This blasphemous display at the opening ceremony was celebrated and applauded by only those with evil in their hearts, i.e. Doc Jill, RINO Romney and all the other wokesters. They not only mocked Christ, but the IOC mocked humanity in general by allowing biological men to beat up women for medals.
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” Galatians 6:7
I didn’t watch the Olympics in Beijing due to their genocidal ways, and I haven’t watched this one in “gay Paree.” This is no longer the Olympics for the athletes all over the world to compete and still foster unity. It is now an indoctrination tool by the elite.
I just hope the closing ceremonies include Muslims sodomizing goats! What… we can’t mock goats?
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who exchange darkness for light, and light for darkness; who exchange bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20
6 months ago
At least with Biden out of the picture we don’t have to listen to him tell us about his olympic medals he won in earlier years. The world is a mess and the “Last Supper” fiasco was just a reminder of how this world is crashing downward. Judgment Day is coming and people will pay. A waste of time to watch this crap.
6 months ago
So so very sick of these left wing POS destroying everything that is good in the world…we can’t even enjoy great athletes without drag gueens, transvestite boxers and hatred of Christians…
Robert Chase
6 months ago
Unfortunate for honest athletes the games are promoted by radical politics. Failed venue!
Mike Miller
6 months ago
Woke ceremony, men competing against women, and the IOC response to it all makes me sick. I will never travel to France, nor show any support for France, unless some more horrible country attacks France. IOC always makes disgusting decisions and comments. Disband the IOC and never have an international Olympics again. Let the “sick” countries compete against each other and pray we stop this country from joining the “sick” country list. We’re getting closer. We have a chance to stop it in November. Vote!!
6 months ago
Men pummeling women is not my idea of sport.
6 months ago
I really have no interest in watching other people do things, sports or not. And since when is a hurting contest (boxing) even sport, much less when it’s a man deliberately giving his best efforts to hurt a woman? That’s sheer lunacy!
Hot Dawg
6 months ago
Drag queen stupidity,
biological men in women’s competition,
child molester volleyball player,
athletes that hate their country for which they compete
Made-up, boring games constantly added to olympics. What’s next, paper airplane tossing competition?
1980 USA hockey team beating the Russians was best moment in Olympics.
Never the same since.
6 months ago
We gave it the Bug Light treatment. Why devote one minute of our lives to garbage.
Sharon Linton
6 months ago
Why do those who claim to want acceptance, do all they can to cause discord and force their debauchery on others? This was no place for this type of action. France needs to repent before they are destroyed by God.
6 months ago
Vote for Princess Ha Ha and you won’t have to watch the Olympics to see sickness like the opening. It’ll be in a neighborhood near you.
6 months ago
As much as I’d like to support our athletes, wokism has spoiled it for me. It seems they’re going out of their way to annoy us “regular” folks. Letting that Algerian trans woman fight the Italian boxer when HE had failed eligibility last year to participate in women’s sports is a travesty no women should tolerate. Where are all the women’s groups protesting this? Hypocrites.
I’ll watch some if I feel like it.
Robert Navarro
6 months ago
This is the work of the devil! The woke agenda has gone way too far.
6 months ago
I’m not wasting any time watching that crap
6 months ago
Sad how this world has moved to the dark side.
Terry DeVries
6 months ago
I quit watching the Olympics when they went to pros instead of amateurs
6 months ago
Full disclosure: I am not into sports. Occasionally I watch some bowling, but that’s about it. These Olympic games in Paris have been a farce. How embarrassing for France. Trannies, homosexuals, etc. Yeah, that has a lot (sarcasm) to do with the Olympics. Just another opportunity to rub deviancy in peoples faces. And swimming in the Seine River?!! Are they “in-Seine”?!!! Pun intended. Is there a river anywhere clean enough to swim in? French poop must be cleaner than poop in other rivers. Mon dieu!! Sacre bleu!! So, no I did not watch the games. Au revoir, mon ami.
