North Carolina got wacked and Biden/Harris are slow walking aid. I just spent 3 weeks in Eastern TN, drove through parts of western North Carolina and it is a mess. 14 major bridges damaged, 5 totally destroyed and relief efforts by Biden/Harris is a joke. Trump offered aide immediately, while this administration just stood by. When my wife and myself left knoxville TN the day before Milton destroyed Florida everyone was talking about the lack of coverage by news media on North Carolina and low and behold the day Milton hits Florida there major coverage by media, as Gop thinks they can win Florida. Trump again jumps in and offers Florida aide while Biden/Harris show their colors with bull s___ responses. I am now back in California and this state is as screwed up as it was when I left 3xweeks ago. Anyone who doesn’t vote for Trump in this election deserves what Harris/Obama nring to the table. Get your ballot completed, vote Trump and end this nonsense.
Rev. William E. Weisert II, DD mA/HN
3 months ago
While there may be some element of the deliberate slow-walking of aid to Republican Counties in North Carolina, this mis-administration is completely and utterly incompetent/ Biden is a bitter old man and Harris is an incompetent boob, and yes I am saying so, & she doesn’t deserve a vote for dog-catcher, or even the dog.
Vote to save America, VOTE FOR TRUMP!
Mist Carter
3 months ago
Here we go again. Another big government department under the leadership (or dictatorship) of “Malicious Mayorkas” is under fire for failing to do its job!
FEMA (Factitious Embezzling Mismanaged Agency) is simply a Trojan Horse under the direction of the Department of Homeland Security. But “homeland” has a different meaning to FEMA. For them, “homeland” is for the millions of illegal invaders who are living off of the mis-appropriated millions of dollars that is SUPPOSED to be used for emergency disaster relieve for American CITIZENS!
What’s the point of a federal disaster agency if the chief priorities of this corrupt agency are not to save Americans from disaster? Check out the FEMA website and you will see their top three goals:
Goal 1: “Instill equity as a foundation of emergency management”
Goal 2: “Lead whole community in climate resilience”
Goal 3: Promote and sustain a ready FEMA and prepared nation”
Seriously, check out their website…unbelievable. The Fascist Left will stop at nothing to remain in power, so are you surprised they would slow walk coming to the aid of American citizens who are likely to vote for Trump?
But when they did FINALLY show up to western North Carolina and other affected areas, they went door-to-door asking residents if they applied for the whopping $750 relief funding through the agency’s “Serious Needs Assistance Program.”
I can just picture that façade. Here’s a newsflash FEMA! Nobody was home because their homes were destroyed. And if some people were able to be in their homes, they had no power, phone, and internet connection to the outside world, so how were they to register/apply for that overly generous aid?
So once again our federal government, which has lied repeatedly about Covid, border security, election integrity, etc. wants us to believe that they DIDN’T allocate millions of dollars to the “Shelter and Services Program” to the millions of illegals living every day off the dole of this corrupt administration.
They will do anything possible to procure future democrat voters and ignore American citizens. Just imagine how far $750 will go to a citizen who just lost everything! God help us.
Glennis Hogan
3 months ago
Please get out and vote. Been hearing and reading that 40,000 Christians don’t vote and at least 15,000 not even registered. What on earth is wrong with people? Before my x now husband used to complain about the government and I said if you don’t vote you don’t get to complain. The ship is leaking so please be the plug that stops it. Vote and hopefully vote for Trump. Don’t like him that’s ok but like his policies then vote. Save America from the Marxist communists. If the left gets in again we are toast.
Arnie L
3 months ago
Sounds like deliberate “incompetence,” to me. Anyone remember that railroad derailment and the resulting fire and severe contamination in Ohio a few years back? There was mostly cricket noises from Ice Cream Joe and his bubble-headed babble-mouth VP. Not many blue voters in that area. That non-response was on purpose.
3 months ago
it’s actually a combination of both. this administration is both incompetent and evil.
