
As 2022 comes to an end, which best describes your feelings about the future?

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John Diaz
John Diaz
2 years ago

Saddest me to see their more pessimistic people than they are optimistic and having a mix would have also would have been sad. As it is if you’re not optimistic then you have lost hope. Hope is the one thing we should be working to keep alive. Hope is the one thing God has given us besides love which is the most powerful weapon we have. But many people seem to misinterpret love for lust. It is true that I do not go to church I keep thinking of all the people that I have missed my father goes my mother goes I don’t know about the rest of my family but I also find the young people that I work with that come from other places of the states they ask about going to church because they go to church where they came from but I don’t go to church though I wish I did. Not that church gives you hope It is a way for you to find hope and it is a way for you to believe that hope is just right there in front of you. My comments might not make sense but I live in Hope and optimism though sometimes the armor does get a chink or two. I just hope that I can make the following years show that hope and love go hand in hand.

2 years ago

I have a good wife, five wonderful daughters, and a good job. OTOH, we have a corrupt idiot occupying White House.

2 years ago

As long as there are democrats and repubs running the country, we are headed to total disaster. Only the individual may save himself and family by resisting this totalitarianism.

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
2 years ago

If our country got through the Civil War, we will survive the current DC lunacy. We have always been resilient, but my concern is with the younger folks like Gen-Z – their brains have been polluted by the progressive and corrupt educational establishment.

2 years ago

With Mitch leading the repubs in the senate and people like Lindsay voting with the libs on the massive give away, I feel helpless. They are supposed to be representing us not kissing the boots of Chucky & her majesty. Why do we keep voting for these lemmings? Disgusted in Georgia….

Jessica Byrnes
Jessica Byrnes
2 years ago

Optimistic. If more than 50% of the country are optimistic and working toward a great future – there will be a great future.

2 years ago

This nation has turned it’s back to God. The bible makes clear there will be a one world
government. Everything would appear to be headed that way. Our lifetime or our
grandchildren’s it will happen. Don’t know who to quote but it was said,
“Christ isn’t coming back on Airforce One “

2 years ago

I’m very concerned about the younger citizens. They seem to lack critical thinking skills. They are easily manipulated by slick talking politicians & “celebraties”.

Nancy Dame
Nancy Dame
2 years ago

I am concerned the way the power hungry Persons, want for all of to die or think their way
Forcing something on Us they knew was not backed by science, on the American People

2 years ago

The “Twitter files” have exposed the massive, evil censorship machine, but exposed it to whom? True patriots already know this, so who is finally waking up to the truth that our country is in serious trouble? The commie propaganda machine (MSM) isn’t publishing or broadcasting this “revelation” to the useful idiots who still believe in wearing masks against the Chinese virus, so the idiots are still idiots. My hope and prayers for the future is that the incoming new republican representatives seriously shake things up to get this country back on track to being GREAT again. Merry Christmas!

2 years ago

Regardless of party labels, our national politicians are idiots. Not a single molecule of common sense in their heads total. From stupid fiscal approaches (like the latest “omnibus”) to social initiatives (like the “transgender” crap they advocate) to the horrendous lack of leadership we witness daily, our national politicians are horrible. Since we believe in following the law, what they produce and stand for will tear the country to shreds with no recourse (there’s no “undo button.”).

2 years ago

Lies have always been the way for politicians so nothing new there, the real issue today is the dishonest news industry providing cover and lies for the political establishment. Journalists now have no interest in uncovering and exposing the extent of the lies. Amazing how they all use the exact same language almost as if they are handed a script!?

2 years ago

Hello Roman Empire – no one thought that such a super power would ever fall but it did in much the same way we see America going today.

2 years ago

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. America is a wonderful miracle but too many people are willing to throw it away. I pray it does not happen; I love the American experiment. My confidence is in Christ not the American people.

Constance J Ferrier
Constance J Ferrier
2 years ago

“When it looks like everything is falling apart, from God’s perspective, it’s all falling into place. “…Nancy Wolgemuth
That’s where my hope is placed. Government is the problem, not the solution.

