
There is a movement among some parents in the Unites States to avoid vaccinating their children, believing that these solutions contain components that cause harmful side-effects, including death. However, we are now seeing an increase in illnesses such as measles (after eradicating this affliction domestically in 2000) that some are tying to the so-called “anti-vaxx” movement.

Which best describes your view of this issue?

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5 years ago

Everyone should read the book, “Don’t Vaccinate Before You Educate,” by Dr. Mayer Eisenstein.

5 years ago

While vaccinating children is important, I think it’s up to parents to make that decision not the government. I am in favor of not subjecting children to multiple doses, they should be spread out over a period of time. I believe that the recent outbreaks of childhood diseases that we have not seen for years may be due to the tremendous flow of immigrants entering the US that have not been vaccinated many of whom are children. It would be costly and time consuming to screen/test when they arrive and could it be done?

Tim S.
Tim S.
5 years ago

While I am not 100% convinced that vaccination is the sole cause for the health issues they’re being blamed for, I also think blindly trusting pharmaceutical companies to be morally upstanding is foolish beyond all comprehension.

5 years ago

With 85% of the neurological development occurring within the first 3 years of life, it is foolish to inject so many vaccines that carry chemicals detrimental to that neurological development. Is it any wonder why there are so many vaccination injuries and side effects like autism, etc. While I was a child, I received maybe 5 or 6 vaccinations. Today children are getting upwards of 70 vaccines before the age of 3. The CDC is headed up by pharma industry experts, but they have a clear financial interest in those companies. Thus, it is like the fox guarding the hen house. Something is amiss here. As an adult, I want to get as few shots as I absolutely need. The same goes for my children and grandchildren.

Allen B
Allen B
5 years ago

The only important issue is that it is a parent’s decision not government our neighbors!

Anne Marchman
Anne Marchman
5 years ago

We all want our kids safe and to have the best shot at life. I know there are ethical and unethical versions of theses vaccines. There are a great number of vaccines that the effects are really unknown on a huge scale Time will tell. In the meantime why is it necessary to make any vaccines from aborted cells of any baby ? We are smarter than that and perhaps it would bring more parents on board with at least a number of the vaccines if we relied on ethical methods.

Tl Sturgill
Tl Sturgill
5 years ago

Tho the serious side effects of inoculations can be devastating, they are exceedingly rare. Perhaps the best assurance for the anti-vaxxers would be to invent a skintest, or use alternate compounds or decrease the size of dosages and make them a multi-shot process. I don’t blame people for wanting their child to be safe, but refusing to inoculate is NOT the answer, Why isn’t big pharma willing to cooperate and test for the problem?

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
5 years ago

As the parent of two boys with neurological damage almost certainly caused by vaccines, I am very much against forced vaccination. After 20 years of research on the internet, it has become very clear to me that EVERY vaccine made contains at least one toxic or neurotoxic substance, with some having as many as six. And then the powers that be actually try to tell us that all of the damaged children, as well as those who die, are not being affected by the vaccines. FOLLOW THE MONEY…

Paul Hodson
Paul Hodson
5 years ago

You did no offer the most important option – parents should be making these decisions, not the government.

Rhonda Rhynard
Rhonda Rhynard
5 years ago

It is up to parents to decide what is best for their children not the government. Test the vaccines, take out the harmful ingredients. In today’s technology we should have safer ways of vaccination.

Tom M
Tom M
5 years ago

Although I only have grand kids that need vaccines, I will never trust Big Pharma, ever. Why do our kids need more mercury, formaldehyde and aluminum and other poisons put into them? It used to be 5-10 vaccinations 40-50 years ago, now it is 60-70 or more. Where does this end? Many diseases were eradicated due to much improved sanitation and cleaner water and foods, not a poke in the body. Nobody knows if these children getting so many needle pokes will be affected later in life. I am all for choice as far as vaccinations go. Big Pharma would like nothing better than to lobby for laws that force all of us to take their poisonous drugs. This is just another freedom gone by the wayside.