John Mott
3 months ago
I live in WNC. They were not screaming evacuate like they do in FL. Because NWS, FEMA, Gov. Cooper, and Duke Energy all underestimated this storm, little or no resources were “pre-positioned (contrast to DeSantis and FL.). We did not see line workers until Monday after storm. FEMA later than that and National Guard after that, even though they were “on alert” at Ft. Bragg. By contrast Samaritan’s Purse, Baptists on Mission and local churches and volunteers were on it the moment the storm stopped, and continue now two weeks after, and are still more visible than govt. agencies. Incompetence by govt. at the minimum! Thanks for your prayers and please keep praying. There is a long road ahead for those flooded out.
3 months ago
Well if those people was illegals, help would have show up the next day! Why do democrats put illegals over American citizens?
3 months ago
Absolutely, positively, without a doubt. But not just red states. Americans are not priority. Illegal Aliens are. I pray that those who have been “blinded” will see more clearly that the communist regime is pure poison.
Jacquie Hackett
3 months ago
It’s a combination of DEI (DIE) hires, which breeds incompetence, and outright malicious intent.
Lance Ipock
3 months ago
There are SEVERAL reports, some with videos, of FEMA interfering with legitimate local aid. That’s criminal behavior, something biden harris has become famous for.
3 months ago
Since they have proven many times that this administration is totally incompetent, this is just another example. I don’t think they are stupid enough to deliberately slow down the aid. Although, Mayorkas has lied about everything, even when questioned by congress, he may have had his own idea how to handle this and save money for the illegals. Please, vote in Nov and let’s end our misery.
Mike (don’t call me Brandon)
3 months ago
I think that the Biden regime is incompetent but not scheming enough to do this on his own. This is the work of his left wing deep state puppeteers who have been running the show since day one, AKA Obama’s third term.
Laurie Wojdyla
3 months ago
There is also lithium mines in that area that the government wants…..
3 months ago
It’s obvious the liberals want to punish the red counties for voting trump. They want them replaced with Kamala’s illegal aliens.
3 months ago
Initially I thought the Biden Admin was incompetent, but I have come to believe that Obama and his key officials are behind most everything. Not to discount that Biden is a mean, vindictive, corrupt a$$hole, but the true Malice comes from Obama and his former staff: Valarie Jarrett (Iranian, remember?), Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Mary McCord, Andrew Weissman, Ben Rhodes, et. al.
These people are evil and intent on the destruction of the United States. They hate us. It isn’t just President Trump supporters, they want to destroy our freedom, liberty, self-sufficiency, our “whiteness”. Obama started it with Eric Holder running guns to cartels so they could use that as justification to remove our gun rights.
The list of atrocities is entirely too long to list at this point, so I will leave it at this: This administration is run by evil, demonic, destructive, enemies of the United States of America.
Buckle up citizens, because the next 4 months will bring revelations difficult to believe.
3 months ago
If this country stays on its current course, the fictional FEMA camps will get built to house the “con-conformists” i.e. the resistance. It will be declared a “Federal Emergency that needs a Managing Agency.” Australia put folks in “quarantine” camps that refused the covid vaccine, i.e. internment camps. You’ve got to love the euphemism! There’s been a lot of tyranny in countries whose flags contain the colors red, white and blue. Can’t happen here? Well, probably not, and certainly I hope not. But, we did place Americans of Japanese ancestry in “internment camps” during WWWII, under the Lefts hero FDR; and, the Supreme Court OK’d it. My point: I do not trust FEMA or most other government agencies to do what is right; they have no one to blame but themselves. The US government is an elephant trying to walk on four left feet.
Joe McHugh
3 months ago
Easy answer, just apply the obama judgement, “Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to do the wrong thing.”
But seriously now, the slow walking of aid to the states that lean toward Donald Trump is to be expected. The Democrats can be counted on to use any means to punish their political opposition, and then blame the results on the Republicans.
Sadly, such behavior is the norm for the Democrats. The Republicans are not saints but they don’t seem to be as despicable as the Democrat operatives.
Just a thought about the Biden Administration, no matter what chicanery it foists on the American people, President Donald Trump will correct it starting on January 20, 2025.
Al Smith
3 months ago
The Biden-Harris response to NC is another reason among many to elect President Trump. It’s beyond the comprehension of anyone with an IQ over room temperature that Harris is even a contender for the presidency. But, let’s not underestimate the democrat cheating machine that put Joe in the Oval Office. It’s powerful, organized, and oiled with money from Soros, Zuckybucks, and others of similar ilk who hate our Republic.
