His distain for SCOTUS, his lies every time he opens his mouth, the destruction of the family, and the general moving away from the Christian vision the Founding Father’s had tell me that until this country, top down, repents and changes its direction, we are still in deep trouble.
2 years ago
test comment
2 years ago
I’m 80 years old and have never missed voting in a Presidential Election. I have not voted for a democrat since Jimmy Carter. Younger people do not remember the misery that man caused. The democrat party has been hijacked by communists and thugs. I still love my country and have been privileged to have been born here, but my heart is heavy to see so many Americans turn towards communism. So many Americans are just not keeping up with what the politicians are doing in Washington. Follow the Constitution. It is for you.
2 years ago
November’s election will, to large measure determine if we can be optimistic or, continue to worry for our Nation and family.
2 years ago
Republicans need to volunteer for the up coming mid terms to watch and record any perceived irregularities.
2 years ago
Praying for this Nation.. and that people will seek the Truth.. and not believe the news stations who are told what to say.. find out who is speaking the truth.. have a Happy 4th and Happy Birthday to the Greatest County ????????????????????????❤️❤️❤️God Bless America ❤️
2 years ago
Everytime something goes against the un- American and un- Patriotic libtards it’s fun to watch them have a meltdown.
2 years ago
My hope for America is Christians acting like Christians
2 years ago
Extreme caution. Something must be done about presidents’ implementing executive orders. The word abolish comes to mind. Plus, the BLM and Antifa must be placed on the domestic terrorist list or outlawed and decimated.
2 years ago
At best, I would say conservative optimism. If everyone who knows our country is being attacked from within, will vote these fools out in the mid-terms, and then if the Republican’s don’t sit on their hands like they did in the past, we have a chance to survive.
2 years ago
Nothing to say they cannot flip flop or make some other determination especially involving voting. I hear the next major decision will involve state’s rights for voting which might allow the states to bypass their own constitutions and courts when setting up voting systems. That is very scary. As far as the abortion issue, I don’t think that any of the more than 50 million babies murdered over the last 50 years are too happy. The leftists keep chipping away at gun laws and the idiot RINOs will end up helping them blow up the 2nd amendment. The democrat leftists are still in full bore destruction mode.
2 years ago
This is God’s plan for a Godless society and world. We have turned our backs on God and the world will reap and weep the judgement to come. The rapture is coming soon!
2 years ago
The treasonous democrats are STILL murdering US in many ways AND murdering our votes. Without a FULL take down of the democrats and all their operatives and their republicans we are all still compromised 100%
John Cooney
2 years ago
This country (the left) have abandoned the founding principles. There is a great divide between the left and right. The SCOTUS decision on RvW just amplified it. This is just what gov’t tyrants want….keep us divided and keep them in power. We need only look to the Constitution for the answers this July 4th.
Christopher Schulte
2 years ago
Yes, I’m encouraged. BUT Biden & his ilk have done irreparable damage that this country that we may never recover from, as NO POLITICIAN is EVER held accountable for their TREASONOUS ACTIONS! When Hillary, Schiff, Pelosi, Obama, Biden and others are in prison, only then will this country BE GREAT AGAIN!!
Kenneth D.
2 years ago
I am not optimistic about America’s future in the sense that we are totally compromised by debt, social and cultural decay, political and judicial systems that have become incestuous and corrupt, an education system that is primarily driven by special interest groups and, finally, a citizenry that have become addicted to electronic gadgets and sound bites of media propaganda to the point they no longer are capable of rational analysis.
The good news is these very conditions are clearly prophesized in the Bible as being the signs of the “last days” when evil will increase and control the lives of men and commerce. II Timothy 3: 1-10
cj park
2 years ago
rejoice the demonrats are loosing power every day my father has had enough of the devils ploys
2 years ago
As long as “Resident” Biden is in office OUR country will continue to go downhill. We need a full take down of the DEMONrats before there will be any hope to save the USA. #NotMyPresident #impeachbiden
2 years ago
Based only on those parameters, yes, but, we have a long way to go. Getting g Biden and his comrades out of office, reversing his destructive policies and orders, returning law, order and respect must happen. November will be critical on getting our nation back in track.
2 years ago
Some of the best Constitutional decisions yet. The 150M of us, pro-american citizens we need to take this country back, Clean our schools K-college of all the Marxists professors, teachers and corriculum. NO to the World Economic Forum and the great reset!
