The scoundrels in our government are guilty of violating the Public Trust. But so is the media who did not do their duty by investigating and reporting the truth. Unlike Watergate, when honest Republicans allowed the people to see the facts for themselves, the “NEW” Democrats have put politics before their country. It is incumbent upon each of us to tell our friends, neighbors and relatives the simple Truth- that Individuals in the FBI and the Justice Department unlawfully used the courts to get permission to investigate President -Elect Donald Trump with the purpose of trying to destroy him.
6 years ago
Well of course they did. The administrative state wanted Hillary or any other globalist (Dem or Repub) to win in 2016 to maintain the status quo and the direction the country was on. Reading the released memo merely outlines precisely how far members of various federal agencies were willing to go and are still actively preceding to ensure President Trump is replaced by someone more to the administrative state’s liking. All that has changed since President Trump has assumed office is the administrative state has shifted from trying to prevent his election to now actively trying to get him removed from office via impeachment, if the Dems can re-take one of the two houses of Congress in 2018. In any event, should the Dems re-take either house of Congress in 2018, that would be the end of the Trump agenda as all activity on the Dem’s part shifts to pushing impeachment and refusing to support anything President Trump puts on the table. The SOTU should have clarified for anyone with half a brain, just how entrenched the Democrat “resist” movement really is and how truly split the country really is. So in many ways, the 2018 midterm elections are as equally important as 2016 election was.
Ken Hayes
6 years ago
WELL of course the did. It doesn’t take a genius to put all the pieces together. The DNC rigs the Democratic Primary Election against Bernie Sanders so Hillary can win the nomination. The Obama’s administration then request surveillance on Trump, his family, his transition team, and anyone associated with him using a fake dossier that Hillary’s campaign and the DNC paid for. Donna Brazil gives Hillary the questions to a debate. The mainstream media releases a taped conversation about Trump talking about grabbing women parts. Then after all this Trump still wins the General Election. Obama orders an investigation into Russia meddling in our elections. The Democratic Party comes up with a scandal that Trump Colluded with Russia to win the election with no evidence or proof. This wild claim is backed up by the mainstream media. Obama holdovers start unmasking Trump’s transition team and staff members then release the classified information to the mainstream media. Why? Because the DNC and the Obama administration colluded with the intelligence community to thwart Trump’s campaign efforts to get him elected president. All this Russia collusion is an attempt to cover up the fact that the Obama administration, the intelligence community, the DNC, along with the mainstream media used our nation’s surveillance as a political tool to try to get Hillary elected President. This makes Watergate look like child’s play and if they get away with it our country is done as we know it.
Frank Barker
6 years ago
As Al Jolson said many years ago “you ain’t seen nothing yet”
Many more shameful revelations are yet to come!
6 years ago
As Nunes said, this is just the first stage. There’s a whole lot more to be revealed about the extensive corruption put in place by the Obama administration.
6 years ago
I would like to know why the msm is not being investigated. They have been the biggest perveyers of “FAKE NEWS” for many years. The President has been saying this for long time. They are just as involved in this mess as the crooked politicians.
We need a special counsel to investigate them, after the politicians are cleaned out. Hillary needs to get thrown in jail and all the scum who helped her, including the Hollywood rats.
6 years ago
They should immediately be fired w/o retirement benefits and charges brought against them.
Harry Hurst
6 years ago
Why are they not being arrested, post haste? I had a career in Law Enforcement, if I had done a hint of anything thing as lying- I would still be in prison. Demonstrate justice for the American citizens.
Michael Burke
6 years ago
The Obama administration and the Democratic Party leaders have behaved like a third world country administration and political party machine, while making this great nation of ours look like a banana republic.
From the IRS scandal (Lois Leaner) through the Obamacare debacle, the lack of any response in the Benghazi attack and the disgraceful way in which they all went into political cover up to hide their gross incompetence to the Hillary Clinton email/server scandal, (again gross incompetence).
Obama, Hillary , Pelosi, the whole damn Democratic Party are an embarrassment to any American who believes in our Constitution and Bill of Rights!
Thank God Donald Trump won the Presidency!
Can you imagine how much more damage these people would have done to our institutions, our system of fair and open government if they were allowed to continue? They’ve put a dark stain on our FBI and CIA not to mention our Department of Justice.
President Trump, members of our Congress who still believe in our country, Drain the swamp now!
