We expect the weather ,here in Florida, to play a big part for any celebration on the 4th.So, we will be hanging out with family and friends close to home. Happy 4th of July America.
Alan E.
3 years ago
We can celebrate U.S. independence because it is our God-given right to do so.
#JoeChina’s gracious “permission” to have a back-yard barbecue with our families/friends has NOTHING to do with it.
In 2021, we should probably take a minute to pray that this will not be our last independence celebration, because the forces that would deprive us of our liberty are tirelessly at work to do just that.
God bless America.
3 years ago
Something good is happening in our neighborhood this year. We’ve never had so many homes with their American Flags flying. So good to see.
Robert Curry
3 years ago
If you are a Patriot, as I am, , love AMERICA and PROUD of our Country and the opportunities brought to ALL AMERICANS, I will be celebrating with my Family and attending Fireworks displays! PRAISE THE LORD, we are still FREE
Tom Lassiter
3 years ago
I’m a pastor, and our church will be worshipping Jesus Christ, and thanking Him for many mercies, and asking God for real and true revival.
3 years ago
Our family will be attending church (our regular Sunday activity) before gathering with family for the afternoon and then attending fireworks that begin at dusk.
Terry White
3 years ago
Having bruch with daughter and son in law. Having wifes son, daughter in law and 2 grandsons for a rew day. Im sure we’ll all be going to fireworks somewhere.
3 years ago
We will proudly hang out r flag to celebrate freedom we have and pray for those who defended its freedoms. We live in the greatest country in the world.
Robin Rae Morgan
3 years ago
I have a dog and will be staying home inside with him to keep him safe. My flags are all flying just like every day and my US flag is still flying upside down ever since the Dumbocrats stole the election.
Dennis R
3 years ago
Wayne Simanovsky
3 years ago
I will spend it with my DAD at his grave
Karen Huff
3 years ago
Sadly, 1 of my dog’s is terribly stressed by fireworks, so my hubby and I will stay home, have a BBQ, give my rottweiler her calming meds that don’t work and trying to keep her distracted as I have all week.
Diann Shultz
3 years ago
Flags (U.S. Navy for husband, Marines for grandsons, Support police & of course U.S. flag) flying. Cookout in our backyard & fireworks after.
Nick Selembo
3 years ago
Whether you stay home with your dog, and your family and your flag never forget why we celebrate this holiday. China just celebrated their 100 years of their Communist Party. So why the hell can’t we Celebrate it any way we choose to do so. That has been the contrast between the USA and so many other places in the world. We celebrate our holidays AND our life the way WE choose to. Lets keep the eye on the ball folks and keep it that way. Long may our flag wave freely over this great country. If its so bad then why are SO many trying to get in here. Sure as not to hear China Joe speak.
Pat E.
3 years ago
We have an annual Independence Day parade in my community, and fireworks later in the evening. I fly the US. Flag at my house every day and have had a US car flag flying on my car every day since Sept. 12, 2001. We have a very rich service at our church every year for Independence Day, color guard and all, thanking God for His provision and protection. But to take a line from “Made In America” by Toby Keith, EVERY DAY is Independence Day. I’m thankful every day I was blessed to be born in America, land of the free because of the brave! Freedom is not free—SOMEBODY PAID!
D Anderson
3 years ago
Since it falls on Sunday this year, we will be at our regular church services. But we will be praying for our nation and giving thanks that we have the freedom to do so!
3 years ago
Sam S.
3 years ago
While I do not condone disrespect of our current flag, the only flags which I personally fly are the Gadsden, the Betsy Ross, & the Bonnie Blue flag because they represent the original ideals of our founders which included not to be entangled in wars & alliances which do not serve the interests of the American people.
3 years ago
Rather sad that no option on your 4th of July poll mentioned attending church & praying for America!
Shame on you!
Pamela Brida
3 years ago
I love America and I love the 4th of July! Next to Thanksgiving it is my favorite holiday. On the 4th, I like to remember the patriots who fought and died in the Revolutionary War so that I could live in freedom. They were in a very bad and seemingly hopeless situation too, and yet, they did not give up! General George Washington knew that the single most effective weapon in winning America’s freedom was the power of prayer. He use to make his troops kneel down and pray before each major battle, and whereas some of them griped, they did what he said, and the result was an eventual and amazing victory over the forces of the British Crown.
