AI is the “Beast” waking up and stretching. Stop it or the Govt and scammers will be on a wish list mentality’s.
1 year ago
AI will help destroy the movie industry!!! The public wants real actors not glorified cartoons!!!. Stop it now or .9forget movie star salaries while the big dogs make millions more as time goes by
Bill Coates
1 year ago
AI is being ‘trained’ by progressives for progressives. It will be used to control information, public opinion, elections, and policy for progressive politicians. Its early forms are already biased against conservative concepts and those who hold them. The people behind the technology CANNOT BE TRUSTED!
David Diatikar
1 year ago
AI is here to stay. Workers will have to reinvent themselves as we did in the past. Truth does matter and AI lying will be a problem that must be managed better than we ever have in the past. Trust will be a greater issue as governments, companies, and other public and private organizations are hacked by AI and records find their way into social media. How will anyone know what to believe? We all must pull together to manage this to ensure our constitution protects us from enemies both foreign and domestic.
Marty M
1 year ago
You’ll care when it fakes a video of you doing something you never did!
1 year ago
Art Fleming=old school Jeopardy
Richard Sponable
1 year ago
Personally, I think the best example of artificial intelligence is Joe Biden.
Vincent in CO
1 year ago
Our enemies won’t take a pause. Neither should we. The key is to put in place safeguards that prevent abuse.
Michael Jones
1 year ago
I notice that not many people have any concern about jobs going away. It seems that the purpose of the ult – left is to reduce the human population on the planet. Have no fear – GOD will take of that.
1 year ago
AI can be used for good and evil as usual you have to be aware and protect yourself not rely on the government.
1 year ago
For some reason the movie Terminator comes to mind…”I’ll be back!”
William Estep
1 year ago
I I would like to have a brain implant to make me smarter.
jim wood
1 year ago
In case people are concerned over AI, all we have to do is look at what we are going through currently with the Joey Dumbs— administration. We are living it daily with a leader who doesn’t know or care about this country. Rebuke this crap and vote this idiot and his followers out.. Disgusting.
Reloader 83
1 year ago
Hard stop!
Government regulation? We can’t trust the past, current and future government we have now since We the People have let the government get way out of control!
Robert Shroyer
1 year ago
I am retired as is my wife and I don’t think AI will affect us much. BUT we should take it very slow, will there be job lose? Who will control it? Can we reverse if not what we really want?
1 year ago
A pause just allows our enemies to get ahead,
Brian Carrozza
1 year ago
I voted for a thoughtful pause, but I’m smart enough to know that horse is already out of the barn and there will be no stopping an unfettered AI from being developed somewhere.
Charlotte Bentley
1 year ago
There is no such thing as a “thoughtful pause” with our government.
Dale G Medley
1 year ago
AI only reflects the thinking of the human programmer that wrote the program for the artificial thinking. Who is to say that the programmer is being objective and not selectively prejudiced when writing the so called AI program? Example: We all know 1 + 1 = 2, but the programmer decides to make 1 + 1 = 5. What or who is going to correct it? Artificial intelligence does not ask if it makes sense. Thus the dilemma? I’m not letting AI tell me how to live my life until that problem is solved.
Dick Smith
1 year ago
AI is just a computer program created by a programmer to make decisions based on a set of inputs. It is only as intelligent as the person who programmed it. You might consider it as another level of automation.
1 year ago
None of the options fit my position. We should have had the conversation years ago. At the current stage, we have passed the point of no return.
1 year ago
People scan the internet then complain about pop-ups appearing on that subject, that is a minor version of AI. We have all read about ‘misinformation’ and how the government want to control the source of information and censor what you can see. Remember someone needs to code the computer initially as to what to think and then AI will learn based on those algorithms.
A Voter
1 year ago
Our final inention will be the one which destroys us. Let me say this now because I probably won’t be able to when the time is appropriate. I told you so.
1 year ago
Nothing man made/created can compare to what God has given us. AI has no soul, no Redeeming God given qualities, no moral compass to guide it, and will undoubtedly be imbued with tainted unforeseen negative qualities. Very bad idea in my opinion.
John Di Donato
1 year ago
I am all for artificial intelligence if we can just inject some into Joe Biden
1 year ago
We already are experiencing AI from the white house and how it affects all of us daily!
I keep getting notices about my accounts from legitimate companies getting hacked and some of the personal data is leaked out. Until they can prevent this, AI need to be heavily protected if it is going to be used.
Joyful Julia
1 year ago
Anyone remember the 2004 movie “I, Robot” with Will Smith? AI is very scary.
1 year ago
All the other technologies listed (autos, electricity, computers) from times past couldn’t, take off on their own and make decisions on their own and carry them out or cause them to be carried out.
If even Elon Musk is a bit nervous about it, caution seems to be the best move. It could always move forward, but backing out would or could be much more difficult.