3 months ago
The tell was when they tried to chase off civilian relief efforts and started yammering about “misinformation” again, as if the American public were morons.
Steve L
3 months ago
It’s to the current regime’s benefit if these areas are not immediately assisted. This would disrupt voter access to the polls, making it easier for them to steal yet another election.
3 months ago
My niece and family live in Waynesville, NC, about 30 minutes southwest of Asheville. The FEMA response there had been nonexistent until recently. The devastation of their town was unbelievable and left them without water/power for a week. Most homes were flooded out or washed away. They were lucky because they live on a hill in an old stone farmhouse, so they were not washed out. It was the Police and Fire Department with the help of Private organizations (who came by boat and truck/foot) that were the ones who brought water, food, and supplies to aid the township. The response by FEMA is nothing short of disastrous incompetence (or willful inaction). Politicizing a hurricane event by doing little to nothing to aid citizens of the U.S. (while ensuring aid gets to foreign countries or illegal aliens) is the epitome of a government gone bad. We must take back our country by voting Trump on 11/5.
3 months ago
Despicable Biden, Obama, Kamala administration in the works to make one party rule “Forever “. We are literally so close to being part of the global Great Reset it should be pretty evident by these last four years. Please , Vote Trump/Vance 2024 ! MAGA!!!
3 months ago
Direct response of being disorganized, inept, clueless, befuddled, the list could go on forever. They simply do not have the skill set to be running the business called America. What is beyond scary is the number of Americans who cant see this and don’t realize it is why they can’t afford to go to the grocery store, gas station and pay their weekly bills. Not sure who are the bigger feckless dolts, the administration or their followers and voters. They remind me of a brainwashed cult.
3 months ago
Lithium mines are there and the government wants it. So they are deliberately slow getting help to them hoping people will either leave or die
3 months ago
There’s mining in them thar’ hills! Lithium and other minerals. The people didn’t want to sell their homes. Now there is no home to sell.
3 months ago
This whole fiasco is another example of government agencies that do not do what they were setup to do. FEMA was never to provide for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!
Stan d. Upnow
3 months ago
Actually, it’s a combination of the first choice & the third choice. FEMA is under the auspices of DHS, and we all know how that little worm, Mayorkas, is running that dept. on a totally Progressive-Socialist agenda. Plus, he’s another incompetent DEI hire, who should be pushing a broom in a warehouse somewhere instead of in-charge of our domestic security.
Ben Ray
3 months ago
So which is worse… the Biden Administration is spiteful and Democrats are again interfering in the Elections or they are just so incompetent? Does not look like anybody is disputing they failed the American people… Again.
Does not matter if it is Afghanistan, fires on island of Maui, East Palestine train derailment… they fail. They do a great job supporting the aliens here Illegally.
Connie Fitzgerald-Edwards
3 months ago
I truly believe this administration puts the illegal immigrants first. It is unforgivable that our American citizens are not getting everything they need to to survive. I am so tired of the “right in your face lies” that this administration spews. I pray everyday that Trump wins. It is too scary to think what could happen under Harris/Walz. I don’t think this country will survive another 4 years under democrat rule. Trump NEEDS to win. She needs to go down along with the Bidens, Obamas, Clintons and Blackrock needs to be dismantled!!! We want our country back!!!!!
Stirl Back
3 months ago
Democrats are more concerned about illegal aliens and Ukraine funding than Americans in need. Disgraceful.
Rachashael Walkup
3 months ago
When you want to help someone in need, there is no doubt that you want to help them because you jump in there and start giving relief in all ways. You are down there looking over the disaster and planning for aide. Calling the necessary forces to help. I don’t see that at all. It’s plain. God help us all.
William Holmberg
3 months ago
This is a not-so-sly take-over of lands that hold Lithium and quartz. Emboldened by $250 million in government grants, BlackRock, Vanguard and others led the way. Weather modification steered the literally ‘ground-breaking’ hurricane to the area to enable a land-grab unseen since the days of the TVA. This lack of interest, or incompetency (you choose) hastens the takeover by killing heirs to the property.