If you think of the overwhelming odds in this case-the mighty British Red Coats against bands of mainly volunteer farmers and blacksmiths-it could have only been God’s divine intervention which brought the nation called America into existence.
I remember too, when Abraham questioned the Lord about the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. He asked, “Lord, if you find at least ten righteous people in those cities will you destroy them?” And God answered, “For the sake of those ten I will not destroy those cities.” But He found no righteous people in those wicked places. However, I know here in America that there are far more than ten people who love and honor the Lord in their hearts. I cannot say for certain what the future holds for this nation I love, but, I take inspiration from the words of WWII concentration camp survivor, Corrie ten Boom, who said: “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”
3 years ago
Praying for our nation at church; cookout with faint; watching the fireworks show! Praying for those striving to keep the nation strong for the future generations.
3 years ago
I will be at home, behind closed doors praying for the Nation I love to be saved!
I have no children and my other family members live hundreds of miles away. I live in the combat zone between Kenosha Wisconsin and Chiraq. I have had TWO US flags ripped down from from my front porch. I have been TOLD it is a symbol of White Privilege and Racism! Gunfire is an everyday thing but this “former holiday” is now an excuse for it to be constant day and night.
My wife and I are both Veterans with over 30 years of combined active duty service. What can you say, it is The People’s Democrat/Socialist Republic of Illinois.
Be safe!
Stephen Russell
3 years ago
Nice local Sunday dinner, swim
3 years ago
It is Sunday and I will be going to church. Church anyone?
Dave G
3 years ago
I voted that I won’t be doing anything special but actually I will spend the weekend thinking up ways to thwart those who are attacking our Constitution and the core essence of America. The fight is coming, it’s just a matter of when folks decide enough is enough.
Michael Gingrich
3 years ago
I’m retired so everyday is a holiday to me.
Barry Courtnay
3 years ago
Happy 4th of July to all amac people. Be free, enjoy your family and friends. Stay safe. God Bless America!
3 years ago
I’ll combine the 3rd and 4th. Saturday a group from Church is going fishing. Sunday is Church as usual. Then enjoy the afternoon reflecting on the reason for celebrating Independence Day.
Jeff Farrenkopf
3 years ago
I will be cowering in my basement with family in separate rooms and wearing masks. Oops wait I’m not Joe Biden…or am I…maybe I’ll have Jill grill a hot dog.
Arlen Mills
3 years ago
It will be Sunday so we will be in church, worshipping and giving thanks for our nation and praying that God will forgive us for our wickedness and bring healing to our nation. The gathering with family and friends after the evening service time to watch fireworks.
3 years ago
We will go to Mass and pray for our Country as we do always and enjoy a quiet Sunday enjoying the day
Bob Hancock
3 years ago
Volunteering at food pantry.
Katherine szczepek
3 years ago
I’m so happy to be back out and enjoying things we should have been allowed to enjoy before it will be good to see people happy to be Americans
Barbara Russell
3 years ago
I am a widow who lives alone and has no family in the county where I live. I am trying to move but have no help. I tell the faraway grandkids all the time “don’t get old”.
Paul W
3 years ago
I’m going to reread the Declaration of Independence and pray to our Creator that this nation survives to celebrate many, many more Independence Days.
B Johns
3 years ago
I will thank God I live in this country, and resolve to help make it better
3 years ago
My nation is no longer free and no longer a Christian Republic as it was meant to be. That was lost in 1963 when prayer and the Bible, along with the Lord Jesus, were cast from public schools and eventually from our laws and morals, replaced by wicked laws and rights given to evil, perverted people. I, too, will go to my small fellowship of believers this Sunday and also pray for my nation for a great awakening and repentance.
It is my prayer that God fearing Americans will stop living in a past America which is no more and recognize their nation has been taken over and is controlled by communists. While brave men fought, bled, and died in many wars, those at home allowed evil men and women from within to turn this nation away from God to atheistic communism. Our schools are communist and teach children evil things and lies and we have let it go on far too long. Our babies are slaughtered daily as we continue to allow abortion on demand and the weakest and most vulnerable Americans are killed daily by mothers who have forsaken God. Six in 10 adult women have murdered their own unborn babies and this is the land we have become.