Carol Vaclavicek
2 years ago
I won’t be optimistic about our country’s future until the top election thieves are all shot at GITMO, the genocidal globalists are hung after Nuremberg 2.0, and voting machines are all recycled into something useful to the free world. Unfortunately, long before that, many will literally starve to death or “die unexpectedly” in the prime of life, and retirees will live a financially-precarious life, to say the least. There remains a serious question whether our constitutional republic can recover and survive, as it stands.
2 years ago
Recent SCOTUS decisions corrected errors in previous rulings. But the “crazed” reaction, by radical democrats, in all of its forms are Anti-American, dangerous, and may lead to more problems and unrest.
David Cox
2 years ago
I won’t be comfortable until the DOJ, FBI, and IRS are no longer weaponized. And the departments of Energy and Education are stripped from the Federal Government. And finally the treasonous Representatives and Senators are prosecuted and jailed.
2 years ago
This is the most constitutional court I’ve seen in my 81 years as an American!
Joan Smith
2 years ago
My first thought was “Thank God”, maybe we still have a chance” !
I think I will be more hopeful if we win the mid-term elections.
Pray without ceasing !!
2 years ago
Well like I said many times before, we are seeing the results of the 100 year plan to destroy this country. Bidens aid gave it away when he said “the high price of gasoline is necessary to achieve the LIBERAL WORLD ORDER ”
No further examination necessary.
Viki Farrow
2 years ago
I love the decisions are Constitutionally based but knowing the vast majority does not understand that scares me. Violence, anger, total disregard for law and order reign supreme with the uninformed liberals.
Carol T
2 years ago
Our country’s problem won’t be solved by politics, it’s a spiritual problem! People need to pray for changed hearts!
2 years ago
The Supreme Court is irrelevant to this administration. They will simply ignore it’s rulings.
Wm W
2 years ago
Whereas I am pleased that the Supreme Court realized that abortion laws should not be at the Federal level, I was very disappointed that several states have already instituted very strict abortion laws/guidelines. I believe that there should be no laws governing abortion. The decision of an abortion should rely ONLY on the decision between the Doctor and the patient(s) involved. There are simply too many variables involved that must be taken into account on such a decision that no law can be written to cover them all fairly. The right to choose must rest solely with the Doctor and patient.
Wayland Lankford
2 years ago
I don’t know if Biden and his cohorts have done ‘irreparable’ harm to our country, but he has certainly caused some setbacks that will have long-lasting negative effects. I am not sure he has the mental capacity to even change his policies, and that, in itself, is scary.
2 years ago
As far as roe vs wade.. SCOTUS simply passed the buck to the states. They did not follow the constitution which does not allow murder. This has set legal precedent now that the states can create laws that are unconstitutional. So with gun laws, abortion laws or any other future crazy stuff they think up they have a standing to do it.
Mary Anthony
2 years ago
Our country lacks a moral compass. The Supreme Court made some good decisions but our country needs God.
2 years ago
Not at all. I live in one of the most corrupt states in the country,and our Governor and regulators don’t care what the court says and continue to tax us,remove our 2nd amendment rights and drive us deeper into debt. I can’t convince my wife to move for some ungodly reason. I can’t afford a divorce but it certainly is a possibility unless shevwakes up.
Dianne M Mount
2 years ago
This current Supreme Court is out of control!!! It is frightening how they are taking over and taking total control of our future.
John Dickinson
2 years ago
I will hold to Hope Springs Eternal in the human breast however I must endure as this sentiment that is the complete antithesis of what this country was founded to be I would call it Anti American appears to be the order of the day and pray that the light at the end of this tunnel would be the election of responsible, patriotic, country loving and people loving politicians who would restore our representative government to its form of Glory. The United States of America is the greatest country that has ever existed on the face of this planet Bar None I would like to see us get back to that status and I’ll hold out hope that one day it might happen.
2 years ago
The Libitards are like magicians….”Ignore what I am doing with my left hand, look over here…” COVID, Killer Bees, Global Warming, Abortion, etc. ????Watch the Left Hand!!????
K. Martin
2 years ago
I am somewhat optimistic; however, I feel we are living in the end times, so whatever the Lord has in store for us, I pray He will be merciful to those of us doing our best to stand firm, to help us by His grace to do so.