FEMA’s appearance on the scene as a working unit was preceded by Gestapo-like tactics of the same agency, to confiscate donated money and goods. These, if you are a fan of rumors, mostly went to settlements of illegal immigrants.
No matter how you slice it, a hurricane of this magnitude has not been seen in this area, ever. Climate change is not the culprit, here. Climate modification is. Hold onto your hat, this really blows.
3 months ago
the obiden administration has been giving millions/billions of dollars to both other countries and the illegals in the US and is holding back on the hurricane victims all this with antoher hurricane on its way to us…both obiden and harris need to be replaced and put in prison for treason..their ultimate goal along withthe democrat party is to bankrupt the US and turn us socialist with them as dictators….STOP THEM NOW
Steve Rusiecki
3 months ago
Wouldn’t have anything to do with all that lithium in those hills would it? Or, that Harris’ husband is a principal investor, hmm?
3 months ago
It was deliberate. And it is their Equity mission. This is not the first time they slow walked help. Look at East Palestine. Biden-Harris is all about DEI and look at the effect…sure it may look like incompetence but their intent is much worse
Bill S.
3 months ago
The tremendous quest for power by the Demonrat leaders is unbelievable. It elevates their cruelty to new heights. They are obsessed by Hillary’s hero Saul Alinsky, Obama’s mentor Frank Marshal and Kamala’s father Donald Harris, the Marxist Professor at Stanford University. If you do not vote all Republicans into every office Senators, Congressional Representatives and the President of the United States of America, you will see the rise of these Communists destroy our Nation and crush your Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
3 months ago
Why is everyone surprised? “Dem”-on motto: “Never let a good crisis go to waste” (there are no coincidences here) It’s disgustingly evil what they have been doing. Non-voting Christians & hunters: Get off your asses, go vote Trump, and save this country; God will hold you responsible…the silence from Him will be deafening!!!!
Denny Davis
3 months ago
I think they are trying hard not to let people know how much money has been spent illegally on illegal aliens. They are trying to delay things while they scramble to pull money from other sources or get congress to appropriate more so they can continue the cover up.
Don Stanley
3 months ago
I believe this administration is incompetent it couldn’t run a lemon aid stand.
3 months ago
People who think FEMA is incompetent just can’t confront Evil. Do they also “think” that millions of Illegals in the last 3.5 years is also incompetence??? Probably.
MYORKAS was Impeached, but No Trial by democRat senate. It’s a Feral Coup since 2020, WTFU. Sheesh.
Meg Carpenter
3 months ago
I suspect that FEMA funding has secretly been directed to other projects by the Biden administration, and now they have no money for emergencies.
Dan W.
3 months ago
It wouldn’t make political sense for the Biden administration to intentionally slow-walk disaster aid to counties in the swing states of North Carolina; Georgia; and even a more red than blue, Florida one month before the election.
Not that I give the Dems credit for having much sense but if they were to write-off those three states, they would guarantee themselves a loss of the White House, the Senate and the U.S House next month.
Stan baggett
3 months ago
I don’t think the reason is because it’s a red county area but because of the lithium mining that can be done in that area. There are a lot of politicians that stand to make a lot of money in that area. You need to dig really deep into what is driving the politics in America today, money and power are the two biggest. The American people stand to lose the most.
3 months ago
I think now that Trump Donald Trump has brought brought it up that they have no choice but to start reacting and speed things up although they’re making excuses they don’t have enough FEMA people that they’re short of them I don’t know why that is they got enough IRS agent she would think they would have enough FEMA agents with the disasters going on with the fires floods hurricanes but the body Administration is always had excuses for stuff like wait till last minute until the end of Biden’s Administration to do something about the border and so yeah I think Trump’s responsible for getting the action going
3 months ago
I just believe that Americans are not the Biden/Harris priority. And Harris/Walz are even more radical about their goal to ruin this country. And none of them are making the decisions. They are just the mouth pieces that have to get in to office. It is obvious, because Joe or Kamala can’t answer a single question about any subject. They have no clue because they are not making the plan and they can’t even fake it.
3 months ago
100% for sure the New Communist Democrat Party is out to destroy all non members not just President Trump. Of the 28 counties affected by the storm in North Carolina 26 of them voted for President Trump In 2020. BOYCOTT COLORADO, MAINE, HAWAII, ILLINOIS, NEW YORK, GEORGIA, ARIZONA.
