I would say give Trump back the White House and see if he can straighten out the mess that biting and made in the last 2 .5 years left
Jan Satterfield
2 years ago
These so called elected officials are only doing harm to our country. Nothing good can come from them,they lack the ability to rationalize any thing. They just create ,on their own accord one crisis after another.They all are a disgrace to anyone who considers themselves AMERICANS.
Ann Ritter
2 years ago
biden has no cognitive abilities and it’s trained hyena fake VP is even stupider. Whatever is controlling biden and the hyena don’t care about America, they want to destroy America.
2 years ago
I would advise the biden* administration to leave, since they were fraudulently installed in the White House. Leave before being arrested for treason.
2 years ago
No.1 Biden should resign. No.2 Kacklin Kamala should be impeached.
2 years ago
The most destructive thing Biden has done to the economy was creating an energy shortage with policies that prevented the oil and gas industry from coming back from the COVID shutdown. The latest lease sale cancellations were said to be because of “lack of industry interest” when the fact is the industry was eager to participate. The lease sales being offered are for worthless acreage in worthless locations so will generate no money and no new oil. The permit process was strangled and sill is taking six months to process. Increasing royalties only means the Feds are no longer competitive in the market. We are all paying for higher energy, even if you only buy electricity, as energy costs permeate every other product in the market. Biden has done nothing productive to help the economy.
Lake State
2 years ago
One word… Resign.
Bob B
2 years ago
Resign before people start shooting
2 years ago
How about, “Hey, Mr. Biden, stop all the lying.”
2 years ago
Biden needs to pickup the Bible and read It! Starting with Revelations so he understands what he faces when Christ returns. His deceitful ways and lies need to stop and he needs to ask for forgiveness for his sins and stop doing the devils work!
Jack Tatum
2 years ago
Listen to the World Economic Forum – AND THEN DO THE OPPOSITE. Do not give away our sovereignty, do not trash our constitution and try to concentrate power in Washington DC.
Richard Lambert
2 years ago
Biden and his idiot VP are a big mistake. Go out on the street and pick any person, make them POTUS and we would be better off. I am afraid that Biden and the democrats have already destroyed the country but are still trying to tick Putan off so that he can help them finish the job
2 years ago
Ditch the Marxist ideology.
2 years ago
Resign. You know full well that you are not up to the task.
2 years ago
2 years ago
The whole administration needs to be replaced with normal every day thinking people with common sense.
2 years ago
Move out!
2 years ago
Time for a Convention of States, the reduction of Federal Government and the immediate removal of corrupt marxist politicians and judges!
2 years ago
Gitmo plane ride schedule!
Jim Mathes
2 years ago
2 years ago
Best advice I could give is for both the President and his VP to resign before this country looks like a copy of the Extinct Roman Empire
2 years ago
Whatever we would say would be a big waste of time. They have an agenda and won’t even care if gas goes to $10 while they push for EV’s. They don’t care that with all of the drugs coming across the border more American’s are dyeing from over dosing then ever before. They ship pallets of formula to the border for illegal babies coming in while our stores are running out. Inflation is setting records while they are trying to buy votes by promising to forgive student loans. Biden continues to blame everyone from Putin to Trump for our problems because that’s what the tele-prompter says. We must vote in November and rid Washington from all of the progressive nuts that are hell bent on destroying our great country.
Rob Edwards
2 years ago
Resign and get out of politics. Fifty years is long enough especially when you have accomplished nothing. <
Bruce Whittum
2 years ago
2 years ago
Other: Turn yourselves into authorities for arrest & prosecution. Your regime is illegal, our vote was stolen & the whole world knows it. Put Dementia-Joe in a nursing home where he belongs.
2 years ago
Simple, because it worked: Americans First.
2 years ago
I pray that GOD will bring down all the wicked politicians who hate this country, and who are working hard to bring hardship and suffering to all of us. May GOD have mercy on us and remove them !!
Kevin Moran
2 years ago
For the sake of the country PLEAsE resign and take Pelosi and Schumer with you
Greg McCullough
2 years ago
I’d tell them to resign and get out of town.