2 years ago

When the incompetent, non-taxpaying segment of the voting electorate — the Takers — outnumber the Givers — the industrious, tax-paying segment, a tipping point can occur, sending America into a death spiral. There are simply too many dumb, lazy, takers out there. They are being subsidized by we, the taxpayers. If we have not yet reached that perilous Tipping Point, we are fast getting there. Pray for America.

Kevin B Grant
Kevin B Grant
2 years ago

Politically the country has hit a new low that will be hard to recover from.
Economically being part time retired my finances are disappearing.

2 years ago

I am generally a very optimistic person, but the desire that seems to permeate those in power to destroy America from within is hard to see it changing. We have a long hill to climb and it can be done but it almost feels like we have to hit rock bottom before that can happen. Not sure what that looks like but currently it looks like an economic collapse. The youth that is persuaded by 30 second blurbs needs to wake up. Often I feel there is a spell cast on so many people and if we could find the magic word to wake everyone up how glorious it would be.

Margaret Wolfe
Margaret Wolfe
2 years ago

God is in control so I have nothing to fear. All the evil will be overcome in the end and those who are evil will be punished and sent to their eternal damnation for all they have done.

Keith Davies
Keith Davies
2 years ago

All we have at present is a government and opposition in Washington who are corrupt or useless
We have a judiciary that is corrupt
We have an FBI that is more akin to the mafia
We have a media that is more like Pravda
And 60% or more of the people are not aware or apathetic to the plight of our country
We are in a very very bad place.

2 years ago

Things won’t get any better, but my hope and peace is in Jesus Christ.

Brandon Bushmat
Brandon Bushmat
2 years ago

Biden and his band of empty suites are traitors. They should be put in front of a firing squad,
I pray every gay that someone from secret service will do him in. Mitch is in the same category!

Tom Bozikis
Tom Bozikis
2 years ago

First, I refer to the Democrat Party as Demoncrats. Second, The GOP is just another branch of the Demoncrat Party. They kick us where it hurts every chance they get. Individually, the issues we face may seem a lot, but it boils down to this… The issues come from a singular source, and it’s purely evil. On both sides, America no longer relies on the Protection of Divine Providence. The elites believe they are god while on the other side, it is the individual that is god, and, for a number of church institutions, Jesus has been kicked out. I believe Ronald Reagan once said that a nation without God is a nation that’s gone under. Like it or not, we were established as a nation under God, but as former pastor Jeremiah Wright quipped after 9/11, America’s chickens have come home to roost.

In America, our sins are manifold, and at this Christmas season, it should be abundantly clear that we are in desperate need of a Savior, and this is what our Father in Heaven provided for each of us, individually, the gift of His Son to redeem us out of our sin, and to restore humanity to the relationship with the Godhead, but we need to do so individually. I wonder if we’ve made the United States into an idol that we worship. I mean, even at the lighting of the national Christmas tree, Joe Biden couldn’t even bring himself, a devout Catholic, to say the name of Jesus/Christ, and when I look at word that is translated as “salvation,” in Hebrew, it is the form of Yeshuah. Merry Christmas

Wayne Hovland
Wayne Hovland
2 years ago

In the Book of Isaiah, Prophecy that Emmanuel, God With Us would come. Christmas, Celebration of Jesus Christ’s Birth is fulfilled. Also in that prophecy, Gov’ts would rest on His shoulders. Our country was founded by believers who formed our Country on His shoulders.
It appears our present gov’t has jumped off.
God, unchanging, remains our refuge and strength. Our country never really was. When in faith we assembled as a country, His strength and blessings filled His people.
Remain Faithful: God is. And He died for the sins of those who now lead our country into the abyss, too. Sadly, as Jesus said, many may seek, few will find. This breaks my heart, as does the departure from God by our country’s leaders.
God Bless you and your family this Christmas season!
Wayne (from chilly and Snowy Idaho!)

2 years ago

With an uncontrolled border, all I can see is an horrible increase in homelessness, crime, and enemies now within our country.

Olivia Taylor
Olivia Taylor
2 years ago

If I didn’t know the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord, I would say it’s hopeless. I pray for our nation and that God’s people will wake up and turn to Him in repentance. It they do, there is hope for a better future; if they don’t, it’s all downhill from here. II Chronicles 7:14.