3 months ago
Extremely treasonous ! And with out any accountability what so ever!!!
3 months ago
“Biden” isn’t doing anything. He has no clue what is really going on. I blame Obama and Harris for the situation. Isn’t it funny that Trump and Musk were there helping faster than FEMA.
Brian P.
3 months ago
I believe everything the White House refuses to do for the American citizens is because they just don’t care. They are pissed off at the American people for voting Trump in the first time and for not believing in their twisted vision of America, and like the children they are, they want to make Americans suffer as much as possible.
North Carolina got wacked and Biden/Harris are slow walking aid. I just spent 3 weeks in Eastern TN, drove through parts of western North Carolina and it is a mess. 14 major bridges damaged, 5 totally destroyed and relief efforts by Biden/Harris is a joke. Trump offered aide immediately, while this administration just stood by. When my wife and myself left knoxville TN the day before Milton destroyed Florida everyone was talking about the lack of coverage by news media on North Carolina and low and behold the day Milton hits Florida there major coverage by media, as Gop thinks they can win Florida. Trump again jumps in and offers Florida aide while Biden/Harris show their colors with bull s___ responses. I am now back in California and this state is as screwed up as it was when I left 3xweeks ago. Anyone who doesn’t vote for Trump in this election deserves what Harris/Obama nring to the table. Get your ballot completed, vote Trump and end this nonsense.
While there may be some element of the deliberate slow-walking of aid to Republican Counties in North Carolina, this mis-administration is completely and utterly incompetent/ Biden is a bitter old man and Harris is an incompetent boob, and yes I am saying so, & she doesn’t deserve a vote for dog-catcher, or even the dog.
Vote to save America, VOTE FOR TRUMP!
Here we go again. Another big government department under the leadership (or dictatorship) of “Malicious Mayorkas” is under fire for failing to do its job!
FEMA (Factitious Embezzling Mismanaged Agency) is simply a Trojan Horse under the direction of the Department of Homeland Security. But “homeland” has a different meaning to FEMA. For them, “homeland” is for the millions of illegal invaders who are living off of the mis-appropriated millions of dollars that is SUPPOSED to be used for emergency disaster relieve for American CITIZENS!
What’s the point of a federal disaster agency if the chief priorities of this corrupt agency are not to save Americans from disaster? Check out the FEMA website and you will see their top three goals:
Goal 1: “Instill equity as a foundation of emergency management”
Goal 2: “Lead whole community in climate resilience”
Goal 3: Promote and sustain a ready FEMA and prepared nation”
Seriously, check out their website…unbelievable. The Fascist Left will stop at nothing to remain in power, so are you surprised they would slow walk coming to the aid of American citizens who are likely to vote for Trump?
But when they did FINALLY show up to western North Carolina and other affected areas, they went door-to-door asking residents if they applied for the whopping $750 relief funding through the agency’s “Serious Needs Assistance Program.”
I can just picture that façade. Here’s a newsflash FEMA! Nobody was home because their homes were destroyed. And if some people were able to be in their homes, they had no power, phone, and internet connection to the outside world, so how were they to register/apply for that overly generous aid?
So once again our federal government, which has lied repeatedly about Covid, border security, election integrity, etc. wants us to believe that they DIDN’T allocate millions of dollars to the “Shelter and Services Program” to the millions of illegals living every day off the dole of this corrupt administration.
They will do anything possible to procure future democrat voters and ignore American citizens. Just imagine how far $750 will go to a citizen who just lost everything! God help us.
Please get out and vote. Been hearing and reading that 40,000 Christians don’t vote and at least 15,000 not even registered. What on earth is wrong with people? Before my x now husband used to complain about the government and I said if you don’t vote you don’t get to complain. The ship is leaking so please be the plug that stops it. Vote and hopefully vote for Trump. Don’t like him that’s ok but like his policies then vote. Save America from the Marxist communists. If the left gets in again we are toast.
