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With Trip to Border and Looming Impeachment of Mayorkas, House GOP Prioritizing Illegal Immigration Crisis in New Year

Posted on Thursday, January 4, 2024
by Outside Contributor
The USA Mexico Border Wall seen from International Friendship Pa

GOP lawmakers are aiming to send a clear message at the start of 2024: The southern border is a leading priority for Republicans. 

On Wednesday, the House Homeland Security Committee announced it will formally move forward with impeachment proceedings against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The committee will hold a hearing on the matter Jan. 10. 

“For almost three years, the American people have demanded an end to the unprecedented crisis at the Southwest border, and they have also rightly called for Congress to hold accountable those responsible,” the committee’s chairman, Rep. Mark Green, said in a statement Wednesday. 

Last June, Green, R-Tenn., announced a five-part investigation into Mayorkas, in part to determine whether the House should launch impeachment proceedings against the DHS chief. 

“Our investigation made clear that this crisis finds its foundation in Secretary Mayorkas’ decision-making and refusal to enforce the laws passed by Congress, and that his failure to fulfill his oath of office demands accountability,” the Tennessee lawmaker said. 

The House held a bipartisan vote in November to refer articles of impeachment to the Homeland Security Committee following a failed effort by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., to force a vote on the House floor to impeach Mayorkas. 

Punchbowl News was first to break the news of the impeachment proceeding against Mayorkas and reports that House leadership has yet to announce a date for a formal impeachment vote. As of now, Mayorkas is not expected to testify before the committee. 

The DHS secretary responded to the news of the impeachment proceedings during an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday morning. 

Mayorkas said he is committed to working on “a legislative solution to a broken immigration system,” adding that he and the Biden administration are focused on “solutions to problems.” 

The DHS secretary says he will cooperate with the hearings and investigation, and will “continue to do my work as well.” 

A number of House GOP lawmakers have been calling for Mayorkas’ impeachment for years. 

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., introduced articles of impeachment against Mayorkas in August 2021 and again in February 2023, saying that Mayorkas “is the chief architect of the migration and drug invasion at our southern border.”   

Last June, Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La., introduced articles of impeachment against Mayorkas.   

On Wednesday, the same day the GOP-led House Homeland Security Committee announced the impeachment proceedings against Mayorkas, a group of about 60 Republicans lawmakers, led by House Speaker Mike Johnson, visited the southern border

Upon arriving in Eagle Pass, Texas, Johnson posted a photo of the central crossing point at the border, noting the difference in the scene this week versus mid-December. 

“The Biden Administration decided to divert the flood of illegal immigrants to another location in order to keep them out of the camera shots during [the House GOP’s] visit to Eagle Pass,” Johnson wrote on X. “Don’t be fooled, they are still being released into our country.”

“Under President [Joe] Biden, our Southern border is a disaster,” he added. 

“Under President Biden, America has laid out a welcome mat to illegal immigrants, smugglers, and cartels,” Johnson said during a press conference at the border Wednesday. “He is responsible for the grave threat to our national security and our nation’s sovereignty that these policies have created.”

Rep. Juan Ciscomani, R-Ariz., joined the trip to Eagle Pass and wrote on X that “With 80k migrants crossing last month alone in the Tucson Sector, the Biden admin continues to worsen the crisis of their own creation.” 

Over 302,000 illegal aliens were encountered at the southern border in December alone, according to Customs and Border Protection sources. 

Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, did not participate in the delegation to Eagle Pass, citing a need for action over more “meetings, speeches, and press conferences.”

“I commend Speaker Johnson’s efforts to take a group of House Republicans to the Texas border [Wednesday] so that any members unaware of the depths of the threat to our citizenry may become fully informed. However, I will not be attending,” Roy wrote in a letter to his colleagues that Fox News Digital exclusively reported. 

“Our people—law enforcement, ranchers, local leaders—are tired of meetings, speeches, and press conferences,” the Texas lawmaker said. “So, for those of us who have already witnessed this crisis dozens of times, it’s past that time. It’s time to act with urgency.”