6 years ago
As embarrassing as this is for our Nation,it needs to be known and these people need to be investigated and removed from our Government.No matter what party,or person,a political machine should not be able to use our legal system to spy on,intimidate,destroy a political Campaign or Candidate.This is what tears at the fabric of our constitution.The total abuse of power from the top down for one candidate to get another elected is beyond anything we have seen since Kennedy getting assassinated.
6 years ago
Let’s be sure to indict only those members of the FBI, Justice Dept. which actually behaved improperly / criminally, and forgive / support those in the FBI, etc. who maintained the integrity of law enforcement and the judicial branch. So, to be sure, the investigation must continue until all questions are answered and no stones are un-turned. Those in law enforcement who uphold the highest standards, with integrity, are to be supported at this time because we need them to prosecute the offenders, and protect us going forward.
6 years ago
Why can’t they go after the Clintons ? They appear to have a trail of questionable affairs going back to early times in Arkansas.That would be justice served.
6 years ago
Don’t know why this is a surprise to anyone. In 2013 the IRS was used to target conservative groups with terms such as “Tea Party” in their names. The then AG Holder, ordered an investigation. Talk about the fox and the chickens. In 2014 FBI director Comey said there was no evidence proving such a claim. So business as usual and since they got away with that one and who knows how many others, and being above the law, get Trump. Also got Old Bernie in the same underhanded way.
Read an article claiming the DNC is flat broke; wonder why?
6 years ago
I want to have an IG investigate and clean all these Radical Lefties out of the FBI + DOJ!
6 years ago
I hope I’m wrong, but I have this feeling that no one will be held accountable for these crimes. It will cost Soros a pretty penny to fix this, but I’m sure, with the help of the lame-stream media, he’ll get them all off with a slap on the wrist.
Tim M
6 years ago
Well either the 12 people thay voted “no” on this poll either hit the wrong button, have just been awaken from an 18 month coma, or they are keeping an eye on the other side.
6 years ago
The question is a no brainer! I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out why the wheels of justice have been moving so slowly, as if they were entrenched in an oil slick. Hilary should have been charged, arrested, tried and incarcerated (at the very least), before the election took place. I now believe the answer was hinted at by Rep. Nunes and others, that the “memo” is only the tip of the iceberg, and that the truth is so fantastically decadent, that the common man will have a hard time believing it, so we’re only going a little bit at a time, in order to be able to digest it. And I think that is probably the right way, as too much at one time might allow the culprits to get away with it, due to disbelief. To understand the top echelon of the Obama hold overs in the DOJ and FBI, and the Democrat party, one only has to read the first chapter of Romans. God has turned them over to reprobate minds, and therefore, they have no concept of truth, good sense, compassion for their fellow man, or even the simple fact that they lost the election.
Dale Burdge
6 years ago
Why investigate ?? – Take action immediately – Make charges, prosecute, have trial and adjudicate with appropriate penalty.
Michael Jones
6 years ago
Quit moving them from dept. To dept. Fire them like in the private sector
6 years ago
Drain the swamp!!
6 years ago
Step Back and see ” the whole chess board”. Fast and Furious contempt of Congress with AG Holder, Tarmac meeting with Clinton and AG Lynch, Lois Lerner targeting GOP, DOJ, investigated James Rosen of FOX, Benghazi, Clinton Email scandal.
OBAMA should be in Jail 1st. YOu could fill a whole prison cell block with the criminals in the Obama Administration.
Dennis and Joyce Dillinger
6 years ago
Barack Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton. Lorreta Lynch, James Comey, Nancy and Bruce Orr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Rob Rosenstein have all committed crimes, abuse of power, and felonies which are punishable by imprisonment. We will not rest until they face consequences and punishment for their bad behavior and crimes. They should not be allowed to merely resign and or certainly not be reassigned. We do not want to pay criminals a retirement annuity! Watergate pales by comparison to what these lowlifes did.
6 years ago
I personally think Hillary instigated this and for that reason she should be sent a bill to repay the taxpayers.
Really Smart
6 years ago
NO they didn’t do anything wrong. By the way if I had known this was such a right wing association I never would have joined. I must say it is interesting to see all the comments from the far right. Seems they just are not able to use any critical thinking when evaluating issues.
george doby
6 years ago
trump campaign wasn’t the only one illegally serveiled. rand paul has said several times he was and i will guarantee all other republican canidites were also. romney was in 2012. john roberts was gotten to before the verdict at SCOTUS on obamacare, boehner and mcconnel have been who knows who else . remember Maxine(crazy as an outhouse rat)Waters blabbing off in 2012 that obama had all sorts of info on everybody. this is just the tiny tip of the iceburg of the demorat corruption. Mueller needs to be fired and charge also.
these people don’t just need to be investigated but charged withcriminal charges and frog marched to jail.
