welding], HVAC [heating ventilation] Machinist, and pipe-fitting [plumber]. All that on an AA degree!
I never needed to be without a JOB since!
9 months ago
Who in their right mind wants to spend a fortune learning how to tear down this country? The educational system is filled with a well organized group of so called teachers at all level who preach hatred for America. I have several nephews and nieces who have learned a trade, with good benefits and mid to high paying jobs and they have been able to purchase a home, build equity and not worry about racking up tuition payments that take a lifetime to payback, of course if you want to rely Biden to wash away your tuition debts and rip off those of us who paid back their tuition go ahead and continue down this false path. .
9 months ago
We have 10 grandchildren. Thanks to Boy Scouts our 13 year old grandson has grown an interest in welding. He has built a forge and created some beautiful pieces. His welding is amazing given his age. Many are college bound, but honestly I pray this guy works at honing this skill.
9 months ago
Value compared to cost might be a better comparison. After doing what should be due diligence by competent parents and students and selecting a college for a perscribed cost, you can now simply forget about your end of the bargain and walk away with a degree in being offended, for free. No problem, those of us who actually did hold up our end, payed the bill and got actual jobs are now subsidizing those who feel that it’s not fair for them to honor their contract. I, for one, will try very hard in the future to not have anything to do with a graduate who falls into this catagory. They have been trained to take, but not be accountable by those who take, but are not accountable.
P.S. If you couldn’t see that they were predatory loans in the first place, you weren’t college material in the second place. Just an opinion…
9 months ago
I said it 40 years ago that college was a waste for most people. Coming from a family of business owner’s, we saw it first hand that a child that was taught to work at a young age and had a work ethic instilled in them were much better workers than any college educated product. Plus they had more common sense which is totally gone today. Everything can be so easy to do and everyone complicates simple task’s today. All the colleges do today is turn our young kids into evil, leftists, whack jobs. And parents are still pushing their kids to go to college because they think they are going to get an easier, better job than what they had. We need Tradesman out there and ditch diggers.
Philip Seth Hammersley
9 months ago
Employers who want someone to WORK using initiative should be doubtful about hiring recent college graduates from “elite” schools. They want freebies, lack motivation to work and build up their employer rather than themselves, and complain over every little “microaggression.”
S Durgy
9 months ago
Too many colleges/universities indoctrinate rather than teach how to think correctly. However, there should be another choice here: choosing college depends not only on the right school and the right price, but what a person is preparing for. Some fields require academic preparation to be qualified for specific types of work in the real world; however, there are too many “junk” majors that end with valueless degrees. Most colleges and universities should be reduced to perhaps a third to a quarter of their present size, and some courses of study should be “supplemental learning/enrichment” to those who have full-time jobs rather than to full-time students—much like adult education courses commonly provided by many communities today. The government should not be subsidizing enrichment education; if it has value, people who want it will pay for it. Government subsidy and loans of these subjects only encourage parents and students to waste money on worthless “studies.”
9 months ago
Colleges can ruin your kids with indoctrination. Be very careful and choose wisely. Otherwise you kid will come home hating you and this country.
Robert C
9 months ago
These big $$ donors need to pull out of these liberal colleges and donate to trade schools instead. Haven’t seen any protests going on at trade schools.
Tim J
9 months ago
Unless I really despised my children, I wouldn’t punish them with modern college indoctrination. I would send them to a good, accredited, reliable trade school LONG before sending them to a dumbed-down, woke, Marxist training center (sometimes referred to as a University).
9 months ago
I think Mist Carter’s response, pretty well covered all of the Salient points I was make. Except for one I do not why the cost of college education has gone up so radically. They do not provide a tangible product. The only thing I I can think of is are actually capitalist in Disguise and are requiring higher pay. Harvard has over a billion dollars sitting in the bank why? I think they should defund all institution of higher education no federal money. All they’re doing is indoctrinating the next group of socialist Marxist.
