These polls are starting to feel like “Groundhog Day” but I’ll bite:
It’s either China/Covid or Covid/China.
4 years ago
None of those are my two main concerns for next year.
Concerned about the stability of the US dollar, whatever a dollar is these days. Due to all of the inflationary pressure brought on by the virus issues, new socialistic government demands, and out of control debt, if the dollar fails to remain the primary world currency, our problems of 2020 will seem like a piece of cake. A person’s wealth of dollars would quickly become a dearth in dollars. One of the CCP’s likely goals is to destroy the US dollar and replace it with China’s currency or one to their liking. Trump policies put a kink in that.
Concerned about the continued moral and spiritual slide in America. This year’s riots were a bad temperature measurement of a serious fever that continues. Although there are very many faithful Americans, too many people would rather trust only in government than follow Jesus Christ. Most of the problems on the list are due to that fact. We need revival. Pray for 2021.
Cyndy Patton
4 years ago
Government corruption is my biggest concern!
Tom M
4 years ago
Communism, socialism, Marxism, liberalism, Gatesism, and anything coming from the Democrats. We are quickly losing the rule of law, the Constitution and the courts. Most Republicans are in on the Deep State takeover and are pretty much useless as a backstop. There is now so much corruption in the country, only a civil war or revolution can cure our ills.
Cecilia Spencer
4 years ago
Once again all of the above except COVID(there is NO vaccine against a virus, think of the flu, people take the flu shot and some still get the flu), and it is not a move toward socialism it is a headlong plunge into Marxism.
Linda McMahon
4 years ago
Kamala Harris becoming President.
Michael E Delaney
4 years ago
These and a bunch more are real concerns
Herman G
4 years ago
What about second amendment rights? Should be a selection
4 years ago
Anything with the anti American, corrupt,failures in the democrat party, the establishment of washington, sicken me.
We the People need to take back Our Country.
Prosecute and remove all politicians, justice,fbi and government associates engaging in corruption.
Let’s have open honest government without self serving liars on the peoples payroll.
Richard Harris
4 years ago
The stolen presidential election!
Leslie Thomas
4 years ago
We all know that the election was rigged. We will never have a fair election. Not that we ever did, but it wasn’t as obvious as 2020. The Democratics are confident that they have found a way to become dictators over this nation and are falling into the Chinese plans.
4 years ago
What about sanctity of life. Until we stop killing babies through abortion the United States will continue on a downward spiral. If abortions continue; the selective and elective termination of Senior Citizens is next in our future. After all, the elderly are just as inconvenient to their children as are unexpected pregnancies.
Linda K
4 years ago
My biggest concern is that the Democrats stole the election and those that could and should be doing something about it are looking the other way. Nothing to see here, move along.
By the way, thanks for all your help AMAC. These polls are really going to fix things. 🙁
J. L. Turner
4 years ago
All are interrelated: The seemingly inevitable move to socialism and oblivious reaction to China’s growing influence are the fruits of a culture that puts more faith in government than God.
4 years ago
Actually, my absolute biggest concern is the total loss of our country. When you destroy the integrity of our elections AND our constitution, our country has serious problems and we can’t blame anyone for it but ourselves for allowing it to happen!
Bill G
4 years ago
I’m concerned about Biden’s commission from China for 330 million slaves
4 years ago
The obvious approval by so many American’s of people like Obama, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Shumer, Hyphen Ortiz to name few. These people have one goal, change our great country. Change most always is good, not the change they want.
John Michael Smith
4 years ago
All of the above and I don’t think the Left or the Right has the answer. If no one compromises, we will, like Rome, implode.
Kerry Redmond
4 years ago
Until we defeat the communist/democrat party, America cannot survive!
Anne Crawford-Hall
4 years ago
I think all of these are serious issues for America and I blame the liberal elite for destroying our education system so American children from K-college hate this country. Because they are no longer taught the truth about why this country was founded or any other history, they don’t realize that what they are doing is precisely why we left the tyranny in England , Europe and the rest of the world! It’s very sad! Why do you think so many have come here? They see opportunity to succeed and freedom where there was none at home. Communism is the reason for that! I was in high school in the ‘60’s when we were taught to get under our desks with a wet towel over our heads that was supposed to keep us safe from an atomic bomb! How ignorant we all were then!
Malinda Belcher
4 years ago
My most vexing issue is that so much evidence has been produced, but no action is taken to punish the corruption. What the democrats maybe haven’t actually done, but they certainly condone is criminal also.When are they going to be stopped! They have no morals no sense of right and wrong. Power is the only thing they are there for.