2 years ago
I expect the left will increase their fight and do whatever they can to negate these decisions. Their attacks on American values will probably increase. I expect they will turn out in greater numbers in the mid-term, because they are now the side that will be most upset with the way things are going. Republican voters need to not let our guard down, get out the vote and begin restoring our country.
Mary E Orse
2 years ago
This country is in God”s hands,not mans.We are fighting spiritual battle between Good and evil.Keep PRAYING GOD IS OUR HOPE TO GUIDE THIS COUNTRY .
2 years ago
Until the swamp creatures are voted out of office they’re going to keep pressing their agenda and taking diversionary wins to accomplish longer range goals. Conservatism has to do the same but better.
2 years ago
These decisions may be good, but there is too much division in the country and a lack of moral bearing. The government is not the answer. We need a return to the moral roots our country was founded on or we will continue the downward slide.
James Shirley
2 years ago
Even if the Democrats and some RINO’s get voted out in a Red Wave on November 8th, the Left will continue Full Speed Ahead with their Divide and Conquer Campaign to implement the Great Reset. They will fight to their last minute in power. A World War will further destabilize our Country and create the conditions necessary to install an authoritarian socialist government controlled by the Global Elite. With Media and Academia controlled by the Left, there remains an uphill fight to restore traditional America. The SCOTUS rulings are encouraging but we should not become complacent. Educate yourselves and enlighten others with the truth. Facts matter.
2 years ago
The Court decisions on abortion, the right to protect one’s self, and taking the power away from the ABC agencies. The states however have to enact smart laws for all of their citizens. Giving Biden border power. Well my best answer is November and January can’t get here soon enough.
Betty Matteson
2 years ago
Life has been more and more uncertain. I can’t say I have any faith in any of the politicians running our country. Biden and his crew of idiots, including the Pelosi “me first” crowd are undermining our very foundations. A less American group has never been racketing around in Washington.
2 years ago
Don – Glad for Roe v Wade overturn. When this decision was made in 1973, I was just graduating high school and there was not a lot of communication about the decision. Same thing in 1962 when prayer was removed from public schools. In the last few weeks, we’ve seen
Roe v Wade overturned and abortion laws returned to decisions of states. This will, I predict cause a further polarization between states as some become abortion strongholds and some become abortion boycotts completely While it will cause this division, the old adage of “birds of a feather flock together” may cause some movement of folks between states. Overall, I believe our national sin will remain but will be reduced in number of babies killed. WE will be “cleaner” but still a long way from “clean”. May we continue until we are again “clean”.
First amendment “freedom of speech” which is constitutional having pre-eminence over “separation of church and state” which is no where close to constitution but a ruse that has had reign for far to long. This occurred when the football coach case where he prayed after a game with his team on the field. It has been time for a long time for good folks to “take off the muzzle” and speak what is right and truth, in love, and not just let the hateful pump their poison of dark and wrong things into our young peoples minds. Light when over darkness when the light shines. Let the light shine, take off the muzzle, and resist darkness not with hatefulness but with light and truth.
The 9-0 decision that the Christian flag should be able to be flown publicly like all others was a welcome relief to the oppression of anything Christian over the last many years has been dominating so much.
Perseverance pays off. All of these decisions were a long time in the making and were possible during a time of great darkness when there was a majority of folks in the executive and legislative branches that would not agree with them, but a conservative judicial branch that was thankfully appointed during a earlier and different time. We must not let our guard down.
Pro 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
2 years ago
Without hope we have nothing. These decisions, according to the Constitution, should give us a “shot in the arm” to never give up, never back down, never embolden those who want to destroy our country just because they decree something. We must get the spirit of our forefathers back. We must turn back to God and with His help and our desire to get free from the tyranny, push back hard against them. We can do this. We must do this. I have hope and faith. Happy Birthday, America! I love you!
Richard Russo
2 years ago
The Supreme Court, in these decisions, is not making the laws, but is finally interpreting The Constitution Correctly. We must concentrate on these midterms. This November “we must vote as if The Republic depends upon it, because it does” Biden, Pelosi and Schumer must go. Pay attention to the words that came from the Administration yesterday talking about The Liberal World Order. They are not even trying to hide their intentions any longer!