John Hughes
John Hughes
5 years ago

Combining inoculation and immigration in the second question was not a fair question and resulted in a meaningless poll. I am surprised that AMAC would mislead in this way.

William Pomplun
William Pomplun
5 years ago

I don’t trust the Government that MANDATES vaccines like HPV vaccine, and pushes Shingles vaccine that are fully studied. HPV is a deadly disease, I lost a niece to cancer associated with it. But the GOVERNMENT has been “FOR SALE” for the past 4 PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATIONS! American Red Cross has a vault with bins/draws of big bundles of money marked with Arabic under lock and key. Money used in Trafficking humans. I have seen video of such smuggled out. Our Government HAS been operating as a CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE. Vaccinations are essential for population security, but must be re-evaluated by the PUBLIC and the INDEPENDENT LABS.

Danny P.
Danny P.
5 years ago

I believe that vaccinating your children is always the responsible thing to do. I believe that it is foolish to think that vaccines can cause genetic defects such as autism. I think that there is a whole bunch of misleading pseudoscience out there that is confusing people. I think the Internet and YouTube is a horrible place to attempt to “research“ because anyone can say anything in this cesspool.
However I do not believe this is something the government should force you to do. What you put in your body is a decision for individuals and families are not with the government

5 years ago

You forgot to include the option of… This is a parental decision. Government should not be making these decisions for us.
As far as those who do vaccinate their children and measles returning… if you are vaccinating your children for measles then you shouldn’t be fearful that your children are going to get measles. And if they do get measles, then that should show you that this vaccine doesn’t work.

People should be free to research and make up their own minds without others challenging their decisions or worse yet, attacking them for their decisions.

Scott Adams
Scott Adams
5 years ago

I definitely wonder if it is not so much the vaccination as it is how many they get at one time? We definitely are seeing alot more cases of adhd and autism spectrum disorders and I have seen the government agencies drop the ball when it comes to public health and safety

Don Davis
Don Davis
5 years ago

I believe we are on the cusp of potential pandemic if this trend continues and grows momentum. Diseases that were thought to be eradicated decades ago will once again threaten the world because of these uninformed, uneducated “revisionists thinking” narrow minded individuals. God help us if this mindset is not halted.

james Moe morency
james Moe morency
5 years ago

The only correct answer is C. Why would you put anything in your children that hasn’t been properly scrutinized? Most of us here have actually lived through all these things they vaccinate for today, and we all survived! Investigate the vaccines thoroughly

5 years ago

I do not trust anything that is given to millions of people. Too easy to contaminate it and then millions will be subjected to what ever was put in it. But I feel we have no better alternative. I feel the risk is worth preventing the diseases we used to have a problem with.

5 years ago

In my opinion the blood supply was never intended to be invaded by chemicals there are other ways to prevent disease. I think we should allow parents to parent.the government has no business making decisions in the care other human beings we should be able to choose whether we want vaccines or not.they have never worked in the animal industry what makes you think they’re going to work on these animals humans are mammals. The animals are mostly used for food and therefore don’t live long enough for the results to show up.

Michael Mitcheff
Michael Mitcheff
5 years ago

As a physician, I can tell you, vaccinations are critical for the safety of all of us. I feel it is irresponsible to let others get vaccinated to decrease your families risk of exposure. We need to be in this together. I encourage everyone who is skeptical to review the actual literature and not listen to fake news. Sure there is a small risk in anything we do. My daughter and son in law are both MD’s and they are vaccinating their children without hesitation It is interesting how liberals who believe in big government, don’t want the government dictating anything to them and don’t trust the government with vaccines.

Pennie Stachelrodt
Pennie Stachelrodt
5 years ago

I believe vaccinations should be done after the nervous system is done developing which after age 6.

