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Should AMAC ask President Trump to declare a truce with the mainstream media, in exchange for more even-handed coverage of his presidency?

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7 years ago

Don’t be ridiculous or stupid AMAC. So who do you make the deal with? Come on, you ignorant fools, so who do you make the deal with? Oh cnn you say, no, msnbc,no abc, ok nbc, ah gee, cbs. The media? Make a deal with the media?
Sometimes, AMAC, you just baffle yourself. Are you proud of yourself?

Truth First.
7 years ago

Sarge, you don’t get it. AMAC asks questions that are designed to focus and bring attention to certain facts that many people are not aware of or aren’t discussed in the main stream media. They want both their members and the public to be informed about issues that are ignored elsewhere. (i.e.media bias against Trump). From the replies so far registered it looks like a lot of AMAC folks do know what is going on- but why not keep the spotlight on the misdeeds of the unfair extreme leftists?

Freedom fighter
Freedom fighter
7 years ago

Trump and the media are like Israel and Palestine. If Palestine would lay down their weapons, they would have peace. If Israel would lay down their weapons, they would be killed.

Delmar Bromm
Delmar Bromm
7 years ago

Seems like we are getting no where fast and the media are hypeing Tuesday’s election results. Let’s get down to the “Meat and Potatoes Issues”. Tweeting is hurting us badly, seriously! Too much time spent defending tweeting; Just let go of it. We lost on “Obamacare” and if we aren’t careful we will again lose on Tax Reform – the two biggest issues Trump promised reform. WE, the American electorate are watching for results – tweeting is NOT getting results. If we continue on the current “Slippery Path” we will lose the House and Senate in 2018. Ant that would be a travesty after our gains in 2016. We want RESULTS! Ant NOT the Democratic results.

Ted Bowen
Ted Bowen
7 years ago

NO, he__ no. If he plays with fire then we’ll get burnt. We’ve had decades of the leftist propaganda (media) and some people are finally waking up, so why rock them back to sleep??

Ed Doyle
Ed Doyle
7 years ago

The news media should do what they are suppose to do which is report the news without bias. As soon as they do that the problem will be solved but I don’t see that happening as Leopards don’t change their spots and liberals don’t change their views.

Patrick Meadows
Patrick Meadows
7 years ago

If the “so called” media would report the truth, I think the tweets would be less. However, would have to have a bunch of new reporter’s as those today are lazy a d Don’t know how to report truth.

7 years ago

Actually the media’s behavior isn’t new and has been going on for as long as I can remember and I’m an old guy. It is who they are. They are vicious and unrelenting in trying to destroy those with whom they disagree. It is in their DNA to be intolerant of others. They cannot connect the dots. They will not change.

Al smith
Al smith
7 years ago

It. Should be up to the media to police them selves. They need to start reporting facts and not their opinion. Their the ones that need to call a truce with the president not the other way around!!

ArmyVet 71
ArmyVet 71
7 years ago

Call a truce? In case you haven’t noticed, Trump is winning this war. The media looks more foolish every day. NJ and VA elect Democrats as GOV. Media goes wild !!!! They are both Democratic states. Newsflash….. they are
still democratic states. CNN is up for sale. They are the worst of the worst. Rabidly liberal and failing. I say good riddance. LONG LIVE TRUMP !!! Now if we can only get rid of McConnell, Ryan and McCain, maybe we can get
things done. Please…… contribute to the Tea Party and support their candidates.

7 years ago

It would be nice to be able to get real news from our main stream media again. You turn it on now and all you get is liberal propaganda, very little actual news. I now get most of my news from BBC and British online news papers, pretty much un-bias and informative. Oh, how I miss Walter Cronkite.

7 years ago

His own party must start supporting him, they have waited for years for a GOP president, they have one and wont support him. How the heck do you expect the media to support when his own party just adds fuel to the fire.

Personally I wish he would stop ‘Tweeting’ all he seems to domis switch feet‼️

Ram Muchewicz
Ram Muchewicz
7 years ago

Our modern media is the result of an educational indoctrination over one hundred years old. This propaganda grew slowly and quite literally one degree at a time.
Even if every teaching degree was not a fount for the communist/globalist agenda, they would not have received the information to teach about America.
Most in the media simply think they know better than you what is best for you and your family; their college degrees bequeaths such authority.
The media will not make peace with president Trump because if he succeeds they might have to actually report facts, and facts must be substantiated resulting
in work, work, work. Currently they are downloading talking points or ignoring some stories altogether. using the first amendment outcry to advance censorship.
The media is protecting an illegitimate “ruling class” by withholding information or twisting it to a more favorable meaning. That which America could be is being
bred out of us incrementally. The Trump election was a chance (and only a chance) to pull back from the abyss.

John lanski
John lanski
7 years ago

We should know by now that there is no reasoning with the loony left.

7 years ago

Sheesh – No….H3LL NO! They’ll never treat him better for it…


D King
D King
7 years ago

The main stream media is solidly progressive/socialist and making a truce with them would make about as much sense as it did to end the Korean war by means of a truce. And we’ve all seen how well that has worked out!