Carolyn Goodin
6 years ago
None of these people are too big to jail. They more than anyone need to be dealt with in the most severe ways. These people broke the public trust, broke innumerable laws and tried to throw a US presidential election. Put them in prison for life. If this were George Washington’s Administration they’d all be hanged for treason.
6 years ago
The FBI and DOJ certainly used their power for political purposes. The Democratic machine, Clinton campeign and probably many in Obama’s administration all had an interest and purpose to take part in the illegal and unethical practices. My questions are: Why are so many of these criminals still in office/positions of power? Why have charges not been made against Clinton, and all involved ( Lois Lerner, Comey, Rosenstein, eats ? Why are Steele and his mistress still working for FBI with access to individual’s profiles– human resources for crying out loud? Why is McCabe allowed to resign and get his full pension? In the real world those of us who either do not do our job, or delibertly do it wrong or do illegal actions we are fired with no benefits. These folks should not be above the law! Orange needs to become all of their new black. Those who chose to skip the State of the Union speech, in my opinion, did not show up for work– they deserve to be reprimanded– docked in pay and “fired–maybe suspened from their titles and spots on different committees. They act as though they are above the law. We are too if we do not demand accountability.
6 years ago
There needs to be consequences to lawbreaking within the government.Otherwise the rule of law becomes meaningless. Chaos ensues.
Dennis Brookens
6 years ago
There should be criminal penalties for deceptive attempts to rig elections and defamation of political elected officials. It should also be a crime to broadcast political attacks as if it were news. All political attacks should be weeded out of News by posting a disclaimer that this is not news but a political attack! Failure to post the disclaimer should have criminal penalties!
6 years ago
Oh, look a poll for people who have NO way of knowing what the truth is. Put your Speculator Ray guns on full power!
Mike C
6 years ago
This type of behavior begins with leadership that subordinates observe as approving of such action. The prior Jarrett (Valerie) administration was complicit with all of this. This includes the IRS inquiry into Tea Party groups, Fast and Furious, keep your doctor and pay less for care, etc. As more of their insiders come out of the wilderness Americans will become more shocked by the immature and vindictive behavior exhibited by all those closely aligned with them. President Trumps call for nationalism is a good thing. It creates a common cause for all to rally around, unless you despise the good fortune you enjoy by living in our great country.
6 years ago
Everything I read in this post is right on target and we get it. This is the Dem playbook, smoke and mirrors. They have been using this for over a half century. They have them in every area of our country from education to Hollywood. They control what major media coverage will be, they have control of the rank and file 100 thousand Government bureaucrats that work for the 2000 elected. They have a deep playbook that cover about everything.They will be in full press for the congressional elections this year. They can move poll and create the perception that they are winning, however as Trump has proved, they do not have the voting public. They are out of touch with common man, they have nothing to offer rank and file democrats, that now have the promise of better jobs, more in take home pay and retirement. Making Americans First and not the illegal immigrants, a winning message. May this be the snowball that will roll over the Dem and end their lifelong terms in congress.
Phil Bronner
6 years ago
The top level(s) of the FBI & DOJ were dirty, having been weaponized by obama, klinton, lynch, etc. They’ve turned the FBI into a combination of the KGB, Geheime Staatspolizei, and any number of federal “police” agencies of banana republics around the world.
Not another, single lawyer should ever be placed in the higher levels of the FBI. These positions should be held by LAW ENFORCEMENT personnel.
There needs to be a complete investigation by people OUTSIDE the system (retired investigators, etc.) in cooperation with the DOJ IG. There needs to be a Grand Jury, and there needs to be vigorous prosecutions of the last “crime spree”, oh, I mean administration, which was touted by the head criminal as going to be “the most transparent administration in history.” It has been the absolutely most CORRUPT and CRIMINAL administration this country’s ever had. We need to work out way all the way back to Fast and Furious, take each criminal corrupt act by the obama’s “choom” gang, and start putting some major players behind bars! To ignore the criminality of the last administration does nothing but make these dirtbags think there is NO negative consequences for criminal behavior. (And I would submit that no one in that administration even passed gas without osama’s say so!)