As you remember the good things of what this nation once was this weekend, do not forget what we have become and that we are responsible to turn back to God ourselves and to help turn our nation back as we join together in that great cause: MAKE AMERICA CHRISTIAN AGAIN.
3 years ago
Celebrate by listening to the new song this 4th of July by Toby Keith called Happy Birthday America. This man is an amazing talent and is a true patriot. I hope this song is played everywhere this weekend.
3 years ago
Attending church services for sure. Our beautiful flag will be flying over the weekend and praying for our leaders to come to their senses and restore peace in our nation.
Marc Thompson
3 years ago
Last year’s insanity forced me to count, and to be thankful for my blessings. I have committed to never again stand on the side lines in the struggle to preserve our Constitutional Republic.
Freedom does not just happen, as it’s not a natural human condition.
I’ll pray about, and find a way to exercise my freedom…
Murf Appling
3 years ago
Sunday school, Sanctuary worship, & the Big Cookout N Church parking lot with members, friends, neighbors, etc.. Big Fireworks show, per John Adams, & parade N our East Memphis, TN suburb. Really distressing that people desecrate the very symbol that guarantees such irrational behavior. Where R the “Fathers” of such “rabble”? There have been 2 events N all of World History that have effected human behavior throughout time – the Resurrection of an itinerant philosopher N a rummy, backwater Province of the Roman Empire 2000+ yrs ago & the authorship & signing of the Declaration of Independence on 3/4 July, 1776. From these moments on, Mankind was no longer under the “rule of Kings & Princes” & “this new & glorious dawn” gave “the thrill of Hope” to the Soul.
Were mistakes made? By all means! Have we, as a Nation, tried to rectify those errors? By all means? Is this on ongoing project due to the “sinful nature’ of the Human Heart? By all means? Always remember, it is very difficult to Legislature Human acceptance & behavior. It must come within. Where there R Great Ideas, Great Philosophy, Great Passion, Great Sacrifice, there is also Great Error. It is only through Judeo-Christian behavior that can we amend our ways.
May the Savior continue to Smile upon this Broken Land & Heal its Wounds!!
Ken Irvin
3 years ago
The last I looked, this is still America, and I will exercise my First and Fourth Amendment Rights by gathering with family and friends to celebrate the 4th of July.
While not a Biden supporter, I will earnestly pray for our President. He is clearly in some sort of “mental decline”, and the only thing worse than a Biden Presidency, would be a Harris Presidency. The only thing our Vice-President seems to be good at is her cackling laugh. Watch the old Bugs Bunny cartoon episode of Hansel and Gretel, and see the simularities between Harris’ laugh and the cartoon witches laugh!
The Biden Administration has failed our nation by encouraging the Boarder crisis. Instead of “providing benefits” for illegal immigrants, how about providing for Americans that need some assistance in the current economy!
God Bless America!
Neil Stovall
3 years ago
Our Sunday School class will hear Angela Kamrath, author of “The Miracle of America” bring our lesson, titled, ” Social Compact”how our nation formed a Social Compact, as theorized by John Locke, with our Declaration and Constitution and reflects the Biblical principle of Covenant. I will speak in support of Agnela before her presentation. We will also watch the July 4 TV observance in Washington, DC.
3 years ago
Church in morning. Then a God centered patriotic musical in the afternoon with about 3500 hundred people, with no social distancing or masks. Probably 95% without the phoney vax. Celebrating God and country.
3 years ago
I’m a vet and Tru and Blue Patriot. Will take piety on the under informed and misinformed pitiful misguided socialist sap suckers camping out on our sacred soil. My ancestors can here invited, legal with no handouts. They endured many hardships to build our nation. Now illegals are allowed in with drugs, trafficking humans, terrorist, and given free stuff. We need to vote out the swamp and get our government back on track. God help us come together as a Nation get it done.
3 years ago
Church in am. Then family BBQ here with great grandkids playing in the little pool. Unfortunately our city and county canceled all parades and fireworks showd.
3 years ago
Fly our beautiful flag, go to church and thank our God for this country and pray that the wokes wake up.
