
This is the second of a two-part poll to determine AMAC’s Man or Woman of the Year for 2022. The candidates below represent the top three vote-getters from last week’s poll and the top vote-getter will be recognized as the winner. nnRun-off nWho do you think should be AMAC’s Man or Woman of the Year for 2022? (Please select one)

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devil dog
devil dog
2 years ago

Trump’s policies were good for America but his personality and communication style has left many conservatives seeking better candidates. I hope his political life has run its course.

2 years ago

I’m voting for The President, Donald J Trump, he has been there for us, the people, more than any human since 2016. He continues to work everyday to get back to the White House to continue the task of Make America Great Again!
No other candidate has lost so much wealth for himself and family to profit the American People. Think about it! DONE!

2 years ago

I love them all, but it’s got to be Ron DeSantis.

2 years ago

Hats off to President Trump!!! More than deserving of this award.

Carolina Hawkeye
Carolina Hawkeye
2 years ago

Elon Musk is the most unlikely of the group to have made such a bold statement with his actions. All three men have and hopefully will continue to make contributions in the future. I have not been a huge fan prior to 2022, but I hope he will continue to help protect the first and most important right of Americans.

2 years ago

All are great choices. I picked Elon, only because he affected the entire country with his exposing censorship and war on free speech by the left wing nuts. We need to move forward in the right direction and get back to American freedoms.

2 years ago

Yes all three are great choices. Everyone on the list the first go around we’re great people. But the more freedom of speech being allowed again little by little. We’re learning how they crushed Trump. Pulled him almost completely off the media. He’s still the man that wants to drain that swamp.

2 years ago

Elon musk gave time and tenacity in restoring freedom of exchange in information and exposed government -mainstream media-medtech-social

2 years ago

They really all are good,remember though, your voting for person of the year here,not president,that would be different

2 years ago

This at very least has to be called a very close race. I see pros and cons to each one. Trump was a successful president while in office, but since he had a very uncooperative congress he governed by executive order and practically everything he gained was reversed by the joker who followed him. That is no way to govern and if Trump were to be reelected I fear it would be the same thing all over again. He will need a conservative congress for all years to have any chance of governing by legislation which is much harder to reverse.
Musk has been pretty much a one man army against an overwhelming tide of forces against him. If he is truly successful he will bring positive results which before his take over of Twitter things were looking pretty bleak as far as our continued right to free speech is concerned. Still a long ways to go, Is he up to it? We will see.
DeSantis has and is proving himself to be a fighter in the same vein as DJT, but also seems to be creating a groundswell of never DeSantisers very similar to Trumps major problem. But, he has been the most successful Governor in my knowledge through my 71 year history. Can he do the same on the national stage, especially if, unlike Florida, he were to have a hostile congress like Trump had? I think he has a much better chance of being elected than Trump and more likely will be able to govern certainly as effectively as President Trump but I believe even better. Donald Trump has nothing over DeSantis as far as a fighting spirit, love for America and passion for America First policies that he would fight to implement. I give him my vote on this poll because of his success as a Governor and my hope of his being able to do the same for the country as a whole. He has proven himself as governor of Florida.

2 years ago

All are good,but remember, your voting for person of the year,not president

Teena Shear
Teena Shear
2 years ago

Ron DeSantis is an example of what all governors should be. I have tremendous respect

2 years ago

Unfortunately Musk is u trustworthy and is swayed by the progressive media. He is a dangerous man when it comes to his work with AI and the robots he manufacturers are downright dangerous to mankind. Look it up!

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

If the choice is either Trump or Trump Lite, I will take Trump every time.

2 years ago

The US deserves better than the narcissistic Trump.

2 years ago

Trump has the brass to go against the party of nut jobs !! For now Trump has my vote! DeSantis is a very close second!

2 years ago

Jeb…and other Bush connections…hard pass on Gov. Desantis…some of his connections are very disturbing. Gov. Kristi Noem was a better Gov during the cerveza sickness hoax. I like much of what Gov DeSantis has done, I simply do not trust him sufficiently. I was a never Trumper, butt hurt Cruz fan, until 2017 and beyond when I saw President Donald John Trump actually do what he said he’d do WHILE BEING FOUGHT BY *BOTH* PARTIES.