P.R. Chapman
4 years ago
The clamor mentioned above, is a DIRECT result of the leftists being allowed to take over the public school system and colleges for the last hundred plus years. IF Trump is successful, he needs to work on that Patriotic Education he was so fond of talking about in his rallies. If he is not successful, he needs to run again in 2024.
anne m madden
4 years ago
At this point in time, the issues above seem almost irrelevant – my main concern is the state of our souls. Not just mine – ALL of ours.
Home Dog
4 years ago
How about all of the above?
Everett Cole
4 years ago
My biggest concern at this point in time is the overt attempts by the socialist left to destroy the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights. without these guarantees we cease to be a free people and become subjects. the first and second amendments have been under siege for decades and it is now looking like the American experiment is about over.
Keith Bailey
4 years ago
Election fraud is the most pressing issue of our nation. With it comes China/Russia interference in our elections. Big Tech censorship is also forcing socialism. God’s people need to repent and pray for our nation, turn from our selfish wicked ways, and love others as Christ loved us….
John S
4 years ago
Literally ANYTHING the Democrats stand for is evil. Stolen election with most Republicans or courts unwilling to take a moral stand (actually nothing new here). Trump won the 2020 election. The daily slaughter of ~2,600 unborn babies must end. Trump needs to remain President to continue the fight against the deep state and against the CCP. Fake/non news, big tech (Facebook, YouTube, etc) censorship of alternate viewpoints and general ignorance of our populace is frightening.
4 years ago
A missing option is concern for the trend of limiting free expression and the suppression of debate, especially in schools at all levels and in the media. The chilling effect of “cancel culture” and its seeming broad acceptance will take away one of our country’s major historical strengths, individualism, individualism. The fear of being politically incorrect will stifle honesty and true progress.
4 years ago
You “missed the boat” on this Survey. Major concern for me is the attempted Coup of our government.
Carl E. Feather
4 years ago
Didn’t know I was joining a pro Trump/pro-narcissist group when I joined AMAC. I would like to be withdrawn. The poll is bogus.
Dennis R
4 years ago
Chinese Covid-19 Lock downs and control of the population in Democrat states, is the dumbing down and control of the people! It is frightening!! I live in SW Florida, local TV interviewed people arriving in airport from NE (New York, Jersey, PA), the reporter was asking “How safe do you feel coming to FL”? The answer from all “I do NOT feel safe in Florida, they are too free”!! WELL, GO BACK HOME!! It is a Virus people get over it and move on, you are letting the Media(Fake News) and the Democrats (Socialist) control you!! GOD gave you a brain, USE IT!!
David Urschel
4 years ago
Who holds our politicians to their oath to uphold our Constitution. It is obvious that most of the left and many on the right are not being held to their oath of office. The same in our supreme court. It is a sad day when our highest court will not hear a case because they have been successfully bullied by the left and are afraid that their findings will cause riots.
Barb R
4 years ago
I have a large concern over this Covid 19 Vaccine. We really don’t know what is in it and what the long term effects might be. We all know instances where deaths were attributed to Covid, but the patient actually died from something else (ie: a car accident) and also happened to be positive (or so they said) for Covid. I personally believe that the actual death toll from Covid is half or less than reported. The recent increase in cases being reported could be to scare people into taking this vaccine.
4 years ago
Well the move toward socialism is the biggest fear this country is facing and it’s the in your face, take it or leave it policies of the Democratic Party that are coming.
We all are praying (most of us) for Trump and the country but when the Supreme Court tells the country that it’s fearful of rioting and tells the rest of us to take a hike, we are in deep do do. Think of it the highest court in the country and its caving to terrorism and that is exactly what it is.
So my fellow Americans take a deep breath and hang on, like Trump said “if Biden wins we will be owned by China”
Just saying
Arlene Thietje
4 years ago
We are a broken and divided nation. The suppression by the media of important information, the ability of our social media to control how we act and think, opening the doors of our country to Chinese manipulation, unhealthy corporate mergers that eliminate competition, reopening our borders to uncontrolled immigration….
4 years ago
The reliability of our election process is a major concern for me – but also the Courts failing to even listen to the evidence of “irregularities.” SCOTUS is becoming a major disappointment with their fear of becoming involved, and the cowardly Chief Justice Roberts is a major disaster. States whose officials and bureaucrats usurped their legislatures’ constitutional power to set election law and procedures should have their votes invalidated. They violated their State and Federal Constitutions are well within the purview of SCOTUS. Intense scrutiny must be used to validate mail-in ballots – years ago, Dems ad Repubs alike concluded that mail-in voting is ripe for fraud. Voting should not be “convenient”, like fast food delivery. Let us all hope GA has figured this out.