3 years ago
Getting drunk and shooting off thousands of commercial grade fireworks with my patriotic friends
Maybe have a hotdog or two
3 years ago
I guarantee it will be a woke and politically correct disaster.
Please God help this country through this mess we are in with this guy and who ever is behind him (Obama) in the White House
Sandra Rose
3 years ago
I feel like our country is in deep trouble; having all but lost our borders with the full support of a falsely elected president also selling us out to China & foreign powers; the political correctness of glorfying homosexuality shows thew moral degeneration of our world; our military is being undermined; I feel like we should be putting on sackcloth & ashes instead if raising these flag.
We expect the weather ,here in Florida, to play a big part for any celebration on the 4th.So, we will be hanging out with family and friends close to home. Happy 4th of July America.
We can celebrate U.S. independence because it is our God-given right to do so.
#JoeChina’s gracious “permission” to have a back-yard barbecue with our families/friends has NOTHING to do with it.
In 2021, we should probably take a minute to pray that this will not be our last independence celebration, because the forces that would deprive us of our liberty are tirelessly at work to do just that.
God bless America.
Something good is happening in our neighborhood this year. We’ve never had so many homes with their American Flags flying. So good to see.
If you are a Patriot, as I am, , love AMERICA and PROUD of our Country and the opportunities brought to ALL AMERICANS, I will be celebrating with my Family and attending Fireworks displays! PRAISE THE LORD, we are still FREE
I’m a pastor, and our church will be worshipping Jesus Christ, and thanking Him for many mercies, and asking God for real and true revival.
Our family will be attending church (our regular Sunday activity) before gathering with family for the afternoon and then attending fireworks that begin at dusk.
Having bruch with daughter and son in law. Having wifes son, daughter in law and 2 grandsons for a rew day. Im sure we’ll all be going to fireworks somewhere.
We will proudly hang out r flag to celebrate freedom we have and pray for those who defended its freedoms. We live in the greatest country in the world.
I have a dog and will be staying home inside with him to keep him safe. My flags are all flying just like every day and my US flag is still flying upside down ever since the Dumbocrats stole the election.
I will spend it with my DAD at his grave
Sadly, 1 of my dog’s is terribly stressed by fireworks, so my hubby and I will stay home, have a BBQ, give my rottweiler her calming meds that don’t work and trying to keep her distracted as I have all week.
Flags (U.S. Navy for husband, Marines for grandsons, Support police & of course U.S. flag) flying. Cookout in our backyard & fireworks after.
Whether you stay home with your dog, and your family and your flag never forget why we celebrate this holiday. China just celebrated their 100 years of their Communist Party. So why the hell can’t we Celebrate it any way we choose to do so. That has been the contrast between the USA and so many other places in the world. We celebrate our holidays AND our life the way WE choose to. Lets keep the eye on the ball folks and keep it that way. Long may our flag wave freely over this great country. If its so bad then why are SO many trying to get in here. Sure as not to hear China Joe speak.
We have an annual Independence Day parade in my community, and fireworks later in the evening. I fly the US. Flag at my house every day and have had a US car flag flying on my car every day since Sept. 12, 2001. We have a very rich service at our church every year for Independence Day, color guard and all, thanking God for His provision and protection. But to take a line from “Made In America” by Toby Keith, EVERY DAY is Independence Day. I’m thankful every day I was blessed to be born in America, land of the free because of the brave! Freedom is not free—SOMEBODY PAID!
Since it falls on Sunday this year, we will be at our regular church services. But we will be praying for our nation and giving thanks that we have the freedom to do so!
While I do not condone disrespect of our current flag, the only flags which I personally fly are the Gadsden, the Betsy Ross, & the Bonnie Blue flag because they represent the original ideals of our founders which included not to be entangled in wars & alliances which do not serve the interests of the American people.
Rather sad that no option on your 4th of July poll mentioned attending church & praying for America!
Shame on you!