9 months ago
How tiresome it is to hear congress say “we should look at federal funding for universities who allow protests against Israel”. What are they waiting for? If universities are funding activities calling for death to America, tomorrow their funding should be cut off.
There’s nothing wrong with hard work and a trade. We need manufacturing in America and qualified trade’s people. How many citizens could survive if a crisis hit? Most people can’t look beyond their phones…they believe power for electric cars comes from a plug in the wall! Where are the parents? Why have they allowed their children to succumb to this enemy of indoctrination and the belief that no one without a college degree is smart. Shame on them.
9 months ago
Unfortunately college makes people dumber, and no wisdom. Liberal indoctrination institutions, with few exceptions.
9 months ago
judging by the college students we see on today’s news, I would be asking for a full refund for the “education” inflicted on their noggins. College seems to be a synonym for brainwashing.
Michael B
9 months ago
Colleges = Training ground for Marxist and Communist ideologies. Kids go in Patriots and come out hating their Country. Time to shut them all down and by doing so, it will shut down the CCP.
9 months ago
Children should not be sent to any government schools. They are teaching them nothing. They are indoctrinating them to hate our country, and embrace Marxism, perverse lifestyles and anti-American religion. Homeschooling if possible. Trade schools and self sufficiency will prepare them for the future, not exposing them to sick indoctrination like killing babies up to and including birth is healthcare!
Les Stout
9 months ago
If one’s main objective is to have a better than average income to support themselves and their growing families, I’ve always said a journeyman plumber or electrician makes far more income than a college grad trying to enter the corporate world with a BS degree for the first 2 – 5 years after leaving school. Besides, those blue collar tradesmen can always take part time classes, if they wish, on the side for much less cost than a fulltime college student has to pay.
9 months ago
Weird choices AMAC. What we’ve learned in the last few years is that colleges are breeding grounds for Progressive Left indoctrination on Socialism and Marxism and that the U.S. is not a noble nation. Obviously, college is not the answer for every student. If I had college aged children, I’d think twice when choosing a college or trade school that best supports traditional American values. Some of our young people have the aptitude to become a doctor or lawyer and would excel in college. While other youths have abilities and skills in the trades and would excel in a specific school that teaches skills to become, for example, an electrician, plumber, builder, brick layer, and etc. In today’s world, those trade jobs can pay as much as someone with a college degree. It all depends on the student’s aptitudes. Unlike Biden’s “equity” where every minority has preferred status for a college education, and everyone should be payed the same, no matter what job they do, “equality” provides very individual the opportunity to succeed in a field where they would excel, based on aptitude and hard work. Thus, the student, with the advice of parents and advisers, should make that decision for themselves.
9 months ago
I am of the most overlooked generation that the UK calls the lucky few and college as well as their determination was wonderful, but the GE apprentice school as well as Agricultural schools were wonderful for families and country. With the breakdown in our society I see Universities similar to the UN, which I have always called a playground for dictators, And the colleges play grounds of out-of-control mayhem.
There is a lot to be desired in higher learning and necessary for many skills. Many of which could be training and hands on, such as a Chelsea clockmaker and much more, including our military after it is spruced up and back to high standards.
Getting back on track with laws that must be kept. Respect for one and other. Minding one’s business, but yet being able to speak up when necessary. Supporting our police and k-9 units. Neighborhood schools where elementary is 1-6, Jr. High 7-8,and high school 9-12 with no schools near each other especially the Jr and Sr high schools make a very big difference.
I realize I sound off track of subject, but one must have some type of foundation and then support of the frame and roof to build that Cape Cod we call home.
9 months ago
Charlie Kirk sums this up in his book “The College S
9 months ago
Degrees in STEM areas still have considerable value. In the humanities, ZIP, NADA, ZERO.
9 months ago
I learned how to build on my work experience when I selected the courses in community college, the attempts at a professional degree were barred to me due to age discrimination and an educational system that is choosing younger students over the more settled and motivated 30 somethings. I did well but not without lots of perspiration and planning. I graduated without borrowing money, without debt, crappy credit score but as I think back, the starving college student is a great life experience, especially when you burn the bridge to mommy and daddy’s support, it freed me to pursue the path that has lead me to be an artist.