6 months ago
I also am not watching because they are allowing blatant cheating by men in women’s sports.
Phyrn Harrison
6 months ago
Our voices need to be heard to not accept what the left is pushing on us and our youth. It’s a shame that we want to support our hard working American athletes, but have to choose the more important push to accept this sexual identity nonsense. Teach our men to be men before the left tries to teach them otherwise.
6 months ago
I watched a video on YouTube last night that said they let a man(pretending to be a woman) beat on a real woman in a boxing match at the Olympics, Where are the feminists who should be standing up for this woman?
PJ Zed
6 months ago
I missed the opening, but heard of the demeaning content.
I’m more upset of the XY boxers and the opportunities lost for the actual XX women that trained their whole lives for this moment, only to be cast aside like trash for sake of Woke Ideology . There are special Olympics for those that have challenges.. If there are individuals with constitutions that lead them into these nontraditional lives.. then there should be another Olympics for those who are trans, or genetically modified so they may compete fairly.
6 months ago
We haven’t watched for years. The opening display was horrible and blasphemous! It was serendipitous for Caitlin Clark that she was passed over for participation.
Tim J
6 months ago
The “woke,” DEI nonsense has and is destroying all-things-good in this world. It’s a cancer and a product of some very dark forces in play. Not only will I completely boycott the Olympics but I stopped watching television nearly 10 years ago. Who on earth would support his/her arch enemy?
Patricia LaCorte
6 months ago
I was excited to watch the Olympics in France. The opening ceremony was disgusting. The only thing worth watching was Celine Dion, but they even overpowered her. I decided not to watch the rest of this sh*tshow and I’m glad that I made that decision. I would have loved to watch Simone Biles but I didn’t. Then I heard about the xy chromosome boxer and said, oh yes, I made the right decision. This is nothing but a well-promoted freak show. It’s not the Olympics I used to love.
6 months ago
“Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT
J Van Horn
6 months ago
I used to be a die hard Olympic fan as well as MLB,NFL, & NASCAR fan. All have turned me away because of their WOKENESS attitude and policies! These Paris Olympics have taken it to an all time low! Jill Biden and Kamala-la-la-ding-dong praising the opening ceremony shows exactly how evil the Democraps are!
Bernie Bartrand
6 months ago
From the woke liberal beginning to the transgender male boxing match (read about this) with a female, it’s totally discusting. I wish our contestants well
Rick A
6 months ago
The opening ceremony is only one reason I will not watch this year’s Olympics. Just to keep things straight, I am not a bible thumping Christian. I am a Constitution believing American who believes devoutly in freedom of religion. I also will not support biological men playing in women’s sports. I have always championed the underdog and maybe that is the reason I love women’s sports so much. They simply deserve our admiration and respect for how hard they try and train. Women athletes are simply amazing in my books. I am a huge Caitlan fan too (and Riley fan while I am at it). Caitlan may be a young rookie, but she always takes the “high road” and has amazing drawing power. The snub of her by the activist driven LNBA was purely an ignorant, political move. Then they choose somebody named (Brittany should be Bob) Griner who did not stand for the flag/anthem and is questionably male (just fathered a child) over Clark. No thank you. The fact the American women’s basketball team is having such a tough time selling tickets should be a huge clue as to why they are having trouble becoming accepted and therefore profitable. But they won’t. Allowing biological men to compete against women is a shameful mockery. I think the guy who beat up the woman Italian boxer should be forced to compete against Mike Tyson, so he gets a complete understanding of the term “unfair”. In closing I would like to say I marvel at one of the other members use of the term gay Paree! That is hilarious and describes the entire situation PERFECTLY!!
Vincent in CO
6 months ago
Nothing good comes from France.
Michael Grover
6 months ago
Between the opening ceremony and the fact that men are competing against women, Pro athletes player exhibition basketball games. I’m done with the Olympics
6 months ago
I think it’s “weird”. Using MSM and the democrats term describing JD Vance’s statements on his love of and support of family values!