2 years ago
I have never backed off from a fight and never will but, I answered other because I haven`t much confidence in people. I hear complaining, anger and, disappointment expressed yet very little action. I saw a post from Jon Voight (spelling) I think it was on Townhall and he said we cannot wait we have to act now (not an exact quote). You can take that any way you chose to. He is correct. Gov. Ducey of Arizona has signed a law committing a huge amount of state funding to build a wall at their southern border in defiance of Biden to protect his state. That is a start. he has taken action rather than wait for the “red wave”. We need other State leaders to respond in kind. I am hoping Gov. Abbott will do the same. Yes I do believe in the power of prayer I have seen it but God expects us to clean up the mess we create so it is now on us all to do that. I know that probably sounds like a call to arms and that is truly the last thing I want. Enough blood has been shed I just want our freedom from these marxist monsters back.
2 years ago
We are going to have to work at the local level to take over the country ourselves. We can’t vote our way out of it at the Federal level because they have found a way to rig the elections and cheat the people they want in; like George Soros electing DA’s that won’t uphold our laws, etc.
We have to make sure our Local school boards, county commissioners, election officials, and the sheriff’s are all willing to uphold our Constitutional rights. Then we take that to the State level. The State’s can nullify the Federal government’s overreach; but the governors, Secretary’s of State and Attorney Generals have to be aligned with the local counties.
We’ve allowed this to go on too long. It’s time for active participation.
His distain for SCOTUS, his lies every time he opens his mouth, the destruction of the family, and the general moving away from the Christian vision the Founding Father’s had tell me that until this country, top down, repents and changes its direction, we are still in deep trouble.
test comment
I’m 80 years old and have never missed voting in a Presidential Election. I have not voted for a democrat since Jimmy Carter. Younger people do not remember the misery that man caused. The democrat party has been hijacked by communists and thugs. I still love my country and have been privileged to have been born here, but my heart is heavy to see so many Americans turn towards communism. So many Americans are just not keeping up with what the politicians are doing in Washington. Follow the Constitution. It is for you.
November’s election will, to large measure determine if we can be optimistic or, continue to worry for our Nation and family.
Republicans need to volunteer for the up coming mid terms to watch and record any perceived irregularities.
Praying for this Nation.. and that people will seek the Truth.. and not believe the news stations who are told what to say.. find out who is speaking the truth.. have a Happy 4th and Happy Birthday to the Greatest County ????????????????????????❤️❤️❤️God Bless America ❤️
Everytime something goes against the un- American and un- Patriotic libtards it’s fun to watch them have a meltdown.
My hope for America is Christians acting like Christians
Extreme caution. Something must be done about presidents’ implementing executive orders. The word abolish comes to mind. Plus, the BLM and Antifa must be placed on the domestic terrorist list or outlawed and decimated.
At best, I would say conservative optimism. If everyone who knows our country is being attacked from within, will vote these fools out in the mid-terms, and then if the Republican’s don’t sit on their hands like they did in the past, we have a chance to survive.
Nothing to say they cannot flip flop or make some other determination especially involving voting. I hear the next major decision will involve state’s rights for voting which might allow the states to bypass their own constitutions and courts when setting up voting systems. That is very scary. As far as the abortion issue, I don’t think that any of the more than 50 million babies murdered over the last 50 years are too happy. The leftists keep chipping away at gun laws and the idiot RINOs will end up helping them blow up the 2nd amendment. The democrat leftists are still in full bore destruction mode.
This is God’s plan for a Godless society and world. We have turned our backs on God and the world will reap and weep the judgement to come. The rapture is coming soon!
The treasonous democrats are STILL murdering US in many ways AND murdering our votes. Without a FULL take down of the democrats and all their operatives and their republicans we are all still compromised 100%
This country (the left) have abandoned the founding principles. There is a great divide between the left and right. The SCOTUS decision on RvW just amplified it. This is just what gov’t tyrants want….keep us divided and keep them in power. We need only look to the Constitution for the answers this July 4th.
Yes, I’m encouraged. BUT Biden & his ilk have done irreparable damage that this country that we may never recover from, as NO POLITICIAN is EVER held accountable for their TREASONOUS ACTIONS! When Hillary, Schiff, Pelosi, Obama, Biden and others are in prison, only then will this country BE GREAT AGAIN!!
I am not optimistic about America’s future in the sense that we are totally compromised by debt, social and cultural decay, political and judicial systems that have become incestuous and corrupt, an education system that is primarily driven by special interest groups and, finally, a citizenry that have become addicted to electronic gadgets and sound bites of media propaganda to the point they no longer are capable of rational analysis.