9 months ago
Tech and trade careers are great and do not disagree with veering in that direction, but what about professionals? Computer Tech, Lawyers, Doctors…? How do they get the professional education that is needed when undisciplined (and dangerous) children have inundated the halls of learning. And these are children; the age of 18 (or any physical age) does not miraculously make you an adult and I hesitate to use the term ‘adult’ for the unruly children that bedeviled institutions for learning.
9 months ago
I’ve believed for a long time that the only valuable degrees are things like doctors, lawyers, and engineers. Even so, indoctrination and distraction are rampant, and campuses are out of control.
Colleges and universities no longer provide an arena where true “education” is the main objective. The majority of these institutions for higher learning have become so woke, that “indoctrination” is the Marxist tactic du jour!
These endowment-rich establishments that charge over-the-top tuitions, have pervasively impose DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) requirements as a means to gag freedom of speech. The DEI machine has evolved into bloated and far-left bureaucracies that undermine the very essence of education—with conservative viewpoints particularly hindered by grade deflation and censorship.
Sadly, this indoctrination begins in K-12 education, so it’s no wonder that by the time these little darlings, who succumb to Kool-Aid poured down their throats, attend the vast number of Marxist colleges/universities.
These evil institutions have become hotbeds of hate, hypocrisy, and hysteria. Given their immense tax-free endowment income and nearly $2 trillion in government-funded student loans that are issued without accountability or demands that they be repaid in a timely manner, these “Horror Houses” have plenty of money to continue their weaponization to further the destruction of America.
Yet, perhaps it’s not too late. This latest deluge of hate and antisemitism might just wake the “un-woke” citizens to think twice about sending their children to college, and instead opting for trade school or a Christian college. Thankfully, many employers are now vetting applicants more closely and denying employment to graduates from these elite woke institutions. Hopefully, these elite campuses will soon go the way of Bud Light and Disney.
“…In the same way, the teachers I’m talking about oppose the truth. Their minds are twisted. As far as the faith is concerned, God doesn’t accept them.” 2 Timothy 3:8
I don’t want my kids to learn propaganda and then spend years paying for it! Trade schools can be a profitable alternative. Also send less tax payer money to these universities! MAGA
I don’t argue that we’ll always have a legitimate place for technology, engineering, medicine, business, science; those disciplines that make the contributions to the world that benefit humankind. But the baby-Marxists of the 60’s and 70’s are now the professors, regents and donors. Hyphenated degrees that end in “-studies” taught by leftist instructors have proved to be the seeds of treason by the entitled, ignorant and stupid. Leftist ideology has corrupted the necessary disciplines as well by the WHO, WEF, UN, even the CDC, for example. Follow the money.
Opportunities in America are overwhelmingly available for our young people. Regrettably so is the evil influence from the left. Wake up, parents.
There’s no correct answer on this. Depends on the persons capabilities and interests. As long as they understand that a college degree won’t guaranty a job or high salary if they don’t have the aptitude to be a doctor but do to be a welder.
If you go to college to learn something that will allow you to produce something for society, then go (science, engineering, medicine). Otherwise go to a trade school. If you just want to learn something for the sake of learning, go to the library.
The value of a college degree depends on the field of study. My Computer Science degree has proven EXTREMELY valuable to me and my career choice. I can’t imagine what crappy job(s) I may have had if I chose a different degree.
Engineering degrees are valuable too. Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, etc. Doubt you could work in those high paying jobs without a degree.
I’m concerned about the amount of degress that cannot lead to a viable paying position. I am concerned about the exhorbant cost of education. The political abuse in our colleges and schools, and the lack of consultation with the parents footing the bills is unexscusable. Allowing students to take out loans they can never repair is just more of the abuse. Close half of the colleges amd universities and promote quality and skills, expect a measureable education outcome.and placement. I’m a retired educator and coordinator and the system from k-post grad needs a total overahaul. Maybe the vandalized colleges will wake up from Woke. I am fed up with my tax dollars being confiscatesed for this travesty.
