

From time to time, AMAC’s CEO, Rebecca Weber, is invited to speak through various news channels on the issues that matter most to American seniors. Which of the following topics do you think is the MOST imperative for AMAC’s leadership to discuss in national media, as of the current date, May 2022?

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Maurice Guillot
Maurice Guillot
11 months ago

Great explanation of the myths of bidenomics . Please tell Andrew Abbott that the article on the cost of the woke was spot on even though that’s not his real name.

2 years ago

All the above¡!!!!

2 years ago

They are all very important. It was difficult choosing one topic.

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

I would start with the pocketbook issues:

“Social Security and social security solvency, increasing costs of Medicare, and the rising costs of prescription drugs.”

2 years ago

Actually all of these topics are first line topics. I think she should address each one of them as the division points that the DNC and dark government are using to drive a wedge between Americans to gain power and attempt to involve Americans in their one world socialists agenda. They have to turn Americans or they loose the opportunity to take control of America, the only free country left in the world.

Donald Powell
Donald Powell
2 years ago

MUST make sure the Democrats do NOT succeed in cheating in this Presidential Election!!!

2 years ago

All of those issues are critical to our freedoms and America’s strength, but if we lose our children to racial and gender indoctrination, everything else will be lost, too. Freedom to think logically on your own is fundamental to the other freedoms.

2 years ago

Help to raise up the under heard majority. Help to ensure our representatives are not swallowed by the DC politic.
Yes to Energy production.
Yes to full border protection.
No to educating religiously motivated social injustice and racism. School is for reading writing English, math, and critical thinking from classical liberal arts foundation
Yes to retain bill of rights

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
2 years ago

I picked life over energy, free speech, or social security. My reasoning is without life none of the others matter.

2 years ago

Once again, you need an all of the above option

Larry Taylor
Larry Taylor
2 years ago

Love Amac, but as in many or most of your Polls, the answer should be Multiple Choice. The answers are Broad and do Cover the question but the Solutions are NOT a simple one thought statement. America is in Trouble and WE ALL MUST Pitch In to Save this Great Nation.

2 years ago

I would have liked to click more than one, though most of the others would just hit “blind eyes” We do indeed need to protect the Constitution and our rights, we do need less “indoctrination” in the schools, and we do need to be energy independent. There are so many things to protect but as seniors are represented by AMAC, Soc Sec seems the biggest possible target, so picked that. But it’s also because with all of the excessive spending all over the place for welfare and illegal immigrants, etc etc instead of on transportation, oil, industry, etc, and the excessive taxation this will lead to, I think it’s important to protect our soc sec income we’ve paid into all our lives and protect those funds from being dipped into for other programs.

2 years ago

All of the above plus & most importantly the election steal from 2020. None of the above would be an issue if we correct our profoundly broken and fraudulent election system.

2 years ago

She should speak on all of the items, perhaps sequence them based on the poll results. Our country is in jeopardy of falling apart with the current administration and all are very important.

2 years ago

The answer should be “all if the above”. We need to stand up against this fraudulent administration as the only goal they have is to destroy America.

Terry Mone
Terry Mone
2 years ago

All of the above issues are very important, but the sanctity of life, especially the unborn I feel is God’s highest priority and should be ours. When first took prayers out our schools and then “legalized” abortion that was when God’s anger and judgement towards America began. We must turn from these evil wicked ways and turn to God in prayer and supplication asking Him for forgiveness. 1 Chronicles 7:14

2 years ago

Seriously, how do you pick just one?

2 years ago

We’ve warned our readers how the indoctrination of our youth to accept socialism & a distorted history [via 1615 Project, CRT, Marxist teachers] has been grooming our youth to hate America while reducing their sense of self reliance.

2 years ago

Talk all you want. Any topic is welcome. I will remain an anti-vaxxer, anarchist, and distrusting of what passes in today’s world as acceptable to humanity. Nothing will change in the aggregate as the masses continue to be beaten down without much of a whimper.

Jim Cadorette
Jim Cadorette
2 years ago

All the above equally, no one issue is more important than the others.

2 years ago

All of these are important. I am tired of the entire mess the current non leadership in power has shoved down our throats. This is not ” socialism” it is communism. Rule by fear, intimidation, and whatever means necessary to cow free people into “going along to get along”. This weekend all should remember everyone who sacrificed to keep us free and show our respect and gratitude to them and their families and NEVER allow what is happening now to EVER happen again. “United we stand, divided we fall.” Sorry for any misspelled words or grammatical errors.

2 years ago

All the above is needed. It’s difficult to select when there are so many pressing issues. One issue is the election process. It needs to be fixed and we need to fight to keep elections controlled by the States and never by the federal government.

Amy Castrey
Amy Castrey
2 years ago

I did not vote for any of these. I vote for all of these. Our society is falling apart and each of these are root causes.