6 months ago
It was a perfect time to attempt an assassination of a former president. Now the world has a distraction(the Olympics) to shift their minds from the reality of the New World Order taking drastic steps to stay in power here in the US by successfully completing a coup to remove a sitting president from the election ballot he was voted to be on by his devoted and delusional followers and trying to eliminate any and all opposition to their power scheme.
T Ritchey
6 months ago
I quit watching them once we started predominantly sending professional athletes. Additionally, I was shocked and dismayed that our committee would choose LeBron James as a flag bearer considering his anti American views.
6 months ago
The Olympics officially died this year by suicide!
Robert Zupanek
6 months ago
After the sinful and profane opening I am not watching any of this. The organizers should all be fired.
Hot Dawg
6 months ago
Make Trump the IOC Chairman.
He’ll clean that crap up on “Day One” !
Steve Nielsen
6 months ago
I didn’t watch the opening ceremony as I never do it is usually boring. I just watch the athletes who had nothing to do with the opening ceremony other than being there. I heard about the mocking of the Last Supper and am not surprised, but the Olympics is about the athletes and their accomplishments and how they represent our country and many of them thank God for how they got to where they are.
Kevin M.
6 months ago
The Olympics have lost their sheen. Between the lurid opening ceremony and organizers allowing biological men to box against women… and diluting the games with “sports” like breakdancing and skateboarding… it’s harder and harder to find competition worth watching.
6 months ago
I haven’t watched the Olympics since the 80’s. Even then I preferred Winter events to the summer ones. If I hadn’t already lost interest in it, this year would have done it for me.
Susan Wolfe
6 months ago
I have watched some of it and rooted for some of them wholeheartedly. They are still the youth of our times, and they have trained forever to get to the Olympics. It doesn’t speak well of the adults with the woke indoctrination schemes. It is a big sign of our times TRUE, but why take it out on the athletes that have worked so very hard to train and do their very best. They didn’t ask France to put on that show, they were just there to compete. I agree, the Opening Ceremony was totally uncalled for and was very anti Christian, but the athletes didn’t know it would be that way. So, I watched some of the competition that I was interested in and will continue to do so, and have tuned out the rest. As far as the ladies boxing? THAT SHOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED. Shame on our societies for permitting men-no matter what they claim to be- to invade the privacy of a woman’s world. That should never have happened and she showed courage to even get in the ring with THAT. I am just sorry that it happened and that she got hurt, both physically and emotionally. After all, she had spent the time training too, and was robbed of her chance to shine. Maybe we have seen the end of what was once the OLYMPICS?? My opinion only..
james l. potter
6 months ago
Too bad for the athletes to not have the support of Christian people who stand up for christian beliefs.
6 months ago
It isn’t the mocking of Christianity that is keeping me from watching. It is that they turned it into a political statement by flaunting wokeness. The let a convicted rapist/pedophile participate, a biological male compete against a female, and a lame, blasphemous opening ceremony that was intentionally done to create division.
I have always loved watching the opening ceremony, and a few of the sporting events. I saw the posts about this opening on the day I thought they would start. Once I saw that, I have list all interest in these games AND my bucket-list trip to Paris.
Edward Worthington
6 months ago
Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Al Smith
6 months ago
To top off my disgust with the opening ceremony they allowed a dude who was banned last year from competing in women’s boxing in the ring with a female boxer.
Jef Jepsen
6 months ago
I have been boycotting the Olympics since 1972 when the US men’s basketball team was cheated out of their gold medal and the Israeli team was attacked and murdered. I have no use for the Olympics, DEI or no DEI.
6 months ago
You are asking the wrong question! Keep men OUT of women’s sports. Would be really bad to see that monster kill someone that deserves to be there!
6 months ago
Nor to mention make boxers beating on women. It is all so disgusting.