Ron Goodman
Ron Goodman
2 years ago

Our nation is clearly and intentionally being systematically destroyed. Evil people, satanically inspired and demonically influenced, are being used as puppets and useful idiots. It is ultimately a spiritual battle with roots that run all the way back to the garden. Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled at an astounding rate all around us. The United States is nowhere to be found in the Bible at the time of the end, other than an implicit generic reference to all the nations of the world as a whole who are turned against Israel and against God at the battlefield of Megiddo, more commonly known as Armageddon. If you think that’s just a joke or some myth, you’re living in denial and deceived greatly. Things are unfolding precisely as the Word of God said they would, because the Bible is the Word of the Living God who declares the end from the beginning. The time for self-righteous good deeds and a cultural observance of Judeo-Christian values is over. The time to play church is over. A hard line is being drawn in the sand. You are either genuinely for Christ or against Him. The door to heaven is still wide open right now by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. But there is a time of judgment and wrath coming up on this Earth, and based upon the prophetic signs all around us, that time is approaching very rapidly. Choose you this day whom you will serve, but as for me in my house we will serve the Lord God, and His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. The future of genuine born again believers in Jesus Christ is incredibly bright. The best is yet to come in ways that we can only begin to even imagine. The same cannot be said for those who have rejected Christ’s incredibly gracious offer of forgiveness and eternal life through his sacrifice on the cross. Let the one who has an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying, hear. Maranatha!!!

2 years ago

Thankfully I am not young. If I were of childbearing age, I would never bring another child into this world and know they would be forced to suffer under a totalitarian government…which is precisely where we are headed. Evil appears to be in charge. Just glad I won’t be around much longer to personally witness it.

2 years ago

Until we curb the lawlessness and corruption in DC politicians, this country will continue in it’s downward spiral.

Joe Altobellis
Joe Altobellis
2 years ago

It’s common to hear that Washington DC is a “swamp” that needs to be drained. However, I know that swamps, per se, are an ecological phenomenon that we try to preserve when possible. I sincerely believe our Nation’s capitol is rather a cesspool of manmade corruption that knows no decent bounds. Certain elements and power players are looking to control the system, thereby destroying the very fabric of our existence as a Nation: rugged individualism, shared by those that believe in controlling their own destiny, bound together in the common cause of true liberty and freedom. There may be hope, still, but time is no longer on our side………. For now, Merry Christmas to one and all!

Bob Sellen
Bob Sellen
2 years ago

“……A Republic, Madam, if we can keep it!”
Benjamin Franklin
Knowing history and understanding human nature, Dr. Franklin, even then, knew our freedoms and liberties could not be taken for granted and the battle would continue.

Love Mycountry
Love Mycountry
2 years ago

I am usually an optimistic person. But the recent passage in the Senate of this spending bill showed me that neither side in Congress is worth my vote. At least 15 so called Republicans voted to help the Democrats pass this bill. They sold out their voters for their own agenda. Probably explains why they sold out Trump as well. Merry Christmas to all of you.

2 years ago

On Christmas Eve,I am nothing but optimistic. As bleak as things are, Jesus is in control and all is well. Merry Christmas to all.

Capt Griz
Capt Griz
2 years ago

Our government is overrun by Marxist style socialists and communists bent on the destruction of our constitution and removal of our God given human rights. Major news providers and Government institutions like our education and legal systems are now just tools being used by our totalitarian leaders to eliminate religion, parental rights, the sanctity of marriage. Worse yet, not a soul is standing up to fight this insurrection from the top down. America is fast becoming a nation of hideous evil.

2 years ago

I am not sure that we will be able to withstand the carbon dioxide footprint of our “conservative” politicians/rhetoricians. The Rinos have a 5 seat majority in the house and a 2 seat deficit in the senate. They sure are babbling a lot and creating large quantities of hot air. WE NEED ACTIONS WITH POSITIVE RESULTS. THE OMNIBUS BILL WRITTEN BY LEAHY,SHELBY,AND DILAURO SET THE STAGE FOR JUST $1,700,000,000,000 OF ABUSE WITH EARMARKS. PLUS LEAHY AND SHELBY ARE RETIRING. NICE GOING AWAY PRESENT TO THE PEASANTS. THANKS. FXXX AND LEAVE THE ROOM.