The good news is these very conditions are clearly prophesized in the Bible as being the signs of the “last days” when evil will increase and control the lives of men and commerce. II Timothy 3: 1-10
rejoice the demonrats are loosing power every day my father has had enough of the devils ploys
As long as “Resident” Biden is in office OUR country will continue to go downhill. We need a full take down of the DEMONrats before there will be any hope to save the USA. #NotMyPresident #impeachbiden
Based only on those parameters, yes, but, we have a long way to go. Getting g Biden and his comrades out of office, reversing his destructive policies and orders, returning law, order and respect must happen. November will be critical on getting our nation back in track.
Some of the best Constitutional decisions yet. The 150M of us, pro-american citizens we need to take this country back, Clean our schools K-college of all the Marxists professors, teachers and corriculum. NO to the World Economic Forum and the great reset!
I won’t be optimistic about our country’s future until the top election thieves are all shot at GITMO, the genocidal globalists are hung after Nuremberg 2.0, and voting machines are all recycled into something useful to the free world. Unfortunately, long before that, many will literally starve to death or “die unexpectedly” in the prime of life, and retirees will live a financially-precarious life, to say the least. There remains a serious question whether our constitutional republic can recover and survive, as it stands.
Recent SCOTUS decisions corrected errors in previous rulings. But the “crazed” reaction, by radical democrats, in all of its forms are Anti-American, dangerous, and may lead to more problems and unrest.
I won’t be comfortable until the DOJ, FBI, and IRS are no longer weaponized. And the departments of Energy and Education are stripped from the Federal Government. And finally the treasonous Representatives and Senators are prosecuted and jailed.
This is the most constitutional court I’ve seen in my 81 years as an American!
My first thought was “Thank God”, maybe we still have a chance” !
I think I will be more hopeful if we win the mid-term elections.
Pray without ceasing !!
Well like I said many times before, we are seeing the results of the 100 year plan to destroy this country. Bidens aid gave it away when he said “the high price of gasoline is necessary to achieve the LIBERAL WORLD ORDER ”
No further examination necessary.
I love the decisions are Constitutionally based but knowing the vast majority does not understand that scares me. Violence, anger, total disregard for law and order reign supreme with the uninformed liberals.
Our country’s problem won’t be solved by politics, it’s a spiritual problem! People need to pray for changed hearts!
The Supreme Court is irrelevant to this administration. They will simply ignore it’s rulings.
Whereas I am pleased that the Supreme Court realized that abortion laws should not be at the Federal level, I was very disappointed that several states have already instituted very strict abortion laws/guidelines. I believe that there should be no laws governing abortion. The decision of an abortion should rely ONLY on the decision between the Doctor and the patient(s) involved. There are simply too many variables involved that must be taken into account on such a decision that no law can be written to cover them all fairly. The right to choose must rest solely with the Doctor and patient.
I don’t know if Biden and his cohorts have done ‘irreparable’ harm to our country, but he has certainly caused some setbacks that will have long-lasting negative effects. I am not sure he has the mental capacity to even change his policies, and that, in itself, is scary.
As far as roe vs wade.. SCOTUS simply passed the buck to the states. They did not follow the constitution which does not allow murder. This has set legal precedent now that the states can create laws that are unconstitutional. So with gun laws, abortion laws or any other future crazy stuff they think up they have a standing to do it.
Our country lacks a moral compass. The Supreme Court made some good decisions but our country needs God.
Not at all. I live in one of the most corrupt states in the country,and our Governor and regulators don’t care what the court says and continue to tax us,remove our 2nd amendment rights and drive us deeper into debt. I can’t convince my wife to move for some ungodly reason. I can’t afford a divorce but it certainly is a possibility unless shevwakes up.
This current Supreme Court is out of control!!! It is frightening how they are taking over and taking total control of our future.
I will hold to Hope Springs Eternal in the human breast however I must endure as this sentiment that is the complete antithesis of what this country was founded to be I would call it Anti American appears to be the order of the day and pray that the light at the end of this tunnel would be the election of responsible, patriotic, country loving and people loving politicians who would restore our representative government to its form of Glory. The United States of America is the greatest country that has ever existed on the face of this planet Bar None I would like to see us get back to that status and I’ll hold out hope that one day it might happen.
The Libitards are like magicians….”Ignore what I am doing with my left hand, look over here…” COVID, Killer Bees, Global Warming, Abortion, etc. ????Watch the Left Hand!!????
