Holidays of other faiths are more likely ignored rather than attacked but supporters of other faiths are also more likely made to feel unwanted regardless of the time of the year.
Ivan Berry
6 years ago
Happy Holidays, Season’s greetings, Hanukkah, the winter solstice, Yule tide, , or Saturnalia from Dec. 17th to the 25th to celebrate the birth of a new year, or X-mas.
X-Mas–From black Friday (after thanksgiving) till everyone runs out of money or out of credit. X-mas is a commercial unholyday that celebrates greed.
So, do you really think Christian Holidays are under attack or just forgotten? Christians themselves suffer from attack, but the holidays–maybe they are beneficial to the consumer economy (sark) , but of little use in promoting religion.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, whatever your pursuasion.
The anti-religious Progressives ignore and try to dismiss and hide any connection to religion, especially at this time of year. But they have targeted that little baby born in Bethlehem the most.
But we believers take joy from the gift of our father in Heaven- and they can’t take that away from us.
6 years ago
I’m not sure they really are under attack except on social media. I have met no one who does not say merry christmas, happy Hanukkah or any other holiday greeting. I think they are only being attacked because we take the social media bait. MHO only.
Gail Trent
6 years ago
We do not celebrate Christmas, Halloween or Easter and do not have a problem with people saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas because Hanukkah is so close to Christmas time that to say Happy Holidays includes those who are celebrating it around the same time and are more likely to feel included. Do I believe that there are more attacks on Christmas gatherings/events … Yes, because more people observe and gather for it, making them larger targets. I also do not like the birth of our Messiah being used as a reason for sales/marketing, especially for stores such as Victoria Secrets, Spencer’s, anti-God products, etc… I don’t think He would like it either. He would most likely say leave my name out of that mess.
A Mauro
6 years ago
Christmas is about a savior sent to us by God , and is indeed God himself, to save us from our sins. We couldn’t help or save ourselves from going into hell a place of eternal suffering. So God wanted to provide us with the help we need. That thought seems to be lost but is still the message and end for everyone. Believe it, live it, propagate it or be bound to the ungodly way of the world forever. The serpent and his followers are trying to destroy God;s natural law and order and commandments and bring all to a bad end. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
6 years ago
I’m glad to see my fellow right leaning friends have not been living under a rock for the past 10 years. Most anyway, there are a few of you that crawl out on Saturday morning and embarrass the rest of us.
Walt O
6 years ago
With the media we now have in America today , anything related to Christianity is ” fair game”.
6 years ago
It’s come to the point where all businesses, commercials and other means of public communication are afraid to say Merry Christmas so they use the term Happy Holidays! However they have no problem pushing their Gay agendas own our throats.
6 years ago
The subversives in this country don’t want a God. Without a God, there are no limits on their behavior. They are free to behave in any mannor that they wish with no accountability. SURPRISE, there will be accountability in the end.
John LaPorte
6 years ago
Chistmas, as a part of the Christian religion has been under attack for centuries. And it’s biggest prosecutor has been the followers of the Islamic belief. While I’m Agnostic, I don’t have a dog in this fight, but I do believe in the tenants of Christion ideals. I also believe that followers of the Islamic faith will exact their Sharea justice on all “infidels” regardless of religious orientation, and that is a threat to us all.
6 years ago
it’s all in the major plan to destroy Christianity in this country. the very basis of our fore fathers one nation under god. In case you missed it we are cutting away Christian views everyday not sure where or how this started but the universities have a lot to do with it
Joe Carr Sr
6 years ago
Socialism can not exist where Christianity is widespread and practiced!!
6 years ago
More then ever, but then the Bible says that satan will become more bold as the time near the end draws near. I don’t think people realize how much they are used by satan but used they are. How else could we get in the condition we’re in. All of the seven deadly sins are at work every day. MHO
6 years ago
Christians have always been persecuted, even to this day! Look what is happening to them in the Middle East, God help them. To add my own actions I never say Happy Holiday; I wish those who celebrate Christmas a Merry Christmas and I acknowledge those of another faith.
Robert Lockman
6 years ago
NWO trying to destroy USA
Jan J.
6 years ago
I think you find more ‘attacks’ in the ‘lunatic fringe’ of the country than in the heartland–in general. The leftist media tends to make a big deal out of stories about attacks while disregarding all the good things happening all around the country. One teacher that tries to ban Christmas songs than mention Jesus gets all the hype while the thousands that do not are never mentioned.