4 years ago
The Bill of Rights never seems to be mentioned. The first and second amendments are seldom thought about. Commie Biden/Harris will restrict our freedoms.
Eleanor Smith
4 years ago
Corruption in government and big business relationships do not bode well for democracy which depends on the moral fiber of the citizens to keep its policies on the right track. I don’t think we need a civil war, or a revolution. We need a new political party with a moral perspective that considers the well being of all as its primary purpose.
Bill K
4 years ago
All comments are good. Bottom line is GOP needs to get much more aggressive, United, behind Trump and overcome the Dems and their corruption.
4 years ago
I want to know why the ammo manufactures can’t fill the shelves with small pistol primers.
4 years ago
My biggest concern is Biden/Harris. Their policies all wrong for America.
Kevin brooks
4 years ago
The massive fraud in the media. They sway opinion so much. And younger people are used to believing what they read on social media. There needs to be accountability on a federal level .
Jimmy B
4 years ago
#1 Stolen elections!
#2 Stolen elections!
How could your poll overlook the obvious? Are you afraid to fight for what is absolutely the most important issue in this country?
4 years ago
Our very weak and easily manipulated Election Process. In its current state, It encourages fraud and affects all other listed concerns.
Mike Black
4 years ago
None of these issues really matter if we do not have fair elections. The last election was a massive fraud. I think we have come to a point where we can no longer ignore government officials who are corrupt and weak.
Pamela Surratt
4 years ago
Unless something is done soon, Socialist Kamala Harris will be our next President. I’m not sure whether Joe Biden will be impeached due to incompetence or due to the Biden family’s illegal and unpatriotic dealings with China. BUT Biden better be hearing steps because he was a fool to run with Harris. As bad as he is, Harris is worse.
4 years ago
I’m certain the biggest problem here is the lack of real education. What we currently have appears to all fit an agenda that is fake, fraudulent, totally misguided, and so much more. If the whole truth were taught instead of something manipulated and downsized to fit an agenda we might stand a chance. Unfortunately, too many people don’t have what it takes to evaluate what they see and hear in order to filter out what’s not true. Unfortunately, too, many are too lazy, naive, ignorant, etc. of what’s happening to them. So sad.
Glenda Hsnson
4 years ago
I’m very concerned with this fraudulent runoff in Georgia… if we are positive the Presidential election was rigged (we know when they stopped those machines what actually happened) WHY would we have another rigged election using the same process, same machines, same people working the polls …we will have the same outcome. I’m pretty sure if they would do a revote or complete check David Perdue and Doug Collins would be found to have won this election … SATAN Abrams needs to be run out of GEORGIA, she is EVIL.
Ask who authorized for those machines to be stopped in the swing states? Georgians would NEVER vote in that demented moron #RejectJoe✔️
Leland Gammon
4 years ago
I’m concerned that in an effort to cancel out Trump’s legacy, the democrats led by Joe Biden, will cancel the Space Force. If Russia, or more likely China, creates a space force before we do, they will control space. They will be able to tell us what to do and when to do it. They will decide which satellites we will be allowed to circle the earth. They will become the dominant force here on earth to the end of time.
Ray Alsobrook
4 years ago
The decline of our personal liberties and freedoms. Thee are my biggest concern. Don’t understand why it did not make your list.
These polls are starting to feel like “Groundhog Day” but I’ll bite:
It’s either China/Covid or Covid/China.
None of those are my two main concerns for next year.
Government corruption is my biggest concern!
Communism, socialism, Marxism, liberalism, Gatesism, and anything coming from the Democrats. We are quickly losing the rule of law, the Constitution and the courts. Most Republicans are in on the Deep State takeover and are pretty much useless as a backstop. There is now so much corruption in the country, only a civil war or revolution can cure our ills.
Once again all of the above except COVID(there is NO vaccine against a virus, think of the flu, people take the flu shot and some still get the flu), and it is not a move toward socialism it is a headlong plunge into Marxism.
Kamala Harris becoming President.
These and a bunch more are real concerns
What about second amendment rights? Should be a selection
Anything with the anti American, corrupt,failures in the democrat party, the establishment of washington, sicken me.
We the People need to take back Our Country.
Prosecute and remove all politicians, justice,fbi and government associates engaging in corruption.
Let’s have open honest government without self serving liars on the peoples payroll.
The stolen presidential election!
We all know that the election was rigged. We will never have a fair election. Not that we ever did, but it wasn’t as obvious as 2020. The Democratics are confident that they have found a way to become dictators over this nation and are falling into the Chinese plans.