Michael M McDaniel
2 years ago
Turn yourselves in and then turn states and federal evidence and plead for lieniency.
karl Sachsenmaier
2 years ago
my other piece of advice would be to “Own up” to the terrible and destructive policies and stop “Blaming” others!
Linda Doane
2 years ago
ALL of the above!
2 years ago
Part of me says keep doing what you are doing to seal a huge victory in November mid terms but part of me says our Republicans in the House and Senate are useless just the same ladies of the night in different dresses as then old saying goes. I just hope this new crop of Republicans get elected and actually have some gonads to fight for the America we love
Robert Morgan
2 years ago
The best advice is for him to resign and move to Delaware.
Vincent in CO
2 years ago
Let’s be clear. Biden is running nothing. He is merely a puppet of the far left holdovers from the Obama Administration like Susan Rice – and probably Obama himself. Biden is like a senile relative who sill sign any check you put before him.
2 years ago
2 years ago
I didn’t vote on this one. This Communist regime we’re under doesn’t want or care about us. They only have their mission to take over and destroy our country.
John Di Donato
2 years ago
It’s the economy stupid
2 years ago
Other: Biden must resign! Any questions?
2 years ago
Resign now, and avoid impeachment for treason.
2 years ago
If he knows the advice is constructive (a big if) he will do the opposite. The left’s objective is to destroy America.
2 years ago
Other. What most people don’t understand is that all of this destruction is by design. It is at the behest of the world economic forum.. The USA is the last bastion of freedom and the hardest to conquer. Pretty soon the illegal aliens will be living in our homes and we will own nothing and be happy or as Klaus schwab says if you survive.
THX 1138
2 years ago
It will not be until examples are made; until individuals responsible are held accountable for their actions as well as their lack of common sense actions.
One would have a better chance of getting a more comprehensive reaction from talking to a cucumber than trying to reason any of these given choice suggestions within this poll question with these elite global Marxists who are the ones pulling all of the levers to this epic disaster.
Mark Schofield
2 years ago
You needed just one Biden administration in total resign
2 years ago
Where is choice “None”. You can’t fix stupid.
2 years ago
There is absolutely nothing I’d day to that brain dead fool since he obviously doesn’t care about the constitution or the people.
His party stole the election and recklessly destroyed our economy
Wendy Funck
2 years ago
There should have been an option for ALL of the above and then retire.
Dan G
2 years ago
Other- Step down for the good of the nation.
2 years ago
Resign, disband the most unqualified, unserious administration in history.
John Tall
2 years ago
Concede the cheat, turn the Presidency back to the man that had this country rolling.
I would say give Trump back the White House and see if he can straighten out the mess that biting and made in the last 2 .5 years left
These so called elected officials are only doing harm to our country. Nothing good can come from them,they lack the ability to rationalize any thing. They just create ,on their own accord one crisis after another.They all are a disgrace to anyone who considers themselves AMERICANS.
biden has no cognitive abilities and it’s trained hyena fake VP is even stupider. Whatever is controlling biden and the hyena don’t care about America, they want to destroy America.
I would advise the biden* administration to leave, since they were fraudulently installed in the White House. Leave before being arrested for treason.
No.1 Biden should resign. No.2 Kacklin Kamala should be impeached.
The most destructive thing Biden has done to the economy was creating an energy shortage with policies that prevented the oil and gas industry from coming back from the COVID shutdown. The latest lease sale cancellations were said to be because of “lack of industry interest” when the fact is the industry was eager to participate. The lease sales being offered are for worthless acreage in worthless locations so will generate no money and no new oil. The permit process was strangled and sill is taking six months to process. Increasing royalties only means the Feds are no longer competitive in the market. We are all paying for higher energy, even if you only buy electricity, as energy costs permeate every other product in the market. Biden has done nothing productive to help the economy.
One word… Resign.
Resign before people start shooting
How about, “Hey, Mr. Biden, stop all the lying.”
Biden needs to pickup the Bible and read It! Starting with Revelations so he understands what he faces when Christ returns. His deceitful ways and lies need to stop and he needs to ask for forgiveness for his sins and stop doing the devils work!