2 years ago

Jeb…and other Bush connections…hard pass on Gov. Desantis…some of his connections are very disturbing. Gov. Kristi Noem was a better Gov during the cerveza sickness hoax. I like much of what Gov DeSantis has done, I simply do not trust him sufficiently. I was a never Trumper, butt hurt Cruz fan, until 2017 and beyond when I saw President Donald John Trump actually do what he said he’d do WHILE BEING FOUGHT BY *BOTH* PARTIES.

jim wood
jim wood
2 years ago

Trump is our Rocky. The guy takes a beating everyday and pushes back on the corrupt left. We a fighting leader and he is it. Dems will continue their obsession with him but he will prevail and deserves this award.

2 years ago

Just imagine for a minute, Trump/DeSantis or DeSantis/Trump in 2024. Never happen but just imagine.

2 years ago

Actually very Tired of AMAC and Cancelled Membership for the Continued Biased Anti TRUMP, Unscientific Polls – SAD. Is Mitch McConnell your CEO

2 years ago

Why don’t you just let time magazine do this nonsense. What someone did in 2022 or before doesn’t much matter for the coming year(s) unless they accomplished some permentent, positive changes that the democrat leftsits won’t reverse in the future Trump and Musk…no. DeSantis, maybe. Ron Johnson or Kari Lake maybe. Besides, how do I know the leftists aren’t gonna “Mule” the voting?

2 years ago

I think free speech is something we have fought for generation. Though I do not see Elon Musk as a political leader nevertheless he uses his money to protect this fundamental right.

2 years ago

It appears the treasonous media is influencing even this poll….. good press for DeSantos and Musk……. Bad press for Trump????

Dudley G. Gray
Dudley G. Gray
2 years ago

Even though I Love what DJT accomplished he needs to pass the torch to Ron Desantis,who is a veteran,has total integrity, is fearless and has an unshakable conservtive philosophy, wonderful family and no baggage

2 years ago

How about SCOTUS? No one else could have rolled back Roe V Wade to modify the radical “Left’s” progressive and free-wheeling use of abortion.

Himmel Farms
Himmel Farms
2 years ago

I think if Ron DeSantis run we have a great chance of losing Floridas electoral college. And we’re toast for good.

Rick A
Rick A
2 years ago

Trump made a lot of mistakes during his term but mainly because he was a poor judge of character. With his NOW experience, he couldn’t help but become better along this line. He was constantly being undermined by the Rinos and Demos and still managed to be the best President in (maybe) our history. Any way you look at it he is still up there with the best of them (Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy, Reagan). Being a Floridian, I would like DeSantis to stay in Florida for another term. He is great and so is Musk, but he does not have the experience yet! Trump in 2024 and DeSantis in 2028. If the House does get rid of the IRS and if we can somehow get rid of China Mitch, Trump could properly govern. Maybe we the people could get our country back!!

Cindy D
Cindy D
2 years ago

How about a Trifecta…..all 3 gets men of the year!

Brian Martin
Brian Martin
2 years ago

Picking man of the year was very difficult, to me it was between Eli, Muskand Ron DeSantis. Ron DeSantis has done an absolute wonderful job covering the state of Florida but my decision to pick Eli Musk what is his contribution to bring back free speech, and to show how the government which gaming with private companies to take out free speech and thoughts away I hope and pray his decision to buy Twitter will eventually end companies like Facebook and Google forever.

Wayne Carlisle
Wayne Carlisle
2 years ago

Trump’s biggest mistakes come out of his mouth. You would think by now that calling people stupid names like an illiterate juvenile would sink in. Sad part, if Republicans don’t support him, he will go independent and the Demorats win again. Donald, please shut the hell up!!

2 years ago

Well this only shows how skewed polls are. Donald Trump did more for this country besides being attacked and showing courage.

vic caras
vic caras
2 years ago

Very short, quick, statement: I have seen presidents from Eisenhower, thru Biden, Trump is the only one that delivered 90% of his campaign promises for the American people. Love Desantis, and Elon, but I gotta go with Trump.

John Di Donato
John Di Donato
2 years ago

Elon musk, shutting down the Orwellian, big brother he has to be the story of the year, and only Man that could make it happen

2 years ago

If President Trump had not won the 2016 election, we would be living in a total dictatorship (instead of a partial dictatorship) by now. I like DeSantis and what he’s done here in Florida, but has he ever publicly thanked President Trump for helping him win the Florida governorship in 2018? Make no mistake…if it’s between DeSantis and President Trump, I will absolutely support President Trump. FJB! TRUMP2024!

Pat Tracy
Pat Tracy
2 years ago

If Trump ever displayed “tact” I must have missed it. Sheesh.

Rich Marrano
Rich Marrano
2 years ago

Wait….do I understand this correctly? So the only picks for man of the year are actual biological men? Wow…..should go without saying but that common sense is now endangered.

