
tax biden chamber commerce

One of Joe Biden’s early Executive Orders undoes a Trump Administration order that got rid of 4.3 regulations for every new one created. The Trump order reportedly saved households an average of $3,100 a year. nnHow do you think Biden’s action will affect the economy?

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4 years ago

Whatever Biden does will hurt the economy, because the philosophy behind his administration is socialism, socialism, and more socialism. Socialism always destroys the economic freedom that produces prosperity.

Don D
Don D
4 years ago

Dictator Biden with the rest of the Dems are continuing O’Bama’s Dictatorial rules to turn our country into Cuba, Venezuela, Russia etc. Just look at what he has done in the first 23 days. 51 Edicts putting people out of work. Going to the rescue of all his Socialist cronies. Playing to the Programmers of our children in the teachers union etc. If the people of the United states don’t wake up there will not be a country left to wake up to.
Your comments are always welcome.

Gail Beese
Gail Beese
4 years ago

Biden is an evil puppet, controlled by his handlers. They are trying to destroy this country, take away any freedoms, grab power and money.

Bruce David
Bruce David
4 years ago

For decades I’ve written/railed against the destruction of free enterprise from red tape & regs created by unelected bureaucrats. In 1970 alone the US had more than 100 million regs on the books; compliance is a costly nightmare. Obama was the worst & reason #1 why the USA dropped to 4th place in the world for free enterprise.

Robert McDowell
Robert McDowell
4 years ago

Dementia Joe is just a puppet, a pawn that is being used to promote the puppeteers agenda. They want a one world government with a strong socialistic leaning i.e. communism. None of his dictator orders benefit Americans. His words and those of his democrapic conspirators do not ring true and only use the constitution when is suits their purpose.

Deborah Gaddis
Deborah Gaddis
4 years ago

In order to keep my sanity, I have stopped 95% of my time watching or listening to the “news”. In my opinion, the Biden years will significantly destroy most of what makes our America the only hope for the world. As a Seasoned Citizen, I despair for the future of my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Tom M
Tom M
4 years ago

Where does this extreme usage of executive orders, which are really fake laws, end? Does anyone know what all these orders are supposed to accomplish and how we are all effected? What about the fools in Congress who no longer have any funtion as far as being law makers? Why are we paying Congress when we have Joey and the courts to make all the laws? Such waste.

Cheryl Quick
Cheryl Quick
4 years ago

Where are the lawsuits to stop these executive orders?
working families and retirees on fixed incomes cannot afford these actions!

James. Eastover SC
James. Eastover SC
4 years ago

Biden Eats Boogers !!!

4 years ago

If Trumps name was on anything, he will delete, destroy or ban it. Just pray that wherever possible, the courts (if there is one that’s not corrupt) are used to the benefit of the people.

Bill Watkins
Bill Watkins
4 years ago

This Executive decision will effect our economy very negatively! More regulation causes more beaurocracy and will stifle economic growth.

Frank Panei
Frank Panei
4 years ago

Biden is not a President he’s a puppet he will do what the socialist mob tells him what to do, even if it means destroying this great nation, it’s time to wake up all you patriots before it’s to late.

4 years ago

Fight the cheats, liars and thieves. They work behind a barb wire enclosure to ensure the honest people cannot get at them. What swine.

4 years ago

The executive orders are nothing more than trying to undo what President Trump had accomplished. Why else would you eliminate something without having a viable alternative to take its place?

4 years ago

I still don’t think it’s going to matter in the long run. None of the elitist socialists have bothered to look at their plans from God’s point of view. I personally think they have created the very trap that they will be caught inside of and when that happens every one of the people responsible for all the corruption in our government will be locked up and out of DC for ever! Wait for it…it’s coming!

4 years ago

So much damage in only a few weeks time. I find it hard to believe that so many Dems seem to be on board with all of these orders. I also find that Biden’s 1st order was a message from all of those that are propping this man up; Let’s destroy the hopes and dreams of young girls and women in our society because we say so and can.
All I can do is bombard my do nothing NJ sheepish Senators with phone calls and pray that the Republicans do the right thing and vote for acquittal of President Trump so a message goes out that our Constitution isn’t just a piece of parchment.

4 years ago

They are all economic morons, drunk on elitism and power. Can you imagine if any Conservative talked about reprogramming the left and taking their kids away to put in re education centers???? They think nothing of it. We have got to have folks like Margie Green and the new blood who will fight back; give as good as the left wants to give. I am not interested in what the poor woman said years ago. How about what the stupid Demon Craps are saying right now. Talk about really calling for violence?