2 years ago

Election integrity

RA Mayes
RA Mayes
2 years ago

All of these things are critically important. However, if we don’t protect our fundamental freedoms embedded in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, then in the end none of them will matter. We will lose our country and live in bondage to the elitist globalists

Miklit Skitz
Miklit Skitz
2 years ago

We would benefit by addressing the hatred fueled by politicians and the media. This hatred has escalated into a kind of mental illness with violent results. Add in the extreme violence in movies and video games and it all ignites into mass shootings and city burnings. We are all Americans. Let’s focus on our similarities not our differences

2 years ago

I knew someone would say what I thought. Tom said it for me!!

2 years ago

We need to get God back in the equation. The founding fathers said our republic will only survive if we are a God fearing country with high morals. We are losing both and the way the Constitution works is in jeopardy. Without God and the constitution, we as a nation fall.

2 years ago

Seriously I can’t remember this many problems at one time done on purpose (in my opinion) to this country in my lifetime.
This administration just cannot be this incompetent. We are watching this country being destroyed from within.

mark sligh sr
mark sligh sr
2 years ago

I totally agree with the rest of the folks,, How in the HELL can you pick just one of these subjects , If given the chance to speak to the public then talk about all of them , it dosent have it be a speech on each one , the important thing to bring across is how the dem’s are trying to tear down this country to the point of no voice for the people,,, We are not cattle and shouldnt be treated like such ,, PLEASE GET OUT AND VOTE AS SOON AS ITS POSSIBLE

Linda Wright
Linda Wright
2 years ago

Like many have mentioned, all of these are important and need to be addressed. Very difficult to select just one.

Bruce Ackerman
Bruce Ackerman
2 years ago

All the issues you’ve cited are critical for the very survival of the American experiment. I chose the indoctrination of our youth in the “progressive” although competing doctrines of collectivism and tribalism. If we lose even one generation en masse to these perverted secular and autocratic social constructs we could lose liberty forever.

Mike Flanscha
Mike Flanscha
2 years ago

Why are we not teaching our children that human life begins at conception, that’s the only way to put an end to abortion

2 years ago


2 years ago

Nothing else matters unless we can become energy independent.
Biden has made every effort to destroy the U.S.
Until and unless we divest ourselves of foreign made goods and our dependence on them, we are slowly going down the same road Rome did.

2 years ago

My response is other because of our corrupt elections. If we cannot correct the integrity of our elections, we will NEVER get people of integrity back in office-the thinking being that people with integrity will get our country back on track for all people and not just the elite.

Dave Gorjup
Dave Gorjup
2 years ago

Can we not walk and chew gum at the same time? I’m not a one issue voter. All of them are equally important though I worry about indoctrinated children at the tip of the pyramid.

2 years ago

If anyone thinks that addressing just one of these topics will move us forward than we truly are in desperate straits. I could only vote for one so chose “life” because, if at our foundation of thinking we put so little value on life (from conception to school children to the elderly), than we are a civilization doomed to fail.

2 years ago

You should add another selection to this poll,”All of the Above’, thats why I picked ‘other”

Joanna Fox
Joanna Fox
2 years ago

It’s a much better idea to teach patriotism, kindness, respect and tolerance for those that are different.

2 years ago

We’ve turned our back on God, and now He is turning His back on us. We haven’t allowed God in schools for years, so our children suffer, and we suffer with them. I could point to many other choices we’ve made.
At some point God says, “Okay, let YOUR WILL be done, and see if you like the results any better!”
It’s no wonder we’re all going straight to Hell. That’s the path we’ve chosen.

2 years ago

Unless you keep and defend the fundamental freedoms granted in the Constitution and Bill of Rights nothing else matters. Without the right to fight tyranny you have no rights and therefore no say so in anything. You are simply a subject of the ruling power and are told what to do, what to believe.

2 years ago

all of the above.

2 years ago

Social security and Medicare are not gifts that are just handed to seniors. We paid for them for years. But congress over the years abused these monies for other pet programs. Illegals are getting money from left wing democrats and rinos ! Disability scams run rampant, look at all the Covid relief funds. Millions stolen and no accountability, but just keep printing money!! This is the result of people that are allowed to hold office and never owned or managed a business. This should be a prerequisite along with term limits…..

Nicotera Richard
Nicotera Richard
2 years ago


David Gosselin
David Gosselin
2 years ago

The documentary 2000 Mules has been out for weeks. It proves beyond any doubt that our election system has been severely hacked and the present government is illegal. Unless the criminals are rooted out, we have no country at all. Why have you NOT addressed this.

2 years ago

All of the above are important. Hard to choose!

Glennis Hogan
Glennis Hogan
2 years ago

As a senior and concerned at rising costs for all of us but all of the choices should be checked.

2 years ago

All the above should also be an option as the scope of each question is to limited

Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
2 years ago

Obviously “ALL THE ABOVE”.
BUT… How about AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY as “ALL THE ABOVE” seem to derive directly from it.
The three ring clown show that is the current administration IS hell bent on destroying this nation in favor of a “NEW WORLD ORDER” or a “ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT”.
In the past I have berated those involved when fiden declared his crackhead kid as the smartest guy he knew, well, looking at all the minor clowns in the circus I suppose fiden might have been on to something.
fjb etc etc
Y’all have a lovely Memorial Day weekend. And remember what it is memorializing!

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