In a video shared on X, Roy called on GOP lawmakers to refuse to fund the government until the border is secure. This week, after speaking with ranchers and local law enforcement and leaders in border communities, Roy said, “They all told me the same thing: ‘Shut down the border or shut down the government.’” 

It is the responsibility of Congress to “use the power of the purse to stop funding” the crisis at the southern border, Roy said. “If you fund it, you own it. We have to choose whether or not we’re going to fight for the people we came to Washington to fight for. We’ve gotta choose whether we’re going to use all of this as an excuse and then campaign on the issue, rather than doing what we can do right now if we choose to.”

On this week’s edition of the “Problematic Women” podcast, we discuss the GOP prioritization of the border in 2024 and why the Senate needs to take up and pass the border security bill known as HR 2, which the House passed last May. If passed in the Senate and signed into law, the bill would restart border wall construction and end the mass parole of illegal aliens into the interior of the U.S. 

Also on today’s show, we debunk some of the myths about climate change. Plus, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine vetoed a bill intended to protect children from transgender treatments and protect female sports. We explain why the Republican chief executive likely nixed the bill and what happens next. 

Virginia Allen is a senior news producer and podcast host for The Daily Signal. She is the co-host of “The Daily Signal Podcast” and “Problematic Women.”

Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal – By Virginia Allen

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9 months ago

Close the border or shut down the government , and no more money for Ukraine, it’s want America wants , enough and enough

9 months ago

If shutting down the government is what it takes to get movement on border security, then do it! The dems keep pushing for legislation to “fix the border”, but those funds are earmarked for speeding up the process to let even more trespassers get into our country.

Write to your representatives and senators and let them know that one illegal immigrant is one person too many. Republicans, don’t fund anything unless real steps are taken to end this nightmare. It’s incredible that anyone thinks 80,000 young citizens dead from fentanyl each year since biden came to town is acceptable. I can’t imagine what kinds of human rubbish are coming over the border, but we’re likely to find out in one way or another. Thanks, Joe.

9 months ago

Yep, should’ve been addressed 3 years ago…BUT PLEASE DO IT NOW!

9 months ago

Will anything TRULY be done or is this just a “Dog and Pony” show?

Linda Cummins
Linda Cummins
9 months ago

About three years late with this, but better late than never

9 months ago

Can anybody tell me why the Biden administration, Democrats in both the house and Senate and main stream media want an open border not knowing who is coming into the country – such as convicted criminals, military age men from countries that hate our country, drugs that are killing thousands of Americans, sex traffic ting young girls and boys, paying for health care, housing, education, food, transportation and allowing the Mexican Cartels control the border, making millions of money? Yet when I go to the airport I have to go through a gauntlet of all kinds of procedures, plus show a valid ID before boarding a plane. And as for as I know not one Democrat in the congress does not see a problem with not securing the boarder! NOT ONE DEMOCRAT?!?!

9 months ago

Talk is cheap, Junkets to our Southern Border are useless without change and Congress does nothing but flap their lips! America needs Representatives that are action instead of never ending talk. Americans have to demand Term Limits and Legislatures that want to work for us and earn their paycheck! Wake up America, Wake up!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
9 months ago

Wheres the Senate on this trip,. IE GOP side

Duog Creek
Duog Creek
9 months ago

House Speaker Mike Johnson may be the designated Speaker for the American public, we haven’t had a SPEAKER for our benefit in years, certainly not during the Democrat run house of the past

Irv C
Irv C
9 months ago

This president and his admin just makes me vomit. Those who voted obiden into the presidency should foot the bill. To me it’s simple, just put 5,000 troops at eagle pass w/fixed bayonets and force them back to Mexico.

9 months ago

What took you so long and why aren’t the governors taking matters into their own control. Washington is a mess.

9 months ago

Hang ‘em high, the investors of the Marxist destroyers of our constitutional republic. All of em.

