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You Are the Light

Posted on Monday, July 29, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

For my time, the Bible is a good read, filled with wisdom we easily dispatch, ignore, or imagine is probably not relevant or for someone else, or maybe we will get to later .. but could learn from. Tighten the microscope lens, using the fine adjustment knob, and some verses light you up.

Try, for example, Matthew five, one to sixteen, a compact lesson in what life is really about, how to enjoy it, put it in perspective, and neither discount nor dismiss the most important elements of a day. What does it say?

Okay, stop right there. You likely fall into one of two groups, the first one is readers eager to learn, maybe already familiar with this clutch of wisdom, the other is quick to say, forget it, just another Bible verse, something I probably know from personal experience, do not need, especially today.

But maybe, in group one or group two, you will find the next 60 seconds worth the time, a minimal investment to refresh what you already know or perhaps learn what you did not expect.

What does that little swatch of wisdom, a sliver of divine insight from a distant time, given with love to those who bother to give it a moment, offer to us? What’s the big deal?

Well, they call it the Sermon on the Mount. Why? Because Jesus climbed, sat, and began to teach. Again, stop there, before we get to what he said. Is there not unspoken wisdom in that description itself? How many mountains have you climbed lately, how often have you quietly sat, never mind learned?

And what did he say? He started by consoling those with him, recognizing the “poor in spirit,” a condition of mankind in each age, not least our own. He recognized too the downdraft of human loss, sadness tied to losing – in one way or another – those we love. In this earthly existence, we all do.

He knew humankind grows quiet at times, we all do, must, and cannot avoid it, as we seek refuge, even solace in simple things, humility, knowing our smallness, and the greatness of meekness. He knew that this place, those quiet times, draw us closer to God, and should, because meekness is good.

He knew the quest for goodness, for what is right, striving to resist what is not, working to find the truth, understand it, and hold onto it, is hard, and yet a divine undertaking. He knew there was a return on mercy shown, which grows from, suddenly and reliably comforting, invariably fortifies a pure heart.

He knew, as only God forever and ever knows, that peace is a kind of contentment that you must want, work for, and hold onto with intent. It has nothing to do with position, money, achievement, accolades, or – often – prevailing in conflict, which takes energy, while peace builds energy.

Yes, there are fights worth having, as St. Paul so nobly showed and so succinctly described as “the good fight” against evil, within and without, but peace is also worth preserving, more easily preserved than reclaimed once lost. Christ gave words to that truth held in every heart.

He knew too that those who do good are as often – more often – punished for breaking from the crowd, for holding their compass, for doing what they believe is right, than rewarded. The world does not like to hear – let alone be shown – we are off the path; easier to condemn the faithful.

All that shows up in the first ten verses of The Beatitudes, but the last part is the best, in my view. After saying what those ten lines say, He offers more than comfort, He offers instruction.

The first ten lines are these: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven; Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.”

The last section, what makes it all real, is the instruction: “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.”

If we take to heart the Bible’s timeless comfort, orient toward the light that shines within us all, and forget all that stuff that bothers us – me, as readily and regularly as you – there is incredible hope. Is that not worth the sixty seconds it took to ponder, the tight focus for a moment? For my time, the Bible is a good read, filled with stuff we forget, and also often need. 

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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2 months ago

Yes the Bible is a “good read” offering instruction in “humility, meekness, mercy, contentment, instruction….” but it is so much more; it offers Jesus as the only path to eternal salvation escaping eternal hell. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes onto the Father but by me.” That is the true silver thread message that runs throughout the Bible.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
2 months ago

What Christ said about being the light of the world — gives meaning ,a sense of purpose to our lives ,on different levels, in different ways, And having a standard to strive for, a way to balance those things that may become unbalanced for a variety of reasons. The instruction of Christ to put the lamp on a stand so as to give light to everyone in the house ( sure enough is better than putting a lamp under a bowl ! ). That idea of doing our bit to help provide for right thinking, right living, and communicating clearly and intelligently the value of Faith . Good article RBC , The thought given to the Sermon on the Mount is a treasure of the spirit , it can build the strength , courage, wisdom and understanding when it is needed . To have uplifting thoughts and ideas — the stuff that brings the qualities of good character into practice when needed — the messages found in the Light.


2 months ago

RBC, the Bible — the Wondrous Words of our Creator. Wisdom, hope, love, joy, history, providence, direction, sorrow, pain and consequences. The Word applies to individuals, people and nations. Many readers just read over the word without really getting into it. The Word has many layers within it and with study through the Holy Spirit, those layers can open the eyes of the reader and release its knowledge. Many times, one can piece together all the clues lying hidden throughout the Bible and find the wondrous truth that the Father is conveying to his children. The Word of the Bible is definitely not out of date as many nonbelievers try to portray it. As one communes with God and Jesus each day, at all times, one will always be at peace within their spirit. Pray at all times no matter what as prayer is a conversation with God. Answer always comes when the situation is right with God’s agenda so one must be patient with the fact that an answer will come. Continue to study the Word because it will remain forever.

2 months ago

Hooray! Thanks Charles! Agree wholeheartedly that we will have access to the peace which is different than the peace of the world through believing God’s Word, trusting Him and therefore obeying His commands. God doesn’t make suggestions, He speaks, and that is truth.

2 months ago

God’s Word is light for our path and food for our souls.

2 months ago

This is indeed a time of spiritual warfare. In my 73 years on this earth, I have not seen such evil in high places. All true Christ-ins should rise up against it and be counted in God’s Army. Guided by the holy spirit, face the evil spirits, and defeat them.

2 months ago

We’re seeing the Bible come to life more these days than any on my past 71 years on this planet. Prophesy after prophesy being fulfilled. The enemy of our souls knows his time is short so he is in atomic mode. Evidence? The opening of the Olympics. Satanic! Demonic! And on and on lately.

2 months ago

Thankyou! A Wonderful way to start any day, such a refreshing from all the politics & trash of the world!

Veteran John Victorine
Veteran John Victorine
2 months ago

Great ADvice !!!
Team-Work ***          
     2+2 = 5
 Not {4}} 
       With Team-Work !!! 
 Is (HOW)) :
 Civilization “Will” : {Survive}}!   
 By: Veteran John Victorine

2 months ago

Glory to God for this article. Thank you for this great article. You’re always an encouragement.

Pat R
Pat R
2 months ago

Thank you for bringing those words to our minds. They are a path to strive to follow in the Spirit. Jesis gave us the way and showed those around him by the way he lived while here. Thank you again.

2 months ago

Thank you. Yes, we need to be reminded of the only true Hope in this world. I know I need to be reminded.

Frank Bilbao
Frank Bilbao
2 months ago

Beautifully written. And needed!
Thank you.????????

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 months ago

Excellent article.

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