
How aware are you of AMAC Action, the advocacy arm of AMAC, which was founded to advance issues of importance to the membership in Washington, DC as well as organize local grassroots initiatives?

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The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
4 years ago

Yet another poll that has no bearing on matters which addresses circumstances
we must deal with in our daily lives.
You know, like riots, looting and arson in certain DEMOCRAT controlled cities.


Marie M
Marie M
4 years ago

In agreement with Freezing Senior, the poll this week is so out of touch with what’s going on in the nation. Most of the problems are coming from the Democrat run states, they are still in lockdown mode, they are killing the economy, they are demanding to be bailed out and a few of the Governors of these states have been caught in their major error of exposing Nursing Homes to the Wuhan virus. Not to mention their own personal interests such as Whitless in Michigan wanted boat in water, Grisham in NM her jewelry purchase while keeping their residents in lockdown. They are a joke, everyone of them!

4 years ago

Local grassroots advocacy? Where is that happening? It hasn’t been in my end of the grassroots.

4 years ago

AMAC is my way to stop AARP

Rick Marlowe
Rick Marlowe
4 years ago

AMAC needs articles highlighting what
AMAC Action advocates. Then poll the actions not their existence.

4 years ago

Maybe the time has come to discontinue these polls.

Barbara J Struble
Barbara J Struble
4 years ago

become a delegate or chapter pres. It is fun and you will learn a lot, become a more informed Patriot. Peace.

4 years ago

So pleased to have a Strong and growing stronger Voice to fight back the entrenched liberal AARP. Too many still think AARP is a right of passage without option. Thank you for your efforts.

4 years ago

Sorry, but kinda useless as polls go.

4 years ago

I joined AMAC since there’s no way I’d support AARP. Another perverted organization. Glad there’s a choice.

4 years ago

Happy to support AMAC as an alternative to AARP. But I wish you would advocate more effectively on behalf of seniors when it comes to taxes. Double taxation of Social Security, problems with RMDs (paying ordinary tax rates on years of capital gains), and how taxing both SS and RMDs can dramatically increase Medicare and Medicare D premiums.

Marshall Richards
Marshall Richards
4 years ago

Glad to have another conservative advocate in DC. We sure need more to help drain the swamp. Keep up the good work.

Carmen Ciervo
Carmen Ciervo
4 years ago

I will now make myself aware of the AMAC ACTIONin our government in behalf of its members

Ann Hingston
Ann Hingston
4 years ago

I would like to learn more about advocacy activities in Montgomery County. Maryland

4 years ago

I think it’s to inform members as to some of the things they do . Should have a app or something to find out how to get in touch locally to get involved . Agree with other members hands down better than AARP !! I thought was a good poll instead of the riots , the militarized Whuan virus all things out of our control . America doesn’t need inept mayor’s allowing police stations burnt to the ground and chaos . Another angle the nutjobs get to claim federal assistance . I think it’s time for a Man like Mr . Reagan that just days NO . The commies found out how that worked !

4 years ago

I’m not very aware of AMAC’s advocacy activities. Maybe I just don’t read articles about that, or don’t realize what they are. Or maybe they aren’t publicized well. I don’t know of any branches in my area.

4 years ago

I’ve been bombarded with news of the events you’re talking about. It’s nice to break away for a moment.

4 years ago

I would like AMAC to research the horrors of 5G and fight against it in Washington. PLEASE

Hal C
Hal C
4 years ago

I thought Amac did that but didn’t know there was an “Amac Action.” The bigger question is “What does that mean to me”?

Judy Paget
Judy Paget
4 years ago

We have an AMAC Chapter in our area. Ours invites legislators and other officials as speakers to keep us informed. We have a call to volunteer to be in committees. We are very blessed to have this chapter locally. We have not been able to meet since the lockdown. Hope we can meet soon. Thank you, AMAC for all the work you do. Prayers!
Judy in Kansas

4 years ago

I’m of the opinion that congress is bought and paid for by the George soros types and while AMAC may Talk to Congress it mostly it does not matter.

As long as the Rinos and the demos continue to be it’s in by mindless sheep in each district the progressive wing wins.