Sounds like deliberate “incompetence,” to me. Anyone remember that railroad derailment and the resulting fire and severe contamination in Ohio a few years back? There was mostly cricket noises from Ice Cream Joe and his bubble-headed babble-mouth VP. Not many blue voters in that area. That non-response was on purpose.
it’s actually a combination of both. this administration is both incompetent and evil.
I live in WNC. They were not screaming evacuate like they do in FL. Because NWS, FEMA, Gov. Cooper, and Duke Energy all underestimated this storm, little or no resources were “pre-positioned (contrast to DeSantis and FL.). We did not see line workers until Monday after storm. FEMA later than that and National Guard after that, even though they were “on alert” at Ft. Bragg. By contrast Samaritan’s Purse, Baptists on Mission and local churches and volunteers were on it the moment the storm stopped, and continue now two weeks after, and are still more visible than govt. agencies. Incompetence by govt. at the minimum! Thanks for your prayers and please keep praying. There is a long road ahead for those flooded out.
Well if those people was illegals, help would have show up the next day! Why do democrats put illegals over American citizens?
Absolutely, positively, without a doubt. But not just red states. Americans are not priority. Illegal Aliens are. I pray that those who have been “blinded” will see more clearly that the communist regime is pure poison.
It’s a combination of DEI (DIE) hires, which breeds incompetence, and outright malicious intent.
There are SEVERAL reports, some with videos, of FEMA interfering with legitimate local aid. That’s criminal behavior, something biden harris has become famous for.
Since they have proven many times that this administration is totally incompetent, this is just another example. I don’t think they are stupid enough to deliberately slow down the aid. Although, Mayorkas has lied about everything, even when questioned by congress, he may have had his own idea how to handle this and save money for the illegals. Please, vote in Nov and let’s end our misery.
I think that the Biden regime is incompetent but not scheming enough to do this on his own. This is the work of his left wing deep state puppeteers who have been running the show since day one, AKA Obama’s third term.
There is also lithium mines in that area that the government wants…..
It’s obvious the liberals want to punish the red counties for voting trump. They want them replaced with Kamala’s illegal aliens.
Initially I thought the Biden Admin was incompetent, but I have come to believe that Obama and his key officials are behind most everything. Not to discount that Biden is a mean, vindictive, corrupt a$$hole, but the true Malice comes from Obama and his former staff: Valarie Jarrett (Iranian, remember?), Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Mary McCord, Andrew Weissman, Ben Rhodes, et. al.
These people are evil and intent on the destruction of the United States. They hate us. It isn’t just President Trump supporters, they want to destroy our freedom, liberty, self-sufficiency, our “whiteness”. Obama started it with Eric Holder running guns to cartels so they could use that as justification to remove our gun rights.
The list of atrocities is entirely too long to list at this point, so I will leave it at this: This administration is run by evil, demonic, destructive, enemies of the United States of America.
Buckle up citizens, because the next 4 months will bring revelations difficult to believe.
If this country stays on its current course, the fictional FEMA camps will get built to house the “con-conformists” i.e. the resistance. It will be declared a “Federal Emergency that needs a Managing Agency.” Australia put folks in “quarantine” camps that refused the covid vaccine, i.e. internment camps. You’ve got to love the euphemism! There’s been a lot of tyranny in countries whose flags contain the colors red, white and blue. Can’t happen here? Well, probably not, and certainly I hope not. But, we did place Americans of Japanese ancestry in “internment camps” during WWWII, under the Lefts hero FDR; and, the Supreme Court OK’d it. My point: I do not trust FEMA or most other government agencies to do what is right; they have no one to blame but themselves. The US government is an elephant trying to walk on four left feet.
Easy answer, just apply the obama judgement, “Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to do the wrong thing.”
But seriously now, the slow walking of aid to the states that lean toward Donald Trump is to be expected. The Democrats can be counted on to use any means to punish their political opposition, and then blame the results on the Republicans.
Sadly, such behavior is the norm for the Democrats. The Republicans are not saints but they don’t seem to be as despicable as the Democrat operatives.
Just a thought about the Biden Administration, no matter what chicanery it foists on the American people, President Donald Trump will correct it starting on January 20, 2025.