I was born in 1950 to parents older than most. Further, I was around numerous older people born a few years either side of 1880. Very few (my mother being one) graduated from high school. But those people were very educated, a not just in the “school of hard knocks.” They read, checked the news frequently, observed the heavens and kept up with things. Thinking back, it would be easy to underestimate their education because folks back then spoke much more regional dialects, for us it was rural southern, but that is a superficial thing.
How many of us could survive and stay healthy without electricity, refrigeration and all that like these folks had done for the majority of their lives?
I’ve read somewhere that only 15% of students that make it to graduation (not counting medical and STEM) find employment in their field! 45% find employment with a degree in anything, and the rest are underemployed or unemployed. Most of them (and parents) have a huge amount of debt, a lot of brainwashing to contend with.
There are certain graduate degrees that are necessary. However, for the greater percentage of young high school graduates an apprenticeship in some trade would be of greater value. For instance, a good finish carpenter is now making $70 per hour and up!
I encourage high school graduates to take a break from schooling and get a real job. For a year or so they can think about what they would like to settle in to for their life’s vocation.
The largest majority of college grads do NOT work in their field of study. I have a degree in accounting and passed the CPA exam. I worked as an accountant for a few years, but soon left that behind. Now I earn much MORE money, and I’m much happier as an entrepreneur than I ever was as an accountant! My college years were fun, and the anticipation of a new career was exciting, but the time and money I spent at college was basically a TOTAL waste of time. And I was getting a degree in a field that actually offered jobs. Many college areas of study now are worthless as far as getting a job!
It is not that a college degree is useless, it is all about what field of study one pursues in order to earn that degree. What needs to disappear is all the woke indoctrination and the DEI ideology studies.
A/I will make most college degrees obsolete. Better to have life skills that are real and that can help you if you need to be in survival mode.
What needs to happen is for the federal government to get out of education altogether. No more Dept. of Educ. No more support for colleges or universities. No more college loans. Once that happens, we will be rid of useless degree programs, useless professors and, possibly, entire schools. Prospective college students should be required to apply for loans at their local bank and try to convince the loan officer that they will have the future income to pay back a $100K loan for their gender studies degree. I’ll bet the loan officer laughs the kid right out of his office.
Meanwhile, my brother, who is a retired machinist, lives VERY well. Neither he or his wife have college degrees and they have ZERO financial worries. They travel wherever they want. They own their (very nice) home free and clear. They are living proof that college degrees are not life essential. In fact, as college grads become more abundant, they become worth less. It’s simply the law of supply and demand.
I’d encourage kids to get into the trades. They’ll be earning excellent wages while other kids are racking up a huge debt. Plus, there’s always the option of college. I enrolled at age 47. There were liberal professors back in the 80’s, even more of ’em now.
I was a Scout Master for many years and would recommend college be given consideration for the boys’ future. I no longer recommend college to anyone because traditional education is gone. All there is now is indoctrination of regime principals.
Hillsdale College is one of a few that haven’t lost their collegiate minds. If someone is looking for a Christian-based, excellent education, Hillsdale would be an option.
Defund the Marxist indoctrination centers.
I would have selected #4 but it was worded too narrowly. There are certain vocations that still require advanced academic training: eg. medicine, law. However, OJT and apprentiship programs in even skills as advanced as architecture and engineering would produce more mature and well-rounded adults and citizens than do most cloistered and predominantly theoretical college and university environments, especially those with professors who use their classrooms as platforms for the teaching of personal political and social agendas.