Amelia Little
6 years ago
What is amazing is that, in spite of a year’s long “investigation” there has been no findings of Trump/Russia collusion. So, of course, the committee tries to find another issue to go on. And, while there have been some Republicans who have talked to someone from Russia (and, by golly, gotta go after them) they seem to ignore the number of Democrats who also talked to Russians, as if it’s totally different. And, recently, there have been numbers of Democrats talking to the so-called news shows and are saying (in relation to Trump and Republicans) no one should be above the law. However, they should actually be saying no REPUBLICAN should be above the law, but that it is a different story when it comes to liberals, and to the FBI and other government entities. Doesn’t matter that they broke any laws, or that any number lied to investigative committees, we should just move on because to go after them is just a conservative (Trump) ploy to distract from Russia, Russia, Russia. It’s just retaliation, you know. The Republicans should not cave in to the Democrat cries of how unfair, unjust, unknowing the Republicans are. The Republicans should stiffen their spine and go forth. And, those Republicans who are RINO’s would hopefully soon be retired congresspeople.
Double Eagle
6 years ago
And still the mainstream media sees it as nothing or an assault on the FBI. Is there any wonder the President calls them scum???
6 years ago
When a new administration takes office, rank and file positions should be permitted to keep their jobs, but ALL appointed positions should be vacated on day one, regardless of whether there is an immediate replacement. No Obama holdover
Would have conservative’s best interest in mind. Ultra liberals and socialist types ascribe to “ the end result justifies the means” philosophy held by Jeff Ayres types.
6 years ago
The left wing body politic and the mass media conspire for a bloodless coup-de’-atat?
James Cummings
6 years ago
It is all so discouraging. These sewer rats and their K Street cronies have advanced corruption to new lows.
6 years ago
It is actually a matter of record that the Dems have been screwing over the American people: just look at the congressional record over the last 50-60 years where the Dems have controlled congress (where all the money is allocated) usually with large majorities about 70% of the time while the Reps controlled congress the other 30% usually with small majorities. Look also at the cities that are in dire straits like Detroit or Chicago run exclusively by Dems.
6 years ago
Why do these corrupted criminals still have a job? They need to be fired now! Drain the swamp and clean out the stink and restaff with those who believe in the rule of law and the constitution.
Steven Stubblefield
6 years ago
Not only should they be investigated so should the politicians they helped, especially Clintons
6 years ago
This abuse could not have gone on so long without the collusion of the mainstream media. They have been willing tools of the progressive, one-world politicians, and they are complicit in trying to unseat an elected president. That’s terrifying. What are Americans going to do about it? Isn’t it time we all get out the upchuck-buckets and watch these outrageous newscasts? We need to write down the names of the sponsors, then let those companies know we won’t touch their products as long as they support dishonest and misleading news reports. It’s easy to find out where to contact those companies–just go to any on-line financial new site (Yahoo Finance is especially easy to navigate), and get contact information and company leader names. That wouldn’t cost a penny, and you can do it from your home.
Everett Long
6 years ago
Several times I have take “The Oath of Office” giving my bond to uphold and fight for the United States Constitution. That is a sacred Oath, never to be violated. Each of these people took the same oath and violated their honor. Each one should be held accountable for violating their Oath of Office and be imprisoned for a length of time and blackballed from any government position for their lifetime. All retirement benefits should be stripped away.
John C Betka
6 years ago
The entire DNC, the Democrat Party all its Fascist members should be dismissed from their positions in Congress, they all should be fired, tried and put in JAIL for life. Hillary Clinton should be tried for TREASON and obstruction of Justice, Schumer, Feinstein, Tester, Perosi and every other Democrat should be put in jail, This is not what America is about or how it should function Democrats are the NEW American Nazi as the asked before why did the Germans not stop the Nazi from their actions, I ask why are Americans NOT stopping these Fascist Democrats today?
George Brodrick
6 years ago
Did you see the dem swamp at the SOTUA??? SORE LOSERS! They are rebelling against making America great! May the earth open up and swallow every one of them! Drain the Dem traders.
Doc Kozlowski
6 years ago
They abused their authority for political purposes and they should be tried and hung for their abject anti-American treason…!
Wherever the cards may fall, let them lay as long as it is honest. The truth is our strength. Follow the law. The webs we weaveXXXXX
Burton Pauly
6 years ago
It seems as though the Fbi, And The Dept. of Justice had a bias working for the Democratic party. And the Democratic party has always been the party that digs for dirt, and sometimes even pays folks to denigrate the Republicans. The jack ass party has lost me as a voter forever…
6 years ago
Hillary’s campaign and the FBI obtained warrants from the FISA Court to spy on the Trump Campaign.