Marty M
6 months ago
My wife is into it and watches many hours of it, I try to watch zero of it, if I walk by while the woman’s gymnastics are on I need to avert my eyes, I would be watching for all the wrong reasons! But most of it seems to be prideful chest thumping after demonstrating a God given ability, a complete waste of my time. I don’t care who is faster at this or that, it makes no difference, I figure there is some farm boy or girl out there somewhere who best them if given a chance anyway!
Sherri C
6 months ago
I don’t care for the Olympics in the first place, but the boxing fiasco I heard about & researched was enough to never watch it again.
Eric 1
6 months ago
The Olympics have been “woke” for a long time and unappealing so I haven’t watched it since Olga Korbett
This blasphemous display at the opening ceremony was celebrated and applauded by only those with evil in their hearts, i.e. Doc Jill, RINO Romney and all the other wokesters. They not only mocked Christ, but the IOC mocked humanity in general by allowing biological men to beat up women for medals.
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” Galatians 6:7
I didn’t watch the Olympics in Beijing due to their genocidal ways, and I haven’t watched this one in “gay Paree.” This is no longer the Olympics for the athletes all over the world to compete and still foster unity. It is now an indoctrination tool by the elite.
I just hope the closing ceremonies include Muslims sodomizing goats! What… we can’t mock goats?
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who exchange darkness for light, and light for darkness; who exchange bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20
At least with Biden out of the picture we don’t have to listen to him tell us about his olympic medals he won in earlier years. The world is a mess and the “Last Supper” fiasco was just a reminder of how this world is crashing downward. Judgment Day is coming and people will pay. A waste of time to watch this crap.
So so very sick of these left wing POS destroying everything that is good in the world…we can’t even enjoy great athletes without drag gueens, transvestite boxers and hatred of Christians…
Unfortunate for honest athletes the games are promoted by radical politics. Failed venue!
Woke ceremony, men competing against women, and the IOC response to it all makes me sick. I will never travel to France, nor show any support for France, unless some more horrible country attacks France. IOC always makes disgusting decisions and comments. Disband the IOC and never have an international Olympics again. Let the “sick” countries compete against each other and pray we stop this country from joining the “sick” country list. We’re getting closer. We have a chance to stop it in November. Vote!!
Men pummeling women is not my idea of sport.
I really have no interest in watching other people do things, sports or not. And since when is a hurting contest (boxing) even sport, much less when it’s a man deliberately giving his best efforts to hurt a woman? That’s sheer lunacy!
Drag queen stupidity,
biological men in women’s competition,
child molester volleyball player,
athletes that hate their country for which they compete
Made-up, boring games constantly added to olympics. What’s next, paper airplane tossing competition?
1980 USA hockey team beating the Russians was best moment in Olympics.
Never the same since.
We gave it the Bug Light treatment. Why devote one minute of our lives to garbage.
Why do those who claim to want acceptance, do all they can to cause discord and force their debauchery on others? This was no place for this type of action. France needs to repent before they are destroyed by God.
Vote for Princess Ha Ha and you won’t have to watch the Olympics to see sickness like the opening. It’ll be in a neighborhood near you.
As much as I’d like to support our athletes, wokism has spoiled it for me. It seems they’re going out of their way to annoy us “regular” folks. Letting that Algerian trans woman fight the Italian boxer when HE had failed eligibility last year to participate in women’s sports is a travesty no women should tolerate. Where are all the women’s groups protesting this? Hypocrites.
I’ll watch some if I feel like it.
This is the work of the devil! The woke agenda has gone way too far.
I’m not wasting any time watching that crap
Sad how this world has moved to the dark side.
I quit watching the Olympics when they went to pros instead of amateurs
Full disclosure: I am not into sports. Occasionally I watch some bowling, but that’s about it. These Olympic games in Paris have been a farce. How embarrassing for France. Trannies, homosexuals, etc. Yeah, that has a lot (sarcasm) to do with the Olympics. Just another opportunity to rub deviancy in peoples faces. And swimming in the Seine River?!! Are they “in-Seine”?!!! Pun intended. Is there a river anywhere clean enough to swim in? French poop must be cleaner than poop in other rivers. Mon dieu!! Sacre bleu!! So, no I did not watch the games. Au revoir, mon ami.