The Biden-Harris response to NC is another reason among many to elect President Trump. It’s beyond the comprehension of anyone with an IQ over room temperature that Harris is even a contender for the presidency. But, let’s not underestimate the democrat cheating machine that put Joe in the Oval Office. It’s powerful, organized, and oiled with money from Soros, Zuckybucks, and others of similar ilk who hate our Republic.
The tell was when they tried to chase off civilian relief efforts and started yammering about “misinformation” again, as if the American public were morons.
It’s to the current regime’s benefit if these areas are not immediately assisted. This would disrupt voter access to the polls, making it easier for them to steal yet another election.
My niece and family live in Waynesville, NC, about 30 minutes southwest of Asheville. The FEMA response there had been nonexistent until recently. The devastation of their town was unbelievable and left them without water/power for a week. Most homes were flooded out or washed away. They were lucky because they live on a hill in an old stone farmhouse, so they were not washed out. It was the Police and Fire Department with the help of Private organizations (who came by boat and truck/foot) that were the ones who brought water, food, and supplies to aid the township. The response by FEMA is nothing short of disastrous incompetence (or willful inaction). Politicizing a hurricane event by doing little to nothing to aid citizens of the U.S. (while ensuring aid gets to foreign countries or illegal aliens) is the epitome of a government gone bad. We must take back our country by voting Trump on 11/5.
Despicable Biden, Obama, Kamala administration in the works to make one party rule “Forever “. We are literally so close to being part of the global Great Reset it should be pretty evident by these last four years. Please , Vote Trump/Vance 2024 ! MAGA!!!
Direct response of being disorganized, inept, clueless, befuddled, the list could go on forever. They simply do not have the skill set to be running the business called America. What is beyond scary is the number of Americans who cant see this and don’t realize it is why they can’t afford to go to the grocery store, gas station and pay their weekly bills. Not sure who are the bigger feckless dolts, the administration or their followers and voters. They remind me of a brainwashed cult.
Lithium mines are there and the government wants it. So they are deliberately slow getting help to them hoping people will either leave or die
There’s mining in them thar’ hills! Lithium and other minerals. The people didn’t want to sell their homes. Now there is no home to sell.
This whole fiasco is another example of government agencies that do not do what they were setup to do. FEMA was never to provide for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!
Actually, it’s a combination of the first choice & the third choice. FEMA is under the auspices of DHS, and we all know how that little worm, Mayorkas, is running that dept. on a totally Progressive-Socialist agenda. Plus, he’s another incompetent DEI hire, who should be pushing a broom in a warehouse somewhere instead of in-charge of our domestic security.
So which is worse… the Biden Administration is spiteful and Democrats are again interfering in the Elections or they are just so incompetent? Does not look like anybody is disputing they failed the American people… Again.
Does not matter if it is Afghanistan, fires on island of Maui, East Palestine train derailment… they fail. They do a great job supporting the aliens here Illegally.
I truly believe this administration puts the illegal immigrants first. It is unforgivable that our American citizens are not getting everything they need to to survive. I am so tired of the “right in your face lies” that this administration spews. I pray everyday that Trump wins. It is too scary to think what could happen under Harris/Walz. I don’t think this country will survive another 4 years under democrat rule. Trump NEEDS to win. She needs to go down along with the Bidens, Obamas, Clintons and Blackrock needs to be dismantled!!! We want our country back!!!!!
Democrats are more concerned about illegal aliens and Ukraine funding than Americans in need. Disgraceful.
When you want to help someone in need, there is no doubt that you want to help them because you jump in there and start giving relief in all ways. You are down there looking over the disaster and planning for aide. Calling the necessary forces to help. I don’t see that at all. It’s plain. God help us all.
This is a not-so-sly take-over of lands that hold Lithium and quartz. Emboldened by $250 million in government grants, BlackRock, Vanguard and others led the way. Weather modification steered the literally ‘ground-breaking’ hurricane to the area to enable a land-grab unseen since the days of the TVA. This lack of interest, or incompetency (you choose) hastens the takeover by killing heirs to the property.
FEMA’s appearance on the scene as a working unit was preceded by Gestapo-like tactics of the same agency, to confiscate donated money and goods. These, if you are a fan of rumors, mostly went to settlements of illegal immigrants.