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
4 years ago

Trump utilized Executive Orders to benefit the American people. Biden has yet to issue an order for our benefit He is single handedly destroying our country.

Walt O
Walt O
4 years ago

Obiden may eliminate President Trump’s executive orders but Trump’s legacy will never be forgotten. MAGA.

edward v baker
edward v baker
4 years ago

they hate trump so much they would hang him if they could get away with it.they only care about their own power and dont care at all about the american people!!!

Mary Bickford
Mary Bickford
4 years ago

His executive orders have already destroyed the middles working class. Cares nothing about the people of America.

Michael D
Michael D
4 years ago

Biden’s policies and those of Pelosi are designed to increase the power of the democrats and their control of the American populace. It amazes me the level of idiocy in the electorate.

4 years ago

We are already beginning to feel the liberal policies…No legislation, Rule by EO, Higher gas/oil prices, More regulation, Higher food prices, Higher real estate prices….Its only been a month… Hyperinflation has started.

Dickey from MN
Dickey from MN
4 years ago

what an unholy group of socialists/communists now in charge. Maybe this is punishment from God for how the U.S. has been neglecting Him. He has blessed this country so much but I am afraid that we now are in for some terrible times because of the way religious freedom has been restricted and the way Christians are being treated. Read scripture regarding the perilous times that will occur prior to the rapture and tribulation.

Patrick Henderson
Patrick Henderson
4 years ago

The current presidents association with the black pope has prepared him to nit together some strategic loose ends to bring about an acceleration of preparedness to complete the 500 + year old plan for the completion of the final Global Empire.
Reference: Daniel Chapter 2 verses 36 – 45 for a list of the 4 Empires of which we are at the end of the closing chapter for the construction of the final Empire (#4).
Come LORD Jesus, come.

Michael G
Michael G
4 years ago

We are currently living under a dictatorship under construction. Please prove me wrong. Every conservative who sat on their temper tantrum hands and either refused to vote Trump or voted Democrat should be ashamed of themselves and consider themselves part of the problem. Personally I’m angry as hell at those people and their self centered approach to voting. America will never recover from this Biden dictatorship. America is being dismantled right before our eyes.

4 years ago

all of his policies are designed to undermine america and support his boss.

4 years ago

As an example, I just saw a video with a mother crying out for people to stand up and do something. Last month, her son’s insilun cost $60/month. Now, under Biden, the cost is $500/month without pharma coupon, and $360 with the coupon. Don’t think the stroke of a pen won’t affect the economy -think again. Call your representatives! Stand up and be heard. This is our Country ????????! They work for us.

Doug Aaron
Doug Aaron
4 years ago

Joe who?

hgaut1 .
hgaut1 .
4 years ago

I feel like all of Washington is living in their own Palace of Versailles or the Russian Czar’s palace and have list touch with the people. They don’t care and as long as we keep voting them in this will continue.

Disruptive Element
Disruptive Element
4 years ago

Progressive, socialist, all the words are dressed up communism. They have shown that they do not care what we think and that we see what they are doing and how they have not been charged with anything along with visual campaigns to destroy anyone who dares speak against. If they would have cared about election fraud they would have ordered an investigation instead saying there is not evidence. Of course no evidence -they wouldn’t hear any.
They do not care about the American people only the mecca they have going. No sitting here whining about it, I see that we need a daily email and phone call action to our legislators to voice our opinions including our state govenors to tell them they to bring lawsuits against executive orders that impact us.
That is the only campaign that will work along with turning them off – the twitters the facebooks etc. until they realize without us they are nothing. In the meantime buy My Pillow products because he is very brave to try to withstand what they are doing to him just for asking them to investigate.

Shannon Travers
Shannon Travers
4 years ago

Democrats have total control and will, single handed lay, destroy this great nation. The destruction begins.

Elaine Harris
Elaine Harris
4 years ago

Joe Biden was effectively placed as President to undo everything President Trump has accomplished for America. Joe Biden is a puppet for the Obama shadow government and to destroy the American way and dream! Joe has hired the same cabinet members that Obama had even though they all have ties to China!