4 years ago

I originally joined AMAC to help it grow but as we aged and started trying to use the member services hotels would look at us with empty stares when we showed our AMAC cards but we’re very gracious when the AARP card came out……my budget can only afford working entities, if your partnership doesn’t reach the pavement, it’s of no value to us.

4 years ago

Keep up the ‘good works’ by influencing our elected officials AND reporting situations that affect US !

4 years ago

Judging from the majority of the comments here, this seems to be yet another poll where the results probably do not reflect what corporate AMAC was hoping to see. The bigger problem, at least for me, is that there will be no response nor follow-up article regarding our perceived points of view. Same thing with past flu shots/vaccines polls and articles. Why does the organization seemingly ignore our input that they ask for?

Patty L
Patty L
4 years ago

I think that AMAC should place television ads to make more Americans aware of their existence. I only found out about AMAC when I complained about AARP to a friend of mine at church. I would have switched to AMAC along time ago had I known of their existence.

Thomas C.
Thomas C.
4 years ago

Give AMAC a break, they are trying under new leadership. Maybe AARP is what you are looking for. What have you done lately for the cause? Called your congressman, written a letter to your senator? Did you write to AMAC and offer what you would like to see in a poll? Let’s not fall apart. We are at war and we are not the enemy.

Andrew Crouch
Andrew Crouch
4 years ago

Because our elected representatives routinely set aside issues advanced by their constituencies, what makes AMAC think the political class will pay any attention to them?

Gene Barnes
Gene Barnes
4 years ago

I support AMAC In their efforts of keeping our country on the right track. Good work guys.

Peter K
Peter K
4 years ago

I understand why these questions are being asked and unfortunately, based on the responses, AMAC has real communication problems with their membership. After this result, no further polls should be necessary. AMAC has to do a better job of communicating what they are doing.

I also understand AMAC member’s frustration when you are either silent or take a PC position on important issues. Right is right and those not doing that should be called out. Rioting, looting, destroying the property of others, and beating innocent bystanders will NEVER qualify as being the right thing to do. EVER!

4 years ago

Interesting that when it’s an opinion about Amac, we are given better options, such as “A&B”. Haven’t seen that before.

Skip Gosselin
Skip Gosselin
4 years ago

It’s time for Amac to be greater and stronger than AARP. AARP was formed because ObamaCare provided BILLIONS to them to gain the trust of the elderly. Now everyone is constantly bombarded with commercial after commercial with AARP approved BS. THIS MUST STOP! Amac must get with this administration and correct the wrongs of the past. MAKE GETTING OLDER GREAT AGAIN.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

AARP has become a crooked organization making money off collusion with organizations as United Health Care. However worse, AARP has become a major source of funding for all Communist/Humanist organizations as The Democratic Party, The American Education Association, etc. helping fund their “Anti-American” operations!

AMAC not only does a better job helping Seniors but has become a major supporter for the true American way of life!!!

Genie Riddle
Genie Riddle
4 years ago

I would be interested in knowing more about the delegate program. What district am I in, can I contact them about issues that concern me? I wish the magazine addressed this better.

4 years ago

Soooooooooo, 1,391 have voted “they are not aware”, why not if you are a member. If you join you should be _aware_ of what’s happening with issues of the USA.

4 years ago

I’m a little distressed at the seemingly leftward drift of AMAC since Founder Dan Weber’s demise. They don’t seem to be taking as strong a position to the right lately. I hope they are not on the same path as that of AARP that originally was more conservative and less politically left than it is today.

Thomas C.
Thomas C.
4 years ago

TO BRYAN. My politicians have worked on topics of interest to me but I think they might do even more if more people called or wrote to them. I receive regular updates from my Republican Senator but rarely hear from my Democrat senator unless it is to blow his own horn. I keep trying though. I try and hold their feet to the fire. The reason they don’t do what we would like them to is because NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE DO ENOUGH TO LET THEM KNOW THEY WORK FOR US!
Try it, you will like it.

4 years ago

Thank you AMAC for representing your members in DC. From comments I read below, how WOULD your team approach the Trump administration concerning the riots and looting going on? I know one thing that should be brought up to the Democrats, and that’s if by supporting the individuals doing the rioting and damage to their city as well as encouraging it as Maxine Waters did, do they also now consider their state lock downs to be over? Is the country open for business? This should be shoved down their hypocrite throats until they gag!! Time for our Republican Congress to get a backbone and stand up to this ilk in our country. Find your Goliath if that’s what you need to do to hold the Democrats accountable for their treasonous acts. It is getting to where we have the right to demand you act on your voters behalf.