I love America and I love the 4th of July! Next to Thanksgiving it is my favorite holiday. On the 4th, I like to remember the patriots who fought and died in the Revolutionary War so that I could live in freedom. They were in a very bad and seemingly hopeless situation too, and yet, they did not give up! General George Washington knew that the single most effective weapon in winning America’s freedom was the power of prayer. He use to make his troops kneel down and pray before each major battle, and whereas some of them griped, they did what he said, and the result was an eventual and amazing victory over the forces of the British Crown.
If you think of the overwhelming odds in this case-the mighty British Red Coats against bands of mainly volunteer farmers and blacksmiths-it could have only been God’s divine intervention which brought the nation called America into existence.
I remember too, when Abraham questioned the Lord about the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. He asked, “Lord, if you find at least ten righteous people in those cities will you destroy them?” And God answered, “For the sake of those ten I will not destroy those cities.” But He found no righteous people in those wicked places. However, I know here in America that there are far more than ten people who love and honor the Lord in their hearts. I cannot say for certain what the future holds for this nation I love, but, I take inspiration from the words of WWII concentration camp survivor, Corrie ten Boom, who said: “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”
Praying for our nation at church; cookout with faint; watching the fireworks show! Praying for those striving to keep the nation strong for the future generations.
I will be at home, behind closed doors praying for the Nation I love to be saved!
I have no children and my other family members live hundreds of miles away. I live in the combat zone between Kenosha Wisconsin and Chiraq. I have had TWO US flags ripped down from from my front porch. I have been TOLD it is a symbol of White Privilege and Racism! Gunfire is an everyday thing but this “former holiday” is now an excuse for it to be constant day and night.
My wife and I are both Veterans with over 30 years of combined active duty service. What can you say, it is The People’s Democrat/Socialist Republic of Illinois.
Be safe!
Nice local Sunday dinner, swim
It is Sunday and I will be going to church. Church anyone?
I voted that I won’t be doing anything special but actually I will spend the weekend thinking up ways to thwart those who are attacking our Constitution and the core essence of America. The fight is coming, it’s just a matter of when folks decide enough is enough.
I’m retired so everyday is a holiday to me.
Happy 4th of July to all amac people. Be free, enjoy your family and friends. Stay safe. God Bless America!
I’ll combine the 3rd and 4th. Saturday a group from Church is going fishing. Sunday is Church as usual. Then enjoy the afternoon reflecting on the reason for celebrating Independence Day.
I will be cowering in my basement with family in separate rooms and wearing masks. Oops wait I’m not Joe Biden…or am I…maybe I’ll have Jill grill a hot dog.
It will be Sunday so we will be in church, worshipping and giving thanks for our nation and praying that God will forgive us for our wickedness and bring healing to our nation. The gathering with family and friends after the evening service time to watch fireworks.
We will go to Mass and pray for our Country as we do always and enjoy a quiet Sunday enjoying the day
Volunteering at food pantry.
I’m so happy to be back out and enjoying things we should have been allowed to enjoy before it will be good to see people happy to be Americans
I am a widow who lives alone and has no family in the county where I live. I am trying to move but have no help. I tell the faraway grandkids all the time “don’t get old”.
I’m going to reread the Declaration of Independence and pray to our Creator that this nation survives to celebrate many, many more Independence Days.
I will thank God I live in this country, and resolve to help make it better
My nation is no longer free and no longer a Christian Republic as it was meant to be. That was lost in 1963 when prayer and the Bible, along with the Lord Jesus, were cast from public schools and eventually from our laws and morals, replaced by wicked laws and rights given to evil, perverted people. I, too, will go to my small fellowship of believers this Sunday and also pray for my nation for a great awakening and repentance.
It is my prayer that God fearing Americans will stop living in a past America which is no more and recognize their nation has been taken over and is controlled by communists. While brave men fought, bled, and died in many wars, those at home allowed evil men and women from within to turn this nation away from God to atheistic communism. Our schools are communist and teach children evil things and lies and we have let it go on far too long. Our babies are slaughtered daily as we continue to allow abortion on demand and the weakest and most vulnerable Americans are killed daily by mothers who have forsaken God. Six in 10 adult women have murdered their own unborn babies and this is the land we have become.
As you remember the good things of what this nation once was this weekend, do not forget what we have become and that we are responsible to turn back to God ourselves and to help turn our nation back as we join together in that great cause: MAKE AMERICA CHRISTIAN AGAIN.