Allan Emigh
Allan Emigh
5 years ago

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation does two things in the poor nations of the world they are one of the largest providers of Vaccines and they are the largest provider of abortions. So let me ask you if someone works very hard to murder the unborn why would they provide vaccines to keep them healthy it is a contradiction in terms. If one is and the Gates are members of the World Eugenics Society whose aim is to eliminate the lesser races why would anyone think vaccines are safe? India where widespread vaccinations are taking place under the Gates Foundation there has been a 900% increase of polio the only thing that has changed to cause this is the vaccinations.

When I was a child the rate of Autism was 1 in 10,000 now it is 1 in 34 again the only change is the number of vaccines. Every group with a background in Eugenics is supporting vaccines, even Joe Biden the other day called for mass abortions to as he put it “Save the Planet” of course he was referring to the 3rd world but really is he? All one has to do is look at the black communities in this country and realize more black children are aborted than born that is a war upon blacks brought upon entirely by Planned Parenthood and the Democrat Party.

Vaccines are fully supported by the Democrat Party and opposed by many if not most Christians.

I have over 25 years of experience dealing with doctors in the US and Canada all disease is curable with the use of the natural world one can only manage decline with drugs and surgery.

5 years ago

I don’t even see an option to vote “no vaccine parents choice” – not big government choice. Since I didn’t see that option I guess you are bought & paid for by big pharma too. After yrs of supporting this organization I’m done.

5 years ago

I believe there is a complete distrust in our pharmaceutical companies to always put people above the money when introducing new vaccines. Therefore conspiracies abound and parents hold back.
Illegal immigration is a huge threat to potential diseases coming into this country and affecting American citizens. Nothing says government doesn’t care enough than that! Yet all we hear is it’s the parents lack of responsibility in not vaccinating their children. I am not against vaccinations, but it’s not a black and white decision. Not all vaccinations are on the same level of importance either. It should be a parents informed responsibility for their own children. But it’s the governments responsibility to keep its citizens safe from outside threats, which they have failed in doing so for political gain. As usual, no self responsibility!
Greed knows no bounds.

James Lambert
James Lambert
5 years ago

We need to closely examine the components of these vaccinations before subjecting children to multiple doses of them????? Are you kidding? They have been closely studied. Stop looking to Facebook for your medical answers.

5 years ago

How many vaccinations did we get as kids in the 50’s and 60’s? I am sure far fewer than today. I don’t trust big pharma to create vaccines any longer, they only want us on maintenance drugs to ensure they continue making a living. there’s no profit in cures.

5 years ago

I respect parents right to chose not to vaccinate their children but not their right to place others at risk. If parents want their children to interact with others vaccinations should be mandatory.

Stephanie Hausherr
Stephanie Hausherr
5 years ago

Do you even know why they are removing our rights to refuse vaccinations in this country?!?! Do you even know?

I’ll tell you why. The pharmaceutical industry wants to make every single one of us a guaranteed client. 336,000,000 clients forced to buy their products every year…that’s a whole lot of revenue.

How will they do that?! Meet the Real ID. Of course they can’t hold you down and forcibly inject you…but they can, and WILL, force you into compliance if you want to get your license renewed, if you want to hold a job, if you want to take out a loan, file your taxes, etc etc etc.

There are 270 new vaccines in trials right now and they are going to force as many on you as they can once our exemptions are removed.