No matter how you slice it, a hurricane of this magnitude has not been seen in this area, ever. Climate change is not the culprit, here. Climate modification is. Hold onto your hat, this really blows.
the obiden administration has been giving millions/billions of dollars to both other countries and the illegals in the US and is holding back on the hurricane victims all this with antoher hurricane on its way to us…both obiden and harris need to be replaced and put in prison for treason..their ultimate goal along withthe democrat party is to bankrupt the US and turn us socialist with them as dictators….STOP THEM NOW
Wouldn’t have anything to do with all that lithium in those hills would it? Or, that Harris’ husband is a principal investor, hmm?
It was deliberate. And it is their Equity mission. This is not the first time they slow walked help. Look at East Palestine. Biden-Harris is all about DEI and look at the effect…sure it may look like incompetence but their intent is much worse
The tremendous quest for power by the Demonrat leaders is unbelievable. It elevates their cruelty to new heights. They are obsessed by Hillary’s hero Saul Alinsky, Obama’s mentor Frank Marshal and Kamala’s father Donald Harris, the Marxist Professor at Stanford University. If you do not vote all Republicans into every office Senators, Congressional Representatives and the President of the United States of America, you will see the rise of these Communists destroy our Nation and crush your Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Why is everyone surprised? “Dem”-on motto: “Never let a good crisis go to waste” (there are no coincidences here) It’s disgustingly evil what they have been doing. Non-voting Christians & hunters: Get off your asses, go vote Trump, and save this country; God will hold you responsible…the silence from Him will be deafening!!!!
I think they are trying hard not to let people know how much money has been spent illegally on illegal aliens. They are trying to delay things while they scramble to pull money from other sources or get congress to appropriate more so they can continue the cover up.
I believe this administration is incompetent it couldn’t run a lemon aid stand.
People who think FEMA is incompetent just can’t confront Evil. Do they also “think” that millions of Illegals in the last 3.5 years is also incompetence??? Probably.
MYORKAS was Impeached, but No Trial by democRat senate. It’s a Feral Coup since 2020, WTFU. Sheesh.
I suspect that FEMA funding has secretly been directed to other projects by the Biden administration, and now they have no money for emergencies.
It wouldn’t make political sense for the Biden administration to intentionally slow-walk disaster aid to counties in the swing states of North Carolina; Georgia; and even a more red than blue, Florida one month before the election.
Not that I give the Dems credit for having much sense but if they were to write-off those three states, they would guarantee themselves a loss of the White House, the Senate and the U.S House next month.
I don’t think the reason is because it’s a red county area but because of the lithium mining that can be done in that area. There are a lot of politicians that stand to make a lot of money in that area. You need to dig really deep into what is driving the politics in America today, money and power are the two biggest. The American people stand to lose the most.
I think now that Trump Donald Trump has brought brought it up that they have no choice but to start reacting and speed things up although they’re making excuses they don’t have enough FEMA people that they’re short of them I don’t know why that is they got enough IRS agent she would think they would have enough FEMA agents with the disasters going on with the fires floods hurricanes but the body Administration is always had excuses for stuff like wait till last minute until the end of Biden’s Administration to do something about the border and so yeah I think Trump’s responsible for getting the action going
I just believe that Americans are not the Biden/Harris priority. And Harris/Walz are even more radical about their goal to ruin this country. And none of them are making the decisions. They are just the mouth pieces that have to get in to office. It is obvious, because Joe or Kamala can’t answer a single question about any subject. They have no clue because they are not making the plan and they can’t even fake it.
100% for sure the New Communist Democrat Party is out to destroy all non members not just President Trump. Of the 28 counties affected by the storm in North Carolina 26 of them voted for President Trump In 2020. BOYCOTT COLORADO, MAINE, HAWAII, ILLINOIS, NEW YORK, GEORGIA, ARIZONA.
Extremely treasonous ! And with out any accountability what so ever!!!
“Biden” isn’t doing anything. He has no clue what is really going on. I blame Obama and Harris for the situation. Isn’t it funny that Trump and Musk were there helping faster than FEMA.
I believe everything the White House refuses to do for the American citizens is because they just don’t care. They are pissed off at the American people for voting Trump in the first time and for not believing in their twisted vision of America, and like the children they are, they want to make Americans suffer as much as possible.