This is a new low level of corruption for our federal government.
About 50 FBI Agents deserve PRISON TIME … !!!!!
6 years ago
Typical of the Democrats. HRC knew she would win, therefore the public would never know about this latest manipulation of people, laws and procedures. However, since she did not win, and things are being uncovered, the DNC and HRC are in damage control mode once again. I want to know why nothing ever sticks to the Teflon Clintons. Why are they allowed to get away with committing crime after crime and never held accountable.
The scoundrels in our government are guilty of violating the Public Trust. But so is the media who did not do their duty by investigating and reporting the truth. Unlike Watergate, when honest Republicans allowed the people to see the facts for themselves, the “NEW” Democrats have put politics before their country. It is incumbent upon each of us to tell our friends, neighbors and relatives the simple Truth- that Individuals in the FBI and the Justice Department unlawfully used the courts to get permission to investigate President -Elect Donald Trump with the purpose of trying to destroy him.
Well of course they did. The administrative state wanted Hillary or any other globalist (Dem or Repub) to win in 2016 to maintain the status quo and the direction the country was on. Reading the released memo merely outlines precisely how far members of various federal agencies were willing to go and are still actively preceding to ensure President Trump is replaced by someone more to the administrative state’s liking. All that has changed since President Trump has assumed office is the administrative state has shifted from trying to prevent his election to now actively trying to get him removed from office via impeachment, if the Dems can re-take one of the two houses of Congress in 2018. In any event, should the Dems re-take either house of Congress in 2018, that would be the end of the Trump agenda as all activity on the Dem’s part shifts to pushing impeachment and refusing to support anything President Trump puts on the table. The SOTU should have clarified for anyone with half a brain, just how entrenched the Democrat “resist” movement really is and how truly split the country really is. So in many ways, the 2018 midterm elections are as equally important as 2016 election was.
WELL of course the did. It doesn’t take a genius to put all the pieces together. The DNC rigs the Democratic Primary Election against Bernie Sanders so Hillary can win the nomination. The Obama’s administration then request surveillance on Trump, his family, his transition team, and anyone associated with him using a fake dossier that Hillary’s campaign and the DNC paid for. Donna Brazil gives Hillary the questions to a debate. The mainstream media releases a taped conversation about Trump talking about grabbing women parts. Then after all this Trump still wins the General Election. Obama orders an investigation into Russia meddling in our elections. The Democratic Party comes up with a scandal that Trump Colluded with Russia to win the election with no evidence or proof. This wild claim is backed up by the mainstream media. Obama holdovers start unmasking Trump’s transition team and staff members then release the classified information to the mainstream media. Why? Because the DNC and the Obama administration colluded with the intelligence community to thwart Trump’s campaign efforts to get him elected president. All this Russia collusion is an attempt to cover up the fact that the Obama administration, the intelligence community, the DNC, along with the mainstream media used our nation’s surveillance as a political tool to try to get Hillary elected President. This makes Watergate look like child’s play and if they get away with it our country is done as we know it.
As Al Jolson said many years ago “you ain’t seen nothing yet”
Many more shameful revelations are yet to come!
As Nunes said, this is just the first stage. There’s a whole lot more to be revealed about the extensive corruption put in place by the Obama administration.
I would like to know why the msm is not being investigated. They have been the biggest perveyers of “FAKE NEWS” for many years. The President has been saying this for long time. They are just as involved in this mess as the crooked politicians.
We need a special counsel to investigate them, after the politicians are cleaned out. Hillary needs to get thrown in jail and all the scum who helped her, including the Hollywood rats.
They should immediately be fired w/o retirement benefits and charges brought against them.
Why are they not being arrested, post haste? I had a career in Law Enforcement, if I had done a hint of anything thing as lying- I would still be in prison. Demonstrate justice for the American citizens.
The Obama administration and the Democratic Party leaders have behaved like a third world country administration and political party machine, while making this great nation of ours look like a banana republic.
From the IRS scandal (Lois Leaner) through the Obamacare debacle, the lack of any response in the Benghazi attack and the disgraceful way in which they all went into political cover up to hide their gross incompetence to the Hillary Clinton email/server scandal, (again gross incompetence).
Obama, Hillary , Pelosi, the whole damn Democratic Party are an embarrassment to any American who believes in our Constitution and Bill of Rights!