5 years ago

There is a correlation on timeline (early 1980’s) between the rise of autism and the number of vaccinations children are required to get. When I grew up in the 50’s, we never heard of autism. Now, 1 out of 100 boys are autistic. That is an absolutely unacceptably high statistic. How do you explain that? Studies show that vaccinations and the adjuvants that carry them cause inflammation in the microglia of these little brains and thus can leave lasting effects. This especially true of the very young and old. I think we over-vaccinate our children and animals, too. I once had an older dog that suddenly went deaf after having her yearly recommended round of vaccinations. Now, I limit and/or spread out vaccinations to my animals and get titer testing done to determine immunity. Do you notice all of the advertisements for drugs on television? They are non-stop! There is no question that Big Pharma controls a lot of the vaccination studies and results. Their money is everywhere throughout the process. The human body’s natural immune system is both under-estimated and over-whelmed by regimen of vaccinations it receives. At the very least, I think vaccinations should be used sparingly in children and spread out. And I think flu shots are very over-rated. Two years ago, I met a family whose 65-year old husband/father had become paralized after getting a flu shot. It was the second case that I personally have seen. It can happen. Taking a chance at having the flu would have been much less devastating than his life-altering result. Same for autism. As a child, the vaccinations for mumps, measles, and chicken pox had not been developed, so I and my generation had the diseases and all lived through it. Autism was a term we never heard. We should all do our due diligence in deciding about how many vaccinations we get or give to our children and not be blindly lead by the pharmaceutical companies who have an overwhelming financial interest in selling them, as well as too much influence in studies regarding efficacy and side-effects. Fox guarding the hen house. We should have educated choice and not government mandate. Keep our babies safe from over-vaccination. As for illegals coming into our country, they should be health-checked and vaccinated.

John Ferris
John Ferris
5 years ago

If vaccinations work, why would the untreated infect the rest? When we were kids getting measles, chickenpox, etc. was part of growing up. now, we can avoid this right of passage, but at an unsure cost. For some, the cure seems to be worse than the disease.

Amanda Ferrell
Amanda Ferrell
5 years ago

I researched vaccination vs non vaccination when I was pregnant with my first child 18 years ago. For 7 months I read pro and con books, scientific research, spoke to other parents (no youtube). I decided not to vaccinate my children. They are among the healthiest of their peers in school.
This decision to vaccinate should be made by parents, not the government.
I believe the outbreak of measles is strongly linked to uncontrolled illegal immigration. Yes, this illness was nearly irradiated in the United States but not in Central America.
What is the data on those who have recently gotten the measles in the United States? How many were vaccinated? How many were not?
If the measles vaccination is effective, why are the vaccinated people, the government, and big Pharma concerned anyway?

Stephanie Hausherr
Stephanie Hausherr
5 years ago

Do you also know that in 1986, the Supreme Court gave TOTAL IMMUNITY to all pharmaceutical companies that develop “vaccines”? In other words they can’t be sued for the death or permanent damaged that is done to you or your children! Look up VAERS!! Over 4 BILLION dollars has been paid out to vaccine injured and to families that lost a child form their damn poison!! When did injecting aluminum, mercury, lead, formaldehyde, tissue of murdered pre-born babies, tissue from animals, prevent any disease? NEVER!! Clean water and plumbing erricadited disease! WAKE UP AND DO YOUR RESEARCH!!

Sharon Williams
Sharon Williams
5 years ago

Americans are being duped by the pharmaceutical companies. It’s all about the money, not health. Too many vaccinations too close together has and will have long lasting affects on our children.

Deborah Simmons
Deborah Simmons
5 years ago

I agree that anyone entering the u.s. should have legitimate proof of vaccinations. If not, they should be immediately vaccinated before coming into u.s.

Phillip Pence
Phillip Pence
5 years ago

The recent influx of communicable diseases can be directly linked to illegal aliens who enter without even knowing who they are, where they go or what diseases they have. SF and other “sanctuary” cities are ripe for diseases we cannot control or those that will take millions of lives before they can be brought under control, like bubonic plague, dengue fever and other severely deadly diseases.
It is NOT a function of government to force medical are upon citizens. Nazi Germany did that so naturally liberals follow suit.

5 years ago

The poll could have been written better, with other options.

5 years ago

I do agree it’s up to the parents not government to decide weather to vaccinate our kids. I do believe that illegal immigration is the problem bringing in all diseases and unknown illnesses into this country!! We must vote to build the wall and control our borders in order to protect our children and the health of all Americans!! Trump 2020!!!