Susan S Agati
1 year ago
AI can be found in Wash. DC
Christopher Hamilton
1 year ago
Just watch “Person of Interest”. A real eye opener.
1 year ago
Probably watch way to much Syfy — but.. our country & world seems increasingly more evil -shouldn’t we be concerned about who is programming AI’s ? Are AI’s supposed to replace a large percentage of the ( manual labor) workforce? Replacing humans who aren’t being educated well enough to work in positions requiring advanced knowledge of new technologies…. Might be a recipe for extinction ???? ??????
Fairfield 54
1 year ago
AI is scary. There was a story about a companyt hat created a couple of robots and before loing, they (the robots) had their own language and currency and were conducting business on their own. The robots were shut down. AI is here and we use it everyday. If you use Siri on you iPhone, you are using AI. If you have Alexa, you are using AI. It comes down to being smart in how we use it and how we apply it. Computers were to help us, save us time, make things easier, and as far as I am concerned all that computers did was make things harder.
Frank Galeoti
1 year ago
Our enemies will not pause, we cannot flounder developing this technology
1 year ago
We are beyond control for no matter what the Western World does, China and others will use AI to gain further control!
1 year ago
Terminator was a true story?
1 year ago
Our competitors and enemies will be pushing forward with AI. I would rather be in the forefront of this new development than to try playing catchup.
1 year ago
Is computer generated information any more or less accurate than that which we receive from supposed authorities like Fauci or VP Harris … Biden? How about the Pope? People will believe that which favors their position regardless of its origin. We just add another self-serving pseodo authority to the list of prognosticators.
1 year ago
This should move ahead and quickly and we should be in the lead.
1 year ago
It’s poetic justice; for decades the wannabe elites have cheered as automation has displaced arm and factory workers, making everything they want cheaper without a care for those being displaced. AI’s like intellectual automation, and it’s going to displace those same wannabe elites, the journalists and marketers and lawyers and doctors who all considered themselves irreplaceable.
AI will be as dangerous as we allow it to be. If we allow AI to create deep fake videos without labeling them fakes, people will be fooled and may vote or make other decisions based on bad information. As long as we label AI’s products, we know to beware.
AI will only be physically dangerous to us if we connect it to machines and give it free reign. Without a connection to a physical machine, AI is no more dangerous than Jim Cramer, who has probably done more financial damage to humans than AI will ever be able to.
We might actually be better off letting AI control the government. Even the dumbest, most malicious AI will do something good once-in-awhile, unlike Joe Biden, who NEVER does anything good…
1 year ago
I think artificial intelligence can be good, but like a lot of other things created for the good of mankind, Somehow evil seems to creep in and use what was good for evil purposes. I believe strong constraints need to be in place, but Ai needs to go ahead
1 year ago
“Artificial Intelligence” is treading where no man should go. Whether you believe in this or not, demonic entities can and will hijack it and do what they want. It is evil. We are to look to the intelligence and guidance of the Lord God; Creator of heaven and earth. He already gave us His Word. No one seeks Him. Instead they ignore Him and He allows them…
This is equivalent to the building of the tower of Babel. It is a further demonic effort to try to be equal to God. Those who are pushing this nonsense are GODLESS. This is why we are lost in a society that talks about artificial wombs. There is no common sense any more and “There is no fear of God before their eyes” Romans 3:8
If someone has wisdom from the Lord they shudder at the thought of this. The Lord should overrule it as He did with the tower of Babel when He introduced every new language to confound those who were building it together. These people are ignorant until they inadvertently open a portal that they cannot close. Oops!
1 year ago
A thoughtful pause to give us time to digest this and if need be keep the government out of it. If this is implemented correctly and not shoved down our throats it could be a good thing.
1 year ago
We need some intelligence instead of emotions in this country. Common sense would be nice to see in DC but I’m afraid they are way past return…
Tom Howe
1 year ago
Just remember – AI is way more “Artificial” than it is “Intelligent!”
Phil M
1 year ago
Too late for a thoughtful pause. AI is here and growing. What follows in that bullet is what needs to take place. My thought: If artificial intelligence in any way, shape or form infringes on any human right, the result should be an immediate unplugging and dismantling, or self-destruct. A death penalty of sorts. That should (I hope) ensure any programming puts humans on a higher plane than the machine. I know, easier said than done. That’s why we need the discussion.
1 year ago
We have a whole lot of people that display AI themselves. And a lot of them are politicians. Guess, it depends on who or what will have control of the AI, just like with anything else? AI is nothing more than a human being(s) that write computer code (programming), that orders the (machine) computer to do certain tasks and act in a particular way, to come up with a certain result. Remember the AI subroutines in the voting machines that were found manipulating our election data?
Reverend G.M. Rocle
1 year ago
Food for thought:
God made man in His own image.