Today’s colleges, universities, and even some secondary schools & school districts have become cesspools of indoctrination and misinformation! Several genres of education should be removed as formal degrees in both the bachelor degrees and graduate degrees, Masters & PHDs, such as any ethnic studies as they preach discontent & discrimination based on centuries-old practices that have nothing to do with today’s reality or even earning power once they graduate. All political science courses should be just elective courses & not degrees as Our American Constitution & the positions, both elected or appointed, were never meant for a career in politics because our founding fathers saw career politics as a corruption of society through power. Besides that, more than 50% of all college-bound students, especially from the last 3 generations, are not qualified for college studies due to their lack of commitment, their lack of handling failure & the lack of problem-solving intelligence besides basic educational knowledge due to watered down lower education curriculum & social promotion! Trade & technical schools allow such students to excel, gain practical needed skills, that also teach problem-solving, and a true living career with little or no student debt!
College’s starting going full radical LEFT WING ideological indoctrination, to big to fail, camps back in the 1960’s. Basically taking over every area of society, high jacking our country and not looking back. And look at what we have to show for it. The leftist administrators, professors and their endowment funds have made out financially like a bandit. Laughing at us all the way to the bank. Leaving us in an immoral societal cesspool.
It is imperative in today’s society to have the proper training and/or education for what you want to do in life. There is a need for tradesmen. My father was a master carpenter; my middle brother is a plumber, electrician and master carpenter, my youngest brother has a college degree in business and owns his own white water rafting company and ice cream store. Vocational Technical Schools are available for training for students in grades 9-12, coupled with a 2 year post high school degree can land you a nice paying job as a diesel mechanic, pipeliner, electrician, plumber or other service job!
It depends on the career path. If a student aims for a medical degree, dentistry, veterinary, law, you must obtain that BA or BS degree first. Unless and until those advanced degrees are re- structured that is how it is. Parents must assist in identifying an undergraduate institution that will not derail their child. What a terrible shame that the incredible education so many of us were privileged to obtain has been destroyed by the ideology obsessed .
Some of the dummest asses in the world,have college degrees. Kyle L.
It is time to hold universities accountable for the “product” that they are selling. That product is the degree and tool to secure viable self sustaining employment. if the degree is worthless, and the individual cannot be employed, universities should have some skin in the game” financially. If half the tuition was mandated to be placed into escrow, and only released several years later once it is determined that the individual is gainfully employed, otherwise its is refunded to the student, universities would get serious about what reasonably is offered as a useful degree. This is akin, in legal circles, to a clawback, where assets are retuned to the original owner/investor..
The value of education is dependent on the degree path, the college, and the student.
You can’t be engineer, a teacher, a lawyer, or doctor without a degree! You don’t need a degree for many jobs that now “require” one, though.
Also a liberal arts degree, if taught properly, provides critical thinking skills. That’s not the case today for many though.
Back in the late 60’s early 70’s I went to a Jr. College, and got an AA degree, however in High School I attended several trade classes, wood shop, cooking, and auto shop. When I went to work, I worked as a lumber store driver delivering products, took a jog as an apprentice glass glassier, building and installing patio doors, windows, tub and shower enclosures, etc. When construction was shut down due to a moratorium, I moved to Phoenix. When that year’s monsoon season struck, it shut down the construction industry. I went to work in an auto dealership. From there, I worked in a truck repair yard welding 3/8 ” steel plates onto flat bed trailers. I had a lady friend who introduced me to a friend looking for a truck driver, passed the drivers test and got a commercial drivers license. Proceeded to drive x-country and put in over a million miles. When the parent company shut down the trucking division I drove a municipal bus. From there, I joined a manufacturing company passing the journeyman electrical test, then proceeded to spend my spare time in the onsite training center, where I learned and passed the journeyman tests for millwright [welding], HVAC [heating ventilation] Machinist, and pipe-fitting [plumber]. All that on an AA degree!
I never needed to be without a JOB since!