2 years ago

What depresses me most is how ignorant & indoctrinated young people have become; this does not bode well for a self reliant nation. The schools [aka: Teacher Unions & the socialist-dems are responsible]

Michael Phillips
Michael Phillips
2 years ago

The Only Hope this Republic Has is with Jesus Christ and Him alone;forget the Democrats and the So called Conservative Party;they don’t listen and have failed ; they don’t care about Voting integrity /just want $$ otherwise don’t care about us in Yaderland / fly over folks,you get my drift;never mind!????

Scott Thurman
Scott Thurman
2 years ago

I’m MAD AS HELL at the shenanigans going on in our(yea right) government! The do nothing republicans tell us how they are fighting for us yet we are on an ever increasing slide downward!! SPEND, SPEND, SPEND and SPEND some more!!!! Washington is just one BIG lawyer’s PARTY!! Why are hilary and hunter (and brandon) not in PRISON?? I’m just waiting for the “GO!” FJB!!

2 years ago

After reviewing the comments—-we seem to be as a country at a turning point—but for now to all christ is still in Christmas and a better 2023

Tom Cassity
Tom Cassity
2 years ago

What disturbs me more than the devisiveness is the trending. Our culture has literally gone off the rails, where the worst kinds of cultural decay are promoted in the name of “compassion”, “equity” and “democracy”. Things that couldn’t even be imagined 20 years ago are now being codified into law. Unimaginable damage is being done to our children and the worst behaviors are being rewarded, the traditional values are being sanctioned…by policy!

Abomination is promoted in the name of “love” and “Truth” is declared unknowable. Both sides of this divide keep throwing gasoline on the fire and “Right” has been defined on both sides as “Winning”. This does not bode well.

I’m reminded of Lewis’ statement: “We are called to love one another and to be Holy. This is humanly impossible…Love, without the Holy Spirit always deteriorates into permissiveness. Holiness, without the Holy Spirit always deteriorates into legalism.”

Tom C.
Athens, GA

Terry K Hurlburt
Terry K Hurlburt
2 years ago

All that I see is the end of a “good & decent” Society. It has decayed to the point where GOD will let us continue until we become slaves to the TYRANTS. Jesus didn’t like violence, but he didn’t rule it out when confronting evil. WE ARE UNDER ATTACK BY EVIL. IF we keep sitting on our hands, we had better get our necks stretched out for the collar and chain.

Kelly Bell
Kelly Bell
2 years ago

If this country hopes to recover from this lousy REGIME – we need to take back our laws and our Constitution – Politicians need to be held accountable and Biden and his ilk need to be tried for TREASON, and all of the high crimes and others that they have committed. Our law enforcers and our judiciary are just as guilty and they all need to pay. Nuremberg 2.0 If there are still FBI and CIA and DOJ and HHS they need to stand up and incarcerate their bosses and upper echelon and justice needs to be brought back to this country.

Christine Caldwell
Christine Caldwell
2 years ago

I am concerned about the direction that our country is going in. We have people in power in our government who are working hard to destroy our independent democracy. The bases on which our country was founded. We the people have the power to stand up and vote them out and take back our country and return it to its former glory. However, for some reason many people are either blind to this or just believe the lies that the left is spouting. If they continue in this direction it will destroy this country. It is time for the American people to stand up and vote each an every one of this decadent individuals out of office. If we don’t the America we were endowed with by our forefathers will be gone and so will our individual rights and freedoms. I for one am a PROUD AMERICAN and will continue to stand against this insanity. So start talking don’t be silent. Go to every election whether you think it is important or not and vote the power and money hungry people out!! Think about this if you look at the finances of the politicians that are in power now and what they were when they got elected most of them are now worth millions. The question is how did that happen on what they are paid to represent us? A job that they completely ignore. They are suppose to work for us and not for their own interest. What I am seeing is that they don’t care what we want or what we think once they get in office just how much that they can fill their pockets. I am praying for our country and our people to wake up before it is to late!