6 years ago
Christianity is under Attack, as it has been for 2018 Years, since JESUS was Born, Lived, Died and Rose From the Dead, Defeating satan’s Kingdom of Darkness. The only Difference now is, we are Closer to Christ’s Second Coming and the Spiritual Warfare in Heavenly Places and here on Earth are becoming more Intense. But as JESUS said, “Upon this Rock, I Will Build MY Church and The Gates of Hell Shall NOT Prevail Against it.” Matthew 16:18 Glory Be To GOD and HIS Unspeakable Gift, HIS Son JESUS Christ Forever! Hallelu-YAHWEH and Merry CHRIST-mas!
Judy Smith
6 years ago
I see some improvement since President Trump took office, but there is still too much attack against Christian holidays and everything else Christian. It’s our fault. We spend our time complaining, but every time we complain we should in the same day be sure to witness our faith openly to others. If we Christians don’t, no one will. If our faith is important to us, we should tell others. Wake up American Christians. Don’t talk about what “they” are doing, tell what God is doing–especially what He has already done and continues to do for you.
Mike B
6 years ago
I still wish those I encounter during this season “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”. If someone has a problem with that, so be it.
Stephen Russell
6 years ago
Been attacking the season since Day 1, Nothing on Thanksgiving BUR heavy on the Yule season thus the Dems & Leftists are Grinches.
6 years ago
Among many other atrocities, Nazis lied and made deals with the churches while planning a ”slow and cautious policy of gradual encroachment” to eliminate Christianity. Sound familiar?
Bob R
6 years ago
To advance socialism there can only be one “faith” and thats Government. Since Trump has been in office it has quieted some.
BUT, the DEMS will be back to continue their attack on Democracy.
6 years ago
If we attacked mohammad like the attack on the Christian faith there would be riots in the street and a call for jihad and we Americans seem to appease these folks on the left. we have a new congress woman elect who is already mocking The Vice President for his Christian faith. We have to trust in God and his will be done. Jesus said that we would experience these end times but hold fast to our beliefs.
Craig Schir,o
6 years ago
Not only is the Christian faith being asailed by multiple non Christians, laws are being passed to punish those who believe in objective truths a subjective truths revealed by God in HIS scripture on God given moralities. This causing people to loose jobs and livelyhoods! Christians can no longer stand by as lambs for the slaughter. We must fight back with every ounce of our strength. Civility is being overthrown by the Godless.
6 years ago
For Christians, Jesus is the “reason for the season”. For all unbelievers, the holiday is CASHMAS. And I am astonished by the (currently) 154 voters who are either oblivious or reality deniers or worse.
6 years ago
Thank God that He’s in control. Keep the faith. Keep your eyes on Jesus!?
6 years ago
The media in this country should be under attack a bunch of money hunger buttholes
frank caswin
6 years ago
sad to see where this country is going
David Glendinning
6 years ago
Christmas is a federal holiday.
Lawrence D. Heil
6 years ago
And now we have the Chinese lantern festival in direct competition with Christmas in New York, instead of when it is normally celebrated in other countries. Such open minded people up there. It is intentional to have it now.
Grace Ann
6 years ago
See Wall Twp NJ 07719
Stopping Christmas Light Show at residence
Lies to the public
Always says holiday show
So much more
6 years ago
And fake news will not touch the truth!
Robert Wells
6 years ago
All part of the grand globalist plan, since before the USA money supply got privatized and taken over by the ‘Federal Reserve Bank’.
See ‘prayingmedic’ on youtube if you want a serious lift. Ever heard of”Q”?
Tim Stults
6 years ago
Any mention or conversation referring to Jesus Christ or your faith and belief in Christ is frowned upon in workplace or schools in a nation that was founded upon that belief and faith.
6 years ago
Remember that holiday classic featuring Chevy Chase as the inept Clark Griswald striving for the perfect family holiday? What as it called? Oh yeah – “Winter Break”.
Bobby Neal
6 years ago
It seems like everyone is afraid to say Merry Christmas because it will offend someone. Well, I don’t care who it offends. If they don’t like it let them go back where they came from. Merry Christmas.
6 years ago
Much better than when Obama was President. Many were afraid to say “Merry Christmas “ and now I hear it almost every day. A nice change. As Christians, we need to stand up for our rights. If you want to be gay or an atheist, fine, just don’t try to shove it down my throat. If you do, you may find an unwelcome response.
Charles Sweetman
6 years ago
“The message of the cross is foolishness to those headed for destruction, but we who are being saved know it is the very power of God.”