9 months ago

So after 3 more years of the democrat parties dog and pony show the repubes decide to show up to start glad mouthing. Will some body please stand up and be real fro a change?

9 months ago

All this is is another case of mental masturbation to attempt to appease some of the people
I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting more for something to happen, and at the end nothing is done

Art Warmack
Art Warmack
9 months ago

Nothing will be done other than posturing and pandering. Our government is led by masters of “PP”.
Folks, the nation is doomed or rather its government is doomed. Unfortunately along with the pending death of our government so will go the financial system and our decades of abandoning the family structure and community connections will see a lot of people literally die off from lack of needed care.
Man thats bleak. I sure hope I’m wrong but I dunno

9 months ago

It is about time. I hate to say it but the republicans are also the problem. They could add the boarder wall to any spending bill and let the senate hold it up

9 months ago

The border chaos is under the guidance of ole Joe. We became aware of this in the pictures showing the Speaker with 65 house members at the border. All of a sudden there were no migrants. If ole Joe can control things this closely he should have been arrested on Thursday. This was putting in scene campaign ads that there is no problem at the border. See even the reps saw nothing of the migrants the right press keeps talking about. The dems are not governing they are making laws and rules and mandates but not to serve America and its people. Only to keep THEM in power, forever. Insanity rules this country to make everyone insane. DEI is dead it doesn’t work, what it does do is create black racisme towards all the other races. And dumbs down the country in all aspects. DEI has to go. Today I heard someone say DEI has to DIE. Great slogan for 2024

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Impeaching Mayorkis? They need to impeach his boss instead along with Border Czar Kamala-lala. Article 25 works.

9 months ago

Nothing more than harsh words from the lack less republicans.

9 months ago

It is so clear, this whole border fiasco is an intentional device for the democrats to flood our country with new democratic voters, they already vote in several democratically controlled cities. Do away with voter ID and they will vote in every election………..time to shut down the democrats.

anna hubert
anna hubert
9 months ago

Nothing will be done If that were possible this would not be happening in the first place Any action can only come from a maverick not involved in the longest crap game ever

9 months ago

Wouldn’t take too long to shut the border down. If the gop were serious it would have been down a long time ago. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the gop to do anything. Nothing will happen.

9 months ago


Matt M
Matt M
9 months ago

The corrupt President, Biden, has not upheld the oath of the presidency of our United States of America. He has not been held responsible for the unlawful migration of illegal of non-citizens that he invited. He needs to be removed ASAP, from office for his total disregard for our sovereignty. Mayorkas should also be removed but he is only following orders by the Democrat administration.

9 months ago

They ain’t gonna do anything but talk

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
9 months ago

If polls are like referendums, it is clear that the vast majority of Americans want to have only legal immigration that is controlled according to the best interests of all legal citizens. Any legislator who does not fight for this is a traitor to the American people! They work for US, not their party leaders!
We the people must throw them out and never listen to what they say, only observe what they do. Then those who replace them must clean up the mess the Democrats have created. We voters must demand that they be tough and thorough to prove to us that our country will not be taken over by illegals!
We better be ready to take to the streets to demand these results. We can’t trust them to do their job without this pressure!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
9 months ago

Stop all the money to other countries shut the border down stop all the lies impeach Mayorkas either do it or shut up about it if you have no intentions of doing it no one in government has the guts to stop all this no one cares about this country enough to make it better here. The voters here get screwed with all the lies in Washington time to fire more in government

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
9 months ago

Something dramatic needs to be done to stop the invasion of illegal immigrants from all over the world entering the U.S. through the Mexican border. Mexico is promoting illegals to travel through Mexico to get to the U.S. border. These immigrants include some of the worst criminal elements of Mexico as well as potential terrorists from all over the world. There was no excuse for the Biden regime to have undone what President Trump did to decrease illegal immigration into the U.S.; NONE!