Who in their right mind wants to spend a fortune learning how to tear down this country? The educational system is filled with a well organized group of so called teachers at all level who preach hatred for America. I have several nephews and nieces who have learned a trade, with good benefits and mid to high paying jobs and they have been able to purchase a home, build equity and not worry about racking up tuition payments that take a lifetime to payback, of course if you want to rely Biden to wash away your tuition debts and rip off those of us who paid back their tuition go ahead and continue down this false path. .
We have 10 grandchildren. Thanks to Boy Scouts our 13 year old grandson has grown an interest in welding. He has built a forge and created some beautiful pieces. His welding is amazing given his age. Many are college bound, but honestly I pray this guy works at honing this skill.
Value compared to cost might be a better comparison. After doing what should be due diligence by competent parents and students and selecting a college for a perscribed cost, you can now simply forget about your end of the bargain and walk away with a degree in being offended, for free. No problem, those of us who actually did hold up our end, payed the bill and got actual jobs are now subsidizing those who feel that it’s not fair for them to honor their contract. I, for one, will try very hard in the future to not have anything to do with a graduate who falls into this catagory. They have been trained to take, but not be accountable by those who take, but are not accountable.
P.S. If you couldn’t see that they were predatory loans in the first place, you weren’t college material in the second place. Just an opinion…
I said it 40 years ago that college was a waste for most people. Coming from a family of business owner’s, we saw it first hand that a child that was taught to work at a young age and had a work ethic instilled in them were much better workers than any college educated product. Plus they had more common sense which is totally gone today. Everything can be so easy to do and everyone complicates simple task’s today. All the colleges do today is turn our young kids into evil, leftists, whack jobs. And parents are still pushing their kids to go to college because they think they are going to get an easier, better job than what they had. We need Tradesman out there and ditch diggers.
Employers who want someone to WORK using initiative should be doubtful about hiring recent college graduates from “elite” schools. They want freebies, lack motivation to work and build up their employer rather than themselves, and complain over every little “microaggression.”
Too many colleges/universities indoctrinate rather than teach how to think correctly. However, there should be another choice here: choosing college depends not only on the right school and the right price, but what a person is preparing for. Some fields require academic preparation to be qualified for specific types of work in the real world; however, there are too many “junk” majors that end with valueless degrees. Most colleges and universities should be reduced to perhaps a third to a quarter of their present size, and some courses of study should be “supplemental learning/enrichment” to those who have full-time jobs rather than to full-time students—much like adult education courses commonly provided by many communities today. The government should not be subsidizing enrichment education; if it has value, people who want it will pay for it. Government subsidy and loans of these subjects only encourage parents and students to waste money on worthless “studies.”
Colleges can ruin your kids with indoctrination. Be very careful and choose wisely. Otherwise you kid will come home hating you and this country.
These big $$ donors need to pull out of these liberal colleges and donate to trade schools instead. Haven’t seen any protests going on at trade schools.
Unless I really despised my children, I wouldn’t punish them with modern college indoctrination. I would send them to a good, accredited, reliable trade school LONG before sending them to a dumbed-down, woke, Marxist training center (sometimes referred to as a University).
I think Mist Carter’s response, pretty well covered all of the Salient points I was make. Except for one I do not why the cost of college education has gone up so radically. They do not provide a tangible product. The only thing I I can think of is are actually capitalist in Disguise and are requiring higher pay. Harvard has over a billion dollars sitting in the bank why? I think they should defund all institution of higher education no federal money. All they’re doing is indoctrinating the next group of socialist Marxist.
How tiresome it is to hear congress say “we should look at federal funding for universities who allow protests against Israel”. What are they waiting for? If universities are funding activities calling for death to America, tomorrow their funding should be cut off.
There’s nothing wrong with hard work and a trade. We need manufacturing in America and qualified trade’s people. How many citizens could survive if a crisis hit? Most people can’t look beyond their phones…they believe power for electric cars comes from a plug in the wall! Where are the parents? Why have they allowed their children to succumb to this enemy of indoctrination and the belief that no one without a college degree is smart. Shame on them.