Thank God Donald Trump won the Presidency!
Can you imagine how much more damage these people would have done to our institutions, our system of fair and open government if they were allowed to continue? They’ve put a dark stain on our FBI and CIA not to mention our Department of Justice.
President Trump, members of our Congress who still believe in our country, Drain the swamp now!
As embarrassing as this is for our Nation,it needs to be known and these people need to be investigated and removed from our Government.No matter what party,or person,a political machine should not be able to use our legal system to spy on,intimidate,destroy a political Campaign or Candidate.This is what tears at the fabric of our constitution.The total abuse of power from the top down for one candidate to get another elected is beyond anything we have seen since Kennedy getting assassinated.
Let’s be sure to indict only those members of the FBI, Justice Dept. which actually behaved improperly / criminally, and forgive / support those in the FBI, etc. who maintained the integrity of law enforcement and the judicial branch. So, to be sure, the investigation must continue until all questions are answered and no stones are un-turned. Those in law enforcement who uphold the highest standards, with integrity, are to be supported at this time because we need them to prosecute the offenders, and protect us going forward.
Why can’t they go after the Clintons ? They appear to have a trail of questionable affairs going back to early times in Arkansas.That would be justice served.
Don’t know why this is a surprise to anyone. In 2013 the IRS was used to target conservative groups with terms such as “Tea Party” in their names. The then AG Holder, ordered an investigation. Talk about the fox and the chickens. In 2014 FBI director Comey said there was no evidence proving such a claim. So business as usual and since they got away with that one and who knows how many others, and being above the law, get Trump. Also got Old Bernie in the same underhanded way.
Read an article claiming the DNC is flat broke; wonder why?
I want to have an IG investigate and clean all these Radical Lefties out of the FBI + DOJ!
I hope I’m wrong, but I have this feeling that no one will be held accountable for these crimes. It will cost Soros a pretty penny to fix this, but I’m sure, with the help of the lame-stream media, he’ll get them all off with a slap on the wrist.
Well either the 12 people thay voted “no” on this poll either hit the wrong button, have just been awaken from an 18 month coma, or they are keeping an eye on the other side.
The question is a no brainer! I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out why the wheels of justice have been moving so slowly, as if they were entrenched in an oil slick. Hilary should have been charged, arrested, tried and incarcerated (at the very least), before the election took place. I now believe the answer was hinted at by Rep. Nunes and others, that the “memo” is only the tip of the iceberg, and that the truth is so fantastically decadent, that the common man will have a hard time believing it, so we’re only going a little bit at a time, in order to be able to digest it. And I think that is probably the right way, as too much at one time might allow the culprits to get away with it, due to disbelief. To understand the top echelon of the Obama hold overs in the DOJ and FBI, and the Democrat party, one only has to read the first chapter of Romans. God has turned them over to reprobate minds, and therefore, they have no concept of truth, good sense, compassion for their fellow man, or even the simple fact that they lost the election.
Why investigate ?? – Take action immediately – Make charges, prosecute, have trial and adjudicate with appropriate penalty.
Quit moving them from dept. To dept. Fire them like in the private sector
Drain the swamp!!
Step Back and see ” the whole chess board”. Fast and Furious contempt of Congress with AG Holder, Tarmac meeting with Clinton and AG Lynch, Lois Lerner targeting GOP, DOJ, investigated James Rosen of FOX, Benghazi, Clinton Email scandal.
OBAMA should be in Jail 1st. YOu could fill a whole prison cell block with the criminals in the Obama Administration.
Barack Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton. Lorreta Lynch, James Comey, Nancy and Bruce Orr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Rob Rosenstein have all committed crimes, abuse of power, and felonies which are punishable by imprisonment. We will not rest until they face consequences and punishment for their bad behavior and crimes. They should not be allowed to merely resign and or certainly not be reassigned. We do not want to pay criminals a retirement annuity! Watergate pales by comparison to what these lowlifes did.
I personally think Hillary instigated this and for that reason she should be sent a bill to repay the taxpayers.
NO they didn’t do anything wrong. By the way if I had known this was such a right wing association I never would have joined. I must say it is interesting to see all the comments from the far right. Seems they just are not able to use any critical thinking when evaluating issues.
trump campaign wasn’t the only one illegally serveiled. rand paul has said several times he was and i will guarantee all other republican canidites were also. romney was in 2012. john roberts was gotten to before the verdict at SCOTUS on obamacare, boehner and mcconnel have been who knows who else . remember Maxine(crazy as an outhouse rat)Waters blabbing off in 2012 that obama had all sorts of info on everybody. this is just the tiny tip of the iceburg of the demorat corruption. Mueller needs to be fired and charge also.
these people don’t just need to be investigated but charged withcriminal charges and frog marched to jail.