2 years ago

I’m usually a pretty optimistic person but the way things are in this country these days there is nothing to be optimistic about. With Joke Biden in charge nothing has gone well. The democrats have found a way to cheat in our elections so I have to question will my state of AZ ever elect another republican. I will never give up but things aren’t looking good for this nation.

2 years ago

If we as a nation would once again recognize our need for God and His mercies, we could turn this country back into the direction it needs to go. If anything, we should not fear those who wish to destroy our country, our future and our pursuit of happiness. Instead we should be righteously angry that a few would hijack this nation and do with it as they will. We must embrace the American spirit that our forefathers had when they faced opposition and threats to their freedom. We have been brought to a great crossroad in our country and it is up to us to stand against this evil that has threatened our very existence.

“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”
President John F. Kennedy

I pray we will rise to the occasion, realize what is at stake and push back at the evil and those who promote it. We. Must. Not. Let. America. Fall.

Merry Christmas to all.

2 years ago

I had greater optimism about the short term future until the RINOs in the Senate and House recently decided to spend money we cannot repay, and beyond even our children’s ability to pay those bills. They surrendered to a foe we conquered on November 8. Why?!

2 years ago

Sadly, I believe America’s best days are well behind her. I do think she will survive as a nation state of the coming global economic and political system that will be centrally controlled from a European location (old Roman Empire). While I am thankful to have grown up and aged during the zenith of America’s existence, I regret that the sacrifices of so many or our forbears are being flushed into the abyss and future generations will have no idea what used to be in our great republic. I also believe America’s Providential purposes were to foster the missionary and technology systems to spread the Gospel throughout the world, AND to protect and foster the State of Israel in 1948 when the Jewish state was re-established after 2000 years. Now that those have been accomplished, we have told our Creator to “take a hike” in our courts, schools, media and political circles since WWII. The Depression/WWII Generation was the last firewall that respected our traditional Judeo-Christian values and heritage. With their passing, it’ now open season for depravity, idolatry and hedonism. The bitter fruit is falling to the ground throughout our communities, schools, media and government daily. The days of Noah have come full circle…..

2 years ago

I’m so angry at the 18 republicans who voted for the omnibus bill in the senate. Look at the list and do your best at the local level to get rid of them. The nerve of Tom cotton really makes me disgusted. Look at what is in it !! Pure democrat garbage. It’s the destruction of our constitutional republic. God help this country……

2 years ago

Things are different today. for decades we’ve been primed for the turmoil we are experiencing. A dysfunctional Government with FBI, DOJ and most other departments ignoring our Constitution and their oaths of office. We’ve been conditioned to accept censoring of our “free” speech, and the new, extended, and easily manipulated “election” process. We have a President (and his Administration) that have taken lying to a whole new level. Heck we can’t even get straight facts from our so-called news media. Unprofessional agenda-driven medial folks (can’t call them journalists) deliver news as they see it and want you to do likewise. And the recent “Omnibus” bill fiasco gave us a glimpse of the Democrat’s definition of Democracy … In darkened rooms, we’ll determine the country’s “needs” as we see them, no pushback, alternative suggestions will not be allowed. A vote on the 4K page, unread document will begin immediately, opposition will NOT be heard. Then, just do as you are told. If we, as a people, don’t wake up it will be like this and get progressively worse. There is an agenda … everyone’s heard of Devos, Switzerland and the “Great Reset”. So Merry Christmas to all … we better enjoy it while we still can.

2 years ago

I see zero hope. The US has the most corrupt and deceitful government in the world. Democrats take pride in cheating and corruption and many republicans have joined them. McConnell, Graham, Murkowski, Collins, Romney, Portman and others are just democrats who have betrayed the conservatives. Democrats are allowed to do whatever they want without any efforts from the GOP to stop them. I believe many republicans have engaged in self-enrichment at taxpayers’ expense. I not only see ZERO hope I have lost the believe we should even continue to be a country. I am totally embarrassed by this country and this government. Media is also corrupt and useless. Education is worthless… The end can’t come fast enough.

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