Richard R Miller
Richard R Miller
4 years ago
  • I thought we had a senate and congress to pass legislation. Considering the fact the democrats control the house, the senate and the white house this doesn’t smell right. Probably because Biden is following directions from all the wrong people. This is all going to blow up in their faces in the not too distant future. Americans are fed up.
Bruce Weitz
Bruce Weitz
4 years ago

Demorats plan to wipe out America’s economy and sell it to China

John Di Donato
John Di Donato
4 years ago

How do you get 20 executive orders written up ready for signature on the first day he don’t even know what he’s signing he’s nothing but a puppet

4 years ago

I find it amazing that people who voted for Biden could not see that his socialist- marxist agenda would destroy the economy as well as the country as a whole. We’re in for a for very rough ride and high energy, food and all other costs are just the beginning. Our innate freedom granted by our constitution is at risk.

4 years ago

I believe GOD is ultimately in control
” Don’t look to the donkey or the elephant…follow the LAMB” HE has never failed me yet 50+years

4 years ago

Constitutional conservatives need to GET INVOLVED, CALL, EMAIL OR SHOW UP AT TOWN HALL MEETINGS AND HOLD OUR REPRESENTATIVES ACCOUNTABLE! Get on board the surging Populist movement. Worst thing we can do is be complacent! DO SOMETHING!

Jinger Jenkins
Jinger Jenkins
4 years ago

Best not to get me started.. Personally.. he may be the president they cheated like crazy to get him in there! He does not care one iota about the American people or the USA.. he is in there to destroy us.. he don’t care because he has been promised he will be taken care of! Him and his family!

4 years ago

Is this a serious question? Democrats as they are currently, will always ruin the economy. Clinton was the last one who had enough sense to work with the Republicans for the betterment of the Country.

4 years ago

The insipid hatred of President Trump and their hate filled drive to destroy everything Trump is not an Agenda for the Country! Biden’s senility is being exploited and taken advantage of by his radical hangers on….they will betray him too soon enough. After all it’s in these cads nature to back stab, steal, double cross, lie and conspire to only destroy never to build!!! The country is in big trouble. I’m praying and hoping our Constitution and clear thinking folks in Congress can withstand and persevere! We will do away with all the nonsense EO’s but it’s going to be slog.

Virginia Horn
Virginia Horn
4 years ago

Everything he is s doing is hurting the American people but they see what they want to see the unfortunately.

Dan L
Dan L
4 years ago

This is how they always do it, circumvent congress (which congress is completely okay with because then they can point the finger at someone else), which allows unaccountable bureaucrats to dominate our lives with rules and regulations which allow them to control us and steal our rights.

4 years ago

Biden and his cabinet are POS he is not my president any thing he says is like I hope he burns in the hottest part of hell with all the democrats.

4 years ago

how can 20 people be un sure for an answer?

4 years ago

President Biden has already caused devastation by eliminating thousands of jobs on his first day and is allowing the border to accept illegals. He is releasing criminals to prey on the public. He is unraveling our democracy and he hasn’t even been in office for a month. I shudder to think what the next four years will become. I guess we’ll have to learn to speak Chinese.

4 years ago

The president’s focus seems to be more about rescinding the constructive and meaningful legislation and executive leadership President Trump provided our country. For one there’s a suspension on Trump’s ban on equipment for our bulk-power systems (BPS) not deriving from countries posing a risk to our national security. Banning that will allow China to sell equipment to U.S. electric grids. He has cancelled as soon as becoming our president the Keystone pipeline that brought oil from Canada to the U.S. Consequently, oil could now be sold to China. According to reliable reports, the Keystone Pipeline was not compromising the environment. This move without a plan in place to help fired, highly trained workers to train for the supposed new energy jobs creates thousands of unemployed needlessly.
What many people are not aware of, I believe, is the tenacity with which Biden has supported China in his career helping them achieve status in the United Nations years ago, preceding their economic prominence helped tremendously by Biden who, as VP, had America’s need for manufactured goods be provided by China. In 2015, (Dept. of State archives), Biden pronounced that China was joining the United States in economic prominence. It is in his record that as a senator, warned Taiwan that the US would not defend the free Chinese entity if invaded by Communist China though there was in place committing the US to do so. Thus, I conclude personally, that Pres. Biden has little loyalty to America’s interests, economically. In my opinion, his actions both before the election and since has done more to divide this country, assuage China through both above executive orders that
compromise the interests of the United States. If he’s managed these actions without resistance through his first weeks as President Biden, I fear for our country’s sovereignty and strength going forward.

4 years ago

Stock market will rise then crash. Economy will be flush with government money then will be destroyed. No job, free everything for those who don’t work. Typical Democrap evil mismanagement. Fear for our Country and grandkids.

4 years ago

America is over, there will be no American Dream, we will be just another country that people will want to flee from.

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