None of these people are too big to jail. They more than anyone need to be dealt with in the most severe ways. These people broke the public trust, broke innumerable laws and tried to throw a US presidential election. Put them in prison for life. If this were George Washington’s Administration they’d all be hanged for treason.
The FBI and DOJ certainly used their power for political purposes. The Democratic machine, Clinton campeign and probably many in Obama’s administration all had an interest and purpose to take part in the illegal and unethical practices. My questions are: Why are so many of these criminals still in office/positions of power? Why have charges not been made against Clinton, and all involved ( Lois Lerner, Comey, Rosenstein, eats ? Why are Steele and his mistress still working for FBI with access to individual’s profiles– human resources for crying out loud? Why is McCabe allowed to resign and get his full pension? In the real world those of us who either do not do our job, or delibertly do it wrong or do illegal actions we are fired with no benefits. These folks should not be above the law! Orange needs to become all of their new black. Those who chose to skip the State of the Union speech, in my opinion, did not show up for work– they deserve to be reprimanded– docked in pay and “fired–maybe suspened from their titles and spots on different committees. They act as though they are above the law. We are too if we do not demand accountability.
There needs to be consequences to lawbreaking within the government.Otherwise the rule of law becomes meaningless. Chaos ensues.
There should be criminal penalties for deceptive attempts to rig elections and defamation of political elected officials. It should also be a crime to broadcast political attacks as if it were news. All political attacks should be weeded out of News by posting a disclaimer that this is not news but a political attack! Failure to post the disclaimer should have criminal penalties!
Oh, look a poll for people who have NO way of knowing what the truth is. Put your Speculator Ray guns on full power!
This type of behavior begins with leadership that subordinates observe as approving of such action. The prior Jarrett (Valerie) administration was complicit with all of this. This includes the IRS inquiry into Tea Party groups, Fast and Furious, keep your doctor and pay less for care, etc. As more of their insiders come out of the wilderness Americans will become more shocked by the immature and vindictive behavior exhibited by all those closely aligned with them. President Trumps call for nationalism is a good thing. It creates a common cause for all to rally around, unless you despise the good fortune you enjoy by living in our great country.
Everything I read in this post is right on target and we get it. This is the Dem playbook, smoke and mirrors. They have been using this for over a half century. They have them in every area of our country from education to Hollywood. They control what major media coverage will be, they have control of the rank and file 100 thousand Government bureaucrats that work for the 2000 elected. They have a deep playbook that cover about everything.They will be in full press for the congressional elections this year. They can move poll and create the perception that they are winning, however as Trump has proved, they do not have the voting public. They are out of touch with common man, they have nothing to offer rank and file democrats, that now have the promise of better jobs, more in take home pay and retirement. Making Americans First and not the illegal immigrants, a winning message. May this be the snowball that will roll over the Dem and end their lifelong terms in congress.
The top level(s) of the FBI & DOJ were dirty, having been weaponized by obama, klinton, lynch, etc. They’ve turned the FBI into a combination of the KGB, Geheime Staatspolizei, and any number of federal “police” agencies of banana republics around the world.
Not another, single lawyer should ever be placed in the higher levels of the FBI. These positions should be held by LAW ENFORCEMENT personnel.
There needs to be a complete investigation by people OUTSIDE the system (retired investigators, etc.) in cooperation with the DOJ IG. There needs to be a Grand Jury, and there needs to be vigorous prosecutions of the last “crime spree”, oh, I mean administration, which was touted by the head criminal as going to be “the most transparent administration in history.” It has been the absolutely most CORRUPT and CRIMINAL administration this country’s ever had. We need to work out way all the way back to Fast and Furious, take each criminal corrupt act by the obama’s “choom” gang, and start putting some major players behind bars! To ignore the criminality of the last administration does nothing but make these dirtbags think there is NO negative consequences for criminal behavior. (And I would submit that no one in that administration even passed gas without osama’s say so!)