I also am not watching because they are allowing blatant cheating by men in women’s sports.
Our voices need to be heard to not accept what the left is pushing on us and our youth. It’s a shame that we want to support our hard working American athletes, but have to choose the more important push to accept this sexual identity nonsense. Teach our men to be men before the left tries to teach them otherwise.
I watched a video on YouTube last night that said they let a man(pretending to be a woman) beat on a real woman in a boxing match at the Olympics, Where are the feminists who should be standing up for this woman?
I missed the opening, but heard of the demeaning content.
I’m more upset of the XY boxers and the opportunities lost for the actual XX women that trained their whole lives for this moment, only to be cast aside like trash for sake of Woke Ideology . There are special Olympics for those that have challenges.. If there are individuals with constitutions that lead them into these nontraditional lives.. then there should be another Olympics for those who are trans, or genetically modified so they may compete fairly.
We haven’t watched for years. The opening display was horrible and blasphemous! It was serendipitous for Caitlin Clark that she was passed over for participation.
The “woke,” DEI nonsense has and is destroying all-things-good in this world. It’s a cancer and a product of some very dark forces in play. Not only will I completely boycott the Olympics but I stopped watching television nearly 10 years ago. Who on earth would support his/her arch enemy?
I was excited to watch the Olympics in France. The opening ceremony was disgusting. The only thing worth watching was Celine Dion, but they even overpowered her. I decided not to watch the rest of this sh*tshow and I’m glad that I made that decision. I would have loved to watch Simone Biles but I didn’t. Then I heard about the xy chromosome boxer and said, oh yes, I made the right decision. This is nothing but a well-promoted freak show. It’s not the Olympics I used to love.
“Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT
I used to be a die hard Olympic fan as well as MLB,NFL, & NASCAR fan. All have turned me away because of their WOKENESS attitude and policies! These Paris Olympics have taken it to an all time low! Jill Biden and Kamala-la-la-ding-dong praising the opening ceremony shows exactly how evil the Democraps are!
From the woke liberal beginning to the transgender male boxing match (read about this) with a female, it’s totally discusting. I wish our contestants well
The opening ceremony is only one reason I will not watch this year’s Olympics. Just to keep things straight, I am not a bible thumping Christian. I am a Constitution believing American who believes devoutly in freedom of religion. I also will not support biological men playing in women’s sports. I have always championed the underdog and maybe that is the reason I love women’s sports so much. They simply deserve our admiration and respect for how hard they try and train. Women athletes are simply amazing in my books. I am a huge Caitlan fan too (and Riley fan while I am at it). Caitlan may be a young rookie, but she always takes the “high road” and has amazing drawing power. The snub of her by the activist driven LNBA was purely an ignorant, political move. Then they choose somebody named (Brittany should be Bob) Griner who did not stand for the flag/anthem and is questionably male (just fathered a child) over Clark. No thank you. The fact the American women’s basketball team is having such a tough time selling tickets should be a huge clue as to why they are having trouble becoming accepted and therefore profitable. But they won’t. Allowing biological men to compete against women is a shameful mockery. I think the guy who beat up the woman Italian boxer should be forced to compete against Mike Tyson, so he gets a complete understanding of the term “unfair”. In closing I would like to say I marvel at one of the other members use of the term gay Paree! That is hilarious and describes the entire situation PERFECTLY!!
Nothing good comes from France.
Between the opening ceremony and the fact that men are competing against women, Pro athletes player exhibition basketball games. I’m done with the Olympics
I think it’s “weird”. Using MSM and the democrats term describing JD Vance’s statements on his love of and support of family values!