Loyal American
Loyal American
7 years ago

The media is just that -media, opinion and entertainment. You should only be allowed to call yourself “news” if you are a licensed journalist and you report facts. Otherwise, you are just another sitcom. President Trump needs a way to communicate the truth to the American people. Today’s media is not the answer. Truce? No! They should be sued out of existence!!

7 years ago

We are fighting a civil war here in the USA with two clear sides and ideals,it’s just that bloodshed hasn’t happened yet, as it’s still standing on your side of the street slinging threats and such back and forth

Steven Clinton
Steven Clinton
7 years ago

I can’t believe 12 people actually think the media treats Trump fairly!

Bob Lewis
Bob Lewis
7 years ago

The media, in case you’ve forgotten, started all this. Let them declare the truce! Otherwise, exclude them from everything!

Bob Lewis
Bob Lewis
7 years ago

In case you forgot, the media started all this crap! Let them declare a truce!!

Rene Arnold
Rene Arnold
7 years ago

The media does what it wants, when it wants irrespective of consequences – freedom of the press run amuck / out of control, do not know what is fact, truth, or if it is politically slanted. A majority of the media is dishonest and politically motivated. As Jack Webb said, “just the facts.”

a note from the backwoods
a note from the backwoods
7 years ago

The referred to media is no longer an accurate news provider. You can formulate exactly what you think they are but it makes no sense to engage with them at all. It is a fruitless effort. Freedom fighter said it pretty succinctly.

Helen Welch
Helen Welch
7 years ago

Yes, Cronkite was a BIG time liberal but I didn’t know it until he retired from newscasting. After he retired, I got a letter from him wanting me to join his new leftist adventure, whatever it was, I can’t remember. I could hardly believe how left he was. I did send his literature back with MY comments to him.

7 years ago

My guess is that a truce is useless – they will continue to attack him…but it is worth a try. THEN perhaps President Trump might try ignoring them and STOP “tweeting”!!! It takes 2 to tango and if he fails to show up – he wins.

7 years ago

I don’t trust the media or anything written by so-called journalists here in America. Lucky I am fluent in 3 other languages so that I can find out what is really going on in our own backyard. It is really a shame that America has come down to this . . . reminds me of when my folks supported Radio Free Europe so that our relatives in Communist Poland could get the true picture of what was going on the world and in their own backyard. My father predicted that this would happen here in America because Americans (like those idiot snowflakes, elite media, and corrupticians) are “stupid” and would want to give away all the freedoms acquired by our genius founding fathers. He predicted that this would happen late in my life, but definitely in my grandchildren’s lifetime. Sorry to say his predictions are true. He saw this happen in Russia! My mother saw this happen in Poland! So many like them (survivors of the holocaust) saw it in their respective countries. Why is it that we allow the few loudmouths speak for the many decent folk here? Because of the fake news, we seem to only hear the nasty voices of the idiots who love/want communism to take over. Let President Trump tweet and do whatever he does . . . he is the only one keeping the corrupt media somewhat accountable.

Tom Wilde
Tom Wilde
7 years ago


This is just how the Communist Left has gotten as far as it has in America. We compromise by giving up an inch. They take that inch then demand another compromise. And on, and on and on. How much further can we back up? That cage door is just behind us right now!

The Left Media will never stop attacking Trump, the conservative Right, the NRA, the God of the Bible or anything else that they oppose. NO MORE COMPROMISE or “truces” with the Communist Left. It is how they WIN.

Frankly, I’m getting sick of AMAC even asking questions like this. They’re beginning to sound more like AARP every day.

PE Carroll
PE Carroll
7 years ago

I have a rather simplistic approach. Refresh yourselves to that Harvard poll that showed the bias trends various media used towards Donald Trump, whether excessively negative, or excessively positive. Trump should take the former who are over 67% negative, AND the latter who are over 67% positive, and ban them from all future press conferences, leaving only those who report objectively as able to attend. Those banned can get their news from those who attend.

7 years ago

Never comprise with the disciples of Satan, comprise means you’ve submitted to this leftist controlled propaganda organization.

Bruce Whittum
Bruce Whittum
7 years ago

AMAC should demand seated Repulicans honor their campaign promises and back President Trump’s conservative agenda if you are going to demand anything !!

Wc Litzinger
Wc Litzinger
7 years ago

The truth will when in the end! Until, keep hitting them where it hurts, in the pocket book. Folks, their ratings are in the toilet, along with the NFL. Hard to defend against the TRUTH!

Denford L. Owens
Denford L. Owens
7 years ago

Yes, he should. He is acting too childlike when he is spending time fighting with the media rather than working on the agenda he laid out. He is showing his childlike ways by throwing soap bubbles at a stone. He should be acting like a man rather than a child.

Gail Kritch
Gail Kritch
7 years ago

Absolutely not, although he could offer them free Ethics classes as well as a class on the “History of Hillary” (my title for a course) describing her ties to scandals and her violations of laws going back to the 1960’s.