What is amazing is that, in spite of a year’s long “investigation” there has been no findings of Trump/Russia collusion. So, of course, the committee tries to find another issue to go on. And, while there have been some Republicans who have talked to someone from Russia (and, by golly, gotta go after them) they seem to ignore the number of Democrats who also talked to Russians, as if it’s totally different. And, recently, there have been numbers of Democrats talking to the so-called news shows and are saying (in relation to Trump and Republicans) no one should be above the law. However, they should actually be saying no REPUBLICAN should be above the law, but that it is a different story when it comes to liberals, and to the FBI and other government entities. Doesn’t matter that they broke any laws, or that any number lied to investigative committees, we should just move on because to go after them is just a conservative (Trump) ploy to distract from Russia, Russia, Russia. It’s just retaliation, you know. The Republicans should not cave in to the Democrat cries of how unfair, unjust, unknowing the Republicans are. The Republicans should stiffen their spine and go forth. And, those Republicans who are RINO’s would hopefully soon be retired congresspeople.
And still the mainstream media sees it as nothing or an assault on the FBI. Is there any wonder the President calls them scum???
When a new administration takes office, rank and file positions should be permitted to keep their jobs, but ALL appointed positions should be vacated on day one, regardless of whether there is an immediate replacement. No Obama holdover
Would have conservative’s best interest in mind. Ultra liberals and socialist types ascribe to “ the end result justifies the means” philosophy held by Jeff Ayres types.
The left wing body politic and the mass media conspire for a bloodless coup-de’-atat?
It is all so discouraging. These sewer rats and their K Street cronies have advanced corruption to new lows.
It is actually a matter of record that the Dems have been screwing over the American people: just look at the congressional record over the last 50-60 years where the Dems have controlled congress (where all the money is allocated) usually with large majorities about 70% of the time while the Reps controlled congress the other 30% usually with small majorities. Look also at the cities that are in dire straits like Detroit or Chicago run exclusively by Dems.
Why do these corrupted criminals still have a job? They need to be fired now! Drain the swamp and clean out the stink and restaff with those who believe in the rule of law and the constitution.
Not only should they be investigated so should the politicians they helped, especially Clintons
This abuse could not have gone on so long without the collusion of the mainstream media. They have been willing tools of the progressive, one-world politicians, and they are complicit in trying to unseat an elected president. That’s terrifying. What are Americans going to do about it? Isn’t it time we all get out the upchuck-buckets and watch these outrageous newscasts? We need to write down the names of the sponsors, then let those companies know we won’t touch their products as long as they support dishonest and misleading news reports. It’s easy to find out where to contact those companies–just go to any on-line financial new site (Yahoo Finance is especially easy to navigate), and get contact information and company leader names. That wouldn’t cost a penny, and you can do it from your home.
Several times I have take “The Oath of Office” giving my bond to uphold and fight for the United States Constitution. That is a sacred Oath, never to be violated. Each of these people took the same oath and violated their honor. Each one should be held accountable for violating their Oath of Office and be imprisoned for a length of time and blackballed from any government position for their lifetime. All retirement benefits should be stripped away.
The entire DNC, the Democrat Party all its Fascist members should be dismissed from their positions in Congress, they all should be fired, tried and put in JAIL for life. Hillary Clinton should be tried for TREASON and obstruction of Justice, Schumer, Feinstein, Tester, Perosi and every other Democrat should be put in jail, This is not what America is about or how it should function Democrats are the NEW American Nazi as the asked before why did the Germans not stop the Nazi from their actions, I ask why are Americans NOT stopping these Fascist Democrats today?
Did you see the dem swamp at the SOTUA??? SORE LOSERS! They are rebelling against making America great! May the earth open up and swallow every one of them! Drain the Dem traders.
They abused their authority for political purposes and they should be tried and hung for their abject anti-American treason…!
Wherever the cards may fall, let them lay as long as it is honest. The truth is our strength. Follow the law. The webs we weaveXXXXX
It seems as though the Fbi, And The Dept. of Justice had a bias working for the Democratic party. And the Democratic party has always been the party that digs for dirt, and sometimes even pays folks to denigrate the Republicans. The jack ass party has lost me as a voter forever…
Hillary’s campaign and the FBI obtained warrants from the FISA Court to spy on the Trump Campaign.
This is a new low level of corruption for our federal government.
About 50 FBI Agents deserve PRISON TIME … !!!!!
Typical of the Democrats. HRC knew she would win, therefore the public would never know about this latest manipulation of people, laws and procedures. However, since she did not win, and things are being uncovered, the DNC and HRC are in damage control mode once again. I want to know why nothing ever sticks to the Teflon Clintons. Why are they allowed to get away with committing crime after crime and never held accountable.