I Cor. I:18
6 years ago
The entire “White” culture is under attack planet wide. It’s NOT just the religion but every single part of everything we hold dear. A massive blow back is rapidly approaching. Ret US Army…awake and prepared.
Mitch S
6 years ago
I agree with Judy, we Christians fall far short of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. I still say Merry Christmas, and smile, and I sing carols as I walk through stores. This actually can start a conversation. But we need to “stand firm” as Paul commands in Ephesians.
Dave Rubenking
6 years ago
Holidays in the Judeo-Christian traditions have been under attack for centuries. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the candy carnival of All Saint’s Eve are NOT the recent concoctions of any modern political movement. Our struggle is with a much older evil, but take heart; I’ve read the book and know that in the end, he is lost for eternity.
Vincent Patrick Pisculli, Sr
6 years ago
Even (or mostly) the real nice HALLMARK CHRISTMAS movies are “cute” but never spiritual.
Thomas Topes
6 years ago
You can be against Christianity and the Left is either silent or praises you but oppose elements of Islam that are repulsive and you’re condemned as an “Islamaphobe.”
6 years ago
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.” Salvation comes through NO ONE else! Christianity is based upon a living God who entered space, time and history. He is still with us through the Holy Spirit in the believers heart. Be bold wish the Muslim, the Democrat, the gay person a “Merry Christmas.” We don’t have a spirit of timidity as Paul writes to Timothy. Christianity by its nature is exclusive from all other religions and cults, but is inclusive as it embraces sinners, which we ALL are. There are only two classes of people: the saved and unsaved. Let’s start proclaiming the Good News to the unsaved. Merry Christmas.
6 years ago
Should anybody even say anything negative about a Muslim holiday they would end up dead.
Debbie leGrand
6 years ago
Judgment day comes for all !!
6 years ago
We are in the end days. It’s a fight of good and evil. We all know who wins in the end though. It’s time for all churches (and christians) to stand up and have our voices heard in the name of God. Remember in Revelations, God doesn’t like lukewarm churches.
6 years ago
I think the question was bad, Christmas is the biggest (retail) holiday, and it is not under attack….the religious/spiritual foundation is/has been set aside in the commercializing of the holiday.
I grew up in a non-religious family in the 60’s and 70’s and I don’t see a whole lot of difference except that retailer’s have shifted to be more inclusive of other religions that celebrate different holidays at the same time of year…therefore not focusing on one particular holiday, but wishing all folks a happy holiday (of their choice), and of course the push to SPEND MORE
I am now a born again Christian and our family is free to celebrate with as much emphasis on the birth of Christ as we desire.
Retailer’s are of course interested in their bottom line, so for that reason they of course would want to be inclusive of everyone with money to spend… as a Christian I do believe that satan is doing his darndest to sow division, and distract us as much as possible so we are squabaling over petty things and not focusing on the truth that God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life
John 3:16
6 years ago
Christmas is not a Christian holiday. Christ never was inChristmas. Do the research.
Holidays of other faiths are more likely ignored rather than attacked but supporters of other faiths are also more likely made to feel unwanted regardless of the time of the year.
Happy Holidays, Season’s greetings, Hanukkah, the winter solstice, Yule tide, , or Saturnalia from Dec. 17th to the 25th to celebrate the birth of a new year, or X-mas.
X-Mas–From black Friday (after thanksgiving) till everyone runs out of money or out of credit. X-mas is a commercial unholyday that celebrates greed.
So, do you really think Christian Holidays are under attack or just forgotten? Christians themselves suffer from attack, but the holidays–maybe they are beneficial to the consumer economy (sark) , but of little use in promoting religion.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, whatever your pursuasion.
The anti-religious Progressives ignore and try to dismiss and hide any connection to religion, especially at this time of year. But they have targeted that little baby born in Bethlehem the most.
But we believers take joy from the gift of our father in Heaven- and they can’t take that away from us.
I’m not sure they really are under attack except on social media. I have met no one who does not say merry christmas, happy Hanukkah or any other holiday greeting. I think they are only being attacked because we take the social media bait. MHO only.
We do not celebrate Christmas, Halloween or Easter and do not have a problem with people saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas because Hanukkah is so close to Christmas time that to say Happy Holidays includes those who are celebrating it around the same time and are more likely to feel included. Do I believe that there are more attacks on Christmas gatherings/events … Yes, because more people observe and gather for it, making them larger targets. I also do not like the birth of our Messiah being used as a reason for sales/marketing, especially for stores such as Victoria Secrets, Spencer’s, anti-God products, etc… I don’t think He would like it either. He would most likely say leave my name out of that mess.