M. Guy
M. Guy
4 years ago

I’m very glad that AMAC offers an alternative to AARP. Thank you. Interestingly, a few weeks ago those who peaceably protested stay-at-home orders in various states were called “extremists” by the media. So, what is the media calling the protesters that are rioting, looting, and burning in Minnesota? I don’t know off hand, but I am sure that the media is probably referring to the rioting and looting scofflaws as something more noble like, “Street-Level Indignant Social Change Advocates”, but certainly not extremists. I bet the those in the Democratic state government were pleased that the criminal protesters at least wore masks as they destroyed their own neighborhoods to help control exposure to Covid-19 among their fellow rioters. I’m wondering if the Dems were secretly miffed that the protesters did not follow government recommended social distancing guidelines as the protesters worked to tear down the whole city.

4 years ago

I know AMAC is involved but have no idea what they are actually working on. Might be my fault because I don’t read the magazines when they come.

Delbert E Robinson
Delbert E Robinson
4 years ago

Typically, I like your polls… But this one just seems like a vain attempt to toot your own horn. Toot your horn and tell us all the good you do, that we may not know about, elsewhere, not in the polls. Lets get back to business.

4 years ago

Of course, you will never hear of any of these pro-America activities from our irresponsible, deceitful, dishonest, corrupt and bigoted US mainstream news media.

4 years ago

As a new member of AMAC, I think this poll shows how many are totally unaware of your good works, like me. Maybe we can get the word out better.

Laura Ainsworth
Laura Ainsworth
4 years ago

I haven’t been a member of AMAC very long and wasn’t really aware of the types of in-person events you mention. I won’t be joining the ranks of the retired for many years but hope to participate more in sponsored events as time goes on. Like many (most?) of your members, I joined as an alternative to ever, EVER being a member AARP.

Eileen (I lean on the Lord)
Eileen (I lean on the Lord)
4 years ago

The only reason I joined AMAC was for the activities you do in Washington, not for the news coverage, and not for the benefits. My understanding is that AMAC is an advocacy group not a news organization. The news is a courtesy and germane to the advocacy, not to cover ever story out there. The poll is to find out what we know and understand about AMAC not what AMAC is doing abut the news, but about protecting conservative life style in America. I am sure they are very well away of all the news and would like to have the staff to cover it all and report it all, that is not why I joined. There are tons of articles on here about a lot of news, it is overwhelming at times. But I was not aware that our government is passing thousands of laws daily that are eroding our freedoms, that is what I am more concerned about. Let someone else report the news, let AMAC do their job of advocacy for our freedoms, thank you

Charles Pulaski
Charles Pulaski
4 years ago

Farcebook, tweetybird, youtuber, need I say more, Ja Wohl Mein Fehere

4 years ago

That”s why I joined!!

Robert L
Robert L
4 years ago

We are witnessing a Leftist insurrection happening in many of our major cities. DemonRat mayors and governors allowed their cities to be destroyed.

4 years ago


4 years ago

I think Amac Action is doing a good job keeping us informed. It is not there job to be the only one doing this. In addition to Amac Action, how about taking some time to listen to YouTube X22 Report also where you get the truth of what is happening in our country instead of those fake news propaganda networks. Remember, UNITED WE STAND, divided we fall.

Chiron Venizelos
Chiron Venizelos
4 years ago

You’re catching a lot of flack for this poll because people don’t seem to understand that products & services cannot be substantially improved without input from membership. That you posed such questions indicates you are truly concerned about your membership and their need to know what you do as their advocate. As for topics that might be addressed by AMAC Action, fighting taxes that target retired people (e.g. having to pay taxes on Social Security income, property taxes on primary residence, the “package tax” proposal that harms seniors who get their medical supplies shipped to them, and legislation intended to reduce the debt and deficit), are good causes to pursue. In short, THANK YOU for all you do and try to not be discouraged by the comments of all the whiners.

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