Listen to the World Economic Forum – AND THEN DO THE OPPOSITE. Do not give away our sovereignty, do not trash our constitution and try to concentrate power in Washington DC.
Biden and his idiot VP are a big mistake. Go out on the street and pick any person, make them POTUS and we would be better off. I am afraid that Biden and the democrats have already destroyed the country but are still trying to tick Putan off so that he can help them finish the job
Ditch the Marxist ideology.
Resign. You know full well that you are not up to the task.
The whole administration needs to be replaced with normal every day thinking people with common sense.
Move out!
Time for a Convention of States, the reduction of Federal Government and the immediate removal of corrupt marxist politicians and judges!
Gitmo plane ride schedule!
Best advice I could give is for both the President and his VP to resign before this country looks like a copy of the Extinct Roman Empire
Whatever we would say would be a big waste of time. They have an agenda and won’t even care if gas goes to $10 while they push for EV’s. They don’t care that with all of the drugs coming across the border more American’s are dyeing from over dosing then ever before. They ship pallets of formula to the border for illegal babies coming in while our stores are running out. Inflation is setting records while they are trying to buy votes by promising to forgive student loans. Biden continues to blame everyone from Putin to Trump for our problems because that’s what the tele-prompter says. We must vote in November and rid Washington from all of the progressive nuts that are hell bent on destroying our great country.
Resign and get out of politics. Fifty years is long enough especially when you have accomplished nothing. <
Other: Turn yourselves into authorities for arrest & prosecution. Your regime is illegal, our vote was stolen & the whole world knows it. Put Dementia-Joe in a nursing home where he belongs.
Simple, because it worked: Americans First.
I pray that GOD will bring down all the wicked politicians who hate this country, and who are working hard to bring hardship and suffering to all of us. May GOD have mercy on us and remove them !!
For the sake of the country PLEAsE resign and take Pelosi and Schumer with you
I’d tell them to resign and get out of town.
Turn yourselves in and then turn states and federal evidence and plead for lieniency.
my other piece of advice would be to “Own up” to the terrible and destructive policies and stop “Blaming” others!
ALL of the above!
Part of me says keep doing what you are doing to seal a huge victory in November mid terms but part of me says our Republicans in the House and Senate are useless just the same ladies of the night in different dresses as then old saying goes. I just hope this new crop of Republicans get elected and actually have some gonads to fight for the America we love
The best advice is for him to resign and move to Delaware.
Let’s be clear. Biden is running nothing. He is merely a puppet of the far left holdovers from the Obama Administration like Susan Rice – and probably Obama himself. Biden is like a senile relative who sill sign any check you put before him.
I didn’t vote on this one. This Communist regime we’re under doesn’t want or care about us. They only have their mission to take over and destroy our country.
It’s the economy stupid
Other: Biden must resign! Any questions?
Resign now, and avoid impeachment for treason.
If he knows the advice is constructive (a big if) he will do the opposite. The left’s objective is to destroy America.
Other. What most people don’t understand is that all of this destruction is by design. It is at the behest of the world economic forum.. The USA is the last bastion of freedom and the hardest to conquer. Pretty soon the illegal aliens will be living in our homes and we will own nothing and be happy or as Klaus schwab says if you survive.
It will not be until examples are made; until individuals responsible are held accountable for their actions as well as their lack of common sense actions.
One would have a better chance of getting a more comprehensive reaction from talking to a cucumber than trying to reason any of these given choice suggestions within this poll question with these elite global Marxists who are the ones pulling all of the levers to this epic disaster.
You needed just one Biden administration in total resign
Where is choice “None”. You can’t fix stupid.
There is absolutely nothing I’d day to that brain dead fool since he obviously doesn’t care about the constitution or the people.
His party stole the election and recklessly destroyed our economy
There should have been an option for ALL of the above and then retire.
Other- Step down for the good of the nation.
Resign, disband the most unqualified, unserious administration in history.
Concede the cheat, turn the Presidency back to the man that had this country rolling.