Christmas is about a savior sent to us by God , and is indeed God himself, to save us from our sins. We couldn’t help or save ourselves from going into hell a place of eternal suffering. So God wanted to provide us with the help we need. That thought seems to be lost but is still the message and end for everyone. Believe it, live it, propagate it or be bound to the ungodly way of the world forever. The serpent and his followers are trying to destroy God;s natural law and order and commandments and bring all to a bad end. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
I’m glad to see my fellow right leaning friends have not been living under a rock for the past 10 years. Most anyway, there are a few of you that crawl out on Saturday morning and embarrass the rest of us.
With the media we now have in America today , anything related to Christianity is ” fair game”.
It’s come to the point where all businesses, commercials and other means of public communication are afraid to say Merry Christmas so they use the term Happy Holidays! However they have no problem pushing their Gay agendas own our throats.
The subversives in this country don’t want a God. Without a God, there are no limits on their behavior. They are free to behave in any mannor that they wish with no accountability. SURPRISE, there will be accountability in the end.
Chistmas, as a part of the Christian religion has been under attack for centuries. And it’s biggest prosecutor has been the followers of the Islamic belief. While I’m Agnostic, I don’t have a dog in this fight, but I do believe in the tenants of Christion ideals. I also believe that followers of the Islamic faith will exact their Sharea justice on all “infidels” regardless of religious orientation, and that is a threat to us all.
it’s all in the major plan to destroy Christianity in this country. the very basis of our fore fathers one nation under god. In case you missed it we are cutting away Christian views everyday not sure where or how this started but the universities have a lot to do with it
Socialism can not exist where Christianity is widespread and practiced!!
More then ever, but then the Bible says that satan will become more bold as the time near the end draws near. I don’t think people realize how much they are used by satan but used they are. How else could we get in the condition we’re in. All of the seven deadly sins are at work every day. MHO
Christians have always been persecuted, even to this day! Look what is happening to them in the Middle East, God help them. To add my own actions I never say Happy Holiday; I wish those who celebrate Christmas a Merry Christmas and I acknowledge those of another faith.
NWO trying to destroy USA
I think you find more ‘attacks’ in the ‘lunatic fringe’ of the country than in the heartland–in general. The leftist media tends to make a big deal out of stories about attacks while disregarding all the good things happening all around the country. One teacher that tries to ban Christmas songs than mention Jesus gets all the hype while the thousands that do not are never mentioned.
Christianity is under Attack, as it has been for 2018 Years, since JESUS was Born, Lived, Died and Rose From the Dead, Defeating satan’s Kingdom of Darkness. The only Difference now is, we are Closer to Christ’s Second Coming and the Spiritual Warfare in Heavenly Places and here on Earth are becoming more Intense. But as JESUS said, “Upon this Rock, I Will Build MY Church and The Gates of Hell Shall NOT Prevail Against it.” Matthew 16:18 Glory Be To GOD and HIS Unspeakable Gift, HIS Son JESUS Christ Forever! Hallelu-YAHWEH and Merry CHRIST-mas!
I see some improvement since President Trump took office, but there is still too much attack against Christian holidays and everything else Christian. It’s our fault. We spend our time complaining, but every time we complain we should in the same day be sure to witness our faith openly to others. If we Christians don’t, no one will. If our faith is important to us, we should tell others. Wake up American Christians. Don’t talk about what “they” are doing, tell what God is doing–especially what He has already done and continues to do for you.
I still wish those I encounter during this season “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”. If someone has a problem with that, so be it.
Been attacking the season since Day 1, Nothing on Thanksgiving BUR heavy on the Yule season thus the Dems & Leftists are Grinches.
Among many other atrocities, Nazis lied and made deals with the churches while planning a ”slow and cautious policy of gradual encroachment” to eliminate Christianity. Sound familiar?
To advance socialism there can only be one “faith” and thats Government. Since Trump has been in office it has quieted some.
BUT, the DEMS will be back to continue their attack on Democracy.
If we attacked mohammad like the attack on the Christian faith there would be riots in the street and a call for jihad and we Americans seem to appease these folks on the left. we have a new congress woman elect who is already mocking The Vice President for his Christian faith. We have to trust in God and his will be done. Jesus said that we would experience these end times but hold fast to our beliefs.
Not only is the Christian faith being asailed by multiple non Christians, laws are being passed to punish those who believe in objective truths a subjective truths revealed by God in HIS scripture on God given moralities. This causing people to loose jobs and livelyhoods! Christians can no longer stand by as lambs for the slaughter. We must fight back with every ounce of our strength. Civility is being overthrown by the Godless.
