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Why They Hate Voter ID

Posted on Wednesday, July 17, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE Act) passed the House on July 10, requiring “documentary proof of US citizenship” to vote in federal elections. Senate Democrats scuttled the bill, House Democrats voted no, and the White House opposed it. Why?

Nothing could be more logical than proving citizenship to vote – honesty, assuring non-citizens do not vote. “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom,” wrote Thomas Jefferson.

The bill simply required proof that you are who you say you are, and are a “US citizen,” before voting. The proof must be credible, thus a REAL ID, passport, military, federal, state, or tribal ID showing birth in the US, or a record of birth, adoption, or naturalization. Simple.   

Obviously, a driver’s license or easily faked ID does not cut it. If the idea is election integrity, stopping 15 million illegal aliens who broke the law to get here from voting, the ID must be real.

The assumption, supported by history, is that illegal aliens – coached by non-profits – to get ballots, check “yes” for citizenship, and vote for benefits (that is, for Democrats promising them).

This is why Democrat-affiliated groups are so closely tied to illegal aliens, back to 1996 when House Oversight investigated that linkage. My job then was committee counsel, and little has changed. In fact, it has gotten worse. Democrats assume this new constituency votes Democrat.

Political motivation notwithstanding, the real issue is corruption of the nation’s electoral process through intentional non-citizen voting. Realistically, the government has lost track of most of these illegals. That only reinforces the importance of a credible ID check to vote.

Corroborating the value of non-discriminatory voter ID checks is another behavior, pressed by many Democrat-led states – unguarded drop boxes, ballot harvesting, un-scrubbed voter rolls, private funding for vote counters at the municipal level, unverified and unsigned ballots.

Catching people illegally voting – or trying to – is hard without ID checks. Stopping illegality is why ID checks exist at all, proof you are a licensed car, motorcycle, or plane driver, deterring underage drinking, abuse of non-transferable tickets, accessing certain buildings, entertainment venues, and even computers. Identity matters.

So, when smart people say the only reason Democrats oppose voter ID is to cheat, they have a point. From Chicago’s Mayor Daley to the 1960 Illinois vote count, Democrats have often been caught with their hand in the till, mysteriously winning recounts, buying votes with benefits.

As if we needed more, look at the Democrat talking points against the SAVE Act, blocking election integrity. They say it “justifies January 6th,” meaning public unrest in 2020. They say it will suppress minority votes, “especially naturalized Americans.”

They say it is too “expensive” and “unnecessary.” They say it would “impact married women who take on new surnames,” and affect “rural” and “low-income” Americans. They say it would not allow “REAL IDs, military, and tribal IDs.”

They say foreign minorities have “limited English,” that it “criminalizes voter registration.” They say no one can prove “non-citizen voter fraud” anyway. They say it’s a “vote suppression bill.”

Okay. Let’s unpack that pile of nonsense. Future election integrity is not about past elections. Minorities are as smart and able to get IDs, so to assert they are not is racist. “Naturalized Americans” get proof of citizenship the day they are naturalized, which easily proves citizen status.

To hear Democrats say issuing IDs is “too expensive,” after they created nine percent inflation, eight trillion dollars in overspending, record interest rates, and 35 trillion in debt, is rather rich.

To say IDs will affect married women who change their name, is poppycock. After marriage, former IDs are honored. Women who change names already seek an ID for Social Security, employment, driving, and lots of other reasons. Pew Research says more Republicans marry anyway.

Hurting “rural” and “low-income” Americans? No. More rural voters are Republican; they favor voter ID. The poor collect welfare and need an ID. Social Security cards are free. So, drop that idea.

The bogus claim that “REAL IDs, military and tribal IDs” will not be honored is just plain misinformation. Look at the bill text, all accepted. Where are the disinformation police when you need them?

The idea that a voter must be excused for “limited English,” is hokum. To be naturalized, you must speak, read, and write English. Look it up.

Finally, like a schoolyard taunt, “you cannot prove non-citizen voter fraud” is like saying fraud happened last cycle, but proving it will next. How about we just require credible proof of citizenship to vote, so those entitled to vote can, and those not entitled do not? Simple.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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1 hour ago

Thank the Lord something is finally being done about this cheating! It is unfair for illegals to vote. Stand up, America!

2 hours ago

RBC, nice article. The BOTTOM LINE — Loss of integrity with our fellow man as some want to dominate the society and force their will and desires unto the majority with disregard of the rules. The TRUE JUDGE of this world WILL HAVE THE FINAL SAY in the matter.

57 minutes ago

For a Democrat to vote for Voter ID is like shooting themselves in the foot.

32 minutes ago

Biden has already said he was going to veto the bill if it happens to get to him. ll of these dems should be locked up for treason from day one! Biden has broke the law and is not upholding nor protecting the US Constitution. He is a trader and needs to do serious prison time for his crimes.

Lover of America and GOD!
Lover of America and GOD!
49 minutes ago


Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
20 minutes ago

Good quote from Thomas Jefferson. “Honesty is the first chapter in the book. of wisdom “. I remember from about 1957 – 1958 five friends and I , each of us either. 7 or 8 years old , decided that we should form a secret club — to discuss important matters ,like where and when. we would have the next baseball game ( in Philadelphia back then. baseball for us meant stick ball. — using a broom handle for a bat , and a rubber ball ) – discussing things like whose house we would have the game in front of , who should supply the lemon aide — important stuff like that — the meetings were held once a week in each others garages and having a password made it something special and important .The secret club was disbanded after about ten meetings but it was a good experience . Identifying ourselves as the neighborhood stick ball ( baseball ) team — we shared something that we felt very proud of — we were all. determined to do the best we could and that led to helping others in the neighborhood in understanding our view of the world then — if someone had a bicycle in need of repair we would all help in the repairs project. Things like that were important and I am thinking about those times now because of the great changes that have occurred here in the United States of America since the 1950’s This SAVE Act is something great — because it indicates that good sense is still in the picture and proof of citizenship is a sensible way to cast a vote. Law , respect for law and order, we are talking about the principles that are at the foundation of civilized society . This article is appreciated RBC , Well done !

23 minutes ago

How else can the dems win ???

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
25 minutes ago

They Dems want more Votes & Control

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