It was a perfect time to attempt an assassination of a former president. Now the world has a distraction(the Olympics) to shift their minds from the reality of the New World Order taking drastic steps to stay in power here in the US by successfully completing a coup to remove a sitting president from the election ballot he was voted to be on by his devoted and delusional followers and trying to eliminate any and all opposition to their power scheme.
I quit watching them once we started predominantly sending professional athletes. Additionally, I was shocked and dismayed that our committee would choose LeBron James as a flag bearer considering his anti American views.
The Olympics officially died this year by suicide!
After the sinful and profane opening I am not watching any of this. The organizers should all be fired.
Make Trump the IOC Chairman.
He’ll clean that crap up on “Day One” !
I didn’t watch the opening ceremony as I never do it is usually boring. I just watch the athletes who had nothing to do with the opening ceremony other than being there. I heard about the mocking of the Last Supper and am not surprised, but the Olympics is about the athletes and their accomplishments and how they represent our country and many of them thank God for how they got to where they are.
The Olympics have lost their sheen. Between the lurid opening ceremony and organizers allowing biological men to box against women… and diluting the games with “sports” like breakdancing and skateboarding… it’s harder and harder to find competition worth watching.
I haven’t watched the Olympics since the 80’s. Even then I preferred Winter events to the summer ones. If I hadn’t already lost interest in it, this year would have done it for me.
I have watched some of it and rooted for some of them wholeheartedly. They are still the youth of our times, and they have trained forever to get to the Olympics. It doesn’t speak well of the adults with the woke indoctrination schemes. It is a big sign of our times TRUE, but why take it out on the athletes that have worked so very hard to train and do their very best. They didn’t ask France to put on that show, they were just there to compete. I agree, the Opening Ceremony was totally uncalled for and was very anti Christian, but the athletes didn’t know it would be that way. So, I watched some of the competition that I was interested in and will continue to do so, and have tuned out the rest. As far as the ladies boxing? THAT SHOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED. Shame on our societies for permitting men-no matter what they claim to be- to invade the privacy of a woman’s world. That should never have happened and she showed courage to even get in the ring with THAT. I am just sorry that it happened and that she got hurt, both physically and emotionally. After all, she had spent the time training too, and was robbed of her chance to shine. Maybe we have seen the end of what was once the OLYMPICS?? My opinion only..
Too bad for the athletes to not have the support of Christian people who stand up for christian beliefs.
It isn’t the mocking of Christianity that is keeping me from watching. It is that they turned it into a political statement by flaunting wokeness. The let a convicted rapist/pedophile participate, a biological male compete against a female, and a lame, blasphemous opening ceremony that was intentionally done to create division.
I have always loved watching the opening ceremony, and a few of the sporting events. I saw the posts about this opening on the day I thought they would start. Once I saw that, I have list all interest in these games AND my bucket-list trip to Paris.
Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
To top off my disgust with the opening ceremony they allowed a dude who was banned last year from competing in women’s boxing in the ring with a female boxer.
I have been boycotting the Olympics since 1972 when the US men’s basketball team was cheated out of their gold medal and the Israeli team was attacked and murdered. I have no use for the Olympics, DEI or no DEI.
You are asking the wrong question! Keep men OUT of women’s sports. Would be really bad to see that monster kill someone that deserves to be there!
Nor to mention make boxers beating on women. It is all so disgusting.
My wife is into it and watches many hours of it, I try to watch zero of it, if I walk by while the woman’s gymnastics are on I need to avert my eyes, I would be watching for all the wrong reasons! But most of it seems to be prideful chest thumping after demonstrating a God given ability, a complete waste of my time. I don’t care who is faster at this or that, it makes no difference, I figure there is some farm boy or girl out there somewhere who best them if given a chance anyway!
I don’t care for the Olympics in the first place, but the boxing fiasco I heard about & researched was enough to never watch it again.
The Olympics have been “woke” for a long time and unappealing so I haven’t watched it since Olga Korbett