Man is attempting to make machines in man’s own image.
The problem with this:
1 year ago
I think a hard stop would be appropriate right now but with any new technology, this will probably go full speed ahead and create much havoc, chaos and harm. I personally do not think it is stoppable. Those with evil intent will be all over this because the opportunities will be too hard to resist.
Martin Plecki
1 year ago
Nations who want to see the demise of the USA certainty will not stop or pause. The USA stops or pauses at our own risk. Look at who is suggesting a pause or stop. If they lean left we should go ahead full speed.
1 year ago
I liked the boundries and ethics until government was mentioned. Too much government already.
AI is the “Beast” waking up and stretching. Stop it or the Govt and scammers will be on a wish list mentality’s.
AI will help destroy the movie industry!!! The public wants real actors not glorified cartoons!!!. Stop it now or .9forget movie star salaries while the big dogs make millions more as time goes by
AI is being ‘trained’ by progressives for progressives. It will be used to control information, public opinion, elections, and policy for progressive politicians. Its early forms are already biased against conservative concepts and those who hold them. The people behind the technology CANNOT BE TRUSTED!
AI is here to stay. Workers will have to reinvent themselves as we did in the past. Truth does matter and AI lying will be a problem that must be managed better than we ever have in the past. Trust will be a greater issue as governments, companies, and other public and private organizations are hacked by AI and records find their way into social media. How will anyone know what to believe? We all must pull together to manage this to ensure our constitution protects us from enemies both foreign and domestic.
You’ll care when it fakes a video of you doing something you never did!
Art Fleming=old school Jeopardy
Personally, I think the best example of artificial intelligence is Joe Biden.
Our enemies won’t take a pause. Neither should we. The key is to put in place safeguards that prevent abuse.
I notice that not many people have any concern about jobs going away. It seems that the purpose of the ult – left is to reduce the human population on the planet. Have no fear – GOD will take of that.
AI can be used for good and evil as usual you have to be aware and protect yourself not rely on the government.
For some reason the movie Terminator comes to mind…”I’ll be back!”
I I would like to have a brain implant to make me smarter.
In case people are concerned over AI, all we have to do is look at what we are going through currently with the Joey Dumbs— administration. We are living it daily with a leader who doesn’t know or care about this country. Rebuke this crap and vote this idiot and his followers out.. Disgusting.
Hard stop!
Government regulation? We can’t trust the past, current and future government we have now since We the People have let the government get way out of control!
I am retired as is my wife and I don’t think AI will affect us much. BUT we should take it very slow, will there be job lose? Who will control it? Can we reverse if not what we really want?
A pause just allows our enemies to get ahead,
I voted for a thoughtful pause, but I’m smart enough to know that horse is already out of the barn and there will be no stopping an unfettered AI from being developed somewhere.
There is no such thing as a “thoughtful pause” with our government.
AI only reflects the thinking of the human programmer that wrote the program for the artificial thinking. Who is to say that the programmer is being objective and not selectively prejudiced when writing the so called AI program? Example: We all know 1 + 1 = 2, but the programmer decides to make 1 + 1 = 5. What or who is going to correct it? Artificial intelligence does not ask if it makes sense. Thus the dilemma? I’m not letting AI tell me how to live my life until that problem is solved.
AI is just a computer program created by a programmer to make decisions based on a set of inputs. It is only as intelligent as the person who programmed it. You might consider it as another level of automation.
None of the options fit my position. We should have had the conversation years ago. At the current stage, we have passed the point of no return.
People scan the internet then complain about pop-ups appearing on that subject, that is a minor version of AI. We have all read about ‘misinformation’ and how the government want to control the source of information and censor what you can see. Remember someone needs to code the computer initially as to what to think and then AI will learn based on those algorithms.
Our final inention will be the one which destroys us. Let me say this now because I probably won’t be able to when the time is appropriate. I told you so.
Nothing man made/created can compare to what God has given us. AI has no soul, no Redeeming God given qualities, no moral compass to guide it, and will undoubtedly be imbued with tainted unforeseen negative qualities. Very bad idea in my opinion.
I am all for artificial intelligence if we can just inject some into Joe Biden
We already are experiencing AI from the white house and how it affects all of us daily!
I keep getting notices about my accounts from legitimate companies getting hacked and some of the personal data is leaked out. Until they can prevent this, AI need to be heavily protected if it is going to be used.
Anyone remember the 2004 movie “I, Robot” with Will Smith? AI is very scary.
All the other technologies listed (autos, electricity, computers) from times past couldn’t, take off on their own and make decisions on their own and carry them out or cause them to be carried out.
If even Elon Musk is a bit nervous about it, caution seems to be the best move. It could always move forward, but backing out would or could be much more difficult.
AI can be found in Wash. DC
Just watch “Person of Interest”. A real eye opener.