Timothy R. Buttner
Timothy R. Buttner
7 years ago

Never! The Demedia exist for one reason: they are the propaganda arm of the demmycrat party. But they are marginalizing themselves with their foolish, one-sided coverage of everything Trump. They underestimate the awareness of the average American voter.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
7 years ago

The media is solidly Liberal/Progressive/Democrat. The vindictive against President Trump would be directed against ANY conservative Republican president. The media was not kind to Bush either and Bush was far more moderate than conservative, even liberal in some respects. There is nothing that President Trump can do unless he completely reverses his policies and undergoes a personality transplant that could turn the media around. And those us us who voted for him would be very unhappy were that to happen.

7 years ago

The MSM is and has been absolutely unfair and biased and worse i.e. Fake News! They should lose their licenses…They and their enablers – the Democrats – are worthless!

Anthony Murrell
Anthony Murrell
7 years ago

No. President Trump should never bow to satan; because if satan opens his mouth he lied, the news media should be thanking the President that he’s President. God bless America, God bless President Donald Trump.

GySgt Joseph (Joe) E. Barlow Jr. USMC (Ret.)
GySgt Joseph (Joe) E. Barlow Jr. USMC (Ret.)
7 years ago

Until the media is run by people, (which at the best are very liberal or out right communist) who truly believe in fair and unbiased reporting, the conservatives will never get a fair shake. Let the President do what he can to win this and let it play out. The dirty reporting will die as the good people of America stop reading/viewing their lies. As a side note who waits 40 years to charge a person of wrong doing? Was it medial/political left that brought this up or just pure greed?

Susy Kennedy
Susy Kennedy
7 years ago

The MSM must be refuted! He / we must fight back! They are evil & that’s why will not ever stop hating /attacking us. DT is God’s man & we are so grateful! =D

7 years ago

When the Commies lose, they resort to character assignation per Chomsky. The Media IS the Commies’ attack-dog. Only when their leadership goes broke or is exposed for what they really are, may the Useful Idiots possibly wake up to how they have been used.

gerald davis sr.
gerald davis sr.
7 years ago

The potus should accept the media’s surrender only when they all jointly come to apologize for their unjustified false coverage for everything he has tried to accomplish since he was fairly elected. They then would all have to sign an agreement to be fair and balanced in the future. Don’t hold your breathe waiting for this to happen!!

Don B
Don B
7 years ago

The Liberal Press is as useful as tits on a boar hog and I wouldn’t hit a bull in the ass with any of them, save, Fox News!

Truth First.
7 years ago

Wow! I noticed more and more how we are using the term ” LOONY LEFT”! What a great way of calling out the extreme, socio-communist, lying liberal losers.
I hope the use of the term LOONY LEFT continues as it is so correct and it doesn’t sound mean- just accurate!

Tony Green
Tony Green
7 years ago

Why would Trump call for a truce? No matter what he says or does, the Media will cast a dark shadow on it. Other than Fox News, no one tells of the economic recovery or the 74 pieces of legislation that has been passed. But you know who is killing Trump?-his own party

Patricia Mammano
Patricia Mammano
7 years ago

I fear that negativity has become the norm…offer the peace…..how could it hurt…..be the bigger person. I support our president 100%, I want him to succeed, I want us to succeed….at the rate we are going none of us will….hatefulness will overtake all of us, where is the victory in that.

7 years ago

Suggesting Trump should ask for a media truce would be like asking Kim Jong Un to be nice if we play nice….ain’t gonna happen. Most of the Media is angry because they got it so wrong and so are looking for someone to blame for a cover to their own embarrassment. And I’m beginning to think the Donald’s regular tweets are carefully crafted to sound like snippets from a badly written high school theme paper, which in turn drive the media batty and cause liberals to go out and scream at the sky.

Donna Korman
Donna Korman
7 years ago

We conservatives would be wise to acknowledge that there is fake news emanating from our media as well. I have been watching all three cable news networks and have noticed that none of them report all the facts. Almost daily I get multiple email from conservative sites, some national, that are outright false or which leave out facts in order to elicit an emotional response. Did you know that one of the cable news networks is under federal investigation, an investigation which was expanded two months ago? Is the owner cozying up to Trump in order to get a pardon? Did you know that CBS is offering to buy CNN?

P Kitty Cat
P Kitty Cat
7 years ago

How about a truce with the Democrats too. Let’s focus on the good of the country and stop the obstruction! We can’t please all the people all the time so let’s just do the best we can and realize some people will not be happy no matter what happens. Open minds and don’t be so narrow minded.

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
7 years ago

A TRUCE? Heck NO. He should kick the lying media OUT of the White House Press room. Opposing opinions are OK. Twisting and totally falsifying facts to mislead the public is NOT. In my opinion, he hasn’t gone far enough with them. About a year ago, I stopped watching evening news on the left-wing news stations — and don’t miss it one bit. There are so many better things we can do with our time.

David Poole
David Poole
7 years ago

No truce . That’s what a RINO would do and then get hammered by the fake news gang.Stay on offense and don’t look back. You have to “DRAIN THE SWAMP” first then “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”

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