James 414
James 414
9 months ago

we have been at war with Afghanistan for 20 years
biden gave them 83 billion dollars worth of equipment
this is high crimes and misdemeanors
aiding and comfort to the Enemy
charge biden with treason and let him swing in the rose garden

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
9 months ago

Why is it so difficult to keep them out. ??? POLITICS. Finish the wall , and lock the gates. Put troops every 100 yards. Armed. Kyle L.

Andre Bixby
Andre Bixby
9 months ago

“On Wednesday, the same day the GOP-led House Homeland Security Committee announced the impeachment proceedings against Mayorkas, a group of about 60 Republicans lawmakers, led by House Speaker Mike Johnson,visited the southern border. 
Upon arriving in Eagle Pass, Texas, Johnson posted a photo of the central crossing point at the border, noting the difference in the scene this week versus mid-December. ”
Here’s a thought guys and gals of congress, (think large group of anthropoids), maybe next time, don’t telegraph your intentions to the opposition. You now have given the other guys ammunition for talking points about how we, the democrats, have secured the border. The republicans went, they saw, and nobody was came. Seems common sense is absent on the east coast.

Carl S.
Carl S.
8 months ago

Close the border and deport, deport, deport,.. Tell Europe to dig much deeper into their own pockets to stop Russia.

8 months ago

I don’t consider Mayorkas, a Cuban refugee who came with his parents, a true American. He along with many others who have been given entrance and naturalized citizenship by the generosity of the American citizens!

zoe frost
zoe frost
8 months ago

Impending impeachment of Commie/Globalist Demoncrat traitor to USA Mayorkas, as well as impending impeachment of uber corrupt, fraud puppet traitor joe…are all based on FACTS, damning FACTS! Unlike the manufactured krap and outright lies from the traitors who fraudulently impeached their nemesis President Trump, that they KNEW WAS INNOCENT! Why? Because Trump shined the light on traitors amongst us, like JoeBama, Pukelosi, and every other expletive Commie D traitor! Trump being the America-loving patriot Trump is, he wouldn’t play their Commie Marxist Globalist games to destroy our Constitutional Republic, they had to do whatever it took to discredit and destroy Trump, and they continue trying as I type!

9 months ago

Bipartinship about the Border be D**md. Close it down Demoreps. The Demoreps have allowed, over the years, over 50Million Illegals into the country, Yes, we taxed them thru Social Security, took their money and now the Demoreps are faced with fact that the Illegals want thier money as well as all of us legals, who over the years have also paid into it. I don’t believe we have a two party system anymore, we have only one called the Demorep party. Follow their voting record and under the guise of Bipartinship they vote the same even while spouting differences just to appease the voters.

Bill Smith
Bill Smith
9 months ago

Twenty years ago, Laura Ingraham, who had previously been employed in the Reagan administration, went into great detail in her book “Shut up and Sing” about the cost, effects and consequences of illegal immigration with the invasion of the borders at that time. President Bush and VP Cheney were all for open borders. The national debt seems to have quadrupled since then, manufacturing has been moved either overseas or away down south, and millions of jobs have been sacrificed for the elites’ New World Order. Workers who do not pay attention and go to the polls to express their displeasure will simply shift to the public dole.

8 months ago

This should have been done 3 years ago! This is only one of the most serious problems America faces and we have many others not being dealt with! Our Congressmen haven’t been doing the job they were elected to do and should be fired! Congress needs to get off their butt and get busy stopping Bidums dictatorial EO’s that are ruining America and putting us in grave danger of war! Bidum is an angry, bitter man with dementia, he was never fit to be president!

8 months ago

Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot. In fact they may have shot off one leg. Do what is achievable. Get the aid passed for Ukraine then tackle the border issue. Delaying aid to Ukraine plays into the hands of the Russians and encourages them to continue the war. A Russian victory will be a disaster for the free world. Republican will get all the blame for any shutdown and the resulting problems.

8 months ago

The house controls the purse and should shut the government down until the boarders are secured. We the people are funding our own demise.

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