2 years ago

I loved what President Trump did when he was president but with the press so much against him and all of the baggage that goes with him I doubt he could win like he did in the last two elections. (I say two because I really believe the election was stolen but no one wanted to investigate all of the allegations). Then there are those who just don’t like him due to his outbursts. When you’re a politician you really have to think everything through before you get in front of the media and say stupid things. I think DeSantis could pull people together from all walks of life including minorities. But no matter who is selected to run we have to win next time or we’re finished as a country and I have great doubts that Trump could pull together enough votes to win over the dirty election fraud stuff going on in so many states.

S. G.
S. G.
2 years ago

I remember watching Downhill & Giant Slalom Ski races. In one particular race, the top four finishers were Within ONE Second of each other. In some manner of speaking, “They” were All Winners. Why restrict yourselves to “A” Man or Woman of the year? Why not something like “The Top Five (Ten?) Americans that have dedicated their lives And, contributed the most, to the Betterment of The U.S. of A. and its’ Peoples ? AND in deference to that, MAYBE, The Tom Five (Ten?) Americans* That Have Done The MOST Harm to The U.S. of A. and its’ Peoples ? ESTABLISHING THE SECOND ONE WOULD MAKE A HUGE STATEMENT AND BE REALLY GUTSY! ! ! BE A TREND SETTER !

  • Isn’t there a list, something like, “The Forbes 100”? “The Americans’ 100” ? ? ? (This might help to educate Americans / open their eyes and NOT to just what “Mainstream Media” wants us to believe ? ! ? ! There would, of course be explanations of what each of the people listed, have accomplished.)
2 years ago

I am thankful that Elon Musk was willing invest in Twitter to help us have a platform where everyone can express their views. He did this at a fair amount of personal expense! Thank You sir ????✝️

2 years ago

None of those people should be a person of the year. Trump should be in jail for treason.

Richard Kosack
Richard Kosack
2 years ago

Toss up between the Biden Boys and John Kerry, but for a different sort of criteria!

Spartan Dave
Spartan Dave
2 years ago

Elon. A win for free speech, maybe, for now. The trove of information coming out of Twitter has been amazing, enlightening and frightening. I don’t really trust him but he seems committed to this.

Kitty Hawk
Kitty Hawk
2 years ago

Trump, while I liked his policies, will never win re-election. The hatred toward the man is palpable from all Democrats, most Independents, and some Republicans. We NEED to win the 2024 election before we turn into a one party state.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
2 years ago

The big issue with Trump is he makes everything about him. The country is the United States of America not the United States of Trump. I voted for him twice but would not vote for him again. His time has come and gone and his recent statements indicate he has learned nothing. Mr. President, it’s not about you, it’s about us, the citizens of this country. President Dumbo, unfortunately, has ruined the potential for a senior President for some time to come. Please don’t run and ruin it for a true Conservative with not only management but congressional experience, Ron DeSantis.

Ricky Uht
Ricky Uht
2 years ago

DeSantas in regards to Florida and the Southeast US, I agree. Nationally though, President Trump Hands down the Man of the Year. He has been the strongest against all odds this past year. Out of all the potential GOP candidates, he has the most national recognition, business experience in dealing with the large US corporations, and vision that will be needed to win in 2024. Every Republican must get behind President Trump, including all in Congress for him to have a chance. DeSantis I think will have much more national recognition for a 2028 presidential run, but don’t think a Republican will win again. Elon Musk is a real patriot for buying the failing Twitter and trying to expose their wrongdoing and make it better. Give him a couple more years with Twitter, Tesla, and SpaceX and he will be right up there as a non-politician. As corrupt as presidential politics is now. Trump will be our last GOP president, run or not, win or not in 2024. The GOP Trump haters in Congress cost the nation a Republican president in 2020, and will do the same I’m afraid in 2024. They want to maintain the status quo, even if that means a Democratic president again. Just my gut feeling. They are what cost the loss of the House in 2020, and the Senate in 2022.

Regena Haidet
Regena Haidet
2 years ago

Without free speech neither of the other two could have done all they have done.

2 years ago

I think all are worthy of the nomination but I voted for DeSantis because he never backed down from media. He did wonderfully when the hurricanes came through by getting the bridges repair quickly and caring for the people. There was a lot he had to deal with while at the same time taking care of his family while his wife had to have surgery and chemo. He was a class A person through it all.

2 years ago

Where’s Kari Lake?


2 years ago

Ron DeSantis’ fantastic handling of the hurricane (that Blinders Biden didn’t) wasn’t mention on ‘22 list of accomplishments.

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