Unfortunately college makes people dumber, and no wisdom. Liberal indoctrination institutions, with few exceptions.
judging by the college students we see on today’s news, I would be asking for a full refund for the “education” inflicted on their noggins. College seems to be a synonym for brainwashing.
Colleges = Training ground for Marxist and Communist ideologies. Kids go in Patriots and come out hating their Country. Time to shut them all down and by doing so, it will shut down the CCP.
Children should not be sent to any government schools. They are teaching them nothing. They are indoctrinating them to hate our country, and embrace Marxism, perverse lifestyles and anti-American religion. Homeschooling if possible. Trade schools and self sufficiency will prepare them for the future, not exposing them to sick indoctrination like killing babies up to and including birth is healthcare!
If one’s main objective is to have a better than average income to support themselves and their growing families, I’ve always said a journeyman plumber or electrician makes far more income than a college grad trying to enter the corporate world with a BS degree for the first 2 – 5 years after leaving school. Besides, those blue collar tradesmen can always take part time classes, if they wish, on the side for much less cost than a fulltime college student has to pay.
Weird choices AMAC. What we’ve learned in the last few years is that colleges are breeding grounds for Progressive Left indoctrination on Socialism and Marxism and that the U.S. is not a noble nation. Obviously, college is not the answer for every student. If I had college aged children, I’d think twice when choosing a college or trade school that best supports traditional American values. Some of our young people have the aptitude to become a doctor or lawyer and would excel in college. While other youths have abilities and skills in the trades and would excel in a specific school that teaches skills to become, for example, an electrician, plumber, builder, brick layer, and etc. In today’s world, those trade jobs can pay as much as someone with a college degree. It all depends on the student’s aptitudes. Unlike Biden’s “equity” where every minority has preferred status for a college education, and everyone should be payed the same, no matter what job they do, “equality” provides very individual the opportunity to succeed in a field where they would excel, based on aptitude and hard work. Thus, the student, with the advice of parents and advisers, should make that decision for themselves.
I am of the most overlooked generation that the UK calls the lucky few and college as well as their determination was wonderful, but the GE apprentice school as well as Agricultural schools were wonderful for families and country. With the breakdown in our society I see Universities similar to the UN, which I have always called a playground for dictators, And the colleges play grounds of out-of-control mayhem.
There is a lot to be desired in higher learning and necessary for many skills. Many of which could be training and hands on, such as a Chelsea clockmaker and much more, including our military after it is spruced up and back to high standards.
Getting back on track with laws that must be kept. Respect for one and other. Minding one’s business, but yet being able to speak up when necessary. Supporting our police and k-9 units. Neighborhood schools where elementary is 1-6, Jr. High 7-8,and high school 9-12 with no schools near each other especially the Jr and Sr high schools make a very big difference.
I realize I sound off track of subject, but one must have some type of foundation and then support of the frame and roof to build that Cape Cod we call home.
Charlie Kirk sums this up in his book “The College S
Degrees in STEM areas still have considerable value. In the humanities, ZIP, NADA, ZERO.
I learned how to build on my work experience when I selected the courses in community college, the attempts at a professional degree were barred to me due to age discrimination and an educational system that is choosing younger students over the more settled and motivated 30 somethings. I did well but not without lots of perspiration and planning. I graduated without borrowing money, without debt, crappy credit score but as I think back, the starving college student is a great life experience, especially when you burn the bridge to mommy and daddy’s support, it freed me to pursue the path that has lead me to be an artist.
Tech and trade careers are great and do not disagree with veering in that direction, but what about professionals? Computer Tech, Lawyers, Doctors…? How do they get the professional education that is needed when undisciplined (and dangerous) children have inundated the halls of learning. And these are children; the age of 18 (or any physical age) does not miraculously make you an adult and I hesitate to use the term ‘adult’ for the unruly children that bedeviled institutions for learning.
I’ve believed for a long time that the only valuable degrees are things like doctors, lawyers, and engineers. Even so, indoctrination and distraction are rampant, and campuses are out of control.