For Christians, Jesus is the “reason for the season”. For all unbelievers, the holiday is CASHMAS. And I am astonished by the (currently) 154 voters who are either oblivious or reality deniers or worse.
Thank God that He’s in control. Keep the faith. Keep your eyes on Jesus!?
The media in this country should be under attack a bunch of money hunger buttholes
sad to see where this country is going
Christmas is a federal holiday.
And now we have the Chinese lantern festival in direct competition with Christmas in New York, instead of when it is normally celebrated in other countries. Such open minded people up there. It is intentional to have it now.
See Wall Twp NJ 07719
Stopping Christmas Light Show at residence
Lies to the public
Always says holiday show
So much more
And fake news will not touch the truth!
All part of the grand globalist plan, since before the USA money supply got privatized and taken over by the ‘Federal Reserve Bank’.
See ‘prayingmedic’ on youtube if you want a serious lift. Ever heard of”Q”?
Any mention or conversation referring to Jesus Christ or your faith and belief in Christ is frowned upon in workplace or schools in a nation that was founded upon that belief and faith.
Remember that holiday classic featuring Chevy Chase as the inept Clark Griswald striving for the perfect family holiday? What as it called? Oh yeah – “Winter Break”.
It seems like everyone is afraid to say Merry Christmas because it will offend someone. Well, I don’t care who it offends. If they don’t like it let them go back where they came from. Merry Christmas.
Much better than when Obama was President. Many were afraid to say “Merry Christmas “ and now I hear it almost every day. A nice change. As Christians, we need to stand up for our rights. If you want to be gay or an atheist, fine, just don’t try to shove it down my throat. If you do, you may find an unwelcome response.
“The message of the cross is foolishness to those headed for destruction, but we who are being saved know it is the very power of God.”
I Cor. I:18
The entire “White” culture is under attack planet wide. It’s NOT just the religion but every single part of everything we hold dear. A massive blow back is rapidly approaching. Ret US Army…awake and prepared.
I agree with Judy, we Christians fall far short of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. I still say Merry Christmas, and smile, and I sing carols as I walk through stores. This actually can start a conversation. But we need to “stand firm” as Paul commands in Ephesians.
Holidays in the Judeo-Christian traditions have been under attack for centuries. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the candy carnival of All Saint’s Eve are NOT the recent concoctions of any modern political movement. Our struggle is with a much older evil, but take heart; I’ve read the book and know that in the end, he is lost for eternity.
Even (or mostly) the real nice HALLMARK CHRISTMAS movies are “cute” but never spiritual.
You can be against Christianity and the Left is either silent or praises you but oppose elements of Islam that are repulsive and you’re condemned as an “Islamaphobe.”
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.” Salvation comes through NO ONE else! Christianity is based upon a living God who entered space, time and history. He is still with us through the Holy Spirit in the believers heart. Be bold wish the Muslim, the Democrat, the gay person a “Merry Christmas.” We don’t have a spirit of timidity as Paul writes to Timothy. Christianity by its nature is exclusive from all other religions and cults, but is inclusive as it embraces sinners, which we ALL are. There are only two classes of people: the saved and unsaved. Let’s start proclaiming the Good News to the unsaved. Merry Christmas.
Should anybody even say anything negative about a Muslim holiday they would end up dead.
Judgment day comes for all !!
We are in the end days. It’s a fight of good and evil. We all know who wins in the end though. It’s time for all churches (and christians) to stand up and have our voices heard in the name of God. Remember in Revelations, God doesn’t like lukewarm churches.
I think the question was bad, Christmas is the biggest (retail) holiday, and it is not under attack….the religious/spiritual foundation is/has been set aside in the commercializing of the holiday.
I grew up in a non-religious family in the 60’s and 70’s and I don’t see a whole lot of difference except that retailer’s have shifted to be more inclusive of other religions that celebrate different holidays at the same time of year…therefore not focusing on one particular holiday, but wishing all folks a happy holiday (of their choice), and of course the push to SPEND MORE
I am now a born again Christian and our family is free to celebrate with as much emphasis on the birth of Christ as we desire.
Retailer’s are of course interested in their bottom line, so for that reason they of course would want to be inclusive of everyone with money to spend… as a Christian I do believe that satan is doing his darndest to sow division, and distract us as much as possible so we are squabaling over petty things and not focusing on the truth that God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life
John 3:16
Christmas is not a Christian holiday. Christ never was inChristmas. Do the research.