Probably watch way to much Syfy — but.. our country & world seems increasingly more evil -shouldn’t we be concerned about who is programming AI’s ? Are AI’s supposed to replace a large percentage of the ( manual labor) workforce? Replacing humans who aren’t being educated well enough to work in positions requiring advanced knowledge of new technologies…. Might be a recipe for extinction ???? ??????
AI is scary. There was a story about a companyt hat created a couple of robots and before loing, they (the robots) had their own language and currency and were conducting business on their own. The robots were shut down. AI is here and we use it everyday. If you use Siri on you iPhone, you are using AI. If you have Alexa, you are using AI. It comes down to being smart in how we use it and how we apply it. Computers were to help us, save us time, make things easier, and as far as I am concerned all that computers did was make things harder.
Our enemies will not pause, we cannot flounder developing this technology
We are beyond control for no matter what the Western World does, China and others will use AI to gain further control!
Terminator was a true story?
Our competitors and enemies will be pushing forward with AI. I would rather be in the forefront of this new development than to try playing catchup.
Is computer generated information any more or less accurate than that which we receive from supposed authorities like Fauci or VP Harris … Biden? How about the Pope? People will believe that which favors their position regardless of its origin. We just add another self-serving pseodo authority to the list of prognosticators.
This should move ahead and quickly and we should be in the lead.
It’s poetic justice; for decades the wannabe elites have cheered as automation has displaced arm and factory workers, making everything they want cheaper without a care for those being displaced. AI’s like intellectual automation, and it’s going to displace those same wannabe elites, the journalists and marketers and lawyers and doctors who all considered themselves irreplaceable.
AI will be as dangerous as we allow it to be. If we allow AI to create deep fake videos without labeling them fakes, people will be fooled and may vote or make other decisions based on bad information. As long as we label AI’s products, we know to beware.
AI will only be physically dangerous to us if we connect it to machines and give it free reign. Without a connection to a physical machine, AI is no more dangerous than Jim Cramer, who has probably done more financial damage to humans than AI will ever be able to.
We might actually be better off letting AI control the government. Even the dumbest, most malicious AI will do something good once-in-awhile, unlike Joe Biden, who NEVER does anything good…
I think artificial intelligence can be good, but like a lot of other things created for the good of mankind, Somehow evil seems to creep in and use what was good for evil purposes. I believe strong constraints need to be in place, but Ai needs to go ahead
“Artificial Intelligence” is treading where no man should go. Whether you believe in this or not, demonic entities can and will hijack it and do what they want. It is evil. We are to look to the intelligence and guidance of the Lord God; Creator of heaven and earth. He already gave us His Word. No one seeks Him. Instead they ignore Him and He allows them…
This is equivalent to the building of the tower of Babel. It is a further demonic effort to try to be equal to God. Those who are pushing this nonsense are GODLESS. This is why we are lost in a society that talks about artificial wombs. There is no common sense any more and “There is no fear of God before their eyes” Romans 3:8
If someone has wisdom from the Lord they shudder at the thought of this. The Lord should overrule it as He did with the tower of Babel when He introduced every new language to confound those who were building it together. These people are ignorant until they inadvertently open a portal that they cannot close. Oops!
A thoughtful pause to give us time to digest this and if need be keep the government out of it. If this is implemented correctly and not shoved down our throats it could be a good thing.
We need some intelligence instead of emotions in this country. Common sense would be nice to see in DC but I’m afraid they are way past return…
Just remember – AI is way more “Artificial” than it is “Intelligent!”
Too late for a thoughtful pause. AI is here and growing. What follows in that bullet is what needs to take place. My thought: If artificial intelligence in any way, shape or form infringes on any human right, the result should be an immediate unplugging and dismantling, or self-destruct. A death penalty of sorts. That should (I hope) ensure any programming puts humans on a higher plane than the machine. I know, easier said than done. That’s why we need the discussion.
We have a whole lot of people that display AI themselves. And a lot of them are politicians. Guess, it depends on who or what will have control of the AI, just like with anything else? AI is nothing more than a human being(s) that write computer code (programming), that orders the (machine) computer to do certain tasks and act in a particular way, to come up with a certain result. Remember the AI subroutines in the voting machines that were found manipulating our election data?
Food for thought:
God made man in His own image.
Man is attempting to make machines in man’s own image.
The problem with this:
I think a hard stop would be appropriate right now but with any new technology, this will probably go full speed ahead and create much havoc, chaos and harm. I personally do not think it is stoppable. Those with evil intent will be all over this because the opportunities will be too hard to resist.
Nations who want to see the demise of the USA certainty will not stop or pause. The USA stops or pauses at our own risk. Look at who is suggesting a pause or stop. If they lean left we should go ahead full speed.
I liked the boundries and ethics until government was mentioned. Too much government already.