What about sanctity of life. Until we stop killing babies through abortion the United States will continue on a downward spiral. If abortions continue; the selective and elective termination of Senior Citizens is next in our future. After all, the elderly are just as inconvenient to their children as are unexpected pregnancies.
My biggest concern is that the Democrats stole the election and those that could and should be doing something about it are looking the other way. Nothing to see here, move along.
By the way, thanks for all your help AMAC. These polls are really going to fix things. 🙁
All are interrelated: The seemingly inevitable move to socialism and oblivious reaction to China’s growing influence are the fruits of a culture that puts more faith in government than God.
Actually, my absolute biggest concern is the total loss of our country. When you destroy the integrity of our elections AND our constitution, our country has serious problems and we can’t blame anyone for it but ourselves for allowing it to happen!
I’m concerned about Biden’s commission from China for 330 million slaves
The obvious approval by so many American’s of people like Obama, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Shumer, Hyphen Ortiz to name few. These people have one goal, change our great country. Change most always is good, not the change they want.
All of the above and I don’t think the Left or the Right has the answer. If no one compromises, we will, like Rome, implode.
Until we defeat the communist/democrat party, America cannot survive!
I think all of these are serious issues for America and I blame the liberal elite for destroying our education system so American children from K-college hate this country. Because they are no longer taught the truth about why this country was founded or any other history, they don’t realize that what they are doing is precisely why we left the tyranny in England , Europe and the rest of the world! It’s very sad! Why do you think so many have come here? They see opportunity to succeed and freedom where there was none at home. Communism is the reason for that! I was in high school in the ‘60’s when we were taught to get under our desks with a wet towel over our heads that was supposed to keep us safe from an atomic bomb! How ignorant we all were then!
My most vexing issue is that so much evidence has been produced, but no action is taken to punish the corruption. What the democrats maybe haven’t actually done, but they certainly condone is criminal also.When are they going to be stopped! They have no morals no sense of right and wrong. Power is the only thing they are there for.
The clamor mentioned above, is a DIRECT result of the leftists being allowed to take over the public school system and colleges for the last hundred plus years. IF Trump is successful, he needs to work on that Patriotic Education he was so fond of talking about in his rallies. If he is not successful, he needs to run again in 2024.
At this point in time, the issues above seem almost irrelevant – my main concern is the state of our souls. Not just mine – ALL of ours.
How about all of the above?
My biggest concern at this point in time is the overt attempts by the socialist left to destroy the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights. without these guarantees we cease to be a free people and become subjects. the first and second amendments have been under siege for decades and it is now looking like the American experiment is about over.
Election fraud is the most pressing issue of our nation. With it comes China/Russia interference in our elections. Big Tech censorship is also forcing socialism. God’s people need to repent and pray for our nation, turn from our selfish wicked ways, and love others as Christ loved us….
Literally ANYTHING the Democrats stand for is evil. Stolen election with most Republicans or courts unwilling to take a moral stand (actually nothing new here). Trump won the 2020 election. The daily slaughter of ~2,600 unborn babies must end. Trump needs to remain President to continue the fight against the deep state and against the CCP. Fake/non news, big tech (Facebook, YouTube, etc) censorship of alternate viewpoints and general ignorance of our populace is frightening.
A missing option is concern for the trend of limiting free expression and the suppression of debate, especially in schools at all levels and in the media. The chilling effect of “cancel culture” and its seeming broad acceptance will take away one of our country’s major historical strengths, individualism, individualism. The fear of being politically incorrect will stifle honesty and true progress.
You “missed the boat” on this Survey. Major concern for me is the attempted Coup of our government.
Didn’t know I was joining a pro Trump/pro-narcissist group when I joined AMAC. I would like to be withdrawn. The poll is bogus.
Chinese Covid-19 Lock downs and control of the population in Democrat states, is the dumbing down and control of the people! It is frightening!! I live in SW Florida, local TV interviewed people arriving in airport from NE (New York, Jersey, PA), the reporter was asking “How safe do you feel coming to FL”? The answer from all “I do NOT feel safe in Florida, they are too free”!! WELL, GO BACK HOME!! It is a Virus people get over it and move on, you are letting the Media(Fake News) and the Democrats (Socialist) control you!! GOD gave you a brain, USE IT!!
Who holds our politicians to their oath to uphold our Constitution. It is obvious that most of the left and many on the right are not being held to their oath of office. The same in our supreme court. It is a sad day when our highest court will not hear a case because they have been successfully bullied by the left and are afraid that their findings will cause riots.