Deborah S Myers
Deborah S Myers
5 years ago

There should be mandatory vaccinations for certain diseases, but I don’t agree with innoculating babies so early and all children so much. For instance, I believe chicken pox vaccine isn’t necessary, and STD vaccinations aren’t necessary for children who aren’t sexually active.

Finally, I believe there should be documented exemptions made for reasons such as personal beliefs, verifiable allergies, etc.

Fr. James Carellas
Fr. James Carellas
5 years ago

I am disappointed that the choices did not include that parents should have the right to determine whether or not their children should be vaccinated. Also what about is it proper to give a newborn 6 vaccinations at once?

5 years ago

We are treading on dangerous territory with trying to control everything. As a retired teacher I am very much for the students getting their vaccinations for the sake of the whole class and school but I pray parents will do it voluntarily. And listen to their pediatrician s

Z e e
Z e e
5 years ago

2ndly I agree – it used to be 5-10 Vaccinations when I was growing up –
NOW Pharma & GOv/t. have gone Crazy re. the 70-100+ # of Vaccinations. Manage it DOWNWARD !
Trust in PHarma ??? ~ when the Epipen goes from $60 to near $ 1,000 ~ R i g h t . . ! HA Ha ha . . .
Take a more Thoughtfully Researched LOOK at the causes of the side effects, and Change the Causes .

Mark R
Mark R
5 years ago

We are nutrient deficient in this country with many environmental, processed foods, prescription drugs and lack of exercise etc. challenging us on a daily basis. Other underdeveloped countries do not have many of these problems. False advertising by many vitamin companies, food conglomerants, medical authorities?, etc have betrayed us. We need to take hold of our own destinies.

5 years ago

There’s a lot going on in our crazy world today. Vaccinations are important when some countries don’t or won’t. But then you have to ask,what’s in theses shots? Are they like the flu shots and they put whatever is the popular flow of the year. You really don’t know how they have jacked with vaccines over the years. And in some cases they’ve had 65 years to look at them and say, Humm this should make this one better. Honestly, they need to step back and look at all the hell this country has gone through with undocumented people pouring in.
Sad to say, Damed if we do, Damed if we don’t.

5 years ago

The vaccine manufactures are NOT LIABLE for any harm that is caused by vaccines. ( Vaccine Injury Act 1986) Most doctors are woefully uneducated/untrained in recognizing reactions. Instead of informed consent, most parents/patients get a sales pitch and if they are injured no one is responsible for their ongoing costs. Repeal the Vaccine Injury Act and THEN see what happens…

Mark Knister
Mark Knister
5 years ago

You have asked two different questions with your answers. ONE is an immunization question: yes and TWO is an immigration question: yes. Therefore, your ‘poll” is skewed.

5 years ago

I believe that this poll is not framed properly. There are many issues involved. Numbers of inoculations for one issue. It seems that there are now pills and inoculations for everything. Also the second question is actually 2 parts. One, public safety, where a properly implemented inoculation of citizens is part of a secure country. The other is the immigration problem. We are allowing persons into this country from areas where ebola and other exotic diseases are a threat. I am not sure how or if a proper framework can be erected. Calm reasoning and discussion need to be used.

Lu Ann Groves
Lu Ann Groves
5 years ago

Vaccines are tested one at a time on older children. They are given all at once to newborns, causing ADD , mental problems, death, allergic response, ADHD, etc

5 years ago

Moderation and investigation are important. I agree with many of the previous comments. While I think vaccinations can be useful (I had a few as a child, but my parents refused the polio vaccine because of mistrust of it’s safety), too many too soon is overwhelming to a young body. More caution is warranted before approval of new drugs.

5 years ago

The older I get, currently 80+, the less I trust government, pharmaceutical companies etc. in fact I haven’t done vaccinations in years.

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