Celebrate by listening to the new song this 4th of July by Toby Keith called Happy Birthday America. This man is an amazing talent and is a true patriot. I hope this song is played everywhere this weekend.
Attending church services for sure. Our beautiful flag will be flying over the weekend and praying for our leaders to come to their senses and restore peace in our nation.
Last year’s insanity forced me to count, and to be thankful for my blessings. I have committed to never again stand on the side lines in the struggle to preserve our Constitutional Republic.
Freedom does not just happen, as it’s not a natural human condition.
I’ll pray about, and find a way to exercise my freedom…
Sunday school, Sanctuary worship, & the Big Cookout N Church parking lot with members, friends, neighbors, etc.. Big Fireworks show, per John Adams, & parade N our East Memphis, TN suburb. Really distressing that people desecrate the very symbol that guarantees such irrational behavior. Where R the “Fathers” of such “rabble”? There have been 2 events N all of World History that have effected human behavior throughout time – the Resurrection of an itinerant philosopher N a rummy, backwater Province of the Roman Empire 2000+ yrs ago & the authorship & signing of the Declaration of Independence on 3/4 July, 1776. From these moments on, Mankind was no longer under the “rule of Kings & Princes” & “this new & glorious dawn” gave “the thrill of Hope” to the Soul.
Were mistakes made? By all means! Have we, as a Nation, tried to rectify those errors? By all means? Is this on ongoing project due to the “sinful nature’ of the Human Heart? By all means? Always remember, it is very difficult to Legislature Human acceptance & behavior. It must come within. Where there R Great Ideas, Great Philosophy, Great Passion, Great Sacrifice, there is also Great Error. It is only through Judeo-Christian behavior that can we amend our ways.
May the Savior continue to Smile upon this Broken Land & Heal its Wounds!!
The last I looked, this is still America, and I will exercise my First and Fourth Amendment Rights by gathering with family and friends to celebrate the 4th of July.
While not a Biden supporter, I will earnestly pray for our President. He is clearly in some sort of “mental decline”, and the only thing worse than a Biden Presidency, would be a Harris Presidency. The only thing our Vice-President seems to be good at is her cackling laugh. Watch the old Bugs Bunny cartoon episode of Hansel and Gretel, and see the simularities between Harris’ laugh and the cartoon witches laugh!
The Biden Administration has failed our nation by encouraging the Boarder crisis. Instead of “providing benefits” for illegal immigrants, how about providing for Americans that need some assistance in the current economy!
God Bless America!
Our Sunday School class will hear Angela Kamrath, author of “The Miracle of America” bring our lesson, titled, ” Social Compact”how our nation formed a Social Compact, as theorized by John Locke, with our Declaration and Constitution and reflects the Biblical principle of Covenant. I will speak in support of Agnela before her presentation. We will also watch the July 4 TV observance in Washington, DC.
Church in morning. Then a God centered patriotic musical in the afternoon with about 3500 hundred people, with no social distancing or masks. Probably 95% without the phoney vax. Celebrating God and country.
I’m a vet and Tru and Blue Patriot. Will take piety on the under informed and misinformed pitiful misguided socialist sap suckers camping out on our sacred soil. My ancestors can here invited, legal with no handouts. They endured many hardships to build our nation. Now illegals are allowed in with drugs, trafficking humans, terrorist, and given free stuff. We need to vote out the swamp and get our government back on track. God help us come together as a Nation get it done.
Church in am. Then family BBQ here with great grandkids playing in the little pool. Unfortunately our city and county canceled all parades and fireworks showd.
Fly our beautiful flag, go to church and thank our God for this country and pray that the wokes wake up.
Getting drunk and shooting off thousands of commercial grade fireworks with my patriotic friends
Maybe have a hotdog or two
I guarantee it will be a woke and politically correct disaster.
Please God help this country through this mess we are in with this guy and who ever is behind him (Obama) in the White House
I feel like our country is in deep trouble; having all but lost our borders with the full support of a falsely elected president also selling us out to China & foreign powers; the political correctness of glorfying homosexuality shows thew moral degeneration of our world; our military is being undermined; I feel like we should be putting on sackcloth & ashes instead if raising these flag.