I am somewhat optimistic; however, I feel we are living in the end times, so whatever the Lord has in store for us, I pray He will be merciful to those of us doing our best to stand firm, to help us by His grace to do so.
I expect the left will increase their fight and do whatever they can to negate these decisions. Their attacks on American values will probably increase. I expect they will turn out in greater numbers in the mid-term, because they are now the side that will be most upset with the way things are going. Republican voters need to not let our guard down, get out the vote and begin restoring our country.
This country is in God”s hands,not mans.We are fighting spiritual battle between Good and evil.Keep PRAYING GOD IS OUR HOPE TO GUIDE THIS COUNTRY .
Until the swamp creatures are voted out of office they’re going to keep pressing their agenda and taking diversionary wins to accomplish longer range goals. Conservatism has to do the same but better.
These decisions may be good, but there is too much division in the country and a lack of moral bearing. The government is not the answer. We need a return to the moral roots our country was founded on or we will continue the downward slide.
Even if the Democrats and some RINO’s get voted out in a Red Wave on November 8th, the Left will continue Full Speed Ahead with their Divide and Conquer Campaign to implement the Great Reset. They will fight to their last minute in power. A World War will further destabilize our Country and create the conditions necessary to install an authoritarian socialist government controlled by the Global Elite. With Media and Academia controlled by the Left, there remains an uphill fight to restore traditional America. The SCOTUS rulings are encouraging but we should not become complacent. Educate yourselves and enlighten others with the truth. Facts matter.
The Court decisions on abortion, the right to protect one’s self, and taking the power away from the ABC agencies. The states however have to enact smart laws for all of their citizens. Giving Biden border power. Well my best answer is November and January can’t get here soon enough.
Life has been more and more uncertain. I can’t say I have any faith in any of the politicians running our country. Biden and his crew of idiots, including the Pelosi “me first” crowd are undermining our very foundations. A less American group has never been racketing around in Washington.
Don – Glad for Roe v Wade overturn. When this decision was made in 1973, I was just graduating high school and there was not a lot of communication about the decision. Same thing in 1962 when prayer was removed from public schools. In the last few weeks, we’ve seen
Perseverance pays off. All of these decisions were a long time in the making and were possible during a time of great darkness when there was a majority of folks in the executive and legislative branches that would not agree with them, but a conservative judicial branch that was thankfully appointed during a earlier and different time. We must not let our guard down.
Pro 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
Without hope we have nothing. These decisions, according to the Constitution, should give us a “shot in the arm” to never give up, never back down, never embolden those who want to destroy our country just because they decree something. We must get the spirit of our forefathers back. We must turn back to God and with His help and our desire to get free from the tyranny, push back hard against them. We can do this. We must do this. I have hope and faith. Happy Birthday, America! I love you!
The Supreme Court, in these decisions, is not making the laws, but is finally interpreting The Constitution Correctly. We must concentrate on these midterms. This November “we must vote as if The Republic depends upon it, because it does” Biden, Pelosi and Schumer must go. Pay attention to the words that came from the Administration yesterday talking about The Liberal World Order. They are not even trying to hide their intentions any longer!
I have never backed off from a fight and never will but, I answered other because I haven`t much confidence in people. I hear complaining, anger and, disappointment expressed yet very little action. I saw a post from Jon Voight (spelling) I think it was on Townhall and he said we cannot wait we have to act now (not an exact quote). You can take that any way you chose to. He is correct. Gov. Ducey of Arizona has signed a law committing a huge amount of state funding to build a wall at their southern border in defiance of Biden to protect his state. That is a start. he has taken action rather than wait for the “red wave”. We need other State leaders to respond in kind. I am hoping Gov. Abbott will do the same. Yes I do believe in the power of prayer I have seen it but God expects us to clean up the mess we create so it is now on us all to do that. I know that probably sounds like a call to arms and that is truly the last thing I want. Enough blood has been shed I just want our freedom from these marxist monsters back.
We are going to have to work at the local level to take over the country ourselves. We can’t vote our way out of it at the Federal level because they have found a way to rig the elections and cheat the people they want in; like George Soros electing DA’s that won’t uphold our laws, etc.
We have to make sure our Local school boards, county commissioners, election officials, and the sheriff’s are all willing to uphold our Constitutional rights. Then we take that to the State level. The State’s can nullify the Federal government’s overreach; but the governors, Secretary’s of State and Attorney Generals have to be aligned with the local counties.
We’ve allowed this to go on too long. It’s time for active participation.