I have a large concern over this Covid 19 Vaccine. We really don’t know what is in it and what the long term effects might be. We all know instances where deaths were attributed to Covid, but the patient actually died from something else (ie: a car accident) and also happened to be positive (or so they said) for Covid. I personally believe that the actual death toll from Covid is half or less than reported. The recent increase in cases being reported could be to scare people into taking this vaccine.
Well the move toward socialism is the biggest fear this country is facing and it’s the in your face, take it or leave it policies of the Democratic Party that are coming.
We all are praying (most of us) for Trump and the country but when the Supreme Court tells the country that it’s fearful of rioting and tells the rest of us to take a hike, we are in deep do do. Think of it the highest court in the country and its caving to terrorism and that is exactly what it is.
So my fellow Americans take a deep breath and hang on, like Trump said “if Biden wins we will be owned by China”
Just saying
We are a broken and divided nation. The suppression by the media of important information, the ability of our social media to control how we act and think, opening the doors of our country to Chinese manipulation, unhealthy corporate mergers that eliminate competition, reopening our borders to uncontrolled immigration….
The reliability of our election process is a major concern for me – but also the Courts failing to even listen to the evidence of “irregularities.” SCOTUS is becoming a major disappointment with their fear of becoming involved, and the cowardly Chief Justice Roberts is a major disaster. States whose officials and bureaucrats usurped their legislatures’ constitutional power to set election law and procedures should have their votes invalidated. They violated their State and Federal Constitutions are well within the purview of SCOTUS. Intense scrutiny must be used to validate mail-in ballots – years ago, Dems ad Repubs alike concluded that mail-in voting is ripe for fraud. Voting should not be “convenient”, like fast food delivery. Let us all hope GA has figured this out.
The Bill of Rights never seems to be mentioned. The first and second amendments are seldom thought about. Commie Biden/Harris will restrict our freedoms.
Corruption in government and big business relationships do not bode well for democracy which depends on the moral fiber of the citizens to keep its policies on the right track. I don’t think we need a civil war, or a revolution. We need a new political party with a moral perspective that considers the well being of all as its primary purpose.
All comments are good. Bottom line is GOP needs to get much more aggressive, United, behind Trump and overcome the Dems and their corruption.
I want to know why the ammo manufactures can’t fill the shelves with small pistol primers.
My biggest concern is Biden/Harris. Their policies all wrong for America.
The massive fraud in the media. They sway opinion so much. And younger people are used to believing what they read on social media. There needs to be accountability on a federal level .
#1 Stolen elections!
#2 Stolen elections!
How could your poll overlook the obvious? Are you afraid to fight for what is absolutely the most important issue in this country?
Our very weak and easily manipulated Election Process. In its current state, It encourages fraud and affects all other listed concerns.
None of these issues really matter if we do not have fair elections. The last election was a massive fraud. I think we have come to a point where we can no longer ignore government officials who are corrupt and weak.
Unless something is done soon, Socialist Kamala Harris will be our next President. I’m not sure whether Joe Biden will be impeached due to incompetence or due to the Biden family’s illegal and unpatriotic dealings with China. BUT Biden better be hearing steps because he was a fool to run with Harris. As bad as he is, Harris is worse.
I’m certain the biggest problem here is the lack of real education. What we currently have appears to all fit an agenda that is fake, fraudulent, totally misguided, and so much more. If the whole truth were taught instead of something manipulated and downsized to fit an agenda we might stand a chance. Unfortunately, too many people don’t have what it takes to evaluate what they see and hear in order to filter out what’s not true. Unfortunately, too, many are too lazy, naive, ignorant, etc. of what’s happening to them. So sad.
I’m very concerned with this fraudulent runoff in Georgia… if we are positive the Presidential election was rigged (we know when they stopped those machines what actually happened) WHY would we have another rigged election using the same process, same machines, same people working the polls …we will have the same outcome. I’m pretty sure if they would do a revote or complete check David Perdue and Doug Collins would be found to have won this election … SATAN Abrams needs to be run out of GEORGIA, she is EVIL.
Ask who authorized for those machines to be stopped in the swing states? Georgians would NEVER vote in that demented moron #RejectJoe✔️
I’m concerned that in an effort to cancel out Trump’s legacy, the democrats led by Joe Biden, will cancel the Space Force. If Russia, or more likely China, creates a space force before we do, they will control space. They will be able to tell us what to do and when to do it. They will decide which satellites we will be allowed to circle the earth. They will become the dominant force here on earth to the end of time.
The decline of our personal liberties and freedoms. Thee are my biggest concern. Don’t understand why it did not make your list.